Saturday 17 April 2021

Story 252 – Sayako's Sexy Bikini.

Index of Letters                         Story 252 Background.                         Back to Story 251 Part Two.   

Forward to Story 253 Part One.

April - 2021.
          These, the stories we now call the Tukiko Series, were originally published here a few months ago. When Anne published them on another website, she made many changes and improvements. Meanwhile, some of us were feeling uncomfortable with the stories here as they didn't really fit the storyline, so finally, the decision was made to unpublish them, update the storyline with some fill-in stories and then republish.
            Now, after those fill-in stories have been published and the storyline has been brought up to date with this series regarding some of the younger characters, we can look at republishing the improved versions of these stories. During this process, we allowed further changes to be made. While republishing as if they were new stories, we have kept the original posts so any earlier comments that were made, have been retained.
                  Allan Jr.

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I Decide to Buy a Swimsuit.

Hello from Sayako,
          Yes, I have been very active in helping my daughter Tukiko with writing our parts for these stories. I am also very gratefully to others who have helped me too. Mike, Shanti, Joseph, and Lizamoa. Thankfully everyone.
          I must not be missing to mention my husband Hirohiko who made this nude beach idea possible. He wanted to watch me bare more of my body with other men. We had talked of this, it had the fantasy of it too but always it remained just that, fantasy within the bedroom. Now I had revealed my willingness to do this for him.
         So thankfully to you Hirohiko, your fantasy has become the reality. I can admit to some concern at what I had got myself into but once I had told the idea in front of everyone and my husband was daring me not to chicken out, there was not possible I could pull out. As this story will show, I became caught up within his excitement.

          During the following week, after our sex night at Joseph and Lizamoa's house, I was talking to Lizamoa on the phone. I think she realised my nervousness because she told me with great detail what the beach would be like. She also told me when we went to the beach, we would be visiting a busy public beach first, where bathing suits were required. Then we would walk over the sand dunes to another beach where we would be going nude. She gave me the usual warning such as wear shoes suitable for the hot black sand at this beach etc. And then she added: -
          "You better bring your swimming things with you," Lizamoa told me. "So you can swim at the first beach."
          I thought about my old one-piece. Hirohiko and Tukiko like swimming but I don't go that often so I still had this tired old modest one-piece, a bit old fashioned too. It even had that shirt part covering my bum and pelvis area. Women never wore that style these days. I wondered about wearing it to this beach.
          "What will you be wearing, Liz," I asked her.
          "My new bikini," she laughed.
          "Is it tiny?"
          "It's very tiny. Hardly hides anything."
          "But you said the beach is busy."
          "Yes, I know. Going to make all the men look."
          "You are very daring."
          I have to admit that by now I was a bit turned on by the thought of wearing such a sex bikini at a public beach in front of so many people. Yes, I had already committed to going to a nude beach and to be honest to myself, I was actually looking forward to doing it, too. But this wearing a tiny bikini in public was sexy too. It was like full-on exhibitionism without showing the final bits. I found that idea quite exciting too. But finding something exciting and actually doing it are two different things. Only time would tell if I could do it.
          She just laughed again. "What will you be wearing, Sayako?"
          "My old one-piece," I told her.
          "You don't have a bikini?"
          "No. Never wear the bikini," I explained. "Maybe I should get one."
          "Bikinis are sexier to wear, Sayako."
          "I bet they are," I laughed. "Like wearing my underwear in public."
          "A bit like that," she replied. "But much better if they are smaller."
          We both laughed again and soon the conversation ended.

          But I still kept thinking about the idea of a bikini. I remembered what she said, 'It had to be smaller than underwear if it was going to be sexy.'
          Questions came to my mind. Should I buy a bikini to wear on Saturday? If so, how small and how sexy? Would I be brave enough to wear it if I did buy one? I think the fact that I would be going nude on the next beach sort of answered for me. Compared to going naked, a bikini would be easy, I thought. Another deciding factor, my husband Hirohiko, would like it too.
          I was still thinking about the idea of buying a bikini when Tukiko came home from work. She came bounding into the kitchen, throwing her jacket and bag onto the table and looking for something to eat. That girl! She always seems hungry.
          "What's for dinner," she asked me, trying to pick some hot meat from the pan on the gas stove.
          "Stop that," I said, slapping at her hand.
          She pulled back just in time, complaining, "But, I'm hungry."
          "You are always hungry," I replied.
          She just smiled, trying to make another go at pulling out that piece of meat.
          "I don't know how you keep that trim figure, the way you eat."
          "But Mum..."
          I felt sorry for her and took a spoon to dig out a couple of bits of meat and vegetables, putting them on a side plate to cool.
          "Put your bag and jacket away first, then it should be cool enough," I told her, then as an afterthought I added, "I have something to ask you."
          Snatching up her bag and jacket she bounded off to her bedroom, soon returning, her office clothes replaced with more casual house clothes. Picking up the plate with a spoon, she began eating.
          "What do you want to ask me, Mum?" she said looking up.
          I was not quite sure how to begin this.
          "You know... When you wear your bikini... How does it feel?"
          She looked at me a bit funny. I suppose, not sure what I was asking.
          "Sort of like a bra and panties. Why?"
          "No, I mean. At a pool or beach. How does it feel with other people watching?"
          "Oh, that! You mean showing off?" Tukiko said.
          "Yes, you could say that. Showing off."
          "Well, a bikini shows a lot more than a one-piece. But the important bits, my tits and pussy are hidden. It's just, like flesh between. My stomach."
          But I wanted to know more. "Do people notice?"
          "Do people look, you mean? Sure, some do. Particularly, some men," Tukiko replied.
          "You don't mind them looking."
          "Like I said, my important bits are covered so they can look. I don't really care."
          "Ahh, I see."
          "Why all these questions, Mum?"
          "Lizamoa told me we would be swimming at a public beach first. With our swimsuits. I think I need to buy a new one."
          "That's a good idea," Tukiko said. "Your old one is a bit... You know."
          She didn't want to say it but I got the message.
          "So, I want to buy a new swimsuit."
          "Mmmm," Tukiko said, nodding her head, her mouth full of chicken.
          "I'm thinking about buying... Buying a sexy bikini."
          Poor girl. She almost choked on that chicken before she managed to reply.
          "A bikini! Really?"
          "Yes, dear. What do you think?"
          "Great idea, Mum. If you want one. But it's a big step."
          "Yes, Tukiko," I replied. "I know that."
          "But aren't we going to a nude beach? Dad won't allow you to chicken out and wear a bikini, you know," she warned me. "Not after you promised you would get naked."
          "Oh, I know that. And I don't intend to chicken out on him. If he shows his cock, I'll show my bits too."
          She giggled at that. I suppose she thought it funny.
          "Then why the bikini?"
          I explained that since we were going to a public beach before the nude beach, I needed a swimsuit. I told her that wearing a sexier swimsuit would get me prepared for when I had to take everything off.
          She smiled when she realised what I was planning.
          "Will you come with me, Tukiko? Help me buy one?"
          "Sure, Mum. I'd like to get a new bikini too but I'm broke at the moment."
          "I don't know what you do with all the money you earn. You are always broke," I said and then added. "Come and help me and I'll buy you one too. OK?"
          She brightened up at that.
          "Ok," she agreed. "Can I buy a more daring one?"
          "Isn't your blue one daring enough?"
          "But Mum!"
          "Ok then," I agreed. "I'll let you have a daring one."
          "Yes!" she says, her arm coming up with a clenched fist. Jumping up from her seat she made another raid on the food still on the stove.
          "Tukiko! Save that for dinner!"
          She giggled as she plucked another piece of meat from the pan, skipping away before I could stop her.

