Thursday 27 January 2022

Story 273 Part One - Sayako and Hirohiko - The Games Night.

Index of Letters                         Story 273 Part One Background Notes.                         Back to Story 272.   

Forward to Story 273 Part Two.

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Sayako and Hirohiko – Further Adventures.

Hi from Sayako and Hirohiko.
        We had been following what has been happening in Singapore and Australia. The Indian team were getting closer to New Zealand and we were becoming excited about the prospect of meeting all these new friends and having lots more fun. We both arranged to take leave from our jobs while these visitors were in New Zealand and even made some changes so we could have guests in our house. The old single bed was moved out of the guest room and a double bed was put in. It's a bit cramped but would be Ok.
        A friend had done some building work for us on that storage room in the back of our garage and now there were two more bedrooms there, each with a double bed. Sayako had never done any renovation work before and she was excited to try helping with the building and painting. That loose T-shirt and tiny shorts kept the builder's attention. He was happy to have her help. It turned out she was doing the flirting while I did most of the work.
        Now it was all finished and we were ready for our guests.

Story 273 Part One Background Notes.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 273 Part One.

Kia Ora, everyone.
       My name is Anne.

            Story 273 was supposed to be a story told by Kalki about how they moved from Australia to New Zealand. What has been written of that story has been kept but the story was dropped at this point. When that story was cancelled, my story was next in line to be published. This story has sat for a long time, having been written when the Tukiko series was written. It was a long one and with more additions when I began working on it recently, which meant it needed to be cut in half. This is Part One.
            So we are finished with the stories based in Perth and getting ready to move into the New Zealand stories. Before then there are a couple of fill-in stories about events that happened around the same time the Australian stories were taking place. First is this two-part story concerning Sayako and Hirohiko. Following that is a story about Peter and Jenny. This last story actually overlaps when the Indians reach New Zealand because the last scene actually includes one of the Indian visitors.
            The theme of this story is quite simple. A couple decides to get into a little bit of exhibitionism. They plan it in bed during a fantasy session. Go ahead to do it when a friend arrives. She gets pulled into the fun which ends with the two women getting naked in front of the men before playing together in the kitchen.
            In the second part, there is the promise of the two friends and their husbands sharing a last drink after the others have left. Will this just be a drink or will there be more?
            Now, my partner likes sexy girls in sexy bikinis. This is a feature of this story since the two bikinis involved have been featured in recent stories regarding Tukiko and Sayako. Yes, I know, this theme has been done before. Perhaps too many times one of you might say but I believe I've managed to put a new spin on it this time by having the two women progressively stripping while serving drinks and snacks to the men playing cards.
            So that is my story. Hope you enjoy it.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.
                        Anne and Friends.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 273 Part One.

Saturday 22 January 2022

Story 272 Mother and Daughter Team Fucking.

Index of Letters                         Story 272 Background.                         Back to Story 271.   

Forward to Story 273 Part One.

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Planning Our Evening with David.

Conversation with Riya.

Hi from Mandara,
        I was excited. I had heard the men were planning a sex party. We haven’t had one of those for a long time. I was looking forward to going a bit wild, getting some good sex, getting my brains fucked out by a variety of cocks. Maybe even some hot pussy eating from some of the women too. It's all about the expectation and excitement of sex without knowing who would be next and what would happen.
        I also thought this party was a good idea for my daughter, Riya as she could gain some further sexual experience as well. But as you’ll see further down, perhaps she didn’t need any further sexual experience. It seems like she might have had enough already.
        I took Riya aside and explained what was going to happen so she’d know what to expect. I also told her, as far as her father and I were concerned there were no restrictions, it was her choice as to what she got involved with. We just wanted her to enjoy herself and feel safe with what was happening. Those words probably came back to bite me again later too.
        She listened carefully, nodding to say she understood what I was saying. So, I went on to explain about her personal safety. I told her that her father and I would be there if she needed help or felt unsafe. Other adults would be there too if she needed them.
        She listened quietly and I could see she was interested in what I was saying so I went on to explain a few more things about these sex parties or orgies if you want to call them that. We talked about some of the games they might want to play and other things about group sex that I felt she should know.
        “In orgies and sex games,” I explained, “sometimes the men get very excited, as us women do, too. In these games, calling “No,” or saying “Stop,” are all part of the fun so often they are ignored. In fact, sometimes, a woman protests, saying ‘No! No! No!’ is found exciting by the men, as I said above, part of the game. So, a word or signal is needed to show that someone is serious about wanting it to stop.”

Story 272 Background.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 272.

Kia ora,
       My name is Ayaka.
            My sister Asami and I wrote this story together. While she is a better and faster writer than me, she is so involved in Allan's Lion project that she felt she didn't have time to do a whole story herself. We decided to work together.
            This became a very complex story, made even worse by my need to have both Mandara and Riya telling parts of their story. We decided to use font colours for this that added extra work in HTML mode.
            We wish to thank others who helps, such as our husbands, Geoff and Rodne. Also, Anne helped with suggestions, Shandra who has so much knowledge on the character backgrounds and history. Then there is Susan and Allan jr who both challenged us to defend what we had written.
            This will be the last story from Perth before we move on to the New Zealand stories. Next is a story where Kalki tells about moving from Perth, Australia to Auckland, New Zealand. After that are two stories that took place in New Zealand while the Indian group were in Australia. In fact, the second of these stories overlap when the Indian and Australians arrive and the whole group gets together.

