Friday 27 September 2013

Letter/Story 67 I’m So Horny!

            Hi to all of you in India.  It is Shanti here.

            Thank you for such a good letter Hansini. You did a good job. I especially enjoyed the part about playing strip chess. We talked about doing that once when we were at Sarvesh’s house but we never did.
            That certainly is a new version of a stripping game.           

            I also like your comments on Liz’s story. Did you read that Mike, Peter and Steve? Hansini called you “funny fellows.” I that is good! A good way of putting it, if you get my meaning.
           Thank you also for your comments about my story on the beach. Yes, it was very sexy. I was so excited and turned on by it all. When I did cum, it was so intense. Just thinking about it again while I am writing to you, it’s sexy. 
           I don't know that you could plan for something like that to happen. You just need to take advantage of it if it happens. A lot sexier don't you think? Writing about it now is turning me on again. LOL Enough of that! I have to get this completed for Jenny's letter.

            Jenny has written the story for this letter but before I hand over to her just let me give you some of the news first.
            Here in New Zealand, we are all doing very well.
            Of course, you may know that Jenny and Peter had two lovely daughters, Carol and Kirsten. She was very happy to get through it, she had a very hard time in labour. But once it was all over both Mum and the twins are now doing fine. Lizamoa went over to help when her time came and was with her the whole time in the delivery room. 

            The other big news is that Lizamoa and Joseph have now moved into their house and they are so happy with it. Well, they were only there for a few weeks when my friend realised she needed to sell. It appears that her mother is very sick and she is moving down to look after her. Joseph and Lizamoa were very upset at the thought they would lose their lovely house.
            Then Mike suggests, “Why don’t you buy it yourself?”
            They went to the bank and explained what had happened. At first, the bank was not particularly interested because Joseph and Lizamoa had only recently moved to New Zealand.
            Finally, they convinced the bank to at least run a credit check on them. The bank saw they had a good deposit (proceeds from their house in India), Joseph had a safe permanent job and after checking their saving history with their bank manager in India (Sarvesh) the bank decided to give them a mortgage loan.
            Joseph is also very happy with his job too. He has almost finished his training and I hear the Head Ranger wants Joseph to review some of the operations within the park and see if any improvements can be made. Joseph thinks his final role will be more than just an ordinary Park Ranger because they recognise his leadership ability and experience.
            Joseph likes working in the park too. He still thinks it is one of the most beautiful places he has seen. He comes home going on about the things he has seen and done. Lizamoa says it is not so normal for him to talk about his work like that. So he must be really into and enjoying his job.           

            As I said Jenny will be providing the story in this letter. So let me hand this letter over to her now.
"I'm so Horny."
Hi from Jenny:-.
             This is the first time I am actually writing something myself into the Letters Book. I know I helped Joseph and added a lot to that story about our night in India, Letter 57 Extra Story Three, but I never really wrote anything myself. Now I come to my own story. The timing is great too because I have some time on my hands while the twins are sleeping.
            As has already been explained in Lizamoa’s story about my naughty adventure with her husband Joseph, during my pregnancy I became very large. Of course, this was because I was having twins but also it was partly due to the fact that I have a smaller build than most other women so to carry two babies around I began to stick out much more compared to my size.
            Now as soon as we realised that I was pregnant, Peter began a series of photos. About every two weeks I removed my clothes and I posed nude for five photographs in exactly the same positions. They were a front view, a back view, the view from the side, then one of me sitting down and finally one taken of me lying on my back.
            We have placed these in an album we also put some of them together into a slide show. Recently we decided to show our friends our slide show. They were interested in the development and changes of my body. Of course, the most obvious change was my belly but there were other changes such as my breasts as well.
            The last few photo sets were after the birth which was also interesting showing how my body returned to some kind of normal although you can never expect it to be completely the same after that. 
            What did surprise everybody was my willingness to still wear a bikini, or as when we went to the Nude Nights, go completely nude. In fact, I think I look better being totally naked than when I tried to fit into my bikini. Being nude you can just let things hang naturally. Also, it was good being in the warm water because it took some of the extra weight and gave my poor feet a rest. 

