Friday 17 February 2017

Story 194 India - Part Three - On to India.

Part Three – On to India.
         Our flight to India was also with Singapore Airlines. It was really an early flight, still dark when we left the hotel for the airport. It was a bigger group now but didn’t take too long to get through and ready to board our next flight.
        This flight took us out over the Indian Ocean and on to India. This time Mike was sitting beside us and he said he was hiding from Shanti. I wasn’t sure what he meant by that until I read their story about the flight from New Zealand. (Story 187 Travelling to India - Part One.)

         Our first landfall in India was a very large city called Hyderabad. I hadn’t even heard of it until a few days before our trip and it is one of the largest cities in India. Shows how much I know! We’d had been flying over India for quite some time before we came in on final approach, preparing for landing. As we came around towards the airport I caught sight of the city, a cluster of very tall buildings in the distance, surrounded by many small buildings and houses. It looked to be a huge city. We came in fast and low over a busy road and we were down.
        The airport was modern and efficient, we were processed quickly. Once we had our bags we headed towards our smaller flight. Others seemed to know where they were going so Tom and I just followed along with the group. I had Carol, one of the twins, with me again. She seemed to like being with me as long as her mother and sister were close by. Part of the time she walked and partly I carried her.

        The next aircraft was very small and the airline hostess told us that they had put on a special flight for us. We almost filled the aircraft too, with 15 adults and about 10 kids. They had added a few more passengers who also wanted to fly to this city. I sat across the aisle from Jenny. She had Kirsten but to everyone’s surprise, Carol had elected to sit with me. Tom just took another seat behind us. This plane flew a lot lower and Carol and I were looking out at the scenery below us, picking out houses and buildings. The land looked lush and green with a number of rivers winding through.
         It wasn’t long before we were on the ground again at a much smaller airport at the small city of Kadapa. Soon we were off the plane and into the terminal. We gathered our bags and made for the entrance. There were a few people outside waiting for others from our aircraft but they moved aside to allow our group to move through. A man stepped forward, a taller slim Indian whom I remembered was Sarvesh. He had an air about him, of someone in command, a man of authority. Beside him was a woman, also slim, almost as tall, his wife Amita, of course.
        Mike and Shanti stepped forward to greet them and then others in our group followed. We were towards the last to meet them. He remembered us and greeted me with a hug. Amita followed after him and I noticed Tom pulled her closer than she had intended.
        “Tom and Betty,” he said. “I’m so glad you could make it.”
        “Welcome to India,” she added with a beaming smile.
        They took us out of the small terminal building to where two large busses were waiting. We were directed on to the bus Amita was hosting. Soon we were out into the busy streets of the city. It was almost crazy how busy and blocked the traffic was. Who could make any sense out of it? All sorts of cars, trucks, carts and bikes fighting their way along the streets. To make it worse they had our two big buses to contend with too.
        The countryside was interesting. We quickly noticed the farms seemed to be smaller with people growing crops rather than pastoral as was the case in New Zealand. Joseph sat across from us and was pointing out things along the way. Amita was telling us about some of the sights too. I heard that we could have made this trip by train but Sarvesh preferred that we travelled via road. Something to do with train schedules I think.
        We didn’t see much of their town that day, turning off up a side road before the town centre. I noted the bus behind us continued straight into the town. Soon we passed a large white house on the hillside above us, surround by a high wall of white concrete. Amita told us this was her house. I knew these people were wealthy but wasn’t expecting that! Around the corner, we came to the main entrance, a huge steel gate, closed at that time.
       A bit further up the road, we came to another large house. Not as large as the first but in a great location. I could see that it was still under construction with a lot of workmen everywhere. Our bus turned in here, stopping at the front entrance.

