Sunday 19 May 2019

Story 218 Part One - Brian about Paula.

Hey, from Brian.
         It had been an early start as it is a long way to the airport. I was surprised that everyone from India, including the kids, came too. It was a tight fit on the busses - every seat taken but fun having everyone there.
        A lot of the staff had crowded around Katrina, hugging her and say their goodbyes as she was coming with us. Going with her new husband, David; going to Australia. It would be a big change for her but she was young. I’m sure she would settle in quickly, adjusting to her new home. We did when we came to New Zealand. She is a lovely girl; smart one too. David is a very lucky man catching one such as her.
        I was pleased they were all at the airport as we could say goodbye to everyone. There were tears among some of the women. I was sad to be leaving them too. But such an awesome holiday; one I won’t forget for a very long time.

        Kalki, she seemed so young and innocent but turned out to be a wild one, bold and great fun in bed. The way she had sex with Joseph in front of all of us on the first day of the Nude Weekend. (Story 198) That orgasm was amazing! 
        I even told her that if her husband wasn’t there, I’d sweep her up under my arm and take her back to New Zealand. 
        She giggled at that, maybe feeling a bit embarrassed by my boldness.
        Her husband laughed and told me, “I will bring her to you, myself. Just make sure your wife was there for me.” 
        “Of course,” Mega confirmed. “I will be waiting for you.”
        Talk about promises! You women were worse than us men.

        I held Amita in my arms for a few moments, her tall slender body pulled against me as I reached to wipe a couple of tears that ran down her cheek. She seemed more upset than any of the girls.

       “I’m going to miss you all so much,” she said through her tears.
       My reply was to give her another hug saying, “Don’t worry, we’ll be seeing each other again soon.”
       Her husband was beside her. I had become very close to Sarvesh. I worked for him as we planned and established the gardens of his house together. He has helped us a lot, helped with our garden business and then with the move to New Zealand. He reached forward to shake my hand and then suddenly gave me a man hug. Very unusual for him to display emotion like that.

        Sairu, she was a sexy one too. Surprisingly bold when she wanted too. I swept her up off her feet as I gave her a kiss, smack on the lips. She was like, gasping in surprise before returning my kiss with one of her own. Her hot little body pressed tightly against me, perhaps slightly in indecent for a crowded public place like an Indian airport. LOL. I allowed her feet to return to the floor. In another place, at another time, that would have easily turned into a full-on sex session. She was a hot one, that girl. 

       Payam was beside her. I didn’t know him so well but he had proved very popular with the ladies too. My wife liked him. While I had been holding Sairu, he had been saying goodbye to Mega in a very physical manner. I shook his hand as I invited him to come to visit us too.

        Hansini stepped up to me next. Mega and I were close to Hansini and Mootie as we had joined in the nude weekends at about the same time. In fact, she had been the first woman I had been with other than my wife. (Story 76 & Story 78.) 
        I reached for her, grabbing around her body as I pulled her against me. She gave me a quick kiss on the lips before her head was over my shoulder against my head. She told me how much they will miss me and I replied we would miss them too. It seemed I was saying the same things with each couple.
        While I held her, my hand moved down her body until it was on her arse. I gave her sexy arse a squeeze through her sari. 
        “Hey!” she cries, pulling away from me. Then with her voice lowered she added, “Any more of that and you might get me horny.”
        “You are always horny,” I replied with a smile.
        She smiled back but didn’t deny it.
        Mootie shook my hand and then he gave me a quick hug. He was standing beside his wife, a silent giant. You’ll have to ask my wife Mega about him, I know she has much more she could tell. Ha! Ha!

        Jeevan and his wife Mandara were last. He had changed since I had known him, from a small rice shop owner to an important businessman in the town. There was no doubting that those big warehouses that had appeared near my old garden shop were his empire. 

        His lovely wife, a shy but lovely lady when you get to know her. Very naughty in bed too. Knows how to please the man she is with. Certainly brought out the best in me. LOL. That tittie fuck she gave me. Amazing! 
        I like those, wouldn’t mind a few more. I think I must ask Sharon or even Betty. They had the right equipment for tittie fucking. Must invite one of them over to dinner and…….. Sorry, got carried away a bit there. Ha! Ha!

        I turned with my wife and we walked towards the gate. She had been holding up well until these final goodbyes. That had been hard on her. Like most of the ladies, now she was upset, with tears as I put my arm around her to comfort her. I must confess to it being a bit hard for me too.

