Friday 20 September 2013

Letter/Story 66 Finding Out About “Letters” Part B.

Part B – My First Nude Day.

            That was how things were left for a few weeks until one day when I was at home I received a phone call from Amita.
            “Hello, Hansini,” she greeted me. “We are having a special day for our friends. It would be nice if you both could come too.”
            I told her that I would check with Mootie but I’m sure he would be OK with it. She then explained that they were planning for us to come Friday evening and have all day Saturday and then go home on Sunday. Would we be able to do that?
            So that was how the second day at their place began. This time all the servants were sent off for the day and so we had the entire place to ourselves. When we left home I made sure my new bikini was packed if not anything else because I was sure I would be spending most of the day around the pool anyway.
            We arrived Friday night to find Jeevan and Mandara already there and they were expecting another couple, Brian and Mega, as well. When we were all there they had a lovely meal for us then we settled down for an evening in the house.
            It was a good evening and we had some fun playing on the pool table as well. I had never tried pool before and it was fun to learn. Not that I was any good at it.
            We shared the guest house with Brian and Mega. It was a nice house, almost as big as our house too. The next morning we sat down to breakfast and they told us about the plans for the day.

            “Now we want you to have fun while you are here.” Amita began. “We have lots for you to do or you can just relax.”
            Sarvesh then told us about some of the games they had and then he suggested a plan for the morning. “We are going to play tennis first while it is cool and then when it gets hot we will be around the pool. Oh, and if anyone likes playing chess, we have an outdoor set if you want to try.”
            “There you go Hansini. You are good at chess,” said Mootie.
            “Maybe we can have a game then Hansini. Amita doesn’t play so I’d like a good game if you want,” Sarvesh said to me.
            Then they dropped the surprise. “There is no staff in the house today, just all of us,” Amita said. “We will make these days clothing optional so you can wear as much or less as you want. Sarvesh and I like swimming nude so if you feel like it, you are welcome to join us like that too.”
            That was a surprise. I know we had the topless bathing the other day and I was expecting it again but nude was a bit much I was thinking. I looked at Mega and she looked a little shocked too. The other girl, Mandara was smiling and nodding her head so obviously, she was happy with it.          

            We decided to watch the tennis, to begin with. I have never played so I was happy just to watch them. Mootie played a bit and so did Brian. So while they had a turn on the court I sat with Mega.
             Sarvesh and Amita went to get morning tea so Mega and I were alone.
            She asked me, “Do they really go swimming nude?”
            “Yes, I think so,” I replied.
            “I hope they don’t expect me to.”
            “No Mega, I’m sure they don’t,” I replied. “You heard what Amita said. Just wear whatever you feel comfortable with.”
            “Will you be swimming nude Hansini?”
            “No!” I said. “Last time I did go topless and maybe I might again but going totally nude is too far.”
            “Topless is very bold too.”
            “Yes it was Mega, but once I got used to it I had fun. It felt nice like that in the water.”
            “Well I’m not sure I could even do that,” she said her voice almost a whisper. 

            After morning tea Sarvesh said, “Well Hansini, what about that game of chess?”
            “Sure,” I said, “I’m keen.”
            “How well can you play, actually?” he asked.
            Then Mootie butted in and said, “She is good, Sarvesh. Watch out or she will probably beat you.”
            I sort of wish he didn’t boast like that. Actually, I had no idea how well Sarvesh could play. He could be worse than me but then also a lot better too.
            "Are you that good, Hansini?" he asked. "Am I going to get my arse kicked?"
            I wasn't sure how to reply to that one. I didn't really feel I could tell our generous host I was going to 'kick his arse'. But then, he started it so I just said, "Yes Sarvesh, I hope so."
            "We will see," he replied. I think he was still confident he could beat me. It has always amused me how many men cannot believe a woman can play chess. I was now hoping Sarvesh might be about to learn that same lesson too.
            We got to the chess set and I discovered it was a large outdoor one. The King and Queen stood almost up to my shoulder and you could easily walk around the board between the pieces.
            “What we usually do," he said, "is get somebody to help by moving the pieces. They are very light but with somebody else moving the pieces you can concentrate on the game.” 
            Mandara quickly volunteered to help me and Mootie said he would assist Sarvesh.
            “So really, how good are you Hansini?” Sarvesh asked me again. That was the third time he'd asked. Maybe he wasn't as sure of himself after all.
            “Maybe I am good enough to beat you,” I replied with a cheeky smile. That wasn't just show, I was beginning to think I could take him.
            “Do you want to put a bet on it?” he asked.
            “What kind of bet?”
            I was thinking he was talking about money and we didn’t have any money to risk on a chess game. I knew I would have to refuse but I was not sure how he'd accept it.
            He must have guessed what I was thinking because he said, “No, not money! We bet your clothes against our clothes.”
            “What?” I asked, wondering what he meant.
            “Well all four of us will put on five articles of clothing to begin. Each time we lose a piece on the board we remove one article of clothing. Of course, the loser takes everything off. Ok?”
            I thought about it for a moment and knew I had my bikini on under my shorts and shirt. I was beginning to feel good about it, even if I got down to taking my bikini top off, I was still confident I could win.  I looked at Mandara, she was smiling and she nodded yes.
            “Come on Hansini,” she said. “It will be fun and I’m sure you could beat him.”
            How did she know that? She had never seen me play. I looked across at Mootie wondering why he was playing when out of them all he was the only one who knew how good I really was. Suddenly I made my mind. Well if those guys wanted to lose their pants, I might as well let them.
            “Ok,” I said. “It’s a bet.”
            He reached over to shake my hand, "This will be fun," he smiled.
            For a moment I had a sudden thought of doubt but then I decided he'd have to be really good to beat me. 'Maybe losing his pants will be fun for him,' I smiled to myself.
            I put my cover-up on over my shirt to give me five items and I was ready to begin. All the others were now interested and had dragged seats over so they could watch. So now we were going to have an audience as well were we?
            So that’s how I ended up getting into a game of Strip Chess. 

