Saturday 24 April 2021

Story 253 Part Two Tukiko’s Sexual/Exhibitionism/Voyeurism.

Index of Letters                         Story 253 Part Two Background.                         Back to Story 253 Part One.   

Forward to Story 254.
April - 2021.
          These, the stories we now call the Tukiko Series, were originally published here a few months ago. When Anne published these stories on another website, she made many changes and improvements. Meanwhile, some of us were feeling uncomfortable with the stories here as they didn't really fit the storyline so finally, the decision was made to unpublish them update the storyline with some fill-in stories and then republish.
          After some fill-in stories have been published, the storyline has been brought up to date with this series regarding some of the younger characters, we can look at republishing the improved versions of these stories. During this process, we allowed further changes to be made. While republishing as if they were new stories, we have kept the original posts so any earlier comments that were made, have been retained.
                  Allan Jr.

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Tukiko the Sexual Partner.

Hi from Tukiko.
          I got the impression that Mike's wife, Shanti, and my mother, Sayako, were intent on putting Mike and me together. When I had mentioned I liked Mike, it was just like those silly things women quietly say to each other when they see a handsome man they like. It was meant like that too.
          You know the type of comment, "I'd like to have him in my bed."
          But Mum and Shanti took me seriously.
          "Do you want him?" Mum asked me.
          I was shocked at her for being so direct.
          "Maybe," I replied with a giggle.
          "Ok, leave it with me."
          "What? Mum!"
          "I'll sort it with Shanti."
          "But Mum, I..."
          "I know you Tukiko. I know you want him. He wants you to. I've seen him looking."
          The whole thing sort of took off after that. Yes, she was right, I did like him. I don't know why but I did want him. Being sexually attracted like that so quickly and with someone I've only just met, is not my usual style but it was happening this time. I was fairly sure he wanted me too.
          So, it was quickly arranged by those two naughty women and soon I found myself, leaving with Mike, leaving the group to go off by ourselves. I was a bit surprised it happened so fast, well even happening at all. Don't misunderstand here, I was happy with this outcome, just a bit surprised how quickly they pulled it off like that.
          I think Mike might have been surprised as well at how Sayako, my mother and Shanti, his wife were actively encouraging us to take off by ourselves. As we walked up the beach to our things, he said, "I wasn't expecting it would go like that."
          "Neither did I," I replied. Then I placed my hand on his arm and added, "But I'm pleased it has."
          "So am I," he smiled, his arm slipping around my waist to give me a hug. "Let's go have fun."
          I like how he did that, his strong arm around me, the flat of his hand holding my waist.
          On reaching our things, I noticed he had chosen to pull on his shorts and a shirt, nothing underneath them, of course. Not knowing exactly where we were going, I just took my towel in my hand and wore my bikini bottom, leaving my bikini top behind I wore nothing else. Why bother? I was going to get naked again to fuck him.
          Unknown to me, the Hillary Trail ran through the sand dunes behind this beach and on a sunny day like this, it was possible there could be some people on the track so it was better that we wore something. But going topless was still a bit daring and maybe I would have worn my bikini top if I had known.
          "Do you want to bring your top?" he had asked me. "There is a popular hiking track further back, behind the dunes."
          "No, it's ok," I had replied. I was enjoying the nudity and wanted to remain as naked as possible. Not thinking we would actually meet anyone, I said, "If we meet anyone, I can hang the towel over my front."
          He just grinned at that.
          "Unless you want me to go topless," I had added looking directly at him with that slightly cheeky smile of mine.
          "Either is fine."
          As we climbed the first dunes together, we were talking about swimming nude and I confessed how nice it was to be nude, how much I was enjoying it. For the difference in our ages, the conversation seemed to flow easily enough.
          It was small talk, nothing more than interesting chatter but in my mind, I was wondering about this man with me. So quickly I had committed myself to have sex with him, a man I hardly knew. Now the nerves began to kick in. What would it be like making love with him? Would I be good enough for him? With this group, he must be very experienced. He seemed to be a leader among this group. Could I please him? A bit silly when you think about it now. But that was how I was thinking. If we hadn't been walking together perhaps, I might have even chickened out, but it was too late for that.

          As we approached the main Hillary Track, we actually did meet a party of hikers. Quickly I had arranged the towel around my neck, hanging it down across my breasts, pulling it tight against me with my hands. It was obvious I was topless but like that, nothing was being shown.
          After greeting the hikers, we crossed over the track behind them and continued our climb.
          "You didn't go topless," he said.
          "You didn't tell me too."
          "I might on the way back."
          "Then I might do it," I said with a giggle.
          "Want to show your tits off, do you?"
          "Maybe, I do."
          These conversations were cheeky and flirty, maybe a bit daring each other. A bit of fun between us Again, nothing serious.
          "Might even go further if you do too."
          He looked at me and smiled. "What if I got naked then?"
          "Then I will too," I replied.
          That might have been going a bit far but I was caught up in the moment. Didn't expect it would ever come to that.

          As we climbed up through the sand dunes, we were back talking about our favourite subject again, the landscape behind this beach. Up closer, I could see the landslips with more detail and see the flow lines as the landscape had fallen towards the ocean at some distant time. Now, most of the area was covered with trees and scrub which softened the harsh lines of the steep hillsides and coastal land features. Yes, I know, I've mentioned this before, not sexy but I was fascinated by this place.
          We had arrived at the place he had selected for us to fuck. It was a sheltered hollow place well back through the dunes towards the steeper hillsides. While being well hidden from the beach it was still very open to anyone above us. I stood there watching as Mike spread out the towels.
          It wasn't until he motioned me that I stepped forward to take my place sitting on the towel. I think he might have noticed my hesitation.
          "You ok with this, Tukiko?" he asked me quietly.
          "Yes, fine," I replied. "It is just it happened so fast."
          "Ahh! I thought so," he replied.
          What did he mean by that 'I thought so?' Was my innocent inexperience showing through already? It worried me that somehow, I was showing myself up. I felt nervous, like an innocent virgin besides his obvious experience. Was that showing through too?
          Before I could answer, he continued, "Let's take things a bit slower and get used to the idea first before we do anything."
          I just nodded. But I was happy he had suggested it.
          Why was I this way with Mike? With Joseph, I'd been fine? At the waterfall I'd been straight into the thick of the action, no problems at all. Perhaps it had been easier with Joseph because Mum was with me.

