Friday 27 August 2021

Story 258 Joseph and Lizamoa’s House Again – Part Four.

Index of Letters                         Story 258 Part Four Background.                         Back to Story 258 Part Three.   

Forward to Story 259.

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Returning to the House.

          It was well after midnight, the party was beginning to break up. Since it had been much more fucking than drinking, many of the guests had decided not to stay the night. Joseph and Lizamoa decided to do the same.
          It was a bit amusing finding discarded clothing all over the deck and lounge and they began sorting out who owned what. Finally, they got it all sorted and had everyone dressed in what they arrived in.
          At the door, Joseph gave Sharon a very tight passionate hug to thank her for a great party, or so he insisted it was. Lizamoa noticed how tightly they held each other, how her husband’s hand had reached down to grip a sexy arse too. Sexy!
          ‘Why does he have to do that with every woman he meets?’ Lizamoa thought. But then ‘every woman’ did seem to like it or at the very least, didn’t complain.
          “Do you want some of that?” Steve whispered in her ear as he pulled Lizamoa around towards him. She got the full-service hug too. Her breasts pulled tightly against his chest, his strong hand pulling up her short skirt and gripping her arse, his thigh pressed hard against her pussy mound while her thigh was rubbing against his cock.
          When they pulled apart, she was a bit breathless.
          “For a moment I thought the orgy was about to start again,” Lizamoa laughed.
          “That could be arranged,” Steve replied.
          “I bet, naughty boy but we’ve got to get home, otherwise we won’t.”
          “You don’t need to,” Steve grinned. “I can help you find a bed.”
          She laughed at that as she gave his arse a hard slap.
          “And I’m sure you’d be in it too.”
          “Of course.”
          She laughed again.
          “Another time, Steve. I’m going to hold you to that.”
          At the same time, she reached down to give his cock a quick squeeze.
          “I expect you to,” he replied.
          After she gave Sharon a quick hug of thanks, Lizamoa followed her husband out the door.

          As they approached the car, Joseph said, “You’ll have to drive. I’ve had too much. Well over the limit.”
          Lizamoa hadn’t thought of that. “I can’t,” she replied in shock.
          After all these years in New Zealand, she had finally been taking lessons and only recently got her license. She was still unsure about driving in the city at night.
          “It’s 2am. No one around. You’ll be fine,” Joseph reassured her. “I’ll talk you through it.”
          Lizamoa was still reluctant but she agreed.
          Once in the driver’s seat, she discovered this car was different from her car. Then she remembered, this was Sabeena’s car which Joseph had taken that evening as a joke. Now she had to drive it, a strange car in the middle of the night. For a moment she wondered if she should have taken Steve up on his offer. Another round of sex with him seemed a much better prospect to driving home like this. But she knew Joseph was worried about their daughter Sabeena. He wanted to get home to see she was Ok.
          Joseph was patient with her. Like in a driving lesson, he took her through where everything was and she started the car. Gently backing out she was soon on their way home.
          “Now, we’ll take a back way, keep you out of any traffic through New Lynn.”
          With Joseph guiding her, she drove from One Tree Hill, through Hillsborough and onto Blockhouse Bay. Things were going well, hardly any traffic. It seemed the best way to go and she was feeling much more confident now.

          They came around the corner onto Godley Road to take them up through Green Bay. Suddenly, there were lots of flashing lights ahead.
          “It’s either a car crash or traffic stop,” Joseph told her. “You’ve had hardly anything to drink over the past few hours so you’ll be fine.”
          “But Joseph...”
          “You’re a smart woman Liz. You’ve got this.”
          She smiled at that, pleased with his confidence in her driving. But she was still a bit concerned about what was going on up ahead as she had a few drinks earlier in the evening before dinner. While it was hours ago, could there still be alcohol in her body?
          It turned out it was a drink driving traffic stop. As they waited in line for their turn, Lizamoa said, “Lucky you aren’t driving.
          “Yeah,” he replied. “I’d be way over.”
          Lizamoa moved forward and an officer approached the window.
          “Is this your car?”
          “No, our daughter’s. We borrowed it for the evening.”
          “Could you give me the full name, address and phone number of the registered owner please?” the officer asked.
          When Lizamoa gave Sabeena’s full details,  another officer was checking it against the number plate. Soon he gave a quick nod.
          “Been drinking tonight?” the first officer asked.
          “No officer. I gave it all to him.”
          The officer quickly flashed his light over to Joseph before returning to Lizamoa.
          “Speak into this, please. Give me your full name and address.”
          She did as he asked. He quickly looked at the tester. “That’s a pass,” he said. “Have a good night.”
          As Lizamoa pulled away she smiled over at Joseph for a moment. “Never done that before. It’s a bit scary.”
          “You were fine. You only had that wine at dinner. Hours ago.”
          “Does it measure how much cum I’ve had?” she grinned back at him.
          Joseph laughed. “I hope not. You’d be in trouble if it did. Way over!”
          That had them both laughing as Lizamoa drove up through Titirangi. Now almost home.
          At their home, the driveway was full. First, there was Tukiko’s car, with Shanti’s sporty red car parked in behind it. “Just run up onto the grass,” Joseph told her. “We’ll sort it in the morning.”
          She parked the car, turned it off and handed him the key. “Well done honey. You drove like a champion,” Joseph said.
          She smiled at that and nodded thanks. She knew she was no champion but happy that he said it, anyway.

          The first thing they noticed was Shanti's car in the driveway.
          “Is Shanti here?”Liz asked.
          “No,” Joseph said. “I’d expect Kathy or Michael borrowed it.
          “Lights are out,” Lizamoa said. “Party over, must all be in bed.”
          “But whose bed?” Joseph replied as Liz gave a giggle.
          They went around the back to the deck and found the ranch slider locked.
          “Ragesh is good. He looks after the place,” Joseph said, happy to find the house safely locked.


          They used the hidden key to get in through the back door. Going in through the kitchen, it was all clean and tidy.
          “Kitchen is clean,” Joseph said.
          “That will be Sabby. She knows how I like it.”
          But when they moved into the lounge, there they found the mess. Clothes were thrown everywhere. The coffee table pulled to the side and two foam pads in the centre of the room. There were some towels scattered around too. Evidence, they’d been drinking too. Quite a few small beer bottles and three wine bottles too. Empty or partly full glasses scattered around.  Half-eaten bowls of snacks and cheese.
          “What a mess!”
          “Been quite a party by the looks. Hit the drink hard too.”
          “More like an orgy, Joseph,” Liz said. “Look at this.”
          There was what looked like male cum on a woman’s red bikini bottom.
          “That is Tukiko’s.”
          “And there is my sexy blue dress,” said Lizamoa. “What’s that doing here?”
          “Clothes everywhere. What was going on?”
          “Must have been a stripping party by the looks.”
          “Looks like they had fun.”
          Lizamoa gave a smile. “Wonder how Sabby got on?” she asked.
          “Didn’t you say she’d be fine? I’d expect she had fun too.”
          Liz just nodded her agreement.

          They went upstairs and passing the guest bedroom they found the door open. Looking in they could see Tukiko laying in the centre with Michael and Ragesh on each side of her. The three of them, naked. Ragesh had his legs still half over her as she had her arm wrapped around him.
          “She looks well fucked,” Joseph whispered.
          “She sure does. Look at her pussy.”
          Lying on her back like she was, Tukiko’s legs were parted and had her pussy in full view towards the door. It was easy to see how some white juice had leaked from her and began to run down.
          “That must have been some fun,” Joseph said as they moved on towards the main bedroom.

