Friday 19 June 2020

Story 241 - Amita’s Waiters – Part One.

Hello from Anne,
         When we started this story, it was our intention to be doing an extra part for Story 240 but as often happens with our writing, things get changed along the way and stories evolve as they are written. When it became clear we needed more than one page, we decided to assign another story number to make this a separate story. In line with this, we then we've divided it into two parts, with this being Part One.
         First, Allan wants to back up to before the first dinner then we will be starting on the second dinner party. Shandra, Susan and I took over for most of this second evening. Yes, the four original writers working together. It’s going to be good.
               (Awesome Anne)

Jeevan – Where did this all come from.   (Written mainly by Allan)
        Kalki, it seems you have given my friend Sarvesh the blame or fame for these stripping dinner ideas but he will be the first to admitting the reality is, it was not actually his idea. It was just once Sarvesh and Amita got hold of it, the idea quickly spiralled out of anything I had thought of.  
        Let me be setting the record straight. We must go back for over a week before the first Progressive Stripping Dinner when my story must begin from.  (See Story 240)
        It had been a big week, so many containers and rail wagons coming and going, then there was erecting shelving and last fitting out of the huge Warehouse No3. Very busy week but we had achieved a lot. Now it was late Friday afternoon, Sarvesh arrived in my office with a half dozen carton of beers. Pulling up a comfortable chair, he sat back, his feet landing on the edge of my desk.
      “Hey!” I said, nodding down at his feet.
      “Well, Katrina used to do it,” came his excuse.
      “But in those short skirts, Katrina’s legs were much better looking than yours.”
      He laughed at that, “You want me to wear a short skirt then?”
      “No Sarvesh, I doubt that would be an improvement.”
      We both laughed at that before I changed the subject.
      “What’s happening next weekend,” I asked.
      Next weekend was scheduled as our next nude weekend. I was wondering if he had anything special planned. Usually, Sarvesh or Amita would have some good ideas or a theme.
      “Not sure yet,” came his reply. “Nothing planned.”
      “Well, you better get something going. The girls will kick your arse.”
      He laughed at that. “Ha! Ha! Shanti isn’t here.”
      Another couple of beers were opened and we both took a swallow.
      “Got any ideas, Jeevan,” he asked me after a pause.
      “What about a meal where the girls serve us before serving themselves as sex slaves?”
      “Sex slaves? I can’t see Amita or Hansini going for that! Just mention the word and we’ll have a fight on our hands.”
      I nodded with a smile, “Those two women are always frisky and ready for a fight.”
      He nodded his agreement. 
      “So how do we do this, Jeevan?” 
      “Sexy waitresses, then?”
      “Hired to entertain important business clients,” Sarvesh added.
      “Hired to host,” I corrected him.
      “Ahh yes, host important clients,” he smiled.
      Quickly, this became a brainstorming session. That is until the pack of beers ran out and then we both decided to call it a day, taking the car Sarvesh had waiting outside and he dropped me off on the way home.

       Well, that was the last I heard of that. At the time I thought it might have been a good idea but when he didn’t mention it again, I decided that it had been dropped. Anyway, perhaps it was just the beer talking. 
      It was the following Thursday, the day before the nude weekend, Sarvesh was back in my office. Feet on my desk again!
      “We’re going with your plan tomorrow,” he said as he handed me a beer.
      Looking down at the bottle in my hand I thought, ‘I must stop taking so many of these, it is not helping my trim figure.’ LOL. 
      “What plan is this,” I asked, thinking he was meaning something concerning the business.
      “With the girls tomorrow.”
      “Oh!” I said. “Sexy girls serving us businessmen.”
      “More to it than that,” he began.
      Sarvesh then went on to tell me with detail, all that was going to happen the following night. 
      “Do you think the girls will go for it, Sarvesh?” I asked him.
      “I'm sure, they will,” he laughed. “With the promise of a fun evening and some great sex, of course, they’ll go for it.”
      “When are you going to tell them?”
      “I’ll ring them after dinner this evening,” he began. “Give them enough information to get them intrigued, then tell them exactly what they must wear.”
      “Something sexy, I hope.”
      “Yes sexy, Jeevan.”
      So you won't tell them what we'll be doing then?
      No, make it a surprise.
      You like teasing them, don't you?
      Of course, he smiled. Keep them guessing. I'll tell them I've hired a limo to pick just the girls up first and then I'll suggest us men are going to the club. That will confuse them.
      “Great!” I agreed. I love it!
      He looked at me a bit surprised.
      “Yes, great!” I said. “I want to be sitting there when you tell Mandara.”
      “Don’t you think she’ll go for it, Jeevan?” he asked, a bit concerned.
      “Oh, she’ll go for it alright,” I told him. “With the promise of a night of sex. She'll be in for that. I just want to be there for the shagging practice after she’s talked with you.”
       He laughed as we got up to leave to go home. 

       That night Sarvesh’s phone call came and I handed it to Mandara. I was sitting beside her listening so I could hear him too. It was amusing how he had Mandara all worked up but still, she didn’t really know what was going on. Well done, Sarvesh. You pulled that off well. 
       A bit later I heard Mandara on the phone with Hansini. 
       “What is going on?” 
       “What are these men up too?” 
       “Are the other men in on it too?”
       “Are you going to flash too?”
       “Yes, but a pussy flash might have been fun too.”
       She was giggling as she hung-up.
       That was only one side of the conversation but I’m sure you get the picture. 

