Thursday 19 August 2021

Story 258 Joseph and Lizamoa’s House Again – Part Three.

Index of Letters                         Story 258 Part Three Background.                         Back to Story 258 Part Two.   

Forward to Story 258 Part Four.

Orgy Night.

          Joseph and Lizamoa had changed their plans. Where the Japanese man, Masanori, had been coming to be with Lizamoa, now he would be with their daughter, Sabeena. Meanwhile, Masanori’s girlfriend Tukiko who was intended to be in Joseph’s bed now would be with their son. Joseph was disappointed, it would be Ragesh who’d be shagging that hot little Japanese pussy instead of him. Joseph had been looking forward to her again but it was not to be.
          Sabeena had kicked up about Lizamoa getting Masanori first, (See Story 258 Part One) so finally, Lizamoa and Joseph had relented and given way to their daughter; allowing Masanori to take her virginity that evening. Not that they really had much choice in the matter. If they didn’t let her do it with Masanori she would likely go out and find some other boy to pop her cherry. She had her heart set on it so they might as well let her be with someone they knew.
          When Joseph left the house that evening, he was wondering where they would be going. They hadn’t really made any plans as far as he knew. It had all been so sudden when they changed their plans for the evening. He figured it would probably be something like dinner, taking a movie and perhaps staying in a hotel/motel. But he really should have known that once again his wife was way ahead of him.
          “Where do we go now, honey?” he asked Lizamoa.
          “Go to Steve’s house, Joseph” she replied.
          He looked at his wife, a bit surprised. Surely they weren't going to gatecrash their friend uninvited.
          She smiled back at him. “They are expecting us,” she explained.
          “Ok, then,” he said, still a bit confused.
          So, he drove, heading for one of the inner suburbs, close to that famous landmark called One Tree Hill. Currently, it was ‘No Tree Hill’ since some years earlier, protestors had cut the tree down and there were still efforts being made by the authorities to somehow replace it. Joseph smiled to himself when he thought of the day his friend Peter had called it that.
          But he wanted to know about what was going on. When he asked her, Lizamoa had just said, “Drive to Steve’s house. You’ll know what’s going on when we get there.”
          She obviously knew more but he wisely chose not to question her further.

          When they arrived at Steve’s house, Joseph noticed there were other cars parked in front of the garage and on the roadside. There was a red ‘ute’ (Toyota light truck), dusty and dirty from country roads. He knew it, so Brian and Mega were there. The black ‘beemer’ (BMW), that was Simon and Deanna. Parked up beside the house was a very flash looking, light blue Lexus. That would be Tukiko’s parents, Hirohiko and Sayako. Since most of the group were there, why wasn’t Mike and Shanti; Peter and Jenny here he wondered?
          Anyway, with Steve and Sharon, and counting themselves, that made five couples. This was suddenly looking like an evening with some sexual potential. He knew all those present were happy to play. Perhaps out of all of them Deanna and Simon might be a bit shy but even they had played during the nude comping by the lake the previous summer. Joseph had heard of a few other times since then but he hadn’t been with Deanna yet. He was looking forward to trying with that busty, bubbly brunette.
          Quickly, Steve got Joseph a beer and they moved over to where the other men were talking. He noticed his wife was quickly in with the women.

          “Hey, Joseph,” Hirohiko said. “Wasn’t expecting you to be here, mate. I thought you were lined up to shag my daughter tonight.”
          That was a bit blunt, Joseph thought but he smiled. “No not tonight. My son beat me to her.”
          “Really? What happened?” asked Steve.
          “Bit of a story, guys!” he told them. By now everyone, including the women had stopped to listen as Joseph began to explain. “Well, when Sabeena heard Masanori was coming over she kicked up a bit about Liz getting him first. Swore at her mother, really spat the dummy about it. We tried to calm her and explain but she was having none of that, really seemed set on wanting Masanori tonight. Finally, we decided to step out of the way and let her have him. If my daughter wants her fanny filled that urgently, we might as well get over and done with. Then we can all get some peace.”
          That made the men laugh. But his wife wasn't so impressed.
          “Joseph! You could have put it better than that,” Lizamoa scolded him.
          “Well, it's true. She was kicking up so much about it, we’re better off letting her.”
          “So much for the plan, wives get Masanori first,” Sayako laughed. (See Story 256 Part One)
          “What are you complaining about, Sayako?” Joseph said. “I hear you’ve been there, done that.”
          Sayako just smiled. It was true, she had fucked Masanori, (See Story 257 Naughty Sayako.) but not the evening she intended to have with him.
          “You’re missing out, Liz?” Deanna said.
          “For the moment,” Lizamoa laughed. “But I’ll get hold of him next time. He won’t know what hit him when I’ve finished with him.”
          "Way to go, girl," Steve called from the barbeque.
          Now it was all the women laughing as they saw how determined Liz wife was that she was going to get Masanori. The men just smiled. They knew this little Indian woman. There was more truth in her words than met the eye. She was a great partner in bed as they all knew. When she set her mind on something, they knew she’d have it too.
          “Never mind, Liz,” Simon said, putting his arm around her. “Tonight, I’m sure we can help you overcome that disappointment.”
          “Of course. You look so devastated, let me comfort you.”
          Everyone saw his arm go around her and that hand give Liz’s tit a squeeze through her clothing.
          “Oh, I am, Simon,” Lizamoa smiled back at him with a wicked grin. “I am very upset.”
          His arm pulled her so she turned towards him. First, it was a light peck on the lips but as she came against him in a very full-on hug and kissing. Joseph noticed Simon feeling her tit again, and then that hand going right up under her short dress. It was soon clear he was rubbing her pussy and she was so involved in his kissing that she didn’t bother stopping him either. He knew that was probably more she didn’t want him to stop.
          “Oh wow!” said Mega. “This party is underway already.”
          “You want some too?” Hirohiko asked her.
          “If it’s what she’s getting, then yes.”
          That was all it took for Mega and Hirohiko to begin making out now. Her blouse was open and her bikini top was pulled aside revealing her big dark Indian nipples and soon Hirohiko’s mouth was firmly attached to one of them. Mega gave a moan as she held him there.
          “Damn!” Sharon said.
          Before she could say more, Sharon felt two hands wrap around her, grasping her large breasts through the halt-neck top she was wearing.
          “You’re next,” Brian whispered in her ear.
          She glanced down to see her top and bikini top pulled away and his brown hands all over the milky whiteness of her breasts. Her only reply was a soft moan. Brian leaned in closer and began nibbling on Sharon’s neck. She moaned again, her legs going weak so he had to hold her.

