Monday 27 May 2019

Story 219 Flash!

Admin from Shanti.
         This brings us to the end of Volume Fourteen. The holiday in India for the wedding of Katrina and David is over and we have all returned to our homes. "Back to reality," is the way my husband, Mike put it. From now on we will return to three teams, in three different countries, each recording their adventures for all of us to enjoy.
         But there is one short story relating to this trip that I would like to tell you. You might say, I have been ordered to tell you as punishment for what happened. LOL.

        It had been a great holiday but as always, that flight home from Singapore was long and boring. Goes on and on, like forever. You can't do anything. You can't get up and walk around because others are asleep. Totally boring! You all know what I am like with flying. Mike might put it more bluntly - "a pain in the arse." LOL 
       Fortunately, the plane was only partly full so there was room to spread out. Mike and I were able to get three seats to ourselves right near the back. We discovered the seat handle between us could push up out of the way too. In front of us, Kathy was with the two boys Michael and Jagesh. She seems to like hanging out with those two. I think they both give her lots of attention which she craves. Little Petra was in the seat across the aisle fast asleep. 
       As I said above it had been a great holiday but I was ready to get home. I was missing being at home, looking forward to seeing Mum and Greeshma who had stayed at home while we had been away. So I looked out the window, looking forward to the moment when we swept in over the West Coast and flew in over Auckland. I tried to see our house but we were too far away to make it out. But Auckland didn’t disappoint, the city lay below as we flew over the CBD. As always, I was watching for the different landmarks as we passed them. The harbour bridge, the sky tower and Rangitoto, all of them there. (And don't any of you smart-arse guys say she's not bored now! OK?)
       As we banked around to approach the airport from the east and I was watching the buildings and houses of South Auckland below us getting closer and closer as we glided towards the runway.  
        The weather was good, fine and sunny with only a few patches of cloud.  That was good but I knew rain was expected later so I wondered how long it would last. I was also wondering how cold it would be outside after the heat of Southern India and Singapore.
        As the plane rolls down the runway you see the sign "Auckland International Airport" above the terminal. I always love that sign, as it gives me a sense that suddenly I am home.
       It took nearly an hour to get through customs, a total pain in the arse that was after such a long flight. Just before leaving the processing area we found Steve and Sharon waiting for us. How did they get through so fast? No kids to drag along I suppose. 
       We left heading for the two vans they had brought out to meet us. As we crossed the road under the covered walkway I felt a puff of wind come through. I felt the cold against my legs, felt the cold up the short skirt I was wearing. Suddenly it reminded me my panties were still in my handbag. I’d taken them off when Mike and I were playing during the night. I had suddenly realised I’d forgotten to put them back on until I was out of the plane and in the terminal building. I was tempted to visit the ladies quickly but the others were impatient to get through customs and on our way home. 
        But then I remembered what we had done. We’d both had good orgasms made spicier by where we were and the danger we could have been seen, could have been caught. Since there was hardly any wind, not the usual Mangere Airport westerly gale, I figured I could make it safely to the van Ok.
       Then I looked over at Mike. Yes, you could see his zip was still undone. That must have been from when I gave him that hot little blow-job.
       I said his name and when he looked my way I lowered my eyes and slightly nodded my head down too.
      “Oh!” he said realising what I meant.
      As we approached the machine to pay the parking fee I stood to cover him. He reached down quickly and slightly adjusted the offending organ, (not that I’d ever found it offending) and pulled up his zip. But he was caught! Lizamoa standing at the next machine spotted him.
       “Hey, Mike. What is this?” she laughed. “What have you guys been doing?”
      “Hush! Hush!” I heard Joseph say beside her. Then he added something in his Indian tongue I didn’t catch. Something embarrassing I think because she gave a giggle.
       We finished paying the carpark fees and then I picked up my carry bag and swung it over my shoulder. With my free hand, I grabbed the handle of my suitcase and we headed towards the car park. Are you paying attention guys? Short skirt, no panties with both hands full, crossing the gap between the terminal building and the hotel. Just asking for trouble when you think about it. 
       Mike had gone on ahead with the kids to find and unlock the vans while the rest of us came in a group. Are you still paying attention guys?  
       As we came around the side of the hotel building beside the car park a sudden gust of wind hit us. It caught my short skirt flying it up around my waist. I let go of the suitcase handle to deal with my skirt but it was too late. The man and woman coming towards me had already caught a free show, a full pussy flash and a group behind them must have also seen too. The man was smiling but she looked a bit shocked until he said something to her and they both laughed.
        Then a voice behind me, Joseph said, “There, I knew you two were up to something.”
        Steve added, “Nooky on the plane was it Shanti?”
       I realised the back view must have been as good too. By now Joseph was alongside me and he picked up my carry bag in the hand with his. Steve was now on my other side grabbing my suitcase. Helping a poor damsel in distress, were they?
       “Norty girl,” he laughed. “I’ll take this to give you two free hands.”
       Notice there was nothing mentioned about Mike. These two men were both just blaming me for it all.
        Mike was waiting for us at the van. He noticed me not carrying anything, just clutching at my skirt against the now gusty wind. Straight away he knew something was wrong.
       “What happened?” he asked.
       “Oh Shanti was just flashing her pussy to half the airport,” Sharon told him.
       "And her arse to the other half," Peter added.
       LOL! You have to laugh at those guys.
       “It is always the same with you Shanti,” Mike scolded me. “Where ever you go you can’t resist giving someone a flash.”
      “Hey Mike,” said Liz, coming to my defence. “I seem to remember you had a problem just now too.”
       "Did he?" Jenny asked.
       "Yes," Liz explained. "Mike came all the way through customs with his cock almost out." 
       That was a bit of an exaggeration. Mike laughed but it shut him up too. Good one Liz! 
       We loaded the van and soon we had left the airport and were on the motorway heading into the city. Liz was not ready to let the subject drop.
       “So what was happening in the back seat Mike?” she asked. “What were you and Shanti up too?”
       “Oh nothing,” I said, trying to play things down.
       “Sure, sure,” said Joseph. “We all believe that.”
        Then Mike came up with a good reply. “Just enjoying some in-flight entertainment, Liz.”
        As everyone burst out laughing I heard Liz say to Joseph, “We needed some of that entertainment too.”
      “Yes,” Joseph agreed. “I’d have been in for that.” 