          I lay back watching while he took his shirt and swim shorts off. Being in front of me like that, I got to admire his cock again, this time more openly, having a really good look. I liked what I saw too. Now he was hard, ready for action. A long smooth shaft with that wicked-looking, upward hook towards the end. The head seemed sharper, more pointed than I had seen before.
          'That is going to feel good inside me,' I thought which made my body give a slight shiver of excitement.
          He caught it. "You getting horny on me now?" he asked with a grin, probably more of a statement than a question. "That's good!"
          I just smiled.
          He kneeled down beside me and began to ease my bikini bottom down. I lay there more passive, just lifting my bum to help him and slowly my pussy came into view. My thick bush will usually hide me when I am standing but lying like this, from where he was, I knew he could see my cunt lips too. I was laying there naked as he was looking at me, taking in every detail, I'm sure.
          Mike looking at me like that, made me a bit self-conscious. I wanted to reach with my hands and hide but I wanted him to look too. It made sense really, of course, a man would want to look, see where his cock was going to go. So my hands never moved from my sides as I allowed him a few moments to view my body.

          Mike's hand stretched out to reach for my breast. Fingers tracing over the smooth flesh there, moving higher towards my nipple at its peak. I knew what was coming. I knew it was going to feel great when he touched me there. His fingers moving higher and higher, getting closer and closer. He must have noticed my chest rising and falling in anticipation.
          Finally, he touched my nipple. I gave a gasp at the contact. The tips of his fingers passed over it, barely touching the tip. He did that a couple more times, his hand held out straight so my nipple tip bumped across his fingers as he brushed over me.
          "Damn girl," he said. "You've got a great pair of tits."
          I liked how he said that. Pleased he liked what he saw.
          He touched the ring around it, my darker areola, feeling the little pimples. Then he closed on the nipple itself, lightly holding it, gently rolling it between finger and thumb. I loved how he teased and played like that. My nipple grew harder, so hard it felt it would burst.
          Oh! That attention he was giving me felt so good, I couldn't help giving a tiny moan as I shut my eyes to enjoy the full sensation of it. He moved to my other nipple, giving it much the same treatment as the first. So good! So arousing! I couldn't help giving a soft moan as he did it.
          Then came a short pause and I waited. Should I open my eyes and see what Mike was doing? No, I decided to trust him and wait. It wasn't long, only a matter of moments actually.
          Something soft and wet touched my first nipple. I realised it was his tongue. A lick over the tip of my nipple then licks around it. Oh! That felt great too. Even better than his fingers had been.
          Again, that, the same treatment was done to my other nipple too.
          While his fingers remained there, his mouth returned to my first nipple, some lips closed over it. I felt the warm wetness of the inside of Mike's mouth. The softness of his lips. The gentle pulling as he began sucking me.
          I moaned again. Deeper this time, I think. My eyes were still closed as I enjoyed it. Just loving what he was doing to my tits.
          I felt his hand taking my breast and gently squashing it so it rose higher off my chest. His mouth opened wider, taking my nipple and part of my breast too. I've not had that deep sucking done before. That was even better, the sucking was just incredible, the way his tongue flicked at my nipple just unbelievable. Of course, he repeated that with my other nipple too.

          It was back to the tip of Mike's tongue now. As he left my second nipple, moving down on to my stomach, I knew exactly where he was going. Eventually, he would reach my pussy but first, there was his journey of discovery to be made, getting there, enjoying what he was doing along the way. I kept my eyes closed so all my attention was on that tiny tip of his tongue. Nothing else was touching me. Nothing else mattered to me. There was no other contact than that tiny tip of his tongue tracing a line across the flesh of my stomach.
          It moved lower and lower, slowly tracing a line down my body as he moved. I was breathing harder now, surprised at the sexual excitement building inside me. I couldn't believe how much this man was turning me on. I realised my body was almost ready for him now. If he had wanted me, I would have been happy starting fucking right then. But he didn't ask, just kept on playing with me, building me, building my desires for him.
          Down, down he moved, across my upper stomach until he found my belly button. He stopped there. I've never had a man play with that during sex, making it part of the sexual experience like Mike did. You know how it is, belly buttons are just there in the middle of your front, never considered a sexual object. But the way he licked around and over it, even sticking his tongue in, giving little flicks as he did. The way he was making love to my belly button, I actually found this erotic and exciting, which stunned me.
          He was moving again. Lower and lower that tongue glided across my flesh. My body was giving little shivers now at the thrilling sensations he was generating within me. Down across my belly, he moved, down until he found the edge of my hair. The point where the smooth flesh of my belly ends and the first pubic hairs began. I thought he might stop there and not run down into my bush. You've all heard the jokes about hairs between your teeth. But no, he continued deeper.
          Further and further went that tongue, finding its way deeper into the forest of my pussy. Even there I felt sensitive to his touch. Over the round mound of my pussy, dropping down into the crevice between my thighs. Quickly, he found the top end of my cunt, his tongue pressing at the opening just below my clitty. The way his tongue flicked at me made my whole body give a shudder.
          "I want you," I moaned to him.
          "Not yet, honey. I've got more for you first."
          'What more was there? What more could he do?' I thought.