          With three couples now making out already, it seemed things were getting out of hand. It was only stopped when Steve called them for a last drink before dinner. So, before dinner drinks were served and people had begun to pair off as they selected partners, sex partners thought they would most likely be with after dinner. They sat beside each other and began flirting, teasing and playing with each other. It was obvious things were moving forward at full speed and before long Steve knew the fucking would begin. They would have all been doing it if he hadn’t stopped them when he announced the barbeque was ready.
          Everyone sat around outside in the late afternoon sun eating. There were lots of sexy jokes and comments flying too. It was clear to everyone present that this party was going to turn very sexual as soon as dinner was out of the way. But then, probably everyone knew that before they even arrived. Sharon’s invite had been quite specific, “come over for some fun!”

          “Just one last thing,” Sharon asked. “What is tonight's safe word?”
          A few ideas were suggested and considered until Joseph came up with the one they all loved.
          “What about 'No Tree Hill?'” he asked.
          Everyone knew what he meant as there was that huge farm park behind Steve's house with the hill without a tree. They all laughed and loved it. Quickly that was agreed as the 'safe word' for the evening, in case anyone should feel uncomfortable or unsafe.


You're All Naughty Girls.

Brian and Sayako.
          After dinner, some music and everyone was sitting around talking and flirting. None of the usual sexy games had been organised. This was just like any casual group, coming together for dinner and spending an evening hanging out but all knew this was going to turn into something far more than a casual evening. Now they were just waiting for someone to make the first move.
          Things started when Sayako and Lizamoa began teasing Brian. Brian is a quiet, easy-going type who took their teasing for a while.
          “I think Brian is shy,” Sayako said.
          “To shy to fuck in front of everyone,” Lizamoa added.
          “Are you too shy to fuck me, Brian?” Sayako asked him.
          Brian just smiled. Sayako didn't know him that well. Didn't know anything about the things he had done at the orgy and sex parties. But he didn't say anything, just let her have her fun teasing him. She should have known often still waters run deep.
          “Yes, I think you are, too shy to fuck me here.”
          Still, he didn't react, she was wondering how to get him going.
          “Don't you want to put your big cock in my hot pussy?”
          “And we thought Joseph was blunt, Sayako,” Meg laughed. She was amused at how this woman was trying to get her husband. She was also amused that Sayako didn't see she had got him already. He was just playing with her, Playing hard to get.
          Brian didn't reply. He just smiled.
          “I bet he does,” she said looking over at Lizamoa. “I think his cock might be getting hard thinking about my pussy.”
          Turning back to Brian she asked, “Are you getting hard, Brian? Want to fuck my wet cunt?”
          She rubbed her pussy through her jeans, her eyes not leaving his. “Do you like that, Brian?"

          Suddenly, he said, “Ok, enough Sayako, you cheeky woman.”
          She stopped and looked at him, a bit surprised, a bit pleased with his reaction. She wondered what would happen next.
          He stood up, pulling a surprised Sayako to her feet. “Can two of you men hold her, I’m going to give her what she’s been asking for?”
          “What?” Sayako asked. “What have I...?”
          Steve and Simon stood up and Sayako looked at them saying, “No. you don't touch me! I'm warning you.”
          But they laughed and grabbed one arm each to hold her. The tiny Japanese woman struggled with them but they were big men.  She struggled against then but was obvious to everyone that this was more a token struggle than anything real. Sayako knew Brian had something planned for her. She had no idea what but was sure it would most likely be sexual and she was going to enjoy it.
          “No! No, you can’t...” she protested.
          Brian grabbed Sayako, his hand holding her under her chin, forcing her to look at him. “Sayako, you are a very bad girl. You need to be punished.”
          “No, I’m not bad,” she denied. “You can’t do...”
          “I can do what I like,” he replied.
          Brian reached for her breasts, his large hands holding and fondling them through the blouse she was wearing.
          Sayako played along with his game by saying. “No! No! You can’t touch those.”
          “Yes, I can,” Brian laughed. “I can do anything I like to you. And you can’t stop me.”
          With that, he reached down to give her pussy a rub through her jeans. She tried to struggle again with the men holding her, trying to break free from them. But it was no good, they were holding her tightly.
          “Get her clothes off, guys,” Brian said. “Let’s get her naked.”
          “No! You can’t...”
          They laughed as they began undressing her.
          Sayako fought them but against three strong men, she had no show. Quickly she was losing her clothing. Each item being removed and flung on the table behind them. Her light jacket was first. Her blouse and jeans soon followed. Such tight arse-hugging jeans, they took a bit getting those off her. Her kicking and struggling didn’t help either. But they succeeded in the end. There she was in a tiny bra and much tinier G-string panties.
          But they weren’t finished with her yet. The bra was gone next, the two men had a play with her tits before they allowed Brian to really get busy. A hand to each nipple and soon she calmed down a bit, or should we say, at least the struggling stopped being replaced with sighs and moans instead. Not exactly calm you would probably say.
          Before long they had removed her panties too. Again, there was some pussy feeling by all three of them. Everyone could see Brian’s fingers thrusting into her. More than a few of them heard the squish of wet pussy too.