            The other thing about my pregnancy was I was incredibly horny all the time. I was ready to pounce on Peter whenever he walked through the door. And that went for you other guys as some of you found out. I just could not get enough of it. You have heard of pregnant women having cravings, well my craving was for sex, as much as I could get.
            One day I was telling this to Lizamoa and Shanti. They were laughing about it, thinking it was a great joke but I am sure they didn’t realise I was serious. Peter was away for a couple of weeks in Japan looking at buying cars so I was telling them I had no idea what I would do for the evening. It was then they may have realised I really was getting desperate.
            That evening I got a phone call from Shanti. “Hi Jenny,” she said. “Liz and I were talking about your problem on the way home. I think you had better get your clothes off. Mike and Joseph are on the way over.”
            Wow! That was a shock. Lizamoa and Shanti had arranged for their husbands to come and pay me a visit. It was nice of them and nice of the guys too. Or maybe I should say nice for the guys. Ha. Ha.
            Well, I was ready for them when they arrived. I met them at the door stark naked. We didn’t even make it to the bedroom but did it on the floor by the fire. I took them both and still was ready for more. They lay me down and gave me a wonderful massage until I became so overcome with my lust I wanted them again. Then they both took me again.
            When I still wasn’t ready to stop they did oral on me, giving my wet pussy the full treatment until I was bucking around, crying out with the intensity of my cums.
            During the evening I had sex so many times that I lost count of the number of orgasms. It was a good evening, I was exhausted! They helped me upstairs and lay me in bed. They pulled the warm covers up over me and sat one on each side of the bed talking until I nodded off to sleep. I didn’t hear them go but they weren’t there in the morning.
            Thanks for your help guys I needed that! Ha. Ha. 

            When I told Peter on the phone the next day he thought it was funny. He said, “When a girl’s husband is away, normally she gets a friend’s husband to help her fix a light bulb or leaking tape, little jobs like that. You got them to fix you in bed instead.”
            “No! No Peter!” I protested. “It wasn’t like that at all. They didn’t fix me in bed. We didn’t even make it to the bed. They did it on the lounge floor.”
            “Well, that’s even worse,” he laughed. “When I get back I’m going to install new locks on all the doors and windows.”
             “Why Peter? Aren’t you happy that they came over?”
            “No, not locks to keep Joseph and Mike out. Locks to keep you in! You're becoming a danger to society.”
            With a laugh that was how we ended the call. 

            That wasn’t the only time a guy called around to help a damsel in distress during those nine months. I remember Steve turned up with Peter one evening. They had brought home pizza with them. I was so horny I couldn’t wait for dinner. I was all over Steve straight away tearing at his clothes to get them off. Well, the outcome was while Steve and I were into it on the couch; Peter sat across the room watching.
           The sex was good. I pushed him back onto the couch and sat over him, a leg each side. So he was inside me, thrusting up at me as I worked my hips. When that had sent me off we changed positions. I sat on the edge of the couch while be fucked me from the front. While he did I rubbed at my clit with my fingers which sent me to another couple of orgasms. Finally, I bend over the arm rest while be took me from behind to finish himself off.
           All this time Peter had sat munching on pizza watching us.
           We asked him about it later and he said, “Well I have to keep my strength up, don’t I?” 

            Then later not forgetting what happened at the hot pools. (See Letter/Story 64)
            I’m not sure even Joseph was ready for that one. It just started with me touching him and stroking him hard but I just got a bit carried away. I know he wasn’t expecting what happened next. In fact, I don’t think any of them were. I think I practically raped him that night in the pool! 
          It started when he lifted me into the pool and I felt his body against mine. I should have left it there but no, not me, I reached out a touched him. The excitement of feeling him getting hard was more than I could take. Suddenly I wanted him so bad, I wanted that big cock inside me. I rolled over on to him and with ease, he slipped inside me. Actually, for the size I was, I thought I did that rather well.
         Anyway, it was good sex and soon I was getting ready to cum. I knew the others were all watching. I could hear the jokes they were cracking, but I didn't care, I just want sex and the relief only an orgasm would give me. My cum hit me and it was good. For a second I remember thinking maybe I had beaten him but no, he was right behind me.
         So that was my sex session in the spa pool. A job well done if you ask me.