          Then he stopped to change his position. I wondered what was happening now and opened my eyes to look. He had moved down between my legs and I felt his strong hands, taking my legs and gently pulling them open. I could see how open I was being totally exposed to him but I didn't resist him. It was almost like I wanted him to look and see all that was me but much more than that, it was like I wanted him to touch me there. I would let him do all that he wanted with me there.
          Mike's fingers came forward, touching me first up near my clitty. I watched his hands approach me and then felt my whole body tremble at the contact. I could not believe myself. This is not the first man I have had, not the first man to touch my cunt. There have been a few others but it was like it was my first. There was that strong desire to have him, that anticipation of not knowing how it would be. Also, concerned about how I would respond to him and perform for him. A mixture of feelings and desires, confidence and doubts. Does that make sense? It was like I was realizing I was with a man far outside my experience, out of my league.
          It wasn't the lust full, almost aggressive approach of Joseph. Mike was slow and methodical, a controlled disciplined approach. It was like he knew my body, knew what would excite me and turn me on. But how could he when this was our first time together?
          But there was also how my body was responding to him. It was like my mind and body were disconnected, my mind with some doubts of my ability to be with him, my body responding, knowing what she wanted and knowing how she was going to get it. Confident in herself that she could give this man what he wanted. I decided to just go with my body, let her lead me.
          My mind was pulled back to a finger running down the whole length of my cunt lips. I could feel how they had swollen and parted. It was easy for two fingers to press into me. While he gave me a few finger fucks with two fingers, his thumb rubbed at the hood over my clitty.
          I bucked at him, at the sudden excitement of that. I gave a few more little humps at him, enjoying what he was doing. Much more and I might even have cum but this man was much too skilled to allow me that. I see now, looking back, he was keeping me on the boil but not allowing me to go over. Teasing me, continuing to build my desires for him. I wanted him, was desperate for him, to take him in my cunt and fuck me but he wouldn't. But yes, I know, he had said that. He had other plans for me first.
          Mike pulled my thighs even a bit wider so he could bring his head down between them. I realised that he was going to do oral with me, eat me. I like that but my boyfriend doesn't do it too often, something about the taste. I don't know why. I've tried my taste and kind of like it.
          There was that moment when Mike's tongue made contact. I felt that first touch, that short little lick against my cunt lips and my whole body gave a shudder. I cried out I think at the thrill of it. He only did a few more of those before he must have felt it time to up the game.
          His fingers gently pulled my cunt lips apart. I could feel the way my lips stretched to open in front of him. I could feel the coolness of the air touching parts that usually don't get exposed to air. When his tongue came back, it was amazing. I could feel the softness of his tongue, touching, licking over those soft, sensitive inner places. I could feel the long slow licks he made over them. My body trembling with the thrill of it, my whimpering at the pleasure of it.
          His face was pulled in even closer now and I felt how his lips grasped at me, nibbled at my inner lips. It was so good. My body was giving little humps back at him now as I lay back against the ground, softly moaning from the pleasure of it. I had no idea a man could do such things as this to me. It was like nothing I had ever had before. He was taking me to a place I'd never been before.
          After a while, just when I thought things couldn't get any better than this, it did. I felt his fingers had moved high and I felt my clitty had been exposed to the open. He gave a short lick against it and I bucked back hard against his face. He did it again, or should I say, tried to do it again. But I was so sensitive there, even the smallest touch sent me wild with pleasure.
          Finally, his hands moved, reaching under my raised thighs to grab my hips. He went in with his mouth, his lips grabbing my clitty, I struggled against him, fought with him, but the strength of his hands held me. A couple of strong sucks and I bucked against him as wild bursts of pleasure filled my mind and body. It was a big one, a huge orgasm. It burst over me, filling my mind and body. I'd never had one like that using oral. It was amazing.
          As he lifted away from me, I fell back against the towel exhausted. I could feel his finger, just the tip of one finger, gently stroking my cunt as I dropped from my high. His gentle stroking as I relaxed into the bliss, the afterglow of orgasm.
          I managed to look up at him and smile. "You were amazing," I said.
          He didn't reply, just smiled back at me as he waited for me to recover. It was the smile of experience. He knew exactly what he had done for me, how marvellous it had been.
          "I didn't know it could be..."
          His finger had reached up and touched my lips.
          "It's ok, quiet now," he said gently. "Glad you enjoyed it."

          After a few moments, I think he decided I was ready to continue.
          "Ok," he said, as he pulled back from me. "Time, we did some fucking."
          I was expecting since he was already between my legs that he would just more up further and take me missionary, like that. But he didn't.
          "We're going to do it differently, Tukiko," he told me. "Well, you are."
          I looked at him surprised. What was he saying? Me?
          "Do you know cow-girl?" Mike asked.
          I nodded yes.
          "Ok then, let's do that. Show me how good you are."
          For a moment I was horrified. What was he asking? What was he expecting? How good I was? Was this a test? For a moment I panicked.
          Then I calmed myself down, told myself, 'Ok, girl you've got this. You know cow-girl. You can do this.'
          I sat up and moved aside. Mike came in to take my place, laying back where I had been. For a moment I took the chance to enjoy looking at him again. Looking at his cock again.
          "Use your mouth," he said. "Get me hard again, first."
          Mike looked hard enough for me but I did as he asked. Kneeling beside him, my hand reached out to hold him. With my fist wrapped around his shaft, I began to gently pump him. Slowly at first, but with more confidence came more speed.
          I was thinking about what was to come next. I had sucked cock before, so I knew how to do it but I was wondering how he would like. Suddenly, I remembered how he had just done orally to me. I felt I should do something similar to him.
          As I brought my head down towards him, I glanced up at Mike's face. He was watching me. Waiting to see what I was going to do.
          My tongue reached out for him. Just the tip, flicking over the tip of his cock. I couldn't help but notice the jerk his cock gave at the contact. That went well. Another lick, firmer, more confident, more tongue now. He reacted to that too.
          I took him into my mouth and tried to suck him but I got the impression it wasn't doing anything for him. I tried taking it deeper. Guys like that don't they? I ended up taking too much and almost choked. I had to pull back off him.
          I went to try again when his hand reached out to stop me. "That's enough for now. We'll get back to that later."
          I knew I hadn't done what he wanted but wasn't sure what. I had done what I usually do, so why didn't it work with him? I was a bit confused and felt bad about that.
          "Time to try fucking now. Take it slowly Tukiko. Build up when you are ready."
          His voice was gentle and kind, showing his patience for my letting him down.

          I decided I would do better with this and put everything into it, not worry about myself, just making it good for him. Show him how good I was too.
          I moved in close to him so I could lift one leg over him. This brought my pussy directly down on top of his cock. Grasping his cock with my hand, I guided him towards my pussy.
          I was looking down, watching what I was doing as I brought my cunt lips down against him. I glance up at him, he was watching too. I was guiding him with my hand, holding him against my lips as I gently pressed down. They parted, my lips opening to make way for him. We could both see how the point of his cock penetrated into me.
          My second try took more. I could see how more of him disappeared into me. I tried for the third time and took much of his shaft that time. Finally, I just allowed myself to drop, fall down on to him. It was very filling, making me gasp with surprise but I had done it. Taken all of him. I was pleased with myself that I could do that.
          I looked up and he was smiling at me.
          "What?" I asked.
          "Your face. It was priceless."
          I still didn't get it.
          "The concentration as you took me in. The satisfaction when you got all of me in. Every woman is like that."
          I just smiled. Still not completely sure what he meant. But he was inside me now. All of him, so now it was time to fuck him. Using the muscles of my thighs, I lifted my body off him, allowing his cock to slip from me. Not all the way out but most of him. Then letting go, I allowed my body to drop back onto him, as his cock sunk back into me. I started slowly at first, getting used to the motion, getting used to the size and length of him.
          As my confidence grew that I was doing it right, I began to move a bit faster. Now instead of just allowing myself to just drop back on to him, I was using my body to push down at him. It felt so good. I loved the feeling of his cock so deep inside me. I loved the feeling as I moved my body, how he slipped in and out of me but the best part was that downward thrust when he pushed in so deep.
          A couple of times he interrupted me to adjust my position and speed. Each time was a noticeable improvement so after what had happened before, I was happy to take his advice.
          As we continued I could feel how it was pulling at the flesh around my clitty too. I almost knew this was going to be good for both of us and end in a successful way. I was pleased with myself, that I could do this and excite this man like I was. It was becoming clear that he was enjoying as much as I was. I was fully intended it would end in orgasms for both of us. I was confident I could do it.
          But then, it didn't happen quite like that. Suddenly something distracted us or should I truly say, distracted me.