       Mandara came and sat beside me. Taking the remote she turned down the TV. I knew she wanted to talk and had a fair idea about what. But I was determined to support my friend Sarvesh and not give anything away. I knew if Mandara got anything out of me, it would quickly be passed on to the other women.
       “What is going on, Jeevan?” she started on me.
       “I have no idea what……”
       “You men are up to something.”
       “Mandara, how can you be accusing…..”
       “You know what’s going on!”
       “How can I? You haven’t told me much yet.”
       “Then why did you have your good suit out looking at it earlier?”
       Ahh! She had me there. I thought she was in the kitchen. So now I needed to change my strategy.
       “Mandara, I can’t be telling you. Go ask Sarvesh.”
       “Oh! You do know then?”
       She was on to me but I couldn't release any more information.
       “Mandara, I know all that Sarvesh was telling to you.”
       “Is that all you will tell me?”
       “All I can tell,” replied.
       By now she was standing facing me with her hands on her hips. I felt like a little boy been caught and was being grilled for the truth.
       For a moment her eyes searched my eyes. Suddenly, she burst out, “Bullshit! You men are up to something.”
       Oh wow! That from such a mild woman as my wife. I love it! She turned and walked away, leaving me wondering if I was in trouble or not. Maybe there wouldn't be shagging practice tonight after all. LOL. The sacrifices us men have to make!
       She was already in bed when I got to the bedroom. I had hardly got in when she put down the magazine she was reading and rolled over on top of me. I was mildly surprised at the discovery of this completely naked woman on top of me, kissing and cuddling as she rubbed her body all over against my naked body. 
       Soon my exploring hand had discovered a very wet pussy. It seems she’d been playing while waiting for me to arrive. I am always turned on when I discover Mandara primed and ready for sex.
       The sex that followed was great and she rode me with great energy and sexual excitement and quickly I was drawn into her enthusiasm too. While she was dancing around sitting over me with her pussy deeply penetrated by my cock, I did my best to continue with some normal fucking. But she as she continued, even bouncing around so much she lost me a few times. In the end, I concluded the best strategy was just to let her go, to get it out of her system.
       It all ended in one massive orgasm where she cried out as she crashed forward on top of me. Once that was out of the way, she calmed down a bit, our fucking could continue. This time, I think she felt embarrassed from what had just happened and was determined to please me, doing all she could to take me over into my orgasm. It worked too, so good that I really didn’t soften before we were into it again. This time she fucked me until she had drained me dry, collecting another couple of cums herself along the way. When she rolled from me, we lay beside each other breathless.
        “Now, what’s going on, Jeevan,” she asked.
        “Mandara, that is not fair.”
        “All is fair in the love and the war,” she replied with a cheeky grin. 
        I laughed at her use of that English saying even if she wasn't quite correct. I love to see that cheeky side coming out.
        “Well?” she asked when I didn’t reply.
        “Well what, Mandara?” 
        “So, no more information, then?”
        “No more information.”
        “Ok, eat my pussy. Make me cum until I tell you to stop.”
        “Was that my punishment?” I asked her.
        I was thinking, like in the story a few weeks ago where my friend’s wife Lizamoa had ‘punished’ that poor Japanese man. (Story 231 Horny Hirohiko.)
        “Yes, like Liz punished that Japanese man.”
        “Ok then,” I agreed. “Lay on your back.”
        Yes, I ate her wet pussy. A did my best to please her. More than a couple of times too, I must add. I could not believe how turned on she was about something she didn’t even know about. Oh, well! Women! Who can understand them? All we can do is enjoy them.
        When she has finished, we settled down to sleep. Her cuddled in my arms.

        Well, you have read all the rest. (Story 240) The rest is history, I think the saying is. Friday night, after meeting the men at the club, we went over to Sarvesh’s house where the girls were ready for us. They were dressed very sexy for us and during the dinner, as they served us, they were stripping off more and more with each course. We played with them more and more too. The evening ended up with an orgy with lots of sex for us all. It had been a great evening. Up there among the best for me.  

        So, are you happy now Kalki? Do you know the truth of this without any more of accusing to my poor friend Sarvesh?   

