Thursday 3 April 2014

Story 90 Background

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                                                                     Posted by Shandra.
          A little fun story that went together very quickly one evening. We had a Letters Meeting that afternoon and Mandara had been mentioned. It seemed we had forgotten about her a bit and not featured her in many stories. We decided to put one into the resort stories but the problem was which one. We had already planned and written most of the stories through this section.
        Then Allan mentioned that in some earlier stories Mandara has a fascination with exhibitionism so why can’t we do something with that. He quickly opened the Letters Index and told us this was in Letter 56 Part C and Letter 57 Story Six. Susan and Anne checked out these and read out the parts concerned. Suddenly we all knew, here was our answer. The story would be about the first time Mandara went swimming in public, on a nude beach. The story could be told by Mandara herself too. 
        One thing we wanted to show is that at this time, there were the very bold ones, used to going nude in public and there were others, doing it for the first time and were very nervous about it too. Mandara and Mega fitted into this second category. 

         I was given the job so I decided to base it a bit on the first time I went naked in public.  (You may wish to read the Background to Letter 34)
         We had heard the Anne and Allan were going nude at beaches and were planning to go to Nude Night at the hot pools. I must admit I was a bit blown away by this, I had only just started using Anne’s bikini. Wearing that bikini was daring enough for me. 
         Well during a conversation they invited us to join them. Susan agreed straight away but I wasn’t so sure. Anyway, they did convince me to go in the end.
        At the pools, everyone was wearing swimsuits until 6 pm. Then people began stripping off. Since we weren’t so sure, we all got our gear off but it was slipping our swimsuits off under water rather than getting out and stripping in front of everyone like many did.
        Later we did get out of the water to move between pools, but then it was always straight into the water again. We went to the spa pools later but we still stayed in the water rather than sitting on the side displaying our bodies. Sure people would have seen us enough as we moved between pools since none of us attempted to cover ourselves so you must agree we did go nude in public.
          I took this idea and the trips to Nude Night that followed to base my story about Mandara’s first time. I also added how she quickly got bolder when she realised how sexy it felt showing off to men as she did. That has happened with us too. I get a bit of a thrill knowing some guy is checking my pussy out. 

           Recently Ayaka added the part about Jeevan checking his wife out in the mirror. This was added to help encourage Mandara by having both Jeevan and Sarvesh compliment her, although I think Jeevan’s compliment might have been a lot more physical than Sarvesh’s. LOL

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