My name is Asami.
            This was originally intended to be just a story about David getting to spend the night with that mother and daughter team, Mandara and her daughter Riya.
            Mandara is a long term member of the Letter's cast going right back until the early days of Letters. She is perhaps the shyest of those early women.
            The main theme is to follow this young woman, Riya, through her first sex party and then on the threesome session with David and her mother Mandara. A lot happened that evening, perhaps enough for a few stories but since others had covered the party we wanted to move on to the final scene. Yes, this is where David and Riya are together while Mandara watches. It gets rough and intense and even gets as far as Riya getting it in her arse. Her mother was shocked, to say the least.
            We wanted Riya to prove she was ready for the sex parties in New Zealand. We think she has more than done that now.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.
                        Ayaka and Asami.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 272.

Tuesday 4 January 2022

Story 271 Jasmine.

Index of Letters                         Story 271 Background.                         Back to Story 270 Part Three.   

Forward to Story 272.

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About Nishi and I, Myself.

Yeah! I know, it’s Gaja again,
        Recently, there have been several stories from me as I have undertaken to fully document my sexual activities during our visit to Australia but this will probably be the last from me for a while. After this, we moved on to our adventures in New Zealand where others are ready to share what happened there.
        First, I better warn you that this is a long and involved story so allow time to sit back and relax as you read it. You might feel I become distracted from my purpose at some points but I believe everything here is related, building to the point where I finally take Jasmine's virginity. For example, my night with Katrina was confidence building for me, the sex party was a learning experience for Jasmine; etc.

        My wife, Nishi and I, myself, were travelling with this group touring Australia and New Zealand. We knew this group was firmly committed to the swinging lifestyle, being always willing to swap among themselves, hold parties based on sexual activities and make love games with each other's wives or husbands. When we came to know them, we tried visiting their nude weekends a few times, but while we were comfortable with the nudity and had no pressure was ever applied on us to join in the sexual side, we still felt there was an expectation they wanted us to join in. Therefore, we decided to stop going, just remaining in contact with Sarvesh and his lovely wife Amita.
        While both Nishi and I agreed we could be open to partner swapping, we decided for us, this was something we didn’t really want at that time because after all we had only recently been married and wanted to spend time alone together. Perhaps this was more in my case than with my wife but we both agreed it was the way we wanted to be. The one exception was once or twice we had been with Sarvesh and Amita but this was more of a special case.
        The first time with Sarvesh and Amita was part of an evening we arranged for them, to thank them for what they had done, getting us our nice apartment in the centre of town and setting us both with good jobs. We felt the need to do something special, very special for them. We knew Sarvesh was interested in Nishi, taking sex with her. We also thought perhaps Amita would like to be with me. When we came up with this idea we talked it over for a few days before we decided we could do this as a one-off, just with them. It actually became two occasions when we paid a return visit to their house but that's another story.
        You can read of this in Story 247 Gaja and Nishi Section Three. This series of three stories tell how Nishi and I met and came to be together as man and wife. The third part is this story of what I am referring to here, where we invited Sarvesh and Amita to our new apartment for dinner and the night of sex.
        Basically, we just remained with each other, other than that two times and we became quite content with our marriage and sex life. Deep down I had the feeling Nishi might be open to more but it was never spoken about so I couldn't be sure. I kept that idea to myself and tried where I could to make our sexual activities extra exciting for her. It actually had the return effect for me as well and until before this story, I was happy to rate our sexual life as being well above average for Indian couples that we knew of. Perhaps the only exceptions were those we knew from this Letters Group.
        We actually kept track of the events of the Letters Group because, in thanks for writing our story for them, Amita committed to sending us regular updates, some of which proved to be exciting stories for us and inspired fantasy role-play sessions within our bedroom. That is how I knew Nishi might be open for more since she often had a strong interest, becoming quite excited with these stories. I might admit, they do make an impressive collection of volumes on the bookshelf in our bedroom.
        So this must be the background from where my story starts from. A pre-story you might say.

Story 271 Background Notes.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 271.

Kia ora
       Hi from Shandra and Susan.

            A huge story, perhaps one of the biggest we've put on a single page. Like many of our stories, it started as a compact story, taking yet another young woman through her first time with a man and losing her virginity. But as we wrote it kind of grew into the story we have here.
            While the sex scenes are always important we want to capture more than that. We wanted to capture some of what these two people were feeling as they built towards their big moment together.

The Background Situation.

            Mootie and Hansini decided that there was a danger their oldest daughter Jasmine could end up involved in a sex party or orgy and not know how to handle things. They decided she should lose her virginity and gain some sexual experience. The problem with this is they only had two days before they would be in New Zealand. When a sex party was held at Donald's house, they took the opportunity for Jasmine and Gaja to use the flat downstairs.

About Jasmine.

