Thursday 24 April 2014

Story 93 All Cum with me Guys

Index of Letters       Story 93 Background        Back to Story 92  

Hi, Shanti here.
        Hi everyone from India. Amita that was a good story. I was surprised how quickly you guys hooked up with Sharon and Steve but pleased that you did as I knew once word got out it would set the way for others to get into their own sexual adventures.
         One thing you mentioned was meeting Hansini in the common shower after she was covered in cum. I thought this might be a good place to explain how she came to get like that. I hope you don’t mind me telling your story Hansini, but Amita said she didn’t think you were planning to write about it. I wonder why, because it is a good story, well worth putting in the Letters Book.  

         We were wondering what we could do for the evening so some of us decided to meet in the large flat and maybe play cards.
         Mike and I went over to ask Amita but they said they were busy. It seems they had arranged for Steve and Sharon to visit so it looked like they would be ‘occupied’ all evening. That was a surprise, those guys getting the jump on us like that. Originally, I was thinking Steve was the fast worker but later I found out it was you Amita, who arranged it all. Fast work there girl! Good one!
         In the end, we had everyone with us except for those two couples and Jeevan and Mandara who were baby sitting. The evening that followed was relaxing. Some played cards, some sat around watching and talking. There was a chess game going at one stage where Katrina was trying out her new chess skills against Mike. I don’t think she was doing so well until he started helping her. It was interesting seeing those two together. I don’t know what the attraction is between them but they seemed to get on well. 

        It was getting late and some of us were ready to go to bed when something rather interesting happened.   
        “Can you remember that story about you at the Lake, Liz?” Hansini asked Lizamoa.
        “Yes, of course. How could I forget that?”
        “You remember how you had two guys making themselves cum while you watched?”
        “The way I remember it, I wasn’t exactly watching.”
        “Yes I know,” Hansini laughed.
        I was becoming interested in this too. “Why do you ask?” I asked her.
        “Well Shanti, that story has become a fantasy with me,” Hansini explained. “I am hoping sometime...... during this holiday...... I could try it too.”
        Oh wow, I was thinking. Suddenly this evening was warming up.
        “You mean two guys cumming like I did?” Lizamoa asked. “But this time they must be shooting their cum over you.”
        “Yes, Yes Liz, I want that,” Hansini replied. “But I want more than just two guys.”
        “More than two?”
        “Yes, I want the whole group.”
        “Oh! Now that’s an idea. I’d be in on that too,” I added.
        “So would I,” Lizamoa said.
        “Oh!” Hansini said. I think she was a bit surprised at us pushing in on her fantasy. “I was thinking me but one of you could do it.”
         “No Hansini. It’s your idea. You do it.”
         “So when are you thinking about doing this?” I asked.
         “I was thinking now, that is if the guys are willing.”
         I looked around and saw some of them nodding their heads. “Don’t worry about them. They are always keen. They are guys,” I laughed.
         “If we are so keen then how come most of our sexual fun is suggested by you girls?” Mike asked.
         He had a point there, but I wasn’t going to concede it. “Oh we are just trying to please you, men,” I said with a grin.
        “Sure Shanti,” he replied. “Sure you are.” 

        “Now what about this cum party?” Lizamoa said, pulling us back to the subject.
        “Well, why don’t we play a game to decide who gets to do it?” Hansini suggested.
        “Are you sure Hansini? It was your idea.”
        “Yes, of course. It would be fun to decide like that.”
          So that is what happened. Mega said she would just watch and Jenny decided to do the same. I asked Katrina and I think she was a bit shocked by all this. 
         “No!” she said shaking her head. “I can just watch this. That would be interesting.”
         So it was left to Hansini, Lizamoa and I to decide how would get a cum shower. We were in no doubt that it would be a cum shower too because it was looking like all six guys were keen to join in too. Six guys? Yes, we were planning to call Jeevan in too.
        The game that followed was closely fought. As the three of us kneeled around the glass coffee table to play while the others were all sitting around watching. It appeared this would turn into an interesting evening after all.
        At first, it was looking like I would be the winner but soon it became obvious the other two were catching me. A couple of bad hands and I was out of the running. Now it was looking a close race between Lizamoa and Hansini. It was impossible to tell who would win.
        I pulled out so now, with me out of the game, for the last two hands it was only between the other two girls. There were a few moments while Peter added up the final score and then he announced Hansini to be the winner. Mike told me later that he wondered if Hansini was actually the winner because he thought it had worked out the other way around. If it was, then good on you Peter, Hansini deserved to play out her own fantasy.
         She jumped up, “Yes!” she cried out. 
         During the game, Jenny had gone to get Jeevan who was helping his wife baby-sitting. They both appeared just as the game had ended.
         "I want to watch this too," she said. "The kids are all asleep. They'll be OK for a few minutes."

