Saturday 11 June 2022

Story 283 Going Naked on a Public Beach.

Index of Letters                         Story 283 Background Notes.                         Back to Story 282.   

Forward to Story 284.

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The Nude Beach.

Hello From Nishi again.
        When I heard about this nude beach idea, I was a bit concerned. Getting naked in public at a beach, wasn’t that a bit bold? I was unsure if I could go that far.
        This has appeared in quite a few stories in the Letters Books about nude beaches. In fact, this very beach we were going to had been featured several times. In most cases, those going there, even the shy ones, had enjoyed the experience once they got there.
        Gaja and I had talked about that and even used it as a fantasy theme. But this wouldn’t be a fantasy or just a sexy story. This would be real. Me getting naked where others, even complete strangers would be able to view me.
        I knew Gaja had been taken to a nude beach when they visited that island near Perth. It seems Hansini didn’t really give him a choice. He seems to have enjoyed it though so perhaps I would too. I asked him what it was like. From what he told me, there were a lot of people there, mostly they were nude too. It seems the hardest part was the removal of the clothes. Once he was naked, he quickly became comfortable with it. People walking past had viewed him, as they had viewed the five women who were with him. But it hadn't bothered any of them too much.
        Now Gaja said he was excited by the idea of going nude for bathing at a beach. He encouraged me, saying I would enjoy it too. He said I should go along and just follow everyone else. He promised to be there beside me all the time. So, it seemed there was going to be no chance to chicken out. I was going and I’m sure he was expecting me to get fully nude too.
        Oh, well, I decided. If that was what was going to happen, I might as well make the most of it and try it for the first time. They all said I would enjoy myself, so perhaps I would. Anyway, in a different country so far from India, there was no chance I was going to meet someone who would know me. It would only be people unknown to me who would be viewing my nudity.

Hello From Gaja Again.
        I could see that Nishi was nervous about this so I tried to encourage her that she would enjoy herself once she got over the idea of being naked. But I also wanted her to realize that with the group we were travelling with, there would probably be more than just nudity.
        "I was sure that more than getting naked would be happening at this beach," I told her.
        When I tried to tell Nishi that she said, "No it was just nudity in a more public setting."
        “You remember the story about how Tukiko joined this group, the stories we enjoyed so much. Well, she came to this beach, she went up into the sandhills with Mike and they had sex together. She also mentioned that her parents were also in a group sex session.”
        Nishi nodded when she remembered this. I also reminded her about my visit to a beach on the island near Perth. It had become very sexual with those women there. It seems that people, especially women, seem to get very excited about being naked in front of other people.
        “So, I think we should be prepared in case it happens,” I finished.
        “You mean, we get into a sex group?” she asked surprised.
        “You don’t have to. I’m only saying it is likely to happen with this group we are with.”
        “Ok,” Nishi nodded as she understood what I was saying. “I will keep that in mind.”
        She paused for a few moments and then asked. “Do you think they might want us to be involved?”
        “I don’t know. It is possible. Would you be interested?”
        “Maybe,” she replied which was a surprise for me. “I’d have to see how I feel at the time.”
        Wow! She was almost saying she would join in. After what she did at Steve’s house, I wouldn't be surprised. That night was a big jump for her. But then, both Nishi and I had come a long way from when we left India.

Te Henga Beach.

Nishi Continues.
        This beach can be located to the west of Auckland beyond the forest hills that can be found there. It is a drive through the forest area until we come to the West Coast of Auckland. We had already been to another beach nearby where we had witnessed the gannets nesting and raising their young.
        The main beach is much closer to the car park and is very public. The day we went was a Friday, a weekday so while it seemed to be a lot of people there, it wasn’t as much as they would get during the weekends. The plan was to wait until everyone had arrived before we moved on to another place which would be the nude beach.
        So, the first step was at the main Te Henga beach. We were one of the first to arrive. Hirohiko told us that this was the main public beach but the more private beach was over those sand dunes. I looked where he was pointing and could see a track leading up over the dunes. Behind that, he had explained was the more private O’Neal’s Beach where we would be going nude when everyone arrived. It seems when the tide came in, access to this beach was blocked off for about three or four hours, so we would be nude in front of only a smaller number of people who decide to stay there during that time.

Swimming in my bikini.

Nishi Continues.
        While we waited for the rest of the group, they decided to go swimming. I knew I only wore that tiny bikini under my clothes but I also knew, Gaja would like to see me wear it in public. He had been disappointed that I hadn’t worn it at that other beach, the day we arrived in Auckland. So I did wear it for this beach, mostly just for him.
        My bikini was the one I had originally borrowed from Hansini in Singapore. Knowing her, it could only be described as a daring one, a string bikini that was nothing much more than triangles held in place with string bows. The top didn't completely cover the swelling of my breasts. The bottom covered my pussy which thinned to a triangle around my hips. The back covered the split of my bum but left much of the cheeks displayed. It could only be described as sexy to wear and I certainly felt sexy wearing it.
        Stripping down to this bikini made me feel a little bit daring. I could see others nearby were watching us but since Hansini had boldly stripped to her bikini, I quickly followed her. I was pleased to notice that the other women, two Japanese, Sayako and Chiharu, one Indian, Kalki and one white woman, Kala had also stripped to bikinis too.
        The six of us, followed by some of the men, headed off down the beach to the water. That was sexy, me being like that on this public beach, where there were a lot of other people, I found it easier being with the other women in our group.
        This is a west coast surf beach where the waves were much bigger and angrier than they had been on the gentle inner harbour beach. But the men had warned us of the dangers of this beach, so we confined ourselves to not going in so deep. Even so, as a wave came in, it could crash against my body almost covering me until it drained away leaving me standing in water only up to my knees.
        In such rough water, we quickly discovered one disadvantage of wearing bikinis. They were more likely to be pulled off by the force of the water. It became a constant process, readjusting my bikini parts after being hit by each wave. But it was fun and a bit exciting too. There were other people nearby and it was always the risk that an extra powerful wave and I might end up displaying either my breasts or pussy.
        Mostly, this was successful and I remained with what modesty I could gain when wearing such a tiny bikini but twice an extra powerful wave caught me off guard. The first time, the wave had hit my body pulling one part of my bikini top away. My breast and nipple were exposed until I got the top pulled back. The second time was much worse as both parts of my bikini were misplaced. My top was almost pulled right off with both nipples briefly being displayed. The bottom was pulled away so most of my bum could be seen. Both times there had been others swimming nearby who had witnessed the exposure of my body parts.
        At the time I was a bit shocked but later I realised it was rather sexy too. I certainly knew Hansini was enjoying showing off. I think Sayako was too. She was certainly laughing about it. Of course, I think the men we were with thought it was funny. Gaja was smiling at my unexpected exposure.