            Jasmine is Mootie and Hansini’s daughter, their eldest child of seventeen, who turned eighteen a couple months after this story took place. She is an attractive girl, with a nice young body of modest breasts and a slim waist. She had a darker complexion like that of her father. Perhaps she was aware of being darker than most of the other women. She is a bit shy until she is comfortable with you, then she could open up to be quite cheeky.
            During her early teens as she started developing, unlike Riya, Jasmine had become quite shy about her body, even rebelling against going to the Nude Weekends until her mother had brought her a bikini to wear. It was only recently, it seems, that both halves of the bikini had gone and she had started going nude again. I think there was still a bit of shyness if she discovered a man viewing her body so we all knew to be that tiny bit more careful around her.

About Gaja.

            Gaja and Nishi were house staff during the period when everyone came to India when Katrina got married to David. They met had a relationship and soon got married themselves. Sarvesh helped them with a nice apartment and good jobs in his other businesses. After that, this couple decided they were interested in the swinging scene and stopped coming to the nude weekends.
            Here they were, on this trip to Australia and New Zealand which included them joining in the sexual fun too. Gaja had been asked to be Jasmine's first man and he was a bit nervous about that too. He knew this was important to her so he wanted to give her the best time he could as well as provide as much sexual experience as he could.

            This is the background to our story and the characters that we had to work with. It was on this basis that our story was written. Hope you enjoy it.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.
                        From Shandra and Susan.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 271.

Wednesday 22 December 2021

Story 270 Part Three - Orgy with Five Women.

Index of Letters                         Story 270 Part Three Background.                         Back to Story 270 Part Two.   

Forward to Story 271.

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Five Women and a Man – Sexy Night Out.

        Not long after we arrived back at our motel units, the four men got back from their boat trip. They said it had been good; an interesting trip. They also said they had found a bar where they could go drinking. When Ginger suggested another place where there was a restaurant and dancing the men weren't so interested which I had a feeling was what the women intended. The way they had been told was designed to turn them off.
        When Donald rejected the idea, I saw the slight smirk on Paula's face. They didn't realize at the time but they had been set up and tricked into going to that other bar. It seems the women wanted them out of the way so they could focus on me. That was sneaky!

        We were sitting on the deck when the men were ready to leave, they noticed I was still sitting, showing no interest in going with them. Hansini had already warned me to stay with them as they had a big night planned for me.
        "You coming, Gaja?" Fred asked.
        I said that drinking wasn’t really my thing, which is partly true. The men were surprised at that. They knew I had been with the women all day and thought I would jump at the chance to get away from them for the evening. They were pushing me to go with them but Hansini put a stop to that.
        “Gaja was the only one of you guys who would come with us today so we are going to repay him tonight. Give him the night he deserves.”
        “What? All five of you?” Fred asked. “Maybe I should stay too.”
        “No,” his wife Ginger told him, placing her hand on his chest as if to stop him. “Go with the men. You’re not invited to this party.”
        By now the men were beginning to realize that after a day exposing their naked bodies on the beach, these five horny women were ready to party. I could see they were hesitating, wanting to stay but the girls were insisting that they go off drinking.
        For my part, I was wondering what I’d got myself into. Five women for the evening. Possibly for the night. They were openly telling the men what a good time they were going to give me. It was clear by that, they meant fucking me. But I was a bit concerned about my side. Five, obviously horny women. I hoped they wouldn’t regret all of them taking on only one man.
        "You don't need to do this, I can go with..."
        "No you can't," Paula said. "After what you did for me on the beach, we owe you big a time."
        "What did he do?" Donald asked.
        "He came with us and gave us all a happy ending, among other things. So we owe him a happy ending too."
        "We all do," Sairu added.
        "Wow!" said Fred. "These women are serious."
        "Seriously horny," Jeevan added with a laugh.
        "Honey, you can come with us," Sairu's husband Payam told her. "It's not just men who can come with us."
        I thought Sairu might consider going with the men as she seemed to hesitate but Ginger put a stop to that idea.
        "No, she can't!" Ginger butted in. "She's coming with us."
        I shrugged, looking at the other four men. What could I do?
        "Well, Gaja," Jeevan said, putting a hand on my shoulder. "Looks like your getting lucky tonight. Have fun."
        Finally, Ginger did something I didn't hear at the time. She quietly told Donald to be back by at 11pm, not before, and there will be some fun for them. Since they were given nothing else, they had to accept those terms.

Story 270 Part Three Background Notes.

Kia ora,
        It's Julie here.

            This story was a struggle for Brian and me. We were late getting it finished. Having an orgy with five women and one man was always going to be difficult to make into a convincing story. We felt it best to break it up into smaller sections as Gaja worked his way through these five horny women.
            We added in the two little Indian pills to give Gaja the extra he needed to get through the night. I don't know if such pills exist but if so, I'd like some if they can make men perform like that. Pop a couple into his drink and there would be happy endings for everyone.
            We could have pulled in other writers to help. Some even offered but Brian and I wanted to do this ourselves. It took longer but Anne said to put story quality before meeting a publishing deadline.
            I wish to thank Susan for her advice on the sex scenes. Shandra for her advice on the various characters involved in this story. Finally, we want to thank Allan jur for his help in getting conversations reading well. There was also those who took care of all the HTML coding, leaving us to just focus on the story itself. Now I'll leave it to Asami to perform her magic and get it published.