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Tukiko the Exhibitionist.

Hi from Tukiko again.
          "I think we have an audience," Mike laughed.
          I stopped, my eyes opened and I looked down at him.
          "An audience?" I said as my arms wrapped over my chest.
          "Some people up on the hill, slightly behind you."
          I looked but I couldn't see anyone. Maybe my turning caused them to hide more.
          "By that big tree," he told me. "Just to the left."
          I was shocked. Here I was, naked, riding a man cow-girl style. Now there were people watching us.
          "Just keep going, Tukiko. You're doing great."
          "Mike! I can't..." I blurted out. "They are watching..."
          "Just watching," he said. "Don't worry about them."
          "Not with them watching!"
          "Sure, you can. Don't you think it's a bit sexier?"
          I suddenly looked around this time and caught them. There were people on the hillside above us. Partly hidden but we could see them, certainly, I knew they were there. Two women and two men, by the looks.
          "I know you want to carry on, Tukiko," Mike said.
          "How do you know that?"
          "Well if you didn't, you would have got off me by now."
          He did kind of have a point. I was still sitting there with my cunt full of cock.
          His hands reach up for my tits, pushing my hands away as he did. A hand to each, taking and rubbing my nipple between thumb and finger. That felt good. I closed my eyes, trying not to enjoy it. Trying not to let it get to me but it was.
          "You like that don't you?"
          "Mike... I don't..."
          "You like your nipples touched."
          "You like my fingers rubbing over them, playing with them."
          I gave a soft moan at the pleasure.
          "Do you like them pulled too?"
          It hurt but felt good too if that makes any sense.
          "Oh, you do, don't you?"
          With what he was giving my nipples, pulling on them, playing with them, with his fingers, he was getting me again. Don't know why, but it was happening and I was enjoying it.
          "They are watching what I'm doing," he said. "Seeing me playing with your hard nipples."
          "That feels good, doesn't it?"
          "Yes," I breathed back to him.
          "Move your hips again. Just slowly while I play with you."
          I gave another soft moan as I began to move. Lifting to ease off him before lowering back on to him again.
          "That feels nice too, doesn't it?"
          "Yes," I said again.
          "Go a bit faster now. Fuck me faster."
          "But Mike..."
          "Just a little bit faster."
          "They are..."
          "Yes, Tukiko, they are watching. Watching a beautiful woman fucking."
          I was beginning to like the idea, especially since he called me beautiful. His hands still rubbing over my tits and nipples. His cock slipping in and out as I moved. It felt so good.
          "You are sexy. You are hot, Tukiko," he told me.
          "But, Mike..."
          "Fucking is beautiful, natural. Don't ever be ashamed of it."
          I turned to look and could see them more clearly now.
          "Don't worry about them. Focus on what you are doing."
          "Focus on me, Tukiko."
          I looked back at the hill again but he pulled me back.
          "Focus, Tukiko. You are fucking me, not them," he said more firmly.
          I didn't reply. Just nodded my head. It was almost like my mind was in a daze. I couldn't believe this was happening. But my body knew what she wanted, knew how to do it. She didn't care. She wanted more from the cock inside her.
          "Speed up a bit more," he instructed me. "Fuck me like you were before."
          I did as he told me. My thighs working to drive my body as I rode him. With each thrust, he was going in deep again. It felt so good with his cock in me like that. I wanted to fuck him and wanted to cum with him inside me. I wanted him to cum inside me too. My orgasm was building and I was ready for it. Wanted it so bad.
          Deep in my mind, I knew those people were still watching us. I tried to block it out but it was still there. They were watching. I knew they were watching. But my desires and passion were overcoming me. My desperate need for orgasm was taking over.
          I moved faster now, slamming my body down at him, taking as much as I could inside myself. It was getting to me now. My cum was building, rushing towards me. I already knew it was going to be good.
          Like all big orgasms, it began in my sensitive clitty. Stimulated by our fucking, my clitty was ready to burst. Finally, it did. The first surge of pleasure caught me by surprise as it burst through me. I cried out, so loud I think those watching heard it too.
          I lost control completely, his hands moving to hold my body until I slipped from them and fell forward against him. He had taken over and was thrust up at my pussy. There were a few more surges and I was over it.
          I noticed he was continuing, his eyes closed, breathing hard. I decided to help him and made a few thrusts back at his cock. That was all it took as his body orgasmed too. I'm sure it was a good one too.
          It took me a few more moments to recover before I could sit up again. By now he had softened and slipped from me. I looked up at the hill but they seemed to have gone. No one there. I looked back at him and he was smiling.
          "Did you enjoy that?" he asked. "Did you enjoy giving a show?"
          "Well, I didn't really have much choice..." I began.
          "But you liked it didn't you. Liked someone watching you fucking."
          I didn't reply to that. Perhaps it was too hard to admit that I did like it. Made the sex much more exciting.
          "Did you like it?" he asked again.
          "Yes, I liked it, Mike," I whispered, nodding my head. "I liked it a lot."
          "I knew it," Mike laughed.
          "So, does that make me an exhibitionist?" I asked.
          "I think it does," he replied. "Even more than your mother is, I think."

          I wanted some more and told him so. I wanted to try again with him, in the normal way with him on top.
          "You want to give another show?"
          "Are they still there?" I asked turning to look.
          Yes, they were still there. A bit more hidden now but still watching.
          My desire for him was still strong. I know they would see me again but already I'd done it once. Was it worth them watching again to have more sex with this man? I think it was.
          "Get me hard again and you can have me," he said.
          For a moment I looked at him, not sure what he said.
          "Get my cock hard again," Mike repeated. "Use your hands and your mouth, like before."
          "Oh," I said, suddenly realizing what he meant.
          "Let me help you this time. Talk you through."
          Ok, I nodded my head.