          That room was taken too. Masanori was in the centre and an equally naked Kathy and Sabeena on either side of him. Each girl was laying on their sides facing him, their breasts pressed against him and their legs over his thighs.
          “Threesomes,” Joseph whispered to his wife. “Way to go guys.”
          “Sabby looks happy enough.”
          “They both look very happy with him the way they are hugging him.”
          Then she smiled and whispered, “When do I get my turn?”
          “Not tonight by the looks,” Joseph replied. “By the look of him, he couldn’t say boo to a ghost.”
          She smiled back at him. “We better find somewhere else for the night.”
          Grabbing a bath rode each, they left the sleeping group heading back down the passageway towards Sabeena’s bedroom.
          That room was empty with her bed neat and made up. Obviously hadn’t been used that night. It was a bit smaller bed, not a single but comfortable enough for two if they cuddled up for the rest of the night.

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Kitchen Bench Fun.

          Lizamoa woke to find her husband still asleep. She figured after his big night he’d be gone for a while yet. So, she decided to get up and go down to prepare breakfast for the others staying here. It looked like it had been a big night for them too, so they would probably appreciate a hearty breakfast. Wearing just her robe she left the room.
          As she left Sabeena’s bedroom, she met Kathy coming from the bathroom.
          “Hi, Kathy,” she greeted the younger woman. “How was last night?”
          Kathy was surprised but she replied, “It was great, Auntie Liz. We had a good time.”
          “Yes, we found that in the lounge.”
          “Oh, sorry about that. We weren’t expecting you guys to get home so soon. We’ll clean up the mess,” Kathy said.
          “It’s ok Kathy. All good,” Lizamoa reassured her. “You can get it done later.”

          Leaving Kathy to return to the master bedroom, Lizamoa started down the stairs. She could hear voices coming from the kitchen and knew others were up before her. As she reached the bottom of the stairs, Masanori came out of the kitchen walking towards her.
          He was naked and for a moment her eyes couldn’t help drifting down to his cock. He noticed that downward glance but didn’t attempt to hide, himself. If she wanted to check out his cock, he was fine with that.
          “Hi,” she greeted him. “Good party last night, was it?”
          Masanori was unsure how to reply so took it safe by just agreeing, saying, “It was good.”
          “How did it go with Sabeena?”
          “She was fine,” he replied. “I took it slowly and she had an easy time. Hardly any pain.”
          “That’s good. You are a good man, Masanori. Thank you for that.”
          She gave him a pat of thanks on his arm.
          “Sabeena is a beautiful woman,” he replied and then with a cheeky smile, added, “Sexy too, like her mother.”
          Lizamoa chose not to reply to that last comment. She just smiled back. “Glad you had some fun. Did she want to do it again later?”
          “Yes,” Masanori replied lowering his voice. “She was really into it. Ready to get into all the action.”
          “Hope she learnt lots from you too.”
          “Yes, she did but knew quite a lot already.”
          Sabeena heard her mother’s voice and had come to the kitchen door. When she heard that they were talking about her sexual performance from the night before, she stepped back before either of them noticed her.
          “I was disappointed I couldn’t have been with you,” Masanori said. His hand reaching up to brush her cheek.
          Lizamoa was slightly surprised at the contact but didn’t pull away from his hand.
          “You want an old lady like me when you could have someone beautiful, young and sexy like Sabeena?”
          “You are not old, Liz. I see she got all the sexiness from you.”
          “Oh, you charmer,” Lizamoa laughed. “You are saying all the right things.”
          “But it’s true.”
          “Saying things like that might get you lucky, Masanori."
          “Oh, really?"
          Liz felt she needed to turn the attention back on him. “
         “So, after all that sex, do you still want me?”
          “Yes, Liz. I’m ready for you. Any time you want.”
          His hand had moved lower, his fingers running down her neck. Going lower running down into the deep vee of her rode. Before long he was almost down between her breasts. “Like now for instance.”
          “You are very bold, mister.”
          She glanced down and noted his cock had begun to grow.
          “I think you like a bold man who will take what he wants.”
          He was feeling more confident now. She hadn’t pulled his hand away, even though it was now deep between her breasts. She hadn’t said no to his advance either.
          “You think so, do you?”
          His hand slipped under her robe and straight onto her breast. He heard a release of breath as his fingers found her nipple.
          “I know so. This nipple tells me all I need to know.”
          Lizamoa didn’t reply to that. Well, more correctly, she didn’t reply with words. Still a bit horny from her fun last night, she found this handsome young man was pushing the boundaries but pushing all the right buttons. Her hands reached out, her arms going around him as they came together in a sexual embrace. Moments later, his lips had found hers and they were kissing.
          Unknown to them, two others were watching. Upstairs, Kathy had watched Lizamoa descending to the lower floor. She had seen her meet Masanori and stopped to watch what would happen. Even though Kathy couldn’t hear what they said, she had noticed how quickly it had turned sexual and they had started making out. Finally, Kathy turned away. She suddenly had another idea. If Lizamoa was downstairs, where was Joseph?
          Downstairs, back behind the kitchen door, Sabeena was also watching. She heard most of what was said about her and heard the sexy comments between them. She was slightly surprised at how quickly her mother had fallen into Masanori’s arms. Now she was watching how passionately they were kissing each other. She had no doubt, they were getting hot for each other.

          This man felt good about how he was hugging her and he was a great kisser too. Lizamoa didn’t want to stop but she knew things would progress more quickly if she was naked too. She pulled back from his kiss, breaking their embrace as she stepped back a couple of steps.
          Masanori stopped to look at her, wondering what would happen next.
          She reached to the knot in the front of her robe. Her eyes never leaving his as she undid it. The cord holding her robe closed fell away, her robe fell open and with one smooth motion, she allowed it slip from her shoulders, falling on the floor behind her. She was completely naked underneath.
          She held his eyes with her eyes never leaving his. It was like she was daring him to look down. It was like he knew she was naked and she knew he wanted to look. Her holding his eyes like that was challenging him, daring him to look away first.
          He knew she was playing mind games with him but he was determined not to let her win. As much as he wanted to view her naked body, he wasn't going to look down. Not until she did first.
          Finally, she smiled. “Look if you want to, Masanori. I don’t mind.”
          He glanced down at her body. Not the first time he had seen her naked. But now it was different. She was naked, for him, offering herself to him. This time he knew he was going to take her and enjoy her too.
          There was no sign of modesty, her body openly displayed for him. He noticed how similar she was to her daughter, Sabeena. Perhaps a bit shorter, certainly older, the late 30s or early 40s. A good looking body but one that showed her maturity and having borne four kids too. But in Masanori’s eyes, she was still a beauty.
          He stepped towards her again. Their bodies came together again. Naked skin pressed against naked skin. Lizamoa loved the feel of her breasts squashed against his chest. Masanori liked it too. Quickly, they were kissing again.
         She found he was a good kisser. She loved how his warm tongue probed into her mouth. It was like he was invading her, taking what he wanted. She liked that too.

