Thursday 29 December 2016

Story191 Our Visitors Steve & Sharon (Part Two)

Part Two  -   Knowing Steve Very Well.

Forward to Story 191 Part Three.

Hi from Sairu again.
         I was outside waiting when the huge bus pulled into our street. Yes, it attracted attentions of many of our neighbours too. They observed Amita dismounting from the bus and saw a western couple of Steve and Sharon enter into our house before the bus left again. When I told Payam of it that night when he came from his office, he laughed that it would give them all something to talk about.
        After greeting them and welcoming them to our house I showed them the room which would be for them and the bathing room so they could refresh. I then returned to my cooking and food preparations as they would be joining us for eating that evening.
        Later Payam arrived home from his working place. I introduced him to our guests so he could greet them. I was interested to see that Sharon stepped towards him and gave him a brief hug which included full contact of her chest against him. I sure he would have enjoyed that too. I was left wondering why Steve hadn’t done that to me. That thought inspired me to comment.
       “I didn’t get a hug like that,” I told, looking directly at Steve.
       He grinned back to me. “Does Sairu want a hug too?”
       “Well, you didn’t when you arrived, Steve.”
       “Ok then, if that’s what Sairu wants.”
       “Yes, Sairu wants,” I said with a cheeky grin.
       He stepped up to me and grabbed me, pulling me toward him. There was no chance of holding back. This was a full contact hug, my breasts pressed hard against his chest. I felt his arms wrap around me and began to realise just how strong and fit this man actually was. It wasn’t a short hug either but rather long lasting.
        Then I felt his hand move down my back, down the curve of my back and onto my bum. Yes, he gave my bum a feel and a squeeze.
       “Hey! What was that?” I asked pulling away from him.
        “My hand,” he replied grinning.
        “Yes, I know of it being your hand, but what was it doing?”
        “Playing with your sexy arse,” he said so boldly.
        “Is that part of hugging?”
        “You asked for a hug Sairu. I thought you wanted the full treatment.”
        “Well, I got the full treatment, didn’t I?”
        “Some of it. I have lots more ideas for you, honey.”
        Oh, this man was so cheeky to me, so openly bold. My husband and I had discussed taking sex with them if the opportunity came up. Now here was this cheeky fellow stating his intentions for me in front of our partners. I was a bit unsure how to respond to him at the moment but yes I was interested in him and attracted by his body. I knew my husband had openly told me he was interested in the white girl, Sharon. I’d overheard him discussing Sharon with Sarvesh, telling how sexy she was too.
        “You are very cheeky, Mister,” I told.
        “Don’t you like that?” he replied.
        “Maybe I don’t.”
        “No Sairu. I know you do.”
        “You are very sure of yourself, sir,” I said as I stepped closer to him, my finger running a line down his chest. I am surprised that I did that as it was very bold to a guest to our house. I think I was captured by the obvious sexual tension building between us. But stepping closer to him like that was also a mistake because now I had brought myself so he could reach me too.
        “You are very cheeky too, Sairu,” he said his finger tracing a line down between my breasts.
        I didn’t make any attempt to remove his finger that was still touching my chest between my breasts.
        “You are very daring touching me there.”
        “What? Touching you like this?” His finger ran another line down between my breasts.
        “Yes,” I replied. “Doing that.”
        “That is not daring. If I wanted to be daring I would do this.”
        His hand moved to the side, directly to my breast, giving it a squeeze through my sari and bra. I was mildly surprised but I made my mind not to react. I knew he was trying to shock me and call my bluff but I wasn’t going to let him. I didn’t move from him and I didn’t move his hand either.
        “So now are you daring?”
        “Yes, and you like it too.”
        “How do you know I like this?”
        “This hard nipple tells me you do,” he said as I felt his fingers close over my nipple.
        “Hey!” I called as I pulled away in shock.
        I had reacted first and pulled away. He had caught me by surprise and he knew it too. I had let him win that round. He was grinning, knowing he had got me. I made my mind next time he wouldn’t.

       Evening dinner was ready for them so we sat at the table to eat. Amita had trained me on what they would be able to eat so my cooking that night was mildly hot which seemed about right for them. I had also set a fork and spoon beside each plate and had decided we would eat with the English way. I was a bit surprised when they both avoided the forks and used their hands as we would normally do. So Payam and I did the same too.
        After dinner, it was still very hot into our house so I suggested we go out to our court-yard. Then my naughty husband added that we could take our swimming too as we had a small pool. I know why too, he wanted to check Sharon in a bikini. But Steve and Sharon were happy with that so after cleaning up we went off to change to our swimming things.
        In our bedroom, Payam asked, “What are you going to wear Sairu?”
        “My bikini,” I replied.
        “Steve would like your new sexy one,” he said.
        “What makes you think I want to please Steve?”
        “After what happened before evening-dinner, I know you do.”
         I was standing there naked by then and I turned to reach into the draw for my more sexy bikini. The one Amita had helped me buy online. As I held it to the mirror he stepped up behind me, putting his arms around me, one hand going to each breast. He knows me, is knowing I like that one.
        “Is this the one?” I asked trying to distract from what he was doing.
        “Yes, it is, although I have a feeling you might not be wearing it long.”
        I looked at him in the mirror. “Do you think?”
        “The way Steve was playing with you, I’d say yes.”
        “I was wondering about that.”
        “Do you want to go further with him, Sairu?”
        “I think so.”
        “So do I with Sharon. She is sexy too.”
        So, on our side, it was all OK. We just needed to confirm if they wanted to as well. I was pretty sure they would.

