Thursday, 4 June 2020

Story 240 Part Two - Background.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 240 Part Two.

Hi from Mary again,
           This is the second part of our story leading to the big orgy scene at the end. The build-up for this was the Progressive Undressing Dinner (Later called The Progressively Stripping Dinner.) Yes, I know, what is the difference, anyway. But Kim was the boss and that name was the one she liked. 
           The male characters have already covered this in Part One but I wanted to take a fresh look at this dinner through the eyes of a woman, Kalki. This leads into the final orgy scene, told by Sairu. I covered some of this orgy but many may say I should have done more. But my reply to that is you have got what you've got so shut up and enjoy it. LOL

          Of course, the main theme of this story is role-playing. Acting out a fantasy situation with people playing fantasy roles. Or it could be you playing your real self in a fantasy situation. Often, I've seen it done here and taken part in it too.
         One famous role-playing was done a few times with Ayaka. She greets the 'inspector' who has come to inspect the milking shed. He, of course, fails the machine on some minor item and Ayaka asked how she can get it passed. Yes, you guys have got it. She gets some good fucking from the 'inspector,' sometimes on the platform while it is rotating. 
         Another one is us women go to the RSA alone. The boys follow a bit later and try to pick us up. Their lame pick-up lines are amusing as well as their excuses while we should follow them back to their farm. Then we get down to the main event of the evening, fucking, often still role-playing then too.

         There have been a few fantasy roleplay stories in this blog too. One that I really enjoyed was Story 190 Sarvesh and the Maid. Where this strange maid turns up late one evening to clean Sarvesh's bedroom. Cleaned him too. LOL Go read it. It's a good story.
         Another great fantasy scene happened in Story 161 Singapore Stopover – Part One. Jeevan was fucking Katrina while telling her about her standing on the diving board at the hotel pool and stripping naked in front of everyone. The whole sex scene was done with talking between them. A really sexy scene.
          Well, I think you guys get the idea.   (Mary)

Hi, Anne here.
          This story seemed a bit short. It needed something more. I decided to write another small section from Amita. Anyway, my small section turned out to be nearly half the story with us touching on some food sex and something new for this blog, water sports.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 240 Part Two.


  1. I see you guys have kept the same structure as Part One. Dividing it into sections told by different people. This works well.
    I really liked the sections told be Amita. You gave us a lot more detail concerning her stripping experience. I enjoyed that. You also gave us some more insight as to how the girls were enjoying this too.
    I also noticed you have taken us into some now territory. Squirting and even some water sports. Is this just a one off or will you continue to include this in your stories?

    1. Water sports. Something new. At first, an accident when Amita splashed piss on Hansini. But the second part is really crossing the line where Hansini pisses over Amita. Of course, in the shower it is soon washed away quickly.
      Will be interested if you pick up this theme again.
      Sally (Aust)

    2. Wow! What a great idea for a story. You paint a picture of people who like to have fun and enjoy life. I like that, it keeps me reading this blog.

  2. Allan snr and I enjoyed reading this part last night. We helped in Part One but didn't do anything with this part.
    Anne and Mary did most of it. Both good writers and it shows here too.
    Now looking forward to what Allan jun and the Big Three will do with Part Three.
    Kim & Allan snr.

  3. Kia ora
    To all my naughty friends. LOL
    Another good read in which we learnt with greater detail what had gone on behind the scenes at the Progressive Stripping Dinner. We were taken into the kitchen to see how these naughty girls warmed themselves up for the sexy fun ahead. The sex at the table was actually quite good with a little bit of ice cream thrown in. Did you do that Kim? LOL
    I felt the orgy part was a bit plane and mechanical. I think, given more time you could have done a lot better Anne.
    Next morning was interesting when Amita and Hansini were in the shower together. its been mentioned before you've never used pissing as a theme before. Are you going to explore it further?
    Technically, very good. Not many mistakes I found. The structure was good too. It followed the layout of Part One nicely. Now I am wondering what you will do for Part Three.
    So bye from me,
    Kia kaka, Kia kaha.

    1. That was Moa just above as most of you will have guessed.

    2. Thank you Moa,
      I always enjoy your comments. We all wait for them here to see what Moa says about our work.
      I agree with you on that orgy section. Even as we went to publish I as not happy with it.

    3. Thank you Moa,
      Yes, I did add in that shower scene. I wanted something a bit different. While not really a personal attraction for me, I think this blog needs to continue to break boundaries and explore new aspects of sexual adventure. Anne and I agree that from time to time we should break from our main themes and do this.
      We see squirting and water sports in the sections of this story. Both new themes to explore.

    4. It has been brought to my attention that some of those making comments are not meeting the requirements of this blog.
      An Anonymous writer, 6th June at 8pm, wrote using "plane" for the correct "plain." We can not have such poor spelling and grammar here.
      It is the agreed standard that those using anonymous will leave a name at the end of their comment. In the case mentioned above, this didn't happen.
      We really can't have our high standards being lowered like this.
      A very concerned Allan jun.

    5. Very concerned Allan? Why is that? Is it because you know I'm going to kick your little white arse when I catch you.
      For those reading who require political correctness, my comment above is not racist its factual. He does have a little white arse, not brown like mine. As for the open threatening of violence. Not a threat, it's a promise. LOL.