          Now I remember, there was actually another night at the hot pools. It was a normal night when swimsuits were required. Of course, I wore a bikini so I could stick out in the area between the two parts.
         We were with Mike and Shanti, the others couldn't make it, being a weeknight. It was getting late, towards closing time, not so many people around. I was getting worked up a bit with Mike. We were standing in shoulder deep water and I was up against him, my hands all over his body, yes, especially down there. It didn't take me long to get a reaction either. 
          I wanted more so we decided to try the changing rooms. The plan was for me to go into the ladies, check the coast was clear, then signal him to follow. Once we were locked in a cubicle we would be safe as long as we didn't make too much noise. Well, that was a plan anyway.
          It went OK and soon I had Mike in a cubicle with me. His swim shorts were soon gone and my bikini quickly followed. He pushed me back against the wall and I felt his cock press up into me.
         We were just getting to the best bit when we heard two girls walk into the changing room. I tried to hold it but my orgasm hit me. I couldn't help it, it was so intense that I let out a gasp before he covered my mouth with his hand.
         But the girls outside must have heard me.
         "Are you all right?" one of then asked.
         "Yes," I managed to say, still recovering. "I bumped my knee on the seat."
         Well, I had to say something. It was the first thing I thought of.
         "Well be careful," she replied as she walked away.
         We waited and soon the girls had gone. Mike hadn't cum so I got down on my knees and gave him a hot blowjob to finish him off. As he cum I took it all, swallowing everything he gave me.
         We put our togs back on and gently I opened the door. I heard a shower going but I thought that was next-door in the boys. No, the coast was clear and so we stepped out. Then shower next-door had now stopped. We stood there for a second while I gave him another hug.
         We had just turned to leave when suddenly someone came out of the shower room. She was completely naked. She was so shocked to see us that it was a moment before she though to cover herself.
          Then she smiled, "So that's what the noise was," she laughed. "Did you guys have fun?"
         What could I say? "Yes, it was," I replied. "It was very good."
         "I know you did," she laughed. "But what about him? Did he get off?"
         I notice by then she had dropped her towel away from her body.
         "Yes, I took care of him."
         "Nothing like the thrill of sex where you might get caught," she laughed, as still naked, she walked past us.
         "Even more fun when you get caught," I returned.
         I heard her give a laugh as she added, "That care of that knee."
         Back in the water, Mike was telling Peter and Shanti what happened. They were laughing, thinking to was a great story.
            Well, finally I have had the twins and things have returned to normal. By that I mean my 'cravings' but I've always enjoyed sex and are usually ready for some fun in bed.
            One night we were sitting watching TV when Peter brought up a concern about all this.
            “What if our daughters were taking note of your behaviour,” he asked me one day.
            “They won’t know what’s going on.”
            “Sure they will with all that was going on just outside.”
            “Well, they won’t know what was happening.”
            “On they will,” he replied. “They will know now that if you feel horny you are allowed to nearly rape your husband every night. And if he isn’t available you can invite all your friends’ husbands over and rape them instead. And if you are naked at the hot pools any poor guy nearby is fair game too!”
            “Peter! I wasn’t that bad. Was I?”
            “Oh, just ten times worse.”
            “I’m sorry!”
            “No, not at all. But you better explain it to your daughters or else once they become teenagers we’re in big trouble,” he said beginning to laugh.
            I then realised that he had been having me on.  
            A bit later that evening, I got up to switch the TV off and go up to bed. With the twins, I have to get sleep whenever I can and that meant sometimes I went to bed at different times to Peter who had to work in the morning. Seeing a chance to be together I went over to him. Bending down and kissing him I said.
            “Come on, honey. Let’s go up to bed.”
            He suddenly jumped up with wrapped his arms around his head and cried. “Oh no! Not the bed!  The bed! Oh no, not the bed! Please, not the bed again!”
            I just gave him a slap around the ear to shut him up and said, “Stop messing me around and get up to the bedroom. Now!” 

            As I finish this the twins are asleep tonight so it’s a quiet evening as I sit writing. Peter is across the table doing some book work. He has stopped now as I’ve been reading some of this letter out to him.
           Oh! This is all I have time to write now. I've got to go. Peter is asking me to come to bed for some fun.
          These randy husbands, they're a problem, aren’t they? Ha! Ha! 

                        Bye for now from all of us in New Zealand.
                                    Love Jenny.


  1. Oh good story Susan.
    We both like it. I laughed when I read it, then I called Paul to read it too. Cravings for sex - where did you get that idea? Lets hope you don't have them for real Susan. LOL

    I remembered that story about Jenny and Joseph a few weeks ago and we loved the wise-cracks in that one. Having sex while guys are sitting around making jokes is a bit different. Funny to read about but I'm sure I'd like doing it. But this story is good too.

