Thursday 18 April 2019

Story 217 They are Leaving Today.

Hi from Amita,
         It was Wednesday. I woke up early as we had an early start. The man I had been with that night had already left, returning to his room. ‘Yes,’ I thought, ‘It had been good.’ We had saved our last night to be with Mike and Shanti. That was the second time that holiday. Both had been good. The first in the hotel room when we went to meet David’s family and the second time here. I learnt later that while I had been away in the hotel with Mike, my husband and Shanti had got together here too.
         I sometimes wonder about them. It has always surprised me as their relationship seems a contradiction to their personalities. They always seemed to annoy each other and her strong-willed personality was always a challenge for him but still, he was attracted to her. She says like a moth attracted to a flame, which annoys him too. Ha! Ha! But in some ways, I think she has a point there. Was she still a challenge to him in the bed? I wasn’t sure. It didn’t seem like it. But I couldn’t see her bending to his personality either.

         As I lay in bed, waiting for my husband to finish in the bathroom, my mind drifted back to what had happened the night before. It had been a full-on party. I was pleased how well it went with all the staff involved. But everyone seemed to get on well and for the most part, behaved themselves. Steve, throwing me into the pool was a surprise for many people but as we came out of the pool, we were laughing together so they all saw it was just some harmless fun. When I whacked his bum and told him, he was a naughty boy, that must have surprised a few but everyone had a laugh so it went over ok. 

        My mind returned to the night before with Shanti & Mike. It ended up being a swap. Mike came with me to my room and Sarvesh had stayed with Shanti at the other end of the house. We had gone down to the room Shanti and Mike were in because she wanted to be near to the children. My children were in their own rooms so I didn’t need to worry about them.
        Joseph was in his usual place at the top of the stairs as we passed.
        “Where are you two off to?” he asked.
        “Shanti and Mike,” Sarvesh replied.
        “I should have guessed that,” Joseph laughed. “Have fun.”
        “You too, Joseph,” my husband replied. 
        “Oh, I fully intend to.”
        We walked on down the east wing.
        “Who is he with tonight?” I asked Sarvesh.
        “Mandara, I think.”
        We reached the room and went in. They were expecting us and the door was unlocked. Shanti was sitting at the dresser and Mike was standing nearby. Straight off my husband started into Shanti.
        “Shanti, I hope you will behave yourself and do as I say.”
        “No, I won’t,” she replied.
        “Will, you not obey me?”
        “No everything you tell me; I’ll do the exact opposite.”
        I was surprised she said that but Sarvesh smiled. He seems to have seen it as funny.
        “Ok then,” he said. “Sit on that seat and don’t come near me all night.”
        She smiled at that. Got up and turned towards him. Suddenly she sprung at him like a tiger after her kill. Her body hit him, pushing him back a couple of steps until he fell back on the bed. She fell on top of him.
        Their lips met in a kiss and then it looked like she was trying to bite his neck. He rolled her and she ended up under him as they moved further on to the bed. As Mike and I watched it became a struggle for dominance as they rolled against each other, pushing each other backwards and forwards as they struggled to get each other’s clothes off. They were pretty well taking the whole of the bed. Not much room for us!

        Mike was beside me now as we watched this mad couple on the bed. His hand slipped around my hand and he gently pulled me.
        “Come on. Let’s leave these two,” he said. “Let’s go for your room.”
        Quietly we left them. Closing the door softly and heading for the master bedroom. I’m not sure Shanti and Sarvesh even noticed we left.
        We passed Joseph again, still at the top of the stairs. He looked up as we approached.
        “What happened with you two?” he asked.
        “Sarvesh and Shanti are fighting on the bed,” I replied. “We’re going somewhere quieter.”
        He laughed and said, “As good as that, are they?”
        Then his face became serious, “Don’t stay here. I saw a maid downstairs a few minutes ago. She was looking up at me.” 
        Quickly we left him, heading down the west wing. I wondered about that maid, who was she and what was she doing in the main house so late at night. We have rules about that.      