       Soon we were on the plane and on our way. I sat with our daughter; she was beside the window looking out as the plane lifted off the runway. As we turned, I caught a last glimpse of the small airport with the two big buses in the carpark outside. Then it all disappeared as the plane climbed through some heavy rain.  
       “Why is mommy crying?” my daughter asked me.”
       “Because she is sad.”
       “Why is she sad? We are going home now. I can see Rusty again.”
       (Rusty is her pet dog.)
       “Before you were born, Mummy and I used to live here. They are our friends. We will miss.......”
       By now my daughter had discovered the games on the screen in front of her. Before I had finished explaining she lost interest in what I was telling her. The attention span of a goldfish – that girl. LOL
       A quick stop at Hyderabad and we were on to our flight to Singapore. The rain was gone and I watched the last of India drop away before we were out over the ocean. This flight to Singapore always seems to go faster and very soon they were announcing our approach to this small island nation.
       Of course, we stayed at the same hotel as we had on our way to India, almost in the same room, in fact. There was a couple of days stop-over here before the New Zealanders and the Australians would part for their own countries.  
Brian - about Paula.
         It was a hot afternoon and some of us were down by the pool. I noticed this time there wasn’t so much going off to explore the city. Everyone seemed more relaxed, wanting to take it easy before we got back to our homes, back to reality.
         I felt like a swim. 
         “I’m going in again,” I announced. “Whose coming?”
         No one seemed too interested until Paula said she would come. We got up and walked over to the poolside. She was wearing a one-piece swimsuit. It shaped her body and looked good on her too. Showed off her larger body well while not exposing too much skin. 
        She looked down at the water, looked around to see who was looking, then smiled at me. I was standing beside her facing the water when suddenly she stepped back slightly behind me and gave me a push. Caught off guard like that I couldn’t save myself, falling forward into the pool. I plunged under the cool water, turning to look back at her as I came up.
        She was gone. The poolside where we were standing was empty. Then I heard her laughing. I turned to find her standing far out in the pool. Looking back at me, laughing.
       “Right!” I said. “I’m going to get you.”
       She turned to run as I came after her. She was trying to escape but it was clear I was gaining on her. She was in the centre of the pool now and I was close behind her. Realizing she had no chance to escape me, she turned towards me. Turning, to try and fend me off.
       Her hands came up to me, making contact with my chest as she tried to defend herself and push me away. It didn’t help her as I crash against her, my arms going around her as I pulled her to me. She struggled against me, putting up a fight, but I overcame her resistance and got ready to duck her. 
        “An orgy in the pool?” she asked.
        That stopped me. I realised it must have looked like that a bit too.
        She stopped struggling and looked at me, “Well? I thought you were going to duck me?”
        “No,” I laughed. “I have other plans now.”
         Deep under the water, I reached forward to her, my hand cupping the mound between the tops of her thighs, the Pussy of Paula. She made no attempt to remove my hand, allowing me to squeeze and rub over her pussy.
        She was like, “Now, what are you doing?”
        “Just checking you,” I laughed.
        “Checking for what?”
        “To see if you’re ready for tonight.”
        She was ready alright. I could feel her parted lips through her swim-suit.
        “So, what’s happening tonight?”
        “Some hot sex with me I hope.”
        “Really? Am I ready?”
        “I think further testing will be required to establish that.” 
        It was at about that time that Donald and Mega arrived. And there I was caught with my hand in the cookie jar. My hand still holding Paula’s pussy actually but Mega spotted it straight away.
        “What are you doing, Brian?” she asked.
        “What do you think?” I replied.
        “Playing with Paula, it is looking.”
        “Molesting Paula, more like,” Donald added with a laugh.
        “You speak for yourself, Donald. What is your hand doing on Mega’s arse?” Paula asked.
        “These men are getting me horny,” Mega suddenly said.
        “Me too, honey,” Paula replied.   
        “Let’s go to the room?”
        “And have some fun with these naughty boys!”
        There it is again. The two women arranging the sex.
        “I was waiting for tonight but now is better,” Mega said.
        I could not believe it. These two women were planning sex sessions with us. Before long, we had left the water, going for our seats for our towels and things. Taking our things, we left the pool area, heading for the lift up to our floor.
        Of course, others quickly noticed our sudden departure and guessed what was going on or should I say what was about to be going on. There were a few comments too. LOL As we left the pool area I looked back and noticed people from all around the pool were watching us. They must have noticed me, an Indian man with his arm around this older white woman. They must have also noticed her husband, an older white man very friendly with an Indian woman who was obviously my wife. 
        I think almost everyone would have realised we were going somewhere private so even more would happen. It must have been obvious that these two women were heading for some good fucking. But I didn’t care. Let them guess what we were going to do. There guess would be right too. Let them see how Donald and I had got lucky with these two sexy women. 