        As we walked back to our bags I noticed many on the beach were enjoying the front view of six women. Because I knew many were watching, I was with mixed feelings. On one part, I was nervous about displaying so much flesh. On the other part, I was excited about it. As I had left the water, I had looked down to ensure everything was in its proper place but this check had reminded me how tiny this bikini actually was. It felt strange when I discovered I was enjoying displaying so much of my body on this beach with many strangers watching.
        It was then that I began to wonder if I would feel the same way once both halves of my bikini were removed. That is what others like Hansini said. She seemed to enjoy showing and I was beginning to realize why.
        I must admit to quickly grabbing my T-shirt and shorts to cover up.

        The last to arrive were Simon and Deanna with their two daughters Rachel and Roxanne. They also brought David and Katrina with their younger kids too.
        When everyone had arrived, it was time to leave this beach and move on to the nude beach. The only way there was passing through where a small river joined the ocean. As the tide was coming in, this was getting harder to get across without getting wet. Each wave that came in would wash against anyone left standing in that area. Mike told us the trick was to get across between the waves.
        Easy for him to say. It was harder to do it. I was standing watching and saw some of our group had got wet right up around their waist.
        Shanti was standing beside me. “Take your shorts and T-shirt off,” she told us. “Your bikini is wet already so it doesn't matter. Just hold your bags above your head.”
        So, I did as she said. I stripped back down to my bikini and put all my clothing in my bag. While others were trying to avoid the waves, Shanti and I didn’t bother. We just kept away from the rocks to avoid any back-splashing and walked straight across.
        A wave came in and washed up over my bikini bottom, but it didn’t bother me. I just stood until it subsided and then continued walking forward towards the other side.

        Once clear of the water I decided that since my body was now wet, I should continue walking wearing just my bikini. I had to put shoes on to go over the black sand dunes but other than that it was all I wore. I noticed other women from our group had elected to do the same. Some like Hansini and Shanti had even gone as far as leaving off their tops.
        The teen girls were leading as we climbed over the dunes, taking what seemed like a different route to the main track. It was steep but worth it for the view we got from the top. Down before us was another surf beach and by the look of it, there were hardly any people there.
        Quickly, we descended and then began walking along until Shanti found what looked like a good place on the beach. Quickly everyone began setting out towels and mats to sit on, our bag laid out behind. Many had sun shades to set up too. They were very welcome, especially for us Indians with our darker skin.
        Soon we all sat down to have a quick snack and cold drink before we went swimming.

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Getting Naked and Enjoying It.

Removing my bikini.

Hello From Nishi again.
        Soon someone suggested we go swimming. Suddenly, all around us, people were beginning to strip. The first group left, heading for the ocean. I’ve always heard the tradition was a race to see who would get there first. This time it was hotly contested between Sabreena, Shanti and three of the men. Ragesh and Riya were right behind this group, striving to catch them.
        It seemed Joseph and Brian were running to interfere with the girls so Mike could come through and win. Joseph was trying to stop Shanti by tripping her. Brian was doing much the same to Sabreena who always seemed to be a usual winner. Joseph had successfully delayed Shanti as she had to avoid him and then tripped. In Sabreena’s case, she was more agile and managed to duck past Brian but she had slowed enough for her brother Ragesh to catch her. He tried to trip her and almost achieved it, as she stumbled and staggered for a few strides before regaining her pace again. It was also enough to slow Ragesh down so Riya could sweep past just before they reached the water.
        It was impossible to tell who was second as they all seemed to reach the water close behind Riya.
        By now others were leaving as they finished undressing. Some were running but most were walking at a more relaxed pace.
        The next big step for me was going to be getting naked. Looking back, this shouldn’t have been so much of a burden since I was used to going naked on the nude days in India. Even with those from Australia and New Zealand, many had already done more than just see me naked.
        When those around me started undressing, I looked around and saw at that time there were no others close by us. Some were near where we had come over the sand dune track. Others were further along the other end. There was a small group of three women and two men a bit closer, but they were already naked.
        This was it, the big moment when I would become completely naked in public. On the other beach, I had at least had my breasts and pussy covered but now it was time for even them to be exposed. Wear only a bikini it wouldn’t take much to get rid of those two pieces. I noticed Gaja was naked and Jasmine beside him was too.
        Reaching behind me, I undid the tie and felt the top coming loose. A quick pull-up over my head and I was left standing there with my chest bare. I looked down at myself to see the smooth flesh mounds of my breasts crowned with my large dark nipples at their peaks. I was topless, baring my breasts to anyone who cared to look.
        My hands went to the ties on my hips. Being a string bikini, everything was held together with bows. Once I had got the bottom adjusted for my hips size I had left it like that, just pulling the bottom on and off like normal panties. I pushed with my hands, my bottom being pushed away to reveal the hair of my pussy beneath. Pushing further until my entire pussy was exposed and the bottom was sliding down my legs to drop at my feet. I stepped out of it, kicking it over beside my top beside my bag.
        I had done it! I was naked on a nude beach. I looked around to see Gaja and Jasmine were watching me smiling. I gave them a smile in return, trying to be brave but inside I was really nervous. This was really taking me out of my comfort zone but now looking back, I don't know why as it was only our group nearby and they had already seen me naked. Gaja stepped forward to give me a quick hug to show how pleased he was with my bravery.
        All three of us were now naked as we joined the last group leaving for the water.

Swimming in the surf.

        Nude swimming in rough surf is a lot of fun. One minute you are standing knee-deep in water and then the next wave hits. The water comes up around your body and sometimes, almost knocks you off your feet but the wave passes leaving you in shallow water again. It is an endless procession of waves crashing into you.
        Another advantage of nude swimming in the surf was there were no dragging clothes, no bikini to get ripped off, just the water washing over the smooth surface of your skin. I was surprised at quickly I was enjoying it.
          The large waves are exciting. You can see how they grow as they approach the beach. I build to a peak before crashing over as they wash up onto the sand. You can stand and brace yourself for the wave to hit. You can dive forward into the wave just before it arrives, you duck under to come back up once it passes. Or you can dive toward the beach just as the wave reaches you. If you time this right, it will carry you some distance towards the beach. For smaller, lighter girls like me, this works well and usually can carry me until we almost run out of water.
        Some of the men were trying to duck the women. Of course, the women were fighting back. Where the men had the strength. Two or more women could work together to bet him. That of course led to other men helping their mates. You get the idea. Soon most of us were involved in the play.
        Some of the men were a bit rough and some of the bigger men could even pick up one of us and throw us as a wave hit. I noticed some of the men didn’t bother where they touched and held you. I think this was on purpose too because several times a hand between my legs was used to pick me up.
        I didn’t really mind since I had already fucked some of these men, so they had already done much more than touch my pussy. Others who I hadn’t fucked would probably be getting their turn before this trip was over.
        I might also admit that I was finding this sexual contact a bit arousing.

