Thursday 22 December 2016

Story 191 Our Visitors Steve & Sharon. (Part One)

Part One – Getting to Know Steve. 

     (Payam & Sairu with Steve & Sharon.) 
Hi from Sairu,
       I will be writing this story and Sharon will be helping me later. It was rather a different experience writing a story with someone on the other side of the world but we did it and I really like the end result. I’m proud to present this story to all of you in the Letters Teams.
       Now Amita has already told you how she asked us all to attend a dinner up at the big house. From the start, it was obvious this was not a sexy occasion as she had told us to dress up for a formal dinner. So I dressing in a beautiful green/blue sari, Payam wore trousers and a sports jacket. We picked Hamza and Kalki on the way; they also were dressed for the occasion as well.
       We were met at the door by a driver and a doorman. While the driver took our car to park it, the doorman guided us up to the house. I’m not sure he knew that we had already walked these steps many times before. Inside we were met by a maid who showed us through into the formal lounge in a wing of the house below the master bedroom, an area of the house they usually didn’t use during our nude weekends. I had once asked Hansini about this closed off wing but her explanations it was the more formal reception rooms of the house that really didn’t mean much to me then. I knew Sarvesh was a rich and powerful man but I am still learning just how.
       Katrina, Hansini and Mootie were already there. Soon Jeevan and Mandara also joined us. This was so formal with everyone so dressed up like us. I began to realise that Amita and Sarvesh were going all out for us that evening. Hansini whispered to us that as formal guests in this house the staff will treat us as such. Just go along with it until after the dinner. She said this event was also intended as a test practice and training for new staff they had employed.
       Soon Amita and Sarvesh arrived. She wore a most beautiful sari in white and gold while the white jacket he wore was also embroidered with gold too. They seemed a nice match like that. Their entrance was announced by a house butler as we stood to greet them. As staff stood back watching, ready to attend if required, Amita and Sarvesh moved among us, greeting us as honoured guests. She did manage to smile and whisper to Kalki and me, not to feel uncomfortable by this but to enjoy this evening.
       Drinks were served with the staff seeming to know exactly what each of us preferred. Then small finger snacks were offered as well. This room was a surprise. I thought I knew their house, but this was nothing like what I expected. We wandered around the room, admiring paintings etc, the staff ever present, ever alert and ready for our needs. They politely moved aside to allow us to observe items around the room. I saw Katrina talking with a couple of them and they seemed more relaxed with her. I’d heard Katrina once worked for Amita in this house. Yes, the Letters Books telling of this too.
       Three large paintings caught my eye. As I was looking at them Sarvesh came over to join me. One was of him and Amita standing in a forest setting looking through the trees to a large city. This he said was Auckland in New Zealand near where Shanti lived. The second was them both standing in what looked like a desert landscape. This he told me was near where David, the man who is going to married Katrina, grew up. See that river in the background and he told me it was somewhere there that they got engaged. I remembered that story from the Letters Books and mentioned it to him. He just smiled and passed on to the next picture. The third showed them standing with a beautiful lake scene in the background. I recognised it as the smaller lake from the Game Reserve, where some of the stories from the books had taken place. Sarvesh told me these paintings represented the three teams he and Amita were involved with for business.
       I couldn’t help giving a giggle as I asked, “What business?”
       He smiled back and said quietly, “Sairu, behave yourself!”