Kalki – The Men’s Turn.     (Susan & Mary)
Hello from Kalki even again.
       Yes, Jeevan, I read your words but you can't convince me Sarvesh wasn't involved because I am very knowing of him and his tricks.
       But now to my part in this story. On the morning after the (first) dinner party who became an orgy, I woke up early on the couch with Sairu. We had been sleeping together with her laying on the couch and me laying my back against her, her arms wrapped across my breasts, holding me. Nothing sexual but very comfortable way for us both. 
       When I came to be awake and realised where I was, I was careful to extract myself while trying not to waken her. Pulling aside her arms I lifted my body away from her, off the couch. She gave a slight murmur in her sleep but didn’t wake. It would have been nice to lay there for a while but I had to move, my bladder was crying for my attention. After relieving myself I proceeded to the dining room. 
       What a mess! I decided on a coffee first before I began the job of cleaning up. So, going to the kitchen, I put the kettle and began placing the first load of plates in the dishwasher. Meanwhile, Amita and Hansini had arrived.
       With both dishwashers running, all three of us sat at the kitchen table to enjoy a delicious coffee before beginning the rest of our work. Soon, two men, Sarvesh and Hamza had arrived and I jumped up to get the coffee for them too.
       “That was fun last night, Sarvesh,” Hansini told him. “A very good idea.”
       Sarvesh didn’t reply, just acknowledged her comment with a nod as he excepted the cup I offered to him.
       “You had us wondering what you guys were up to. But it worked out well.”
       “Good to give you girls a bit of intrigue,” he said with a grin. “Good to be smarter than you sometimes.”
       That was a bait and I thought Hansini would take it but she just smiled. I think she saw it for what it was.
       “We should do it again,” Amita said.
       “But doing again would not be so much fun,” Hamza added.
       “Of course, it would,” Amita corrected him. “This time you men can be serving us, women.”
       “You mean us men wear sexy little maid outfits with no panties?”
       Amita laughed at that. “No Hamza. That might be interesting but no. You still wear your nice suits and us girls still wearing the sexy things.”
       “You are meaning we strip while serving the various courses?”
       “Yes, Sarvesh. Of course, that one too,” she laughed. “So, we can see your hard cocks when you bring in the last course.”
       “How do you know we’ll be hard?” Sarvesh asked.
       “I’m sure you will. If not, us girls have ways of making you hard.”
       We all laughed at that, but I knew it to be true.
       I'm sure you do, Hansini, Sarvesh added.

        So that was where the idea came for the second weekend. I was sitting, not involved but just listening while they were describing with detail what this next time could be. I must confess that talking of this sexual evening was affecting me. I was beginning to feel a bit horny which surprised me after all from the night before. I moved slightly in my seat and Sarvesh caught me.
        “What’s wrong, Kalki?”
        “Nothing,” I replied.
        “There is,” he said. “Are you getting horny again.”
        “No! No!” I lied. “Just getting more comfortable.”
        Then Hamza betrayed me by saying, “I think she is, Sarvesh.”
        They were all looking to me now, all attention is drawn to me. But what could I be saying? They had guessed my sexual state, so no use denying it. I just gave a shy, gentle smile.
        “So does Kalki want some more. Didn’t get enough last night,” Sarvesh said as he stood up.
        I notice the state of his cock too. So, it seems I wasn’t the only one feeling the horny. When I pointed this out to him he laughed and invited me to take more with him if I was willing.
        “I can have more,” I found myself saying.
        “She likes it sitting on a table,” a voice said behind me. It was Mootie and Sairu who had just walked in. 
        “Ok, if that is how she likes it?” Sarvesh said. “Then that is the way Kalki can have it.”
        I could not believe this. Suddenly, there was fucking going on and I was going to be the centre of it.
        Sarvesh came to me to pull me from my chair. As he did the chair was knocked to go crashing to the floor. His hands went to my waist and my feet left the floor as he lifted me to sitting on the kitchen table. The others had quickly removed the cups to make way for me. I found myself sitting there with my legs hanging from the table.
          I didn’t have very long to think about where I was because of what Sarvesh began doing for me. He had pulled my legs wider as he dragged his chair in to sit between them. With my thighs opened, my pussy was presented fully to him. He didn't hesitate but went straight in.
         First, it was with his hands. Experienced fingers knowing how to please and excite. I felt how he brushed down along my wet lips. At first, they had been just moistened but soon they were swelling and opened. That surprised me too, how quickly I was responding to him. 
        Soon one hand was finger fucking me while the other was stimulating over my clitty. It was with no doubt that be wasn’t just playing but with the intention of taking me all the way. 
        Things changed for more when he brought his mouth into the action too. The way his tongue was working over me was amazing. I was soon taken with excitement and humping my pussy back to him. I think it was at this time that he realised I was ready for more from him.

         I was sitting on the table edge, my body rested back with my arms supporting. I looked around to notice others had entered the room until now all ten of could be counted as present. But quickly my attention returned to watching as Sarvesh stood up to reveal how ready he was for some hot pussy. I also knew the hot pussy would be the one belonging to this girl.
         With me in such an exposed position, I think all within the room who were standing around the table would be able to view how he approached me. Sarvesh has a very handsome cock. While not being as thick as Mootie is, he is about the same in length. When fully erected it had this slight upward hook which looked it would feel delicious inside.
         Taking it with one hand he guided it as he stepped forward to me. I felt the contact as he touched my outer lips and the push as he burst through them. With what he had been doing for me, my pussy was wet and willing for him. With another push, he was going in deeper.
         While all this was happening, I was looking down at myself with wonder, watching as his cock disappeared into me. I am always amazed at how my body can take such a man like that. Of course, we cannot be only concerned with the viewing as of more importance is the feelings coming from my pussy.