        I was at the poolside. I had my sexy bikini on with a robe over the top. Beside me, Sharon was wearing the robe I’d left in their bedroom. Steve had arrived out bare chested wearing only shorts with a towel over his shoulder. Payam, my husband, quickly removed his shirt to be the same.
       We had a drink first, the boys a beer and Sharon took a white wine. Of course, I had my usual fruit juice. I’m not really enjoying the stronger drinks. It was then that Steve suggested it was the time we tried the pool.
       “What? Do you want to get us in our bikinis?” I asked him cheekily.
       “Well for a start in your bikini.”
       “And then what?”
       “I’d have thought that was obvious.”
       “Then tell me?” I was making him say it.
       “And then you without your bikini.”
       “Are you sure I’ll do that?”
       “Of course you will, Sairu. You got naked on cam,”
       “But cam is different to here.”
       “Of course it is. More fun here,” he replied with a grin.
       “Ok then,” was all I replied as I opened my robe and placed it on a chair.
        Now all I wore was my sexy blue bikini. “Is this enough?” I asked.
        “Oh, wow!”
       He stood looking until I asked, “Are we going swimming or you just perving at me?”
       He laughed. I heard Sharon also giggle at that too.
       I noticed she quickly removed her robe too and soon all four of us were in the water. It had been a hot day and even in the early evening the water was still tepid. Out pool is smaller than Amita’s and it warms up during the day.
        I could see the boys checking us out and I didn’t mind. In fact, I was glad I’d worn my sexier one for them. Sharon’s bikini was tiny too and her larger breasts were bulging out showing most of the top. I thought her nipples must barely be covered. It was sure keeping my husband’s attention, making the eyes popping you could saying.
        “That top is so small, honey. Almost showing everything. You might as well take it off,” Steve said to her.
       Sharon didn’t reply, but just reached for her bikini top and soon was throwing it to the poolside. Now Steve turned his attention on me again.
        “You next,” he said.
        I knew what he meant but was teasing him. “What?”
       “Your top. Time to take it off.”
       “No, my top fits nicely,” I informed him as my hands ran over my breasts. “I don’t need it off.”
       “Payam and I need it off.”
       “Well it’s my top and I decide. I say no!”
       “Oh you are a cheeky little minx, aren’t you?”
       “No, just protecting my rights.”
       “Ok Payam, you hold her and I’ll take it off.”
       He grabbed me and turned me around. I tried to struggle but Payam held me. Steve’s hand found the tie and it was gone, then my bikini top was flying to join Sharon’s on the poolside. And what was worse is my husband held to me so I couldn’t fight back.
       When Payam left me to stand beside Sharon, Steve continued to hold me. He pulled me so my back was against his body and both hands were on to my bare breasts. He was very sexy with his fingers and making my body enjoy him. With feeling and touching like that how is it that I could even not like what was happening to me.
       “Topless is just for looking,” I told him.
       “Of course it is.”
       “Then why are your hands……?”
       “I’m looking with my fingers.”
       I giggled at that. It was a good answer. But those hands on my breasts, on my nipples, were having an effect now.
       “Oh, you like that don’t you?”
       “No! I cannot like. I am only enduring.”
       “Well, you are doing a good job of that.”
       “It’s not a job.”
       “Well, let’s see what else you like.”
       His hand left my breast going straight on to my bikini bottom over my pussy.”
       “Hey!” I protested grabbing at his hand.
       “No use fighting, Sairu. You know you like it.”
       “But my husband……”
       “Your husband won’t save you. He’s too busy.”
       I looked to see Payam was in the other corner. Sharon has against him, her breasts against his chest. He had his arms around her, holding her and she was necking him. Steve was right; no help for me would come from there.
       Now the hand was slipping inside my bikini bottom. Feeling the hair and pressing lower. As he did his was pulling down my bikini too. So now it was partway from me. It was making it uncomfortable cutting into my flesh so I reached down with both hands and pressed my bikini down until it was past my knees.
        “See I told you, you like it.”
        “I’m just getting it comfortable.”
        “Taking it off is comfortable?” he laughed
        There was no need to answer as what his fingers were doing into my pussy had my sexy feeling growing too. His hands moved down through my forest, over the pussy mound and to the softness below. Yes, he was feeling to my pussy lips with his hand and fingers and I had my thighs apart to welcome them.
        I reached for his shorts, pulled them down over his hips. He realised what I was doing and so stopped to do if for me. Meanwhile, I’d pushed my bikini the rest of the way down and stepped out of it.
        Now with us both naked, we were really into the touching and feeling. Our hands were all over each other as we kissing. I was beginning to wonder if we would be trying it in the pool when he surprised me again.
        Suddenly his hands went to my hips, then lifting my whole body with ease, he placed me sitting on the poolside. Pulling my thighs apart he came straight in for my pussy. If I had any modesty about him looking at me like that, I was soon beyond it as his mouth made contact with my pussy lips. Soon he was licking me, sucking me, sending waves of enjoying from my pussy.
        It became so sexy with him doing like that it soon became beyond being able to sit up. I ended in the position of lying on my back against the paving around the pool, with a thigh over each shoulder so his face was pressing to my pussy.
       The idea suddenly came to me he was driving me to orgasm. ‘Did I want this?’ I asked myself. Well, in truth, there was not much I could do about it with him holding me like that so I made my mind to relax and accept it. The attentions he was giving my pussy was working too. With my thighs so opening like that he was pressing deep into me. I felt his tongue pressing to me, the licking then sucking of my pussy lips. I was forced to the closed eyes to enjoy it.
       Now, it was becoming more intense as he moved higher. I realised he was going for my hot spot now. You know of this, the part of us girls where the orgasm builds from. The hood was pulling open by his fingers. Other fingers were pressing inside me, two maybe three as it was very filling. But that wasn’t what attracted my mind, it was what his tongue and mouth were doing.
        First I felt a wet softness of his tongue licking over and around my clitty. This was intense for me and made my body give the shuddered and hump against him. Then came his lips! I felt his face against me, his nose pressed to my pussy mound and his lips made contact. They found my clitty and clamped over it. I was so close with that. Strong feelings were building through my body. Then he sucked. With his lips holding the bump of my hard clitty he sucked.
        It was amazing the feelings. It was a powerful building and breaking into my body. All thinking of my mind was gone. Just the strong power of my orgasm. It was a big one. It is said I cried out and threw myself around until he was forced to leave me. But I can’t think of the details now. All I can remember is waking from my orgasm to find only this fingers pressed into my pussy with his thumb making circles on the hood over my pussy giving me a gentle calming motion.
        I lay there catching my breath. I lay there thinking of what had just happened. Here was this strange white man. A man I had only talked to twice online. He had entered my house and did this to me. Oh, this was not bad shocking thoughts, it was good shocking. Then I made my mind that he should have what he gave me.
       I sat up and then slipped back into the water. All this time it had been without speaking. I’m not sure words were needed. We both knew what he had done for me.
       “How was that?” he asked as his arm went around me pulling me against him.
       My body, my naked breasts pressing against his chest. I had my arms around him, holding him and feeling his tight strong body.
       “Amazing!” was all I could say.”
       “Yeah!” he laughed. “You really went off, honey.”
       “It was more than I expected.”
       “Oh! What did you expect?”
        “I do not know but not like that.”
        “Well, you were hot and ready. Just waiting for me to set you off.”
        “Yes, Steve. I think so.”
        I looked across the pool and it was empty. Sharon and Payam were not there. I looked to the table and their swim clothing was there but towels were gone.
        “Where are they?” I asked.
        “They left a while ago. Heading for a bed I think.”
        I giggled at that with the thought that even now my husband was fucking to that white girl with the big breasts. Then I looked up at him, to his face.
        “I want to do that to you. Like you just did for me.”
        “You mean a blowjob?”
        “Yes, the sucking to your cock,” I replied. “Then we can find the bed too.”
        “Yes,” he agreed. “I want to fuck you Sairu. Fuck you until you scream out like you did just now.”
        The thought of that made my body shudder but then I thought about the noise.
        “Was I loud?”
        “Yes,” he said.
        I began to wonder how loud. Did the neighbours just behind the wall hear me? Maybe they were knowing what happened. Well, I can’t help that now. I would just see how they were next time I saw them.