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Shopping For Sexy Bikinis.

It is Sayako, continuing with our story.
          The next day, I met Tukiko in the mall after work to go buy a bikini. Yes, I was fully committed to it being a bikini rather than a full one-piece. I had thought about it more fully and I wanted to try the daring experience of wearing a bikini type, on a public beach. A sexy one if possible. My husband, Hirohiko, had always wanted me to show more but I'd never been bold enough to do it. Now I would. I know he'd love seeing me wearing one at the beach. He was going to get his wish.
          I must acknowledge a small amount of excitement about this as well. Since we were intending to go naked on a nude beach, I thought wearing a bikini before on the public beach would be like a step to prepare myself for the total nudity following.
          Tukiko seemed to know where to go. Instead of selecting the larger department type store, I would have gone to, she selected a specialty shop that only sold ladies swimwear. Racks and racks of them, from every size, shape, style and colour. So many, it was hard to know where to start.
          I was thinking of buying a modest one-piece first and then maybe that sexier bikini but Tukiko was having none of that. She headed straight for the sexier bikinis, dragging me along with her.
          I pulled one, a colour that attracted me and held it up. It was blue with a green swirling pattern through it. I liked the colours.
          Nice colour," Tukiko said beside me. "Will look good on you."
          "Yes," I agreed. "But look at the size."
          "It's a 14," Tukiko said with a cheeky grin. "That's your size, Mum."
          "Not that," I said. "This cup will barely cover. And look how tiny that bottom is."
          "Well, you did say you wanted something sexy," she said. "That's sexy."
          "But I do want a tiny bit of covering."
          "That's a tiny bit of covering," she laughed again, teasing me.
          "Let's look further," I said to change the subject.
          "Ok," Tukiko agreed. "But keep that one. The colour is nice. You might want to try it on."
          "Are you serious?"
          "Yeah. Why not?"
          I examined it more closely and noticed there was no lining in the top. "Will that show the nipple shape?" I asked her quietly. I'm not comfortable mentioning such things in public.
          "Probably will. Be worse when it gets wet too."
          "Oh!" I said, now looking at the bottom half.
          There was not much lining there either. "Will that show any shape down there too?"
          "You mean a camel-toe?"
          "Camel toe?" I asked lowering my voice.
          She replied with a low voice too. "Yeah, where the shape of your cunt lips can be seen as a crease."
          I was a bit surprised she used that word 'cunt' as I thought it a tiny bit crude to use in a place like a shop.
          "Camel-toe? Is that what it's called?"
          "One name. Many girls like showing it too."
          "Really?" I was a bit shocked.
          "You can hide it by wearing a multi-coloured one. That means your nipple and camel-toe won't be so easy to see."
          After that, I went to replace the bikini on the rack. That was it. I wanted nothing more to do with that bikini.
          But Tukiko stopped me. "Try it on Mum. You might like it."
          So, I took the bikini with me but I had no intention of ever trying it on, let alone buying it.

          We moved over to another rack that contained some one-piece suits.
          "I don't think so, Mum. These are sheer, go see-through when wet."
          "Really?" I said my second surprise in this shop. I am surprised that anyone would want to buy a suit like that.
          "Look at the back too."
          I held up the blue one I was looking at. What back? There was no back other than a few strings. "I see what you mean," I said replacing the suit in its rack.
          Further on I did select a one-piece suit that I liked. It was also blue but I liked the red stripe that ran down in a diagonal across the front. It was a quite high cut in the legs and looked to show some cleavage too.
          The third item I selected was another bikini, much more modest with full panties and top.
          "What about you Tukiko?" I asked as I remembered my promise to buy a bikini for her too.
          "I saw one before," she said. "A red one on that first rack."
          "Why didn't you get it when we were there before?"
          "I didn't think you would let me."
          "Let's go and have a look," I said.
          "It was that first rack, where you got your one."
          'Well, she did say she wanted a sexy one' I thought. Did she really want one of those?
          When we reached the rack, she went straight for a red one, pulling it off the rack. It looked to be similar to the one I was holding but only in the one colour.
          "Do you want another colour?" I asked her, thinking about what she had told me earlier.
          "Not really. I like this red."
          "But the camel-toe?" I said lowering my voice.
          "I'll take my chances with that," she giggled.

          We went over to tell the shop assistance we wanted to try some swimsuits we had selected. She smiled and pointed to the changing rooms in the corner. I followed Tukiko as she walked through the shop.
          I wondered about her; I had a selection of swimsuits but she had only one. Almost like she had decided on it already. It was far sexier than I would ever have allowed her but I suppose an agreement was an agreement so I held my tongue.
          Anyway, she was 19 now, old enough to decide for herself. Like she said, it hides the important bits. Just barely with that bikini. She can decide for herself how much she was willing to show at the beach.
          I went into the changing rooms to try it on. While I went into one cubicle, pulling the curtain closed behind me. I thought Tukiko went into the one next door.
          I decided to try on the modest bikini first. To wear a swimsuit, I had to strip completely. I wasn't bold enough to do that with only a curtain between me and those outside, so I took off my blouse and bra, reaching for the top first. It seemed to fit ok so removing my skirt, I stepped into the bikini bottom too.
          "How is that?" I heard Tukiko ask me.
          "Seems to fit ok," I replied.
          "Can I see?"
          Nervously I pulled back the curtain so she could see into my cubicle. My plan was for only Tukiko to see me without stepping outside.
          "That looks ok," she said.
          Then I noticed she was still in her clothes.
          "Why haven't you changed?" I asked.
          "I'm waiting for you to try the other bikini," Tukiko replied.
          'Who said I was going to try that,' I thought but then to distract her I said, "I'm going to try the one-piece now."
          "Ok," she replied.
          I had to strip everything to change, feeling a bit bolder now I took both halves of the bikini off before stepping into the one-piece, pulling it up over my body. The stretchy material hugged every curve and feature of my body. The legs came high on each side that didn't exactly flatter my butt and the front view even worse. You could clearly see my nipple bumps and the crease of my camel-toe. Too much for me.
          After quickly showing it to Tukiko, I took it off.
          She insisted I try the last bikini saying she would be trying her one too and left without giving me the chance to say no.
          I peeled off the one-piece so it dropped to the floor, leaving me completely naked behind nothing but that curtain. I surprised myself by finding trying on swimsuits to be quite sexy. Maybe it was the location, the element of risk, the chance of more being seen. Maybe it was, I planned to buy a swimsuit far bolder than anything I ever thought I would wear. Maybe that was why I was more agreeable to trying the sexy bikini.
          I stepped into the bottom pulling it up over my pussy mound. It didn't cover much, I had trouble adjusting it to cover my hairs. Yes, there would be some shaving required to wear this.
          Now the top. Being held together with strings and bows, I was having trouble getting it on. I quietly told Tukiko in the next cubical.
          "Ok, mum," she said.
          I was about to give up and take it off when the curtain opened and Tukiko slipped in. She held her finger to her mouth to say be quiet so no one would know two of us were there. She was wearing her red bikini and it looked very small and daring on her. Showing much more of her body than I'd thought she would want to show. Quickly she sorted my top and tied it behind my neck and then pulled open the curtain she stepped out of the cubical.
          I turned with my back to the entrance and was checking myself in the mirror, turning from side to side to view as much as I could. In some ways, I liked it, certainly the colour but this bikini sure was as tiny as it had looked when I selected it. The top, actually more like two triangles across my chest. I cannot say covering my breasts because they made a minimal attempt at that. My breasts swelled out showing much of them between. All I can say is, at least my nipples were covered. But the bumps of them could be seen through the thin, unlined material.
          Now, down below, the bikini started as a string over each hip, stretching out into a triangle over my pubic area. Not much more than my pubic hair was covered by the bottom. It pulled tightly against me so I could clearly see the shape of my pussy mound, how it pulled down to a narrow strip of material between my legs.
          Suddenly, I looked up and behind me with the mirror. Opposite, was a man, obviously sitting waiting for his wife. He looked to be middle-aged, maybe around the same age as me. He was looking directly at me.
          At first, I was a bit shocked. He was looking at me. Near enough to naked in that tiny item. He would be seeing my back, how the bottom half barely covered my arse. With the aid of the mirror, I was sure he could see some of the front views too. I could have hidden from him but instead, something made me turn towards him. I could have covered myself or even pulled the curtain, but I didn't. I just gave him a slight smile and continued discussing our bikinis with Tukiko.
          She was decided, she was getting that red one. It was beginning to grow on me. It looked good on her and she seemed comfortable wearing it outside the changing cubicle with others in the shop.
          But I wasn't so sure about mine. Loved the colour but the size? It was sexy... exciting to wear. But on a beach, in public, on display to many people. I wasn't sure. Tukiko said I looked good wearing it. I did too. It seemed to fit and work with my body. But so tiny... nothing much covered at all. I was beginning to decide that this was too much, I'd go for the other bikini.
          When I looked back at that man, he silently mouthed the word, "Wow!"
          I smiled again and looked down at myself before looking back at him. It was like I was silently asking for his opinion.
          And he silently gave it too. His hand came up with his thumb raised. He gave me the 'thumbs up.' Obviously, he liked it.
          Tukiko, who was still facing me had no idea of what had just happened between me and this stranger. She was surprised when suddenly I said, "Yes, I'll take it. I'll take both bikinis." Then looking at her, I added, "You can have your one too. It can be my birthday present to you."
          To say she was shocked would be an understatement. It took her a moment or two to realise what had just happened. I had agreed to buy a bikini. Not just any bikini but one so tiny it barely covered anything.
          When I left the cubical, the man was gone. I looked for him in the shop but he wasn't there either. He was the clincher. The reason I brought that bikini.
          But that moment was also a milestone for me for another reason. It was the beginning of my career as an exhibitionist. I discovered showing to that total stranger like that was a turn on for me.

