Saturday 9 March 2019

Story 216 Part Two Background.

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Allan snr here.
       Now, finally, we get into some serious sex. It was obvious that spending an evening with Hansini, Mega and Mandara was going to be big. We wanted it to be a big sex scene stretching over two sections or story parts. But why these three women. You can understand Mike and Peter being together because they are mates but these three women while knowing each other, weren't exactly close. Or were they?
       First Mandara and Mike were close, there has been an attraction between them right from when they first met in India. Letter 56 Part CLetter 57 extra Story Six.  Hansini and Mega came into Letters at about the same time. They were taking steps to get naked in the group on their first Nude Weekends. They actually discussed this just before they actually did it. Letter/Story 66 Part Two. Hansini then went on to have many adventures with Amita while Mega moved to New Zealand with her husband Brian. 

       As I said above, this was a big sex scene made more complex by having five people involved. I knew I needed help so I called on the person most qualified to help me. Our expert at sex scenes, Sexy Sue. She was only too keen to help and got involved in the writing too. 
       It was her suggestion that there would be two sex scenes running beside each other on the same bed so we chose two people to carry us through these. Of course, one had to be Mike and we chose Mandara for the other. That way we could cover each of these sex scenes, told by someone involved in them.
      Now at the end of the story, these two characters get together. Yes, Part Three is going to be about Mike & Mandara. In acknowledgement to those early stories, we have given them their entire section. You can read this when we publish on the 20th of March.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 216 Part Two.


  1. No comments it said, so let's fix that. As a school teacher, I am always interested in the ideas and construction of these stories. Here we have a particularly interesting background. It is obvious that Allan snr is behind this story, involving all three sections but he has employed the skills of three good writers, pulling them in for a section each. Will be good to see where he goes with this.
    I have also noticed a kaleidoscope effect where in the first section we saw the group; the second section we saw just five people; and the third section looks will be only two. I don't know of this effect was intended but it is obvious to me.
    I am wondering about the house staff, the maids in these stories. I understood that the house staff were out of bounds, not to be used for any sex scenes. So where are we going with this? Is Anne too busy parading around in her sex bikini to notice and stop it? Where is Moa? Has Allan snr paid her off to be quiet? LOL
    Just some thoughts.

    1. Thanks for that great comment Amanda.
      Yes, there is a structure to these stories, as we move deeper and deeper into the sex of that night. As for a kaleidoscope affect, I have never thought of it that way. But when you think about, there is a pattern there, although not so defined as you are putting it above. I think the reason it went like this is that it had always been my intention to do a scene between Mandara and Mike. I like these two characters and wanted to feature them in a story. Parts One & Two are sort of a build-up for this final scene.
      As for paying off Moa. Ha! Ha! I don't think so. She'll get in here when she is ready. I have no doubt she is following the stories but have not heard any word from her as of yet.
      Does that help?
      Allan snr

  2. Interesting points you made Amanda. I can see a pattern in this story too. As for his selection of co-writers, some might wonder if it was for their writing ability or their inspirational skills. LOL
    Awesome Anne

    1. Awful Anne. Do you doubt my good intentions here. I fear you are trying to paint my efforts to write a story into some kind of sexual orgy. Bad girl, Anne!

    2. Yes Anne, Bad Girl!
      My efforts with Allan snr were almost entirely innocent. Except to the most tiniest bit of fun at his place one night. Much of the evening to be exact.
      All I did was ask what happened to the pink snake? I found myself in this tiny fluffy pink bikini, held by fluffy pink handcuffs while being 'attacked' by a long fluffy pink snake. Then came the huge pink dildo with the vibrating clitty hook. Wow! That was a hot one. Did he get me off.
      Totally take advantage of when all I went there for was to help him with he writing.
      Sexy Sue

    3. Ha! Ha! Got them both biting now. Love it!
      Awesome Anne.

  3. I am very interested in where you will go with Mandara. As most of you readers will know, I have invented most of the characters in this blog, including her. While others have taken them into their stories and in many cases made them their own, there is still a special link from me. Almost a bit like they are my children. I like to see them doing well and having great fun with each other.
    Now, Mandara has always been in the background compared to other women. She is a bit shy, probably had a low self esteem due to her larger size. When she has played a leading role she has shined. Been involved is some hot sex scenes. She also was helping Betty actively hunting for men to lure back to their bedroom during the recent wedding stories. LOL.
    I am pleased you have picked up on Mandara, Allan. I also note you have seen that closeness she has with MIke. I'm not involved in any of these stories other than some character advice so I am very interested to see where you go with these two. In my opinion they have great potential. Should be a great story.

  4. I have always found Mandara to be an interesting character. She has been in some good stories too. I also like having people who are a bit different too. A bit shy, not so outgoing.