          We reached our room first and I heard my wife tell Donald she just wanted to get something before going on to his room. So, it was decided. Paula and I would stay here while Donald and Mega went on to the other room.

          Soon they were gone and so I could turn my full attention on to Paula. She had dropped the towel from around her as soon as we had entered the room. Now she was standing before me in just her swim-suit. The straps of her suit ran from her shoulders to spread out over her ample breasts. There was some cleavage between them giving me some view of the delights that waited for me underneath. Lower, the suit covered almost all of her front until it came to the top of her thighs. There the leg cuts dropped between her thighs to highlight a proud pussy mound between them.
          It looked sexy, I liked it but as you will have realised by now, it had to come off. I was just wearing my swim shorts, bare from the waist up as I stepped up to her. My hands went straight for her chest. Yes, she has two beauties, well worthy of my full attention. The swelled under her swim-suit stretching the material into two large mounds. I held them, rubbed my hands over them, feeling her nipples harden through the swim-suit. 
         I decided we needed to see more so reaching up I slipped the straps from her shoulders, pealing the suit away until the swelling of her breasts began to appear. Lower and lower I pull her suit as more and more of her chest was revealed. It was sexy for both of us, slowly revealing her like this. I was now almost to the crown of her breasts. Her nipples were about to slip into view. 
         Oh, sexy! It took only one tiny pull and they were revealed. The suit slipped away to leave her breasts bared. Oh, lovely! They hung lower over her chest as you would expect with big ones like these on a mature woman. Oh yes! They were beauties too. Full, large ones with large rings around her hardened nipples. Oh wow! I couldn’t resist going for them.         
        First, I explored with my hands moving all over them. Holding them under to feel their weight. Rubbing over their smooth soft flesh. They had been pure white when she arrived in Indian. Now they carried a lighter all-over tan. 
        I found the rings around her nipples. Large rings, wide and a darker pink. Felt great to run my hands over them, feeling the tiny pimples with my fingers. But there were some things even better waiting for my attention. My fingers moved on to her nipples. As I touched her there the woman in front of me let out a soft moan as she closed her eyes. Getting horny on me, was she? That was good.
         My fingers closed over the Nipples of Paula. They felt hard and erect. I could see their rough texture and the split in their peaks where many years before she must have been breastfeeding. But that was history from long ago. Now the main purpose of these two beauties was for the enjoyment of her sexual partners. I was enjoying myself too. Loving playing with them.
        I leaned in closer, my tongue reaching for one nipple. I made contact, allowing my soft wet tongue to slide over the roughness of the erect nub. If felt nice for me but I have a feeling it was even better for her. She gave a gasp at the contact. Her hands came up to my head, pulling me against her. My mouth opened and I allowed her nipple to slip between my lips. As my lips closed over it and I began to suck, I heard her let out a deep moan.
         This was so sexy. I was enjoying myself and I’m sure she was too. Soon, I moved to the other nipple, giving that the full licking, mouth and sucking treatment there too. By now she was gasping and moaning regularly. Getting really turned on by what I was doing to her chest. But it must be said, it was a turn-on for me too.
         Suddenly, she grabbed my head and pulled me in between her breasts. I felt her press them against my head as I was deep between them. That was hot how she held her breasts against me like that, moving them with her hands so they rubbed against me as she moved. She was moving them with her hands, rubbing them against the side of my head. Never had that before - sexy!
        Finally, it was time I came up for air. I guy to die between two beauties. But what way to go. LOL
        “Do you want to put something else between them?” she asked.
        I wasn’t sure how to answer that. But before I could she continued.
        “Get me naked and then you can tittie fuck me.”
        I was like, “Oh wow!”
        I had loved how Mandara did it and was willing to try it again with Paula too. Just for the record - she had the right equipment too.
        By now my hands had returned to her swim-suit, pealing it lower down her body. Her belly button came into view. A bit lower came the marks that announced she was a mother as well as a mature woman. The marks of childbirth. A woman who had seen a lot in this world. No doubt had a lot more fucks than me too. That was a thought. I was looking forward to what experience of this woman would bring to our love-games.
        Now the nest between her thighs had begun to appear. I had noticed when she had first revealed it beside the pool in India, it had been a wild and unkempt forest. A few days later it had appeared trimmed and shaped as it still was now. More and more of this full forest appeared until suddenly the suit slipped from my fingers, falling to the floor.
       The full glory of her nakedness was before me. My hands went into exploring again. While one hand had returned to a breast the other had dropped between her thighs. My fingers explored the forest until they found what they were looking for. A hot open cunt, wet from her expectations and lips swollen and ready to take me.
       She didn’t allow me to stay there for long before she pushed my hand away.
       “My turn now,” she said. “Time to get you naked too.”
       I was like, "oh wow!"
       She kneeled in front of me to pull my shorts down. I think she was enjoying the way she took her time gradually revealing more and more of me. Finally, the shorts slipped from me and my erect cock sprang into view.
        With a giggle like a little girl, she reached for me, one hand going for the shaft of the Cock of Brian while the other went for my balls. She only gave me a few pumps. Nothing like I was expecting I would get before she let go of me standing up. I was mildly disappointed at that as I was hoping she might take me into her mouth but I knew she had other plans for my cock so let's go with that.
       “You are ready,” she told me. “Time for that tittie fuck.”
       “What about you?” I asked.
       “Don’t worry about me. I’ll have more than enough by the time I finish with you,” she said as her hand gave my cock another quick feel.
        Another promise of what delights I could expect from this woman.