          As we left the mall and walked towards our cars, Tukiko smiled at me.
          "I never thought you would ever do that," she told me.
          "Do what? Buy a bikini?"
          "Maybe a bikini is believable but one so sexy."
          "Don't you think your mother is sexy, Tukiko?"
          "Well, yes but..."
          "Watch this space girl. I have a feeling there will be some more surprises concerning your father and me. I'm sure your father is not going to leave this at just a bit of nude swimming."
          She looked at me, a bit surprised, maybe a bit confused.
          I smiled to myself as I turned away from her to unlock my car. Yes, I think that over the next few weeks, this girl would be reevaluating her ideas concerning her parents.

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The Showing Sayako's Bikini.

Hello everyone, it is Hirohiko now.
          Horny Hirohiko as a certain cheeky Indian woman would say.
          I was unaware of all that had happened before this, (see above). All I knew was my wife, Sayako, had elected to buy a new swimsuit and she was taking our daughter, Tukiko, with her. From another woman's point of view, I suppose. Why she needed a new swimsuit when we were going to a nude beach, I don't know. But she and Tukiko were going shopping and I was just glad they didn't ask me to go as I hate shopping with a passion. Particularly woman's clothing shops. That was a relief.
          When I got home from work, the girls still weren't there. I wasn't surprised, Sayako had told me she was shopping with Tukiko and would be home later. I knew what she had planned for dinner and so started into preparations.
          Not much later, I heard two cars pull into the driveway, Sayako's car, going into the garage under the house while the other, Tukiko's car, parking in a bay beside the house. Soon, both of them came up the stairs, giggling like little girls, both clutching shopping bags so I knew, whatever they had gone out for, their shopping expedition had been a success.
          They quickly changed from their office clothes and were back in the kitchen where I was relieved from my cooking duties. I sat at the breakfast bar watching them, listening to their excited chatter, as they preparing dinner.
          I could tell they were excited about their purchases but neither would enlighten me as to what they had brought. They said I would have to wait. Once dinner was over, they would model their new clothes for me. Modelling seemed to be a lot of trouble; I was intrigued. The way they giggled and the shared looks that passed between them, I knew something was going on.
          We sat to have dinner and again it was obvious both these women, Sayako my wife and Tukiko my daughter, were sharing a secret.
          Once dinner was over, I thought the women would want to clean up as they usually do so I began to help, taking the dishes to the kitchen.
          "Don't worry about them," Sayako told me. "Just stack them in the sink. We can do them tomorrow."
          She then left the room with Tukiko, telling me to wait here for them.
          Do them tomorrow! Certainly not like my wife at all. Dinner over, the dishes would be done and everything cleaned up straight away. An unspoken rule, always that way. But tonight, she had clearly told me they would leave the mess until the following day. While I waited, I started cleaning a bit anyway, putting hot water in the worst cooking pots to soak and rinsing the food off most of the dishes.
          I was pretty well done when there was a voice behind me as Sayako said, "We are ready now, Hirohiko."
          I turned from the sink to find them both standing there. They were wearing their bathrobes to hide whatever they wore underneath.
          Sayako explained partly what I knew already that she and Tukiko had gone shopping for a swimsuit for Saturday. By the looks of it, Tukiko had brought one too. As if that girl needed any more clothing or any more swimsuits for that matter. She had at least three or four already that I knew of.
          "You go first Tukiko," my wife said.
          Tukiko smiled, then pulling open the robe, she let it drop to the floor behind her. She was left in an extremely tiny red bikini. Far smaller than anything I've seen her in before. The problem here was, so much of her body flesh was shown with only three tiny red triangles hiding the rest. It was more you were looking at the body than the bikini. I'm not sure it's right for a man to call his daughter sexy but in this she was sexy.
          She did a turn, showing me the back view too.
          "Are you sure you're going to wear that to the beach?" I asked her.
          "Of course," she replied.
          "It's very tiny," I said.
          "It covers me... covers the important bits," Tukiko replied. "Anyway, it will be worse when I get to the nude beach."
          I was surprised she mentioned her 'important bits' like that. Of course, meaning her breasts and pussy.
          I didn't want this to get into Tukiko defending herself for that bikini so I let the matter drop. She's 20 now, old enough to make her own choices as to what she wore. She did make a good point about going naked at the next beach, though. And my wife seemed ok with it too. What man is brave enough, or foolish enough, to earn the wrath of his wife and daughter at the same time?

