Thursday 10 April 2014

Story 91 Background.

                                                                Posted by Allan & Shandra.
           This is a cheeky little story about a couple of events in the early days of the resort holiday. We wanted a story with a bit of fun, taking advantage of Steve and Peter, who were always getting into trouble with their wives. We have already seen what they did with Amita that first night at the resort.
          I wrote the first part about them and a couple of young Australian girls they picked-up in the swimming pool and took over to the nude side of the resort. When Anne heard about the story, she warned me that it might be better if they don’t go too far, maybe just stick with some playing around. Susan suggested that maybe they get caught by their wives before going too far. That last idea sounded like more fun so that is the way the story finally went.
          I like the way the girls told them they had been caught by sending them drinks. That worked out well. It got a big laugh from the team here when they heard. Of course, Shandra was in on this too, when she thought Lizamoa might tag-along too. As you can see, my team of critics sort of wrote the story for me. I was just left to fill in the details.        

          When I presented it at the next Letters Writers Meeting and they all loved it. The general opinion was that the boys got off too lightly. Punishments were talked about until finally, we came up with the idea of the girls doing something similar, just to show that they could pick-up hot, sexy guys, too. Shandra suggested the man with a big cock trying to chat-up Sharon with her big breasts. It sounded like fun so we let her run with the second half.
         So there it is, a bit sexy but more a fun story, which as I remember it, went together fairly quickly.  Of course, as it has moved through our pre-publishing process there have been changes. The general story has stayed the same but the conversations have been added to and other bits improved.

         This story and the few before it have been getting us into the resort stories. Be prepared for next week, we have a story told by Amita. She and Sarvesh have a close connection with Steve and Sharon so they decide to invite them over for the evening.
        This story has only been recently added to our Letters Series. It's written by our new writers, Kim and Ayaka.

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