        It was funny when Sabreena decided to attack her father. I think she still blamed him for losing the race to the water which was a bit unfair considering it was Brian and her brother Ragesh who tried to stop her.
        As she came in at him, he picked her up like a little doll and threw her into the next income wave. She came at him again and ended up getting thrown into another wave.
        But she wasn't happy with that. Soon she was back with Jasmine, Kathy, Tukiko, and the twins Kirsten and Carol. They worked as a team, all grabbing him and hanging on. With all that, he was still standing but it was clear his strength was failing.
        Mike and Steve were rushing to help but they got Wayland by some of the women and were soon in as much trouble as Joseph was.
        With the weight of all those girls, Joseph's knees began to buckle and he fell, taking five teenage girls with him as he crashed into the water. Moments later, Mike and Steve had been taken out too.
        It was loudly proclaimed as a victory by the women although the fact that the three men had lasted so long must be considered a victory in itself.

        But this was how they did nude beach swimming. Everyone, including the kids, was involved. Everyone had fun. In my case, I had a great time. I'd be keen to do it again if I'd ever get the chance.

        We must have been in the surf for quite a while before some of us decided it was time to get out. I noticed that others soon followed until we were all on the beach. Some, like me, decided to join in the beach games while others were more interested in returning to our things.
        I knew it would be time for lunch soon so Jasmine, Kalki and I began walking back toward our bags. I was listening to Jasmine telling us what happened in the surf when two of the men, Simon and Fred had grabbed her. It seemed she had got a good feel up which she seemed to think was funny. Naughty men!
        We sat beside Chiharu to share the lunch we had prepared that morning and after all the energy I’d used in the rough surf, I suddenly realized how hungry I was.

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Group Sex in the Sand Dunes.

Invited to Join an Orgy.

Hello From Nishi again.
        We had been swimming and now we were on the beach. After lunch, Riya was trying to get some games going with the younger kids. I was standing talking with Mike. Sairu was with us. We were watching, ready to join in once the ball games got going.
        “Some of us are going up into the sand dunes for some fun,” Mike said. “You two girls want to come along too?”
        I immediately knew what he meant by fun. I’d read that story about the sex orgy Hirohiko and Sayako had got into on their first visit to this beach. I knew they were now offering us the same. Sairu excepted but I held back.
        “I want to ask Gaja first,” I told him.
        “I think he’s got something going too,” Mike said, nodding in a direction behind me.
        I looked and there was Gaja. He was locked in a sexy embrace with Shanti. They had their arms around each other, hugging and deep kissing.
        “Hey!” I heard Steve protesting. “Get a sand dune, you two.”
        That stopped the two lovers but made us all laugh. A clever twist on an old joke.
        It seemed like Gaja was into it, or at least he would be playing with Shanti. He liked Shanti and he'd told me he wanted to try with her. I turned back to Mike and agreed to go too.

        Eight of us together, four men – Mike, Jeremy, Joseph and Brian. Four of us women went too – Joyce, Katrina, Sairu and me. We slipped back into our bikinis while the men wore shorts, and then we followed the men up into the sand dunes.
        After crossing the main hiking track, we came around a sand dune into a hidden hollow. To my surprise, others were already there. Another eight people. They were the two Japanese couples, Hirohiko and Sayako; Kenshin and Chiharu; with four singles, Lizamoa and Hansini; Sarvesh and Simon.
        We were ready to move on when they encouraged us to join them. They had only been there a few minutes before us and they were still at the undressing stage. I was unsure about so many, but the others seemed keen, so I just went along with what was happening. Soon those in our group were stripping to join them. I stripped too, going along with what everyone else was doing.

        Now naked, I stood there for a moment, looking around at others who had already started, wondering what I should do.
        The first to approach me was Mike. He whispered to me, “You are nervous about this?”
        “A bit,” I whispered back.
        “Don’t be. It’s just sex. Just think about what you and I are doing. Don’t worry about anyone else.”
        I looked around at the group. “That’s a bit hard.”
        “Some of the women get quite excited being in a larger group,” he explained. “I know Hansini does.”
        I nodded.
        “You will too. Once you get used to it. I saw how you did well at Steve’s house last night.”
        He was right, I had already been in something like this.

        I looked to see if Gaja and Shanti arrived, but they didn’t appear. “Where are Gaja and Shanti?” I asked Mike.
        “Don’t know. They didn’t come with us,” he replied. “Perhaps they went off by themselves.”
        I would have liked him to be with us but it was too late now. He’d just be doing with her I suppose.
        Then Mike added, “She’s been wanting to fuck him since we were in India for the wedding.”
        I laughed at that. I remembered it too. How she was interested in him and for a while, they had written to each other and swapped sexy photos. Now it looked like she was taking her chance to be with him.
        “It's likely they've gone off to be alone together. Gaja might do better like that. He's in for some good fun with my wife. She loves sex and is good at it.”
        “I hope he doesn't get overwhelmed being with Shanti,” I said.
        “He won't,” Mike replied. “Shanti will make sure he doesn't. She comes over strong and confident but she'll know how to be with someone like Gaja.”
        I nodded. If anyone knows Shanti, it would be her husband. He seemed to think it would be fine. So I could forget about Gaja and turn my attention to the man I was with.

        Mike took my hand and gently brought me down to some towels spread on the ground. I allowed him to pull me down until we were kneeling on the ground facing each other. His hands came up for my bare breasts while my hands went to his chest. I could feel how his fingers pulled at my nipples and it felt good.
        I looked down and saw how hard his cock was so reached down for it. He has a nice one, cut, with a slight upward hook. My hand wrapped around the shaft as I began stroking him, pumping the shaft while I looked at the head. Just looking at him, holding him made me desire more from him.
        I reached up with both hands for his shoulders. Pulling him as I fell backwards, pulling him over on top of me. I felt him briefly touch my pussy, fingers running over my lips but he quickly discovered what I already knew. I was ready for him.
        He came down on top of me, his cock head finding my pussy lips and pressing against them. In my excited state, I opened easily for him as his cock head pressed inside. I few more pushes and I was taking almost all of him and we began fucking. That was a surprise I could take him so quickly like that. I think with all that had happened so far, I was ready for taking sex.

Sex with Mike.