          "What did you buy, honey?" I asked Sayako, to change the subject.
          "I brought a bikini too." She replied.
          "Oh, wow! I never thought you would."
          It was true. I was pleased that she did but surprised too. I never thought she would ever buy one. We had sometimes talked about it in fantasy sessions but I'd never asked her to buy one. Always the bikinis in those sessions had been tiny, sometimes even G-strings or topless, so Sayako knew I was turned on by the idea of her wearing a sexy one. But the general understanding was, what happened in fantasy, stayed in fantasy. There was never any expectation of reality. That is until Sayako had suggested this visiting this nude beach idea.
          "It is as tiny as Tukiko's," she said. "Do you want to see it?"
          Of course, I wanted to see it. That was a silly question. But I think she knew the answer too because before I could answer, she opened and dropped her robe.
          It was blue/green, her favourite colours. And as tiny as Tukiko's, almost identical. I loved how the tiny top covered her breasts but left lots of cleavage between them. My wife is bigger than Tukiko and filled out her bikini top more. I could see the nubs of her nipples through the material too. Lower down, the long smooth sweep of my wife's belly ended at this tiny triangle deep between her thighs. I loved how the bottom came up to not much more than a string around her hips. The way she was standing, her legs slightly parted, the full swell of her pussy mound was displayed with the tiny suit pulling tightly against it.
          She looked hot. Totally hot, sexually hot. And I think she knew it too.
          "Do you like it?" she asked.
          Of course, I liked it. Just speechless for a moment.
          "I love it," I said. "You look amazing, honey!"
          I stepped up to her, pulling her against me, my hand running over the small triangle of her bikini cup. I felt her nipple harden through the material.
          "I'm going to wear this on Saturday," she said, her voice not much more than a whisper.
          "You don't mind. It's very tiny."
          "No. I want to wear it. It will be fun."
          My answer was to take her, pull her in my arms. My hand reached for her breast again, feeling her nipple through her bikini. I could feel her body tremble at my touch and realised how turned-on she was too. Our lips met in a kiss.
          "It's getting a bit steamy in here," my cheeky daughter said as she turned to do something in the kitchen.
          It was getting steamy too. Sayako and I were in a full embrace now. Our kissing had turned to deep tongue kissing. My hands were soon all over her and her hand was rubbing my cock through my jeans.
          "Hey! Get a room, you two," I heard Tukiko say from behind me.
          Breaking apart, Sayako looked at me and smiled, "Come on," she said with that voice she gets when she's horny. "Let's go."
          "Let's get a room," I replied and she giggled.
          Looking back over my shoulder Sayako said, "Tukiko, leave things for the morning."
          After turning to instruct Tukiko to leave the kitchen things, my wife took my hand, almost pulling me out of the room. I knew where we were going. We'd both be getting lucky tonight. I had seen my wife give me that look. The one when she was horny and wanted my body. Had not seen her like that in a long time. Her wearing that tiny bikini was getting me a bit that way too.

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Celebrating My Sexy Bikini.

Hi, Sayako here again.
          When we left Tukiko, I was still wearing that very tiny bikini. We had hardly left the room and Hirohiko's hands were all over me again. In the hallway, he had the bikini top pulled aside and was trying to suck my nipple. Further along the passageway, he was rubbing me through my bikini bottom.
          By the time we reached our bedroom door his hand was down inside my bikini bottom, fingers pressing into my pussy as he had me pressed against the wall in a tight embrace, our lips together in some deep fierce tongue kissing as he finger fucked me. Might not seem like it but it was good. I was fully enjoying his attention. 
          Suddenly behind me, we heard, "Oh gross! Too much, you guys!"
          We broke apart to see Tukiko disappearing into her bedroom. Giggling together, I pulled the door of our bedroom closed behind us as we slipped inside.
          There was no slow build-up, no slow stripping or undressing, he almost threw me on to the bed. As my back hit the softness of the mattress. He came after me, down on top of me. We both struggled to get his shirt off, then the trousers he was wearing. Silly really, we could have taken them off standing up. I noticed he made no attempt to remove my bikini. Not that it was covering anything by then.
          When I reached for him, I discovered how hard he was. Me wearing this bikini was sure turning him on. Well, actually his behaviour had told me that before I even touched his manhood.
          I was laying back on the bed with the cups of my bikini top pulled aside. He was ravishing me, licking and sucking all over my tits. Soon he was lower down, where the bikini bottom was pulled aside, his face into my pussy, licking and sucking at me there too.
          I was in heaven. Loving it. Wiggling around and humping back at him as he continued eating me. When he moved higher and began licking my clitty, that was it for me. Suddenly, I needed him. I wanted his cock inside me.
          I pulled at him, "I want you!" I gasped.
          His face lifted up from my pussy.
          "Come fuck my wet cunt," I said, pulling at him to move up.
          I don't usually talk or use words like that, so when I do it excites him. Hirohiko was excited now. He came forward and down on me. With my bikini pulled aside my 'cunt' was open for him. I felt him pressing against me. My wet lips parted. I allowed him to enter me. I could feel his hard cock sliding in. Oh, it felt so good. The second thrust a bit faster, going in deeper. His cock inside me now, feeling amazing. When I felt him begin to move, begin to fuck me, it felt even better if that is possible.
          Even now, I still can't believe we were like that. My husband Hirohiko, naked on top of me. Me underneath, my bikini still on, both top and bottom pulled aside, while he fucked me. I can't believe how good it was too. How ready I was, how I really needed it bad.
          Our desires overtook us. It was more like aggressively attacking each other than fucking. But we were just so passionate for each other. I needed his cock. Just as badly, he needed my 'cunt.'
          Soon his body was pounding down at me. And I was loving it. Wild and powerful fucking. Driven forward by our lust and urgency for each other. Thinking now, I can't believe we did it like that. But we did and it was great sex.
          Within moments, I had made my first cum. Not that big but still surprising that I did so fast. He continued with his work and soon I was with him again. It wasn't long before I realised this cock inside me was getting to me again. My orgasm was growing and building. Not like me to cum again so quickly, or for that matter, even cum a second time during sex. But here I was again, about to go over the top.
          I soon came to know that Hirohiko was there too. His cum actually arrived just before mine. I think, judging by his reaction, it was a good one for him. Mine followed quickly, right behind him. A good one too.
          Finally, he rolled off me and we relaxed.

          Sometime later, we did it again. While laying talking, I had reached for him, discovering him semi-hard again. Sliding down to take him with my mouth, it didn't take much to get him fully hardened again. I didn't care it was the taste of our previous fucking, I just wanted to suck him and enjoy him. Excite him, make him hard so we could go again. We were just so turned-on for each other, so ready for more sex. We both had not been like this for a long time.
          This time I was on top taking him a kind of cowgirl style. I just couldn't get enough of him that night. Sitting up straight allowing his cock in deep. My hips moving while I fucked him. I was being rough with him again too.
          I was still wearing that bikini, both top and bottom while we fucked. His hands came up for my breasts, playing with my bare nipples. I leaned forward so he could suck them. He pulled the bikini top over, playing with my nipples through the top even sucking my nipples like that too. Then they were pulled open again. All this attention was sexy and I was loving what he was doing to me.
          I was sitting upright again. That cock, deep in my 'cunt' felt great too. I was moving my hips and loved how my body was stimulated by it too. He was pulling at my nipples now, pinching them so they hurt me with the pain. My body was responding back to him as well. My pussy thrusting down at him with each stroke. Sending his cock deep inside. I enjoyed how he burst in through my lips, taking as much of him as I could. I also enjoyed his cock slipping from me as I pulled back. Both movements working me towards my climax.
          While the sex had been great, the orgasms were amazing. Two again, arriving quickly, one after the other with his cum following straight after. It left me drained and exhausted. I collapsed on top of him a helpless wreck. He had to push me off so he could recover.

