Wednesday 15 March 2017

Story 195 Katrina gets Married – Part One.

Amita here.   
        This is the big one – the climax of this volume. It will not be a very sexy story but certainly important to the main storyline of Letters so we’ve decided to include it. (But be warned, something sexy might manage to sneak in.) So for any of you who are just looking for sexy stories, just read “Katrina and David got married,” and move on. For the rest of you, I hope you enjoy this story or should I say series of stories. Yes stories, while this story will mainly to be told by Shanti since she couldn't be everywhere at once, others took parts too. It’s been divided into a series of short sub-sections as listed just below.

Katrina Gets Married – Part One.
      A)      The Plans have been changed.   (By Shanti.)

      B)      A New Garden Feature.    (By Brian.)

Katrina Gets Married – Part Two.
      C)      Meeting David’s Family.    (By Mike & Amita.)

      D)      Katrina Returns to her Home Town.   (By Steve & Lizamoa.)   

Katrina Gets Married – Part Three.
      E)      Breakfast in the Game Reserve.     (Mootie)

      F)     Wedding at the Club.      (Sarvesh & Katrina)

      G)      Lunch at Warehouse Two.    (Jeevan)

      H)       Dinner at the Big House.     (Sarvesh)

      I)       David and Katrina leave for their honeymoon.   (David & Katrina)

Sub-Story A     The Plans Have Been Changed.       
Hi From Shanti.
       The third day after we had arrived in India, Sarvesh called us all for lunch at the big house. There was also an extra comment that bathing dress was to be very extremely modest. (By that I wore a modest one-piece with shorts and T-shirt over the top. Others did much the same.)

       We all arrived just before lunch and were shown into one of the reception rooms. The place was buzzing. Staff were busy everywhere. While we were waiting to be called for lunch, waitresses were serving drinks and snacks.
       It surprised me to see some people I didn’t know from India and I also recognised the House Manager had joined us too. It was then that I noticed Katrina and David weren’t there and men from the company Sarvesh, Jeevan, Steve and Donald were missing too. I wondered what was going on and wanted to know more.
       Being a bit curious, I went over to talk with the House Manager. He recognised me as I’ve seen him a few times and that crocodile stunt still held fame for me in this town and this house. It's because of that large photograph in the formal reception room. He was a bit reluctant to speak much but with a bit of pushing I soon found out what was going on. It seemed Sarvesh was calling a pre-wedding meeting to ensure everything got done.
       All the time we were talking he was watching the staff. He did say many of them were employed for only a few days. As soon as it was polite he rushed off to some last minute arrangements or more likely to escape from me. Ha! Ha!
       The guys from the office arrived then and I noticed David and Katrina were with them too. It was then that we were all called for lunch. It was being held under a large tent out beside the pool. Set seats, a waiter/waitress for every few people, the whole works, they were going all out for this one. The meal that followed was delicious. All the time there was a waiter almost at my side whenever I turned. He was a hot one too. Nice tight butt. I could have done more with him if I’d got him alone. (Sorry got distracted a bit.)

       Across the table from Mike and I were an Indian couple a bit older than us. Something about them caught my eye. They seemed a bit uncomfortable, almost out of place here. I introduced myself, well someone had to, then got into an interesting conversation with them. It turned out they were Katrina’s parents. I thought it was kind of amusing that they were sitting opposite talking to the man who had pussy popped their dear daughter, whom I suspect they still thought the blushing virgin bride.
       Of course, soon that damn crocodile came up again and the story was related in great detail by Mootie, how bravely I hunted it through the thick jungle until I caught it and killed it. It seems the story has gained a lot from the last time I heard it, almost as if he was involved in the hunting adventure too. But then, he told it well, in a very entertaining way. Katrina’s parents listened with great attention, from time to time glancing in my direction as the story continued. He finished by pulling a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it across to Katrina’s father. Yes, you've guessed it. The photograph of me, sitting on the crocodile, Lizamoa and Joseph each side of me.
       After the meal, the large table was quickly dismantled and taken away. Seats and small tables set up, arranged so we were all sitting facing a small speaking platform in front. In this case, people could sit where they wanted. Since I was getting on well with Katrina’s parents, Mike and I sat at a table with them. A younger man joined us whom I was soon to discover was Katrina’s older brother. His wife was with him too.
       Just before this meeting, I learnt that things had been changed since now her parents had moved to this town, having been given a contract by Jeevan to build Warehouse Three, whatever that is. You better watch it Sarvesh. Haven’t you heard the Bible story about the rich man who built a big warehouse for all his goods? You’re going to get zapped mate if you don’t watch it. Ha! Ha!
       It seems they would be here for nearly a year until the job was completed. He told us construction was underway and steel erection was to begin immediately after the wedding.
       Oh! A steel erection! What a distracting thought that is? I wonder if the dishy young waiter has a steel erection. Opps, chasing rabbits again, aren't I? LOL Sorry.