         So I asked for him to sit on the poolside and I pulled open the thighs, moving in between them. There, before me was the symbol of his manhood, his cock standing up hard and ready. It was beautiful to see. I know, I know, you other men may snigger at that but why can’t a woman admire a cock as beautiful?
        I had not seen the cock of a white man so close before and so was stopping for admiring. It had a nice curve to its length with a clean open cock head. I liked the head with its pointed helmet. But the most of my attention was the attraction of his colour. It wasn’t white as other parts of him but with the erection, it took a pinkish colour.
        “What’s the problem, Sairu?” he asked.
        “Just admiring to your cock.”
        “Haven’t you seen a cock before?” he said with a grin.
        “Yes, of course. But not one as famous, like this one.”
        “Yes from all the stories of it.”
        “Oh, the Letters.”
        “Well don’t just look. Try it out,” he said.
        “Oh, I am intending this when we go to the bed.”
        “Oh does your hot pussy what some hot cock?”
        “Yes, she does,” I said. "And she will get soon. But now we have something else."
        "We do," he agreed.
        Now I settled to my work. I took him with both hands. When I leant forward I brought him to my mouth. First, it was with the tongue. I was licking at him. Over the bulb of the head, over the slot opening, then lower over and around the narrow bit too. I licked along his shaft feeling his hardness with my tongue then moving lower to the balls. These I did more, taking one into my mouth for sucking.
        Yes, he liked that as the moaning was made by him.
       Now my mouth, my tongue had returned to his cock, to the head and my lips parted to take him inside. The head slipped in between my lips and I began to suck him. I didn’t take him far in, there is not need for that, all the sensitive bits are near his end anyway. My hands were gripping his strong shaft to hold him and wank him too.
       Now I changed things. I had my hand on him pulling up and down across the flesh with a pumping action, pumping to get the man-juice from him. I had my other hand down to his balls. Feeling and touching, gently rubbing the beans in their sack. Every so often I’d pull pack so he slipped from me then my tongue would wrap around and over him, licking at the head before I would retake it into my mouth.
         It was going well. I could feel the power I had over this strong man. He was sitting holding onto my head but it was for me, working him, building him towards his climax. After a while, his eyes closed. This was a good sign. Then his cock gave a jerk, not big but showing he was responding. I increased the speed of my hand and brought my other hand back to join the action of his shaft. He jerked again. Yes, I was getting him closer. I took him slightly deeper into my mouth, sucking harder.
        This was it. I knew we were heading for the ending and I made my mind it would be good for him. A few more cock jerks came and a deep moan. Oh, he was close now. The thoughts came how I would finish this. Yes, I knew just how to do.
        He gave a moan. A deep one this time. I could taste the saltiness of his pre-cum now. This was good. Almost time for the big finish for me. I kept pumping and sucking to him. He gave another groan as his orgasm overtook him.
        My timing was perfect. I pulled back, my mouth slipping from him just as the first cum burst from him. Oh, there was such force. It flew to me hitting me just above my left breast. I positioned myself to take it above both breasts. All of it, all he could give me while my hand continued to pump him. So much cum-juice.
        He had his eyes open looking at me as I took a step back. My hands going to the cum mess running down over my breasts. I rubbed it all over my chest. Around and over my breasts, over and around my nipples. Taking my nipples and coating them with his cum, working and playing with them. It was sexy to do for him and was feeling good too.
        “Oh, fuck!” he said.
        I just smiled back.
        “That is so sexy, Sairu.”
        Yes, I knew he’d like that. Many men are disappointed when you pull back as they cum. Most have the fantasy of cum in the woman’s mouth. So if you do pull off it is a risk and you must make it better for him. Men are very visual with their eyes so my sexy cum on the breasts show was sexy for him so he forgot the disappoint of me pulling back. Don’t be misunderstanding. I can take his cum in my mouth. Often I do this but I can also do other things too.
        It had been a good cum for me, and then a good cum for him also. I was happy with myself.