          The next morning, I woke and was talking with my husband Hirohiko in the bed. That had been some great sex the night before and we both knew it. It didn't take long before he was doing me again. So much sex and we just didn't want to stop.
          While we sat relaxing in bed afterwards, I thought a nice cup of coffee would be good and he agreed.
          Reaching the kitchen, I discovered Tukiko already there, dressed ready for work.
          "Hi Mum," she said as I walked in.
          I noticed her looking at me since I hadn't bothered to get dressed. I realised I was still wearing that bikini. Top pulled back to bare my breasts, bottom pulled aside to show my pussy. Suddenly embarrassed I tried to cover myself. I hope I didn't look too bad since there had not been much sleep for me that night.
          "I'm making a coffee," she said. "Looks like you need one."
          I tried to smile. "Do I look that bad?"
          "Only a lot worse," she replied with a laugh.
          "If I'd known your father would behave like that, I would have brought a sexy bikini years ago."
          "Too much information, Mum," she replied.
          "Sorry dear," I smiled as I took over from her to pour three cups of coffee.
          "Your Dad and I won't be going to work today. Going to call in sick."
          "Pulling a sickie?"
          I just smiled but didn't deny it either. Taking two of the cups, I wished her a good day and then left, heading back for our bedroom.
          A bit later we heard her car start up and disappear down the driveway. Well, someone had to do some work! We certainly weren't going to.

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There Goes Dinner.

Sayako Continues.
          It was Friday evening. Tukiko was out with her boyfriend. Hirohiko and I were spending a night in. I left my office early, not staying for Friday drinks as is usual. My husband had been so excited for the last couple of nights. The sex had been great. I couldn't believe it, every night since I brought that bikini. And I found myself wanting to rush home, ready for some more. Does that make me a naughty girl? I hope so.
          Hirohiko wasn't home yet but he did say he would be a bit late, driving back from a business meeting in Hamilton. But that was good as it gave me time to prepare his favourite dish. I wanted something special for what promised to be a very special evening.
          When he finally arrived home, he found me in the kitchen doing a few last-minute things for the meal. Nothing unusual about that. I was wearing an apron, as I usually did wear for cooking. What was unusual was, that was all I was wearing. Apron in front, my bare arse behind.
          "Oh, sexy arse," he said, coming up behind me, his hand going straight for it.
          "Hello dear," I managed to say.
          "Mmmm, nice cooking uniform."
          While one hand was still on my arse, his fingers touching my little hole there before going lower and under to my pussy. The other hand had found its way up under the apron to my breast. Soon his body was against mine, his cock pressing against my arse through his trousers, his lower hand had found its way around to my pussy from the front. I could feel him rubbing his pelvis against my bum. Felt sexy too.
          I must confess to becoming a bit distracted by what he was doing. But then, what woman wouldn't be distracted by some fingers pulling on her nipple while other fingers were pressing into her pussy.
          After some playing and those fingers inside me almost getting me off, we managed to get back to dinner preparations. While he set up the table, I brought the dishes from the kitchen. There was one last dish to bring, the hot dish with the main meal, his favourite. Carefully holding it with potholder gloves, I brought it to the table and leaned over to place it on the hot plate stand in the centre.
          Yes, you've worked it out. Only wearing the apron, my bare arse was sticking out as I leaned over the table. Too much temptation. Suddenly he was behind me, his arms wrapping around for my tits as his hard cock contacted my bare arse. The first try and I felt his bare cock against the cheeks of my bum. Another push and the head of his cock was pressing against my pussy lips. The next shove and he entered me from behind.
          Because of my surprise, the hot dish slipped from my grasp, half landed on the hot dish stand, fell to the tabletop then slipped off, hitting the dining room floor with a crash.
          "Hirohiko," I cried out. "The food."
          "To hell with the food," he replied.
          By now he was deep inside me, his body pressing me against the dining table as he started fucking. The way his hands were all over me playing, was pretty good too.
          For a moment, I thought, 'The meal was gone.' But what could I do about it? Anyway, it couldn't fall any further. It was ruined.
          I resigned myself to getting a good fucking and enjoyed it too. He felt so hard, going in so deep too with each stroke. I could feel how his body slammed against me, with each thrust. His cock going in so far.
          Being suddenly caught with his excitement. I was surprised at myself. How so quickly it had turned me on. His cock was easily slipping into me. I was so wet; I could feel my juices running down my leg.
          It was rough sex, intense and didn't last long either. After only a few minutes I knew he was almost there. I could feel him gasping for the air to drive his body, strong thrusts continuing to pound me. He was close now. I felt his body shudder, his thrusting faltered as he began to cum.
          I was right behind him, a huge cum bursting over me. It was that finger rubbing my clitty that finally did it for me.
          I was laying over the table, he was slumped over me. Lucky, we had the table to hold us up. Finally, we managed to recover and pull apart.
          It was then that I could look at the mess. My favourite cook dish was smashed into pieces, food all over the food. The meal was a total loss.
          "That's a mess," I said. "My best dish too."
          "But the fucking was good," he replied.
          He had a point there. The sex was good - some of our best.
          I didn't worry. I decided, the mess could be sorted out later.

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Pizza Boy.

          Well, dinner was ruined, since he caused it, I told him he had to buy pizza.
          "Ok," he agreed. "But you have to meet him at the door."
          "What? Like this?"
          "No better than that. Without the apron."
          "That is worse!"
          "Depends on your point of view."
          "Yeah right!" I replied. "I know you men would enjoy it."
          Completely nude! Now, that was a rather hot idea. In my excited sexual state, I must admit to seriously considering it. In the end, we comprised. When I suggested I wear just my new bikini and he went for it. While I rushed away to put my bikini on, Hirohiko dialled for the pizza.
          When I arrived back, Hirohiko had the mess almost cleaned up. The broken pieces of the dish were sitting in a tray on the bench and he was mopping up the last of the spilled food.
          "That looks so hot," he said as I walked into the room.
          He came over to me, his hand going for my breast.
          "Don't start that again," I said, pulling his hand away. "The pizza man will be here soon. I don't want him to catch us fucking."
          "Why not? It might be fun to get caught."
          "It might be but we're not going to do it."
          This bikini thing was sure getting to him. Suddenly he seemed to be so horny for me, ready to take me wherever, whatever chance he could get.
          I stood in front of the hall mirror looking at myself. Here I was preparing to answer the door wearing this tiniest of bikinis. Hardly more than two triangles covering my breasts and a third covering my pussy. Other than the man in the shop, no one had seen me wearing it, other than my husband and my daughter. Now I was going to reveal myself to a complete stranger at our front door.
          It sure was tiny. Showing a lot of my body. Near enough to naked. But I felt excited to be thinking about it. Excited to be doing it.
          Hirohiko came up behind me, his arms going around to hold me. "Are you ready?" he quietly asked.
          "Yes," I nodded. "I think I'm ready."
          "You don't have to if you don't want to," he said as he held me tight.
          I pulled my head back to look at his face, surprised he was offering me an escape.
          "No," I told him quietly. "I want to do this. It will be fun."
          He smiled at that. I guess pleased I wanted to go through with it. 
          "I can see a couple of improvements needed," he said.
          I looked at him in the mirror, wondering what he meant.
          His hands came up under my arms, to my breasts, fingers finding my nipples, briskly rubbing over them and pulling at them. Instantly they started to harden. Now standing out under the thin material of my bikini. Then one hand went to my pussy, his fingers rubbing along the length of my cunt. Pressing in leaving a crease.
          "A camel-toe," I breathed in surprise.
          "Yeah," he laughed. "Looks good too."
          I looked at myself again in the mirror. Saw how my nipples stood out and lower down was an obvious crease where my cunt was. For a second, I hesitated. Is this too much?
          "But, Hirohiko, I can't..."
          "Sure, you can. It will be hot."
          His hand went to my arse, fingers running down the split between my cheeks, pressing the bikini in there so most of my arse cheeks were left bare. "For when you turn away to pick up the money," he explained.

