Friday 3 March 2017

Story 194 Part Five Background.

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                                                                                        Written by Mary.
          Yes, I know, I wrote this story, I am Mary the new writer. They helped me out with the extra writing of backgrounds so I could concentrate on getting the story sections ready. I thought I better at least do one of these. Allan was supposed to be doing this one.   
        This was a big project for me but I enjoyed it. I’m very pleased with the results and seeing more and more of my work appearing online. I think one of the hardest parts was trying to fit in with the existing stories regarding characters and places etc. Other new writers have had the same problem because in many ways there is a ‘world’ that has grown up around these stories. But I did have Susan and Anne to advise and help me. What those two don’t know about this the main Letters storyline, just isn’t worth knowing.
        When I began planning this story it soon became clear it was going to be a number of four or five short stories joined together. I asked if I could keep them as shorter stories and they said I could do as I wanted. In the end, it became five stories of which this is the last. I did consider another about Betty and Tom at the big nude day but this seemed very similar to the true story Ronnie and I are writing so I decided to end here.

        Now, this blog is a collection of naughty, sexy stories and so we really needed some sexual adventures in my stories too. At first, I intended having only a couple but then after talking with Susan, we decided on a scene for each story. This added a lot of extra work because as has been said before, good sex scenes are not easy to write but I hope you'll agree, the end result has been worth it.  

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 194 Part Five.

1 comment:

  1. Well worth it Mary. Rosemary and I have enjoyed being taken on a journey to India.