         The way his cock had pressed into between my lips had felt great. I had felt my pussy part and widen to accommodate him. With his second thrust, when he was going deeper, I felt the fulling feeling as the deeper parts of me moulded around him. Then came the feelings of him moving, the pulling back of his cock, then the sliding back in. Each time pulling and sliding between my pussy lips. Smoothly moving without resistance because of my juices.
         It was feeling really good and soon this pulling against my pussy lips was affecting my clitty. It was at this point that I knew this fucking was going to end well. I was going and building towards an orgasm. 
         By now, it was feeling so good that I was losing the strength to support myself. I was just thinking I would be falling back against the table-top when two strong arms came in behind me to support me. I felt my upper body rest back against a strong chest and looked up to realise that Mootie was supporting me, his kind face looking down towards mine.
        “It’s ok Kalki,” he said softly. “Just enjoy it. I’ve got you.”
        For a moment, I smiled back at him before I turned back to watch what Sarvesh was again. From this half-sitting position, I could look down at what he was doing to my cunt. I could see him standing before me and see how his body was working as he forced into me and withdrew from me. The way that cock was working my pussy really felt amazing. I could feel it all, how the shaft of his cock was sliding in and out between my lips. How the head was going in so deep inside my body. But even better than that, with the part sitting position I was in, I could watch too, watch the whole process of him fucking to me.
        I think I would have got there with the normal building process of orgasm, certainly, I was heading in that direction but something happened to change that. Jeevan, who was standing close beside Sarvesh, reached down between Sarvesh and me to touch the top of my pussy. You all know that special place, where the two lips meet and end at the top. He touched the little nob of my clitty. I was already very juiced there and those few fingers rubbing over it was all it took to suddenly send me under orgasm. 
         I think the sudden reaction of me pussy did it for Sarvesh too. The way my pussy jerked and humped against him, how my cunt lips tightened and clenched him, all helped to make it better for him.
        I heard the groan he gave; felt how suddenly he had lost rhythm and was giving me the last few humps before he stopped. For a few moments, we sat there, me leaning back, sitting on the table while Mootie continued to support me. Sarvesh, standing between my legs, his cock stopped deep inside me as it gave the last few jerks of delivering his man-juice.
        Finally, came the moment of withdrawal where his softening cock slipped from me as he stepped back.
        It had been a big one. A huge one. I was feeling exhausted. The thought came to me that I could curl up and go to sleep in those strong arms that supported me.

        “How was that?” Mootie asked me softly.
        “It was amazing,” I managed to breathe back to him.
        “Looked pretty good from here too,” he said. “I could feel it through your body too.”
        For a moment I wondered about that as his strong arms gently laid me back on the table. The others had left the room now, going to start clearing the things in the dining room. Only Mootie and I were left within the kitchen.
        He came around the table to be in front of me, with me stilling laying there with my pussy parted and exposed. I knew I was showing it all for him. But I didn’t care. I was too relaxed to care, too fucked to care you might be saying. 
        As I sat up to rest on my hands again, Mootie reached in at me with a paper towel, wiping the juice and cum that was leaking from my pussy. 
        “You are a mess, so juicy, Kalki.”
        “Yes, I was feeling so hot doing that,” I replied.
        “You looked hot too.”
        I looked down at him and noticed his cock, standing out erect.
        “I can see you liked it, too,” I told him.
        “Yes, got me horny.”
        “You can do it if you want,” I said nodding down towards my cunt.
        “You mean….?
        “Yes, Mootie,” I replied. “I won’t cum again but you can fuck to me if you want. I don’t mind. I’m wet and juicy for you.”
        “Are you sure, Kalki?”
        “Of course. You need a hot pussy. I have one here for you.”
        “Ok then,” he said, still a bit of doubt. “As long as you are sure.”
        “Yes, Mootie. I am sure.”
        Mootie came in between my thighs and pulled my body back across the smooth table until my cunt was close to his cock. I felt the press as he pushed into me. Felt that full feeling I always have when I fuck to him. But with my juicy pussy, he was easy to go into me. 
        Reaching forward, his strong hands gripped my hips as he began to fuck. It felt good with his thick shaft sliding between my lips but I was too relaxed to begin building for a cum. I decided just to be passive and allow him the fucking of me.
        He was going deep for me; his moving was fast and roughly. I was ok for that. I was kind of enjoying it too. Even without the thrilling of orgasm, the feelings of a cock within my cunt is still a very nice feeling. 
        While I was not about to cum, I soon knew he was. I heard him gasp and could see the look of his face. He was under orgasm. There were a couple of big jerks of his cock and then he was still. Calm while the surges of his cock filled me with even more cum. It was just to finish when there was a voice behind me.
        “What is this?” Hansini said.
        “Looks like Mootie getting some more pussy pie,” Amita laughed.
        “That was fast work,” Jeevan said. “She’s still hot from Sarvesh.”
        “Yes, fast work,” Hansini agreed.
        “Hey!” says Sarvesh. “What’s going on?”
        “Looks like you didn’t give her enough, Sarvesh,” Jeevan said. “She wanted some more.”
        “So, it seems, Jeevan,” Sarvesh laughed.
        By now Sarvesh had walked around behind Mootie.
        “She’s good, isn’t she?” he said, giving Mootie a pat on his shoulder.
        “Amazing!” Mootie agreed as he pulled out from me his wet strong cock shiny in the kitchen light.
        I gave my gentle smile. This girl was happy these two men had said concerning me.