          With Sayako naked, Brian turned her to lean over the table while the two men continued holding her. She stood there knowing her bare arse and what was between her thighs, was on display for all to see.
          “Let’s see some Japanese cunt,” Brian said.
          “No!” she protested.
          But that was so sexy, hearing him say that about her. She felt him touching her lips, then even pulling them open. That was exciting how he was exposing her in such as erotic way.
          Brian saw the shiver of excitement Sayako gave. He also heard her complaining too. It was obvious her body was betraying her words. She was saying ‘No! No!’ but her body was saying ‘Yes! Yes! Yes!’
          “Such a naughty girl,” Brian said as he delivered a sharp slap to the cheek of her arse.
          “No! Stop!” cried Sayako. “You can’t do that.”
          “Yes, I can,” Brian replied as his hand, delivered a slap to her other cheek.
          “Stop hitting me!”
          “Naughty girls need their arse slapped.”
          “I’m not...”
          Some more slaps were delivered to her bare arse with Sayako crying out and protesting the whole time. She wasn’t giving in without a fight. But she was also looking forward to what Brian was going to do next.
          Brian’s hand reached in under between her open thighs. “Has she had enough yet?” he asked to no one in particular.
          His fingers found her lips, split open and wet. He rubbed her a few times and then roughly thrust a couple of fingers into her. She gave a moan in reply.
          “You are enjoying this aren’t you? Look at you, naughty girl. Your pussy, dripping with juice.”
          She gave another moan with what his fingers were doing.
          “I think you need a good fucking. You need a hard cock to show you who is boss.”
          “No! No, you don’t... You can’t!” cried Sayako while her whole body gave a shudder of pleasure at the thought of what Brian was about to do. She knew he was hard and she knew she was going to get him too. Get him from behind like this while she bent over the table. This was going to be good.
          “It’s my pussy. I say who...”
          “You say nothing, honey. You'll get what I’m going to give you. What you’re been asking for.”
          She looked around to see Brian was undoing his belt and zipper. He pushed his shorts down, taking his undies with them. A hard black cock came into view and Sayako gave another shudder at the sight of it.
          Two more sharp slaps were delivered to her bare arse and Brian was lining himself up to enter her. He didn’t hold back, just easing his cock head in to open her up and then driving in hard so she took almost all of him on the first thrust.
          “Ahhh!” she cried out.
          “What are you complaining about, woman? You’re just getting what you asked for.”
          Slap! He gave her arse another hit.
          “But I...”
          “...wanted fucking. Now you’re getting it.”
          “My Indian cock is fucking your hot Japanese cunt!”
          Sayako moaned again. That was sexy. Her legs felt weak. It was lucky she was leaning over the table.

          Then began some very rough fucking. Brian gave her everything he could and he was a strong, fit man too. His thrusts came fast and hard, his cock driving in deep with each stroke. He would give her arse another slap from time to time, or reaching under her to pinch at a nipple. All the time he continued with, what a naughty girl she was; how much she needed to be punished; how much she needed to be fucked. Everyone could see the cheeks of her arse had taken on a pink blush from the slaps he’d been giving her.
          By now, Sayako had given up any pretence of fighting. She was loving what Brian was doing and made no effort to hide it. His talk was turning her on, telling her she was a naughty girl, a dirty bitch, a hot wet cunt. It all excited her. But even important, it was that cock that felt great. It was driving in with each stroke, pulling back before another sharp plunge deep into her pussy. Damn! That was so good.
          Soon she realised she was getting there. She was going to cum this way, which mildly surprised her as it was rushing at her so quickly. With all that was happening, her mind didn’t have a chance to analyze what was going on. All she knew was she was going to cum. It was close and it was going to be good.
          Her body humped back at him. She cried out again and began cum. She gave a deep moan as she slumped across the table.”
          “What the hell?” said Brian. “Who told you, you could cum?”
          “But I...”
          “See what a bad girl you are. Just cum yourself. No thought of waiting for me.”
          “But I couldn’t help... It was so good.”
          “Totally selfish. Just all about you, isn’t it? Don’t care about me!”
          “But I... I couldn't help..."
          His hand, delivered two more hard slaps to her arse which by now was beginning to turn pink.
          She cried out, “Stop hitting me!”
          “Why? Bad girl! You didn’t wait,” he said as he slapped her arse again.
          “Not my fault you’re too slow,” Sayako shot back at him.
          “Oh really?” Brian smiled, amused she was still arguing back.
          Some of the women laughed but he continued fucking her. He was enjoying her. Enjoying how she still had some fight in her. Enjoying now her pussy felt on his cock.
          Brian was really giving it to her now. Big strokes plunging in as he finished himself off. He could have cum inside her but he wanted to show everyone who the boss was, so he pulled back from her and cum all over her arse. His first shot hitting her straight on the little black hole of her arse. She gave a loud moan at that too.
          The feeling of his cum between her cheeks, over her bum hole and running down over her sensitive pussy lips, set her off again. She gave another cry as her second cum hit her.
          Finally, Brian was finished and he stepped away to admire his mess. The men holding her had let go sometime before, so she was left draped over the table. There was cum all over her arse, running down the split between her cheeks and dripping onto the deck. Yes, it was very obvious to everyone she had been well fucked and loved it too.
          Brian stepped away from her as Sharon came forward with a towel to wipe Sayako off.
          “Don't underestimate my husband again,” Meg told.
          “I won't,” Sayako smiled at her. “I've learnt that now.”


Simon and Lizamoa.
          “Who’s next?” Simon asked looking around at everyone.
          “You can’t do that to all of us,” Lizamoa said.
          “Why not, Liz? You're all naughty girls. You all need to be punished.”
          “We are not. It’s you, men...”
          “Oh, so you want to be next do you?”
          “No, you don’t. I won’t let you,” Lizamoa said.
          “Take her guys,” Simon said. “We’ll show her whose boss here.”
          Two men grabbed Lizamoa and pulled her to her feet as she began to struggle. It was clear she wasn’t going down without a fight. Much more than Sayako had given. Finally, when they had her standing in front of the table, she was still defiant, arguing and resisting them. They began to undress her and while she protested every step of the way, but now she didn’t seem to struggle so much. Perhaps she wanted her clothes taken off.
          Once naked, they turned her towards the table and got her to bend over with her legs spaced slightly apart. Simon rubbed his hands all over her sexy arse before pulling her cheeks apart for a better view. Soon, that had become him rubbing his fingers down the split and over her wet lips. Yes, Simon noticed straight away how wet she was. It was obvious she expected and was ready for a good fucking.
          Well, if that is what this little lady wanted, who was he not to give it to her. He pushed the head of his cock against her lips, rubbing it up and down a few times before pressing further. He watched as she opened around him so he could slip smoothly in. Oh, did that feel good? This woman was one hot pussy!