            I started well making a strong attack on my Queen’s side. I quickly did a lot of damage to his defences and soon I’d taken five of his pieces and only lost two of my own.
            Then I noticed his strategy had changed. He began mopping up some of my minor pawns and it was costing him some important pieces to do so. I realised he wasn’t trying to win the chess game but just get as many of our clothes off as possible, to get Mandara and I naked even if he lost the game. He soon had us down to Mandara in just her bikini and me in my bikini and shorts. 
            I decided this game had to finish as soon as possible. I noticed he had given away so many pieces taking my pawns that his centre lay open.
            I whispered to Mandara, “Well it’s all or nothing now.” And she smiled back at me.
            Then I hit his centre with everything I had. It was a risk but I had to try. My attack came swiftly and was devastating. His centre crumbled before me. For a while almost every turn I was taking their pieces and their clothing. Soon I had them both naked.
            In a desperate defence, Sarvesh threw in his last Rook and the exchange cost us both two pieces. Now all he had left was his Queen and some minor pawns. On our side I was down to just my bikini and Mandara was now topless wearing just her bikini bottom but on the board, I was in a strong position.
            I was feeling very confident that now I had him against the wall when to my surprise he forced a Queen swap. His Queen came straight across the board taking my Queen. He watched with a satisfied look while I had to remove my bikini top.
            My next move, of course, took his Queen as well which left him with nothing to win the game with. I quickly cornered his King. During this process, I had lost one pawn which cost Mandara her bikini bottom. Now I decided to play with them like a cat plays with a mouse. I began knocking off all his pawns one by one. As I did they had to remove the pieces one by one and there was nothing they could do about it. Soon I decided I had played with them enough and then I struck.
            In two moves I had him mated! I stood back laughing knowing I had beaten him soundly.
            Suddenly somebody behind me grabbed my bikini bottom and before I could stop them, they had it around my ankles.
          “Hey! That’s not fair,” I cried as my hands went to cover my newly exposed pussy. “We won the game,” I protested.
            “No!” said Amita’s voice behind me. “Nobody wins Strip Chess.”
            Since there wasn’t much I could do now having lost my bikini bottom, so I suddenly plunged into the pool. At least I have the cover of the water that way. Soon others were following me. I noticed everyone was naked except Brian and Mega. He wore his shorts and she still wore her one-piece.
            After the swim, I decided that since I had already lost my bikini I might as well stay like that for a while. I just slipped my cover-up on. When we went swimming again after lunch this time I noticed Brian has slipped his shorts off. Once she was in the water Mega rolled her suit down to her waist baring her breasts, but I did see that she pulled her suit back up before she got out of the pool.
            So that was how I went from never having ever worn a swimming suit to going completely nude in only two days. I even surprised myself at how easy I had done it.  