       I’m not sure if the girl servant standing nearby heard that. She didn’t appear to.
       I stood beside him admiring the pictures as he pointed out more details from the first two. Both lovely pictures, so different to anything I’d seen in India. I made my mind that one day I would like to see those countries. When I told him he said he might be able to arrange something through his company.
       A butler came over and announced to Sarvesh that dinner was ready. He, in turn, invited us to follow him into the adjoining dining room. We were shown into a dining room I had never seen before as it was also in the wing we never used. The table dominated the room, a massive carved wooden structure. The room itself was amazing too. I was told later this table could be adjusted, parts added or removed to fit just the exact number of expected guests. The staff showed us to our seats. Yes, they were set seats with each quest assigned to their own position at the table. While Sarvesh took his position at the head of the table, Amita faced him at the other end. For a moment I rested my hands on the table and wondered how many important people had sat where I am sitting now.
        There were a lot of servants there. Almost one for every few people. All through the meal, they were very attentive to our needs, bringing us the various courses of the meal and drinks as required. I learnt from Mandara later that many of these servants had been hired for this formal meal. It also gave Amita and Sarvesh the opportunity to decide which they would employ for the weeks when their house would be almost full. The House Manager was present, standing to one side watching everyone and everything. The meal was in the style Sarvesh used when important guests like Government Officials were invited for dinner. There were many courses, many foods, really amazing actually. The two main courses featured New Zealand lamb and Australian beef, both being expensive meats, not common in this part of India. Each meal required different plates and different knives, forks or spoons. There was no eating with your hands for this meal.  
       I was surprised that they went to all this trouble for us, but as has been said above they wanted to do something very special for their friends and they also wanted a full dress rehearsal for the new house staff. One girl placed a fork and spoon in front of Payam and while it looked ok to me, something was wrong as a senior staff stepped up and corrected her. Wow! They were going all out, down to the exact placing of items on the table. The girl, now slight embarrassed, apologised to him as she reached to place the items correctly. When I looked over to Amita at the end of the table, she just smiled and gave me a slight nod.

        After dinner, we went back to one of the lounges we had seen before. After offering us further drinks and snacks the servants retired leaving us in peace. At this point, Katrina left for a while too. I later heard she took the chance to visit the kitchens and lounge in the staff quarters to see some of her former work colleges. Having worked here, she has the advantage of visiting parts of the house never opened to one such as myself.
        We settled down to the meeting we had come here for. It was then that they brought up the plan of keeping all the overseas visitors into our various houses. I was surprised at this but my husband Payam quickly agreed and offering that we could take one couple, perhaps two if required. I was surprised he offered so quickly but Ok that he did.

       Who would stay in our house was left to the following weekend which was our nude weekend. It was then I came to discover we would be taking a European couple within our house. Amita showed me their picture from one of their albums. This was of them with their clothes because she could not show nude ones without asking them first.
        Later that evening we had a video conference with Australia and New Zealand. Plans were finalised and then everyone from all three countries was introduced. I made a point of watching closely when Steve and Sharon, the couple staying with us, came on because I wanted to learn more about them.     

        I was worried about having white people in our simple home because he was one of the leaders of Sarvesh’s exporting company, running the New Zealand operations. I brought this to Amita but she said they would be fine. “A very nice couple whom I will enjoy,” she said. I heard Hansini teasing Sarvesh about not having the girl with the biggest breasts stay with him. I also heard when he replied, “We all have to make our sacrifices.” Which brought a laugh from both Mootie and Jeevan. There was some joke there that I didn’t catch at that time.
        When I had brought my concerns to Amita, she suggested for us to meet our house guests online and get to know of them better. She said she would arrange it.