        What was happening to me felt great. He was right, I could just concentrate on what was happening between him and me. I knew there were people on each side of me. People almost touched us as they fucked each other but that man was on top of me with his cock deep inside my pussy, requiring my full attention.
        Mike was good. He knew how to fuck me. He began nice and slowly which I think for me more than for him as he asked me how I was feeling a few times. But I must say it felt great the way he was doing that. I could feel him. Feel how the hardness of his cock was slowly sliding between the lips of my pussy. There was that long slow press into me, going deeper and deeper until he could go no further. Then came that long slow pull back, further and further until I thought he was going to pull right out.
        As he continued doing this, I had the impression and controlled strength and power. I felt he was teasing me, playing with me by not allowing us to go faster.
        “You can go faster, Mike?”
        Another couple of long slow strokes.
        “Please Mike! Go faster!”
        As I began moving with him, he took that as a sign for him to move faster. Oh, this was better. So good that my body began to build towards my first cum. It developed quickly and spread through my body. I gave a cry from the pleasure of it.
        Mike had maintained a steady rhythm through it and we continued fucking. I recovered quickly, brought back to reality by that cock still fucking my pussy. When I could, I began helping him again.
        To my surprise, I realized that my body wasn’t finished yet. I was building towards yet another orgasm. Two so quickly together. I had done that before, but it was not usual for me. My second cum burst over me, perhaps not as intense as the first one.
        But unknown to me. Mike was also enjoying me. He had continued through my second orgasm and a short time after, he finished too.
        I had heard a lot about Mike. The women from India all said they liked being with him. During that session in the sand dunes, I think I found out why.
        I would have liked to have spent more time with me but I had the impression he wanted to move on to make way for his friend with me. Maybe, later in this holiday, I would get to do more with him.

Joseph was Next.

        Joseph was with me next. He must have been watching because as soon as Mike finished, he was with me. This is what I had been waiting for. After seeing Joseph online with Jenny and Sharon, I really wanted to try with him. Try his big cock some of you might say. Now I was being given the chance and I wasn’t going to miss it.
        “Have fun mate,” Mike said to him, patting his shoulder. “She is a little hottie.”
        Joseph asked me which way I wanted it. When I didn’t answer, he suggested I was on top. I don’t think he knew I had taken a large cock like his before because he tried to warn me.
        I reached down and patted his chest. “It’s ok,” I told him. “I’ve been with Mootie.”
        "Ok," he nodded with a smile.
        I got over him so my legs were on each side of him. Joseph is a big man, bigger than Mootie I discovered. It was a stretch to reach over him and caused my thighs to open almost as far as they would go. I came down on top of him until my pussy was almost touching his cock. I had grasped his cock by the shaft and guided the head towards my pussy lips. Giving his head a few rubs along my wet lips, I got him wet and ready for me. With what I'd already been doing with Mike, I was wet and ready to take him inside me.
        Lining the head up, I pressed down. His large cock head pushed between my pussy lips, stretching them, opening them as I took him in. I could feel how my body strained to accommodate him. But it did and while I knew I was taking a big cock, it didn’t hurt me. I didn’t take him all in one hit, I knew better than to do that. I just took him a bit at a time as being on top like that, I could control how much I took inside myself.
        Don’t misunderstand me here. I fully intended to take as much as my body would allow. Most likely all of him, but I wanted to do it my way, I didn’t want to hurt myself. It worked too because soon I found myself sinking down deeper and deeper.
        When you take something this big inside your body it makes you wonder how you could do that. What parts were pushed aside to accommodate him?
        Joseph knew what I was doing so he just lay back and let me. I think my tight little pussy might have felt good for him too.
        His hands were holding my hips as I began fucking him. Once I settled into a steady rhythm his large hands reached up for my breasts. pulling and playing with my nipples.
        I took the idea from what had just happened with Mike. At first, my movements were slow and controlled. I wanted to enjoy the feeling of him sliding in and out of me. I wanted him to enjoy it too. As I built my speed, I noticed both of us changed from just enjoying the motions to building towards our orgasms.
        Suddenly, his body gave a strong jerk up at me. I looked down to see his eyes were closed and he was gasping for air as his body gave some more jerks. I knew what that meant. He was cumming.
        I began slamming my body down against him, driving his cock deep inside my body with each stroke. My hand reached down to give my clitty a brisk rub and I cum.
        Oh! That was a good one. I almost lost it and fell off him. Lucky two big hands came up to hold my body under my arms.
        “Steady there, Nishi,” he said.

        We relaxed for only a couple of minutes when I realized he was still hard. It seemed he had hardly gone down. Since he was ready and I was ready, we might as well try it again.
        “You want more Nishi,” he asked.
        “Of course. Do you?”
        “That’s obvious,” he laughed, nodding down at his cock.
        We rolled over and Joseph was on top of me. I felt him go in again but by now, I was so aroused and wet that he slipped in with ease.
        This time he was rougher with me. I think it might have been some of the roughest sex I had ever had but I discovered my body could handle what he was doing to me and even more, I found I was enjoying it too.
        My orgasm was building quickly. Rushing towards me to explode from my pussy sending powerful sensations through my body. Moments later, the man on top of me gave a deep groan and cum too.
        That was it for us. We didn’t continue, just rolling apart to sit beside each other for a few moments.
        “Wow! Nishi,” he laughed. “Where did that come from?”
        I was a bit unsure what he meant because it seemed to me that he had done all the work. But I just smiled. I was glad it had been good for him too. Glad he was happy with me.

        After Joseph and I had finished I looked around to see what else was going on. I noticed Shanti and Gaja had joined us. I was also looking to see what my husband Gaja was doing. Did I get a surprise! Gaja was on his knees fucking Chiharu doggie style. Chiharu was leaning over Hirohiko sucking his cock. Joyce was behind Gaja rubbing her tits against his back as her hands reached down to add to what Gaja was doing to Chiharu. I couldn’t be sure from where I was but it almost liked like Joyce was inserting fingers into Chiharu’s arse.
        As I watched this group, Simon joined in. Joyce moved onto her hands and knees so she could begin sucking Simon. Her bum was in the air pointing directly towards Gaja. Gaja’s hand reached down and began rubbing Joyce’s pussy. So he was finger fucking Joyce while his cock fucked Chiharu.
        Gaja moved, pulling out of Chiharu and thrusting straight into Joyce. I could hear the groan she gave as his cock plunged deep inside her. Quickly, Gaja was fucking Joyce while his hand was finger fucking Chiharu.
        That was developing into a great session and I would have liked to watch but someone distracted me again.

Fun with Simon.