       Jeevan and Mandara had invited us to stay at their house. We knew it was still under construction but we still agreed to stay. If not they would have found accommodation for us at Sarvesh’s house nearby I suppose. As it was, we took most evening meals at their house.
        Mandara was a lovely lady and I took an immediate liking to her. I had never met her before because they hadn’t toured New Zealand when the other Indians did. When her husband had travelled he seems to take the other women with him as Mandara tended to stay home with the children. From the moment we met, we seemed to get on together. She was a very gentle lady, a bit quiet, didn’t say much unless you got her talking on a subject she was confident with. Perhaps that was the point here; she was shy, not the confidence and outgoing of some of the other Indian women.
        My husband, Tom, seemed to get on well with her and it soon became apparent that his attention was welcome too. I was a bit amused watching them. She laughed at his rather lame jokes and gave him her full attention whenever he talked. It was a tiny bit physical too, right from that very first hug. I noticed the hand on his shoulder when she brought him a cold drink, the touch on her arm when he thanked her, the way she chose to take the seat next to him sitting rather closer than was necessary. Yes, it was soon becoming obvious where this was going.
       Jeevan arrived back from his office about the time the builders and other workmen knocked off for the day. Now we were alone with them and their three children in this big house. What had been finished was lovely and it will sure be a beautiful house in a lovely location when it is done.
       I mentioned this to Jeevan and he said, “Thanks but the location of your house is far better looking out over the ocean like that.”
       Yes, we do have a nice view from our farm, even if our house is old and a bit tired.

       They had a meal ready for us which would be the only time we would eat the evening meal in this house as the kitchen was still under construction, getting tiles added while we were there.
       The children were nice, well behaved and polite. Their eldest daughter, Riya was a pretty girl. About 12 or 13 I think. She seemed about the same age as Shanti’s daughter Kathy. She sat with me for a while telling me about India. Her English was very poor but we got by ok. I told her about my country and showed her photos of our farm in New Zealand. She loved the cows.