          I reached for his cock that now lay soft across his balls. Taking it with my fingers, it felt slightly wet to touch. Holding between my fingers and thumb I gave a few gentle pumps. His cock gave a slight movement in return.
          "This is a bit new to me," I confessed to him. "Any time I've ever had sex before, the man has always been ready for me.
          "Explains before then."
          "Yes," I said, feeling embarrassed at admitting my lack of experience. "But they were always hard."
          "That's because you're so hot, girl. They get hard just looking at you."
          "Mike! It's not like..."
          "Shhhh!" he said touching my lips again. "It's all good."
          "Now, use your hand. Take me with your thumb and finger until I get hard enough to use your whole hand," he explained.
          Making a man hard myself was something new. I was excited by it but a bit unsure of how to go about it. Following his advice, I continued with my fingers, giving little pumps with only my finger and thumb. It moved again and this time appeared to grow slightly in length. This was promising.
          I remembered what he had done to my nipple, how he had rolled my nipple between his finger and thumb. That had felt great, really made my nipple hard. I wondered if the same technique would work with a cock.
          I tried it. There was an immediate response. It hardened and grew noticeably in size.
          "That's a new trick," he smiled back at me. "Well done!"
          I just smiled back in return, pleased I'd made him happy with me.
          As I said above, this was something new to me. I'd never watched a man get an erection. He was always hard by the time I got to him. Now I was helping him, making him get hard myself. This was exciting, incredible to observe how he hardened and grew. What had been so soft was becoming hard like a rod or shaft.
          I could now grip him in the normal manner, my hand wrapping around his shaft as I continued pumping him. Cocks are extraordinary things. They feel so warm, almost hot and you can feel the blood pumping through them. My every touch would bring a response from him. As my hand moved, loose flesh moved with it, making it easy for me to pump him.
          I continued wanking Mike for a while longer, not because he needed it but because I was enjoying doing it. Then it was time to move further.

          Mike was kneeling sitting up with his cock sticking out in front of him, presented to me. I was kneeling down so I could lower my head to reach him. He looked almost hard enough to enter me and fuck me. But I wanted to be sure. After all, he had done for me, I wanted to give him a bit more fun before we fucked again.
          I was also thinking of those on the hillside above us. We were turned side-on to them. I knew they would have seen Mike's cock sticking out towards me. A nice, handsome one with a slight upward hook. I liked the look of it. They would have seen me reaching out to hold and wank him. Now they were going to watch me licking him and taking him in my mouth to suck him.
          Yes, I intended to suck him. I had done that before but I was still slightly concerned whether my ability and skills would be good enough for him. Anyway, I thought, no sense in worrying about that now as I was already committed to that path.
          I leaned forward towards Mike, still holding his cock as I brought my tongue down to its head. Like before, it was only one lick at first, just a flick over the tip but he felt it, his cock giving a jerk which made me giggle.
          I did it again, this time a few more licks, around and over his cock head. That must have felt good, judging by the moan he gave.
          Time to take him further, I opened my mouth to take him inside. I held him, just inside my mouth and began sucking but I don't think I was doing a good job because his hand came down and he stopped me.
          "Not like that, Tukiko," he said.
          "Do you want me to take up deeper?"
          "Not deeper, just the head and a bit of shaft are enough. But move your head in and out, so I slide in and out like fucking."
          I tried that, moving like he was fucking my mouth and sucking him each time he went in deep.
          "Now hold my shaft and wank me in time with your sucking."
          I tried that too. I wanted to please Mike and make it good for him so I did it as he told me. Very quickly it seemed to be working. Now he was holding my head, helping with the backwards and forwards motion.
          This was clearly working better. It had not occurred to me before to combine my hand and my mouth like that.
          "Fuck that is good," I heard him say. "Fuck you are good."
          I was happy with that and continued as he had shown me. I hoped it was still good enough.
          Suddenly he gave a deep groan.
          "That's enough," Mike said as his hand came down to stop me. "Let's move on to fucking now."
          "Don't you want to cum?"
          I would have been happy to have him cum in my mouth. I would have swallowed for him too.
          "Oh yes," he replied. "I want to cum again. But deep inside your hot cunt."
          Saying that made my whole body shudder again. It was so sexy to hear.

          As I moved to lay back on the towel, I pulled Mike with me. He moved forward, his body coming down on top of mine. I felt his weight come down on top of me and opened my thighs so his body dropped down in between them. In this way, I was presenting my open cunt to him. I then felt the hardness of his cock between my thighs. How he pressed against me, the head of his cock, quickly finding my cunt lips.
          A small press and I felt the head of his cock press in between my lips. A further press and the head entered inside me. A bit more and now part of his shaft was there too. Just a couple more thrusts and I was taking him all.
          It surprises me how my small slim body can take so much cock inside. I somethings wonder where it all goes and what moves to make way for it but it works, even with a bigger man like Joseph. This man was fairly big too.
          Mike began to fuck me now. For me, this is more of a passive position where I lay back and receive whatever he gives me. His body was in full contact with mine so I could feel him working to fuck me. I put my arms up around him to hold him and I could feel the strength and energy he was using.
          I could also feel how his lower body drove down between my thighs with each thrust. How the hardness of his cock pressed into me, sliding in, pulling back with each thrust.
          He started slowly at first which kind of surprised me. I could feel there was a control there like he had much more to give but was holding back for some reason. As he continued, I became a bit frustrated by it as I knew he had more to give, I wanted more. I gave an aggressive almost angry hump up at him and heard that chuckle he gave. I realised he was playing with me, holding back, waiting for me to cry out for more.
          Now, in hindsight, I can see it was a very clever tactic as it built my desires for him so when he did speed up and really begin to fuck me, it was much better. The skill and knowledge of a more experienced man I realise now.
          As Mike sped up, the fucking was good, really good, in fact. Some of the best I've ever had. I'll certainly be going back for more if I get the chance.
          "Lift up your legs, Tukiko," Mike said. "Wrap them around me. I can go deeper like that."
          I did as he asked, my open legs coming up each side and crossed over on his back. I'd never tried doing that before and was surprised how easy it was. I could feel how my pussy was pulled up more directly in line with his cock. He was right, he could go in deeper.
          I could feel how his body, pounded down at me with each thrust. Slamming into me, driving his cock so deep inside me. Each stroke, most of the length of his cock was pulling backwards and forwards between my lips. It felt amazing. I knew it was just a matter of time before he sent me over.
          As the fucking continued, I was getting closer and closer now. My orgasm was approaching, building now and I was thinking it was going to be good. Soon, I reached that point where I was beyond turning back but not quite there yet. I think the man on top of me realised it too.
          He pulled slightly further up my body as my thighs dropped back down to the ground. I could feel his cock shaft was almost touching my clitty now. The rubbing of his shaft in and out, exciting her now, taking me closer and closer to orgasm. A couple more massive thrusts into my body and I was over. My pelvis thrust back up at him, my body bucked around underneath him and I think I cried out. It was a big one, huge and powerful, consuming my mind and body as he continued to fuck me. Surges burst through me, intense pleasure filled me.
          Finally, it was over and I slumped back against the ground.
          Mike continued fucking me. His movement changed now to shorter, sharp thrusts. Going quite fast too. This only went on for a few moments before I heard a moan in my ear. His body jerked and my arms holding him could feel the massive power of his body. A huge shudder and he held still. There was no need for more. I knew it was over now. He was cumming inside me. His cock gave a few more jerks and then he was still.
          I waited with his entire body weight on top of mine. I waited while he recovered enough to roll off me.
          As he did, I looked up and just managed to see those people ducking down behind some bushes again. So, they were still there, still watching. They must have seen everything. Watched Mike and I fucking again too.
          "They are still there," I told him.
          "I know," Mike replied with a laugh. "Hope they enjoyed the show."
          "Not as much as we did," I added.
          "That was great sex, Tukiko. You are good."
          To me, for a much more experienced man to tell me I was good, was the best. I was so pleased with myself. Pleased I could achieve some great sex with this man. Pleased that I had not let him down. In that short time, I had learnt a lot too.