    In both stories you and Allan managed to find that nice balance of sex and comedy.
    Good work.
    Kirsten and Paul.

  2. Thanks Kirsten and Paul.
    Glad you liked it. Did you read the background notes. Might explain where the idea came from. Will also explain where the idea of Anne and I getting pregnant came from.

    1. Hello Susan
      I am Asami here.
      This is a sexy story too. It is funny because of the jokes you have added and also sexy because there is sex there too. Is it possible for a pregnant woman to have cravings for sex? I have not heard of this before. But it is an interesting idea and makes a funny story too.

      Oh I see there is my big sister. That is your bikini from Japan, I know that one. But you make it looking more sexy the way you are lifting the denim skirt. Nice Ayaka.


    2. Thanks Asami
      Glad you liked my story. Glad you are still enjoying our blog.
      I don't know about those cravings. I know it common with food, it part of the body replacing resources used by the growing baby but craving sex? I don't know. Since people have been reading this story I've taken a bit of teasing about it happening to me. LOL We'll see on that one.

  3. Hi Susan and the girls
    Its a bit strange saying that as you have just brought me in a coffee Susan. Yes we are staying on the farm and they all wake up early here, noise and talking. No Saturday sleep-in for poor Reshma.

    Now to the point, this story; I would actually rate it highly, its good Susan. Pity you let Anne add that stuff at the top as its rather a distraction. Might have been better at the bottom where we can choose not to read it.

    It is obvious from your title that you main purpose was humour, in fact you say that yourself in your background. Form there you flow smoothly through the various events and conversations which all carry that same theme, Jenny's sexual cravings. Like has been said by others above I love that idea. I enjoyed the story in Letter 64 where Allan got his humour from those guys joking as apposed to what you did here getting your humour out of the sex itself.

    During that first part about the photos, you led us on a bit, left me wondering, 'Ok this is interesting but how does it relate to that title?' Then came that first sex scene with Joseph and Mike, not too detailed but we all get the point. I like the phone call with Peter, good and his teasing Jenny is picked up again later. Then the two sex scenes with that great quote from Peter "Well I've got to keep my strength up, don't I."
    Probably the poorer part of the story is the conversation with the girl in the changing room. I believe more could have been done with that.
    Overall a great story. I enjoyed proof reading it, then again this morning after it had been published.

    1. Thanks Reshma.
      I enjoyed reading your comments on this story and I appreciate the feed back you've given us. I think you've done a lot to lift the standard of our writing.
      I agree with what you said about Anne's bit at the top, it does distract a bit. Anne agrees too. We were actually discussing this morning about changing that.
      Once again thanks Reshma, good points, they have been noted.
      PS Hope you enjoyed your coffee. LOL

  4. A special word for Allan and Rajah.
    In reading these stories I notice many of them have some relationship to reality, sort of like they have become prophetical by nature. Of course this shouldn’t pose a problem, I feel sure both of you can manage a sex craving woman such as Sexy Sue.
    My concern lies in the fact that these two women have a history of copying each other. For example they both fell pregnant together. How on earth did you allow this to happen? Two pregnant women together, my God! It’s clear neither of you have experienced a pregnant woman before.
    My point here is to raise the possibility of having both Sexy Sue and Awesome Anne uncontrollably craving sex at the same time, a situation which might prove overwhelming for even two capable men such as youselves. I suggest and call upon some of us blog readers to form team, a relief force, mobile and ready to respond to your aid, should your call go out.

    1. Hi James. Hi from Anne.
      Now I have decided to reply because in spite "Allan and Rajah" at the top we all know your words were directed at Susan and I.

      I must admit my total despair knows no bounds when I realise the full extend of the meaning your word convey. A woman becoming pregnant is something to marvel at and celebrate so of course two women would be even more wonderful. You words convey the image of something terrible has come upon us like some impending disaster. Quote: "How could you allow this.....two women pregnant together.......overwhelming situation.

      Ha! So is that what you think James? Well I know different.

      Don't you men want to see a pregnant woman? Aren't you men amazed at what our bodies go through in the process of creating a child? Don't you guys enjoy seeing a sexy woman pregnant posing naked before you? Don't you guys like to hold a pregnant woman in your arms? Don't you guys want to touch her belly how it swells and don't you want to explore her enlarged breasts, feel her enlarged nipples? Don't you guys want to fuck her, have wild sex with her?