          We all watched as Hansini stripped naked. I thought she might be a bit nervous being the only one naked in the room but no she didn’t seem to mind at all.
         Then she looked around the room. None of the guys had moved. “Come on guys,” she said. “I can’t do this without you.”
         That started a general movement among the men to get their gear off. Some like Mike stripped completely but others like Brian and Mootie just took their pants off. Soon we had a range of six cocks bared for us but some were not really hard yet.
         “I think we might need to get them warmed up girls,” I said.
          I turned to the guy nearest me, Joseph, as it turned out. Taking his cock, I rubbed it a couple of times before taking it to my mouth. I noticed all the other girls except Katrina followed my example but not with their husbands either.
          “Careful,” I heard Hansini say. “Save all that cum for me!”
          I couldn’t help laughing at that and almost choked on the cock in my mouth.
           “Watch out, Shanti,” the man in front of me said. “I want you to suck it, not bite it off.”
            Now I was laughing. I had to stop for a moment or two before I could continue. Soon I was again giving him a good job and I knew he was getting ready too.
          “OK girls,” I heard Lizamoa say. “I think we have them ready now.”
          Hansini climbed on to the low coffee table and stretched out on her back. I think the glass top was a bit cold at first but soon she settled down. We moved back out of the way to allow the guys to stand around the table, three on each side. Now the fun was ready to begin.
          As we watched, the guys began wanking themselves, pumping at their cocks as they looked down at the naked woman on the table in front of them. She wasn’t slow in starting either. One hand went to her nipple, pinching and squeezing it while the other went straight to her pussy. She only did a few strokes with her fingers before we saw she was digging deep into herself. Before long, the first hand had moved to her pussy too.
         It was so hot to watch. She was really going for it now. Her body buckling around on the smooth glass as the fingers pumping and digging at her wet pussy.  By now, she was moaning with what she was doing to herself. Then she let out an extra loud moan, it was almost like a cry.
        I hadn’t expected that! She had her first cum before they had even started.
        “Cum with me Guys,” I heard her gasp.

        She continued working her pussy while they stood over her, three on each side. By the look of it, she was so close again and a few of the guys weren’t far off too. Now it was just a matter of who would get there first.
       In the end, it was Peter. With a cry, he came and we could all watch the cum explode from the end of his cock and fly through the air to land on Hansini’s breast, then down over her stomach. Moments later Joseph delivered a load of cum to her thighs and pussy, in the process going all over her hands, which were still working herself off.
       That was what sent her off again too. This time it was really powerful. Her body gave a massive jerk and it was clear to everyone she was having a massive cum. She cried out as her body stiffened, her back arched lifting her bum right off the table before she fell back as her body went limp. Wow! I had never seen anything like that before. It must have been a good one.
        Jeevan was next as he added more cum to her pussy. Now her hands had dropped away, he had an open shot and we could see his cum coating her pubic hair and running down off her thigh. Also at the same time, her other breast was getting hit by Brian. He coated her left breast and down over her stomach. Soon Mike joined them by hitting her breasts, neck and chin. For a moment I thought he had even hit her mouth.
        Now there was one cock left to go. Mootie changed places with Mike and was now standing over his wife’s face. It was clear he was going to cover her face. Did she want that I wondered for a moment? Then I noticed she was smiling. She closed her eyes and covered them with her arm. Just then, he let go. The cum poured from his cock, hitting her chin and mouth. The second burst hit her arm, and then the final one went into her hair.
         It was over. As she lay on the table the six guys stood around looking down at their handy work. (Maybe I should say 'their penis work,' LOL) She was coated in cum from her knees to the top of her head. I could not believe how much there was. She had moved her arm away from her face and now lay there with her eyes closed trying to recover her breath.
         “Are you alright Hansini?” her husband asked.
         Her eyes opened and she smiled up at him. “Yes, Mootie. That was so good.”
         “You are a mess,” Mega told her.
         “Yes,” she grinned. “Isn’t it good?”
         “I don’t know about good, but it was hot to watch,” Jenny said.
         “Even hotter to do,” Hansini replied. “That cum was so powerful.” 