      After the kids had gone to bed we were sitting outside in an area overlooking the town. Earlier when it was light, Mandara had pointed out all the landmarks, of the town, the large warehouse buildings, the club/hotel and the Game Reserve. I had heard about these in the stories. Now it was dark and below us were the lights of the town.     
       Yes, I know all you naughty boys are asking, ‘Well, what did these people get up to?’ I could say, ‘Oh, nothing. Just watched TV.’ But I would be deceiving, wouldn’t I?
       Jeevan sat beside me and Tom was with Mandara. Soon I moved so I was sitting with my feet up on the couch and my back against Jeevan. In this position, I was looking directly at Tom and Mandara.
       She looked over at me and asked, “Is this man always as bad as Amita and Hansini say he is?”
      That was rather a direct question. I wasn’t expecting it so quickly.
      “Sometimes worse,” I replied.
      “Oh, I hope so,” she giggled.
      She had moved into a similar position I was in with her feet on the seat and her back against him. She gave him a light slap on his thigh.
       “So bad boy. How bad are you going to be for me?”
       “Very bad,” he replied.
       As he said that his hand came up over her sari, straight for her breast. I notice she didn’t protest or remove it. Just sitting back, allowing him full access to her breasts, giving her a good squeeze and feel up too.
       I watched them for a while as we continued talking. Then she was offering to get them out for him. I was surprised since we were out on a deck overlooking the town but it was dark and the only light was behind us. If anyone could see us from way down there, they would only see the outline of some people sitting here.
       I don’t know why but suddenly I had told her, “Tom likes big tits.”
       “Oh does he?” she replied. “Does he like mine then?”
        “I’m sure he does,” I replied.
        Then turning towards him she said, “Come on Bad Boy. You can get them out.”
        He did too. Her sari was pulled down and her blouse was undone. Soon he had her bra pulled down and was playing with her tits and large nipples. That was quick I thought but then she did ask him to do it. Meanwhile, the man behind me was busy too. My blouse was undone and my bra was pulled away too. Soon he pushed me forward so he could totally remove my blouse and bra.
         So here we were, both of us with our tits out with the guys’ hands all over them. I must admit it felt good, making me horny too.
         Mandara must have been feeling the same too as suddenly she leant forward and stood up. Her sari blouse and bra were quickly removed and she turned to face him. Kneeling between his legs her hands went for his shorts. She soon had him naked from the waist down and was reaching for his cock.
         Yes, you have guessed it, a feel up soon became a full on blowjob. I was watching them. I could see her head bobbing as she sucked him and saw the look on his face too. Oh, that was good. I wanted some of that too.
         I got up and turned to face Jeevan. He was wearing a wraparound garment made of white cloth with blue checks. It was not what guys in New Zealand would wear but was common here, for guys when they were at home, I was to discover. I pulled it open to find he was naked underneath. Oh wow! Naughty boy!
         I reached for him, reaching to take hold of his hard cock. Yes, he was hard, very hard but I knew that as I could feel it when I had been leaning back against him. I thought about sucking him as Mandara was doing to Tom but then had a better idea. Quickly I had my shorts and panties off and then was pulling to get his gear off. He helped me and soon he was left only wearing his open shirt.
          I got onto the couch, sitting facing him with a leg each side of him. His hand went straight to my pussy as the other went for my tit. If I was horny before, what he was doing to my pussy made me even more so. Soon the juices were running, flowing from me as he was thrusting his fingers deep inside me.
         That was good. I was sitting there, my eyes closed, my hands holding his shoulders. Enjoying his finger fucking, giving little moans as I did. If he had continued, I'm sure I could have easily got off like that.
         But soon he decided I was ready. His hands went to my hips, pulling me forward and then I felt his hand between us as he guided his cock to my pussy. In the state I was in, he easily slipped into me and soon we were fucking, my hips moving driving in and out against him. Oh, that was good, fucking him like that. He was responding to me and I to him.
         Yes, I know it’s hard to believe but we were sitting there outside fucking. To tell you the truth, I didn’t think much about it until afterwards. Anyway, as I said before, the town was a long way down the hill and it was dark where we were sitting so it's unlikely anyone would have noticed much.
        I was working my hips, working my pussy, thrusting down at his cock, which was hard and standing to attention. It felt good and in that position, there was good contact with my clit too. The feelings were growing as an orgasm was awakening. I knew this was going to be quick. I couldn't help it as I was just so horny for him. I could feel him against me, his body against me. Yes, by his breathing, it was very clear he was getting there too.
        Suddenly his body gave a jerk and a deep moan escaped from his lips. I knew he was cumming. Moments later he was over. He had slipped out and now his fingers were working with me again as I built the last climb to my peak. He leant forward, taking a nipple into his mouth and sucked. I was close and that was what sent me over. Yes, it had been a good start, good for both of us.

