Friday 5 April 2019

Story 216 Part Four Background.

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Hi from Rajah,
        This was supposed to have been my project but I became stuck before I got to the main sex scene. We were also having trouble with Anne. She wasn't happy with the idea of using a maid in a sex scene. Since I was working with Allan snr, I handed the whole story to him. Over the last few weeks, as the story was completed, more and more of my work was replaced. Now I can't claim much other than allowing Allan snr to use my profile name since he doesn't have one for this blog. I have no problems with this since its a good story which is what counts in the end.
        Oh, Allan, I have no comment on how you won Anne over. Good one, mate!

Allan here,
       As Rajah has said above, I took over and rescued this failing story. I met some resistance from Anne regarding using a member of the house staff. After Katrina, it had been generally decided that they would not use the house staff in any more sex scenes. Anne and I have agreed this girl will appear once as a star for this story and then disappear back into the background. Her name is after someone I am chatting with online.
      Now, I wanted to capture the excitement of having a sexual encounter with someone completely unexpected. Hence the idea of one of the maids. She makes the advance, suggesting the idea to Steve. They arrange a mid-night session in Steve's room.
      So how would a sex session like this go? There were a number of ideas I could use such as Steve exploring a younger Indian woman or a young Indian woman seeing a white man naked for the first time. 
      I also had the question as to how sexually experienced she was. She must have some or she would have never suggested the idea. Well, I even worked an explanation into my story as she told her story to Steve.
      So to sum this up. Nishi is attracted to Steve, a white guy who does bodybuilding while Steve is attracted to this young sexy Indian maid. Forbidden fruit for both of them you might say. How do they get on? That is a big question - let's go read the story and find out.

Anne here,
      Allan snr, what you did was totally unfair! I told you no, it wasn't going to be published. But you tricked me. Asking a girl on her peak just before orgasm. You knew I'd say yes to anything. I should delete it now, just to fix you - but it is rather a good story.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 216 Part Four.


  1. Anne, I don't know what you are complaining about.
    You got paid well for your permission to publish. Three times as I remember it.
    Ha! Ha!
    Allan snr.

    1. Yes Allan you did.
      And what happened in front of the mirror inspired me to add that mirror scene to your story.
      Hope you liked it.
      Awesome Anne.

    2. Thanks Awesome Anne,
      That mirror scene is a feature of my story. I really like it.
      Brings back memories too.

    3. Mirror scene Allan. Based on what you did to Anne.
      I'm surprised there isn't that pick fluffy snake too.
      Sexy Sue.

    4. Ahh the Pink Fluffy Snake.
      What a good idea Sex Sue. I'll just go get it shall I?
      Ha! H! I've started a story about that snake as you well know Susan.
      And its pink not pick too.
      Allan snr.

  2. This story flows well. We move quickly through a series of little scenes as we move towards the main sex scenes. I liked the use of conversations. They work well. Try reading them out loud. They do sound right. It was clever how you got away from some regular things like pussy eating. In fact, I almost got the impression that Nishi either didn't like pussy eating or had never had it done to her. See her reaction when he kissed her pussy mound. "Yes kissing - but that is different." I wondered about that until I saw her pull Steve straight into the sex.
    Steve had a fascination with her tits, describing them, returning to them a number of times, making them an important part of the story. I liked how Anne built on this with her mirror scene too. That scene blends so well with Allan's work. It shows what a good writer Anne is. The clever use of visual in sex has been used before but not quite like that.
    Now the use of humour. Always been part of this blog. It tells me that the writers like to have fun. Teasing the girls, making little jokes, getting Shanti back. All part of what I expect they do in read life and it makes their characters real too. Do I tease girls - Yes. Do I joke and play during sex - yes. See it the real that makes these stories.
    A good story. Good ending to a good series. I get the feeling that even Allan snr didn't know it would end like this.

    1. Thanks John,
      You seem to have captured what I was trying to achieve here. It is that mixture that makes this blog popular with so many people so I had to try for that too.
      Laugh, flirt, get a few of the girls horny. Then my story will be a success.
      LOL Allan snr.

    2. What do you mean by that? We don't just get horny because you guys write a story, Allan.
      But this is a good one. In fact, all these four have been good.
      I am so pleased to see this blog is keeping going and continues to deliver. I am also pleased to see new readers too.

  3. Kia Ora Allan.
    Many times I have reviewed your posts in your own blog but its not often I review your work in this one.

    There were four stories in this series, a lot done with joint-ventures with other writers but also a lot that is obviously from you too. I like the way you built out of a party situation and led into two sex scenes. One a five-some over two parts and the other, this surprise connection between Steve and the servant girl. It was actually a very detailed story to keep on top of I would expect.

    The four stories show a progression of writing as the ideas developed. I think your confidence developed too. That is why the last one stands out from the rest like it does. This is where you broke away Allan and did it your way. I’m always telling you Allan; I want to see you in your writing and when you do, we get some really good work. That happens in your own blog and it happened here too.

    It seems like an almost impossible thing to take a servant girl and get her into the bedroom. In many ways it would have seemed false but you chose Nishi to make the first move. Why? Its hard to say. Maybe, Sarvesh was right, having been used to a man she wanted that again, even if for just one night. Maybe there was an erotic attraction of a white man. Some might even say it was a hand on her breast that awoken old feelings. Whatever her reason, suddenly she went for it. Then those little conversations certainly carried us through this section.

    We jump to the bedroom where often we see the couple going there. Then there is a man about to be stood up. It is late. She’s not going to come. Oh well. I might as well get off myself in the shower. How many of you naughty men, or ladies for that matter, have done that in the shower?

    The shower scene was clever. You had him about to get off when Nishi suddenly steps in. There is no undressing. She has already done that. I really like that little conversation with its punch line – “Got here just in time it is looking.” That was good.

    Naughty Miss Anne wrote the next bit, the mirror scene. We won’t comment on where the inspiration came from for that. Allan’s nurse might be reading this. Anne it was a skilled piece of writing, blending in so well with Allan. I would have believed that he wrote if you hadn’t told us.

    Now the sex scenes were good. I’m not saying outstanding because they are up against some fine work in this blog. They deliver what we would expect. Two sessions, two different positions. They tell us what is happening and gives us insights into both Steve and Nishi. I did have the feeling it was more like Mike but I suppose it could have been like that. Steve did say he didn’t know what to expect. Someone has already said it brought out two passions of you Allan. Tits and the cow-girl position.

    Finally let’s not over look that scene at the end where Shanti gets caught by Sarvesh. Steve says he enjoyed that but I can tell you Sarvesh enjoyed it more.

    Good work Allan. Before you cheeky girls can say it – He made teachers pet with this one.

    1. Can you believe this? Teacher's pet. Probably gets 10 out of 10 as well.

    2. Look at this, Moa giving him the highest award. My god, there will be no living with the guy now!

      But she does make a good point about Allan snr keeping with the successful style of the writing in this blog. He did well with all four stories.
      Get well soon Allan. We are thinking of you. Just don't let your new fame go to your head.