      I'm sure that is a yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! To all of the above. So what's the problem with two of us?

      Oh and if you insist on bringing your relief team too. Don't worry, Susan and I can handle all of them too. LOL.
      Regards Anne.

    2. Allan & Rajah
      From reading above, I perceive my warnings before may have been in vain as your fate is already decided. It only remains for me to offer what little encouragement I can in the hope it may inspire you to new heights of bravery. By what they wrote in reply I do fear for you as it might already be too late for you to overcome the combined sexual cravings of Sexy Sue and Awesome Anne.

      Next time I meet the Queen Elizabeth II, I will put a recommendation that you be awarded a Victoria Cross for your valour and bravery in the face of an aggressive and determined enemy.
      By strong boys,

    3. Hello James,
      We read your concern for Allan and I but we ponder the true purpose of your words. The phrase "adding fuel to the fire" comes to mind. I'm sure you know how excitable these girls are.

      Awesome Anne and Sexy Sue, we think you two should behave yourselves and stop acting like bitches (female dogs) on heat. LOL
      Allan and Rajah.

    4. Hi James
      Just out of interest, what is this connection you have with the Queen.

      Allan and Rajah have brought it to our attention that maybe Susan and I went a bit far in our posts above. Its Ok having that in the stories but they think we should tone it down a bit in the comments.

    5. Hi Anne - Hi everyone.
      Your question first. The reply should be none. When I worked for the Indian Civil Service I did actually meet Queen Elizabeth II while she was touring India but I'd be nothing more than one of the millions she must have met. My comment was all part of the fun teasing you two.

      Yes I must confess it surprised me. But sexy, Oh my! Its been a long time since two beautiful women have spoken to me like that. I must certainly add, there was most definitely no offence on my part. Quite the contrary in fact.

      But yes Rajah and Allan, I except blame for my part too. I too will behave myself. (a bit) Yes these two are rather excitable but please don't tone that down. Rather enjoy it and them. That raw sexual energy they radiate, is catching for all of us.

      I speak for all of us who read your blog. Thank you all for sharing some of your life with us. You are all wonderful people, an amazing group. My wife and I would love to read about you, would love to meet you all one day. Take that as an invitation to stay with us next time you are in India.
      James and Raviprabha.

    6. Thanks James and Raviprabha.
      I just saw your comment arrive while I was working on the blog.

      We appreciate your words above. Interesting that you have actually met the Queen. I did see her once when she was in Auckland. As she rode past in a car I waved and she waved back at me and the hundreds surrounding me. Does that count? LOL

      Yes we would like to meet you and may well take you up on that offer. We hope to be in India in 2015. Closer to the time we will talk more about that.

    7. Yes it does Anne.
      QE II was obviously looking at you and waving to you. Well I would have been.

  5. You girls Anne and Susan are very sexy girls.
    I like reading about you and getting to know you.
    I wish I could be so bold like you, wearing the sexy clothings and bikinis and enjoying the sexy things. But my culture here would never allow it. Us women are expected to be much more modest in our appearance. When I leave my home, a man must go with me and all is covered, even my face. Now I think you can guess the type of country I live in.
    But they can't stop what is in my mind. I can enjoy my fantasy through your letters. I would love to join you on a public beach in one of your sexy bikinis. Showing the men almost all my body parts.
    Sorry I am unable to give me name.

    1. Hi It is Anne.
      I know you might be expecting Susan since she wrote this story but she handed it to me, We just spotted your comment arrive minutes ago.
      Now dressing like that, you must like in a Muslim country like Saudi Arabia. Is this correct, Don't give the country name. I have seen women dressed as you must be. In a hot country that must be terrible to wear. Can I ask you some more personal questions? What do you wear underneath? Do you wear sexy underwear? Do you keep your hair nicely brushed and looking neat?
      Now that fantasy. It may surprise you but fantasies like that were the driving force behind the early parts of this blog. We were interested in getting into showing our bodies, exhibitionism it is called, but were too scared to try. Finally we broke te ice and did it. I must admit I still get turned on by it. Have you found some of these stories? I believe we have a lot here for your fantasy.
      LOL Anne.

  6. LOL this guy Peter must be a horny guy right? But who wouldn't be with all you lovely ladies xxxxx Peter

    1. Thanks Peter.
      This Peter is not the horny guy. Its the Peter from Australia who is horny. LOL
      Sexy Sue