        Taking the small bottle from the bedside cabinet, she lay back on the bed. I watched how she took some oil and applied it to her chest between her tits.

        “Move up closer,” she told me.
        Her hands reached for me, her oil-soaked hands taking my shaft. 
        “Oh, you have a nice one, don’t you?” she said as she began rubbing the oil over me.
        I didn’t reply. Just enjoying what she was doing to me.
        She was now looking at my cock and said to it, “I’m going to enjoy what you’ll be doing to my pussy later.”
        Oh wow! That was so hot!
        Never had anyone talking to my cock like that. LOL, My cock liked it too, giving a jerk of approval. 
        When she had finished coating my cock with the oil, she lay back on the bed again asking me to move up over her. I moved slightly further up so now I was sitting with a leg each side of her body. From that position, I was able to lower my cock down to her chest between her tits. Taking her breasts from each side she pressed them together so my cock disappeared completely between them. 
        With the oil on my cock and the oil between her breasts, I could move easily, even though she was holding me tightly. My cock was pulling backwards and forwards, sliding between her ample pleasure mounds while I fucked her. It felt good from the very beginning and only got better as I continued. 
        Gripping me like that, the tight flesh of her breasts was rubbing against me. As my cock pressed forward, I could feel the sensitive head of my cock pressing an opening between them. The way she gripped my shaft felt good too. As I pulled back, she still gripped me tightly, like she was refusing to let me go. Not that it was a concern as I wasn’t going anywhere. 
        The slippery slot she had created between her tits felt amazing for my cock. She seemed to have got the pressure just about right. Tight enough to grip me, give me pleasure but not too tight so I couldn’t move. The way my cock could slide through between her breasts was amazing. It felt so good moving through the slick oil as she held me tightly.
        I was almost there now. It had been so good that now the cum was rising in my shaft. For a moment I wondered how she wanted to do this but this sexy woman was ahead of me there too.
        “Cum on my tits,” she told me. “Cum all over them.”
        I was about there now. She realised it, letting her breasts go and reaching for my cock. It only took a few pumps with her hand and I was gone. 
        As I looked down, the first glob burst from me. The burst of cum shot out of me, hitting her left breast just below the nipple. She guided me to the other breasts so my second shot hit her there. There were a couple more with one directed to each breast before I was finished.
        I sat there looking down at her. Her hands had now left me, returning to her breasts. I watched as she rubbed my slippery cum over herself. Fingers working and rubbing over her nipples. It must have felt good as soon she had her eyes closed.  
       I decided she needed some help so I reached down to help too. It was slippery and sticky now. A real mess. I moved back a bit so I could lean down bringing my mouth to her nipple. I began by giving the nipple a few light licks. Now it tasted an interesting mixture of the oil and my cum.
       Suddenly, she grabbed me again, pulling my head forward and down between her breasts again. I could feel how she was now so slippery there. I could feel the oil and cum all over my face and the sides of my head. 
       When she let me go, I pulled my head up and looked at her. She began to laugh.
       “What?” I asked.
       “You look such a mess!”
       “Well, you did it, pulling me in there.”