        Once in our room, there was no holding back. After clicking the lock on the door, he stepped right up to me, his arms going around me as he pulled me against him. I felt his body, firm and strong. I felt my breasts against his chest. I also felt a firm thigh press between my thighs; his thigh pressed against the mound of my pussy while my thigh was against the hardness of him too. 
        My head reached up and our lips met. Yes, it was a full-on kiss, a deep kiss, an intense tongue kiss. I like kissing, although I only go that far with a few men that I really like, really have deep feelings for. Of course, Mike is one of them.
        He pulled back from me and began to work on my sari. First, he pulled it from my shoulder and then he began unwrapping it. I liked the almost professional way he did it. Taking it, folding it into forearm lengths as he removed it. I turned as he pulled it from me. Soon the entire length of sari lay folded on a chair beside the bed. 
        I reached for his shirt, working downwards, undoing each button as he stood before me. Pulling the shirt open I exposed his hairy chest. I’ve always been fascinated with how much hair Mike has, almost completely covered. I can not help reaching to run my fingers through it whenever I see it. Or better still, drag my nipples through it. That last thought made my entire body give a shudder with the anticipation of pleasure.
        “Calm down, Amita,” he laughed. “You’re getting horny on me.”
        “Isn’t that the idea?”
        “I suppose it is,” he smiled.
        His hands had reached for my chest, fingers running over the swelling of my breasts before settling at the clips between them. One by one the clips of my sari blouse were undone until they were open and the blouse fell away. He reached to push it back from my shoulders so it fell to the floor.
        I thought the idea was for me to take another clothing item off him but he jumped in before me. Reaching for my hip. Under the material of my skirt was a knot that held it to my waist. He knew where it was and quickly had it undone and held it for a few moments before allowing it to fall to my feet. I stepped out of it leaving me wearing nothing but my bra and panties.
       I reached for him. Something more had to come off him before he got anything else off me. I reached for the belt buckle, undoing it before undoing the clip of his shorts. My fingers slipped the zipper down and I couldn’t resist having a feel down inside. There was something hard there. Very nice. I knew I would be getting it out soon.
       Before I could finish, he reached for me again, pulling me closer until I was almost touching him. I put my arms around him and pulled myself against him. My head came against his and I could feel the hair of his beard against my cheek. I remember feeling how facial hair had at first been strange because my husband has always been shaven but now I kind of like it. I had discovered that Mike likes having his beard scratched which could be used as a sexual tool too.
       Meanwhile, Mike had kept his mind on the job, the job of getting me naked. His hands were behind me working on the clips of my bra. I felt it loosen and in one smooth movement, he pushed me away from him so he could pull the bra off my shoulders so it dropped to the floor, leaving my topless, my breasts bare for him.
       His hands came up for them. His hands moving over the mounds of my breasts until his fingers found my nipples. I love a man touching me like that. I love how he played with them, rolling them, brushing his fingers over them. I closed my eyes to take in the full enjoyment of it. Those hands, cupping and holding my breasts, touching my nipples, it was amazing.
        But all good things must come to an end and I felt his hands move to my hips. Suddenly his hands grabbed my panties from each side and with one strong tug they were down at my feet. I was naked before him now. Naked in his arm as he pulled me against him. My breasts contacting the hair of his chest while one of his hands explored my pussy. Fingers brushing through my forest until they discovered my opening. Yes, my juice betrayed the state of my desire for him.
        I pushed him away from me so I could reach the rest of his clothing. I took his shorts down, to be quickly followed by his underwear. As I did, the full glory of his erection sprung free. I couldn’t help grasping him. Taking that throbbing shaft with my hands. I fell to my knees as I held him with both hands, bringing him to my mouth.
         I gave him a few licks over the helmet before taking him into my mouth. I felt how hard he was as my lips closed over him and then as I pumped with my hands I began to suck. I like sucking cock. It is sexy and there is a connection between me and the man. It is like I had a special power over him which is probably right too. 
         Almost immediately I was getting a reaction from him. Soon I knew I’d have to be careful not to take him too far. Suddenly he gave a gasp. For a moment I thought, maybe I had overdone it.
         “Not this way!” he said, holding my head and pushing me off. “I want to cum inside you.”
        I was ok with that. I was ready for a good fuck too. Getting up off my knees I followed him onto the bed. He let me climb on first and then climbed on to join me. I lay on my back waiting for him. There was no discussion as to which way we would do it. Me, in that position, meant it was decided, he was going to be on top.  
         It was just I lay on my back as he came down on top of me. I felt his weight against me, how he pressed down as I opened my thighs to accommodate him. He pressed against me, the hardness of his cock pressing into me. My body opened to take him, feeling him slipping into me. I felt the fullness of a cock entering me as my body accepted him.
        He started with that slow control I would expect from Mike. Long slow strokes plunging deep inside me, before a long withdrawal, before plunging in again. As we settled into a rhythm, we began to quicken our pace. It was faster now but still the control of the man on top of me, holding us while slowly building us, building our passion towards the expected climax.
        Feelings were building inside me now. I knew a cum was growing inside me and it was going to be a good one. I thrust back at him a few times and he took my signal. He quickened his pace again. Coming down on me with more weight and strength now.
        As the pace increased, so did our passion. Soon we were going for the money. Our bodies working together as powerful sexual feelings overcome us. I was close now and I had the feeling he was very close too. Moments away now! I was thrusting up at him, meeting his downward thrusts, taking him deep inside me each time. We had lost that same control that we had started with. Now our movements were driven by the passion and desire for each other.
         I felt him begin to lose rhythm. I knew this was almost there for him. I pressed up at him, moving so he directly contacted my clitty. It was enough for me. My body exploded with orgasm. Surges of pleasure bursting from my clitty and racing through my body. It was a big one. Well worth the long slow build-up. 
        The man on top of me gave a gasp. He slowed and then stopped. As I lay still waiting for him, I felt his cock jerking as he shot load after load into me. It was a good one for both of us.
         We lay beside each other, relaxing, catching our breath until the desire overcame us to do it again. There was no talk as to how. He just rolled towards me and I excepted him on top again. Yes, I know what you are saying. Doing it the same as before, boring! But I was ok with that and so was Mike.
         This time the sex was more intense than before. Maybe a bit rough, maybe you could say wilder and out of control. We were doing it fast almost from the beginning. As would be expected, like this our build-ups were quicker and orgasms arrived faster. I actually achieved two this time but neither was a good as that first one had been. 
          Once he had made it too, we settled down to get some sleep. By then it was well into the morning hours and I was just dropping off to sleep when I thought I heard talking outside. I thought it might have been my husband but wondered why would he be up at that hour. 
         I later heard that it had been my husband heading for our room when suddenly he met one of the maids leaving Steve’s room. They had talked with her for a few minutes which was what I had heard. He went back to Shanti’s room, for some reason deciding not to enter our room where I was with Mike.
        So, where was I? Yes, it was morning; I was lying in bed waiting for my husband to finish in the shower. When he came out, I got out of bed and went for my own shower.
        Afterwards, I found some clothes, I was putting on my sari when the door opened and Sarvesh walked in again. I knew he had been downstairs checking everything was ready. He saw me and came over to help, holding the sari as I wrapped it around myself.
         “It’s all over,” he said. “They leave today.”
         “Yes,” I replied. “I wish it had been longer.”
         “Haven’t you had enough men, Amita?”
         “Well, yes,” I laughed. “But I wouldn’t say no to some more.”
         He just smiled. I knew he agreed with that too.       
         We left together, going down for breakfast. There beside the lion was Joseph. In his usual seat reading. Sitting there, apparently reading but more to warn us of any staff coming up to this floor. He greeted me as we walked past.