Hi everyone,
        My name is Brian.

            Every man must have dreamed of having a group of sexy women all to himself, ready and willing to fuck him as much as he wanted. Every man must also have dreamed of having the staying power, to take care of all of them. Really, that is all this last section of our story is. Gaja, a younger Indian man, takes care of five horny women.
            This is the end of our story now. As we reach the end of the Australian part of their trip, there is still some unfinished business to take care of. Once these last couple of stories are done, we'll be on our way to New Zealand and the adventures that lay in wait for us there.
            We are sorry for the delay in getting this story published. Anne said to hold up the publishing and get everything ready first. She said a good story was better than rushing towards a publishing date. So here we are finished and ready to publish. Hope you like it.
            It is all up to you now, Asami.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.
                        From Julie and Brian.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 270 Part Three.

Tuesday 7 December 2021

Story 270 Part Two - The Nude Beach.

Index of Letters                         Story 270 Part Two Background.                         Back to Story 270 Part One.   

Forward to Story 270 Part Three.

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Rottnest Island.

        We caught the early ferry from Fremantle, out to a nearby island called Rottnest Island, as this was where two nights accommodation had been arranged with almost three full days to enjoy and explore this island.
        Of course, once again, I was sharing a unit and double bed with Hansini. She seemed to be taking this commitment to me very seriously by wanting to stay with me and act as if I was her husband. Travelling with her had been fun. She seemed in the centre of all the action and dragged me into everything too. So I had every reason to expect on the island would be fun too.
        She was even asking my opinion on what clothes or bikinis she should wear which surprised me. She even consulted me on the choice of underwear too or even if she should go commando for me. When I asked her about this she said it was normal between her and Mootie. She even said that he will usually come with her when she is buying clothes. In India, that is not so common for a man to go shopping for clothes with his wife, especially when she is purchasing swimwear or underclothing but Mootie would usually go and according to Hansini, didn't seem embarrassed by it either.
        I had said, “You don’t need to ask me about everything you wear.”
        “I do,” she replied. “I always ask Mootie.”
        "What about with what I wear?" I asked.
        "I don't usually with him but I can make suggestions if you want."
        That was a surprise. I truly didn’t realize, Mootie had that much say over what his wife wore. Well, perhaps that is wrong. Maybe we should say Mootie was invited to help decide what his wife would wear as I got the sense this was as much Hansini's idea as his and there seemed to be sexual connections behind it too.

        The first day we were on the island, we settled into our accommodation as soon as we arrived. It was a two-story unit with a deck at the back facing the beach. There was just a walkway between us and the wall behind the sand. Down some short steps and we were on the beach. Again we didn't have time to do much more than place our bags in our room, having a quick look around before we needed to be ready for our first activity, a tour of the island. There were a couple of minibuses to pick us up and give us on this tour. I was interested in some of the history of this place. I was also impressed with the work they had done in protecting the wildlife, on and around the island.

Story 270 Part Two Background Notes.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 270 Part Two.

Hello Everyone,
       My name is Julie.
            Last week in Story 270 Part One Background Notes, we talked about where the two main characters of our story came from, Hansini going back deep into the stories and Gaja being a more recent addition to the stories. We talked about Hansini being more experienced, having been in the swinging scene for a long time while on the other hand, Gaja was new at this, perhaps more reluctant than even his wife, Nishi was. Suddenly Gaja, a shy, more personal man finds himself touring with this outgoing and sexually adventurous woman.
            Brian and I had a few goals to cover with this part. In Story 267 Jasmine and Riya, it was arranged for Hansini and Mootie's eldest daughter, Jasmine, to have her first time with Gaja. Gaja and Hansini has been on the phone when Jasmine was told by Mootie and Nishi. Anne asked me to capture some of this phone call where Hansini asks Gaja if he is willing to be Jasmine's first man then the phone call that followed when Jasmine is told.
            After that, with Hansini and Gaja on Rottnest Island, we were sort of free to do with them as we wanted but we knew something to do with a nude beach was expected. Visits to nude beaches have been done a lot in these letters stories so we wanted something different. What if the men went fishing or something and the women went alone? We learnt that has been done too. It was then Brian came up with another idea. I'll let him tell you.