        Simon was with me, “You want some of that too?” he asked me.
        I just nodded, yes.
        He took my hand and pulled me over beside Joyce. Shanti and Hansini were there, one on each side of me. I got down on my hands and knees as those other women were. Two hands grabbed my hips and I looked around to see Simon was preparing to take me.
        I felt the push as his cock burst into me and soon, he was fucking me roughly. Hansini was beside me, reaching underneath me to play with my swinging tits while her other hand began rubbing at my clitty.
        Brian appeared in front of me and presented his cock to my mouth. I didn’t hesitate but opened to take him. His cock was already wet. I knew he was coated with the juice of other women he had been with. I didn’t care, I just took him as he was. The idea of sucking the juice of other women was actually a bit of a turn-on. I idea of having two men in me at the same time was a turn-on too.
        Three people making love to me. This was an intense session. I was so aroused by it all that I knew it couldn't last long before something happened to me. My first orgasm hit me. It was big! By that, I mean very big.
        It became a couple more orgasms before Simon cum in my pussy. There was so much cum in there already that I wondered if I could take any more. Suddenly, the man in front of me began to cum. He had too much and I almost choked. I pulled back off him as his last few squirts went all over my face.
        Wow! That had been amazing. But it almost finished me for a while. I fell forward onto the towels underneath me and lay there.
        Hansini was beside me. “Are you alright?” she asked me.
        “I’m fine…” I managed to gasp. “So good… Amazing… Awesome!”
        She smiled down at me. “Glad you enjoyed it.”
        “Who wouldn’t enjoy that,” I replied.

        It took me a while to recover and by then the orgy was coming to an end. Slipping my bikini back on, I sat beside a couple of the men to watch those who were still fucking. To my surprise, my husband Gaja was still in the thick of it.
        He had Sairu on her back and he was fucking her. Really giving her a rough fucking and she was bucking up at him, crying out and moaning. That looked so hot. They went on for longer than I would have expected and by the time they climaxed, everyone else had finished.
        Sairu cum, as she cried out and thrust her pelvis up at him. Gaja gave a few more deep thrusts before he slipped from her just as his cum hit him. It was only a few squirts, probably more you would call dribbles than squirts but with what he had done already, I was surprised he could even do that.
        But I must say I was impressed. I found I could enjoy watching Gaja fucking another woman. There was no jealously only interest in watching him. Gaja looked good when he was fucking Sairu. As I said before, impressive. I was proud of him and later that night in bed, I was able to show him how proud I was of him.

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Gaja and Shanti.

Going Off with Shanti.

Gaja continues now.
        We had finished swimming and sat to take lunch. After that, Riya was starting some beach games with the kids. I was wondering about joining in. I had an idea that there might be some adult games up in the sand dunes behind the beach but as yet, nothing seemed to be happening. I saw Shanti and Lizamoa with some of the men. They were joking and laughing. When Shanti reached out to slap Hirohiko on the arm, they all began laughing again.
        Obviously, he'd said something cheeky to her.
        Shanti is a strong leader of the New Zealand group. I had watched her when I saw her in India and it seems she was always involved in organizing and arranging things.
        When I asked other staff about her it seems she had stood up against Sarvesh and opposed him over some aspect of the wedding arrangements. When everyone was expecting him to become angry, he just smiled and agreed she had a good idea. While her dealings with the house staff were cordial and polite, many in the house were unsure how to approach her after that.
        Of course, it has been recorded concerning my dealings with Shanti. But what happened between us is another story beyond this one here. Since being in New Zealand, nothing much had happened between us. Other than a hug at the airport and a bit of flirting the night before, at Steve's sexy party, I had not had much time to spend with Shanti since we'd been in New Zealand. Probably that was due to Nishi and I staying at another house with Chiharu and Kenshin.
        Hansini and Nishi had teased me about being with Shanti as they both knew of my interest in her. “She is a hot, sexy woman,” Nishi had said. “Don't get burnt!” she laughed. But then getting more serious she added, “I think the sex would be good with her.”
        Of course, Hansini was blunter and to the point when she add, “Shanti is going to fuck your brains out!” Both women had laughed, greatly enjoying their teasing and jokes.
        When Shanti saw me watching her and came over to stand beside me. Now this woman was beside me, talking with me. I had a feeling I was about to find out for myself now what she was like.

        “Hello Gaja,” she said. “How is your holiday going so far.”
        “It’s been great. Nishi and I are having a good time.”
        “So, I’ve heard,” she said.
        I looked around at her, wondering what she meant by that but she didn’t explain, just continued talking.
        “After those emails between us, don’t you think we have some unfinished business?”
        I smiled. That was a bit direct but I remembered those emails. How sexy they had become. The nude photos we sent each other.
        “That was fun.”
        “I know,” Shanti replied. “It reminded me of those first letters I sent to Joseph. He was a naughty boy too.”
        “I’ve read those letters, Shanti. I think you were just as naughty as he was. You were with me too.”
        She smiled. She knew what I said was true.
        “So, Gaja, you’ve come all the way to New Zealand to fuck me. When are we going to do it?”
        Again that up-front directness Shanti was known for.
        “Any time you want, Shanti.”
        “What about now. Others are going up into the sand dunes to play. What about us going too?”
        “Ok, then,” I replied. “I’ll just check if Nishi is ok.”
        “You don’t need to worry about her. I think Mike is going to take care of her.”
        I looked where she was looking and saw my wife with Shanti’s husband. I knew where that was going. Since Nishi seemed ok, I returned my attention to the sexy woman in front of me.

        Shanti is an Indian like me but since she had always lived in a Western country, she was very different in how she spoke, the clothes she wore and her life attitude. As I said above, she was a leader and that strong personality came out when she wanted it to.
        Even when I saw her back in India, she had been a leader alongside Sarvesh. I had heard the stories that went around the staff about an incident overheard by some staff where she stood up to Sarvesh. I was impressed with her even back then.
        Now, here I was. We were standing beside each other naked. We had just agreed to go off into the sand dunes for sex together. For a moment I wondered how that was going to go. She must have seen my hesitation as she took the lead.
        “Come on Gaja,” she said grabbing my hand.
        She led me back to our bags, selected her bikini and began putting it on. I went over to our bag for my shorts to wear too.
        As she finished adjusting the top part over her breasts, I was watching her. She turned and caught me and smiled. She knew I was watching and seemed happy that I was.
        “Come on,” she encouraged me again.
        With that, she turned towards the sand dunes. Waiting for me for a moment before we walked off together.