       I was a mess too and needed a quick shower to clean up. As can be expected, Paula joined me in the shower. She even washed my head and hair for me. Well, I couldn’t very well do it. My hands were too busy rubbing slippery wet soap all over her lovely full body.

       It ended with her using soapy hands to work me erect again while I used a bar of soap to work her too. I was pressing the soap into her before pulling out to run it across her open slot and up and over her clitty. Each time I touched her there her whole body shuddered as she gave a deep moan.
       “I’m so hot for you,” she said in my ear.
       “I’m hot for you too.”
       “I want you. Want you in me.”
       “You want my cock in there?” I said pressing the soap into her.
       She gave a gasp, “Yes! Oh, yes!”
       “Now I’m going to fuck you,” I said.
       She just moaned lightly.
       “Fuck you hot cunt until you cum.”
       She gave a huge moan as she fell against me. Yes, this woman was ready alright. Time to take her to bed for some good fucking. 
       Leaving the shower, I took a towel to begin drying her off. It felt good running my hands all over her body. A good excuse to touch her all over and explore her naked body again. Not that I needed an excuse. I had no doubt she was will for me to do anything I wanted with her body.
       I felt those lovely breasts again, finishing there as I’d left them until last. My hands took each one holding it rubbing all over it before moving on to the other one. And no, I didn’t forget to give her nipples a good going over too. Yes, it had been great to explore her body and I must admit to taking longer than was needed to dry her off.  
       She took her time drying me off too. Particularly when she came to my cock. I loved what she did to me there. I was hard, of course, with what she did with that soft towel made me even more ready for some hot pussy. She had dropped to her knees when she had finished, taking me with her hands. I noticed she explored me all over down there, admiring and even commenting how good I looked. I think it's sexy when a woman openly shows her desire for a man, although in Paula’s case you could almost say her lust for me. 

       We were on the bed and as she lay back, I climbed on beside her. Soon, she was reaching for me, pulling me over on top of her. So, she wanted me, did she? Well, I wanted her too. I had heard Paula was great in bed and now I was ready to find out for myself. 

      So, it was to be me on top. I was very ok with that too. 
      I moved forward with my body moving on top of her, a momentary hesitation as I found the softness of her and I pressed forward to enter her. The soft flesh gave way, her lips parting to allow me to enter. I felt her wetness; I felt her warmth as I pressed in deeper into the Pussy of Paula. 
       I didn’t need to pull back and try again. She was so wet that she took all of me with the first hit although I did see her eyes open with surprise when I went in so deep. 
      “So deep!” she moaned in my ear.
      I began to move. A long slow pull out then a sharp fast thrust back in. That cunt around my cock felt good. I loved the way she gripped me. 
      As the desire between us increased I began to move faster. Hard thrusts into her. Going deep between those hot open lips. It was starting to get to me now. For a moment I wondered about her.
      But I shouldn’t have worried. Once again, this woman was ahead of me. She started to move against me. Her pelvis rising to meet me. She was using her body to add excitement to us both by twisting her pussy up to meet each time I thrust into her.
       The energy between us was rising. My speed had increased and she was still meeting me with every thrust. But by now I knew I was almost there. My approaching orgasm was almost ready to burst. Suddenly she bucked up at me. Her pelvis thrusting at my cock. I heard her gasp as her body arched under me. A big moan followed by a cry out and she was gone.
       My cock exploded inside her. Cum burst from me as I bathed in the delights of orgasm too.  

       It had been good. Paula is a sexy woman who really knows how to fuck. A mature woman who knows how to use her body to please a man. Sex with her was exciting. I must admit I didn’t really know what to expect. I had heard some of the men saying she was good and even read about her in the Letters stories but you don’t really know until you try. She was great. I am pleased I took the chance to enjoy her. 

       I suppose we could have gone a second round but I had the feeling Paula wanted to get back to the rest of our group. I was ok with that. Very happy with what we had done.
        Now we were back down at the pool. A few of them were there but some were missing too. When I asked Jenny told me they got the idea from us. 
       Oh, that was good.
       “What about you Jenny? Are you missing out?”
       “I won’t after dinner if you want me,” she replied.
       “Of course,” I agreed.
       I like Jenny. I have been with her many times and sex is always good with her. Even without sex, I enjoy being with her. Spending another night with her? I was fine with that but a bit surprised I got an offer so quickly.
       But I was just about to get a couple more surprises.
       “What about you Peter?” Paula, the woman standing beside me said.
       “No plans yet. Are you offering?”
       “I might be,” Paula replied.
       “Ok then. As long as Brian hasn’t worn you out.”
       That was cheeky. He deserved the punch she gave him.
       “Violent woman,” he said rubbing his arm. “You’ll need to repay me for that.”
       “Don’t worry I will,” she replied sitting down beside him.
       I man she had just been fucking forgotten as she was lining up her next partner. But not that I could say anything, being already on a promise with Jenny.
       “Where are Mega and Donald?” I asked noticing they were there.
       “Not come back yet,” Mike said. “She must be giving him a good time.”
       “Hope she doesn’t kill him,” Paula added which made us all laugh. 
        Mega and Donald didn’t come back down to the pool. When I got back to our room I found her there already showered and dressed ready to go out for dinner.