          Getting dressed, Mike in his shirt and shorts. Me wearing my bikini bottom and just a towel over my shoulders as we began to make our way back down to the beach.
          Walking down towards the Hillary Track, we could see a party of hikers approaching us.
          "Stay topless," Mike told me.
          I was a bit shocked that he said that and a bit nervous too. I know what I had said before but that was just flirting talk. I wasn't expecting he would call my bluff. I looked at the hikers, there were two men and three women. Those odds were better.
          Suddenly, I decided to do it. Remaining as I was with the towel pulled open, my breasts were left bare. I noticed Mike didn't talk to them this time, just saying "Hi" as we crossed the track in front of them. Yes, there is no doubt, they would have all seen me topless.
          We had barely got out of sight when he spoke. "How was that?"
          "I can't believe I just did that."
          "Yes, it was sexy."
          "Not just sexy. Exciting too," I added.
          "Now the big question," he said. "Would you do it again?"
          "Of course! That was fun."
          "If there was any doubt about you being an exhibitionist before, you definitely were that time," he said.
          I just smiled. I sort of knew that already but I was rather pleased that he said it.

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Tukiko the Voyeur.

          Well, down into the sand dunes we climbed towards the peaks of one of the last lines. We were about to cross a lower point in the dunes when Mike spotted a movement in front of us. He pulled me back to duck down before we could be seen.
          Creeping forward on our stomachs we looked over the top. There, in a hollow below us was a group of people, all of them naked. My Mum was there too. She was facing towards us, kneeling on the sand with two men in front of her. It was the man I know as Peter and the other, that very strong man, Steve. They both had their heads against Mum's chest, obviously sucking on her nipples. I could see how she had her arms around their heads, holding them there. I could also see her eyes were closed, the look on her face as to how much she was enjoying it.
          Near them, was my Dad. He was sitting, watching what Mum was doing but there were two women, one on either side of him. The first was Jenny, she was the lady who had the little twin girls. The other woman was the lady with the very large breasts, Sharon. It was their husbands who were with Mum. Jenny was holding his very hard cock while she and Sharon took turns sucking him.


          Mike pulled me back and we carefully spread my towel on the sandy grass and then I lay forwards again. From that position, I could lay full length on my front with only my head up over the sand dune. We had a great view of what was going on down in front of us without them seeing us. Yes, we were perving at my parent's sex fun though Mike called it Voyeuring.


          Down below, Mum was still kneeling with the two men standing in front of her now. Since her back was now to us, we could see that she was sucking them. Going backwards and forwards between the two cocks.
          Turning around to Mike, I asked, "Is she going to fuck them both?"
          "Looks like it," he replied. "Probably at the same time too knowing those guys."
          "Really?" I said turning back to look at him.
          "Go on," he said. "Keep watching. It'll be a good show."
          I turned back to the scene in front of me.
          "Look at Dad too. Look what he's doing."
          The two women were laying back and Dad was now kneeling forward between Sharon's legs. Looked like he was eating her pussy. While he did that, Dad's hand was reaching over to play with Jenny's pussy too.
          "He's going to be busy with those two," Mike laughed.
          "What do you mean?"
          "They are very fit and active women. Both love sex and are great in bed."
          "Have you tried them?"
          "Yes. And both at the same time too," he answered.
          "Oh, wow!" I replied, very impressed. This man I had just been with was admitting he had done two women at once. It explained his experience.


          Meanwhile, I had felt a hand on my back as it ran down over my bikini bottom. I knew who it was so didn't bother turning to look, just gave a little hump with my arse. He was playing with my bum; a finger pressed my bikini bottom into my crack as it ran down over my butt hole and on down to my pussy. He was playing and teasing me there through my bikini.
          It felt good and I could feel my body responding to him. He was getting me horny again. Watching what was happening in front of me was making me horny too.


          Down in front of me, Dad had moved now. He had his face in Jenny's pussy, eating her now while his fingers were playing with Sharon's pussy.
          Next to them, Steve was now sitting back while Mum was on her hands and knees sucking him. As I watched, Peter approached Mum from behind and was feeling up her pussy. Rubbing her with his hand. Obviously getting ready to fuck her from behind.
          This was shaping up to be a really sexy show. I couldn't take my eyes off what was going on."
          I could see how Peter was rubbing the head of his cock against Mum's pussy. It was my guess that she would have been very wet by then.


          I felt Mike's hands at my hips. He gave a pull and my bikini bottom began to slip down. Without stopping watching the action in front of me, I lifted my body so he could take them off. He quickly pulled them down to my ankles and right off leaving me completely naked again.
          Mike's hand came back now, playing with my butt hole for a few moments before moving lower, down to my cunt. I could feel how his fingers ran down my lips towards my clitty, then pulling back up again. The way his fingers easily slipped over my pussy lips told both of us how wet I was.
          "You are so wet, Tukiko," he said.
          "This is so sexy to watch," I replied.
          Watching this sex session was making me so hot.


          Down in front of me, Mum was still on hands and knees but now had a cock in each end. While Steve was fucking at her face, Peter was fucking her cunt from behind. From side on where we were, we could actually see Peter's cock thrusting into her. He wasn't holding back either, really giving her a good hard fucking The movement of his thrusts was causing her body, her head to move forward on to Steve's cock each time.
          Dad was now laying on his back and Jenny was taking him cowgirl style. I could see how her thighs moved, raising and lowering her body as she fucked him. In the way she was plunging down at him, he must have been going in deep. Jenny is such a tiny lady so Dad must have been filling her.
          As I watched, Sharon stretched her leg over Dad and moved so she could bring her pussy down to his face. That was sexy to see too.
          All of this was amazing. I couldn't pull my eyes away. I could not believe my parents would fuck like that. Doing it with strangers, with someone they had only just met. Then I thought, 'look who's talking,' after what I had just done with a stranger called Mike.


          As I watched, there was a hand between my legs, stroking the soft flesh there, then reaching further, to rub and play with my cunt. That felt hot. Making me even wetter.
         Soon he had progressed to where he was finger fucking me. His hand was really working at me, even thrusting his fingers in deep. I could feel how he was rubbing over my clitty to, finger fucking me while playing with my clitty.
        That was hot. This was beginning to really get to me as well.