        A few days later we sat down to talk with the couple who would be visiting our house. To my surprise when we made contact only the man Steve was there. I knew who he was as we had been introduced in the video conference before but then we had only said a few words. Now I was face to face with this strange man and having to try a conversation with him. In India, it is not normal talking to a man like this without his wife there. I felt a tiny bit uncomfortable.
        “Is Jenny there,” I asked him.
        “No, she isn’t,” he said with a smile. “But my wife Sharon will join us soon.”
        Oh, I felt such a foolish person. Sharon was his wife and I had named Jenny.
        “I’m so sorry…….”
        “It’s Ok,” he laughed. “But tell me, how is Hamza?”
        We both laughed at that. I knew he’d done that on purpose, naming Kalki’s husband, just to tease me. I discovered this man was easy to talk with. I soon felt myself relaxing and warming to him. Enjoying his jokes too.
        “You’re making fun of me mister,” I joked back to him.
        "I like teasing pretty girls," he replied.
        That was nice of him. My feelings for this man were growing.
        And we continued talking. My husband was beside me but since this was going very well, he remained out of the viewing, I think for my concerns, allowing me to relax with Steve and know of him better.
        “So tell me about Sairu?” he asked when the conversation began to die.
        What could I say? I thought at first, and then I made my mind to be open with him so I told him about my husband Payam and I. Where we came from and how we became married. He gently asked questions making it easy for me to respond.
       Finally, he said, “Now what do you want to know about Jenny and I?”
       He played that trick to trap me again but I was too smart when I replied, “Nothing! I want to know about Steve and Sharon.”
       He laughed when he saw I had not taken his trap.
      As he talked I was watching to him. He appeared relaxed, sitting back in his seat. He talked smoothly and I’d noticed he’d slowed down, pronouncing his words carefully, when he realised I was slower understanding his English.
       He wore jeans and what appeared a very tight T-shirt. I must be honest and confessing I couldn’t help looking to his body shape. The roundness of his forearms and the strong muscles across his chest. I paid attention to how his muscles moved under the T-shirt as he changed positions. It was all a tiny bit sexual, seeing him like that.
       Suddenly my attention was brought back to him asking me a question. I had to confess I missed it and he had to ask me again. He must have been thinking, ‘This girl is very dumb!’
       “Do you go to a gym, Sairu?”
       I had heard of gyms but never seen one, so I had to respond, “No I don’t.”
       Now he was telling me about his gym but there was much I could not understand. My full knowledge of a gym had come from that story Mega had written for the Letter’s Books. But I don’t think they get as sexy as that in the hot room sauna. (Story 148 – Workout!)
       “Is that where you took Mega in your story?”
       He smiled, “Yes but she received services I don’t usually give to my clients.”
       “I know that,” I laughed. “But it was a nice story.”
       “What was nice? The gym or what happened in the sauna?”
       I giggled at that, slightly embarrassed he would mention that sexy part.
       It was a sexual moment as we both knew what he meant. At this point, things could have moved in that direction but he chose not to take it further, instead, telling me how all the New Zealand Team girls worked out at his gym. 
       Suddenly I said something that had even surprised me especially considering my husband had joined me but was sitting beside me, out of Steve’s sight.
       “Steve, I can see you work-out at your gym.”
       He smiled at that and agreed that his did. Then he leant forward in his seat, pulling his shoulders back as he did. This made his muscles tighten under his T-shirt. Yes, I was impressed with what I saw too. I told him, “You must be very strong.”
       Fit and shaped was the words he used to correct me. He asked if I liked muscles on men and I agreed sometimes I did. He lifted one arm and bent it at the elbow. The muscle of his forearm bulged tightly under the shirt.
       “Oh wow!” I couldn’t help saying.
       “You like that do you?”
       I nodded confirming I did.
       “Do you want me to take my shirt off?”
       What? Now that surprised me, him asking that. But even more when I found myself saying, “Sure, I can see.”
       Quickly he pulled his shirt up over his head and was sitting there naked from the waist up. What followed was a bit sexy as he worked some of his muscles and showed me. He told me about some of this and I found myself joining in a discussion on his body shape and muscles. But I must be honest and saying, I was a bit distracted by viewing to him. I was feeling a bit sexy watch him with so much of his flesh bare for me. I was also interested in his colour too because I hadn’t really seen too many white people, certainly not one half naked like this.
       Suddenly he stopped and said, “Enough about my chest. Let’s have a look at Sairu’s chest.”
       I wasn’t sure what he was asking at first.
      “My chest?”
      “Yes. I’ve shown you what I’ve got. Let’s see what you’ve got.”