          Like Brian had done, Simon didn’t hold back. He always thought this Indian woman was so sexy. Now once again he was getting to fuck her. He was looking down between the brown cheeks of her arse and could see how his white cock plunged into the black folds of her pussy. It looked kind of sexy seeing that, an interesting contrast.
          Liz liked this European man too. She felt good with what his cock was doing to her and soon she realised all this was getting to him too. That would be good, them both cumming together.
          Simon saw how Lizamoa was responding and he knew he’d better push her along or else she was going to miss out. He was getting that close. With everyone watching, he’d never hear the end of it if he cum without her. His hand reached under her, felt for the top end of her cunt and pressed in.
          Lizamoa was feeling good with his fucking but while it was getting to her, she was still a little away off yet. She was beginning to get the idea that he was further along than she was. Suddenly, she felt a hand underneath her, fingers pressed in at her clitty and gave a couple of brisk rubs. Did that hit home? A sudden orgasm burst over her, quite intense actually. Even better that it came on so quickly. Surprise orgasms, don't you just love them?
          She came out of her orgasm to find his cock was jerking deep inside her. She knew he was cumming so held still to wait for him to finish.
          As he pulled from her, he said, “Happy now!”
          “No!” Liz replied.
          “What? You got what you asked for.”
          “Not what Sayako got. You didn’t cum on my arse and didn’t punish me.”
          He grinned. Just what he expected from this little Indian woman. Defiant until the end.
          “Oh!” he asked. “You want that too.”
          “Isn't that part of the deal?”
          “I suppose it is,” Simon laughed a bit surprised she thought any deal had been made.
          He was also a bit amused that she was asking for getting her arse slapped but quickly decided to do it for her. Simon reached down between her legs to where some of his cum was leaking out. Taking some with his fingers, he rubbed it over the cheeks of her arse. Then to finish it off, he gave the mess some sharp slaps with his hands, two to each cheek.
          “Better now?”
          “Much better,” she laughed back as she stood up, grinning at him.


Steve and Deanna.
          Deanna got her 'punishment' next, with Steve. Again, with two other men helping, she was pulled to her feet and pushed back against the table. She wasn't worried, did struggle when the two men grabbed her as she knew whatever happened, this was going to be good. When she looked up and saw Steve facing her, that was even better. She liked Steve, loved looking at and touching his muscular body. More than a few times she’d played with that body, ran her fingers lightly over his arms and chest. Even played with his cock and given him a blow-job during some sex games at a party. Now she hoped this was the beginning of what would turn into some great sex. If that was going to happen here with all the rest watching, she had no problems with it .
          Steve liked Deanna too. A sexy brunette with a smiling face. She had the curves too, an arse a guy could really get his hands around, a slimmer waist and those big tits. Almost as big as his wife, Sharon. Steve was a tit man, he liked them big but then, would have been happy with any size, actually. He has seen Deanna naked a few times on their nude camping trips, even played with her tits at a party once. Then there was not forgetting that blow-job she gave him that time. But while he knew others like Mike and Brian had fucked her, he’d never got the chance. Now here was his chance and he wasn’t going to miss it either.
          When she saw Steve standing in front of her, Deanna broke free from the men and made a grab for him. The two men, realizing what was happening, didn’t try to stop her, rather standing back for a close view of the show which they knew was unfolding before them.
          She reached for this man, pulling him against herself. He was bigger than her, a strong man, taller too. To reach up to his face she had to lift up on her toes pressing her breasts against his chest. Not that either of them had any problems with that either. His strong arms wrapped around her, holding her tightly as their lips met.
          It was a real kiss, none of this closed mouth stuff either. Her mouth was open for him and he quickly responded back, their tongues pressing and probing in for each other. Steve loves this type of kissing and so when this sexy woman turned it on, he was all in for it.

          It was Deanna who broke away first, stepping back from him to reach up for his shirt. Her stripping him? That was wasn’t the rules of this game but Steve wasn’t going to stop her. She wanted him naked, well she needed to be naked too. So as she undid the buttons of his shirt, her blouse was being undone too. He pulled the blouse open to reveal her large tits, almost bursting out of the bra she wore.
          Straight off, he noticed the bra was front clipping. A quick flick with his fingers and the cups fell away, revealing her two beauties, swelling globes of milky white, crowned with pink nipples and large areolas.
          Deanna knew her bra was open and tits were showing but she didn’t care. She was more interested in getting him naked. Stripping him like this was getting her hot. Once Steve’s shirt had been thrown aside, she started undoing his shorts. The belt buckle undone, the catch next and the zipped pulled down. She stopped to reach in for a quick feel before pulling his shorts away.
          Deanna could see the hard ridge of his cock through his undies and couldn’t wait to get him out. She eased then down so his cock sprung free. Then lost no time in going in to play and suck. With this sudden change of events, Steve had forgotten to remove any more of her clothing. Forgotten the purpose of this was to get her naked first.
          So here was this naked man, resting back against the table while this half-naked woman sucked him off. She was good too. Real good. Doing a great job on him. Really going for the gold.
          But Steve was concerned. He didn’t want it like this. He wanted to cum inside Deanna’s hot cunt. And he wanted to give her a good fucking before he did so. He reached down and pushed her head back off himself.
          “What?” she asked looking up at him in surprise.
          “I want to fuck you, Deanna. Let’s get you naked and then we can fuck.”
          She smiled at him and stood up. She wanted to fuck him too. Before he could reach for her, she had her skirt and panties off in one go. She was standing there, facing him naked. Her hands reached down to her pussy. Her fingers pulling her lips open. She knew from where he was he’d be getting a great view too.
          “Is this what you want, Steve,” she smiled. “Do you want hot pussy?”
          “Oh, yes,” he said reaching for her. "Bring it on, honey!"
          But his hand’s only found air as she jumped back from him, laughing.
          He jumped again, this time determined to catch her but again she jumped back and would have escaped if it hadn’t been for Brian standing behind her. She fell against him, his arms going around her as he held her for his mate, Steve. It was noticed by everyone how Brian took the chance to give her tits a feel up as he held her.
          “Thanks, mate,” Steve said as he took a very surprised Deanna from Brian.
          “That’s not fair,” she protested.
          “All is fair for little cock teasers like you.”
          “I'm not a cock teaser, Brian.”
          “Oh, yes you are, honey.”
          As Steve brought her back to the table, everyone could see she wasn’t too bothered to struggle. She knew and was ready for what was about to follow.
          Since they were breaking all the rules of this game, there was no sense in getting her bending over the table. Steve pushed her back until her arse touched the table edge then grabbing her by her waist, he lifted her so she found herself sitting on the table edge.
          As he reached between her legs for her pussy, she leaned forward to kiss him again. Damn! This woman was really into the kissing, wasn't she? Continuing kissing him while he continued finger-fucking a very wet pussy.
          Deanna was enjoying what this man was doing to her. While her pussy was getting the full treatment from his fingers, he was showing he was a great kisser too. She liked that in a man. But she also knew she was wet and ready for some cock too. From what she had seen of this man, she was sure he would do fine there too.
          She pulled back from their kissing to whisper in his ear, “Fuck me, Steve!”