         I went to go into our bedroom with Steve following behind me. But it seems this room was taken before us. Two very naked people upon the bed. She was lying against the bed on her back. He was sitting over her with a leg each side. He had moved so his cock was buried between her breasts and as she held her breasts against him he appeared to be fucking her there. Oh, that was very sexy and I would have enjoyed watching.
        But they stopped and looked at us, after stumbling out an apology we left them to their tittie fucking and retired to the spare bedroom. I was left with a vision of black and white. My husband’s very dark body contrasted to her very light body. The thought came across me that soon I’ll be the same with Steve because I fully intended soon I would be fucking him meaning the dark of my body would be against the light of his. 
        We had left them to their fun and went to the room selected for Steve and Sharon. He turned to me as soon as we entered the room, taking me in his arms again. I was naked, my clothes left beside the pool and he was naked also so there was no undressing required. Again I felt his arms around me, a gentleness but there was strength there too. I had wondered what the sex would be with a man as fit as this. I was thinking if I would keep up to him and make him happy. Well, whatever would happen was about to happen now.
        He took me to the bed and we climbed on together. It was a bit exciting for me knowing what was about to happen. I would be playing the love-games with this man. We did not discuss how we would do this thing, it was just I laid back and he lay beside me.
       There came some for playing. Not much as we both knew not much was required by this woman or by him too. I was sexually ready for him again and it was appearing he was hard again too. I grasped to his cock, holding and stroking of it. He touched to me. First, the nipples and breasts, first with his fingers and then came the nipple sucking with the mouth. Both good, both exciting, one building on top of the other.
       His hand traced down across my stomach with the finger-tips. He found my pussy hair and them found my pussy lips. If he was checking I was wet, yes I was. He explored again but this time with the goal of exciting me more. It was working too. My cum-juices were coating me there. Yes, I was wet and ready. His fingers probed into me and I felt them enter. It was not much, not more than a few thrusts but I was responded, humping back and giving some vocal too.
        “Oh, we are horny, aren’t we,” he laughed.
        “I want you…….”
        “What?” My mind was a shock.
        “Sex is not required,” he said.
        “But I…….”
         “Got you! Got you again!” he laughed.
         I tried to hit to him but he pulled back. This man is so frustrating with his jokes!