      “You want me to take off like you?”
      “Sure I do.”
      “But I’m a girl!”
      “I know. I wouldn’t be asking if you were a guy.”
      Now that made me laugh a bit but I was also a bit concerned.
      “You want me totally topless?”
      “Of course. I can’t see what you’ve got unless you are.”
      “This girl does not require to be stripping her clothes.”
      “This boy requires her to take her top off.”
      I wasn’t sure how to reply. Then my husband out of sight whispered to me, “Go on. Do it Sairu. Show him.”
      For a moment I looked over at Payam before turning back at the computer screen. Here was he also telling me to go topless for this man I had only met. I got the impression Payam was interested in me showing to Steve.
      Steve saw that too. “Is someone with you?” he asked.
      I didn’t want to tell him Payam was hiding there so to distract his attention I began to pull my sari from my shoulder. As it dropped away my sari blouse came into view. Sometimes when wearing a sari my blouse is seen. That is why its colour to match the sari so it can be seen. But never seen completely, as now. This was different, this was becoming a bit sexually. When a blouse is completely revealed like this, it is a lot more showing of the girl's breast shape.
       I was making my mind to take the blouse but he couldn’t wait.
       “Now the blouse,” he says.
       “This is enough.”
       “No, I want to see your chest too. See what you’ve got.”
       “I’ve got nothing. I don’t have the big muscles.”
       “It is not muscles, I want to see.”
       I giggled at that. I knew what this naughty man wanted to see.
       “My blouse shows my shape.”
       Now don’t misunderstand here. By that time, I fully intended to go topless, perhaps even more but I wasn’t giving to him easily. I wanted to tease him now. Regarding, I also came to know my husband was enjoying this and I could tease him too. Teasing two men at the one time, this was good too.
       “No, it doesn’t. It covers everything.”
       “But I’m not like you. I have breasts.”
       “So do I,” he said. “See.”
       “But those are not like mine. I have nipples.”
       “So do I.”
       His fingers went to one of his nipples. He brushed over it, rubbed it. Held and pinched it.
       That was suddenly so sexy as my body was made to shudder. I was watching him, watching his fingers playing with a nipple as my thoughts made, ‘I wish it was my nipple he was touching.’ With this idea within my mind, my hands went to the clips between my breasts. My fingers were shaking and I fumbled with the first clasp before it became undone. Then I was a bit more steady to the second one. A third one, the middle one was next as the top of my blouse was pulling open to show the bra under. Now came clasp four. It was like, I was stopped breathing. Holding my breath as the last one came undone.
        I didn’t wait and play to tease him but I think now maybe I should have. But at that time I was not thinking, just allowing the blouse to open and fall from my shoulders. I was thankful I was wearing a sexy enough bra that day.
        “Now the bra,” he told me.
        “This is showing my breast shape. It’s enough already.”
        “No, not enough already,” he replied with a grin.
        “Yes, it is,” I replied.
        “You can see my man-breasts and nipples. We need to see you too. Lady-breasts and nipples”
        He was very pushing for me but it was very sexy also.
        “Go on Sairu. Show him,” my husband whispered.
        Oh, I knew from the start I was going to. Now my husband was asking too. I knew, now was the moment. First, I reached behind to undo the clips. I felt my bra loosen from my breasts but remain covering them. Holding my arm across my chest to hold the cups in place I reached up with my other hand to pull the strap down off my shoulder and slip my arm out. Then swapping arms I did the same with my other strap.
       I stood there, my hands holding each cup in place.
       “I shy,” I said.
       “No, you’re not.”
       “How do you know?”
       “You wouldn’t be like that if you were.”
       “Oh!” was all I said.
       He had a point there.
       “Are you ready?”
       “Yes,” he replied.
       “Do you really want to see them?”
       “Yes, Sairu,” came his reply again, his voice a bit husky now. This man was being overcome with sexual feelings.
       With that, I just dropped my hands. The bra fell away baring my entire breasts.
       “Oh! Wow!” he gasped.
       At that, it was like I suddenly realised what I was showing and without thinking my hands returned to cover them again.
       “Don’t hide them,” he said, his voice almost a whisper. “They are beautiful.”
      It was so sexual hearing his voice like that. It was like the sexual tension was strong between us. Seeing him looking, knowing he was looking at me. I began to realise he was as turned on by this as I was.
       With that saying, I made the courage to remove my hands again. There I was, sitting in front of my webcam, showing to my breasts for this man I hardly knew. 
       "Touch them Sairu?"
       "My breasts?"
       "Your nipples," he replied. 
       He sounded sexy and hearing him was making me feel that way too. My hands, well my fingers, reached up to each nipple, taking then from below so he could see them between my fingers. 
       "Oh, wow!" he said.