         As she recovered I helped her sit up. Yes, she was a mess. You could hardly touch the front of her without getting cum on you. She looked down at herself and laughed.
        “Good job, guys.”
        Her fingers touched her breast, then wiping up some cum she brought it to her lips. We watched her licking her fingers.
        "Oh a sexy show," I heard Mandara say as she and Jeevan left, heading back to the kid's room.
         Now Mega was beside her and I was on the other side. Mega touched Hansini on her stomach. Feeling the sticky cum with her fingers. Then she was rubbing it over Hansini. Now I had joined in and we began rubbing Hansini all over too, almost like a massage. We had pushed her back down on the table as Jenny and Lizamoa joined in too and we began to make sure she was totally coated. Our hands went everywhere, even over her breasts and pussy.
         She lay there smiling until we had finished, then as sat up again she said, “I better go clean up.”
         With that, she left the room. I thought she was headed for her and Mootie’s room but later I learnt Amita and Sharon met her in the common shower and helped her to clean up. 

         So that is how Hansini came to get a cum-shower from six guys. 


  1. Oh Ayaka, a sexy story. Like Rajah said on the "'What is New" page, a fantasy story. And well written too. I like the way they coated Hansini all over but why didn't one of the men cum on her feet? Then rub it over her feet and between her toes.

    Plus you gave us another little treat in your "Background Story" too. Interesting fantasy you have. I would be happy to cum on your tits them rub it all over you nipples. Better still, put my name down for one of the men in your cum shower fantasy.

  2. Oh Ayaka, You are a naughty one.
    Having a fantasy like that. I hope you get to achieve it and I wish I could take part too.

    It was a good story, made a little bit better by connecting it into the previous week where you did the Four by Four-some with Kim. There is another naughty girl too. And you had us wondering for a week how that darling Hansini came to get coated in cum. LOL

  3. Where is Ayaka tonight.
    I thought she would have replied by now.
    Out chasing the boys again is she? I'd let her catch me LOL.
    Oh my! Now that is a thought.

    1. James you seem very horny tonight.
      Lots of naughty comments.

    2. Oh Sexy Sue,
      I'm always horny when you girls are around.
      Ha Ha. James.

  4. Oh Ayaka,
    You are a naughty one aren't you. A cum shower.
    Leaves me wondering what you will 'cum' up with next.
    Ha Ha Simon.

  5. A sexy girl and a sexy story.
    Well done Ayaka.

    1. Thank you Simon. Thank you Ross.
      Yes this was a sexy idea for me to have.
      I have written it so my friends can know it too.

  6. Oh Ayaka, my little flower.
    So sweet and innocent. But look what you wrote here!
    At your interview you told me you want to be "just like Anne,"
    I think that you are already getting there Ayaka.

    1. Thank you Simon.
      Did you not think I was willing to be sexy?
      I can be very sexy when I want to.
      I was very happy with this story. It was an idea into my head until I let it come out.
      I hope I am not being too shocking for you Simon. LOL

      How did you know my name is meaning "little flower?"

    2. I know that now Ayaka.
      Yes you can be sexy in fact you are sexy all the time.

      Oh and about your name. Ayaka actually means "colour flower" or "colour petal."

    3. How are you and Asami doing.
      I hope you are working well together or I'll come up there and knock your pretty heads together.
      Don't let Anne down now. Both of you do a good job for her.

    4. Oh Simon. I am being good.
      You have me so scared you are going to bong my head. LOL

      Why do you know the real meaning? Are you feeling the smart one now?
      Ayaka - Colour Flower

    5. Ayaka my little flower.
      I am Simon the boss. I know everything! LOL
      Sensational Simon.

    6. I think not Simon.
      Somebody told you or you were looking onto a Japanese names site.
      Ayaka - Colour Flower.

  7. I am following your blog recently and been back to read most of the stories. I only have a few now to complete it.
    I also follow the comments you have too. It appears many of the people who comment are your friends. Is this true? Could they do better to just ask you their questions or tell you their comments? I also enjoy the fun they have with you too.
    Thank you for an interesting blog. I can see you have done a lot of work and still doing more.
    Toon Mao

    1. Hi Toon Mao.
      Are you a Thai girl? The name sounds like it might be.
      Now the comments here. Yes some are our friends. Others have become friends through the comments section. They could ask us personally but they put it here so you all can enjoy the fun we have. Yes some of the older men, Anne and Allan's and Susan's fathers tease us a lot too. That all adds to the blog so we have always encouraged it.
      I would like to see you making more comments too.