        Shanti is a lot older than me. She even has a daughter not far from my age. I put her in her late 40s. Could be, that she was over 50. Don’t tell her I said that.
        After three kids she still had a good body. Not as trim as a younger woman, and childbirth and three children had taken their toll but she was a woman in her prime. Her maturity had gone well for her. Nice breasts, even if the nipples looked a bit damaged through children suckling. She was bigger up there than my wife Nishi. When naked her breasts had dropped a bit but still held a pretty good shape.
        Lower, her belly had a slightly rounded shape but was still fairly flat. That led down to a full but shaped pussy between firm thighs. It was obvious that she regularly worked on her body. I had read in the Letters Books how all these New Zealand women went to Steve’s gym. I like that. I like a woman who looks after herself and keeps herself in shape.
        Shanti had a pretty face too. A round face with a nice smile. A kind face, a caring face that reflected the person behind it. There was something about her eyes that was different. They were deep penetrating eyes almost like she could see right inside you. It made me a bit uneasy at first until I got used to it.
        When she was smiling or joking, those eyes would light up as they were now. Even when she kept a serious face, you could see it in her eyes. I could see it then, I knew it was the passion behind them. I had the feeling she was excited by what we were about to do.
        I must confess to mixed feelings on my part. On one hand, here was another sexy woman, willing to be with me, wanting me to enjoy her sexually. On the other hand, her reputation had gone before her and I was a bit concerned about how I would be with her. Would I measure up to her expectations of me? Or were those two cheeky women right?
        'One way to find out.' I told myself as I stepped up to face her.

        I decided to take the lead, to get a bit aggressive with her. I reached for her, pulling her towards me so our naked bodies pressed together. I noticed how she didn’t hold back from me either. As my arms went around her, her arms went around me.
        Our faces came together and I kissed her. The first one was just a touch of the lips. With the second kiss, she opened for me, her passion overtaking us. It was deep, intense kissing. So much for me being the aggressor, leading. She was now.
        The way she grabbed me, the way she kissed me, her tongue thrusting into my mouth. It was like she was hungry for me. The thought of a tiger ready to devour her helpless victim came into my head.

        “Hey! You guys,” we heard Steve call out. “Get a sand dune. Not here on the beach.”
        That made everyone, including us start laughing. It broke the intense moment and we pulled away from each other.
        She grabbed my hand, “Come on Gaja. Let’s go find that sand dune. We can fuck right up on top of it so everyone can see us.”
        I laughed at that.
        “Don’t laugh,” I heard Mike say. “Knowing Shanti, she might just do it!”
        I looked at Shanti and she was smiling back, “That might be an idea.”
        She must have seen the slight worry on my face because she laughed. Taking my hand, we left, going up into the sand dunes to find a place to fuck. Yes, it was certain with both of us that we were going to be fucking.

        Up in the dunes, we found a nice place as she laughed, “This looks like a nice love nest.”
        We quickly stripped off our swimsuits. I would have liked to have done it for her but she was too quick for me. I pulled off my swim shorts as she sunk done on onto her knees. Reaching up, she pulled me down with her. As she got me to lay back, she came in on top of me, her naked body pressing down against mine as we kissed again.
        Our tongues met again to dance together. I liked the taste of her mouth. It had a kind of mint flavour which I wondered what it was. Maybe a mint she’d been sucking.
        I could feel how hard my cock was between us. I think I was ready at that stage; no more foreplay was needed but I was going to get more anyway.

Sex with Shanti.

        Her head moved lower making little nibbles along my neck as she moved lower onto my chest. She continued lower across my chest, lower and lower across my stomach until she reached the hair above my cock. I knew she was heading for my cock.
        Now she had reached my cock. Taking it with both hands, she began licking over the head. She moved lower with her licks now along the shaft before she reach my ball. Gently she took each one in her mouth to suck before she began those licks again up along my shaft towards my cock-head. But this time, it wasn't just licks. Her mouth opened to take me into her mouth. Oh! That was good. This woman knew how to suck a cock. Her sucks timed nicely with how her hand was pumping my shaft. The other hand, lower, gentle caressing my balls.
        “Mmmm!” I managed to say. “You’re good.”
        Her head raised up and she smiled at me before going back down to take me in her mouth again.
        It was so good that I knew she could have got me off like that. But Shanti knew it too. She had things well under control. Before I could get too far, her head left my cock and began to move back up, making those little nibbles across my stomach and then my chest as she moved back up towards my head.
        As she did her body was moving back over mine again until she was lying full-length on top of me.
        Leaning in close, she whispered in my ear, “I think you're ready now.”
        There was no kissing this time. A movement of her hips and I felt my cock pressing against her very wet pussy. I slight push by me and her pussy lips opened to take me.
        A backward thrust by her and I was going in deeper. My cock felt the warm wetness inside her body. A few more thrusts and she began responding to me, her pelvis humping down again my upward strokes. I love it when a woman does that. It shows she is involved and enjoying what I am doing with her.
        I didn’t speed up too much, just kept a strong steady stroke. It’s harder to do that when the woman is on top. But it felt great for me and I hoped it was the same for her. It certainly seemed like it with the moans she was making.
        As we continued, more and more, it was her doing most of the work. I realized I was with a woman who really knew how to fuck.
        Soon it was apparent that this was getting to me. My first orgasm was beginning to rise. What surprised me was that Shanti seemed to realize it too. She began to increase the speed and energy she was putting into fucking me.
        “Oh!” I gasped. “I’m almost...”
        “Cum for me, Gaja. Fill my cunt,” she gasped back.
        I gave a deep moan I think as the final release hit me. My cock tightened as the first burst shot from me, deep inside Shanti’s body. She must have felt it as her pussy tightened its grip on my cock, she gave a loud gasp and cum too. That was awesome how she timed herself like that. Again, I must say, a lady skilled with the art of sex.
        She rolled off me and for a few minutes we relaxed together.
        “That was good,” she smiled at me.
        I just replied by touching her hand as she lay beside me.

        After a few minutes, she rolled onto her side to face me. Her hand reached over to lightly brush over my chest. Her fingers found my man-nipple and she played with it getting it hard. She leaned forward and licked it with her tongue, then leaning closer she sucked with her lips. That actually felt very good.
        Still laying back beside me, she continued playing with my body while we talked. She told me that she and Mike had many sexual adventures in this place so this beach was a special place for her. I was beginning to see that too.
        By now her hand drifted down to my cock. First, she played with my balls and then she started on the cock itself. I began to harden again under her touch. Soon she could wrap her fingers around my shaft as she began wanking me. Just a little bit of then and she had me fully hard again.
        “You want to try again?” she asked.
        She didn't need to ask that as I would have thought it was fairly obvious.
        “Sure. You are good,” I replied.
        “Just good?”
        “Great! Amazing!” I said.
        She smiled.

