Friday 14 November 2014

Story 120 Topless Sliders.

Hi everyone Katrina here.
            I know we have taken a long time to get to this volume, but after all the work many of us did on Volume 8 we didn’t feel like continuing. It has taken nearly four months for us to even decide to pick up the project again. Even then Amita didn’t want to continue so I have taken it over for myself. I was receiving the stories from the end of Vol 8 and I will be doing this for a while until she feels like doing it again.  

            Now let’s get on with the letters stories. Naughty letters stories, that’s what Steve is calling, isn’t it? That is what we should be doing, ‘Naughty Letter Stories.’ Ha! Ha! So come on everyone, let’s make many more ‘naughty’ stories for the naughty letters books.

       First off a bit of admin stuff as Shanti is saying. We so enjoyed the way Shanti laid out the Warkworth trip that we have decided to do this the same way. My story will begin and be included at the start of Shanti’s story and then many of you will add your own stories while my story continues into some of these letters as we go until my story does the ending. 

            This volume concerns a couple of days after the Warkworth trip when we all travelled to the south to the places located within the centre of New Zealand’s North Island. This area is containing many interesting attractions which I was enjoying and taking the many photographs to show off to my friends back in India.
            Like I am saying, I was very happy with because Shanti and Mike did a very good job of the planning of it and all the arrangements were working perfectly for us. As had been the case with the other trip to Warkworth, everyone, even including all the children, travelled with us which made us into a very large group. But for this trip, we did not stay in tents and do any camping, instead of for this trip we were staying in motels and hotels every night.                   

Day One – Auckland to Waitomo Caves.
            Our plan for the first day was to leave Auckland and proceed to where we had our lunch at a small seaside area on the west side of the North Island. This location has the name of Raglan, both the beautiful harbour and the small town.
            Before we could reach Raglan we also discovered a very nice place to go swimming at some hot pools. I am thinking that New Zealand must be having these natural hot pools all over in every place because I have been seeing a lot of them while we were visiting there.
       At this pool, something a little bit sexy and a little bit funny happened. Now I will hand over to Shanti so she can be telling this adventure and we can be learning it.

Topless Sliders

Hi, it is Shanti here.
            I want to tell you about what happened at the Waingaro Hot Springs. This pool complex is found in a small country location, on the route from Huntly to Raglan. It is set in a small valley with not much else other than the hot pools, a hotel and a small caravan park. We did actually consider staying here when Mike and I were planning the trip.
            It was a good place to stop for a break from our trip. A good chance to try out our new Wicked Weasel swimwear again too. I know the guys were all for that too.

        One of the features of this pool is a long water slide which begins well up on the hill side. It is a spectacular slide, said to be the longest hot water slide in New Zealand. Well, of course, many of us wanted to give it a go. So soon a group of us were climbing up the steps to the top.
            Two of the guys, Joseph then Mike went first and Katrina sat down in the water to follow them. She was wearing her tiny WW bikini and I noticed she adjusted her bikini top across her breasts making sure it was securely fastened before she pushed off.
            Soon we watched her racing down the slide and it was surprising how fast she was going. She hit the bottom and plunged into the pool with a great splash. That was where things got more interesting because when she stood up we could see she had lost her top.
            She was standing there in the middle of the pool, her hands clasped over her breasts while desperately looking for her bikini top. Mike who was standing beside the pool spotted it and pointed it out to her and as she got out of the pool we could see her putting it back on.
            Well, that gave me a bright idea. Yes, I know what you are saying:- I always get them!
            “Let’s all go down topless?” I said.
            “Sure,” said Lizamoa. “I’m game.”
            “And me too,” added Hansini.
            I sat down in the water and then reaching for my top, I slipped it off, leaving me in just my tiny bikini bottom, not much more than a G-string. Then pushing myself off, I was soon racing down the water shoot gripping my top as I went. At the bottom I stood up, my breasts still openly bare as I walked to the side of the pool, before replacing my top as I stepped up out of the water.
            Lizamoa was just behind me and she also had her top off as well. Then she was followed by Hansini who went topless by folding down her cut-away yellow one piece to reveal her tits too.
            As Hansini was getting out of the pool a park attendant appeared. He began telling us off for going topless. He told us that if we did it again we would be asked to leave. This was a family pool and we should respect that. We thought this was a little bit funny since there was hardly anyone there, it still being mid-morning and the pools only just opening. It was a school day too, so there were no children around except ours.
        Just as he was turning to walk away Amita came down the slide holding her bikini top in one hand. He turned to see her stand up and did he go off at us again. Totally uncalled for, totally over the top if you ask me.
            When I walked over to Mike and Joseph I could see they had a smile on their faces. “In trouble again, Shanti,” Mike laughed.
            “Spoil-sports!” I muttered. “That guy needs to get a life!”
            “Well, you should know better. After all, this is a public pool. You must respect that,” he said repeating what the guy had said.
            “Just a bit of harmless fun.”
            “He didn’t see it like that.”
            “All we were doing was going topless down the water slide.”
            “But I know you Shanti. You can never resist the chance to show off your tits, can you?”
            I had to smile at that. There was no need denying it. I do like showing off and I do jump at any chance I get to do so. That sort of killed the conversation.
            We did go down the slide again but this time we made sure our tops stayed on, that park attendant kept watching us. But I thought it a bit strange in a way, many of us were wearing quite revealing even sheer when wet swimsuits. But it seemed to be OK to show our tits and nipples through the fabric. It was only taking our top off that seemed to be a problem. I would have thought a see-through suit would be much sexier.
           Oh well, we did it once before he stopped us and when Jenny dared me I went up and did it again right before we got out. It was a thrill, coming down a slide like that topless. I love doing it. (Oh, sorry I can't admit that can I since it's always an accident.)
          Anyway, as expected he was waiting for me at the bottom. Without bothering to replace my top I stepped out of the pool in front of him. Before he could open his mouth, I got in first.
         “Yes! Yes! I know,” I said. “Get out of the pool and get dressed.”
         “I warned you………” he began before I cut him off again.
         “We’re all leaving now anyway.”
         Still, without my top on, I turned and walked away, heading for the changing rooms.    

Hi, Katrina again.
            And please don’t be blaming me for you girls getting into trouble up on the slide Shanti. My top really did come off by accident, not like you three did.

            From the Waingaro Hot Springs, we continued on down to the small town of Raglan which is actually a small fishing port beside this very beautiful harbour. Just past the town, we came to the ocean where we were able to watch people doing the surfing. Mike was telling that this is a very famous place for surfing and they even hold some popular international contests here.
            On the way back through the Raglan town, they took us down to a small café near the water side in the harbour. It was within this café that they are having what Peter was calling the best seafood chowder in the world.
            So we all were deciding to order that one and I received a bowl full of the seafood and with nice tasty gravy too. That was a very nice lunch Peter but very filling too, almost like a dinner. I think I ate too much!
            After our lunch, we went on to the town called Waitomo which is very famous within New Zealand for their limestone and their glow-worm caves. We stayed at a motel which had a small restaurant next-door. Our group was the only one there and so we almost filled the entire place.


  1. Enjoyed the way you did this Anne. You managed to change the writing style between Shanti and Katrina.

  2. Not to sexy but three Indians topless, would be a sight to see. I like the way Shanti defired the pool attendant by doing it again. This time walking off to the changing room still topless.
    Then Katrina telling us it was not her fault. I dont think anyone was getting blamed other than Shanti.
    I've tried one of those Raglan seafood chowders. They're great, the best that I know of.