       Gently I rolled each one between my thumb and fingers while the rest of my hands supported under my breasts.
      "Sairu, that is so hot," his voice came to me almost a whisper.
       This was a very sexy moment for both of us. What I was doing to my nipples was good for me and what I was showing was good for him too. The moment was charged with sexuality. I was thinking where it would go from here. 
       Soon, I felt I needed to distract his attention. I also felt the need to see more of him
       “Stand up so I can see more of you,” I told him.
       He stood up and pushed the chair aside then stepped back so I could see from his face to his knees. He was still wearing his jeans but still naked above that.
       “So what does Sairu want to see?” he asked.
       “Turn around,” I told him.
       He turned and as he did he asked, “Are you checking-out my arse?”
       “Yes,” I answered him. “I’m checking to your arse.”
       “What else does Sairu want to see?” he asked again.
       “What does Steve want to show?”
       He smiled and said, “You tell me.”
       I'm not stupid, I knew where this was going. I knew his game. If he took more off then it would be my turn to match him. We would end up both naked. But thinking, being naked wasn’t bad. I was half way there already. I was feeling a bit sexy, how do you English say? Horny? Suddenly I made my mind to do it. At that moment I knew I would go nude for him.
       “Take your jeans off,” I told him.
       “Ok but then you take your sari skirt off.”
       “I might.”
       “No! No show unless you show.”
       “I only have panties under this.”
       “I only have undies under my jeans.”
       “Ok,” I said. “But you must, going first.”
       He didn’t reply. His hands went for the zip of his jeans. He had pulled it down, undone the clip and his jeans fell open. Now he was pulling then down, removing them, so they were pulled clear down his legs. Before long he was left standing before me in just his underpants. They were coloured, blue and tight to his body more like girls would wear, which I thought was a bit different to the white shorts men mostly used here. I didn’t miss noticing the nice bulge there too.
       “So now let’s see Sairu’s panties.”
       “You don’t need seeing them,” I said.
        “Yes, I do. You promised.”
        So standing again my hands went for the string that tied my skirt. It was a bow inside at the front side and when I loosened it the skirt began to fall away from my body. But I wasn’t ready to just drop it like that. I knew I would be before I wanted to tease him a bit, play with him and make him ask for it first.
        “Well, are you going to drop that skirt?”
        “I think, maybe no,” I replied.
        "I think, maybe yes!"
        "No, I can not!"
        “Come on. You promised,” he reminded me. “No backing out now.”
        Steve kept saying that. He kept referring to my promise, so I just let go of the skirt, allowing it to fall at my feet. Now I was just before him with my panties. It just happened I had selected some smaller, daring ones to be worn for this day so this must make it better for his viewing. I was happy for that. Suddenly I had a rather naughty idea.
        “Do you need the back view too?”
        “Sure,” he replied. “Let me check out your sexy arse.”
        The thought of him checking to my bottom was a bit sexy too. The thought of him telling me he would, was even sexier. I turned away from him so my behind was towards him and I was looking back over my shoulder.
        “Now pull them down.”
        “What?” I asked.
        “You heard me, Sairu. Pull your panties down.”
        “Why do they need to be down?” I knew why but was playing with him to ask me.
        “So I can check out you properly.”
        “But should you be first?”
        “Not this time. It’s your turn first.”
        “Ok,” then I agreed.
        I was so turned on by this now. I didn’t want to stop. I looked over at my husband and he was smiling too. He was enjoying my stripping show too. My hands went to each hip and I began sliding my panties down over my arse. At first, I held them just below my behind but then with a push they fell at my feet baring my bum for him.
        “Now bend over so I can see you better.”
        Without thinking I did. It was only when I saw the small insert of myself on the screen that I realised I was showing everything. Both my pussy lips and my little bum hole. I stood up quickly, my hand going to cover my arse until I turned to face him. Now I gave him the show of my pussy hair from the front before I regained my seat.
        “Your turn now,” I told him to distract from me.
        “No, it is not required.”
        He laughed. He was now playing games to me.
        “Yes, I require it.”
        “It’s enough already,” he said with a smile.
        “Stop teasing to me and get you pants off,” I told him sternly.    
        He didn’t have any problem with that. Standing, facing me, he began to slowly lower his pants. I like that the way he was teasing me but I also dislike that he was taking so long. I was expecting to see hair but was surprised that none came. Then his cock began to come into view. Suddenly it popped free and he was dropping his pants and standing before me naked. I wondered if some white men had no hair but I later learnt Steve shaved like his wife does.