         Others were already up when we got downstairs. They were sitting around in the dining room. In the kitchen, the cook and a couple of maids were working on breakfast. I had also noticed some bags were sitting ready near the front door, so some of our guests were already packed. It was a good idea for those staying in the other houses to get their bags the afternoon before and spend the last night here. It had been a good evening with our staff mixing with our overseas visitors. 
        Later, after everyone had returned to our rooms there had been some last night room swaps among us on the top floor and I heard later also among those in the guest house. But, it seems, everyone got safely back to their rooms before the house staff came on duty. Ha! Ha!

         I walked into the dining room and yes, Shanti and Mike were there, but then that is to be expected with those two. She is always on top of things. But I knew they would be because he had left me an hour before, returning to their bedroom to pack. Mike had told me last night that they were almost ready, just needed to get the kids organised. 
         They were sitting in the dining room sipping on their coffee. I’m pleased our staff had thought to look after them. 
         I’d only been sitting for a minute or so when coffee arrived for me too. Steaming hot, just the way I like it.
         “Well, this is it, Amita,” Shanti said.
         “Yes,” I replied, feeling a bit sad. “I’m going to miss all of you here.”
         “Don’t worry,” she smiled, reaching over to touch my hand. “We’ll be back. You can come and visit us too.”
         “Yes, I’ll come with Jeevan sometime.”
         “Bring Kalki and Sairu with you too,” she added with a grin.
         “I would have thought you would want their husbands, Shanti.”
         “Good point. Don’t forget them too.”
         We both laughed at that. 
         By now, others had begun to arrive. Each presented with a coffee or tea according to their taste. I am pleased some of our staff had done so well with so many visitors like that. They must have taken notice and recorded what each person wanted. 