          At that moment, the doorbell rang.
          I was trembling with excitement as I reached for the door handle. Leaning over to give him a light kiss as I did. Then I pulled the door wide open.
          The pizza boy was standing there.
          "Hello," I greeted him.
          "A pizza delivery for Hirrhka... Horrkiki," he said, trying to keep his eyes on my face.
          "Hirohiko," I corrected him. "He is here. I can take delivery."
          I saw him glance down my body. I knew he was viewing me, near enough to naked. This was turning me on more than I expected it would. Perhaps I should have been nude. I hoped he wouldn't notice how my legs were trembling. Was I juicing up, leaving a wet patch in front? I wanted to check but knew I couldn't now.
          "One Seafood and one Spicy Chicken, plus two garlic bread," he managed today as he handed them to me.
          "Thank you," I said as I leaned forward to take them.
          I saw his downward glance. Poor guy was having trouble keeping eye contact with my tits almost slipping out like that.
          Taking the pizza, I turned, placing them on the side table. Then picking up Hirohiko's wallet left there, I took a moment to count out the money. Giving him more time to look. I knew his eyes were on the back of me now. Looking at my back, slimmer waist and looking at my bikini not covering my arse. My bum must have been looking good with the bikini pulled into the crack. Suited me? I thought so. This guy would be checking out my arse shape too.
           I turned back to him, giving him the full-frontal again as I reached out to give him the money. I purposely stood back from him, legs slightly parted so he could view me. I knew he wanted to look and I wanted him to look as well. All he needed was an excuse and I was ready to give him one.
          "Sorry about the bikini," I said. "I'm just trying it on. It's new... Wearing it to the beach tomorrow."
          He just nodded.
          "Do you like it?" I asked.
          He looked down my body before his eyes returned to my face as he smiled. Well mentioning it like that, I sort of invited him to look.
          "Do you think it is suitable?"
          I gave him another turn so he could view me from all angles.
          "Very suitable."
          "Not too tiny?" I asked.
          "No," he replied. "Every man on the beach will think it perfect."
          'Oh good, answer,' I smiled to myself.
          "Thank you," I said out loud. "You're a sweetie." Then with a sudden impulse, I leaned forward and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.
           He was left standing there with his mouth open. Totally shocked which kind of amused me too. But this guy knew how to say the right things. He got a $20 tip from Hirohiko's wallet for that too.
          As I went to close the door, I added, "Thank you for the delivery."
          "Thank you," he replied in return.

          The whole time my husband had stood out of sight watching me. He saw how I had displayed myself to the pizza boy and heard the conversation between us. I would expect he would have noticed how turned on I was too.
          As soon as the door was closed, I turned to Hirohiko, almost springing into his arms.
          "Thank you for the business or the bikini view?" my husband asked.
          "The bikini view," I laughed in reply. "What else?"
          He was hugging me now, my body pulled hard against his. My leg wrapped around his leg holding him hard against my pussy.
          "I could see him looking at me," I said.
          "Nice view too."
          "Looking at my body. I felt like I was naked," I whispered into his ear.
          "You should have been naked," he replied.
          "Oh! Fuck!"
          With how he was rubbing at my pussy. He almost had me that time.
          "I felt so horny, so turned on."
          "And where did that kiss come from too?"
          "I don't know. That young guy looked so cute," I giggled. "Maybe I should have invited him in to help me take this bikini off."
          "You looked so hot," he told me. "He might have too."
          "But then the pizza would have got cold."
          "We can't have that, can we?" he laughed.

          My breasts were against his chest. His hands wrapped around me, one gripping my arse, pulling so my pelvis was pressed against him. I could feel him hard between us and reached down to rub him through his pants.
          As he kissed me and nibbled my neck. His hands were busy too. All over me, particularly the areas covered by my bikini parts. It felt sexy and was turning me on too.
          Now my bikini top was pulled back and his mouth went straight in for a nipple. I felt his lips take me, felt him begin to suck. Damn! That was too good. I was holding on to his head, my eyes closed, enjoying it. I thought this is good, can it get any better? It could and it did.
          While he continued sucking my nipple, I felt a hand rub over the mound of my pussy. His fingers rubbing over the smooth round of my bikini, pressing in, finding the length of my lips through the bikini material.
          I gave a little moan at that.
          His hand moved higher, up to the top edge of my bikini, his fingers slipping inside then plunging down deep between my legs. I let out a gasp of pleasure. Wasn't expecting that! He found me wet, explored how wet I was but only stayed for a minute. I think he had found all he wanted to know.
          Pulling back from me, he opened his shirt. He was about to take it off when I said, "Leave it on and open. Just your pants off."
          His hands moved to his shorts, first the belt came off, then the zipper came down, the clip undone so the shorts fell to his feet. I looked down to see him step out of them. When I looked back up, he was still looking directly at me. All this time his eyes had never left my face. That in its self I thought was sexy.
          Now, he was facing me wearing only his partly open shirt, his cock sticking out towards me as I held it. He looked so damn sexy like that. I couldn't help reaching for him again.
          "I want you," I whispered, my voice full of lust.
          "I want you too," came his reply.
          Both hands reached for my hips and with a sharp pull, my bikini bottom was gone. Then his hands lifted me, back so I was sitting on the edge of the kitchen bench. I reached out to hold him, pulling him towards me. From this position we could both look down, watching his cock press against me and enter me.
          My legs lifted up around him so my thighs were pulled wider and he could go in deeper. That is how he started to fuck me. I loved how he went into me. So good, feeling his cock work between my wet lips. I was so horny and turned on. Partly due to what had happened with the pizza boy and partly due to what was happening tomorrow.
          The fact we were doing it on the bench in the kitchen, a position we had never tried before, was sexy too.
          The position was good for me. The way he was pulling in and out was working at my clitty too. Almost from the moment, he entered me, I knew it was going to be good.
          His strokes were coming in at me, hard and fast. His cock driving into my soaking cunt. Thrusting cock, going in deep. I was loving it too. Loving the feelings coming from my pussy. I could feel my clitty building too.
          I reached up to pull my bikini top aside. My nipples were bare for him to see again. He couldn't touch them as both his hands were holding and supporting me. So, I did it myself. I touched my nipples myself. Right in front of his face, he was watching what I was doing.
          I brushed my fingers over them, rubbed them, rolled them between my fingers and thumb. I pull at them then roughly pinched them so hard it made me cry out with the pain.
          He gave a deep moan, I felt him break the rhythm, give a few uncoordinated strokes and stop deep inside me. He was cumming, pumping yet more into me.
          He had stopped, he was finished for now. Yes, I had missed the boat that time. Too much playing with my nipples, I think. Was I disappointed? No, not really. I didn't mind, it had been good, exciting doing it in the kitchen. He'd had a huge orgasm and I was happy I could do that for him.
          I also knew there was going to be more before the night was over. After dinner, once we got to bed. We would fuck again. He was a good man and I knew he would make it up for me. Give me a good time too.