        Then it was time for sex. He rolled on to me. Not giving me all his weight at first. There was a moment when he was lining me up. His cock finding to my pussy lips then he was pressing in. Yes, he found me and was entering into me. My pussy, she was willing to open to him and taking him into her. He was entering me and I feeling it. I could feel the feelings of this cock inside me. But I was so wet he could go in smoothly. Just a couple of little tries to get himself wet and he was in deeply into me.
         Now we started doing it. He started moving, his body moving with strongly controlled strokes, driving his cock deeply into me, pulling back almost all the way out. A couple of times he did got right out but his next forward thrust just burst back into me. It was slow and controlled using the full length of him. We were both enjoying the feeling of his cock sliding in and out through my pussy lips.
        You may be saying there was nothing new about this sex. I’m sure we had both done like this many times but it was new for us. We had never done this together. In fact, he was still new to me, not very far beyond a stranger and we were doing this. This was not the sex of love, it was sex of desire and lust.
        My arms were around him, my hands holding him. I could feel how his body was working his muscles as he worked to our enjoyment. He was a strong man and he was using it now. The muscles of his body rippled and moved under my fingers. I was interested in feeling this.
        I, myself, was enjoying the feelings developing deep in my body. I am in some ways surprised how quickly my body responded to this man. Almost from the start, I knew of an orgasm building for me. It was not if I would cum, it was when, it was just allowing it to build to the bursting point.
        He recognised my sexual excitement and responded accordingly. He pressed down onto my body so now I was taking more of his weight. I could feel him pressing me into the bed but it didn’t worry me.
        I could also feel how his movements had changed. He was speeding up now. Strong, powerful strokes, his pelvis crashing against mine, his body pounding into me as he driving his cock into me. It became all that in my mind. Yes, there was other movements and feelings but now my mind became focused on only his cock, sliding in and out, pulling and pushing through my pussy, the movement rubbing to my clitty.
        I was humping back at him as best I could but I didn’t have much movement with his weight on me. He was a lot bigger man than me. I think it was here I began to respond vocally again too.
        He was driving at me now. So fast, so strong. I’m sure I’d never experienced sex like this before. Oh yes, most men I have tried were good but here this man was so fit he could keep going with such active sex as we were having. My orgasm was approaching now. I knew of it and I knew it would be good.
        The man above me gave a gasp. His stroke rhythm broke and I came to know he was cumming. I humped back against him, taking some of the work but we were messy and out of time now. Just a few humps, him rubbing against me, against my clitty and I was over my peak too.
        My pussy, she exploded for me. Sending the bursts of enjoyment into my body. I humped under him, humped against him as my cum spent itself and then I lay still.
       He knew I was finished and withdrew from me rolling off to my side. We lay on our backs and I was with the hard breathing from my activities. But I came to know that he was hardly breathing more than normal. Usually, with sex such as this, the man, who was doing mostly the work, would be breathing hard but not this man.
       “That was good,” I breathed to him.
       His hand found and grasped mine.
       “Yeah, it was. You were good too.”
       I thought about that for a moment. How was I good, about all I did was provide a pussy for him? But I knew what he really meant. It must have been too long before I responded. Maybe I was just too relaxed from that orgasm. Suddenly his hand left mine and he slapped my thigh.
       “Hey! Don’t go to sleep on me, Sairu.”
       The slap had shaken me from my day-dreams.
       “I’m not sleeping!”
       “Yes, you were.”
       I rolled towards him, now awake and alert.
       “Was not with sleeping, Steve!” I said slapping his chest.
       He laughed, his arm wrapping around me, pulling me against him.
       “Well, don’t,” he said. “I’ve got more plans for you girl.”
       It came into my mind to tease him.
       “No,” I replied. “The sex is over.”
       “Over? No, it isn’t.”
       “Yes! Enough already!”
       “Not enough already.”
       I laughed at that. He had reacted well.
       His hand slapped me hard on my bum.
       “You’re a naughty little minx.”
       “I am not!”
       He slapped my bum again. “Yes, you are. You want this as much as I do.”
       He was right. I did want it. I had been looking for a night with him. Doing it until we can do no more. I pulled up from him and positioned myself sitting over him. My hands in front of me, against his chest, my legs each side of him. I was looking down at him while he was smiling up at me.
       My hands moved across his chest. Just a few drops of perspiration made it sexy. I could feel how firm and tight he was. On his shoulder and upper arms the muscles were tight and strong there too.
       “You have nice muscles,” I said.
       His hands came up to my chest, on to my breasts.
       “So do you.”
       “I told before, I don’t have muscles.”
       His fingers had found my nipples now.
       “Well, these are pretty good.”
       His fingers grasped to my nipples, rolling each one between a finger and thumb. It was good feelings for me and I couldn’t help to gasp at the pleasure. He continued doing, more fingers involved. It was too much for me. This girl had to shut her eyes.
       He laughed. His hand leaving my breast to slap my thigh.
       “Still horny, aren’t you?”
       My eyes opened and I looked to him.
       “How can I not be, you doing to me.”
       “Soon I’ll be doing much more than this!”
       “What ouch!”
       “You pinched my nipples!”
       “Yes, I don’t want you falling asleep.”
       I slapped his chest hard. So hard it hurt me too.
       “I told, I am not sleeping! Stop saying that!”
       “Oh we have a bit of fire too, do we?”
       “Well, you are being cheeky to me!”
       “I like a woman with spirit,” he laughed.
       I laughed too. For a moment he had me. His teasing making me mad to him but now I was getting other feelings for him, feelings of desire and sexual.
       “You want some more?” he asked.
       “I can do!”
       “Oh, you can do alright.”
       “You can do it to me now.”
       “You want me to……?
       “Yes, you on top now,” he said. “You fucking me.”
       I reached behind me and felt him.
       “You are not ready yet.”
       “I’m sure you’ll find a way to fix that,” he said. “You’re a smart girl.”
       “I’m not a girl. I’m a woman.”
       He slapped my thigh again.
       “Well, woman. Get me hard and fuck me.”
       “Ok, I will.”