         I was looking over at Mike. By now, Donald was there and they were laughing as they teased Paula. She was taking it and giving back in return that only encouraged the guys.
         Mike is a good-looking man. I like him. I like the trimmed beard he has, I also like how hairy his body is too. Yes, I had just been playing with that hair earlier that morning. Running my fingers through it. Lowering my body to him until my nipples touched his chest. As I moved my body across him, the hairs caught and dragged against the tips of my nipples. It always felt good doing that, heightening my desire for more as the hairs had caught and flicked at my hard nipples.
         Oh yes, I got more too. We had done again before he had left me. What a night it had been. But after such a hard night he looked refreshed and ready to go. The question crossed my mind – ‘Go where?’ To go to New Zealand or go back to my bed. I smiled at that.

         After breakfast, the buses were waiting outside and staff were already loading bags. This time it didn’t matter who sat on which bus as we were all going to the same place. Leaving for the airport.
      I got on to the second bus and found Katrina sitting in a seat at the front. She was by herself and so I sat beside her. During the time when she had been looking after Stephen, Katrina and I had become very close. It was good to have one last chat with her before she left. I notice when David got on he saw us, smiled and took the seat across from us. A few minutes later, Kathy, Shanti’s daughter joined him. Those two had become good friends. They chattered away together, all the way to the airport.
        Katrina had told me David wanted three daughters like Kathy. Three daughters! I hope he knows what he is asking for. My one daughter has already been twice as much problem as her old brother.
        There was a rush to get all the bags off and get checked in. They aren’t really set up for a large group like this. The check-in clerk realised they were a mixed group of Australians and New Zealanders but couldn't get the idea that this trip they were all going to Singapore. He wanted to check their bags to Australia and New Zealand. It took a while to get things sorted. Sarvesh had to get involved in the end. Finally, all our guests were checked in and ready for their flight. They just had 10min before boarding.
        Now came the farewells.
        I wasn’t looking forward to this and I knew I would be with tears. I took a moment with each one, telling them, thank you for coming and giving each a hug. I didn’t notice but Steve held back and was one of the last.
        He stepped up to me his finger going to me face to wipe away a tear.
        “Its ok Amita,” he gently said. “You haven’t got rid of us that easy. We’ll be back.”
        I smiled, “And we’ll be visiting you too Steve.”
        “Do that,” he laughed. “And bring your husband too. He can play with Sharon’s tits.”
        I looked at Sarvesh standing beside me. He was hugging Sharon.
        “Looks like he is already,” I laughed.
        Steve smiled, gave me another hug and whispered into my ear. “Thank you, Amita. You guys have been so good to us.”

        Soon it was boarding time. I watched them all go through the gate and then we moved to a window where we could see them walking out to their aircraft. One by one, they climbed the stairs to board the small plane until there was only one was left, Mike. I watched him climb the last couple of steps, then he paused, turned and looked back at us. He gave a wave, then his hand went to his mouth as he threw me a kiss. He picked up his travel bag, turned and he was gone.
        The visit was over. They were gone. I stood watching the last-minute preparations by the ground crew while Sarvesh stood next to me with his arm around me. Soon the plane was pushed out and we watched as it moved towards the runway. They took off into an approaching storm. See, even India was crying, didn’t want to see them go.  

        It was late when we got back from the airport. One bus was enough to drop us all off and after some supper, we went straight to bed.
       Next morning, I was awake early. Didn’t have a good night’s sleep. Sarvesh was still sleeping so quietly I got up, found some clothes and left the room. My intention was to go down for some coffee but I got distracted along the way.
      At the top of the stairs, the chair was gone. The chair Joseph had sat in to read, all those weeks, keeping watch for staff coming up from below. Now it was gone, someone had carried it downstairs, just empty floor where it had been.
     I walked along the east wing. It had been so busy. Every room fill, people coming and going. 
Now it was empty, rooms partly open where the maids had been cleaning while we were at the airport. 
       I arrived in the end room. The big one where Shanti and Mike had been staying. I stepped inside. It too was empty, of course. The bed stripped of linen and the room swept and clean. Ready to be made up when another guest arrived. I stepped through into the adjoining room where Cathy and Michael had slept. It was empty too. Back in the main room, even the little bed we had brought in for Petra was gone. 
       I stood there for a few moments in thought about what fun we had when they were here. They are a lovely couple. I love them both heaps. I was so sorry to see them go. I had been with Mike a couple of times that holiday and each time it had been good. He was a great lover, good at the love-games, knowing exactly what it took to please me. I’m sure I managed to please him too.
      I looked at the bed before me. Barely twenty-four hours before, Shanti and my husband had been there. She had told me some of what happened there: -