          Her legs were wide open as Steve pressed his cock against the lips of her pussy. They both watched her open to take his head and saw how easily he slipped into her. That hot pussy felt so good around his cock. He wanted to go in deeper. Another thrust and she was taking more of him. Still another and she had him all.
          Deanna felt so good, her cunt filled with his amazing cock. It felt even better as he began to move. She half sat; half laid as Steve began fucking. Her body held up with her hands on the table behind her. Steve’s hands held her hips, holding her to the edge of the table so he could go in as deep as possible.
          She was sitting on the table, legs pulled open with a hard cock thrusting into her. She cried out at him with a deep husky moan.
          He just laughed, saying, “This is what cock teasers like you deserve.”
          With that, he gave have a sharp quick thrust.
          Her eyes opened wider at that. “Oh fuck!” she gasped.
          “Yeah, fuck! That’s what it is,” he laughed. “So clever that you know that.”
          “Steve!” she said, annoyed at his teasing.
          His reply was another hard thrust, slamming his cock into her with everything he had.
          “Oh! Oh!”
          “Good isn’t it. Do you like my cock in your cunt?”
          “Do you like hard cock, you dirty little cock teaser?”
          “Mmm... Steve... I like...”
          “Yeah. I know what you like. You like being fucked.”
          Steve continued fucking her. Giving her long hard thrusts.
          “Do you like getting fucked while everyone is watching?”
          Her eyes opened. She looked around and suddenly realised she was being watched. They all could see her being fucked. They could see Steve’s cock deep thrusting deep into her cunt.
          She moaned again.
          “You like this, don’t you? You like being watched, don't you?”
          “Ahhh, I want...”
          “Want your cunt full of my cum. Dirty girl!”
          “Ohhh! Ohhh I’m...”
          Steve knew this was it. Her climax had built quickly, it was looking to be a big one. He was giving her the last few humps that would send her over the top and make her cum. He was excited himself to see and feel her orgasm and it only took a few moments more before he followed her over.
          She was sitting there smiling up at him. “That was so good!”
          “So, are you going to cock tease men again?”
          “Yes!” she replied.
          “Then you’ll get punished like this again, to teach you a lesson.”
          “Bring it on,” she laughed.


Hirohiko and Mega.
          Next Mega found herself pushed to lean over the table for Hirohiko. Naughty Hirohiko, the Japanese man. She liked him, he was fun and naughty, just how she liked her men. Now he was going to fuck her again. Great! She was all for that!
          She felt him undoing her skirt, then pulling it down. Then his hands returned to rub all over her almost bare arse. Mega knew this evening was going to turn sexy so she dressed ready for it, wearing her sexiest undies, a tiny low-cut bra and matching G-string.
          Hirohiko liked this sexy Indian woman too. She would probably not admit it but she could be just as naughty as he was. The fact she was wearing this tiny G-string kind of proved that. It distracted him from his original purpose. His intention was just to remove her skirt and panties before administrating her punishment. Now finding this tiny G-string, he wanted to see what she was wearing up top.
          He pulled her up from the table and turned her to face everyone watching. His hand going for the bottom of the T-shirt she wore, up her body and off over her head. Now he discovered he was right; she was wearing a matching bra too. It was extremely low and sexy, showing much of her beautiful brown breasts. For a moment he wondered how far her nipples were underneath. It couldn’t have been much judging by how her breasts swelled over the top.
          His hands came around for her tits, nice ones, not overly large but not small either. His hand held her, fingers feeling her hardened nipples through the material. His hands pushed down inside her bra, feeling how erect her nipples actually were. It was time he got those out, he thought. He found the front clip and had it undone so he could pull the cups back allowing the bra to drop from her.
          Mega felt the bra drop from her and realised her breasts were bare but with what his hands were doing to her, she didn’t care. She had her eyes closed, giving gentle moans from time to time as his fingers pulled on her hard nipples. She always loved a man doing that and this man knew just how she liked it.
          Soon one of his hands began to move lower, down over her stomach, down to the tiny triangle in front between her thighs. He gave her a few rubs over that before his fingers pushed down inside. All this was so hot that she couldn’t help giving gasp as his fingers began their work on her pussy.
          It felt good, great actually but his fingers pushing under her tight G-string like that had the strings cutting in across her hips. She reached down with a hand going to each hip and pushed down herself until her G-string was down near her knees. Hirohiko saw what she was doing and reached further, pushing her G-string lower until it dropped to her ankles.
          Now she was naked, Hirohiko really began his work with her. Such a sexy woman. So quickly responding to him. He had found how wet and ready her pussy was. Seen how her legs had parted. So willing to allow him full access to her naked body. That was sexy too. She was resting back against him with there being no need to hold her so he found he could use both hands. While one hand continued working at her tits and nipples, the other was work on her pussy. He found the thick bush; found how soaking her hair was. His fingers running down some open lips soon became fingers plunging deep inside her.
          Her moans were exciting to hear. The way her pussy was humping back at his hand was exciting too. Hirohiko suddenly realised Mega was getting there. She was building for a cum and so he decided to take her over.
          She was moaning and bucking at him now, so his hand had to leave her chest to hold her. He was really thrusting into her. His fingers going in as deep as he could and she was loving it. Her cries were becoming louder and louder. There was juice was running over his fingers and dripping to the deck. It was so sexy to see this woman so turned on.
          The noise she was making, the way she was bucking at his hand told him she was about to orgasm. Just a bit more and she would be over. Just a few more hand pumps and she would cum. He pushed harder, going in as deeps as he could, making it the best he could for her.
          Mega’s cum burst over her. It was a big one, kept going by the way he continued working her pussy. She still had her eyes closed, enjoying how the surges of her cum consumed her body. Finally, he allowed her to drop from her orgasm and recover.
          She rested back against him while he held her tight. It took a few moments before she regained her breath and could open her eyes. Then she noticed everyone was watching. Sharon started to clap, soon others joined in. Mega just smiled. Yes, they had got a good show but she’d got even more.