Sex with Jeevan
        I looked over to discover the other seat was empty. Unlike us, they had decided to find somewhere more comfortable to their first time together.
        We left too, heading for a bedroom, not the one Tom and I had but the master bedroom. It was a beautiful room, the furniture made of some dark timber like oak, the walls had hanging silks. It looked like something out of Arabian Nights. Being at the very top of the house the view from a small deck here was spectacular.
       But I didn’t have much time to admire the room or the view before I was being dragged to the bed. Dragged? Well sounds good doesn't it but to tell the truth, there wasn’t much dragging needed. I climbed onto the bed and sunk into it, so soft and comfortable.
       Jeevan got me to lie back and he began working with my body. It was like a massage but lighter, more fingers running all over my body, more like tickling than massaging. But it felt good, his finger-tips seemed alive almost electric. He finished with my breasts and then my pussy.
       He took each breast with his hands, working and gently squeezing the soft flesh. Meanwhile, his mouth had come down on my nipple, first his tongue licking over it, and then his lips closing as he began sucking. Oh, I love a man doing that! He repeated it all with my other breast before returning to my first one again. He did this a few times swapping backwards and forwards between my tits like that. Of course, I was lying back against the pillows, enjoying every moment of it.
       I had heard Jeevan could be like this. Slow and methodical in his lovemaking. He had not been like that in New Zealand but that was different as there were others involved too. He had not been like this outside either but now we were alone, the whole night was in front of us. We had all the time in the world and he was set to enjoy it.
       He moved lower, his hand going for my pussy. First just lightly touching my hair there. His fingers running across and then through my thick bush. Soon the other hand joined in, now working together with a sort of scratching movement. Again it was something new for me. Felt good too. Lightly a finger found and ran down over my pussy lips. With all this, I was open, my swollen lips parted and ready. The next stroke was firmer, his fingertip pressing between my lips.
       This continued as I lay with my eyes closed, enjoying what he was doing to my pussy. Soon both hands were involved, working and stroking against my wet pussy lips. I wanted him to push into me and even humped back against him but still, he held back. Just running his fingers over the outside or running a fingertip between my parted lips. By now I really was enjoying it. The feelings growing from my pussy but also the desire for more too. Yes, I wanted more, enjoyment and frustration mixing together.     
        Finally, he did go further, his fingers each side pulling me open. I was expecting a tongue but no, he just gently blew on me. His breath, contacting the soft sensitiveness of my inner lips. Oh, was that great. It sent a wave of excitement surging through my body. He did that a few more times and then I felt the softness of his tongue contact me. Long slow licks, right up along the full length of my pussy lips. Short thrusts, his tongue-tip probing in deeper, then back to those long slow licks again.
        One hand move to the top, pulling my lips open while two fingers of the other hand began pressing into me. Pulling back, and then thrusting in again. Using two fingers and then three fingers, he was finger fucking me. Then he went in for the kill. His mouth came down to my clitty, first licking over it and then sucking on my swollen lips.
        That was it for me. My pussy burst into the thrilling throes of orgasm. It was a big one, powerful, going on and on as he worked to keep me at my peak for as long as he could. I was moaning, crying out, bucking around. My body humping back at him, bucking back at him as he fought to control me, hold his face and lips to my clitty.
         Finally, I was over. I lay back on the bed exhausted. Oh, I’m not inexperienced with sexual matters and had many orgasms in my time but this man had just taken me to a place I’d never been before. I’d heard the girls in New Zealand say Jeevan was a master at orgasm making. Yes, I'm converted, a believer now.

         Our evening wasn’t over yet. We did it in both the main positions with him on top and then me on top. It was good sex, well I probably should say very good sex, great sex. But the orgasms produced were nothing compared to what he had done that first time, with his tongue.
         First, he rolled on to me and my body took his weight as he entered me. He started slowly as I was kind of expecting he would and then come a long build up for we both reached our climax. It had been another good sex session and we both felt the need to relax and rest for a while. I lay against him and we talked for a while. I was nice like that.
         Some time later, now deep into the night, we did it again. This time it was me on top. This time it was me fucking him. As I worked my hips, pressing myself back against him, he reached for my breasts, giving them the treatment.
        Soon I could see that his excitement was growing. I was surprised at this because I wasn’t even close and he looked ready to cum. Then I thought, ‘why not,’ and I began increasing my speed and driving back so his cock was thrust deep inside me. It was good for me but before I could get anywhere close to a cum, he was over and I stopped, allowing him to finish inside me.
        He was concerned that I hadn’t made it again but I assured him that I’d had more than enough for one night. I wasn’t sure he was entirely happy with that but since it was now well into the early hours we settled down to get some sleep.