        It was the first time I’d really had a good look at the European man like that, naked and I found it interesting. His body was brown but down below there was a white area where he’d worn pants while sunbathing. His cock looked nice and was hard too. Yes, of course, I noticed that one too. Not the dark almost black of Indian males but lighter, a kind of a pink colour.
        He allowed me to look then said, “Sharon wants to see Payam too.”
        Then Sharon stepped into the view, “Yes, we know he is there.”
        “Oh, Sharon!”
        “I was watching like Payam is there,” she said.
        So they did know he was there. He moved his chair so he was in view too.
        I was looking to Sharon now. What she was wearing was totally sexy. She had a shirt on but instead of buttons, it was tied in a kind of knot, just under her breasts. This left some great cleavage, showing lots of breasts. It was clear she wore nothing underneath. Lower down she wore tiny shorts which had obviously been cut to make them shorter.
       “Take his shirt off, Sairu,” Steve told me.
       I looked over at Payam and he nodded ‘yes’ so I got up to stand behind him. As I began undoing his shirt buttons I stopped.
      “Is Sharon going to take her shirt off too?” I asked.
      “No,” she said. “It is not required,”
      I giggled at that because I knew they were teasing me.
      “What Sairu?”
      “Take it off her.”
      It is surprising I was forceful ordering to him like that.
      “Yes,” replied Steve.
       He got up and stood behind his wife, reaching for the knot under her breasts. Soon he had it undone just holding her shirt closed with his hands. Meanwhile, I had all of my husband’s button open and was pulling his shirt off his shoulders. I was not intending us to be stripping our partners but this was good now. I was enjoying it.
       Now Steve did the same pulled her shirt off too leaving her impressive breasts bare. Now I knew why the boys had been teasing Sarvesh about missing out on the big breasts. They were big too.
       “Sairu, now his trousers. We want to see more of him,” she said.
       I made Payam stand up facing them but hesitated a moment.
       “Yes, we’ll match you too.”
       As Steve stood behind Sharon pulling her cut-off shorts down I removed my husband’s trousers. Now Sharon was left in tiny panties and Payam was in his white shorts. Not very sexy I think. Steve made Sharon turn away from us and we discovered she was wearing a G-string. It was sexy, even sexier when he ran his fingers down between the cheeks of her arse.
       Sharon turned back towards us and Steve stood behind her with his hands on her hips.
       “Ok, Sairu. Let’s see the rest of him,” Steve said.
       “Ok,” I giggled.
       I was enjoying this! It had been sexy taking my own clothes off but this was fun stripping our partners now. I was stripping my husband so another woman could view him and now I was going to show her his cock. As he pulled Sharon’s G-string off I pulled down my husband’s shorts. They were left facing each other totally naked. Payam was hard like Steve now. We also discovered that like her husband, Sharon was with no hair down there too so all of her could be seen.
        "Turn him around so I can see his arse," she said to me.
        "We see you too?"
        "Of course," she smiled. "But Payam first."
         I took my husband and made him turn around. I made him bend over too. Now Steve turned Sharon around too. She bend over before he asked her and with her legs slightly parted it was a very sexy view. Both Payam and I were watching. Steve reached to her, pulling her bum cheeks apart making it even more revealing for us.
        "Now your turn, Sairu."
        "Show us your arse."
        "I am finished showing."
        "No you're not," Steve said. "Show us like Sharon did."
        "I did. Enough for you."
       "No that was just a flash. Real showing Sairu."
        "Flash is real showing."
        I must admit this was maybe even a bit too sexy for me to expose myself like Sharon had but I soon came to know that there was no choice for me to make.
        "Yes, Sharon," he replied with a grin.
        Here was this woman ordering my husband to show them all my pussy secrets.
        Payam turned me and made me put my back to them. I felt him pull at my leg so I parted my legs a bit then he pushed me forward to bend over. I looked back and could see how exposed I was. Everything was showing. But it got worse when like Stave had Payam reached and pulled open my cheeks. I could see my pussy lips had been pulled open too. 
        "Oh, that is hot!" I heard Steve say.
        It was so sexy knowing they could see all of me like that but to hear him even comment and admire me was even more. My sexy was so powerful my legs were feeling like they couldn't stand me.
        But my husband held me. He only held me like that for a little while before he allowed me to escape and I could sit down facing them again.
        That was about as far as it went sexually that evening but all four of us sat there naked, talking, getting to know each other better. By then it seemed so natural to sit there in front of them naked. Before long the four of us were becoming good friends. I knew they would be comfortable in our house as we would be comfortable to them. The thought even crossed my mind there might be fun with them too.
        It was only after the call ended that we got dressed again.