        The second time we did it, it was different.
        “You turn Gaja,” she said. “Your turn to fuck me. Show me if you are man enough to take a woman like me.”
        This was a challenge. She wanted me to take her. Show her what I would do to her.
        I knew it meant I needed to be more aggressive and dominant with her. Not really my style but I had to try. I rolled towards her, my body coming down roughly on top of her. She gasped as her body took my weight. But she took me ok with her arms coming up around me to hold me.
        My cock found her pussy slot as she humped against me. I felt the head enter her and I gave a full thrust at her driving my cock deep inside her body. She gasped again at the surprise of that. Then I began fucking her. Yes, I use the word ‘fucking’ as this was no gentle sex. It was rough and strong, using the strength and energy of my body to aggressively fuck her.
        "What are you complaining about woman! You wanted a man. Well, you've got one."
        "It wasn't complaining," she replied, her eyes flashing with excitement.
        Immediately she began to respond to me, her pelvis humping up at my downward strokes.
        “More!” she gasped. “Fuck me! Own me! Make me yours.”
        I tried going harder and faster. Mercilessly driving my cock into her with each stroke. I had never treated a woman like this and I was slightly worried that it might be too much.
        But I shouldn’t have worried. The woman underneath me was loving it. The noise and vocals told me that. The way she was bucking around told me that. The way she cum big time just confirmed it.
        I kept going as best I could, but I must confess that fucking at this pace and intensity was getting to me. I knew I wouldn’t last much longer as my orgasm was building too.
        Suddenly Shanti was into her second cum. It’s so exciting to feel a woman cum while you are inside her. I love how their cunts tighten and grip your cock. I tried to keep fucking all the way through, but with the way she bucked around it was a bit hard. Still, I managed somehow and as she settled; I began to focus on ending myself.
        After a few huge thrusts down at her and I was ready to cum. I tried to keep going as my cum overcame me but it was all too much. I must have stopped somewhere through it. But it was enough to me.
        To my surprise, the woman under me gave a deep moan. Her body bucked against me, using the last of my erection and she came again too. Wow! This woman knows how to fuck but she knows how to cum too. She had got off three times!

        We rolled apart and lay on our backs. Both breathy heavy, exhausted; our bodies wet with sweat. It had been good sex. That last session had produced good orgasms for both of us.
        “You were good, Gaja,” she breathed through gasps for air. Her hand gripped mine as she added. “I like how you did that. You took my body and owned me.”
        It seemed a strange thing to say but I got what she meant. I did take control and it seemed to be a huge turn-on for this woman when someone did that. I wondered if others might like that. I know Hansini did when I did similar with her. I wondered if Nishi might like it sometimes too.
        “I'm nothing special,” I replied. “Just like any other man.”
        “Oh you are,” she corrected me. “You respect the woman you are with. Not just act like the big boss man.”
        “Hansini had warned me about that with you,” I told her.
        “Warned you? What?”
        “You don't like men being the boss.”
        “No, Gaja,” she laughed. “I enjoyed it when you took control and fucked me. I enjoy it when I do it with a man too,” she explained. “But I believe men and women should treat each other as equals.”
        “Like you and Sarvesh?” I asked with a grin.
        She looked at me intently, trying to read what I meant, and then she smiled.
        “Maybe not with him yet. He's still a work in progress,” she said with a laugh.
        Being with Shanti had been better than I thought it would be. She was good in bed, she knew how to fuck and please a man, but also she brought out the best of me which made it better for her too.

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I Join the Big Orgy.

Hello From Gaja again.
        “Let’s go and find what the others are doing,” she said as she sat up.
        Pulling my hand, we both got up, taking our things as I followed her. It seemed like she knew where she was going. She knew where the others from our group would be.
        When we found that big group, it was a full-on orgy. Everyone was fucking in some way. I discovered that my wife Nishi was with Joseph. He is a big boy, but she seemed to be handling him alright, in fact, it looked like she was really enjoying how he was roughly fucking. It confirmed my thoughts before, perhaps I should try that with her sometime.

        The next, and I thought the final woman I would be with was Chiharu. We were staying with her and her husband but other than a bit of fun in the water at the beach on the first day, I’d not had much chance to be with her. Now was my chance.
        She came over to me, “Now’s your chance to fuck me, Gaja,” she purred sexily. “Take me doggy style.”
        When she bent over offering a sexy arse and wet pussy to me. I grabbed her by the hips and pressed my cock against her lips. They split open and I pushed in. Slipping deep inside her with ease. That felt nice but it was only the start. I began fucking her, looking down at her as my cock slipped in and out.
        I could see her puckered little hole between her arse cheeks. It looked more open than usual and I even wondered if she had already taken a cock in there during this session. I allowed a big drop of spit to drop from my mouth and run down over her bum hole, and then I rubbed the spit around the hole with my finger. She moaned at that. Likes it does she?
        But I didn’t try to take that further. I was happy enough to have my cock in her juicy pussy. I continued fucking with long steady strokes, pulling back until the head almost came out before thrusting in as deep as I could. She groaned at the pleasure of it. Loving what my cock was doing to her.

        Joyce moved in and joined us by bending over, side by side with Chiharu. I soon saw their heads turned towards each other as they kissed. That was sexy!
        I reached down for Joyce and found a very wet pussy. It was obvious she’d already been with some other men as there was spunk leaking out of her. Taking sloppy seconds is not really a turn-on for me but this time it seemed to be different.
        As I continued fucking Chiharu, I was finger fucking Joyce. Suddenly I decided to change so now I was fucking Joyce while I was finger fucking Chiharu. Both women were so wet and turned on that it was easy to move between them, each taking my cock with ease.

        I was back fucking Chiharu when Sarvesh appeared beside me. He looked down at Joyce’s exposed pussy then looked over at me. I nodded that he could have her. I had enough with Chiharu. Sarvesh pressed his cock against Joyce’s pussy lips, I hard push and he thrust deep inside her. As he began fucking, he turned to smile at me again.
        My hand came up to meet his as we gave each other the high five.
        Joyce looked around in surprise to discover it wasn’t me inside her but then she settled down to receive the fucking she was getting from Sarvesh.
        It became a race, a contest to find the couple who would get off first. I think Chiharu was really excited by all that was happening. I realized she was building quickly. Now I could focus on only one woman, I was getting there quickly too.
        I couldn’t hold back any longer, as I pulled back from her, I felt her begin to cum as I cum too. My juice shooting all over her sexy arse and pussy. Next to us, they ended in much the same way. First Joyce cum before she got a load all over her arse too.