Sex with Mandara.
Hi from Tom.
         Jeevan’s wife made it very clear she was interested from the moment we arrived. I heard later that these Indian women had been talking about how they were going to get naughty with their house guests. I think that had got them all horny and ready to go. I’ve heard there was fun that night in the other houses too.
        Well, I was sitting beside her. We were out on this concrete deck overlooking the lights of the town. It had been a hot day and even now the air was still warm. I saw Betty move, putting her feet up on the couch, and resting back against Jeevan. That is a favourite position, she often does that with me, when we are watching TV.
        I notice that soon Mandara decided to copy her too. There was that conversation between the girls, about me, if I was going to be naughty with Mandara. It was an icebreaker, and soon Mandara was as good as telling me she wanted me that night.
        So I responded by bringing my hands up to her breasts. There was no feeling elsewhere first, I just went straight for her chest. She has a lovely pair too. Nice big round melons just waiting for a naughty boy to come along and pick (enjoy) them. Tonight that boy was going to be me. As we talked I continued to feel them through her sari. They were lovely and I was thinking what they would be like once she was naked.
        Then my wife said, “Tom likes big tits, Mandara.”
        “Oh does he? Is that why mine are getting so much attention?”
        She slaps my leg again. “You like my tits, bad boy?”
        “Yes…… They are…..”
       “Well, don’t just sit there. Get them out.”
       Of course, I did. As I said, they were beauties too. Great big round melons, peaked with large nipples surrounded by big black areolas. This trip had been a trip of big breasts, just the way I like them too. First, before we left there were Sharon’s big ones to enjoy. Then in Singapore, Paula presented me with a pair well worthy of my attention. Now I got to enjoy Mandara’s too.
       Sure they weren’t the first Indian breasts I had the pleasure of getting acquainted with, both Hansini and Amita are delightful girls, hot and sexy, fun to be with but my passion is for the big ones. Something you can grab, enjoy, get your head between.
       I was playing with them while she lay back against me. We were watching what was happening on the other seat. Yes, my wife wasn’t just content to get her tits out. She had got completely naked. She soon had Jeevan the same way and now they were fucking. She was sitting over him, riding him.
       Mandara got up and kneeled before me. My shorts were gone and my little cock was out. Soon she was giving me the treatment, a great blow-job. It was good and I knew if she continued I would have cum. I didn’t want that, not there.
       “Come on,” I told her pulling her head up. “Let’s go find somewhere more comfortable.”
       She smiled and nodded. So standing up I took her hand and we left the deck heading for a bedroom. I don’t think the other two had even noticed we were gone.