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          Over dinner, we had talked about me wearing the bikini. I said I needed to trim my pussy a bit as it didn't entirely cover my pubes. We decided we would do it in the shower on the way to bed. Of course, my husband, Hirohiko was there to help me.
          Stripping for the shower was easy since we were still wearing what we had on in the kitchen. Hirohiko threw his shirt on the bathroom floor and then I stripped my bikini top off so it wouldn't get wet in the shower.
          First, he offered to do the trimming for me. That was my mistake, letting him anywhere near me in the bathroom in the sexual state we were in. But when he kindly offered to do it, I kindly excepted.
          First, he cut off some hair around the edges until I suggested he gives me a trim and neaten all over. I think, at that stage, we took more than we intended and when I checked in the mirror, I discovered my pussy lips could be seen.
          "You can see everything now," I giggled.
          By then, everything was a bit giggerly for me as the wine with the pizza was going to my head a bit.
          "Sorry about that."
          "It's ok," I replied. "Looks kind of sexy."
          I'd been Googling nude beaches, looking at where they were and what people wore there. I had noticed that many women chose the completely shaven look. To me, that looked really sexy.
          "What if you shave me?" I asked.
          "You mean everything?"
          "Yeah. It would be sexy."
          "I think so too. But are you really sure?"
          "Yes, I'm sure. We're going to do this. Let's do it all."
          "It's no worse than me. You see my cock all the time."
          I laughed, "And now you'll see my cunt all the time too."
          "Your cunt?"
          "Yes, that's what it's called," I replied. "Is that a problem?"
          "Just surprised you using that word so much."
          "Don't you like it?" I asked.
          "No, it's sexy," he replied. "Hot actually. Just don't overdo it. Keep it special."
          I sat back with my legs wide open and let him shave me. Completely bare. When I looked at myself in the mirror, I realised I'd never been that bare since I'd been a little girl. As I moved and walked you could even see the lips of my cunt move. Looked hot and sexy.
          I liked it. Hirohiko liked it too. I liked the smooth feel of it too but I knew by morning there would be some stubble starting to show. He said I could use his electric shaver which would leave me smooth again.
          That buzzing shaver with its gentle vibration as he pushed it over my excited pussy. That's another story there and a couple of orgasms too. But I'm getting distracted, aren't I? Better be getting back to my story.

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Beach Fantasy.

          After shaving in the shower room, we were back in the bedroom, lying on the bed. As I lay back partly against him, Hirohiko started a game we had often playing in the privacy of our bedroom. A fantasy sex session about exhibitionism or voyeurism. Except, there was one big difference this time, tomorrow we would be acting out our fantasy for real.
          Hirohiko was resting against pillows propped up against the headboard. I was resting back against him. We were both still naked of course. His hands were reaching around each side of me as I rested partly against him. One hand was touching my breast, playing with my nipple. The other hand was touching my freshly shaved pussy. Yes, completely shaved, completely bald.
          My hand was reaching down to stroke his cock. Hirohiko was hard again, despite already having sex twice he had been hard most of the night. It was very clear to us both that we were headed for more sex before the night was done.
          So, let's get on with it. He started our fantasy game where we would ask each other sexy questions and tell each other sexy replies about what we would be doing at the beach. It was particularly about exposing me. Showing off my body to others on the beach.
          "Are you looking forward to tomorrow, Sayako," Hirohiko asked me.
          "Of course, I am," I replied.
          "Are you going to wear that tiny bikini tomorrow?" he asked.
          "Yes, at the public beach."
          "Oh wow!"
          "I'm going to strip off my shorts and T-shirt, right there on the beach."
          "Oh yes," he said.
          "All those watching will see my tiny bikini."
          "I can't wait to see you wearing it there."
          "So tiny. So much of me showing," I added.
          "In public too," he said. "So many people looking at you."
          "My breasts will be almost shown, lots of cleavage. Nipple shape too."
          His fingers were rubbing along my pussy lips now. Making me begin to juice up. My hand was wrapped around his hard shaft. I was beginning to pump him. My fist wrapped around him, pumping up and down his hard cock.
          "Your tiny bikini bottom too," he said. "So tiny. Almost nothing."
          "I'm going to go swimming then. Want to get it wet. Have people see my bikini wet."
          "Oh, sexy."
          "Yes, sexy," I agreed. "The wet top will show my nipple shape. Hard nipples showing through."
          "Nice!" Hirohiko replied.
          "My bikini bottom wet too. Showing the shape of my cunt. Showing Camel-toe."
          "Oh fuck!" he said. His body jerked. For a moment I thought he was going to cum.
          But he recovered. "That was close, Sayako," he said. "I almost lost it."
          I giggled at that and then continued. I wouldn't have minded if he had cum. That was the main purpose anyway.
          "Then we are going to the other beach," I said.
          "The nude one?" he asked.
          "Yes, the nude one."
          "Then are you're going to strip it off at the nude beach?"
          "Yes," I whispered back to him. "I am going to get naked."
          Him talking to me like this, us talking about what I was going to do tomorrow was getting to me now. My pussy was wet, my lips engorged, his fingers pressing between them. He was gently finger-fucking me.
          "Tell me what you are going to do, Sayako."
          "I'm going to take my bikini off."
          "Tell me how."
          I thought for a moment and then began to talk.
          "I'm going to take my bikini off," I began. "First my top. I'm reaching behind me to undo the back clip. The bikini was loose now but still covering my breasts."
          "Oh yes," he said.
          "Taking the strings each side, I'm going to pull it up over my head. As I reach up my tits will be lifted out and fully displayed. Tits bare, nipples hard... for everyone to see."
          "So sexy, showing your bare tits."
          "Yes, my tits and nipples bare."
          "Then what next?" he asked.
          "Now my bikini bottom. My hands, on each hip... Beginning to press down... The bottom is moving... Moving down... My pussy is appearing... Naked bare pussy... My bare lips on display.
          "Oh... Sexy...Hot!" he said.
          "Now I am naked. I am standing there so everyone can look. Totally naked... Totally bare... Everything on show..."
          "Oh fuck! That is so sexy."
          He continued playing with my pussy, playing with my cunt. My hand was pumping his hard cock.
          Meanwhile, we continued talking.
          Two of his fingers were deep inside me, the two middle ones. The fingers on each side rubbing at my cunt lips as he moved. His thumb moved higher, pressing under my hood, direct contact with my swollen clitty. I don't know how he does that. I've tried with my fingers but can never manage it. But it works for him. Works for me too, I should say too.
          "Everyone is watching you Sayako. Walking naked on the beach."
          My reply was more of a moan than words. I was so close now.
          "They can see your tits, Sayako. See hard nipples," he continued.
          I gave another deeper moan.
          "Your breasts naked... Jiggling slightly as you walk... Nipple rings dark against light breast... So easy to see... so hard and tight... They can all see... See your tits, see your nipples."
          I moaned again.
          "They can see your pussy too... Looking at your pussy... See your bald pussy... Bald pussy... No hair... Completely exposed to them to see... They can see you, Sayako... See your cunt."
          At the word 'cunt' his hand thrust in hard and I went off.
          A huge cum burst over me. It was the highlight of our night. Mind-bowing, intense waves of cum. Waves of pleasure racking my body. I must have cried out loud. My body thrashing around, humping against his hand as he struggled to hold me.
          I finally came down from my high to realise I was still holding on to his cock.
          "You like them looking at me, don't you, Hirohiko."
          "Yes," he replied.
          "You want me to show men my tits and nipples?"
          "Oh, yes!"
          "You want them to see my pussy too?"
          My hand was working hard at his cock as I continued talking. My other hand tickling his balls.
          "I'm going to open my legs wider. They are going to look and see... All my pussy... So exposed... bald and shaven pussy... You want them to see my cunt... My cunt lips... Split and open... Showing to those men.
          "Oh fuck... Oh yes!"
          "I am laying back against you... Like we are now... My cunt is so exposed... I feel so hot showing everything... We are watching men walking past... They slow down to look at me... Some even stop... They are watching us.
          I could feel how he was giving little jerks now. He was close.
          My hand had strayed back to my cunt too. As I talked, I was touching and stroking myself. Touching my soaking wet cunt.
          "Your hand is touching me... When a man is looking... Touching me... Playing with me... Playing with my cunt.
          He was really close now. I could feel his heavy breathing close to my ear. Feel his body tremble as I continued to wank him.
          My own fingers were working my cunt too. Making little thrusts inside as I talked.
          "They can see my cunt... See how wet I am... Juice flowing... You are pulling the lips open... Thrusting your fingers into me... Men watching your finger fuck me... Fucking me with your fingers... Fucking my wet cunt... Finger fucking my cunt... While strangers watch us..."
          His body gave a huge jerk. Beside my head, I heard a deep throaty moan. The cum juice burst from him. Neither of us controlling it. Just allowing it to fly. The first few shots were very strong, flying right up over him and me.
          I tried to continue pumping him, determined to get every last drop from him.
          His next few drops were on his stomach and over my hands.
          The last one just a dribble on to my fingers.
          I think he realised I was playing with my own pussy too. His fingers came back, pushing my fingers higher as he began finger fucking me. Two, maybe three fingers, thrusting in. Going in deep.
          Meanwhile, my fingers were higher, briskly rubbing at my clitty. Really going for it. Quite rough with it.
          "So sexy... Showing your cunt to everyone... So sexy they are watching me playing... I'm wanking your cunt... rubbing your clitty... Going to make you cum."
          At the word 'cum' he gave my clitty a pinch. The thought of some man watching me cum was just too much. I did cum, another good one too. My body bucked against him. My thrusting pelvis pushing his fingers right out, but it didn't matter anymore. I was over the top.
          He lay there and waited while I recovered.
          "Where did that come from?" he asked.
          "A story I once read in a storybook."
          "That was hot!"
          "Yes, I'd knew you would like it."
          "I'm going to enjoy tomorrow so much," he said.
          "So am I," I agreed.
          I reached over beside me to pick up the towel I had left for cleaning up and began on the mess we had made.