          Mega pulled away from Hirohiko and turned to look back at him. She saw he was still fully dressed and she thought, ‘he had given her that great orgasm and got no fun himself. She would have to change that.’
          “Come on, girls,” she called out. “This naughty boy needs punishing too.”
          All four women jumped up to help her and between the five of them, they had him facing and bent over the table. While they held him tightly, Mega began to play with him, rubbing her hands over him through his clothes.
          “All you tough guys like to play with the women,” she told him. “Now the women get to play too.”
          Between them they began stripping him, laughing and making sexy comments as they did. He didn’t try to stop them, didn’t help them either, just allowing them to do their work. It didn’t take long before they had him completely naked.
          “Oh, sexy butt!” Sharon laughed as she ran her hands over Hirohiko’s behind. “I like men with a nice tight butt.” With that, she gave his bare arse a hard slap.
          She soon had her fingers, between his cheeks, playing with the outside of his butt hole. She bent further down, allowing a glob of spit to drop from her mouth onto his hole. Her fingers then rubbed the liquid around that area. She even pushed a finger into him which felt rather good. Different, but in a good way.
          Deanna was going lower, feeling his balls before discovering how hard his cock was.
          “Oh, nice,” she laughed. “Look girls, I think he likes us.”
          “We like him too,” Sharon agreed as she gave one of his arse cheeks another hard slap.
          “Such a naughty boy! What should we do to him?” Mega asked her friends.
          “Turn him around,” Sayako suggested. “Let’s play with the front,”
          “Yeah!” Mega agreed. “I want that cock.”
          It must be noted that Hirohiko didn’t give much resistance as the girls turned him around. It must also be noted that none of the other four men stepped forward to help him. They must have seen how turned on he was by this and perhaps they would have liked some too.
          “Wow!” Deanna said. “Look how hard he is!”
          “He wants you, Mega,” Sharon laughed. “He wants you to suck him.”
          Sharon reached up to give his nipple a hard pinch. “Do you want Mega to blow you, naughty boy?”
          “I take it, that's a yes,” Sharon laughed.
          Those hands all over him felt great. They were feeling, playing and touching him everywhere but he noticed they left his cock to Mega. She had dropped to her knees in front of him, her hands had going straight for his cock.
          Mega was pumping him with her hands and everyone was watching her. The girls had stopped too; Sharon and Deanna were holding him back against their big tits while Mega worked on him. She liked the look of his cock, quite handsome actually. It was a cock just asking to be sucked and she knew soon she would be doing it.
          She could see how hard he was, could even see the wet of his precum. She leaned forward to lick it off and felt how his cock jerked at the contact.

          Hirohiko was being held by these two European women. He could feel his back against their big tits as they held him tightly so he was unable to move. What a way to go? He was looking down at this Indian woman in front of him. She was holding and wanking his cock and he knew soon she would be sucking him. He saw her lean forward, her tongue reached out and flick across the head of his cock. Damn! That looked sexy but felt even better.
          Encouraged by his reaction, Mega went in to take him with her mouth. First came some licks around the head and she opened her mouth wider to take him inside. This is how she did him. One hand holding and pumped in time with her sucking the head. She was watching him, watching her face and she was reading how his body was building towards his climax. After what they had been doing and how he had made her cum, he was almost ready himself.
          She knew he was close now. She could have taken his cum in her mouth but tonight it was a spectator sport so she timed it to pull off him just as he went off. She was naked so had no problems with him shooting all over her bare chest. Then turned towards her audience watching she rubbed Hirohiko’s cum all over her breasts and then invited anyone who wanted to clean up the mess. Two women, Lizamoa and Sayako; and a man, Simon; were happy to help, licking over her body and tits until all his cum was gone.


Joseph and Sharon.
          Finally, the host of this party, Sharon had her turn. She sat there waiting. She knew she would be next since it was clear the men were going to ‘punish’ all the girls. She also knew, since there was only one man left, who it would be. She looked across at Joseph and he was smiling back at her.
          He stood up and came towards her. Everyone knew they were the last pair to play and so they watched as she stood up to meet him. This time, no other men were pulling her up and dragging her to the punishment table. She just reached out, took his hand and willingly allowed him to lead her. She took her position, standing facing him with her arse against the table. Her hands reached up and pulled him against her as their bodies came together in a passionate embrace.
          No one watching could be in any doubt that Sharon wanted what was coming as much as Joseph did, probably more than he did. When they broke from the kiss, he reached for her blouse, undoing the buttons while she allowed it. Still no struggling from her, not even a word of protest. She wanted him to strip her, get her naked and she wanted him fuck her.
          First, it was this top she was wearing, the buttons were undone and opened, the garment pulled from her shoulders to reveal what she wore underneath. Her sexy bikini top was bravely struggling to contain her massive breasts, not entirely able to as nearly half her ample chest was swelling out from under the top. While her nipples remained hidden for the moment, it couldn’t have been by much.
          Her bikini top was next to go, with him leaning in with his chest pressing against her chest as he reached around behind her for the bra catch. It came undone under his fingers and she felt her breasts being released from their tight confinement. As he pulled back from her, the bra slipped from her chest, sliding down her arms as he pulled it clear.
          One feature you can never miss on Sharon is those big breasts. They were beauties. Huge round globes that hung slightly with their weight. An attraction for most men when they saw them. And Sharon had no problems with showing them too. She loved them being seen but even better, she loved them being touched. It was the same here with this group watching, they could see her topless and she loved it. She knew the man in front of her would be touching them and she loved that idea even more. She knew he was about to come back with his hands all over them, probably followed by his mouth, and she was going to love that too.