       I’d heard a lot about this couple Jeevan and Mandara. Stories about her go right back to almost the beginning of the Letter’s Books. I was looking forward to being with her now.
       She is a shy, a rather quiet woman and I had some trouble earlier getting some conversation out of her, but here in the bedroom, she was suddenly different. She seemed bold and confident, a confidence I hadn’t seen before. A bit wild too, hungry for sex. She knew exactly what she wanted and wasn’t shy about it, telling me how we were going to do it.
        We started with a massage. This sounds like what happened with my wife Betty but Mandara gave me a proper massage, especially working on my back and shoulders. She said it was to relax and loosen me up and it worked too. She has strong hands for a woman and the way she worked my shoulder muscles, rubbing oil into my skin was wonderful. Mandara told me that she learnt how to do that from Shanti and Mike.
        When she got me to turn over it became a bit sexual. She finished giving my cock a good work over to so he was standing up like a brave little soldier. Then she moved up behind my head. I felt one knee each side and as she reached for my neck and chest she was reaching over my face. Yes, you get the idea, those great melons swinging back and forth, me flicking at her nipples with my tongue. Oh, what a delight that was!
       I love the way she turned this into a hot 69 with her on top. She just reached extra forward so as she came down onto my body, her face and mouth came down on to my cock while her pussy came down to my face. Oh, that was well done, so smoothly moving from a massage to a sexual position like that.
       What she was doing to me was good too. She had started in a similar way with a bit of licking over and around the head. Then I felt her lips close over me as she took all of me into her mouth and began sucking. This was good and it didn’t take her long to get me thinking I was heading for another orgasm. But it wasn’t to be.
        With a hot wet pussy presented to me like that, what am I supposed to do? Eat it, of course! And that is what I did. First a few licks and the some probing with my tongue. I reached up around her to grab the rounded cheeks of her arse, pulling her pussy down to me. Now I could really reach into her, sucking at the engorged pussy lips and thrusting my tongue deep in between too. Oh, was she juicy? It was just flowing from her and I loved that too.
        I love the pussies on these Indian girls. How their skin appears as dark as the rest of their bodies with the areas such as their pussy lips, even darker, almost black. Then you reach for them with your fingers, pull their lips apart, pull them open. There is the pink flesh, made even brighter with the contrast of their dark outer pussy lips. It was a surprise to discover that the first time with Hansini and always been a delight with every Indian woman I’ve been with.
        She was so ready for me. You could see the beads of moisture on the pink flesh. Just asking for me to come in and lick it out. That was what I did too. My tongue going straight into her, pressing in between the dark folds of her lips, contacting the softness of her inner lips. She responded immediately, humping and bucking at me. I grabbed her arse cheeks even tighter, pulling her closer sending my tongue even deeper into her. She stopped what she was doing to me, gave a deep moan that appeared to come from deep in her throat. Then she cums. Just like that, she cum so fast! It was a good one, she cried out as her body bucked on top of mine. I tried holding her but the feelings driving her were much too strong. She pulled away from me and landed on the bed beside me.  
        I know I’d missed out at that point but I didn’t really mind. The night was young and we had time for more fun later. What pleased me was the satisfaction of knowing I had given this lovely woman a wild, exciting orgasm.
       She was of course, a bit concerned for me, concerned that I had missed out. I assured her that it wasn’t important at that time. I had given her a good one and when she was ready we could worry about me.
      She smiled, leant over and gave me a kiss on the cheek. “And it will be a good one,” she promised.

      Later, she wanted to ride me so I could play with her tits. That was good. They were flopping around under her as she fucked me. My little cock hardly going in but she quickly figured out how to place her pussy so I was thrusting in under her hood, directly against her clitty.
       This worked well for both of us and before long I felt her body shudder as she got off again. This time I was close behind her too.  
       Next time we did it with me on top. This didn’t work so well for me but she seemed to enjoy it. Once her fun was over she changed position so she was on her hands and knees with the beautiful ample curves of her arse was presented to me.  
        I ran my fingers over her cheeks, down into the gap between, over the puckered hole then lower to her wet pussy. Then I brought me cock to her. Like that she presented her pussy to me and I was able to easily slip into her. Not far but far enough to do the job. Like that it didn’t take me long to get off. Soon I had pumped the last of me cum into her and we were finished.
        She reached over to the bedside where there were too little towels which we could use to wipe ourselves off. Then as I lay back on the bed she settled down against me. Her body was against me, an arm around me, her thigh over mine as she rested her head on my shoulder. We hadn’t bothered with any sheet over us. 

        “I like taking love-games with you, Tom.”
        “Thanks, Mandara. I enjoyed it too.”
        “You know what is needed to please me,” she went on. “Like the experience of the…..”
        “Mature, older man?” I knew where she was going with this.
        “No! No!” she said sitting up to look me in the face. “Not old. Mature is to be the word.”
        “Let’s say a well-matured, a fine vintage,” I said.
        She looked at me for a moment. Not sure what I had just said. Then she smiled. “Oh, you mean like a fine wine. Just right for enjoyment.”
       “That’s it, honey,” I laughed.
       “And I did enjoy it too.” she whispered as she cuddled against me.

       Soon we had drifted into the deep sleep that often follows fulfilling sex.