       Now the meeting started. Sarvesh and Katrina’s father was at the front together but I notice he left most of the talking to Sarvesh. I’m going to give you a summary now as it will help put all the various stories together below.    
       Sarvesh explained what I had just discovered that the wedding had been moved to this town. He then went on to explain the details. It seems that everyone present would have some part to play in making this the big success we all wanted.

        First Katrina was going to leave the following day, taking the train to her hometown. Her mother and brother would be going with her. To our surprise, he announced that Lizamoa would also be going, to help prepare her for her big day. I must admit, I thought that was a good idea.
        Then Sarvesh announced that Peter and Steve would be going with them too. He explained that on the big day, the bride would be travelling here on a special Wedding Train. Peter and Steve were going to oversee all preparations for this train. It seems, Katrina’s brother would be involved in this too. Both Steve and Peter seemed happy with it. I wondered if they already knew. I also wondered why those two guys were needed to prepare this train. Trains are trains, I thought. You just hop on them and go, what's to prepare? Sounded like a cruisey one to me!
         Next Mike and Amita were given the job of travelling to Kadapa to meet David’s family. There would be two vans and drivers with them too. They were to bring them back here and set them up in the guest house. David would move there with them. It seems it was going to be an overnight trip too. Mike and Amita together! I looked over and she was smiling. Looking like the cat that had got the cream if you ask me. Oh well, best of luck to them. Hope they get a chance for some good shagging.

        I was given a surprise task. They wanted a book, like a story/album of the whole wedding. This book was going to be illustrated with photographs and presented to the married couple later. I was supposed to make notes, take photographs and collect photos from others, basically, do whatever it took to make this book idea work. I also knew this was a good excuse to work on another copy, maybe with a few extra bits, to be placed in the Letters Books, the one which you are reading now. So under the cover story of this special album, I could record for us too.
        Well done Sarvesh. How on earth did a guy like you think of an idea like that? I wondered if I should ask for the dishy waiter as my assistant. He could carry my camera, writing pad and perform other duties as required.

        With that distracting thought, I almost missed the next bit. Something about Joseph and Mootie being given the role of preparing breakfast in the Game Reserve for the groom and selected guests. I learnt that the bride's party would have a special breakfast on the train. There would then be time for a short tour to Shanti’s Hideaway too. He mentioned I needed to be on that tour. Here we go again! I wondered if he was going to need me to strip off and sit on the damned crocodile again.
         Sarvesh was going to arrange the wedding at the club. We all knew he was the best choice for this since he was a part owner. It was going to take place in the morning out in the garden before it got too hot.
         Katrina’s father would be taking care of the reception in the warehouse. He would also be hosting this event with Jeevan and others helping him. This was Jeevan’s 'little empire' so it was fitting he should be involved. The reception would be lunch and speeches etc.
         After that would come a smaller formal dinner and party which Amita and the House Manager would be taking care of that evening at the Big House.

         Now everyone else would either have a task assigned to them or would be able to help wherever they felt they could. Brian, of course, was involved in that project going on outside in front of the house. At this point, it looked a total mess, a mud puddle and I hoped he would get it finished in time.