          But first, she had some business to do too. She wanted his shirt off. If she was going to get naked, she wanted him naked too. Her hands went for his shirt, the button coming undone, one by one as he worked down her chest. Soon his shirt was cast open and removed.
          Her hands were straight to his chest, her white fingers a sexual contrast to the dark brown of his body. She could feel the tight muscles of his chest and loved running her hands over him. Sharon, more than any woman there, loved to be with big strong men. She was married to one, Steve who owned a gym and worked out regularly. Now this man was in front of her; a big man, strong from physical work as opposed to Steve’s gym work.
          Another sexual contrast going on at the same time was Joseph’s dark hands on the smooth, silky whiteness of Sharon’s breasts. Damn! That looked good, felt good too. The way his fingers were running over the soft sensitive flesh, pulling and playing with her hard pink nipples. It was so good, she could almost cum with the pleasure.
          Next to come off was her shorts. They were actually cut-off jeans she had used when holes appeared in their knees. Now they were cut back showing leg almost to her pussy. Joseph’s fingers had the zipped pulled down and the shorts fell away to reveal the tiny G-string bikini she wore. Not long after the jean cut-offs hit the floor her G-string joined them.
          He was moving lower to her blonde pussy. She always kept her pussy shaved as being blonde she couldn’t really grow a decent pussy like most girls did. It was always a patchy mess at best. So she finally decided to keep herself shaved.
          Whenever she was naked, her pussy lips were always on show. Like they were now, her legs parted, the smoothness of her belly running right down between her legs. It was very obvious she was excited by all this too. Her lips were swollen and open, showing some of her inner parts too. She was wet too. More than one man had noticed that drop of juice that had run down onto her inner thigh. More than one woman spotted it too and gave a shiver of excitement at the sight.
          Joseph’s fingers ran over the smooth flesh of Sharon’s pussy. She felt nice like that and he enjoyed exploring her there. Then he found the lips. So wet! So ready to be fucked. She gave a moan at the touch of his fingers. A deeper moan as he penetrated inside. He continued rubbing and finger-fucking her pussy as he pulled her back against himself. Their lips met again, then their tongues met again, doing an erotic dance together.
          This was getting to Sharon. She was starting to feel light-headed with all he was doing to her. So horny, so turned on by his attention. Finally, she couldn’t take it anymore. She wanted him. She knew the only way this would happen was if she got him naked like she was. She reached for his jeans and checked his cock through the material.
          Oh, yes! He was already hard. Nice! Just how she wanted him. She was in a rush now. Wanted him naked. Wanted his cock out. Wanted him fucking her. Pulling at his jeans to get them off to be quickly followed by his undies.
          Now he was naked and as they returned to kissing each other, her hand was grasping his cock and pumping him as they did. Meanwhile, his hand had returned to continue working at her pussy.
          The passion was building inside her. She was breathing heavy, humping against his hand. He was slightly amused at the state she was getting herself in. He knew she was ready now.

          Out of the corner of his eye, Joseph noticed a movement. He glanced around to see his wife Liz throwing a foam pad onto the deck behind him.
          “Do it that way, Joseph. It will be more comfortable.”
          Sharon saw and heard Liz too. She pushed Joseph back until he was on the pad. He dropped to his knees and then fell onto his back. His hands were holding Sharon, pulling her down with him. She landed on top of him, her pussy coming down onto his cock.
          She was resting with a leg on each side of his, her pussy pressing against his rigid staff. She gave a few rubs along his cock shaft, her hips moving so him so his cock slipped along the parted wet lips. Oh, that felt good. Joseph must have thought so too as Sharon felt his cock give a massive jerk.
          That was it for Sharon. She didn’t just want more of him, she wanted all of him. She moved, so now the head of his cock was directly under her pussy. When she lifted off him, he lifted to attempting to straighten. She caught the end of his cock, taking him between her lips, pressing down at him so he went deep inside.
          When Sharon felt Joseph slip inside, she gave a deep sigh of satisfaction. He felt good and she knew this was going to be a great fuck.
          Joseph felt that point of contact too. He watched as she sunk down onto his cock; that beautiful pussy opening up to take him; saw the look of triumph and success as she did. She felt great as she began to fuck him. His hands came up to her waist to hold and support her, then moving to her tits as she settled it to fucking him.
          “See, no hands,” she laughed to him.
          “Very skilled,” he laughed back.

          For Sharon, fucking this big cock was amazing. She was loving it. She also loved how his hands were playing with her tits. When he found and pulled on her nipples it was even better. She gave a deep moan of pleasure and increased the pressure she was using on him.
          Meanwhile, everyone watching was silent, just watching this show in front of them unfolding. It was going way beyond what this punishment idea was supposed to be but neither of them cared. It was soon obvious to those watching that neither of these two was being punished either.
          Joseph always liked Sharon and had been with her on many occasions over the years. She worked out regularly at her husband’s gym and so was a fit energetic fucker. Something that he really liked and found sexy in a woman. She had a great body, so different to other women he regularly fucked. A woman who loved sex and let everyone know it too. Her light skin, large breasts and shaved pussy and that erotic side to her that was always a big turn-on for him.
          He knew that this wouldn’t last much longer as they had both been really turned on by what had been happening to others before they even got started. Now Joseph and Sharon were fucking themselves, it felt great. She was an expert the way she rode his cock and soon she had him to the point of cumming. She had been close herself, for a minute or so but just holding back until he was there with her.
          Now was the time. Sharon knew they were both about ready. She leaned forward to bring herself into a position she knew would take her over. She gave a few big pushes down at Joseph and heard him give a moan. A few more thrusts brought a deeper moan and she knew he was cumming. She could feel his cock jerking as he pumped his cum into her. Sharon knew she had to be fast now and get there before he began to relax from his orgasm. She gave a shove back at his cock as she fell against him. A few more backward thrusts and she was over too.
          It had been great for both of them and now she lay on top of him while he held her tightly. She brought her face up to him and again they kissed but somehow the passion was gone now. It was more a kiss of thanks than one of sexual energy.



          “Well,” Joseph said. “That was one way of getting the fun going.”
          By now the sun was setting and soon everyone was moving to the lounge where things quickly became a full-on orgy. Five couples, ten people, swapping and fucking, then swapping again. Five couples, two Indian, two white and a Japanese couple, an interracial and erotic combination. 
          As the evening progressed there were some interesting moments.