  1. Hi Mary & Ronnie,
    We are enjoying this story. You have made it real, making us feel we were there. Those little things, like an older lady helping a young toddler through a busy airport. They are special. I was thinking about when went touring with you all in Auckland. While Susan was busy helping show us around the Maori section of the Museum, you had Rebecca with you, Mary. That little girl and you were walking together and then you carried her, then walking again. All the time discussing the things you were looking at in the museum.
    The story then led to Jeevan's house. We met someone new, Riya. She has not been in the stories before. Is she there for futures stories in Letters the Next Generation? Some of Anne's long-term planning again?

    The sex was good. You took on both Betty's view and Tom's view. I've never tried writing through the eyes of a man. For that matter even thinking about how a man feels having sex. I asked Bill, he said that most of the time you girls get it very believable. Particularly Susan, she is good at that. Did she help here?
    Anyway, good work Mary. Looking forward to parts Four & Five.

    1. There is a lot here to reply to Sally.
      I like children so often take the little ones when they are busy. I don't mind. We go over to their house and Ronnie comes too. The kids like him too. It seemed a natural think for this part of my story.

      Now Riya, a ten year old Indian girl. Jeevan and Mandara's eldest daughter. Yes that was requested by Anne. She often does that, setting up for some future story. She gave me the details and a possible way of working it in. Riya, you will see her and Kathy again in a few months I think. They have a non sexual role for these two girls.

      Finally writing for a man. Best advice I had was to ask a man. This is not always useful as many men, like many women can't describe good sex. I talked about it with my husband Ronnie and with Rajah. So once I had an idea how it would go I started writing. Later Shandra and Susan both worked on it a bit. Yes Susan is good. She can really get into a man's mind when she writes.
      So Part four in a few days time. Not sure about part five yet.

  2. The story continues. Still looking good Mary.
    Been enjoying a different way of seeing things. So older people are still sexy are they? I've had a few of you older women who have proved that. LOL

    1. Oh funny guy, Rajah.
      Are older people sexy? Yes I think that has been well and truely proved.
      Thanks for your advice and help.
      Cum over and give me some more advice, any time. LOL

    2. I'll take you up on that Mary.

  3. Hi all
    Another good installment Mary, like Sally says you make us believe in the characters, but you seem to do it in a different way to all of the others. It's so true that a mature, vintage style gives an alternative view point. Not more or less believable but different.
    Rajah - you can learn a lot from experience, have you never heard about the old and the young bull looking down the hill at the herd?

    1. Thanks Ian. You are a real follower of this blog now.
      Anne and Susan told me to try and write as I would normally talk. This means I'd put some of me into this story. It seems to be lacking a bit in their writing now.

    2. Anne and Susan lacking in anything?...I'm so glad I didn't say that. Even from 10000 miles away my arse would be in their sights. Susans size 7's are legendary lol

    3. Ian, again! I should have known.
      Did you know arse kicking is considered a very dangerous activity? Injury to feet, particularly toes could occur. I know you would not want me to hurt myself so you'll be pleased to learn, I intend to wear full Health & Safety recognized foot wear. My size 7 steel capped boots. Giving full protection to little toes during the kicking process. LOL
      Love you!!!
      Susan (H & S Officer & Pasture Manager)

    4. Susan,
      I have confirmed and signed off you H & S assessment regarding the kicking of Ian's arse. Will this be performed with or without his pants on? LOL
      You have my full permission to complete this task whenever the need arises.
      Anne (Group Farm Manager.)

    5. At great risk to my personal safety, I want to stand in surport of Ian. Susan, do you really believe Ian has committed an arse kicking offence?

    6. I love the comments in this blog. Half the time they have nothing to do with the story.

    7. Thank you James, you seem to be the only one who has read my comment properly. As soon as Susan and Anne see an opportunity to kick arse they seem blinded to everything else.

    8. James we appreciate your courage to stand beside your friend Ian. Maybe you can bend over beside him and Susan can do you at the same time. LOL
      Awesome Anne

    9. Thank you Awful Anne.
      You are just as bad as Susan.

    10. Just one small question at the risk of getting my own arse kicked. What does any of this have to do with Mary's story?