         I moved down his body until I was past his cock with my legs kneeling each side of his legs. In this position, I could reach forward to him. This is what I did now, taking him with one hand. Like I informed him, he was soft and floppy.
      “How can any woman do with this?” I said. “So floppy!”
      “You can.”
      "No too floppy. To useless for this woman."
      "Cheeky minx."
      "Stop calling me that!"
      "Well behave yourself and get me hard."
      I laughed at this as I knew he was right. I reached with the other hand taking his between my palms. I rolled him between my hands and almost immediately he began to move. Sometimes for me, this is a best part, to watch a man grow. Usually, when there is love-games they are ready and hard before they are revealed so when they get to me like this it’s fun for me to make them grow.
        I felt him move between my hands. It was like his cock became alive, which is true when you think of it. He gave a little jerking and it began to lengthen. I could watch him as I continued working on him, rolling his cock between my fingers, rubbing over his exposed head. That is one place this guy is different to my husband. His cock is without the foreskin making the point always exposed.
        I could feel his shaft firming as I worked to him. Where he was flopping over the balls, he was now moved to a standing position. It had doubled in length now and was still growing. This was interesting for my observing. I enjoy that I was making him this way like my power over him; he was getting hard for me. Soon he will be presenting me with the fruit of my labour, a cock worthy of fucking.
        Now he was a hard shaft pointing upward between my hands. I was knowing he was almost ready for me now. This growing a cock is exciting for a woman too. She can see it and have the anticipations of what she will do with it. This makes her feeling sexier too as it was becoming for me.
        I made my mind there was one more thing he needed. I moved lower down his legs until I could bend to him. Bring my mouth for him. With both hands holding him hard I brought my tongue to his cock tip. I reached to touch the very end where his tiny hole is located. There is where my first touch was to be. He felt this and responded to this with a slight moan. I looked to observe his eyes were closed.
        Now I began licking around and over his cock head. I liked his shape, the pointed, expanding to its full shape before dropping to the narrow part before the thick shaft; I liked the colour of him; I liked the veins wrapping around and up his shaft; I liked feeling how hard he was. Maybe I should confine myself to saying; I liked his cock. There was a taste too, the taste of sex, a mixture of the cums we had before. I liked that too.
        I came to know Steve was ready for me. It was the time for my fucking of him. I touched myself, rubbing over my pussy a few times, pressing into myself a few times. Yes, with the mixture of my juice I had generated and his juice escaping from me, I was wet and ready too.  
       I moved up towards him, sitting with a leg each side while I grasped his cock with both hands. I lowered my pussy down on to him. It felt good when the head of his cock pressed against me. Felt even better with my lips parted allowing me to sink on to him. It was even better to press down so he drove into me, going in deeply and filling me with his cock.
         Sitting like this a girl has full control of the man. It is her actions, the movement of her hips that is driving the sex. Her thrusting back drives his cock into herself so she can judge how much she wants to take. I like going in deep and taking him all. It is best that way for me. A woman is more exposed like this too. Against the man in normal sex, her body is close and against him but not seen. Sitting upward her body is all seen, allowing him to enjoy viewing her body at work, even touching too. But then there is the added attraction with her body moving causing her breasts to moving as well. Now when he reaches for her breasts, which mostly men will, this become sexier for her, feeling her breasts and nipples being played with like that.
        This is all how it became with us. While I was sitting upright fucking we were both getting the most enjoyment from it. He was laid back his hands to my breasts but later as his enjoyment was building his hands was to my thighs. Later as we fucked, looking to each other, his hands had moved to my hips like he was ready to hold me. This sex was exciting sex for me and soon I knew I would cum again. I could control my pussy, driving it in so my clitty was making contact.
         Quickly I made my orgasm. It was good. I can’t remember what I did with fucking him. Probably messing it up with lost rhythm until I stopped.
         “Sairu! Look what you’ve done now!” he said.
         “Done….. what?”
         I was still with effects of orgasm, my brain still slow for working.
         “You cum so fast. Didn’t wait for me. Did you?”
         “You were too slow,” I replied.
         “No, I wasn’t.”
         I now realised I’d cum and he had missed for the boat.
         “Ok, Mr Slow Old Man."
         "I'm not that old," he responded.
         I laughed. "Got you!"
         He smiled.
         "So, how do you want to finish?” I asked.
         “Roll on your side.”
         I rolled towards him.
         “Not that way silly girl. The other way. I want you from behind.”
         I suddenly realised what he wanted he must have thought this girl is so dumb. Then I thought, ‘but he had called me silly!’
         “Steve I am not silly,” I said pushing him back onto his back.
         He pressed up against me. I struggled against him to hold him down but he was too strong. I felt the full power of his body against mine. Pushing at me, pressing me back. I found myself on my back, pressed against the bed as he came down on top of me. He head came down to kiss me but I turned aside. He laughed at that.
        “Oh, we have another fighter do we?”
        “I’m not fighting!”
        “Ok then. Kiss and make-up.”
        “No! It is not required.”
        “Yes! It is required.”
        His hand grabbed the top of my head, turned me and his kiss landed smack on my lips.
        I felt him press between my legs making them open. There was a press against my pussy and I felt him enter me again. I was still wet and open so he went all the way in with one big thrust. It was suddenly filling to me. I gasped at surprise.
         “Oh you like that, do you.”
         “Well try this!”
         His second thrust pounded into me.
         I gasped again.
         “You horny little minx.”
         “I’m not a……..”
         His next thrust caught my breath.
         “Yes, you are……. Like your cunt…… full of cock,” he gasped as he fucked me.
         “Ohhhh.” I moaned.
         It was hard and rough fucking. He didn’t hold anything back. The full strength of his powerful body was used against me. And I loved it too. Such hard fucking you know should be bad and hurting but not like that. It was good.
         He was talking roughly to me. Calling me horny, calling me dirty. Some words I didn't even know the meaning but it was sexy. His vocal was exciting to me. I did not know I could feel like that with a man talking badly to me.
         So quickly it built sexually. So quickly I was going to cum. I could feel her building, with the excitement into my body when suddenly he stopped. Pull right out of me.
         “Hey! Steve!”
         “Don’t you do that!”
         “I can’t……”
         “It’s my turn first.”
         I’d agree to anything to get his cock back into me. With a big thrust, he was back, soon going into me, more aggressive than ever. It was soon building for me again and came on fast too. I gasped as my cum hit me. Another big strong one as all the time he continued.
        As I recovered he gave two big humps at me and cum himself. His cock I could feel jerking as more cum was pumping into me.
        We fell apart and again I was breathless but this time so was he.
        “Ha! Ha! I beat you,” I laughed at him.
        “You did but won’t next time.”
        “Will there be a next time.”
        “Sure there will, later.”    