          The way Brian and Joseph had spit-roasted Deanna had been hot. She was sucking Brian and giving him a great blow-job. Suddenly, she felt someone behind her, a hand rubbing her pussy as she kneeled forward on the mat. Then those fingers were pressing into her, rubbing her, getting her pussy wet again. She left Brian to look around to see who was behind her.
          It was Joseph and there was no doubt in Deanna’s mind that he was intending to fuck her. Way to go! She though. A cock in both ends!
          The men were so turned on by this sexy woman that it didn’t take them long to build towards their climax. She was just as turned on by taking both these men at once. It felt great, even better when she felt Joseph stop, his cock jerking as he pumped his cum into her.
          Brian saw what had just happened and pulled out from her mouth. Going around behind her he sunk deep inside her pussy with one huge thrust. He continued fucking her how Joseph had left off. Meanwhile, another cock was introduced into her mouth as Hirohiko stood in front of her.
          Soon Deanna knew Brian was getting close too. She knew she was about to get even more cum inside her pussy. She felt a hand reach in underneath her and saw Sayako beside her. Those fingers found her clitty, gave a few brisk rubs and it sent her off. It was a big one, did she cum hard too. The way her pussy reacted by tightening around Brian’s cock did it for him too. Moments after her, he cum too, releasing while he held deep inside her.

          Steve giving Lizamoa a big fucking had been a highlight too. She was cheeking him again. Telling him how useless men were. Only good for one good shot and then they were finished, 'all over rover.' He smiled at that, grabbed her and threw her onto a couch. Before she knew it, he was on top of her, driving his cock into her.
          “Men got no staying power, do we?”
          “Well, what do you think this is?”
          “Steve I...”
          “Is that a hard cock in your cunt? Oh yes, it is. Wonder where that came from?”
          She just moaned at that.
          “Is that cock going soft on you?” he asked. “Doesn't seem like it.”
          By now she knew she was going to get another good fucking from one of these men and she was settling in to enjoy it. She loved how rough he was with her, not holding back as he fucked her. She wanted it like that too. As hard as he could, as rough as he could, it was fine with her.
          But she also knew, this time there would be no holding back to cum over her. This man was going to fuck her until they both climaxed with his cock deep in her cunt.
          She was gasping, crying out now and it was turning him on to hear her. Her cum was building, she was surprised it was happening so fast. She could hear him close to her ear. He was getting close too. They looked like they were going to almost cum together. After all the fucking they’d been doing that evening, it would have been amazing if they could climax together, but neither of them had any thought of simultaneous orgasm in those last few moments. It was every man or woman for themselves.
          Lizamoa cum first, her tiny body humping up at the big man on top of her. That was what it took for Steve to cum too.
          They fell apart, Liz still laying on the couch while Steve was kneeling on the floor beside her.
          “That was good,” he grinned at him.
          “Amazing!” she replied.
          “Now, take back what you said about us men, Liz.”
          “Ok! Ok! I was wrong,” she laughed. “You have got what it takes.”
          “Cumming so quickly. Pity you have no staying power, Liz.”
          “Hey! Steve! You take that back.”
          He laughed and soon she was laughing too.

          Simon and Brian saw plenty of action too, with the women all loving how turned on and horny these men were. They fucked, played and then fucked again. Everyone was involved and having fun.

          By the end of the evening, things were slowing down. It seemed that everyone was fucked out. They all sat watching Hirohiko eating out Sharon’s pussy. Saying thanks for hosting the evening he said it was.
          Whatever they said it was, all noticed how she excepted his thanks with another good orgasm.

Index of Letters                         Story 258 Part Three Background.                         Back to Story 258 Part Two.   

Forward to Story 258 Part Four.


  1. Hi everyone,
    I've not been on here for a while been away with my husband living in Auckland. On Tuesday it was announced there was a COVID case in Auckland so Hone and I decided to race home. We were halfway there when we heard the Stage 4 lock-down announced. So here was are staying with Gran for the duration.

    One of our goals is to catch up on our reading. Gran says we've missed some good stories. If this one is anything to go by, it looks like we have too. So I'll be writing a few comments as we catch up.
    Mahuiko and Hone (John)

    1. Oh, I forgot the purpose of my comment.
      Thanks for putting my photo in the background. It was not one I would have expected you to use but looks good.
      And yes, I heard the story as to why you used mine for this story.
      Regards to all our friends.

    2. Hay Mahuiko and Hone,
      I was just doing some work in this blog when I saw your comment arrive.
      Yes, I put that photo up when I published earlier. Anne phoned me last night to say it had to be you this time. I was looking for something different when I found your first set of photos, taken in Moa's house. I got it from there.
      Good to hear from you. Have fun reading our recent stories.

    3. That is a hot photo Mahuiko. Shows off that hot body you've got.

    4. Sexy photo Mahuiko,
      My husband liked it too.

  2. Oh another great story.
    Loved the punishment game. I know where that came from too, don't I Rajah? You gave my arse a good slapping that day.
    But I like how you changed each girl so things seemed to evolve as they went on. I thought that was rather clever.
    Thanks again guys. With this lock-down we can do with a sex story to read.

    1. Yes, we noticed that too. There is a progression, a change between each sub-sex scene. But I think it really works well.
      Rosemary & Tom.

    2. I was with you Kala during that game. My arse got a little bit pink too.
      But the best part was the sex that those guys gave us was great.

    3. I didn't take part in that game but I watched it.
      I was surprised how hard those guys seemed to be hitting and how much many of you enjoyed it.
      I think Rochelle even cum at least once.

  3. Where does the stories go from here? You keep hinting of some big sex parties coming up. Is there going to be another trip.
    I remember a while ago you were planning a new series, Letters the Next Generation. Is this a different way of doing that?

    1. Thanks Rita & Jeff,
      We are heading towards another trip, this time the Indian Team coming to visit Australia and New Zealand. There will be fun and lots of sex. Two nights of sexy games while camping at the lakes.

      Letters the Next Generation has been dropped in favour of allowing the children to join in as they turn 18. It is assumed that they would normally become sexually active at around this age so why not join in the fun their parents were having.

  4. Hi everyone,
    So this is a story without Tukiko. So sad she had to miss out on all these naughty men but she seems to have done well with those two guys in the previous stories.

    1. We also are still following this series featuring those Japanese characters. It has been some interesting writing but I think it is moving on now.
      Thanks for such exciting and sexy stories.
      Ayesha, Synthisha, Raviprabha & James