          Sabeena continued watching from the kitchen. She had seen her mother willingly strip for this man and watched how he held her close again. This was Masanori, the man who only hours before had taken her virginity. Now he was preparing to fuck her mother. Sabeena didn’t know why, but she was rather turned on by all this, she couldn’t pull her eyes away from watching them.
          She saw how her mother had reached down to grasp his cock with her hand. She was giving him some pumps to ensure he was hard enough for her. She also saw the way Masanori was rubbing at her mother’s pussy. That looked good too. And Lizamoa proved it was when she gave a deep throaty moan. Now she was pulling his mouth down to her breast, holding his head as he sucked her nipple.
          This was so hot to watch. Sabeena was sure they were going to be fucking soon. Before she had been jealous about her mother fucking Masanori. Now, to her surprise, she wasn’t but rather she wanted them to fuck and she wanted to watch as they did. This was turning her on.

          For Lizamoa, this man was doing everything right. His hugging and his kissing had been great. The way his tongue had worked with her tongue had been a total turn-on. When she dropped her robe off it was inviting him to touch and hold her and he didn’t hesitate. His hands were all over her, especially exploring her breasts and pussy. It was all so sexy. She had felt his cock too. So hard, a rod of throbbing flesh. These young men! A cock just waiting to drive deep into her pussy and Lizamoa intended it wouldn’t be long until he did.
          Masanori wanted to be with Lizamoa. Perhaps out of the three wives, he had wanted her the most. From that day when he had grabbed her in the pool, played and teased her pussy until her orgasm, he had thought about what it would be like to fuck her. Now it was very obvious she was ready for him. She wanted him and he wanted her too. (See Story 256 Part One. My Boyfriend, Masanori.)
          He pushed her through the door into the kitchen. For a moment he was surprised Sabeena wasn’t there. He had left her there a few minutes before. But this naked woman in front of him quickly took away any thought of looking for Sabeena.
          He pushed her back against the bench, his hands went for her waist and he lifted her tiny body onto the beach. Such a tiny woman, she was light and he lifted her with ease. She gave a gasp of surprise as he picked her up and them a second gasp as her warm arse landed on the cold benchtop.
          Pulling a nearby stool over, he sat as she pulled her thighs wide. There before him was the full delights of her pussy displayed for him. Such a great looking pussy. A forest of neatly trimmed hair surrounding the open wet lips of her cunt. He could see she was excited and ready for him. Her lips, swollen and parted. She grabbed for him, pulling his head towards herself.
          “Eat me,” she moaned.
          And Masanori did exactly that. Both hands he went in, his fingers pulling her lips further open, then he plunged his face in. His tongue was licking at her, pressing in as deep as he could. It felt amazing. Soon Liz was crying out and humping at him. She was loving it.
          Masanori was loving it too. She was so wet; his face was coated with her juice. He loved the feel of his tongue licking her soft inner flesh. He loved the taste of her too. Something different about it, not the normal taste of a woman. Her moans and cries were turning him on. It was so exciting to be with a woman as sexually excited as she was.
          It didn’t take him long to realise that this woman was close to cumming. He decided, 'Why not! Might as well take her over. She might as well get some fun from this.' He waited until he knew she was almost there. Now only moments away from cumming. He decided to try sucking her clitty. It usually worked with most women and it did with her too. She cried out and went over. Her orgasm burst through her body in huge surges.
          Masanori was very pleased with this result. Do we need to add, Lizamoa was too?

          All this time, Sabeena had been watching from where she had backed off to hide on the other side of the dining room. Seeing what Masanori was doing to her mother was making her so hot. She could feel her pussy tingling too.
          Her hand drifted down and she started to slowly stroke along her own wet lips. Her whole body gave a deep sexual shudder. When she heard the cry as her mother cum, she almost cum herself!


          Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Masanori had moved things to the next level. Still leaving Lizamoa sitting on the bench, he had pushed the stool away and was standing in front of her. Grasping his cock with his hand he guided it towards her wet pussy lips, pushing in so they parted to take the head.
          She moaned as she felt his cock touched her. “Yes! Yes!” she gasped. “Fuck me!”
          Lizamoa was so wet he went in deep with his first push and all the way with his second push.
          “Oh fuck me, you horny bastard. Fuck me!”
          With long hard strokes, he began to fuck her. Both of them were looking down, watching his cock thrusting into her cunt. Both of them were enjoying the view but even more enjoying the feelings. Before long it was clear to both of them this was headed for a happy ending.
          “Stick that great cock in my wet cunt.”
          Damn! This pussy felt good on his cock. He loved how she gripped him as he slid in and out. He loved the noise she was making too. He knew she was enjoying it as much, if not more than he was.
          “You like my wet cunt! Fuck it hard. Make me cum!”
          Masanori was a bit surprised at her rough sexy language but turned on by it too.
          Soon he was getting close. He knew it was time to get her off too. He reached for the top of her pussy, giving a brisk rub before pinching the lips tightly. That was it, she was off again. Crying out and wiggling on the benchtop as she cum. The best trick he had ever learnt, the clitty pinch, gets them every time.
          “Yes! Yes! Make me cum... Then cum all over me!”
          The way her pussy responded, the way she gripped him tight as her spasms of pleasure hit. That was enough for him. Just as he cum he pulled from her, the first shot burst over her pussy and lower stomach. They were both sitting there watching as the last of his cum shot over her.

          In the shadows behind the dining table, Sabeena was still watching how Masanori fucked her mother. She could see them fucking but also hear them too. It was so sexy to see and hear them fucking. And hear them cum too. She was also shocked at her mother. At what she was saying as Masanori fucked her. It was crude and dirty. A bit sexy too.

          Lizamoa looked up at Masanori and smiled. “That was good,” she said. “Better than I hoped for.”
          “Glad you enjoyed it,” he laughed. “But we still have some unfinished business.”
          “What business?” she asked.
          “Your daughter,” he said quietly.
          Without turning to look, Masanori called out, “Sabeena, come out. We know you are there.”
          Sabeena stood up from behind the table. She looked at them, very embarrassed.
          “Sabeena!” Lizamoa gasped. She remembered how she had just been speaking to Masanori as they had sex on the kitchen bench. She was talking dirty to him. Getting him even more aroused by her words. Now her daughter had heard it all. Maybe she needed a talk with Sabeena later.
          “Come here,” Masanori told her.
          She came around into the kitchen and was standing there looking at them.
          “You have been a very bad girl. Spying on your mother and me. You need to be punished.”
          At the mention she would be punished, she looked shocked.
          “See the mess left on my cock? Get down on your knees and clean it up.”
          Sabeena smiled at that. This wasn’t really a punishment she thought. But Masanori wasn’t finished yet.
          “Then you are going to clean up that mess too. All over your mother’s pussy and stomach.”
          Now she really was shocked. “But I...”
          “No buts,” Masanori said. “Get to work.”
          Masanori looked over at Lizamoa and she was smiling. “Good punishment,” she laughed. "I'm sure I will suffer immensely."


          So Sabeena got to work. First, she did Masanori’s cock, making a good job of cleaning it with her tongue. She rather enjoyed doing that but she noticed he tasted a bit different from last night, sort of a bit male cum and a bit female cum juice.
          Then she moved on to her mother. With Lizamoa still sitting on the kitchen bench it was only a matter of opening her legs wide to present her pussy to Sabeena. She was a bit surprised that Masanori had asked Sabeena to do this but he would have been fine if Sabeena had backed out.
          Sabeena hesitated.
          “Go on,” Masanori told her.
          It was easy for her to lick Masanori’s cum from her mother’s stomach. In fact, she enjoyed the taste as she lapped up the drops. But she hesitated again when it came to cleaning the pussy until Masanori told her to stop stalling and hurry up.
          Sabeena ran her tongue up along Lizamoa’s pussy lips and discovered how wet her mother was. She began her job of cleaning this pussy while Masanori and Lizamoa watched her. She realised she was actually enjoyed licking her mother’s pussy. That seemed strange in one way but was also a bit nice too. She could feel how her mother’s body trembled at her licks and realised that her mother was enjoying it too.
          Masanori only allowed her to lick for a short time before passing her a towel. “Here, use this,” he said.
          She would have done it more but he stopped her.