          Now, in front of me, the two men with Mum had swapped ends. Now Steve was fucking her cunt while she was sucking Peter off. It was sexy to watch. Mike said she had to be tasting her own pussy juice now. Had me wondering what it would be like to have two men at the same time.
          The two women with Dad hadn't changed with Jenny still riding him while he ate Sharon's pussy but now Jenny had reached around in front of her to play with her friend's tits. That was a bit sexy to see a woman playing with another woman's tits.
          And Sharon has big ones too. She looked to be in a bit of a state now and I felt sure Sharon would cum soon.


          But she wasn't the only one getting close to a cum. What Mike's fingers were doing to my cunt and clitty was getting me off too. He must have realised it too because he gave me a few massive thrusts up into my pussy with at least three fingers which made me moan rather loudly.
          My lower body lifted off the towel and I made a few humps back at him. One last finger thrust from him was what sent me over.
          A hand clamped over my mouth as I cum and I can remember that hand had a very distinct taste of female cum juice, my juice.


          By the time I recovered and was looking back down below, it looked like Steve was about to cum in Mum's cunt. As I watched him do it, I was certain she cum too. He withdrew from her to be immediately replaced by Peter.
          By now, Jenny was having Dad eat her pussy while Sharon was riding him cowgirl style. Sharon was also playing with Jenny's smaller tits too. Jenny looked like she might be almost there too.


          The hand in my pussy hand moved high. Slippery and wet with pussy juice it had moved to my butt hole. The tip of his finger tickling over the outside felt good, rather sexy actually. Then he pressed further and a finger went inside.
          I'd tried arse fucking with my boyfriend and it had hurt. While Mike's little finger didn't hurt, it didn't feel comfortable either.
          "Don't Mike," I said, reaching to pull his hand away.
          "Get on your knees, Tukiko. I want to fuck you from behind."
          "Not my arse, Mike."
          "No, your hot juicy cunt."
          Getting up on my knees he came in from behind me. I was so wet; his cock could easily slip into me. Holding me by my hips, he began fucking me. Meanwhile, I had returned to watching what was happening down below. We both were actually.


          It looked like Jenny had cum now. Maybe even Dad too. Both women were on their knees beside him now. Playing with his cock again, every so often leaning forward to suck or lick him. Probably trying to get him hard again. Finally, they decided on another method.
          Jenny and Sharon lay down on the ground together but in a hot girl on girl 69. It looked like they were eating each other's pussy now. Dad was sitting watching them while his hand appeared to be working at his cock.
          "Are those women lesbian?" I asked Mike.
          "No Bi," Mike replied. "My wife likes girls too."
          I was beginning to learn how much these people were into sex.
          Over with Mum, it looked like Peter had finished too. Mum was now laying on her back, one hand playing and pulling at her nipples while the other was aggressively wanking at her pussy. The men were kneeling on each side of her, both pumping their cocks. It looked like they were preparing to give her a cum shower. That was sexy.


          The man behind me was getting there too. I could feel how his body slammed against my arse with each thrust his cock made into my pussy. It was beginning to feel good for me too. To my surprise, I began to realise that I might even cum again too. Not normal for me in that position.


          Down below, the women had got Dad going again. He was behind Jenny fucking her. But Sharon had moved over to join the other three. I couldn't believe it. Sharon was sitting behind my Mum, holding her as she leaned back. From this position, she could reach and play with Mum's tits. Mum was enjoying it too, now with both hands in her pussy, really giving herself a rough time while another woman was playing with her tits.
          Dad must have seen them and wanted to join in. He and Jenny moved over to help.
          I could see they were coming to the climax now. Mum was back laying flat on the ground. Her hands still working at her pussy. I think I'd seen a couple of cums but still, she kept going. So excited, so rough on herself as she watched the men kneeling on each side of her. There was a woman on each side of her, Sharon and Jenny, each leaning forward and sucking on a nipple. Lower down Peter and Steve were each side pumping at their cock. Dad had pulled Mum's legs wide open and was kneeling between them, also wanking his cock.
          It was looking like at any moment; Mum was going to take three loads of male cum over her body and probably give herself yet another big orgasm too. Meanwhile, her tits were getting a good nipple sucking from these two women.
          It was amazing! My mother doing that and enjoying it too!


          Suddenly, the man behind me stopped, pulled out and I felt the first blob of cum hit my arse. A further few followed as a hand reached in under me. Mike knew just how to do it. He found my clitty, gave it a sharp pinch and oh boy! Did I go off! So loud, those down below looked up at us.


          It was almost over there too. Steve had gone first, just after Dad had cum, Mum went over again too. Then just as they heard my orgasm, Peter was shooting his cum over Mum's pussy too.
          There was no use hiding now, we wiped ourselves off with the towel and stood up to walk down where the others were waiting for us.
          "Ahh!" Dad said. "Here are the pervs. Getting off watching others fucking."
          I just smiled. No use denying, we had been caught.
          Mike said, "Just having fun."
          "We were too," Mum added.


          I stood watching as Jenny wiped Mum's lower body off with a towel and then helped her to her feet. As we all turned towards the beach, I put my arm around Mum's waist and her arm went around my shoulders. She seemed a bit unsteady on her feet.
          "I can't believe you did that," I told her.
          "Neither can I," she replied. "But it was amazing sex. My cums were so strong."
          "We could see you were enjoying it."
          "How much did you see?" she asked.
          I wasn't sure if she was embarrassed at what I had seen or just interested.
          "Pretty much all of it. Mike was fucking me while we watched."
          "We all heard that too," Jenny laughed from the other side of Mum.
          "How was Mike?" Mum asked.
          I looked at Mike on the other side of me. He was smiling, waiting for my answer I think.
          "He was great. I learnt a lot."
          "Lessons Tukiko? I didn't think you needed lessons in sex."
          "Not lessons, Sayako. Just fine-tuning her technique," Mike replied before I could.
          I didn't say anything to that, just smiled my thanks to him.

          We got back to the beach, everyone, kids and all were involved in a game of beach cricket. Interesting playing it butt naked like we were. There was no real rules or teams. No proper game either with many of the younger kids just running around doing their own thing.
          But it was fun. We even had some others on the beach come over and join in too. I notice Shanti insisted they strip before they could play.
          When we noticed a few new people appearing on the beach, we knew the tide was now lower so we all had a quick swim before getting dressed. The tide had dropped enough for us to return to the main beach. We got dressed and returned over the sand dunes. Then the stream crossing. Much easier now the tide had dropped.