         Finally, Sarvesh said something that I thought was rather strange. He said in each venue there were staff and workers who would be looking to us for leadership. In India things are different. To be doing labour work would be seen with less respect. Our roles were to ensure everything got done right. There were a few surprised faces among the New Zealand and Australian visitors. But I know later Amita and Sarvesh talked with them.

        After the meeting, I was talking with Katrina. She told me Jeevan, Steve, David and Sarvesh had been at work. They were trying to get all shipments within the whole company finalised before the wedding so the warehouse would be empty. I later heard it was the first time containers had been shipped from all three countries by people sitting in the same room. It will most likely never happen in that company again.

         Now many of the other guests were leaving so we took the chance for a swim. It was funny wearing my swimsuit with shorts and a T-shirt over the top but there were other people around as well as many staff too. It was the only way we could take a swim. Even though I noticed some of them were glancing at me.
        There was not long before our bus was waiting to take us on a tour of the Game Reserve, then on to dinner and evening at the club. While we went off for the afternoon, Mike and Amita stayed back at the house preparing to leave on their trip to the airport.

Sub-Story B  Garden Fountain.
Hi, Shanti again.
        I mentioned above that a certain landscaping project was underway on that little island garden in front of Sarvesh’s house. On the day of our meeting, it was a mess and I was wondering if they would get it finished.
       Maybe I should have offered the assistance of myself and that hot young waiter! LOL. It would be fun getting down and dirty with him!

Hi from Brian.
         (No Shanti! If you got together with that poor fellow you're lusting over, nothing would get done in the garden.)

         Shanti - I was not lusting! Just admiring with sexual overtones.

         Now, Sarvesh and I had discussed having a new garden feature on that little traffic island in front of his house where people get dropped off to walk up to the front door. It had a small tree surrounded by a garden that I placed there when I was Head Gardener but over time the tree had grown too big and needed replacing. When he asked me about another tree, I suggested he go for a water feature instead.
        Soon the idea took off. His gardeners got involved, of course, and I contacted my old plant/landscaping shop to help. The outcome was, I agreed to do it, having it looking nice for the wedding. As I only had a week, I needed to get it done in a hurry with all the help I could get.
        The morning after we arrived in India, I took a taxi to my old shop. They were ready for me with most of the materials I had ordered. One of the owners was going to help as this was going to be a sample, a showpiece, of what they could do. He had also hired a couple of men as labours. With the help of the gardeners, I thought I now had a good team. They also loaned me a small truck to use as well and run about in. That was good, I was considering transport would have been a problem.
       By the time I reached Sarvesh’s house the tree was down and was being cut up. All the other plants had been removed too. Yes, progress was being made now. I’d brought a stump grinder with me and as we dug out the roots we ground the stump out too. By the end of the day, there was a dirty hole where the tree had been.
       All this time the house just continued as normal but certainly many staff took notice of what was going on outside. Some older ones came out and met me as I used to work here as their Head Gardener at one time. It was actually me who designed and laid out most of the grounds around this house for Sarvesh.

       Next day we finished the digging. I would have hired a small digger in New Zealand but here it was all done with hand labour. Mid-morning a truck arrived with the rocks. It partly blocked one side of the driveway but this could not be helped. That morning we did the boxing for the base of the wall and laid the concrete. Meanwhile, the shape of the pool with its central island was taking shape.
        I had to attend a lunch and meeting in the house then go on to some other functions during the afternoon and evening. They got all the earthwork completed that afternoon.