  1. Hi everyone Wayne here,
    Janet has just left, taking the choppers into town to fly her family back here. They are over from New Zealand. First time they are visiting us here. Are they in for a surprise! Farming here is not like in NZ. When she left, I jumped online and found your post, Shandra. We all know how Janet likes to comment first, well to quote from your story above 'Ha! Ha! Beat you!'

    It's a good story. Those scenes on the poolside were good. That part where Kalki makes Steve hard again was the best. From floppy to hard, LOL I like that. Good one Shandra. You chicks like doing that don't you? I laughed at the fun between them too. Lots of smart one liners.

    Now Rochelle I found your new section on your page. (Free advertising for you here.) I remember that game where NZ snatched the cup from France in the last moments. Sneaky New Zealanders. LOL I also hear you are now working for Anne. Just remember what to do if a cow lifts her tail! LOL
    Wayne (without Janet)

  2. Good story Shandra.
    Like Wayne said above, I like the interaction between these two. They had fun and enjoyed each other. I can imagine you girls would be fun too.
    I keep coming back to this blog to enjoy stories such as this. Hopefully you will continue writing.

  3. Hello all
    What another great story Shandra, as has been said before it must be difficult writing sex scenes and making them interesting but you all seem to be able to do it time and again. I don't remember any other story that has included a bit on getting the guy hard again, so great work in finding another gem to explore. I agree with Wayne and Andrew about the interaction and the one liners, you have all been using this for a while and the banter is getting better as it develops
    Wayne - you really shouldnt take advantage of your poor, sweet darling wife like this. She is out there in a big and dangerous world and you are mocking her...bloody well done mate, I just wish I was able to see her reaction when she finds out HAHAHA

  4. Oh now you are ganging up on me! First my sneaky husband going online the moment we leave in the helicopters, and now you too Ian. So you both can think you have your little victory but I don't care. You have to have a fight before you have a victory. Ha. Ha. (But wait until next time! I have you beaten already!)

    Now I am going to confine myself to making comments of appreciation of this story above. (Not like some people)
    Like both Wayne and Ian mentioned above one of the best parts was making Steve hard again. I maybe be wrong but I seem to remember that this has been seen in Letters before. Us girls don't have cocks while you guys get to play with them 'all the time'. As was said in the story more often they are hard before we get our hands on them. To watch one grow from floppy (LOL I like that word) is a rather neat thing don't you think?
    Steve seems to have been getting the better of Sairu with the jokes and teasing but then he's had a lot more practice, but by the end she was doing OK too. I love that ended, "Ha! Ha! I beat you!" That was good Shandra.
    Try putting these two stories together, reading them one after the other. You'll see how they link. Short lines like "enough already" "is not required" help to tell us it was the same girl in both stories.

    Just a final word to my dear husband. It was Sairu in this story not Kalki as you said in your 'smart arse' comment. LOL
    Bye from Janet.