Jeevan – Waiter at Your Service.     (Anne, Susan & Shandra)
       Now a month had gone by and it was time for the nude weekend again. Time for the second stripping dinner and another role-playing evening for us all. It wasn’t the same surprise as it was the first time since we all had been involved in planning for it but I knew it was going to be fun again. It always is when Mandara and I get together with our friends. 
       So, let me tell you of the role I will be acting: - I am going to be Jeevan the waiter. I had a new part-time job. I was employed as a waiter by a very wealthy woman called Amita. She was holding a dinner party for her other lady friends and wanted a team of five professional waiters to take care of the serving during the dinner. Our role is to bring out the dishes for each course while removing the previous course. It seemed simple enough so I accepted the job being one among a group of five candidates selected.
       On the day of my first assignment, I  was finishing the final touches of dressing. Good trousers and matching jacket over a cream shirt underneath. I had just placed the tie around my neck and was watching in the mirror as I tied it. 
       I noticed behind me, Mandara, my wife was watching. She had paid attention to my full dressing process right from when I had stepped from the shower naked. Now, she stepped closer, pulling at my shoulder so I turned towards her, hands making those tiny adjustments to my collar and tie that women like to make.
       “Handsome man,” she said.
       I acknowledged her compliment with a smile. 
       “Sexy too,” she added as her hand reached to contact my chest.
       “Now, now, Mandara,” I warned her. “The car will be here to pick me up, soon.”
       “I wasn’t doing anything,” she returned.
       “I know that voice,” I replied. “You are thinking to the bedroom love-games.”
       “I was not!” she denied. “Can’t a woman admire her handsome husband when he dresses up?”
       “Of course, she can,” I said as my arms reached around her. “That is most welcome.”
       I pulled her against me so her ample breasts contacted my chest. Being ready for her own shower, I could feel how her swelling breasts were unrestrained under the sarong she wore. My fingers reached up to feel a nipple through the light material. It was already erect, betraying the sexual excitement of its owner. 
      “You are horny?” I asked, more of a statement than a question.
      “Yes,” she whispered in reply. “From watching you dressing.”
      “What can be sexy about that? Should it not be the undressing for excitement?”
      “Oh, no! It was sexy to watch you. Now I want to take you to the bed for the wild love-making.”
      “I told you Mandara. We can’t do that. I have to go soon.”
      “Yes, I know,” she said, looking sadly. “But it would have been fun.”
      “Of course,” I agreed.
      At that very moment, a car horn sounded which I knew was the car waiting to collect me.
      One last hug and a quick kiss and I had to turn towards the door. As I did, I felt a hand contact to my ass. She was really trying to be a distraction for me. 
      “Mandara, behave yourself,” I laughed.
      “It’s only a quick feel,” she replied.
      “Ahhh, but we both know where quick feels can lead to.”
      “Ok then,” she said slapping my bum, “Go to your job, leave me suffering at home.”
      “Suffering, Mandara is it?” I laughed. “I don’t think so. You will not be suffering tonight.”
      She laughed in reply, “I don’t think that one either. Will be fun tonight.”
      “Of course,” I agreed, leaning over to give another quick kiss before reaching for the front door to leave the house.

Let me get into my role. Now I am Jeevan the hired waiter.
        The car was waiting outside for me, already four other men were inside. Men whom I was employed to help this evening. Like me, they were all neatly dressed with the suit and tie. As I sat and the car began to move, we introduced ourselves. Next to me were two younger men, Hamza and beyond him, Payam.
       Across from me was Mootie, a man of an outdoor appearance who seemed a bit uncomfortable wearing a suit. Beside him was a man called Sarvesh. He reminded me of a prominent businessman from this town but it couldn’t be him as that businessman always wore a white suit while the man before me was dressed in a dark suit. That important businessman would never be seen working as a waiter either.
        We reached the large house where this dinner party was supposed to take place and was greeted by a woman. But what she was wearing was extremely sexy. A short skirt, displaying almost all of her thighs, made me wonder what she was wearing under it and how close it was of being seen. But then my attention was distracted to what she wore on top. It was a light sleeveless jacket of similar colour to her skirt. It was left partly open, showing the light blouse underneath. Then I realised the blouse was see-through and I caught the view of a naked breast under it. As she moved, the round curve under it and even the dark tips of a nipple could be seen. I got the impression that she was unconcerned with what she was wearing and what she was showing us. In fact, when she flipped her jacket open again, it almost seemed she was enjoying the attention of displaying for us.
        This woman introduced herself as Amita. That was a surprise! I had taken her to be a maid but here I was mistaken. She turned out to be the hostess of this dinner, the woman who was employing us.  She made us stand in a line and proceeded down the line to inspect each of us. What was she looking for? Could it be our clothing neat and correct or was it more our physical appearance? I was unsure. 
        Without saying a word, she looked at each of us closely before making some kind of physical contact. Touching and straightening my tie. Feeling Mootie’s muscles of his forearm, making hand contact with Payam’s chest. I'm not sure but I think she reached to feel Sarvesh much lower down if you get my meaning. 
         She returned back down our line, going behind our backs this time. I notice each of us got a hand feeling of our ass too. Naughty girl, Amita! Playing with the men like that. So, is it seems you like the ass of the man too?
         Her inspection complete, obviously all of us passing, now she began to give out instructions. It seems some special friends are coming for dinner and we were to serve them. The meal had been prepared and ready, with just some reheating required. It was a five-course meal which we would deliver to the woman assigned to us. 
        I was distracted by her final instruction. “I want these ladies to enjoy themselves. You must do whatever it takes to make them happy.”
        At that time, I wondered about that. What could she mean by whatever it takes? But I was soon to find that out. 