          It was at this time that Lizamoa noticed Masanori was hard again. Her hand reached for him and started playing while Sabeena watched them. Liz looked over at her daughter and said, “You want a turn with him, honey?”
          Sabeena looked at her mother in surprise. Sure, she would like him again. Her pussy felt wet and she felt horny. But with her mother here. She would be watching. Could she do it?”
          In the end, she didn’t have any choice other than doing it or running and she certainly didn’t want to run and miss this fun. She was also scared that Masanori would think less of her if she did run.
          Masanori saw that suddenly she was shy. He reached out for her, “Come here, honey” he said gently. “You'll do fine. You did great last night so will be great again this morning.”
          She smiled at him and allowed him to left her up to sit where her mother had been sitting.

          Masanori decided to play this the same way he had with Lizamoa. First, he’d eat her pussy and maybe get her off like that. Then he would fuck her the way he had just fucked her mother.
          Sitting on the stood in front of her, he pulled her legs open to discover another very juicy pussy. He gave her a couple of rubs with his fingers just to feel her wet lips before he went in with his tongue. She gave a gasp. A few licks along the slightly parted lips before pressing in between them. A sharp intake of breath. His fingers came up to pull her lips further open and for a moment he admired the contrast between the black of her lips and bright pink inside.
          She gave a throaty moan.
          She noticed he stopped and opened her eyes. “Don’t look,” she moaned. “I want...”
          That brought him back to reality and he plunged in with his tongue. Slipping over the soft pink inner flesh before she pressed in deep into the opening near the bottom.
          Sabeena gave a gasp, her hands reaching to hold his head against her pussy. With her still holding him tightly like that he managed to move further up towards the top end. With his fingers still pulling her open, there he found the hard little cherry of her clitty. His tongue licked over it and then his lips closed over it and she cum.
          She cums differently from her mother, Masanori thought. Where Lizamoa let herself go and cried out, Sabeena seems to control herself more, with deep moans rather than cries. But either way was sexy to hear and it was obvious both women enjoyed it.

          Masanori was ready to fuck Sabeena now. She was sitting on the edge of the bench waiting for him. Such a sexy looking woman, so much like her mother, only younger. He loved how her dark brown body looked. Darker than her mother, more like her father. Those big black nipples looked great, standing erect, telling how sexually aroused she was.
          Lower was her pussy, a wild forest of hair, attempting but not quite succeeding to hide her swollen lips. That looked sexy too. Especially, how she sat with her legs slightly parted, boldly displaying where she was waiting for his cock to go.
          Masanori stepped in close, while she reached down with her hand to guide him in. He felt the touch of her wet lips as he gently pressed in between them, her lips stretching open to take the thickness of his head. A further push and she was taking him deeper until after a couple more thrusts her tiny body was taking him all.
          Sabeena watched what he was doing. Taking sex like this was different in that she could watch him fucking her. She felt his cock head pressing against her pussy lips. There was no pain, just that lovely stretching feeling as her pussy took him. She watched his next few strokes and saw how each was going deeper and deeper each time. She suddenly realised she was taking all of him as she noticed how his pelvis was coming right up against her own pelvis each time, he pushed into her.
          And his cock felt amazing too. She could feel how his shaft slowly pulled at her pussy lips as he moved in and out. Damn! That felt so good. She couldn’t help moaning at the pleasure of it.
          Masanori heard that moan and knew what it meant. Like her, he was looking down, watching as his cock moved slowly in and out of her soaking pussy. Like her, he felt how good it was, how tight her pussy seemed at his cock. He knew it was time to speed up a bit.
          Now he was moving faster, Sabeena felt how it was beginning to affect her. Over the past day, she had experienced a few orgasms with a man and she knew the signs of yet another one beginning. She hoped it would be like that again for her too.
          Lizamoa was watching as Masanori pressed his cock into her daughter Sabeena. Before this, she would have been shocked, even horrified but this morning it was different. She knew the day before this man had taken Sabeena’s virginity. Now he was fucking her as the woman she had become, no longer her little girl. She came up behind Masanori, her arms going around his body to hold him as she looked around at what was happening.
          Like both of them, she had witnessed the moment of contact, heard Sabeena moan as he entered her. Not long before, he had fucked her in the same way and so she knew how good it felt. She didn’t know why but she felt incredibly turned on watching them up close like this. Holding him like that, it was almost as if she was a part of their lovemaking.
          Sabeena had noticed the arm come around Masanori and knew it was her mother. Soon she noticed her mother’s face looking around watching them. She knew she should be nervous about this but she wasn’t. It seemed natural, even sexy that her mother was there with her watching.
          Masanori felt this woman behind him. Felt her body against his, her tits against his back. He felt her arms around him, her hands moving over his body, touching his chest. Soon he noticed her hands moving lower. Down over his belly down further to his hairs above his cock. She was touching him, playing with him while he continued fucking her daughter. This was so sexy.
          Lizamoa had both her hands down between them now. One hand had gone under his cock and was tickling his balls while the other had moved over to touch Sabeena just above where that hard cock was plunging into her pussy.
          Both Sabeena and Masanori felt where Lizamoa was touching them and both realised it was making a difference. So close to her clitty like that, those fingers were getting to her now. Those fingers touching his balls was getting to him too. Both suddenly realised their orgasms were almost upon them.
          It was Sabeena who went first, her body shaking with the power of her orgasm as she cried out at her climax. “Oh Fuck!” she cried out.
          She suddenly looked up at her mother, realizing what she had just said but her mother just smiled back. Lizamoa heard but she also saw the content too. A powerful mind-blowing orgasm, that is certainly an excuse to say, 'Oh fuck!'
          For Masanori that was so sexy, such a turn He began to cum too. Lizamoa was ready for him. Her hand returned to his waist and gave him a sharp pull backwards. His cock slipped from Sabeena as he began to cum. The shots going wild, all over the front of Sabeena. What a mess!
          Masanori and Sabeena were shocked and Lizamoa was laughing. "Got you both," she said.
          To their surprise, Lizamoa pulled him aside as soon as she knew he was finished. She went in between her daughter’s legs, leaning forward she began to lick the still-warm cum from Sabeena’s stomach.
          Her mother eating and licking her like this was a shock for Sabeena at first but soon it began to feel really good. She could see how Lizamoa was taking care to lap up every drop, slowly moving lower towards her pussy. Soon those lips had found pussy lips, giving long licks long them. A tongue pressing in deeper and Sabeena was moaning again. A tongue licking her swollen clitty and she cum again.
          She sat there dazed from three huge orgasms. She looked at her mother in front of her, standing watching with her arm around Masanori. She took a few moments to recover and realise what had just happened. It had been great... amazing actually.

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Kathy’s Surprise.
(Well does that mean she surprised Joseph or got a surprise herself?)

          After she had watched Lizamoa disappear down the stairs, Kathy turned to return to the main bedroom where she had spent the night with Masanori and Sabeena. But it was empty. Both of them were gone.
          It was then she heard what sounded like a moan coming from downstairs. She looked and saw two people at the bottom of the stairs. They were both naked and in a very passionate embrace. It was obvious where that was going.