Hi from Shanti.
        That man! He was asking for trouble as soon as he entered the room. Telling me to behave myself, like that! Who does he think he is? Well, I said no, I won’t. I’ll do the exact opposite. I was mildly surprised when he told me to stay sitting where I was and have nothing to do with him all night. Then I saw the funny side of it. Well done Sarvesh! 
        But of course, I did promise to do exactly the opposite. So, I was kind of forced to join him which was really what he wanted. But how could I when that was what he intended, me to join him for the night. Suddenly I had an idea. While doing what he wanted I still needed to do something different, do it my way. The surprise factor you could say.
        I sprang at him. Some might say like a tiger springs but this is a bit of exaggeration don’t you think? I jumped at him, my body pressing him back until he fell back on to the bed. I landed on top of him. My body coming down against him. My face went for his face. I tried to kiss but he was having none of it, preferring to resist me.
        He struggled and rose against me. I was holding my ground for a while, but soon he began gaining on me. He was stronger than me. I tried to press him back against the bed but finally, he rolled me. I fell against the bed, landing onto my back. He was on top of me, now pressing me to the bed. I felt my thighs had fallen apart and he took advantage of it, his body dropping between my legs. From this position, I’m sure he would have taken me except for one problem. We were both fully clothed.
        So, it became a struggle to get each other naked. Some might say that it would have been easier to have just stood up and either stripped ourselves or stripped each other but that never occurred to us at the time. There was an urgency. A need to get each other naked. A need for each other. 
        We were removing, pulling off bits of clothing while rolling around on the bed, trying to achieve dominance of the other. Our clothes were thrown around over the bed and the floor as they came off. It must have been during this crazy performance that Mike and Amita decided to leave. They were gone when I got to look again.
        Finally, naked, we were ready for the main event. Again, it was a struggle between us. I was ready to allow him his way until he made that comment about, he was the boss of me. That got me angry with him again, got me going again so it only made sense that I would resist him. If you could call that sense, I mean. My only thought was to fight against him, fight as to who was on top, who was the boss. It's crazy now when you think about it but that was what we did. 
        I think he may have given in to me because, in the end, it seemed too easy to get on top of him. I was wise not to say I was better than him and so we could finally get into some sex. I get horny when we play like this so it was easy to take him as I sat over him. I took it slow for a few pumps and then really got into some rough fucking. He was soon responding as well. 
        With fucking like this it would either go one of two ways, orgasms would come quickly or we would totally stuff it up. In this case, he came really quickly. Too quickly for me. I’m afraid I missed the bus. LOL
        Men! No staying power at all! How can any girl have fun when they are as useless as that?
        After resting a while, I had just happened to point out his lack of staying power. LOL Did I get a reaction. He was onto me. I found myself on my back getting a really good fucking. All the while he was telling me I was stubborn, strong-willed and a complete pain in the arse. As if I didn’t know all that already. He began telling me he was teaching me a lesson for my lack of respect. If that was his lessons – I think I need more of them.
        All the time he was between my open legs, driving down and me, thrusting into me. Going in deep with fast, hard strokes. It was good. Before long was really getting to me. Soon, I was over the top with my first cum too. Got told off for that too! For not waiting for him. It’s not my fault that he is too slow.
       Anyway, he continued and you just know it was so good that soon I was into my second orgasm. Got told off again too! It didn’t help that I told him I thought he was useless at fucking. 
       He didn’t take long before he followed me with another good cum himself. 
       We rolled apart and he looked over at me smiling. “That was fun,” he said.
       “Yeah,” I replied. “For a useless fucker, you did pretty well.”
       “For a head-strong, pain in the arse, you did well too.”
       We both laughed as we settled down to get what sleep we could during the last part of the night. 