          At the car park, we stopped so we could say goodbye to our new friends. Then I followed Sexy Girl and Horny Guy back towards our car.
          "You're driving Tukiko," Dad said, throwing me the keys. "Our turn for some fun now."
          "I thought you had some fun," I replied with a cheeky grin.
          "Just drive, Tukiko," he said.
          To my surprise, they left me in the front by myself and both got into the backseat. I had hardly left the car park and they were playing. Keeping my eyes on the road, I tried not to watch what was going on.
          A lady's bikini bottom landed on the seat beside me to be followed a short time later by some man's swim shorts.
          'Surely, they weren't going to do it, were they?' I thought.
          A very suspicious moan from my mother confirmed my worry. They were fucking on the backseat. While I was driving too. Keeping my eyes on the road I continued driving. Trying not to look in the rear vision mirror, trying not to notice the giggles, moans and other obvious noises coming from the backseat.
          I had driven all the way into Henderson, almost to Highway 16 before a hand reached over to grab the two clothing items off the seat beside me.
          On the way home, we stopped for takeaway and Dad joined me in the front. Mum wasn't decent enough to get out of the car it seems so she stayed in the back. After dinner, Sexy Girl and Horny Guy were at it again in the lounge opposite me.
          When I said, "Come on guys, get a room." They both got up laughing and left me in the lounge by myself. I've never seen my parents like this before. So openly sexual. I didn't see them again that night. Neither of them looked that bright the following morning either.
          I was sitting there thinking. Trying to work out and understand my own feelings. This seemed so weird. Why could I watch both my Mum and Dad fucking someone else ok, even enjoy seeing them? But seeing them fucking each other seems so weird, so gross. Strange isn't it?
          You know they must have sex. They are married, sleep in the same room, same bed. But they are your parents. You don't think of them as having sex. But when you think about it, they must have had sex at least once. I wouldn't be here if they hadn't.

          The next morning, separately both Dad and Mum took me aside to apologize for their behaviour the night before and for embarrassing me at the beach. They both gave the same reason that getting naked on the beach just made them so horny. That was obvious.
         I told them it is fine and I'm ok now. Which is not entirely the truth. I still don't think I'm totally fine with it.

          That had been a great day at the beach. I really enjoyed myself.

Hi everyone, Anne here.
          We are treating the republishing of the Tukiko Series as if they were new stories so we thought it might be better to separate the comments into two sections too. You will find a comment by me and it would be good if we could start a new comment stream below that.
          I hope you are enjoying the new and refreshed versions of these stories. There has been a lot of work gone into them and many changes made. Personally, I think they are much better now. Some of the best work we have done.
          Thanks for your understanding.

Index of Letters                         Story 253 Part Two Background.                         Back to Story 253 Part One.   

Forward to Story 254.


  1. I've just finished publishing and linking this story.
    These stories are getting better and better. There is so much here. I loved the interaction between Tukiko and Mike. It changes as the story moves forward. Interesting how she had much more confidence with Joseph she was almost freaking out.
    The sex was good too. So detailed and descriptive. Had me getting horny reading it, I can tell you. Can't wait until I show it to my husband, well to be exact, can't wait until after he reads it.

    1. I also am impressed with the work here.
      While everyone likes the sex. That's why we're here isn't it? I also like some reality of the people I read about. I can see it in these two. While making some great sex their experience wasn't exactly perfect. I like that because real sex is most often not perfect either. Some say its the result that counts, the orgasms at the end you say but that is not always the case. Here there is a journey of two people, two strangers at that, getting together learning from each other and achieving an ended worthy of the story.
      Well done all involved.

    2. The standard of writing is certainly improving.
      Simon and I love the depth of this story. Like you were reading what was going on inside Tukiko's head. There were parts where she struggled a bit. Particularly where she fails to deliver a good blow/job. I felt for her there. She was trying so hard to please him. But I was pleased with the way Mike treated her gently too, as I would expect from him.
      In the end it was a success and Tukiko was pleased with herself and so she should be too. She had done a good job there. The fact that I can talk about these two as if they were real people, speaks well for you writing too.
      Job well done. I story that stands erect. Oops that sounds like Mikes cock doesn't it? LOL.
      Eileen and Simon.

    3. Back again Eileen.
      Reading our story again and leaving another comment.
      It must be good - thanks.

  2. Wow! So hot. That Tukiko must really be some woman and she doesn't even know it either.

    1. Wow! You guys blew me away with this one. Must be on of the sexiest stories in this blog.
      I really loved it. Everything about it

    2. We just saw your email Asami.
      this is better than we were expecting. I think the long lead in to the sex made it stronger when it came. I also like how those people were watching. But obviously for me the best was the fun her parents had with their little sexy orgy.
      The real Sayako

    3. Did it have anything to do with the fact that the star of that orgy scene had your name Sayako?

    4. I have just heard about this story from Sayako. She told me it was one of the best and Fiction Tukiko was central in the story. I have just finished what was a very deep hour of reading. Enjoyed it a lot too.
      I love what had happened to this Tukiko. She is younger than me and I can see excited about life. I also think beautiful and an attraction for the men too.
      That small line, "I learnt a lot," says so much about her. As she puts those lessons into practice she is going to be an important character of this blog. That is if you decide to take her that way. Who can know where you writers can go. This whole Tukiko series has come to me completely by surprise.
      Nice writing and be keeping to this work.
      The Real Tukiko (Yes they named for me.)

    5. Thanks for you comment Tukiko.
      I've just published it for you.

    6. Is those women in these stories really named after the two women who placed comments above?

    7. You actually put that well John. We see Tukiko as a hot sexy woman, very beautiful and a great personality. But she doesn't know just how good she is.
      This gives us a lot of scope from moments of confidence through to moments of doubts in herself. She is not stuck-up and arrogant about her beauty but you check out the beginning of Story 248 Part Three, she is actually quite comfortable with her looks and body, comfortable to wear a sexy bikini on a crowded beach too.
      She's been a great character to work with.
      Sexy Sue.

  3. Every so often, one of your stories really stands out. This must be one of them. The interaction between these two held my attention the whole way.
    Great writing. Loved every word of it.

    1. I agree Rita. This story does stand out as a good one.
      Good work everyone.

    2. What a long sex scene. I was surprised. But then I saw the details like the foreplay of the sex. It was good.
      The other stand out scene was when they were serving on Tukiko's parents. No you might try to package it a voyageurism but no way. Its perving.
      But I did like the way you wrote it, following various groups at once like that.
      Good writing.

  4. These stories have changed quite a lot. Still the same basic story bit much better now.
    I like the extra details you've added.

    1. Yes, I think you would be surprised if you knew how much work is going into this Tukuko project.
      I did the HTML coding for this story and background. It took me a couple of nights. Then it was found I had made a mistake which took Asami sometime to find.
      But looks good now. I like this story. Like the entire Tukiko series. Some of our best writing.