        But that wasn't the end for me. Sairu wanted me. As I sat relaxing beside Joseph, she came up in front of me, going down on my now drooping cock. To my surprise, her efforts were rewarded with an erection.
        "You want me to fuck you, naughty girl?"
        She sat back, nodding her head. I think a bit surprised at my aggressive reaction.
        "Well, if you want fucking then that's what you are going to get."
        I pushed her so she fell back on the ground behind her. I could see the smile on her face as she lay there. I moved forward my body coming down on top of her as I prepared to take her. I felt a hand grasp my cock and guide me in. Then as I pushed further her pussy lips opened to take me.
        I fucked her. It was not the gentle lovemaking I would usually do. This was fucking. Wild and aggressive. Using my weight, using my strength to slam my cock down deep inside her with each stroke. I could feel how her body was responding under me which drove me to continue. Wild and exciting fucking. We were both enjoying it.
        But I was becoming concerned that it was going on longer than I was expecting. While it was obvious both of us were enjoying it, neither of us had cum. I was getting worried that this wouldn't end so well. But I was aware almost everyone had finished and were watching. I had to continue.
        I pulled myself slightly higher up her body. Now my cock shaft was making better contact with her clitty.
        Soon I realised she was getting close. A few more strokes was all it too. Sairu cum, as she cried out and thrust her pelvis up at me. I gave a few more deep thrusts before I slipped from her just as my cum hit me. I intended to cum over her pussy but it was nothing more than a couple of dribbles off the end of my cock. I had nothing left. Looking back, I am surprised I could even do that.


        When we got back to the beach, I discovered Riya had a game of football going on. All the kids and most of the adults became involved. I did too. I didn't realize until later that Sarvesh had asked Riya to do that. It seems the games were a good distraction to keep some of the older kids sneaking off to watch what the adults were doing.
        It seems Peter's daughters tried. Those two twins Kirsten and Carol were sneaking away when Mootie and Fred caught them. Those two young teen girls must have been embarrassed as Mootie marched them back down onto the beach, holding them by their ear. LOL.
        I began to play but I noticed that Nishi didn’t join in the games. She was sitting with a few others, watching the games while they talked. I went over to see if she was ok.
        “I’m fine, Gaja,” she replied. “It was just the games we played in the sand dunes, they were a bit intense for me. I think I need to rest.”
        I smiled at that and a few others who had overheard her giggled too.
        “But it was fun, though,” I said.
        “Oh! It was great fun,” Nishi smiled. “I’m enjoying this trip.”
        “So am I, honey. I’m so glad Steve and Sharon convinced us,” I said looking over at Sharon.
        “My pleasure,” Sharon laughed. “We all had fun that night.”

        That night, Nishi was with me in bed. She told me how she had watched that last sex session with Sairu. She used the word impressive when she described how I looked. I was pleased she said that.
        Nishi told me that she was comfortable watching me fucking another woman. She didn't feel any jealousy, just happy that I could enjoy that sex with Sairu.
        After we had talked, the sex that followed was good. No more wild and aggressive. Just slow gentle lovemaking until we both achieved gentle rolling orgasms before we fell asleep in each other's arms.

Index of Letters                         Story 283 Background Notes.                         Back to Story 282.   

Forward to Story 284.


  1. Well done bro. With a bit more practice you might even make Ok!

    I enjoyed the humour and the sex was good too.
    Gaja and Shanti - it was the feature you wanted it to be.

    1. When you read Story 282 and Story 283 you will see they are really parts of the same story.

    2. Another good story. As you said Ayaka, the second part of Allan's story. There is much more sex in these than I would have expected from him but overall good stories.
      I must say there seems to be more orgy or group sex recently, perhaps because we are dealing with a large group travelling together. Sixteen players together. Must have been quite some party. But you got around that by only focusing on you two main characters. Keeps thing simpler like that.
      I notice the girl in the blue bikini. Never seen her before. I see her name is Jenny. You've never explained where the name of the fictional Jenny came from. Does this explain it?

    3. Thanks for the heads-up Anne.
      To answer your questions. Yes, I am the Jenny that inspired the character name in the stories. I was a good friend of Susan before I left New Zealand for my big OE. I found a guy in Canada and never came back. I still live here with my husband and 3 children.
      Recently, I discovered Reshma online which led to me making contact with Anne and Susan. My husband and I began reading the stories and I even remembered some of those early days. When Susan invited me to supply a swimsuit pic for this blog, my husband loved the idea so here I am. The real Susan wearing my blue bikini.
      I just got the email about this story and that my photo will be featured in the background. Thanks guys!
      Jenny and Jake.

    4. I remember you Jenny. You were at the chess game Allan and played in that park in Whangarei. You had that goofy boyfriend with the weird laugh.

      You were akso there that night when we put name tags on all the chess pieces and replayed that game. We basically wrote that whole story, Story 95 Grand Strip Chess.
      It was a fun night. We had fun, didn't we.

    5. Welcome back Jenny and Jake. Glad to have some new readers here.
      Yes, you may remember me, Jenny. I lived with my handicaped husband on that farm that the girls now run.
      You came to visit a few times.

    6. Yes, Mary, I do remember you and that cheeky husband of yours too. I remember the wheelchair didn't stop him. And once he was in the pool no girl was safe. (Not that any of us wanted to be saved.) Ha Ha.

      Thanks everyone for the welcome here. I know some of you but many I don't.
      Oh and get another story finished please. Its disconcerting seeing myself in the bikini every time I open this site.

    7. You might be happy to know Jenny that the next story was uploaded this morning. It might take a few days before we it will get published. It all depends on how quickly the team gets the coding done. If Shandra and Rajah leave it how it was up loaded, the coding could be done in lass than a day but I suspect they will be like other writers and want to make numinous changes as they go. In which case it will take longer to get to publishing.

  2. I understand that these were two parts of the same story.
    Brett and I enjoy reading about Gaja and Nishi. I know you intended the session between Gaja and Shanti would be the feature of this story but really your job is only half done. You have to write about Steve and Nishi yet. I'm sure that is going to be a good one too.

    1. I wish to add to my wife's comment.
      One thing I like about this blog is each character has a history. You can go back and see where Gaja and Nishi came from. Thanks for the links you add to help us with this. Over the past few days, Rita and I have done this. We probably took longer than was necessary but we got distracted by some of the stories concerning Katrina and her wedding. There were some good ones there too.
      Brett and Rita.

  3. Another sexy story.
    I enjoyed how Nishi and Gaja followed different paths here.
    I particularly enjoyed Gaja and Shanti being together. Like has been said above, a feature of this story.

    1. Oh wow! Shanti and Gaja together. We all knew that was going to happen. As soon as he said yes to going on that trip, Shanti had him.
      But I must say you did a really good job with this encounter. Gaja did well being with someone like Shanti.
      I enjoyed Nishi too and saw how much fun she had.