       Hi from Brian.
            My wife and I were brainstorming, trying to work out how we could do something different with a nude beach. I was looking at our draft notes Story 270 Part One, the first part of our story, when I noticed we had written where Hansini chose to remain with Gaja on several occasions when she had the chance of with someone else. What if the women wanted to go to the nude beach and Hansini especially asked Gaja to come. Since they had been together all this side trip, Gaja felt he should go with her even though this nude beach thing was taking him out of his comfort zone. So to the surprise of the other four men, Gaja went off with five women to a nude beach.
            Five women, pleased at least one man had come with them and knowing this man was rather shy. They had obviously talked among themselves and decided to reward Gaja for what he was doing for him. That is partly shown in this part but more so when we get to Part Three. One way to break the ice in a beach story is to use sun lotion. It has to be applied anywhere where the sun might reach. Five naked women needing a generous cover of sun lotion, you get the idea. Gaja gets to apply the lotion to each woman being clearly told not to miss any part. What might of surprised them was when Gaja took it to orgasm for Sairu.
            Of course, Gaja needed sun lotion on his body too and the women were more than willing to do it for him, complete with an orgasm too. Add in a few people around watching all this and we had our story.
            When Anne read our draft story she made a request that surprised us. She wanted Sairu to go over and give a man watching a hand-job. Julie and I decided on the two gay guys. Perhaps not as gay as they seemed. I'm not sure why Anne asked this but Susan told us it's something to do with Story 264 Andrew and Kalki, where Sairu's friend Kalki strayed from the Letters Group too.
            So enjoy Part Two and we'll have Part Three ready soon.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.
                        Julie and Brian.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 270 Part Two.

Sunday 28 November 2021

Story 270 Part One - Gaja and Hansini Tour Together.

Index of Letters                         Story 270 Part One Background.                         Back to Story 269.   

Forward to Story 270 Part Two.

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Hansini - My Stand-in Wife?

Hi from Gaja.
        I stood at the airport and watched as my wife Nishi got on that plane with Mootie. It had been ok telling her she could have her wish of going on that desert trip. Going with Mootie as her stand-in husband had been a fun idea too.
        But now reality set in. In all the time we had been married, I had never slept alone without her. Every night she was in my bed beside me. Always there looking beautiful each morning as I woke to her cheerful face. I’m not a morning person but Nishi was. Always alive and energetic for the new day. Sex with her was the best at that time.

        I felt an arm go around me, the softness of a breast press against my side. “Are you ok?” Hansini gently asked me.
        “No, not completely,” I replied.
        I could have done the tough male thing and said I was fine but she knew differently. Hansini is a smart lady. She would have figured it out so I admitted I was feeling a bit down seeing Nishi walking away with another man.
        “She is going to have a good trip. There is a lot planned. Even camping in the desert. Let her go, Gaja. Let her have a good time. Don’t let her see you sad. Smile and wave when the plane takes off. Then we’ll have a good trip too.”
        “Thanks,” I told her, giving her hand a squeeze.
        As we watched the plane turn onto the runway, she whispered to me. “She’s going to miss you too. The sex is going to be great when she gets back.”
        That surprise me she would say that. I turned to look at her face and she was smiling. She was probably right too. After all the fun we will both have, I was sure Nishi would be happy when she was back with me too.
        “Come on, now,” she said. “Give Nishi a wave.”
        Standing slightly behind me, I felt that breast press against me again as I waved my wife goodbye. I also felt a hand give my butt a squeeze too.
        The small plane took off, curving inland towards the hills. As I watched, I felt that hand squeeze my bum again. “Sexy arse,” she laughed. “Come on, they are waiting for us.”
        She actually did that in public. Feeling my arse like that. I can’t believe how cheeky that woman is.

Story 270 Part One Background.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 270 Part One.

Hi from Julie and Brian.

            This is a story that grew bigger as we continued writing it. Our first objective was to write about Gaja and Hansini touring together and being together in bed. A couple of sex scenes, some fun doing things together would be about it but then other ideas began to creep in. Anne asked us some questions such as; Are they going to Rottnest Island too? That was a game-changer or should I say a story changer and it led to two more sections of this story about what happened to them on the island. But that is Part Two and Part Three. First, we should look at some background for Part One.
            Hansini is a long time character of the Letters Story. In researching her I was taken right back to Letter/Story 63 Part A. Joseph and Lizamoa are about to leave India to go live in New Zealand when they get an invite from one of his co-workers for dinner. It was Mootie and Hansini and this was the first time she appeared in Letters. Right from the beginning, she was bold and outgoing for an Indian woman. Quickly adapting to the nudity on the special weekends and joining in the fun. Mootie seems more laid back, maybe even you could say shy but this couple replaced Joseph and Lizamoa in India and feature in many adventures and stories.
            Hansini is older than Gaja, probably in her 30s while Gaja is in his early 20s. She is married to Mootie and they have three children, the oldest being Jasmine who has appeared in some recent stories. In Story 266 Will You be my Stand-in Wife? Hansini decides she wants to be on the trip going to Rottnest Island rather than going with her husband and children to the desert town. Nishi, Gaja's wife agrees to swap with Hansini and go to the desert with Mootie which means, Gaja and Hansini ended up touring together. Hansini takes this seriously and wants to stay with Gaja, even when fun with others would be on offer for both of them.
            Gaja, is a lot younger than Hansini, first appearing in Letters in Story 195 Katrina gets Married – Part One, when Shanti notices this sexy young waiter working as a temporary worker for Sarvesh and Amita at Katrina's wedding. Shanti gets teased a bit for lusting after fresh meat. Well, Gaja meets Nishi, yes naughty Nishi who secretly meets Steve for sex in the middle of the night, see Story 216 Part Four. So we end up with this young man touring and sharing a bed with this a bit older woman. He is fairly inexperienced with partner swapping but she has done a lot of it. Gaja is shy and private, while Hansini is wild and outgoing, openly letting it be known that she loves sex and loves being with different sex partners. So that is the background for this story where two people are together for four or five days.
            This first part will take us through their touring and sexual adventures on the mainland before they move to Rottnest Island. The second two parts take young Gaja right out of his comfort zone while staying on the island.
            Both Brian and I hope you enjoy this story and look forward to the next parts.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.
                        Julie and Brian.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 270 Part One.