        On Day Three it was all hands on building the wall. All of the garden staff helped and some more from the shop too. I showed them how to build the wall fitting each rock into place like a puzzle. It wasn’t going so well and I became worried we might be slipping behind schedule.
       Suddenly a taxi arrived and Sharon and Jenny got out. It surprised me they were dressed in old almost working style clothing. Moments later Joseph and Shanti came out of the house.
       “We’ve come to help,” Shanti told me in a voice that meant, ‘I’m not taking no for an answer.’
       So much to the surprise of those working with me, they got stuck in to help. Actually, I think they were more surprised at the girls helping. Even more when Shanti seemed to take over the project. Soon we were bringing in rocks while others led by Shanti were building the walls. They were working quickly and it was going together fast. Sharon and Shanti did most of the rock work, building the walls like giant puzzles, with Joseph and Jenny were selecting rocks for them. It was also hot work and soon we had our shirts off which is something even men usually don't do in India. Then suddenly, Shanti stood up and stretched. Before I could stop her, she had her shirt off too, wearing just a bikini top underneath. Soon Jenny and Sharon had followed her. Well if three girls helping build a rock wall wasn’t enough to attract attention, three girls building a wall in bikini tops certainly was. I notice many watching from windows in the house.
       We hadn’t been going again for too long when I heard the big gate rumbling open. One of the house cars came in, the door opened and Sarvesh got out. He didn’t seem surprised so I think he might have been told what was happening.
       “Shanti! My dear Shanti!,” he laughed. “I thought we agreed you are not to be shocking my household staff.”
      “Sarvesh, they needed a hand. We know what to do.”
      “Yes, of course,” he nodded. “But what are you wearing?”
      “No Sarvesh. The issue is, what I’m not wearing?”
      “Exactly,” Sarvesh replied.
      “Well, you want this job done. I’m going to be comfortable doing it.”
      I think those from India present were surprised Shanti spoke to him like that. But we all know Shanti. She won’t back down from a fight and Sarvesh was smart enough to know that it wasn’t a fight he wanted at that time.
      “Well, thank you for your help everyone," he said avoiding the issue. "It’s looking great.”
      “It will be a feature when it’s done, Sarvesh,” Shanti replied.
      "Yes it will," he agreed.
      Then just as he turned to walk away, Sarvesh added, “Shanti, please don’t be letting it end like happened in Joseph’s garden.”
      Yes, we all knew that story how building a rock wall had turned into a mud orgy. Those from the Letters Teams started to laugh. Others wondered what the joke was but we’d never tell them. (Letter/Story 73 - Mud, Rain and Sex.)
      "Of course it won't Sarvesh. Unless you want to help?"
      "No! No, Shanti!" hold up his hands. "Not today."

       We plastered the inside with concrete to hold the wall in place then we began shaping the pool. This left a small circle between the outside wall and the pool that would become a small flower garden.
       We formed the island and built the rock pedestal for the statue. These rocks were concreted in as we went as they would be supporting the statue. During the afternoon the entire pool was concreted on its bottom and sides.
       After lunch, again I heard the big gate opening and looked up to see two vans pulling up the driveway. Amita was driving the first one and Mike was beside her. She pulled to a stop beside where I was selecting rocks to pass to those in the hole. I went over to the van, to talk with her. She introduced me to those of David’s family in the back. I noticed Amita was also checking out me out without my shirt on so I invited her to join us. She politely declined but I noticed that subtle lick of her lips. Naughty girl! Getting horny over a man doing some landscaping work, are you?      
       Mike asked from the other side, "Is my wife behaving herself?"
       "No," I replied grinning. "She's already been told off by Sarvesh, for what she is wearing."
       "I'm not surprised," he laughed before Amita pulled away, driving around to the guest house.   

       I took Day Four off as I wanted all the concrete to harden. During that day the garden staff gently filled the garden section with fine topsoil. It was starting to look good now. I went on a tour with all our friends.

       Day Five was another big one when we had a statue/fountain brought in and assembled on its pedestal. Shanti and Mike were helping for a while too. They spend much of the morning pulling up a section of cobblestones in the driveway to get power and water supply to the water feature. That evening we finished everything and connected the power and water ready to fill and test. The flowers were planted that day too.
       To my surprise, David’s father and brothers from Australia, who had just arrived two days before, came out and were helping too. This surprised many as these men were supposed to be special guests in the house here but since they were ready, I put them to work. David's older brother was a builder and had knowledge of plumbing and electrical work. He was a great help. David's father, helped by the younger brother, did a great job of replacing the cobblestones we had pulled up. He used a rubber hammer to fit them all back tightly into place. Not the first time he has done cobblestoning it appears. (Thanks, guys)

       Day Six (one day before the wedding) we filled the pool and turned on the fountain. The lady standing with a pot above her head was pouring water down over herself and her two friends, one sitting and one reclining. The girl standing was dark while the other two girls were lighter, one white and one brown. It was supposed to be an Indian, an Australian and a New Zealander. I’m sure you guys have worked out the meaning behind this.
       It looks great! A real feature point of this beautiful house now.