          Kathy looked across at the bedroom opposite and saw the door partly open. It was Sabeena’s room, the one Auntie Lizamoa had come from. Sabeena had already told her they had spent most of the night in the house so she thought Uncle Joseph might still be in the room.
          She looked to find Joseph was laying on the bed with just a sheet over him from the waist down. Kathy looked at his naked upper body and saw his chest's strong muscles and a shiver of desire went through her body. Joseph appeared to be still asleep.
          Suddenly, she had a very naughty idea and stepped into the room. For a few moments, she stood looking at the big man on the bed in front of her. Reaching down she gently lifted the sheet and rolled it back off him. The man gave a murmur but remained asleep.
          Laying on his back like that, his whole nude body was revealed to her. She had seen the strength and muscles of his upper body but now her eyes drifted down over his tight belly, surprisingly good for a man of his age. This man was as old as her parents were but he looked to be in great shape. Then her eyes came to his cock. Not the first time she had seen it but it didn’t stop her from looking. It looked thick and long as it draped across his balls. Impressive, and he wasn’t even hard yet.
          She remembered that day up at the lakes when they spied on the adults playing sexy games. Joseph had been sitting with her mother, Shanti. Her mother had been playing with his cock, the cock in front of her now and he was hard. She could never get that sight out of her mind. Over the past year, she’d often thought of that cock while laying in bed gently stroking her pussy and cum more than a few times thinking about having that cock inside her. Now she intended to find out just how real her fantasies were.
          She slipped into bed, pulling the sheet back over them both as she pressed her naked body against him.
          Joseph moaned gently as he rolled towards her, his strong arms wrapping around her. “Honey...” he mumbled still half asleep.
          Kathy found herself almost trapped, tightly held in a bear-like hug leaving only one arm and hand free. His breathing had changed and he was beginning to wake up. She could also feel that big cock against her thigh as it began to grow and harden.
          About all she could do was reach his back with her free hand. She ran her hand down his back and onto his tight butt. Her fingers giving his cheek a squeeze before finding the split. Her fingers ran down between his cheeks, finding and tickling his arse-hole.
          He felt that, giving another moan followed by, “oh, then, atu nanraaga irukirathu,” (“Oh, honey, that feels good,”) in Tamil.
          Kathy smiled, knowing enough Tamil to know what he’d said.
          He was almost awake now, “Liz, honey,” he said in English. “That feels so sexy...”
          “What? You’re not... Kathy! What are you doing here?”
          “Come to fuck you, Joseph,” Kathy replied. “Well more likely, you fuck me.”
          “But you can’t! How long have you been here?”
          “Just a few minutes. Just after Lizamoa left.”
          “Where is Liz now?” Joseph asked.
          “The last I saw she was at the bottom of the stairs making out with Masanori.”
          He laughed at that. “Fast work. After what he did in the pool. She’s had the hots for him. She won’t let him get away this time.”
          “I don’t think he was trying to get away, Joseph.”
          He noticed how the 'Uncle' had been dropped off from 'Joseph' but didn't pick her up on it. She was a woman now, old enough to call him Joseph.
          “So that leaves you and me, doesn't it?”
          “Yes,” she breathed. “I hope so.”

          She could feel his body roll back onto his back, his strong arms holding her, taking her with him like a little doll. She found herself half rolled on top of him, her naked body against his as he held her tightly. She felt her breasts pressing against him, and brought her thigh up over his, so her pussy mound was pressed against him too. She suddenly realized how big and strong this man was. She was completely in his control with nothing she could do to stop him. But she had faith in Joseph. She knew he'd be good with her.
          She reached down with her hand to find his cock had begun to harden. That was a very good sign she thought. She wanted him hard and ready for her hot little pussy. For a moment she wondered again about him because of his size. This was the biggest cock she had ever seen, let alone take into her body. But she soon decided to put that out of her mind. She was here now, going to fuck him and somehow, she would manage it. Kathy was taller than his tiny wife, who could manage it, so could she.
          Joseph was surprised to find this visitor to his room. He found this young woman, naked like him, already in bed with him. It was very obvious what her intentions were. Kathy wanted to fuck him so why not let her. For a moment he thought of her as his best friend Mike’s daughter, only a year older than his son. But then he remembered what their wives had done with their son’s. Mike’s wife, Shanti had already been with his son Ragesh and his wife Lizamoa had already been with Mike’s son Michael. So, since Kathy wanted to gain more 'experience' with him, why not let her? He was sure Mike and Shanti would be Ok with it. He smiled when he thought Shanti would probably say, 'where was her turn.'
          Joseph’s mind returned to what Kathy was doing to his cock. Oh, that felt good. He could feel how her smaller hand wrapped around his shaft to pump him; he could feel how hard she had got him. He was almost fully erect now.
          He reached down for her breast and felt how she pulled back slightly to allow him to touch her there. He felt the swell of her breast and then found the hardness of her nipple. It was hard. Was this an indication of her arousal? He thought it might be. His fingers closed over the hard nub as he rolled it between finger and thumb. She gave a soft moan. Oh, she liked that, did she. As his finger gave it a gentle pinch, she gave a gasp of surprise and then came another soft moan. Liked that too, it seems.
          He didn’t play there too long as he wanted to explore her body further. He pushed her so she rolled away from him, laying on her back. For a moment he looked at this beautiful body lying beside him. She was much lighter than him being only half Indian. He loved the golden honey of her skin. He loved the twin peaks of her beautiful young breasts, rising and falling as she breathed. Lower, he saw her pussy, a nest of hair between two firm young thighs. Such a beauty!
          After giving both breasts a quick rub over, his hand headed south, going for her pussy. She liked that idea and he saw how her legs drifted open to allow his hand in. There was the soft hair of her bush above her pussy mound as he moved his hand lower onto the mound itself. Such a proud roundness. He knew this body would one day be just ripe for childbirth. That thought strangely excited him. But for now, he knew she only wanted to try cock, his cock.
          His fingers moved over her mound to find the lips of her pussy. He ran his fingers down the outside, feeling along the whole length. He was surprised at how wet she was. Yes, there was no doubt, this pussy really did want cock. He just hoped she knew what she was getting into with taking on his cock. Did she realise how big he was? He smiled at that. She was soon going to find out.
          His upward return, he pressed his fingers deeper within, with her lips parting for him. He could feel the silky flesh inside as his fingers glided up towards the top end. He also heard the moan she gave close to his ear. So, she liked that too, did she? Seems to like a lot of things, this one.
          After a few more rubs between her lips and she was humping back against his hand. He felt she was ready to take his fingers deeper. With two fingers, he pressed into her warm. wet depths. Even with just that she felt tight. But she liked it too. He heard her moan again and felt how her pussy mound pushed back against his hand.
          All this time her hand had been steadily pumping at his cock. He felt good with what she was doing and soon he decided they were ready to try the next part. He moved so he was partly over her body so he could bring her breast to his mouth. After giving her nipple a few licks, he took it into his mouth and gently sucked on it.
          Kathy gave a gasp at the pleasure coming from her nipple. Others had sucked her there but this man seemed different. It was like he knew exactly how she liked it. It was an automatic response to bring her hands up to his head and hold him to her chest. She would only let him go when he attempted to move to her other breast to do the same as he’d done to the first.
          His head slipped from her grasp and began little licks and nibbles down across her stomach. That felt great too how he worked his way down along her body. She knew he was going for her pussy now and she trembled as his tongue moved over her body. She was surprised how he stopped to work on her belly button. No boy had ever done that to her before. She didn’t know how nice a tongue could feel flicking into the hole there.
          Joseph was in no hurry to take her. He was enjoying exploring this sexy young body. He wanted to make the most of it while she was with him. Sure he intended to fuck her and intended to enjoy it too. But that would come a bit later. First things first, he always said. First, the nipple sucking and pussy eating; then comes the fucking.
          Moving lower across her belly he came to the edge of her pussy. Her boyfriend always stopped here as he didn’t like her hair but this man kept going, making nibbles in her pussy hair as he crept closer and closer to the peak of her mound.
          There was a moment when he stopped. She wasn’t sure what would happen next. Was he going to eat her now or take her? She didn't know but didn’t want to open her eyes to find out. She felt a hand against the inside of each thigh, pressing her to open further. He was between her legs; his fingers were touching her lips. They were on each side, gently pulling them back so she opened them for him. She knew how open she was when she felt him gently blow on flesh not normally exposed to the air. Her whole body gave a shudder of excitement at that. That was something new too.
          Joseph was looking directly into the pussy in front of him. His fingers were pulling the lips back, exposing the soft delicate pinkness inside her pussy. He brought his face in closer so his out-stretched tongue pressed between her lips. Slowly, he began to pull upwards over her wet inner flesh. She felt that, letting out a deep throaty moan of pleasure. He continued right up to where her little rose-bud was still hidden under the upper rolls of her lips.
          Lifting out, he moved to the bottom and began it again. Another slowly lick, sliding up between her open lips, gliding over the inner flesh, over the bump of her pissing slit and on up towards her clitty.
          Kathy was moaning regularly and humping at him now. When she came to bed to be with him, she expected to be fucking him but nothing like this. This was so wild. They hadn’t even started yet, just in the foreplay and already she was in heaven. They were right about going to an experienced man if you really wanted to experience sex. He was way beyond anything she had experienced before.
          She was shocked at her own body. At the pleasure, her body delivered to her. Or should she say, what Joseph was delivering to her? What was concerning her was they her orgasm was starting to build. She knew the signs and tried to stop or at least slow. The last thing she wanted was to cum before he even got his cock inside her. But she was and there was no way she could stop it.
          Joseph knew the signs too. This young woman was building for a cum, just as he intended that she would. He waited, continuing those long slow licks until he thought she was almost ready to go off. His hands moved higher, his fingers pulling back the lips to expose the rose-bud of her clitty. His tongue flicked over it a few times and before he could get to take it, to give a hard suck. That was all it took, she went off big time. It was a good one too. She was bucking at him, humping around until she squeezed him out as her thighs clamped closed. Her body bucked with the waves of her orgasm until she was over the peak and beginning to calm. It had been a good one. She was left lying there, very well contented.