It’s Amita again.
      How can two people behave like that and say they enjoyed it?

      I looked at the dressing table mirror. There was only me there. The image of those two on the bed was gone now.
      “Oh, what stories you could tell,” I said aloud to the mirror.
      A voice from behind me replied, “More than you could imagine, Amita.”
      I turned, there was my husband, Sarvesh, leaning against the door post, watching me. He smiled, didn’t say any more as he pushed off the door post and stepped towards me. His arms came around me as I turned back towards the mirror.
      “I miss them too,” he said.
      “Even miss Shanti?” I said with a laugh.
      “Yes, even Shanti. 
      “I thought you said she drives you crazy. After you caught her outside half undressed, working on the statue garden.”
      “She did! She does! But I still miss her.”
      I didn’t reply. I knew he wanted to continue.
      “She rebels against me. Argues, resists me – strong-willed woman.”
      I gave a small giggle at that.
      “But I still like her. Like her a lot.”
      “You two are closer than you would like to admit,” I said.
      “I think so too, Amita.”
      “She was good in bed, wasn’t she?”
      “Yes,” he replied. “Very good.”
      Then he added, “About the only time she behaves herself, I think.”
       “Not difficult, frustrating?” I said.
       “Yes, that too,” he said. “But a special woman, wild, head-strong, intelligent and a heart of gold. About the only woman who could match me.”
       “That is it then. She’s a challenge to you.”
       “Yes, Amita. I believe so.”   
       His arms slipped from around me and taking my hand, he led me to the door.
       Suddenly there was a maid with a trolley right in front of us. It was Nishi. 
       “Sorry sir,” she said. “I was just going to finish cleaning.”
       “It is fine,” Sarvesh replied. “Continue with your work.”
       As we walked down the hallway I said, “She is going to miss them too.”
       “What? You know about that?”
       “Yes,” Shanti told me.
       “Damn, that woman. I told her……..”
       “Calm down dear,” I said squeezing his hand.
       “But I…….”
       “Look at yourself, Sarvesh! Shanti is still getting to you and she’s half-way to New Zealand.”
       He stopped, a bit surprised I would speak to him like that and then smiled. “You are right honey,” he said.
        “She only told me. Before you spoke to her I think,” I explained. I’m not sure if that is right but it calmed him down.
       By now we had reached the stairs and we walked down side by side still holding hands. A maid passing saw us and I noticed the slight smile. It's not our policy to show affection in front of the staff. But this time it was special. I felt very close to him and wanted to show him that.   


  1. So, the holiday is over. Lets hope the holiday of the writers is over too. LOL
    I enjoyed the story. Thought the contrast between the sex scenes were good. I caught some of the emotion Amita was experiencing. I enjoyed the comfort her husband gave her. Yes Anne, I like your stories as they take us beyond just sex. But don't leave the sex out, mind. LOL
    The theme I enjoyed the most was the interaction between Sarvesh and Shanti. You did a lot with this Anne. While we didn't learn much more, we did get to see them in action again. While some might say that scene didn't blend in with the story they way you suddenly switched to Shanti like that. It worked for the story. I enjoyed. Had a laugh at how those two did sex. A struggle for dominance. I like that. Not how I'd do sex but I get it.

    1. Yes, I agree with you Reshma. Sarvesh and Shanti were a strong part of this story.
      The interaction between Sarvesh and Shanti goes back deep into the stories. Sometimes it comes out like in the story about building the statue garden as mentioned in this story. But notice how it is not just a war, its a game of chess too. See how he trapped her into doing what he wanted. She saw the trap but knew she had to go to him. She put her own spin on how she did it. Like a tiger - sounds like Susan but then, you Anne are capable of being anything you like.

    2. Anne, you published early again.
      It was a good story. I loved how you embedded the sex scene into Amita waiting for her husband. That was well done. You took the idea from James (Living Statues). We both loved that story and I think it worked again here too. The undressing scene pulled me into the story. I like it when a story can do that.