         We were shown to the kitchen where things for the dinner had been prepared by the cook before she left. There was not so much for us to do other than warming a few of the courses and other minor preparations like placing the ice cream on to the desert. 
         While we continued our preparations, soon we could hear women’s voices coming from the dining room and knew our guests had arrived. Soon Sarvesh had arrived in the kitchen to tell us they were ready for their meal.
         Taking the plates of the first course on a serving trolley, I followed with the other men to the dining room. There at the table were four other very sexy women, all dressed similarly as Amita was. Very nice. I began to realize this was going to be an interesting dinner party.
         Standing in a line, we were each introduced by name and assigned to one of the women. So you can be more fully informed, the pairs were: - Hamza serving to Amita; Payam serving to Kalki; Mootie serving to Mandara; Sarvesh serving to Hansini; and finally Jeevan (me) serving to Sairu.  

         So, here I was assigned, to a woman called Sairu. Younger than me but still a very beautiful woman, dressed with similar sleeveless vest jacket and an extremely short skirt. The jacket was left open to reveal a white see-through blouse showing a sexy blue bra. 
       I placed the plate on the table in front of her but it was a distraction not to check out the bare thighs showing so much flesh and the tiny sexy bra through her blouse as I did. Even more of a distraction was the hand that touched the outside of my thigh as I reached past her.

        We returned to the kitchen and after a while, we were called to serve the second course. But before we did there was one very special request. We had to remove our coats (jackets).
        First, I took the dish from the first course away to the serving trolley and then returned to her with the second course. That hand was there again but this time she actually touched my ass. 
       “Mmmm! Nice!” I heard her say quietly.
       As had been instructed, I asked if I could take her jacket. 
       I asked, “Would madame like me to take her jacket?”
       “Thank you, Jeevan,” she replied.
       She leaned forward so I could slip the jacket off her shoulders and place it neatly folded on a side table. I noticed the other women without their jackets too all four except Amita were showing tiny sexy bras through their see-through blouses. Amita, of course, was showing bare breasts under her blouse. Sexy! Naughty girl, Amita, showing off your tits like that. 
       Now it was time for the third course. As before, the procedure was to take the empty plate and then deliver the next course. But this time we had returned with our ties gone, leaving our shirts partly open.
        “Ok Sairu,” I said. “Please stand up so I can take your blouse off.”
        “Sairu, I want to take your blouse off.”
        “But why?”
        “So, you can get naked like us.”
        “Who said us girls are stripping. It is only you men this time.” She dropped out of character that time which kind of amused me that I had caught her off guard.
        Next to me, Sarvesh was having the same argument with Hansini.”
        “Do you want to eat?” he asked her.
        She sat there looking at him, surprised!
        “Well, for each course you must pay me with one item of clothing.”
        “But Sarvesh I…..”
        “Hansini, no clothes then no food.” 
        Picking up the plate of food in front of her he turned to walk away.
        He turned back. “What is it to be Hansini?”
        “Ok then,” she said standing up. “Take my blouse off.”
        “See I knew it.”
        “What?” she asked, on the defensive again, her arms covering her chest.
        “Women can be trained to perform simple commands.”
        ‘Oh shit!’ I thought. ‘This has ruined the evening!’
        Whack! She hit him, the plate of food in his hands went flying to land with a smash, a mess of food and broken crockery. While I ran in to get Hansini another plate of food, Sarvesh started cleaning up the mess on the floor which the girls still insist he had been so clumsy in dropping. But before we got back, both Hansini and Sairu had removed their blouses for us. They handed them to me to place on the side table.
         Well, at least the rebellion was put down and the girls were complying to our plans. Now we had all five women without blouses. Four wearing tiny sexy bras and Amita topless. Nice tits too, Amita. Loved those big nipples. You know, the kind us men love to get our lips around.
         Before we took the next course in, each of us had removed our shirts. Yes, we would be serving this course bare-chested. 
         As I went to take the empty plate from in front of Sairu, I heard Kalki saying from across the table, “Topless men. Don’t you just love it.”
        This brought a giggle from the other girls. 
        Payam, who was serving her, placed her next course before her and then he said, “Time for, Kalki to get topless too.”
        She leaned forward to allow him to unfasten and remove it leaving her topless like us. No complaints from her. Why can’t you other women be well behaved like Kalki?
        “Ahhh! Topless women,” he said as he reached around to grab her breasts with both hands. “Don’t you just love them.”
        “The women or the tits?” Hansini asked him.
        That got him. Payam stopped and looked across the table at her for a moment before he smiled. “Yes, all of the above.”
        That got a laugh from all of us but I also noticed Kalki didn’t attempt to stop him from playing either, allowing his hands to explore over the mounds of her breasts and caress her hard nipples. As he was, I noticed the intake of breath and her eyes closed, obviously enjoying it as much as he was. Naughty girl, Kalki!
        Beside Sairu, Hansini was putting up a bit of fight with Sarvesh again but this time his approach was different. His hands came over her shoulders and down onto her breasts, his fingers slipping straight in under her bra. It seems his fingers playing with her tits and nipples soon quietened her down and there was no protest when he reached behind to undo her bra.
        This time, Sairu seemed quite happy to allow me to remove her bra too and quickly there was another pair of naked breasts on display. She even allowed me a play for a while before she said something that surprised me.
        “Ok, Jeevan, enough feeling. Let me feel you too.”
        Her hands reached up for my chest for a few minutes to find and play to my man-nipples. I could feel how her fingers explored over the muscles of m chest and were pleased that all that work at the gym was now paying off. But this woman became cheeky. Not content with playing with my bared chest her hands moved down lower. 
         Her hands soon found my cock through my trousers, her fingers rubbing around and over it. When she found my erection, I was happy that she did. Letting her know I was getting ready for her but what she did next, I did not expect. 
         “Hey girls!” she called out to her friends. “We’re got a hard one here!”
         The girls looked over at me and started giggling. 
         “Wonder who else is hard?” Hansini laughed.
         She reached straight for Sarvesh’s cock and began to feel him.
         “No, not this one ye,” she said.
         “Well try being nice to him,” Payam called from across the table behind Kalki.
         That got a giggle from many of us.
         “What about Payam, Kalki? Is he there yet?” Amita asked.
         I saw Kalki reach to feel Payam’s cock. It was clear she had found and was holding something. That was confirmed when she said, “Yes, he is the hard one.”
        Hamza is too, I heard Amita say.
        And Mootie, Mandara added.
        All naughty girls, feeling the men's cocks.