          His task done, Joseph rolled onto his back as he waited for her to recover. Quickly, she realised he had stopped and rolled towards him, taking his cock with her hand.
          “Do I, do you now?” she asked.
          “You can if you want, or just move on with the sex.”
          “I want to try sucking you, Joseph,” Kathy said.
          “Ok, then. Give it a try. But I am pretty big.”
          “I can do it. I think.”
          He smiled at her positive attitude.

          Kathy got up, kneeling on each side of his legs so she could lean forward to bring her mouth down to his cock. With one hand still holding him, she began to lick around and over the head. She only did that a few times before she tried to take him into her mouth. But he was so large she couldn’t take much more than the head.
          After a few moments of that, Joseph reached down to pull her head away. “Enough of that, let’s try fucking now.”
          She was a bit surprised he stopped her but didn’t ask why. She sort of knew why. She felt a bit bad and decided to try making up that she had disappointed him. To Joseph, it was no big deal. It had happened before with other smaller women. Many could probably have taken him if they tried harder but the feeling of him in their mouth was often a bit scary the first time.
          “How do you want me?” she asked.
          “I am bigger than you are used to so it might be better if we keep you on the top. That way you can control things.”
          Kathy nodded OK to that, moving forward so she positioned herself. A leg on each side of him was a big stretch, but she made it and could more her pussy so she was above his cock. Holding him with both hands she guided him to her pussy lips.
          “Be careful, Kathy,” Joseph warned her, putting his hand on her hand holding his cock. “Take your time. I am a big man.”
          She nodded yes as she pressed his cock against her lips. They parted and stretched around him.
          “You are so big,” she gasped.
          “Told you!”
          “Ohhhh! Soooo big!”
          “It’s Ok. You can take me. Most women can. Just take your time, allow your body to get used to me.”
          She held for a few moments, allowed her body to adjust to him and then she pushed again. This time part of his shaft disappeared inside too. She held it again, pulled back a bit and then pressed down again. A bit more went in.
          She was looked down at herself. They both were looking, watching as she took more and more of his cock.
          He put his hand on her arm again. “That is enough! You don’t need to take it all.”
          “I want to try,” she replied.
          He gave a laugh and she looked down at him in surprise. “What’s so funny?”
          “You,” he replied. “Like all women. You can’t resist a challenge.”
          She just smiled. Not sure she saw his humour.
          Another couple more tries and she had him all in. Now she held there for a few moments before she was ready to move.
          Joseph was amused by her. There is was again, he'd seen so many times before. That look of triumph. She had done it. Taken all of his cock.
          She felt so full. Her pussy lips so stretched to go around him. She pulled partway off him and then allowed herself to drop back onto him again. He was still so big that it was making her gasp. But she continued trying. It came as a complete surprise when she found it was getting easier to take him. She still felt fill but could move easier now.
          She smiled down at him, realizing she was successfully fucking the biggest cock she had ever seen.
          He smiled back at her. “Feels good, does it?”
          “Amazing!” she gasped in reply.

          Kathy’s hot little cunt felt amazing to him too. So tight that as she moved, it was quickly driving him insane. She seemed to have quickly got used to him and was doing a good job. Well, maybe too good as he knew he would last long. He knew he had better do something to help her along so she didn’t miss out.
          His hand reached down to her pussy, touching her just above where his cock disappeared into her. He bent his finger up so with each downward thrust she made, drove her clitty directly against the hard knuckle of his finger. That steady pump against her clitty while she fucked him soon had her cum building too.
          Joseph allowed her to continue for a while, hoping he could hold off long enough to get her off. He realised she was getting close now. Very close. He pressed into her lips at the top and gave a squeeze. It was that sudden pressure on her clit that did it. Her second cum burst through her body. Spasms of orgasm, gripping his cock as she stopped moving.
          That was what did it for him. Her tight little pussy, cumming while he was still deep inside her. Her muscles rippling against his shaft and he went over the top. His cock gave a jerk and he shot his first load deep inside her.
          By now she was over her cum and realised what was happening with him. She looked down and smiled. Happy that it had been good for him too.
          She slipped from his cock, rolling over to lay beside him. That had been amazing for both of them. They lay there for a while. Both were breathless, neither ready to move. It was quickly agreed that having him once inside was more than enough for their first time together.
          Their moment of peace was shattered when Sabeena burst in on them. For a moment she stopped, looking at them in surprise. She realised what had just happened here. Kathy, her best friend had just been fucking her father.
          Finally, she realised she was just standing there staring. “Sorry,” she said. “I just came to get something.”
          “It’s ok, honey,” Joseph said. “We’ve just finished.”
          Sabeena was embarrassed. She grabbed what she came into her bedroom for and left as quickly as she could.
          Joseph started laughing and soon Kathy joined in. “That sure gave her a shock,” he laughed.
          Kathy laughed too.
          “Thanks, Joseph,” she said. “That was amazing. You are great at this.”
          “You’re pretty good too,” he replied as he reached up to give her a kiss on the forehead.
           With that, Kathy rolled off the bed and left the room.