      We also like Sarvesh and Shanti. Made us laugh how they carried on like that. Some say sex is no fun like that but I can personally confirm that it can be fun. Sure things get messed up like they did here but in the end both were happy. That is what counts, the end result.
      Janet & Wayne

    3. There is an interest contrast of sexual styles here. Shanti and Sarvesh went for a faster out of control style. This was partly driven but their competitive personalities. How they struggled against each other. While not struggling I used to do fast sex. It was the only way I really knew.
      Until, one night at a beach house a man from Anne's showed me something different. He took his time, preparing a special dinner for me, watching the sunset over the ocean. How he slowly stripped me naked and we enjoyed a glass of wine in the hot tub. Then to bed where he took his time, slowly building my desires until we had sex in the same way. A long build-up to the most amazing orgasms. I will never forget the night Allan jun. You opened my eyes to how sex should really be.

    4. You are welcome honey. That night, I enjoyed the company of a beautiful young woman.

    5. I really think the contrast of sexual styles was Anne's purpose here. She wanted to capture two ways it could be done by using the personalities of two couples. I think it is clever how she did this. Of course with these four people, they are long established characters so we all knew of their personalities. Anne had to be consistant with this which is how she wrote this story. I think that is my attraction here. We know the people and when they react in an expected way we are comfotable with it. Even if Sarvesh and Shanti did it in a sexual way most of us would never do.

  2. I was sitting beside Asami when she published this morning. It was no accident, she was told by Anne to publish 24hrs early.
    Anne, thanks for including that bit about Nishi at the bottom of the stairs. A link to what happened in my story. I think we always need to ground our stories into the big picture by adding moments like that.
    A good story Anne. With a bit more practice you might even make OK. LOL
    Allan snr. (who is a about to get his arse kicked.)

    1. You are welcome Allan snr. You did a good story and I thought I could help it a bit here too.

      Now, I might make OK? Just OK? You have a cheek! Need that kick too!
      I'm going to be you nurse (guard), Monday night. I'll sort you out them, boy!
      Awesome Anne
      In Allan's case, that might be Aweful Anne.

    2. Anne! Anne! What are we going to do with you?
      Your writing, grammar and spelling is atrocious.

      Aweful? It's spelled awful. No 'e'. Just awful.
      As opposed to its opposite, Awesome, which has an 'e'.
      Aweful, if this is even a word. Full of awe, or could inspire enough awe to fill. Despite sounding like awful, it means quite the opposite.

      And "I will sort you out then, boy! Not them!

      Ha! Ha! Got you again!
      Your dear Daddy - Ryuunosuke.

    3. Looks like "Dear Daddy" might be asking for a kick in the ares too.
      LOL Sexy Sue.

      And yes - Sexy is spelt like that too.

    4. Yes Sexy Sue.
      Your spelling of 'sexy' is perfect. Shows that even you can be taught simple words.
      But maybe you need to look at the word 'ares.' What is that?
      Ha! Ha! Again. I'm on a roll today!

    5. Ryuunosuke, the idea of poking a wasp nest with a stick comes to mind but I love it anyway.
      Bill - Susan's father.

    6. There is the Queen of the wasp nest now.

  3. Hey everyone. Another story, great!
    Well written Anne. I must say that joint strip was good. Using a sari too. I think it's sexy to strip a man. Even better while he is stripping me. Best part of a good story.

    1. I agree Amanda. Every story has one scene that stands out. In this, it was the undressing scene. It is usually the beginning of any good sex scene although in Story 216 Part Four, Allan snr managed to pull one off starting with them undressed already.
      I also thought Shanti and Sarvesh were good too. Made me laugh a bit. Especially the ending of that scene.
      Good one Anne,

    2. The story takes us on another adventure. They are winding up the India stories but still manage fun in the bedrooms. I was interested how Amita dreamed of the sex later. That is a different way not been used much within this blog.
      Which way would I like to take sex? Well, I think how Amita and Mike did it would be best, taking the time for a long slow built to great orgasms. How Shanti and Sarvesh did could be fun to try, Especially if it was sudden surprise sex - unplanned sex. Sayako.

      From the story of how a man day-dreamed about sex. The Living Statues story by James. I enjoyed that one and I also enjoyed a lady's view of it too. How would I like the sex? With no doubt how Mike and Amita did it. My wife may like to try that other wild way but not me. I am content with good sex, performed in a way guaranteed to bring results. Hirohiko.

    3. It is finally to the end of these Indian adventures. I must say there have been some great stories among these. So it seems good that the first of these will be from Amita. Her sadness for them leaving. It fits well that she might wander though the house I think of things that have happened there. I am sure those memories will continue appearing for a very long time.