Sunday 21 November 2021

Story 269 Last Night at the Desert Town.

Index of Letters                         Story 269 Background.                         Back to Story 268.   

Forward to Story 270 Part One.

Hi from Jasmine,
        It was my last night in the desert town. We had stayed up a bit late talking with our host family as our plan was to leave for Perth straight after breakfast the following morning. We wouldn't have much time to spend with them and wouldn't be seeing them again so since they had been so good for us we enjoyed the evening with them.
        Ian, Kala and their family promised to meet us at Perth Airport in a few days as they were travelling with us to New Zealand. Ian and David’s younger sister, Cathy and her boyfriend Gordon were coming too.
        After a nice evening and a couple of small glasses of wine I was allowed, Riya and I returned to our room, ready for bed. As had been normal since we’ve been here, it was stripping off and sleeping naked. It was also sleeping in the same bed together. We were quietly talking between us as we waited until sleep overcame us.
        Riya was telling me about what happened on the camping trip when she spent the two nights with a man called Ian. It seemed sexy what they had done and I must confess to being a bit surprised at how bold she was to go with that white man whom she hardly knew.
        The talk came to me as if I was still willing to be with Gaja. I confirmed I was still on that plan. Riya asked me about New Zealand and I said I was nervous about that but would see when I got there.
        We heard Dad (Mootie) and Nishi returning from their evening down in the bar. They passed our room and soon we could hear them in their room.
        “There go the lovebirds,” I said and we both giggled.

        A short while later, there was a soft knock on the door and we heard Nishi calling,” Are you, girls, still awake?”
        “Yes,” Riya replied, getting up to put her robe on before letting Nishi in.
        When Nishi came in, I snuggled deeper under the sheets so she wouldn’t notice I was naked. But then I noticed she was wearing a robe and it looked like not much underneath. Perhaps she was even naked too. I suppose with what they were doing every night it would be that they were sleeping naked too.
        “Riya, if you aren’t tired, we were wondering if you might like to join us in our room for a while.”
        When Riya didn’t respond, she continued. “Riya we thought you might like to join us for that threesome I mentioned the other day.”
        I think that caught Riya by surprise. It looked like it did. She just nodded her head and I wondered what this was about since I knew nothing about a threesome. Were they proposing that Riya got together with Dad and Nishi? Surely not, would they?
        Nishi now turned to me. “You can come too if you want, Jasmine. You can’t have sex as it’s your father, of course. But you can watch and perhaps do something with Riya or me.”
        Riya had quickly agreed when she realised what they were asking and so I decided to join them. “Just let me get dressed,” I said.
        “Don’t worry about that. Come naked like you are now. Just put on a robe to walk to our room.”
        So, since she had guessed I was naked, I pulled back the covers and got out of my bed. Taking my robe a slipped it over my shoulders and tired the cord in front. I then followed Nishi and Riya into the other room.

Story 269 Background.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 269.

Hello everyone and welcome to my story.
       My name is Mary.

            There are two themes for this story; First is Riya gets to have a threesome with Nishi and Mootie. She had already had a threesome with the two men Hanza and Payam (Story 264 Andrew and Kalki.) Now she gets to try two women and one man. The second theme is about Jasmine. While she is telling the story she is very innocent regarding sexual things. While she doesn't exactly get involved in the threesome with her father, she watches it and learns a lot for when in a few days, she will become sexually active.
            Jasmine has a thing about being naked as she mentions it a number of times. There is first the idea of sleeping naked which is something she probably couldn't do at home. Then there is this thing about others being naked. She tells us twice that her father (Mootie) and the two women (Nishi and Riya) were naked on the bed. It is a bit funny in a way because she attends the nude weekends back in India where nudity is the normal dress code. Perhaps there is some shyness as back in (Story 267 Jasmine and Riya) Jasmine tells us that as she reached puberty she began conscious of her body and her mother brought her a bikini to wear at the nude weekends.
            The second point was Mootie was Jasmine's father so really they shouldn't be in a sexual situation together. I didn't want an incest story but towards the end, I almost got one, perhaps went further than I should have.
            So this story achieved what I set out to achieve. It's taken Jasmine further along her sexual journey. I've heard that Anne doesn't intend to develop Jasmine much further but rather, just keep her as a supporting character for others in the Letters Stories.
            So that is my little story. Not as much as some but it fits here and we all write as we can.
            I hope you enjoyed my writing.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 269.

Saturday 13 November 2021

Story 268 Desert Camping with Ian.

Index of Letters                         Story 268 Background.                         Back to Story 267.   

Forward to Story 269.