Shanti here.
       Sarvesh called it “Ladies of Letters,’ a name obvious to us but has caused a lot of interest with others. When asked he has never explained the true meaning behind the statues. I think the Indian girl standing reminds me of Hansini, while the white girl reclining looks very much like Joyce. The girl sitting has an uncanny resemblance to me. I asked Sarvesh and he laughed it off, saying I was just imagining it.
      Others, even Amita agree with me too.
      “So there Sarvesh!” I said.
      And again he laughed saying, “Ah, dear Shanti. Making mountains where there are none, again, I see.”
      “Frustrating guy!” I said. “I don’t know how you put up with him, Amita.”
      So Sarvesh, if this has nothing to do with us, why did you put the name ‘Ladies of Letters’ on the base of the statue?

Sarvesh here,
        Why frustrating? What about you, Shanti. Out in front of my house….. Building a rock wall…… Getting totally muddy...... and half-naked, wearing just a tiny bikini. Most unsettling for my staff! They will be talking about it for months.
       I’ve said this so many times. ‘Shanti, what am I going to do with you?’

Shanti - Just to keep the record straight. I wasn’t just wearing a tiny bikini. I kept my tight, arse hugging shorts on!

Sarvesh – Oh, your arse hugging shorts. What a delightful thought, Shanti!

Shanti - Men!


  1. Hi everyone.
    I was pleased to see this story as it has the section my husband Brian and I wrote. I was expecting this to appear in the second section but it got moved during late, last minute changes. Anyway, it all looks good. I like what you guys did with it adding in those conversations like you did.
    I also enjoyed your section Anne. Shanti getting "distracted" by that young waiter with the tight butt. Very good. That added a bit of humour too. I also enjoyed seeing more of Shanti too. She has tended to take a back seat recently. I like her style. The strength you put into her personality. I also like how Sarvesh wisely backed away from a fight with her. That brought out the another side of him too, being able to pick the fights he wanted to win.
    Looking forward to section Two now. That is looking good too. Even got a good sexy scene too I hear.

  2. Now this is something a bit different Anne and Julie.
    I've enjoyed having an insight into the final process of putting this story together. How those little details, amusing conversation etc, were added that makes stories like these become more real. I had already heard this story being read out by Anne at the meeting then I was able to watch Susan publishing it.

    While we were here in New Zealand. I also enjoyed a writers meeting. This time the section on the nude weekend were being discussed. Various ideas were thrown around until Anne began to shape an outline on the pad she was holding. Once some of the basic stories were identified the business of assigning writers followed. Writer's names were added to her outline. It was an interesting process.
    Now we came to the super detail where the opening story was laid down. This was Susan's so she took over Anne's pad. Some ideas were suggested and leading characters discussed. It is obvious that Sarvesh would play a major role in this opening story.
    During the next couple of hours other stories were discussed with the assigned writer taking notes. I could see what is shaping up to be a great volume evolving before us. I can't believe that this meeting had taken over three hours and only finished because it was time for some of us to leave for milking. Now we are looking forward to reading the finished result.

  3. Hi guys,
    Anne & Julie, I enjoyed your story. It was fun and achieved by setting things for the stories that will follow. Anne I also enjoyed those bits where Shanti gets distracted by the waiter with the tight butt. That made me laugh. It is so typical you too. Reminded me of you and Janet commenting about the guy at the hot pools the other day. His butt was noticed and mentioned too.
    Good story Julie and Brian. Very technical concerning the building of the rock feature but interesting how you worked in some sexual and humour too. Well done.
    In the next letter there will be parts by my sister Shandra, Susan and myself.