         When we brought in the next course our trousers were gone leaving us wearing those tiny western undies. I like wearing them and I know the girls liked them too. Far better than the more traditional white shorts. I like how they pull tightly over our cocks and balls. 
        When I brought the food to place in front of Sairu she appeared more interested in me than the food.
        “What is that bulge in the front?” she asked.
        “You’ll get to see next course,” I replied.
        “But I want to know now,” she said with a grin.
        “Ok, then. Do you want a sneak preview?”
        “Sure, I can see.”
        So, I moved up close to her and pulled my undies open in front so she could view down inside. She was looking too and noticed I was still hard.
        “Nice,” she said. “Can’t wait until you get him out.”
        “Next time, naughty girl,” I told her, pushing away the hand that was reaching for me. Now eat your food.
        She smiled at that, turning back toward her food. 
        Next to us, Hansini was not being so well behaved. Before Sarvesh could stop her, she had grabbed his undies and had them down to his knees with his cock sticking out. There was a scuffle for a while and I thought for a while she might actually get them right off but while complaining, he managed to pull them back up and restore his modesty. 
        Of course, before the women were allowed to eat they had to stand so we could remove their skirts. This left each of them wearing nothing but the tiniest of panties. In Sairu's case, it was G-string. The tiny triangle of the front to barely cover her pussy to just a string at the back running down the split between the cheeks of her sexy ass. 
        I couldn't help giving that ass a feel, my hands on each cheek before my fingers ran down the split. Feeling her bum hole under the string before going lower, down between her thighs to where the G-string began to widen to cover her pussy lips. I could feel her lips through the thin material, she was wet too, her pussy juice soaking her panties between her legs. That was hot to discover how turned on she was. 
        I noticed the other women got a similar feeling-up from their men too before we allowed them to sit and continue with their meal. 

        The final course was served by us nude. Sarvesh had suggested with giving our cocks a quick work over, getting them nice and hard for the women. When five naked men with five hard cocks walked in, all five women were taking notice. Really checking us out. I think suitably impressed too.
          Sarvesh saw them looking and reached down to take hold of his cock, pointing it directly at the women. “Ok boy,” he told his cock. “Which one do you want first?”
         Oh, did that get a reaction, some bursting out laughing while others had a smart comment to make but the sexual meaning behind it was caught by everyone, both males and females.
         Again, Sairu had to be stripped from an article of clothing before she could eat. Without even asking her, she stood to allow me to remove her G-string. Oh, they were so tiny too, hardly able to hide anything, just a strip is lacy blue material covering the area around her cunt.
         I wanted to enjoy this so I dropped to my knees in front of her as my hands reaching to give a rub over her pussy area. As I had discovered before, her panties were soaking, I could feel how her lips opened to allow my fingers to press into her through her panties. I also heard that gentle moan she gave too.
         I reached for each side, my hands grasping her panties where they became little more than a string over each hip. I began to pull taking it slowly so I could witness the full effect of her pussy being revealed, I eased her panties down. More and more of the shaven flesh at the top appeared until the top of her cunt lips came into view. 
         I pulled lower, the top edge of her panties slipping down the length of her cunt lips revealing more and more of them for me too. I noticed straight away the sexual state of her. I could see how the outer lips were parted and being so close, I also noticed her wetness too. No doubt this sexy stripping had been as exciting for her as it had been for me. With one last tug, her panties fell away from her pussy, down her thighs to drop at her feet. Before me, the delights of a shaven female pussy. 
          For a moment, I just stopped there viewing her, me on my knees and her standing before me. Then Sairu’s hands reached for my head, pulling me towards her, my face going directly into her pussy. For a brief moment, I smelt the aroma of hot pussy before my face contacted her and now I could feel her wetness. 
          First, I pulled her lips open with my fingers as I pressed my tongue into her. Then I held her, my hands gripping her hips and cheeks of her bum as I pulled her against my face. I gave her some long lick along the length of her cunt, my tongue pressing between them to the soft, smooth flesh between them. 
          She was so wet for me, her juices almost dripped from her. I could feel the gentle humps her pelvis made against me, heard the small moans of her pleasure. I was enjoying it but I was sure she was much more. I think it was at that moment that I realised she was so close to cumming. I decided to do it for her.
          Pressing my face in against her, driving my tongue in as deep as I could, I continued to lick and eat her with my lips. She was almost moaning continuing by now. It was really getting to her. I could feel how her whole body was responding.
         Suddenly, I felt her body give a jerk, I heard the small cry she gave and she cum. It was there that my hands holding her hips were really needed. That was amazing how quickly she had done that. Must have been really ready for it, I think.
         As I pulled my face back from her, it was only then that I realised everyone around the table had stopped to witness Sairu and my little show. You could even say it had been a show stopper. 