அனைவருக்கும் வணக்கம். என் பெயர் ரியா
Hello! Everyone. My name is Riya.
        Jasmine has already mentioned that while I was camping, I got to be with my third man, Ian. She also mentioned that Ian and I had formed a previous relationship, that became a bit sexier than anyone knew about. We even went as far as swapping a few sexy photos, yes, nude ones. So now the truth is out about Ian and me.
        I had managed to keep all this from my parents but now it's out in the open as they would have read her story. After all that they had allowed me to do since we’ve been to Australia and New Zealand, what I did with Ian online was like, nothing. So now I can reveal all the story to everyone, including both of you, Mum and Dad.

☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       

My Sexy Friendship with Ian.

        When Dad knew that I was interested in the Australian desert, he suggested I talked with Ian as he could tell me more. It seems Ian had lived in desert areas all his life. He had farmed there, raised cattle there and knew it well. I was particularly interested in the natural sciences of Geography and Biology. While knowing my native area of India, particularly the Game Park, I found myself intrigued at how these same sciences could be applied to the ecosystems of the Australian desert.
        Quickly, our correspondence had developed into a deep conversation on the various differences between the natural environments of our two countries. Yes, it wasn’t just one-sided, we talked about India as much as Australia. It seemed he was interested in this as much as I was. We also considered other places such the living in the ice lands of Antarctica. (I learnt, when he was still single, Ian had spent a summer down in Antarctica doing maintenance work on the Australian base there.)
        At first, Mum took an interest in what we were doing, what we were talking about and I showed her Ian’s letters as they arrived but she soon became bored and lost interest. After that, they almost forgot we were still writing until we got into the final arrangements for our trip when I mentioned Ian had asked if I wanted to visit the desert while in Australia.

Story 268 Background Notes.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 268.

Kia ora,
       My name is Anne.

            We needed a story here in a hurry. It had been mentioned in earlier stories there would be a camping trip out in the desert but suddenly we realised that nothing had been done about it so I sat down and made a list of objectives for this story. I will share some of them here.
            First, and probably the most important, is we wanted to put Riya and Ian together for an evening or night. Secondly, we wanted to show there had been some relationship between them before Riya got to Australia. Third, was the idea of Riya doing a visit to the local school and arranging a video link with her class in India. Finally, we wanted to give Riya an adventure doing something different with Ian. These last items could include, astronomy, nude swimming but then we got the idea of her driving. Of course, if Riya was going to drive a landrover in the outback then Amita had to as well.
            Once I had established where I was going with this, it was time to start writing. One of the first parts to be completed was the evening before the sex scene that quickly led to having the sex scene mostly completed too. I think the last part to be written was the driving scene. It is a tiny bit similar to another written years ago where Katrina went to this area for the first time. Back then Ian and Kala lived in what is now a mining area and there was a rough bush track to reach their house. While most of this story was my own work, I did have a bit of help along the way. Sort of a push to fill in those last few gaps before we could call this story complete.
            In the sex scene, Riya seems to have held her own with Ian by falling back on her experience with Hamza and Payam. I would even guess that Ian might have been surprised with how well she did, although I must admit I'd used more basic sexual methods and positions as I was unsure how far Riya would go with Ian. One important lesson Riya was putting into practice was to give to your sexual partner with no expectation of anything back in return. Riya did this and was rewarded for her efforts
            So if Riya was cutting notches in her belt she had three men in her pussy now. Each time she is gaining confidence and preparing herself for New Zealand. Little does she or anyone else know but she has a major role to play in the stories there but then, that is getting ahead of ourselves, for now, let's focus on her adventure camping in the Australian Outback.
            So go read the story and enjoy.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.
                        Awesome Anne.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 268.

Saturday 6 November 2021

Story 267 Jasmine and Riya.

Index of Letters                         Story 267 Background.                         Back to Story 266.   

Forward to Story 268.

Hello from Jasmine.
        I am Mootie and Hansini's daughter, their oldest child. I am 18 now but when this story took place, I was still 17 but by only a couple of months before my birthday.
        I am not used to this story writing as I am new to the Letters Books. Only recently have I been officially allowed to read them. So with this story, I have not included the sexual detail as much as some do as I'm still a bit shy of revealing this. But I hope you understand my story and learn about me more too.
        I was having a good holiday in the desert town. Dad came with us but for some reason, Mum changed to the other trip. She decided at short notice and Uncle Donald was unable to change the tickets. Nishi agreed to swap with Mum and they made a big deal about her becoming Dad’s stand-in wife so Riya and I started calling her Mummy. Well, she was Dad's stand-in wife, that made her my stand-in mother too.
        By what Riya and I heard coming through the wall, they acted as husband and wife too. The honeymooners we called them. Ha! Ha! It seemed going at it any chance they could get.

☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       

Flashing a Train Like the Woman.

        I enjoyed the tour to the Ghost Town. So much interesting history that Ian knew. Then we went nude swimming at Ian’s farm. This river pool had a railway bridge at one end. You know of it since it was where many years before Katrina had started this flashing at the train drivers.
                ( See - Story 168 I Strike Gold at a Gold Mine.)
        I have heard that when trains came past, the women had flashed their nude bodies. When I mentioned it, Dad had shot that idea down by saying I was too young. Always that, isn’t it? “Jasmine you are too young!” When will I ever be old enough?