         Later when we were into our bed, Payam said, “That was fun.”
         “Yes, it was,” I agreed. “But I wasn’t expecting to get naked.”
         “Do you mind?” he asked.
         “No, it was fun. A bit sexy actually.”
         “Do you like Steve?”
         “Yes, he seems a nice man. Maybe a bit naughty too.”
         “Do you want to fuck him,” Payam asked me.
         I stopped to think about that one. Sure I’d thought about it but here was my husband now asking me if I would play love-games with this strange men. I wasn’t sure how to reply.
         “Don’t worry Sairu,” he said. “I don’t mind if you do.”
         “Yes,” I replied. “I’d like to try with a Western man.”
         “Well if they want, let’s do it when they come here.”
         “You like Sharon too? Want to do it with her?” I asked.
         “What do you think?”
         “I think, maybe yes!” I replied and then added. “You want to play with her big breasts.”
         He didn’t reply to that, just rolled over to me taking me in his arms. Soon we were doing it. Having what turned into a very exciting sex session. I think we were both very ready and excited, after our sexy chat with Steve and Sharon.

         (When they arrived in India, one day I asked Sharon about what she was wearing that day. She told me that they realised Payam was there too so before she revealed herself, she slipped away and changed into something very sexy for him. I told her he had enjoyed it and mentioned a few times what Sharon had been wearing.
        “Good,” she laughed. “Glad he got to enjoy it.”
        “He enjoyed, even more, when we got into bed,” I added.
        “Really?” she said. “It was the same with us too. That was a hot cam session!”)