  4. Paul are you telling like I'm a dog on heat?

  5. No worse than that Anne. Two women on heat. On the hunt for some poor man.

  6. Don't you drag me into this you cheeky boy! I had nothing to do with it. Anyway, why are you blaming Anne? It was Shanti in the story lusting over the 'dishy' waiter with the tight butt.

  7. Come on Susan. Don't play innocent with me. Everyone knows you are as bad as Anne.

  8. Hello all, it looks as if this is going to be one of your best, you have started building the story very well. I was a bit confused with the amount of detail in the garden section but reading it for a second time it really does make sense and gives a great platform for naughty Shanti (Shandra, Anne, Susan) to show off.
    Now Paul, you are a very brave man and it looks as if you have got off lightly. I'm obviously not going to agree with anything you have said because we all know neither Anne or Susan would lustrous after a 'tight butt'. And for the record no one heard me laughing...

    1. Brave, Ian? You call Paul brave going up against those three!
      No way mate. Maybe crazy, dazed by too much sex or a passion to live on the edge might describe it better.
      Allan snr

    2. No Dad, Ian is right.
      Paul is brave. Got to be admired and from what we all saw last night, it paid off too.

    3. We had you confused Ian. Just shows we were doing something right.
      The idea of this story might not entirely make sense now but it becomes a very sexual centre piece for a story further out when Sarvesh's son, Steven, now grown up, has a wild time with Shanti's daughter under the water. Ok, everyone, including the writers, now you know why I pushed so hard to get this written. Even Julie didn't know that.
      I needed this feature, could have just said its always been there but then we would have missed that interesting conversation between Sarvesh and Shanti.
      Best line, "Its not what I'm wearing, it's what I'm not wearing!"

      Now tight butts. You guys check out a girl's butt. Mines been checked out many times in my arse hugging jeans. So what shouldn't us girls check out male butt? Like for example your butt Ian. Come on! Don't be shy. Pull them down and let's have a look. LOL
      Awesome Anne.

    4. My butt Anne? The only tight thing I have is the cork in that bottle of well matured vintage Shiraz!

    5. You might wish to try screw caps Ian.
      As for butt showing, maybe Anne should lead by example.
      Allan snr.

  9. Oh I'm surprised you want to see my butt Allan. Didn't you see enough of it Saturday night? Rather closely as I remember it.
    Oh, I checked out your butt too. Looks good but getting a bit much curve on that tummy again. I've told Kim to get you to the gym more. Ha Ha.

  10. So that explains a lot Anne. Now I know why you were so detailed with that water fountain. Has that story been written all ready?

  11. Anne! You have much to answer for
    5am wakeup. Hauled off to the gym. And it's all your fault!
    Allan snr

  12. So Anne, are you saying that this water feature is in one of those secret stories no one knows about?

  13. They are not that secret, James you know about them. There's even a list of them on the third index page.

  14. Not a secret? I scanned down that list on the third index and nowhere is there a story about Kathy and Steven shagging under the water fountain.

  15. Poor Anne, getting it from all sides...Allan, James, Julie and Reshma, or was that Saturday night?

  16. Poor Anne. After what they pulled at the party. Giving the boys beer spiked with salt. Bombing the guests with water balloons. Susan's wild sex show with Anne's brother. Do I need to mention taking Allan snr and my cars and hiding them.
    No Ian the last thing those girls deserve is pity. I thought they were mellowing in their old age but it seems they are still as wild as ever.

  17. Simon, are you involving me in this too?
    And what is this old age. We are not old! Still as wild and sexy as ever.

  18. Simon, that wasn't sympathy or pity it was meant to be patronising sarcasm but it never comes out very well in type LOL
    Hopefully you car seats were clean this time

  19. Yes they were Ian but took us half the day to discover the cars with hay stacked in front. Then I had to bribe Ayaka to get them out. Very costly exercise.

    1. Simon that was not a bribe. It's a business expenditure. LOL

  20. It maybe a business expenditure under your creative accounting Anne but not in my budget. Since when have I been buying your staff work toys?