Story 267 Background.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 267.

Kai ora!
       My name is Ayaka.

            As we moved through the Perth stories there were goals that had to be met. As each story was assigned we were given some expectations as to what we needed to achieve. In my case, there was Jasmine, a girl who is not expected to take a major role in the sex parties but she will attend them. Considering that, her parents thought it was better that she prepared herself as in an orgy situation like these parties might become, desires become high and perhaps people might not think before they act. Jasmine's parents reasoned that by preparing Jasmine now, she would have the option of going along with anything that came her way or she could move to the safe mat where she would be free from any sexual attention.
            While out at Ian’s farm they went swimming in the river pool by the railway bridge. As is usual every afternoon, a loaded ore train came past. The girls decided to flash the train drivers which they had done before. What was different this time was that Nishi, Riya and Jasmine decided to do it too. Three women who had never done it before.
            I wanted to get into Jasmine's head and see how she was feeling during this fun. Partly excited, partly scared was how she was feeling. But she stood with the other women and did it.
            Nishi took this as a sign of her maturity and pushed for Jasmine's parents to allow her to attend a sex party. Mootie and Hansini were unsure at first, but they agreed with possible restrictions during certain games.
            So another young person will be attending. Anne tells me that this will be the last of these stories now. She thinks they now have everyone they want going now.
            The last question is why Gaja? Well, I can't answer this one but I can give you a couple of guesses. First, it might have been because Nishi was suggesting the idea and thought her husband might like a nice young virgin. Secondly, as was mentioned in the story, Jasmine doesn't know Gaja, as well as others such, as Sarvesh. Since she might have men she doesn't know where she gets to New Zealand, perhaps it's better that she gets used to being with men like this. To be honest, I favour the first reason - a wife lining her husband up with some fun.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 267.

Saturday 30 October 2021

Story 266 Will You Be My Stand-in Wife?

Index of Letters                         Story 266 Background Notes.                         Back to Story 265.   

Forward to Story 267.

Hello from Nishi and Gaja again.
        It is Nishi telling of this story.
        We had held a group meeting at the club when everyone was present. That was the evening most of us women got onto that game and got totally drunk. I managed to stay fairly sober and I was feeling well enough to get into a sexy night with Jeremy when we got back to where we were staying. Other women weren't so lucky and had to be almost carried out of the club.
        At this meeting, it was decided that the group would split into two. One group going to the desert town where David grew up. For some reason, young Riya seemed to be pushing hard for that trip. The second group would join a trip driving to the south of Perth, visiting some wineries and then spending a few nights on Rottnest Island.
        After some discussion among couples, the group, divided roughly in half. Donald took our names and went on to purchase tickets, arrange accommodation etc.
        I, myself, was interested in going to see the desert. It sounded like something different, a place I had never been before. My husband Gaja, had dismissed the desert as “there is nothing there” and wanted to go to the winery and island. I wasn’t so interested in wine and I had seen similar things like beach resorts before when I had travelled with my first husband but without saying more, I was happy to accompany my husband, Gaja on that trip. I consider being with my husband was more important than where we went.

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“Will You Be My Stand-in Wife?”

Story 266 Background Notes.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 266.

Hi everyone.
       My name is Reshma.

        As you will have likely realised, this story continues from where Shandra left off. It is Nishi telling us the story again as she finds herself in a rather interesting situation. The mixed group of Indians and Australians have decided to split into two groups for a few days, some wanting to go deep into the Australian desert to visit a mining town while others wanted to stay closer to the coast also visiting a resort island.
        When Nishi and Gaja discussed it, one wanted to go on either trip. Gaja liked the idea of visiting a winery and an island while Nishi thought the desert would be someplace she has never seen. They discussed it and Nishi decided to defer to her husband and go on the trip he wanted. It wasn't a big issue for her and she did think being with her husband was much more important.
        At the last moment, Hansini, who had been going on the desert trip with her husband, wanted to change but arrangements and bookings had been made and it was too late now. The group discussed swapping females between the groups because an Indian woman would be expected in both groups. It was even mentioned it was like a wife swap. That was when Gaja, who knew his wife was still keen on the desert trip idea, suggested Nishi could swap trips with Hansini.
        So suddenly found Nishi found herself, leaving her husband and going off with another man for a few days. It was joked about her becoming his stand-in wife. So Nishi found herself with a "new" husband and a ready-made family of two kids and a teenage daughter.
        While she had met Mootie a few times when Nishi and her husband had attended nude weekends, she really didn't know him that well. She certainly hadn't done anything sexual with him and now she was going off acting as his husband! That was an interesting situation.
        All knew that this swap would involve sex as they would be sleeping in the same bed with this other person. So while Nishi ended up being with Mootie, Gaja would end up with Mootie's wife Hansini. This is the basic plan for the next few stories, this one told by Nishi and the other told by Gaja. This wife swap will possibly be mentioned in some other stories as well.
        So this is where my story starts, Nishi going off with another man called Mootie. And Anne told me to make sure there were some good sex scenes.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 266.