    4. There is my bad Uncle Hirohiko again. This time telling us how he does sex. Too much information I am thinking. Very bad uncle, this one!
      Anne, how can you let him here? Auntie Sayako, you need to control your husband more. Like lock him off this blog so he can no longer upset innocent readers like me.
      LOL Amazing Asami.

    5. Asami, when I come to New Zealand next month I am going to put you over my knee and smack you bum until it turns pink.

    6. Oh dear uncle. Do you not know that in Japan, it is wrong to treat the daughter of your brother in such a terrible manner?
      Amazingly Smart Asami.

    7. Horny Harry (Hirohiko)
      I should have known you would be up to your mischief again. What Asami is trying to say is that some of you men get great sexual delight in turning a girl's bum pink.
      Sexy Sue.

    8. Horny Harry? There is only one person cheeky enough and disrespectful enough to call me that.
      As for the pleasure, with your ass Sexy Sue, it is Yes! Yes! And Yes again. I would take great pleasure giving you a nice shade of pink before we go on to further activities.
      Horny Hirohiko.

    9. Got to catch me first, Sunshine.
      Sexy Sue.

    10. I'm going to hold you to that when I get there Sexy Sue.
      Horny Hirohiko

    11. Hold me? How do you expect to do that Horny Harry when you've got to catch me first?
      Sexy Sue.

    12. Oh Susan, dear Susan. So brave and full of confidence when I am in Japan but wait until I get to New Zealand. Then we will see.
      Horny Hirohiko.
      Especially horny now I'm on a promise from you Sexy Sue.

    13. I was just sitting enjoying a drink when I began reading these comments again.
      Asami the inncent reader. I some how missed that. I got such a surprise I spilt my drink on my jeans.
      It has been a very long time since you could have been considered innocent, my girl!
      Horny Hirohiko

    14. Uncle if you want to live up to the name you call yourself and want to impress the ladies. Having coffee stains on your shirt is a big turn-on. Not very cool in fact. LOL

    15. Nice one Asami.
      What do you have to say for yourself Horny Harry?
      Sexy Sue

    16. It appears I now have two rebellious women to deal with when I get there.
      You two now think you are so smart but we will see.

  4. Good story Anne.
    I was captured by the thoughts and emotions experienced by Amita. I know this was your intention as you've always wanted to take stories beyond just sex.
    But two good sex scenes too although I feel you might have repeated yourself from other stories.
    Basically I liked this story. Very sexy - very emotional.

    1. Thanks Yui.
      You seen to understand where I was going with this story. Yes, I see what you mean about repeating myself. I didn't realise it until I went back and read that older story again. I was close to the same wasn't I? Anyway, the story is finished now. Time to move on.

      I love your new photos too - yellow kimono suits you. Allan says it looks better when it is off. LOL

  5. I am not sure what your publishing schedule is?
    I just found this story this morning. It seems I am almost a week too late.

    I like the story. Enjoyed the sex scenes but also enjoyed the non sexual interaction too. The way Shanti and Sarvesh carried on was something too. Made me laugh at them.
    I also have discovered that these stories are all related as being part of a larger story. I noticed that maid from the previous story was mentioned as seen downstairs. Last time she told Steve she was waiting for the man in the chair to go. I like that.

    Here is my point. When I read your stories they take me somewhere. I experience changing emotions as the story evolves. I have seen it mentioned by others that there is a mix of story, humour and sex.

    1. Hello Mave,
      I just saw your comment appear. Can you send me another comment marked "Non Publish" at the top. Give us a contact where we can send you publishing details. We use email, Trillian, Skype.

  6. What an interesting story. I enjoyed a few different aspects of it. Many have been mentioned above but I would like to list them too.
    1st the contrast between the two sex scenes. They do much the same but it still comes out different.
    2nd Is the interaction between the man Sarvesh and the woman Shanti. There appears to be a long history between these two.
    3rd you wrote in the emotions Amita was experiencing with her friends leaving.
    4th & finally, there is the idea of Amita reliving the sex scenes in her mind.
    Good story Anne. I enjoyed it.

    1. Welcome to our blog Kura. I hope you enjoy the stories and fun we have.
      Yes, I think Anne did set out to make the story into a contrast between two couples.
      Think she achieves it too.

    2. Hi Kim, and thank you for the welcome.
      I think I will enjoy this blog. It is different to anything I have seen before. But I like how you package the stories into a bigger story. That is clever I think.