  1. Shandra
    This is better than the one in my story above. They told me it would be better.
    I love the conversation that goes on between them and the way she appears reluctant when they all knew Sairu was going to get naked. Maybe more could have been done with Payam and Sharon getting naked but it still good how it is.

    1. Thanks Rochelle for giving me the idea. Well actually you and Allan but I got it from your story. It has worked as a great way to open this story.

    2. Hi everyone, Marceau here. (Rochelle's husband)
      I've not commented here before.
      I helped my wife with that part in her story. I feel a bit like Payam does in the story. Enjoying seeing my beautiful wife getting naked in a controlled situation like that. Shandra you have taken their story and done I excellent job of making it your own. It blends nicely with the rest of your writing. A interesting story. I enjoyed reading it.
      Now my wife has access to the back of this blog meaning we could read these stories in advance but I won't, being content to wait for the published version.

  2. Shandra again. We like your stories.
    You have the longest history in this blog too going right back to Story One.
    Yes this is a different one. It's strength is not in the sexual content but in the conversation and interaction between the long-standing character Steve (love reading about him) and a newer character Sairu. She seems a cheeky one. Most likely written but some cheeky writers.
    Good story girl.
    Fred & Ginger.

    1. Our old friends Fred & Ginger,
      You've been reading this blog for a long time now. You must be part of the family too.
      Glad you still like it.

  3. Good job Shandra but isn't "enough already" a Malaysian saying?

    1. From you Anne enough already. Please leave Shandra alone.

    2. Paul more from you is 'not required'

    3. Oh more is required from you my little hot one. Wait until I get up there at New Year!

    4. So will you be wishing me "Happy New Year" Paul?

    5. Of course honey. A very very Happy New Year.

  4. Hello writers and others
    I totally agree with Fred & Ginger, I'm looking forward to seeing how you develop Sairu and Payam, the sexual energy you create is very real.
    I have been following Rochelles page as well and yes it is different but then real life doesn't have the benefit of rewriting.
    I'd like to take this opportunity to wish everyone involved a very merry Christmas and thank you all for another year of laughter and friendship (and naughtiness of course!)

    1. Thank you Ian.
      Yes my page is a real story and in that way it is locked as to content. Some conversations will be recreated as best we can and in that way might not be entirely as happened but the main story is correctly shown. Also the style of this blog is not showing too sexy in the writings of real stories. I have confined myself to this.
      To you Ian and all who read this.
      Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
      Joyeux Noel et bonne annee.
      Adieu de Rochelle

    2. So you got to the party first Ian. Good one, mate!
      It's these sneaky writers again. Two days early Shandra?
      But nice story. Shaping up to be a good one. I also agree with Moa below, we have all seen an improvement in the writing quality and style recently.
      Wishing you all a Cracking Christmas and a Bonzer New Year.

  5. My dear friends Kia Ore (Welcome, Hi, Hello)
    I sent you my email last night and then read your story again. This is a high standard where I can only find two tiny mistakes Shandra. The word 'me' instead of 'I' and further down 'his' instead of 'him.'
    I am impressed with your desire to raise the quality of your work and I'm sure everyone will agree, we can all see the improvement. Unfortunately, on the down side, it is tending to take away the individuality of your writing.
    The New Year is promising to be an exciting one in this blog and I'm keen to see how you handle Katrina's Wedding. At the moment its a complex mess of short stories and ideas. How are you going to tie this all together Anne. Yes my friends, we are going to get to see the 'master writer' at work, early in the New Year.
    So I wish everyone Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
    (Merry Christmas me te Tau Hou hari.)

  6. I'm enjoying the sexual tension, the slow strip and the promise of things to come. The letter writers are hot on cams at the moment!

    1. Well Shandra is at the moment. Redduck this is her story. Of course if you have seen the background of this story you will know it came from a real cam session between Rochelle and my partner Allan.

    2. So much reading to do to understand all the back history.

    3. Hi Redduck,
      Take your time. Read slowly and enjoy. Read all the backgrounds too. There is plenty of time, we are not going anywhere. The best part of this blog for me was the journey, not the ending.
      Merry Christmas - Asami

    4. Happy Christmas (and it is 12.35pm)and I will take your advice Asami.

    5. I hope for you to do that.
      Enjoy today and in a few days I will publish Shandra's next story.

  7. I can see so much of you in this story Shandra. Yes enjoyed it a lot. Glad you won't give up writing. You were a writer long before you met me. Keep it up.