  5. Play nicely Janet. Please don't scratch the boys!
    Thanks for your comments so far. Shandra put a lot of work into this so it's good to see people enjoying her work.
    I usually read a story before it gets published but this time I was too busy. Susan & Reshma checked it. Good story Shandra. You have done another good job of this. The sex scenes are well built but I also liked the grammar too. Its rough and incorrect, much as you would expect from someone like Sairu. Plenty of little funny bits in their conversations too.
    Janet you were right. Shandra used the growing cock idea once before in Letter 38 Part B where Lizamoa did it to Mike. It is also somewhere else too but I can't remember at the moment. And Janet you got the girl's name right too. LOL

  6. Everyone, what you are looking for is Letter 47 Part B. Another story by my sister, Shandra. Yes its another cock growing scene. Are there any others you are hiding from us? Are we seeing a pattern here, Shandra? Do you have a little fantasy about making guy's cocks hard with you hand? Seems like it. Something we have all overlooked until now.
    But keep in mind these two earlier scenes were nothing compared to this one above. Just a sentence or two really. Like Ian said you really explored it this time, built a really sexy scene. But I'm not sure the word 'floppy' was the best choice. How many of you men would like me saying 'you have a floppy cock?' LOL

    Great story sis. Reshma

  7. You can call mine floppy anytime you like Reshma, as long as I get what Steve got in this story.
    Better still maybe I should get Shandra to do it she seems to have a thing about getting guys hard. Judging by what she wrote above she seems to be perfecting her techniques now.
    LOL Paul

  8. Trust you Paul. Here we are enjoying a good discussion on Shandra's story when you lower the tone of the conversation.

  9. Lower Anne? From here Paul seems to be raising the bar

  10. What? Are you siding with that trouble maker? I thought you were one of the good guys Ian.
    Awesome Anne

  11. Hey don't pick on Ian, Aweful Anne. He is talking great sense here. He is a good guy, on my side. LOL.

  12. Thanks for another great story Shandra. I followed the advice above and read both parts at once. Yes they are both good.
    Oh where is Shandra? Everyone is commenting on her story and no reply from her.

  13. I think they are all hay making today.

  14. We have just arrived back at the house. Yes Julie is right we were hay making and doing some other jobs before the holidays. Tomorrow we have another 50 rolls to make then we will be finished for the first hay making of this season.
    Shandra I know I can tell you to your face but I want to be recorded here as saying I also enjoyed your story.

  15. Where do I start. Been some good comments in this Comment Stream. I could reply to almost all of them, they would all deserve a reply but I've decided just to make a general comment down here at the bottom.
    Thanks all of you. I'm pleased that you've thought enough of my work. I also see that you've worked out how this story fits with others in this blog. I wanted good sex here since there had been a good build up of anticipation in my first part. I know Steve likes to have fun with and tease the girls he is with. I also saw the potential for Sairu to come out a bit and join his fun. I enjoyed writing all those little conversations that I believe holds this story together.
    Now do I have a fetish for stroking men's cock hard again? I'll leave you to work that out. I have no comment on the subject.

  16. Hi I like this story Shandra.
    I laughed at the punchy conversations. You put them in all through the story. You could see she was struggling with him, at one point calling him frustrating (I know the feeling honey) but I think by the end she was holding her own.
    Then there were the sex scenes. Good, well laid out, I thought. The one where she brought him from floppy to hard. That was new. That word 'floppy', I loved it but didn't go down well with the men here. It seems they don't like their cocks being referred to as floppy. I don't know why, it describes them well, flopping over they balls like they do.
    Yes, as has been said above, this idea has been used by Shandra before and by Rajah in Story 74, which Shandra admitted last night she had a hand in. But here it almost became a separated scene of its own, very well described in great detail.
    I understand later this morning Asami will be publishing the third part. Looking forward to this. Yes, I saw Shandra and Anne going over it last night but I didn't bother to look. I'll read it when the rest of you do, online.

  17. Good story girl. All three parts go well together and read well. looking forward to when Moa reads it.
    I've enjoyed this comment stream too.
    One of the best parts of our blog now.
    Sexy Sue

  18. Kia ora, Shandra,
    I look upon your work on this page with admiration and great favour. To my eyes it is one of the better stories. Even better when in your mind, you attach part one as well.
    So why should I say this? First the story flows easily through the various scenes, not getting side-tracked or held up. Secondly you made its flow more enjoyable with those little humorous conversations between. It turned into a sort of game between then, beginning when she was shocked by his squeezing her nipple until in the end she proudly says 'Ha! Ha! I beat you.' Well done Shandra.
    The sex scenes were good strong scenes with detail so was could imagine what was happening. As has been mentioned above I must also mention the growing of the floppy cock. I laughed when I saw that. Really how could you say that? You only pulled it off because it was in a story. Again well done Girl.
    I do wonder at the use of the terms, white and black. I know you were bringing out the contrast between his light European body and her dark Indian body. I just wonder if this could cause someone offence. Perhaps 'light' and 'dark' might have been better than 'white' and 'black.' But in each case the terms are not used in a negative way so maybe it doesn't matter. I really only want to make all you writers aware of this.
    So let me sign off now. You have my few corrections.
    From Moa - Ka kite.