  1. That story is so you Anne. If there is someone in a group going to give a pussy flash, you can bet on it being you.
    LOL James

    1. I have heard about the real version of this story, Anne. How you were in a short skirt with nothing underneath. Both hand full with bags and you walk between those two buildings at the airport. Just asking for trouble. LOL

    2. Yes this is Anne alright. But I love the way she has taken a real story and used it in the Letters stories. It fits nicely at the end of this trip to India. Yes, I got a laugh out of it.
      Allan snr

  2. Yes, James, I think you might be right there.
    Anne does have a problem with bikini tops and short skirts. LOL

    1. No problem from where I am Sayako...
      Anne, this is one of the gems of the blog which come along now and again

    2. Yes, Ian I agree.
      Only Anne would write something like this and make a good story of it. As her background will tell you, I was one of the inspirational characters. I was caught with my zip down. LOL

    3. Caught with your cock out, too. LOL.
      Awesome Anne.

    4. What do you mean by Allan was caught with his cock out?

  3. This comment stream hasn't really taken off. I guess we are all too distracted by the new blog.
    The story is another of those little stories you guys have written that add variety by taking us away from the big sex scenes. I was imagining it happening to Anne and then I discovered that it actually did. Ha! Ha!.

  4. Hello all my naughty friends.
    I've been a bit sick the last few weeks. Just winter again.
    Today, I sat down to catch up on my reading. I can see this is Anne's work, what appears a simple story but one with more than you think. She almost tells us what is going to happen so there is no surprise. Even the title gives it away. But the reason why she was without panties and Mike had his zipper down is dripped to us during the story. Then she pulls the story off with that humour of witty lines at the end.
    Well done Anne.