         I held her while she recovered and we ended up with me sitting on her seat, I reached up to pull her down so she was sitting on my knee with my arm going around her waist and hand coming up under her arm for her breast. In this position, she could reach out for the spoon of the dish I’d laid on the table in front of us. Taking up some ice cream, she brought it to my lips, pressing it in gently much as a mother would feed a small child. I noticed the next spoonful went to her mouth before she delivered another one to me. 
         In this way, we continued with her sitting on my knee with my arms holding her as she fed us both from the dish on the table. Soon the tiny amount of cake and ice cream was gone so she replaced the spoon and turned her entire attention towards me.
         So now the meal we over, everyone was naked waiting for what we knew would be happening next. I was sure that things would go as they had done the time before. The girls were ready and us men were ready too.
         She turned towards me now as I loosened my hold on her. A leg went each side of my legs and she was sitting facing me. I pulled her against me again and felt her breasts against my chest and my cock was against the lips of her cunt. It would have been easy to have slipped my cock inside her but before I could we were distracted by Sarvesh beginning to talk.
        “We’re going to the guest house tonight,” Sarvesh said.
        Getting up from the table, I put my arm around Sairu’s slim waist as we left with the group, heading for the guest house. But something happened along the way that distracted us for a while before we got there.

        To be continued.

           What is this Jeevan? Rebellion? For such gentle, mild girls as us. You, reading from the other countries don’t believe a word of it, do you? It is clearly the case of some clumsy amateur waiter trying to blame his incompetence on us. How can we be blamed when this fellow can’t even hold a single plate properly?


  1. We have been watching the publishing process this morning. I still get a kick out of seeing a story I've written when its been published.
    Well done Asami. Looks Good.
    I like the background of you too.
    Awesome Anne.

  2. Hirohiko and I stayed up very late to see this story being published. We were reading it even before Asami had finished correcting the links and index.
    I enjoyed this one too. I liked the bit where Sarvesh had some rebellion from Hansini. You expect that from her and Amita. But Sarvesh was asking for trouble with his remark about women can be trained to perform simple commends. Wow! That is living dangerously!

    1. Rebellious women - Allan snr says that is Anne and Susan.
      But it made for a bit of fun in this story. We both enjoyed it.
      Kim & Allan snr

    2. I also thought this was going to be a repeat of the last story but why having the same theme it turned out quite different.
      I love the feeling of fun we get from these stories. About people who know how to enjoy life.

    3. Ah! What is this? Kim firing Allan snr's bullets again.
      For your information Anne and I are not rebellious, just defending ourselves against you men.
      Would you believe we are a couple of angels. Maybe with our wings a bit tarnished though. LOL
      Sexy Sue.

  3. The key line for me is Sarvesh saying to Hansini, "Do you want to eat?"
    That was so funny. He had just got away with it too. She was ready to let him take her blouse off but he had to get one more hit in; - “Women can be trained to perform simple commands.” That got her going again. LOL

    1. Oh I loved this story. The guys serving the girls. Better than the last story.
      Lots of funny bits too. I like it when the girls fight back.

    2. I was wondering about the back tracking early in this story but when you put it together it works well.

  4. You are missing something important here. Look at the end of the yellow Kalki section. When Mootie is fucking to her. See that she allowed him even knowing there was no orgasm for herself. Giving herself for a friend with no expectation in return. Another special moment from this blog.
    Reen & Joshua.

    1. Good point Reen.
      It shows Kalki has developed some close friendships with the others in India, particularly the Indian men.
      Allan snr.

    2. It is nice to see the male point of view in this story. It makes sense since it is the men leading. I enjoyed the detail during the meal. Lots of conversation and fun.
      I must admit to some inside knowledge with this story as I was involved in the planning of it when the idea was first brought up. Then from time to time my wife Shandra was bouncing ideas off me as she wrote. But the end result was good. Perhaps not outstanding as some stories are but still a very good story.

    3. Most of the next section is going to be from a female point of view being written by a female character who we don't see a lot of. Mandara is a very early characters being first seen in Letter 18. She is usually there for the stories in India but plays a background role. This will be her chance to shine as she tells us about her evening of sex.
      Go check our announcements and Notices page for our expected publishing date.