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Tukiko's Morning.

          Sometime, early next morning, Tukiko woke to find herself between the two young men she had been with the night before. As she lay there between them, two men who were both still asleep, her mind drifted back to what had happened the night before.
          When they had left the lounge heading upstairs, she had taken the guest bedroom with the two guys since Sabeena had taken her boyfriend Masanori and Kathy to the master bedroom. She had wondered if Joseph and Liz would be happy with that but Sabeena seemed to think it would be fine.
          The sex with Michael and Ragesh had been great. These guys were so into fucking her and it seemed they never wanted to stop. Hardly one had finished and the other was ready to start again. She’d taken them, two at a time a few times too. Finally, exhausted, they had settled down to sleep, her in the middle with a guy snuggling close on each side.

          Tukiko realised she had to get up to go to the bathroom. Carefully she eased herself out from between the sleeping boys and crawled off the bed. Leaving the room, she discovered the bedroom door had been left open. She thought anyone could have seen them, but then anyone would only be the other three who were probably too busy anyway.
          Leaving the room, she met Sabeena in the hallway. Like Tukiko, Sabeena was naked. Not bothered to find anything to wear.
          “Hi, Sabeena,” Tukiko said.
          “Hi, Tukiko. Did those boys behave themselves?”
          “No,” Tukiko replied with a wicked grin.
          “Good,” Sabeena laughed. “Just the way us girls like them.”
          “Of course,” Tukiko grinned in return.
          “Did you know Mum and Dad are here?” Sabeena said.
          “No. When did they get in?”
          “Sometime early, I think. They are asleep in my bedroom.”
          “Must have found their bedroom was fill,” Tukiko smiled.
          “Yeah. I think so. Anyway, Mum told me it was Ok.”
          As Sabeena left, heading back to bed, Tukiko went on to the bathroom. She remembered that car the seemed to stop outside just before she fell asleep. It must have stopped, must have been Joseph and Lizamoa. She wondered where they went and why they had come home early.
          Then she thought about herself. The bedroom door had been open and they’d slept naked on the bed as they had finished fucking. No doubt Joseph and Liz would have seen her laying naked with those two boys. Would have probably seen Sabeena, naked with Masanori and Kathy too. They would know what had been going on, but then, would’ve probably been expecting it too.

          Back in bed, she carefully slipped in between the two guys without waking them. She lay there thinking about what she had done with these two the night before. It had been sexy being with them but then the whole evening, from soon after they had arrived had been hot and sexy. So many orgasms, so much fun.
          Now this thinking about sex with these two guys was getting her horny she had been hoping they would wake up so she could have some more from them but they still slept. She decided to let them sleep.
          Her hand moved down to her pussy and she was gently stroking her lips. It was gentle, not about getting herself off, rather about just feeling nice. Sometimes she liked that when she was alone. Those cocks hardly seemed to go down all evening. That was an amazing night.
          “Let me take care of that,” Michael’s voice said from beside her.
          Tukiko was surprised but pleased he was awake. She felt a hand move to her pussy, pushing her hand away and begin what she’d been doing to herself. From what she’d been thinking about, she had begun to juice up. His fingers could slip down between her lips and soon she felt him pressing in deeper. She gave a small hump, back at him to show her approval.
          Nothing else was said between them, just her laying there while he played with her pussy. His fingers were first stoking over her lips and she felt herself begin to moisten. He felt it too as he began to probe further. Fingers pressing between her lips soon became fingers thrusting deep inside.
          Damn! This was starting to get to her. Soon she was gently humping back at him. He kept it up, a steady thrusting into her to be met but her pressing her pussy back at him. He could feel how set she was now, how his fingers could slip easily in and out as he finger-fucked her.
          She was building now and she wanted more from him. She reached for him, pulling him so he rolled on top of her. His body came down on top of her, taking his whole weight as she reached to put her arms around him. She could feel his cock, a hard rod between them. She felt his lower body lift, felt that cock between her legs probing at her pussy. Her greedy pussy was only too keen to open and let him in. As his body dropped back down on top of her, she felt him go deep inside her. That felt great, she allowed a moan of pleasure to escape her lips.
          It was at that moment that she looked over at the other man sleeping beside her. Only that now he wasn’t sleeping. Ragesh was laying on his side watching them, his hand reaching down to stroke his own hardened cock.
          “Hi,” she managed to say to him.
          “Hi,” he replied.
          Tukiko noticed he lay there watching as Michael continued fucking her.

          This man on top of her felt so good. He was different to last night. Then it had been a frenzy of fucking. Wild, excited fucking. Rough with her too. Now his style was slow and gentle. His strokes were slow pulls until he was almost out and then long drives in, as deep as he could go. Slow fucking at times is nice. Both partners get to savour the feeling of a hard cock moving between wet aroused pussy lips. And don’t any of you knock that either.
          As Michael realised the growing excitement of the woman under him, he began to move a bit faster. As she responded to that with moans and humping back at him, he moved faster again. In this way, he was building to make her sexual arousal. Taking her, controlling her approach to her first orgasm that morning.
          At first, Tukiko loved what Michael was doing with his long slow stroking but soon she realised her body wanted more. She gave a few humps at him, telling him to speed up a bit. He responded with a bit more speed while still keep those long, deep strokes.
          Michael realised his orgasm was approaching. He began really thrusting into her, his cock plunging to full depth as he fucked her.
          Tukiko was caught by surprise by this sudden change in fucking style but realised what was happening. This man on top was getting ready to cum. She also knew she was too. They continued, her pussy humping up to meet each downward thrust. It was good for both of them. Their cums building to burst within moments of each other.
          Michael couldn’t hold back any longer. He felt his orgasm overtake him. Deciding not to pull back, he just held with his cock as far in as he could reach. His sperm burst from him, her inviting pussy pumping him dry.
          Reluctantly, Tukiko allowed him to slip from her arms as he rolled off him. To her surprise, he was quickly replaced by another man, another cock.

          Ragesh came down on top of her. There was no foreplay, just his cock pressing inside her. He was rougher than Michael had been, his cock plunging in harder and deeper. She could feel how his body was moving on top of her, feel his hips moving, driving down at her, thrusting his cock deep inside with each stroke. It felt good.
          Ragesh was delighted to have another chance with this sexy woman. She was just so damned sexy, so exotic, been his main fantasy material since he’d meet her at the nude beach.
          Now he was enjoying her again, fucking her again. Her cunt felt great, her body underneath him, soft but there was strength too. He was giving her all he had and she was taking it but even more enjoying it.
          Tukiko knew this was going to be good from the moment he entered her. It was only a matter of time before one or both of them cum. She was hoping for both close together and was doing all she could to make it happen.
          So had her arms around him and so could feel how his body was working hard to please them both. To her surprise she found her body reacting to him, responding to what his cock was doing to her pussy. This time there was no slow build-up for either of them. Just hard and fast fucking until their orgasms climaxed and burst over them. Perhaps this time it wasn’t as good as it had been just before with Michael but still good sex.
          She had cum and she had taken yet another load from him too.