            It took Mega until the following special weekend at Sarvesh’s before she finally bared all for us. During the morning she came up to talk with me.
            “Hansini when you were swimming nude last time were you nervous? “
            “Yes at first I was especially when Amita had taken my bottoms off.”    
            “What about you Mega? How do you feel about this going nude in the pool?”
            “Oh, I have been thinking about it. There are only just us here and they are all nude as well. I have decided if you are doing it again then I am willing to be nude also.”
            “That is a big step, Mega. You hardly even showed you were topless last time.”
            “Yes I know,” she admitted. “It is a big thing to do and I am a bit scared too. But I have made my mind I want to do it.”
            Well, later in the morning we came to our first swim. This time I hadn’t even bothered putting on my bikini top. I just stood up pulled my T-shirt off and then stripped my shorts and bikini bottom down together.
            When I looked over at Mega she was now in just her one piece and I thought she was going to chicken out and go in like that.
            Suddenly she said to me, “Well here goes!” With that she slid the stapes off her shoulders, then peeling the one-piece down her body she stepped out of it leaving her as naked as I was. She looked at me with a nervous grin.
            “Come on,” I said holding out my hand. "Let's go nude swimming."
            She smiled back at me and replied, "Yes lets!"
            Together, hand in hand, we walked over to the pool, then stepping down the steps, we plunged into the water. After her first nude swim Mega soon got used to it and felt more relaxed. When she got out she wore my bikini bottom and my cover-up for a while but after the second swim, she just didn’t bother with anything. 
            Well, that is my story of how Mega and I began nude swimming.
                        Bye for now from Hansini.
                                    (With a little help from Amita).


  1. Hi Shandra.
    This part was better than the one last week but together they make a good story.

    Ah the strip chess game. I knew this was coming up soon. As I began reading I was wondering how you would play this Shandra. I knew somehow Hansini had to get up naked even when she said it was going too far. So I thought she would end up losing the game. But she won!

    A surprise ending. I like that. So now you have Hansini and Mega naked, what now?

    1. Thanks Kirsten
      So you liked the ending. Like I said in my background notes, I didn't actually intend Hansini to get naked then. Susan wanted her too and after getting a general feeling from how the team I decided to go with it. That meant Mega had to take the plunge by herself, getting naked the following special weekend.

      Now what from here? Three smaller stories then my big one starts with Katrina. In some ways Katrina over shadows Hansini and Mega here. This was not intentional but they both will have their times to shine later in the stories. You can guess that these two girls would probably begin thinking about going further than just swimming nude. When will this happen? I will leave that for you to work out Kirsten. LOL

    2. Hi big sis,
      Nice story. I see you made some last minute changes from when I saw it on Wednesday. I thought the plan was to leave it once a story has been proof-read. Well they work well. As I said before, nice job. Could do with something a bit more sexy but I know that is 'cumming' later. LOL

    3. Yes good story, a bit reparative, and I agree with you Reshma, could have been more sexy.
      This week's title has a intriguing title, "I so Horny" Can't wait to see what that is about. LOL

    4. Thanks little sis,
      Yes we did change it behind your back. LOL As you know everything is subject to change until we push the publish button.
      Yes we do have a lot more sex 'cumming' up soon.

      Hi Richard,
      Thanks for your comments. You've made a few recently. Have you now read all the stories?
      Susan wrote "I'm so Horny" and I think you might like it.

  2. Hello Shandra and the other girls too.
    Oh Kim, sexy girl, sexy photo.

    I have now caught up, so have to content myself waiting until each Friday, when I join your blog to discover what new adventures your fertile minds have created.

    I like how this is going. You are moving these delightful new ladies forward slowly but steadily, much as it would probably happen, which adds that element of realism to your stories.

    Now the strip chess game, a marvellous idea. Who dreamed that one up?
    May I be so forward as to offer one suggestion? I believe the real Anne should be playing the real Susan. As we do not wish these two ladies be distracted, two volunteers are required to move the chess pieces.
    This leaves one final role, of course reserved for myself. Someone to remove the girls clothing. I would most carefully place them neatly folded beside the board. Yes, definitely a delightful prospect.

    Looking forward to comments on this.

    1. So the naughty James returns,
      I see you have another naughty adventure for your girlfriend Anne.
      It would be a fun game but where are all you other guys. Where are our two volunteers? That is a new spin, a guy to remove their clothes, interesting. So if it had been two guys playing then would a girl get that job?

      Yes a definitely delightful prospect! I just love the way you word things James.
      Bye now Shandra.

    2. So my dearest James,
      A nice fantasy you have here.

      But there are a few words which do not appear to fit together.
      They are "clothes neatly folded" and "James."

      Your loving wife - Raviprabha

    3. Raviprabha my dear,
      We are having a fantasy story here. Please to do not push the reality.
      Loving husband, James.

    4. James, you have one volunteer.
      Count me in.

    5. Hi James
      I notice the guys are very quiet. You do not seem to be getting any takers for your game.
      Is it open to us girls as well? If so count me in. I'm sure Janet or Reshma would be keen too.

      Oh concerning folding clothes. Give up on him Raviprabha as guys never get beyond leaving their clothes in a pile on the bedroom floor. LOL
