Friday 3 February 2017

Story 194 Part One Background.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 194 Part One.

                                                                                        Written by Anne.
          Yes, I know, I didn’t write or publish this story, our new writer Mary did, we’ve decided not to burden her with the extra writing of backgrounds, instead, she can just concentrate on getting her story sections ready.
          Susan gave Mary an open brief for writing this story. The only thing she had to do was fit it in with previous Letters stories. She decided to take it from when Betty and Tom first got involved in the stories so really this first section is about building up to their trip, not the actual trip itself. I told Mary, it didn’t need to be sexy but she insisted she wanted to try some sex scenes.
         Now it has worked out that her story is actually divided into five sections. We said she could combine them but she wanted to leave them as separate short stories. Susan and I were ok with this and they will be published as five short stories. It’s even better that each section has worked out having its own sex scene too.

         Mary tells me the sex scene in this first section is closely based on a night Mary spent with Brian. He is very fit, trains at a gym and does a bit of running too. Mary quickly discovered that her fitness level, even with doing some walking most days, was nowhere near a match for him. Yes, I hear that it was a very physical night for her and like Betty, in this story, Mary was sore and tired next morning after her workout. But, like Betty said in the story, Mary also told us that she had a wild night and wouldn’t have missed a minute of it.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 191 Part One.


  1. Naughty Mary,
    She had a night of nooky with Brian and liked it so much she wants some more. LOL

  2. Wow! That's interesting how you used your own experience here. I read these stories when they were first published and enjoyed your way of writing. Now I'm going over them again.

  3. Hello Mary
    As you will know, Susan is guiding me on a journey through Letters as I follow Farmer Tom, a character inspired by my new husband Tom.
    I can see in the Index that this story is of five parts, of which this is Part One. So Tom has a liking for big tits does he? I think the real Tom does too even though being Asian, mine can't be said to be large.
    In this story, Tom takes a sideline part and we don't read much about what he did with Sharon. But I enjoyed this story and showed it to my husband. Well done Mary.