          For a while, they just lay there, the three of them on their backs. For Tukiko, once again fucking these two men had been great. Yes, she meant men. Before she had thought of them as boys but last night, they had proved they were more than that, they were men.
          As she lay between them, she reached out to each side for their cocks. Was there anything left in them? She was hoping for more. It didn’t take long before she felt some movement. First and gentle twitch, then both cocks began to swell and grow. ‘Yes!’ thought Tukiko. ‘Just what I want.’
          They rolled toward her, their hands taking a breast each then after some play there going lower for her pussy. By now she had two cocks fully erect. They both lifted, bringing their faces closer to her tits. She loved being touched like that but also loved having her nipples sucked too. Two men at once, each taking a nipple and breast. She reached up with her hands to hold them against her breasts. That felt great.
          But it was not to last because soon Michael had pulled to allow Ragesh to continue by himself. Michael had other plans now.
          So, while Ragesh continued sucking her nipples as he moved backwards and forwards from one to another, Tukiko felt Michael had moved lower down the bed. She felt her legs being pulled further open and then he moved in between them. Quickly she realized what he was intending to do. His face came down to her pussy and as his fingers pulled her lips open, he just thrust his tongue straight in. There was none of this gentle licking and build-up. If this guy was going to eat pussy then that’s exactly what he did.
          Tukiko knew with all the fucking and cum she had taken, she would have to be a mess down there but Michael didn’t seem to mind. It seemed like he knew or soon discovered what got her off quickly with pussy-eating. He went for that first. Licking all over her before thrusting his tongue as deep as he could into her, before going back to licking again. Either way, it was more eating and devouring her than gentle tongue play.
          With what Ragesh was doing with her tits and Michael was doing to her pussy. They were able to quickly take her into yet another orgasm. For Tukiko, it was great while it lasted but then it didn’t last long either.

          Now she had them both completely hard, she decided to return the favour of the pussy-eating she’d just got by giving them a blow-job She decided that would finish her night with them.
          Kneeling in front of him, she was on her hands and knees, Michael was presenting his cock to her mouth. She was supporting herself with her hands so had no other choice but to take him with her mouth. He tasted salty, of cum, both from her and him. He realised it was difficult for her so he held his cock himself so she could pull back and lick over him a bit first. Then she took him deeper inside and began sucking.
          At about this time she felt someone behind her, fingers rubbing down between her thighs, over her bum hole and onto her pussy. She was so wet that he slipped straight in. Soon the hand was gone to be replaced by the hardness of a cock. She knew it was Ragesh behind her.
          She suddenly realised what they were intending to do with her. She was going to get spit-roasted, with a cock in her mouth and her cunt at the same time.
          She felt Ragesh’s cock push in deep between her arse cheeks and upper thighs. She felt him penetrate deep inside her body. He was thrusting in so deep that she could feel his balls touching the backs of her thighs each time. Each thrust he made gave her body a push forward too. This had the desired effect of causing her mouth to push further onto Michael’s cock.
          That felt good for Michael too and it didn’t take much before he was ready to cum. Tukiko tasted some saltiness and realised he was about to cum. She decided if he chose to stay there, she would take and swallow everything he would give her. Soon she felt and then tasted the beginning of his cum and began to gulp each shot he placed in her mouth.
          Ragesh saw what had just happened and knew he needed to get off too. He increased the speed of strength of his thrusts into Tukiko’s hot pussy. Doing it this way just felt so good. Much tighter since he was fucking her from between her thighs. This wasn’t going to take him long now.
          He saw her hand reach back underneath herself and felt a finger nudge against his cock. He knew what she was doing, using her hand to help get herself off. He reached in with his own hand, pushed her hand away and gave her pussy some brisk rubs.
          Her eyes opened wide, she gave a loud cry and cum. As she did, her body jerked forward, pulling herself off Ragesh’s cock just as he began to shoot. His blobs of cum shot from his cock, flying through the air to land on her bare arse.
          Michael, who was watching them, saw what happened and reached for some tissues from beside the bed. Giving a couple to Ragesh and keeping a couple himself, both boys wiped the mess of Tukiko’s arse while she lay on her front recovering.

          They lay there for a while, all three exhausted from what had just happened. For all three, the sex had been great. For the boys, this sexy Japanese girl had proved to be every bit the sex goddess they knew she was on the beach. For Tukiko, these younger ‘boys’ with their childish pickup lines had proved to be handsome young men, great lovers, more than capable of satisfying her sexual desires.
          When both boys moved, both not bothering with clothing, she was left by herself on the bed before she got up to follow them. Not willing to be totally naked, Tukiko found a sarong that she wrapped around her waist, choosing to remain topless.

☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆


          It was much later, almost mid-morning when eight people had finished their sexual activities. Being drawn by the smell of freshly cooked bacon had found their way down to the dining table, to delicious plates of a cooked breakfast placed in front of them.
          Tukiko looked around the table as they ate. Like her, Sabeena and Kathy, wore sarongs around their waists with their breast bare. Lizamoa remained naked. Michael and Ragesh were both naked but Joseph and Masanori wore shorts. So relaxed. She liked it that way and commented on the casual dress code.
          Everyone was hungry after their ‘hard’ nights and between them, they made short work of the pile of food Liz and Sabeena had prepared. Over the meal, stories were told of their nights of fun and adventures. It was very obvious that all had been involved in some great fun. A few even said they’d be keen to do it all again too

So, this brings us to the end of Part Four, the final part of the story about how Sabeena lost her virginity
and became involved in the adult fun in preparation for when the Indians visit New Zealand.

Next, we will be moving to India where the final arrangements are made before leaving India.
First are two short stories, like announcements of the trip.

Index of Letters                         Story 258 Part Four Background.                         Back to Story 258 Part Three.   

Forward to Story 259.


  1. What a great ending to this series.

    1. I liked the kitchen scene the best. To be taken on a bench sounds so sexy.
      Yes, been there, done that. In fact, Rajah, one of the authors of this story did just that to me. Including lifting me up on to the bench.
      Sexy story - keep writing guys.

    2. Yes, Kirsten, I remember that.
      You were getting cheeky to me. I said you needed a good fucking. And you dared me. What option did I have with everyone watching. You were on the bench, you bikini bottom removed and you got what you deserved.

    3. Wish that was me with that handsome young man.

  2. Another story, great.
    Thus one is full of action too. Loved how you worked that sex scene in the kitchen where the two are watching.
    Sabeena gets pulled into the fun but Kathy being further away escaped to be with Joseph.
    Well done.

    If you put these four stories together, they make a huge story. Must be thousands of words.
    Eileen and Simon.

  3. Well done guys.
    It was a great story. Turned out even better than your first plan.
    Allan Jn

    1. This has been some good writing during this series. Good story coupled with great sex scenes. Just how we all like it.

    2. Yeah, I have seen a lot of porn literature and I believe you guys have just got it right for something I can read with my partner. She isn't into much porn but likes how your sex is wrapped in a solid story. We particularly like how you are getting into the thoughts and feelings of your characters.

  4. Such good work all you writers involved.
    Have not been in here so much but with the restaurants closed due to COVID lockdown, I've had time to catch up with my reading, Your blog included. Pleased to see you are still turning out great stories. I started at where I thought I had last been and have been working my way forward to finally reach her today. So I can again say I've read every story on this site.

    1. Good to see you back here Ryuunosuke. I hope all is going well for you. Miss your visits to the farm.

  5. This must be some of your best work, team. I enjoy stories about Tukiko, Sayako and Hirohiko. They always seem to have fun.
    I was disappointed not to see you all thus year. Especially you Susan.
    The real Hirohiko.

    1. Oh Hirohiko my hero!
      I missed you too. Webcam is never as good as person to person.