  21. Look Simon, Ayaka needs a new laptop and Kim refused the request. It just seems to me Ayaka found a very creative way of getting it.
    LOL Anne

  22. Sorry to shatter your delusions Anne but I feel something important needs to be pointed out here.
    We are not talking about creativity, far from it. Its actually corruption caused by hanging around with you three too much.
    Allan snr

  23. Another brave man, Allan snr! Or is it "crazy, dazed by too much sex or a passion to live on the edge"...either way I admire your balls LOL

  24. Oh I love these comment streams, how that can suddenly start at an time and go in any direction. Often they have nothing to do with the story above. LOL
    I like how the men get on to Anne too. They just get her going and tease her. Of course, she can't resist answering back that just makes it worse. The parties are like this too. Always on to Anne, Susan and Shandra. And they fight back too. Makes for a lot of fun.
    But notice only those three get into trouble. LOL Not the rest of us. No one has mentioned that it was me who parked Anne's father's car in there. Or Ayaka & Asami who stacked the hay bales there. Actually Susan and Anne weren't even there. They were busy keeping the four mens' full attention as we sneaked the four cars away. And how did we get the keys too.
    Well we got them good that time. Took them so long to find the cars. It was only Asami had left a wheel mark in the dirt when she parked Bills rental. Dad (Allan snr) saw that and looked closer in the hay shed. Discovered what looked like a car behind the hay. of course he couldn't move the bales because 'no one' could find the big tractors that somehow had found their way over to Shandra's house. LOL

    1. Little sister, you've told them everything. LOL

      Well we got you four good this time didn't we. You had no idea where those four cars went. And we got them away right under your nose too. Well done everyone.

      Now you men, I told you that we'd banned you from the party. But no, you had to come. So it's entirely your fault. How can we be hold responsible for what happens when four gate-crashers arrive?

      And Simon, stop going on about paying for that laptop. Susan found Kim's transaction from our farm account this morning. "Expensive Farm Toy!" Ha! Ha! Very funny.
      Love you guys Shandra.

    2. Reshma,
      It was not for Susan and Anne making a distraction. It was what Hans-Peter was doing to me with the sun-cream. Kept all the boys interested.

    3. Well Ian, with these girls, you've got to get in and hit when you can, regardless of the consequences. You know they are going to get you for it but just do it anyway.

  25. So that didn't take you long Susan. We only transferred the money at 11pm last night. What we want to know is how Anne is going to explain that "Expensive Farm Toy" in the accounts. LOL

  26. Compensation for unauthorized activities.

  27. They were authorized. I authorized them.

  28. Then I authorized the payment then.

  29. No you didn't. It was that naughty Allan snr who put you up to it.

  30. You should have just given Ayaka her laptop in the first place then they would have never got their cars back.

  31. Anne that is not the first time you've been messing with people's cars. Remember Mrs J....... the English teacher, who used to give the Maori boys a hard time for not doing their homework. You talked them into picking up her mini and lifting it sideways into the wood shed. There was only just enough room, inches front and back. They had to climb through the car to get out.
    There was hell to play over that. You achieved instant hero status as most of the school knew it was you. They held that special assembly to find out and someone stood up and said Anne did it. The whole school laughed because it was the truth. But they teaches never believed that gentle little Anne could or would do that. They had to get the big forklift from the timber yard across the road to get her car out. It was never parked around the back again and always locked after that.
    You have not changed Anne.
    Jeff G.

  32. Jeff G, not heard from you for a while. Again I'm taking full blame for such a tiny little thing. Personally I think the school made such a big deal about almost nothing. All that happened was this strong wind blew her car around the corner then sideways into a shed.

  33. I still follow your blog Anne its just I don't feel I can contribute to your comment sections, comment streams as you call them. They are a major part of this blog, I know that like me, many enjoy them.
    A big deal out of almost nothing, Anne? You know that is not true. As I said above, it was a big deal and although you didn't lift the car we all know you were the one 'driving' the whole idea. I think the teachers had it figured too. It was pretty obvious. Mrs J.... gave you and your two friends got detention one day and the next day she finds her car in the wood shed. I think considering it was almost the end of year exams they decided not to take it further.
    Jeff G.

  34. LOL Maybe it was a big deal, but kind of funny too.