  1. Hi everyone. We are first here I see.
    When I saw your message on Skype, I was like excited to read the new story.
    We lay in bed together to read. When we came to the tittie fucking part the Cock of James was like hard and erect. When we came to Paula getting fucked the Pussy of Raviprabha was like juicy and wet.
    Sorry about the delay in this comment. After the story we were like a couple of horny rabbits. LOL
    Ayaka & Geoff a good story. Yes Ayaka - your style is like all over this story.
    James & Raviprabha.

    1. James & Raviprabha.
      How are you both?
      When I saw your comment, the Foot of Anne was like - where is my steel capped boot?
      Then I thought if I did that you men would be all over my case about violence. So I resigned myself to reading your comment again and enjoying the clever take you did of Ayaka's distinctive writing style.
      Awesome Anne.

    2. Hello Anne, honey. Hope you all are fine there.
      Awesome Anne showing self-control. I am like - help! Call a doctor!
      Just James
      (Not Raviprabha, she wants nothing to do with this reply. LOL)

    3. Yes realise a woman can have self-control for only so long, Just James.
      There is a limit.
      Awesome Anne.

    4. LOL I love you Aweful Anne.
      Just James.

    5. Ha! Ha! I am not going to react to that, Just James.
      You obviously made a typing error.
      Awesome Anne.

    6. No reaction Anne?
      You are obviously seriously ill.
      Just James.

    7. James
      You are obviously trying to trick me into reacting.

    8. Anne
      You are obviously not your normal self or you have lost your steel capped boots.

  2. Thanks everyone.
    Just keep your comments below all this nonsense between Anne and James.

    1. What do you mean nonsense? This is a serious debate.

    2. Oh yes, Anne. How could I have missed that?
      It is serious, isn't? Serious bullshit. LOL

      Don't worry readers it is safe to say that. It seems like Anne has lost her boots.

  3. Attention everyone,
    Please place your comments neatly below all this nonsense and bullshit by James, Anne & Geoff. LOL

    This is another good one guys. That piece about the farewells was good. You would have to have some good character knowledge to write that.
    My hubby enjoyed the tittie fucking but I was into the main sex scene.

    1. One of the common themes of this blog is couples swapping partners like this story. Often it is with a mix of ages and cultures which I think you use superbly. We don't see these two characters as much as some of the others so to see Brian and Paula together is a treat. It is also interesting that Donald & Paula actually are written as coming from Perth, Australia where Sally and I (Bill) live.

      Brian has a thing about tittie fucking and is delighted when Paula offers him one. Cumming all over her tits in the process. Yes, I enjoy those too. If the woman has enough to grip you properly and you use plenty of oil, it can lead to some amazing sex. The way Paula decided to control his cum made it interesting too, leading into another sub-scene of messy sex.

      The sex follows through a number of sub-scenes, stripping, tittie fuck, sex. It moves fairly fast until finally they leave us back at the pool where Jenny is lining Brian up for a night. A busy boy!
      Yes, guys. A nice little story. Leaves me looking forward to the second part.
      Bill & Sally

    2. I can relate to what Bill said too. I am an older woman and it was very special for me that they would include me in the sexual activities that go on over at Anne's and also that they encouraged me to write stories as well.
      It has been a popular theme, sex with an older woman. But then maybe that is because many older woman turn out to be great sexual partners. Ha! Ha!

  4. Way to go guys! It's a good one.
    I can see you in the story Ayaka. I was like......etc;Then there was - The Cock of Brian - The Pussy of Paula. Your habit of personalising body parts by giving them formal titles.
    But I also found some parts that were different. Anne tells me you had quite a hand in this story Geoff. Good one mate. You make a good writing team and the background tells me the scenes were well tested too. LOL

    1. No harm in testing. More the better, I say.