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Tukiko Arrives Home.

          It was late when I arrived home from my date.
          Feeling a bit hungry, I decided to grab a snack from the kitchen. It was obvious something had been going on there. I had to step over Dad's undies and shorts to get into the room. Mum's bikini bottom was on the floor beside the bench. On the bench, over by the sink was Mum's favourite cook dish, smashed into pieces.
          There were an empty wine bottle and two wine glasses beside the sink. Leftover pizza in a box on the bench and an unopened roll of garlic bread. Wine and pizza, an interesting mix. I grabbed some of the pizza. Sea Food, my favourite. The Spicy one was nice too. Grabbing the whole roll of garlic bread, I headed to my bedroom.
          Mum and Dad must have been in bed but I could see their light on under their door.
          Putting the food in my room I went into the bathroom. Looked like they'd been there too. Dad's shirt was on the floor with Mum's bikini top was on the floor near the shower cubicle. Dad's shaving gear was on the bench beside the sink.
          With all that evidence, it was pretty obvious Mum and Dad had been playing again. Seems like they had been doing that all week!

          I lay in bed thinking about the following day. It was very obvious Mum and Dad were ready to go. Excited about it too which still surprised me.
          I must admit, I was beginning to catch on to the idea myself. Where the idea of going nude on this Nude Beach had been a bit scary, now I was more excited about it. I knew the hard part was going to be taking my bikini off. I was still sure, once I got naked, I would be able to enjoy being like that.
          My fingers were stroking my pussy now. Just gently, up and down my damp lips.
          I was thinking about people viewing me naked. Thinking what they would see. That was a bit sexy.
          Now one hand had moved to my clitty. Fingers working over it.
          I could feel how my body was responding. How this was making me horny.
          I could see myself removing my bikini top. I undo the back and lift it off over my head. My bare breasts and nipples would be showing.
          My fingers, working my clitty were moving faster now. I knew this would end with a cum.
          My thoughts were still on me at the beach. Topless now. Topless on a public beach. My breasts would be bare and my nipples hard. They would be on show to be seen.
          I thought of my fingers hooking into my bikini bottom on each hip. Pushing down so my pussy began appearing. More and more, until my entire bush would be seen.
          I was so close now. Almost ready to cum.
          I am thinking of standing in front of a man on the beach as I stripped off my bikini. This man is laying there, looking at me. I look down to discover he is staring at me. I ease my thighs open. Now he is looking straight up between my legs. He is looking at my cunt. A complete stranger, looking at my cunt lips. So wet and swollen.
          A few sharp rubs of my fingers, that was all it took. My orgasm hit me as my pussy thrust up at my hand. I was surprised at its strength. As my cum subsided, I was thinking about that. Why was I so turned on by all this?
          I knew why. I had to admit to myself, I was actually turned on by this Nude Beach thing. Getting naked and showing my body off.
          Now, totally relaxed, I drifted into a deep, peaceful sleep.

          I think we've chased enough rabbits now. Let's get back to Tukiko's story. See you soon in Story 253 Part One.

          From the New Zealand Team,
                    Kia kaka - Kia Kaha.
                              Be safe - Be strong.

Hi everyone, Anne here.
          We are treating the republishing of the Tukiko Series as if they were new stories so we thought it might be better to separate the comments into two sections too. You will find a comment by me and it would be good if we could start a new comment stream below that.
          I hope you are enjoying the new and refreshed versions of these stories. There has been a lot of work gone into them and many changes made. Personally, I think they are much better now. Some of the best work we have done.
          Thanks for your understanding.

Index of Letters                         Story 252  Background.                         Back to Story 251 Part Two.   

Forward to Story 253 Part One.


  1. Another fun story. I like it. Losing the plot over a sexy bikini

    1. You are probably right there when you say they lost the plot. Suddenly two people are over come with sexual desire caused by this new item in their lives. I think it made for a good story.

    2. Nice job. Sexy story.

    3. This is a good one. Some sex and made me laugh. I am surprised more haven't commented yet.

  2. Wow! I wasn't expecting this but then I should be expecting anything from you guys.
    There is a actually a ring of truth about this too. I can remember we were at a resort and Eileen decided to take her top off at the pool. Turned us both on so much we were fucking like rabbits back in our room.

  3. I really enjoyed this one. The antics these two got up to. Made me laugh but was sexy to. Some things similar to what Brian and I have done. Who ever said a husband and wife can't get frisky and play sometimes. I think with what was going on, Hirohiko and Sayako had more than enough excuses.

  4. Love this story.
    It captures the thrill I had of wearing an extremely tiny bikini to the public hot pools when I visited you in New Zealand.
    I had never worn a bikini let alone something like that. I was mixed emotions, feeling sexy, feeling scared, feeling excited, feeling nervous. But with some encouragement from the bikini owner, Susan, I did it and loved it.

  5. I so much enjoyed this story. I laughed at those two. Lost the plot. I think so.
    But there were some sexy ideas too.
    I showed this to my husband Hirohiko and he thought good too.

    1. I think the writers had fun with this story too.

  6. Can we please keep all comments for the republished version below this cmment.

    1. This is a comment by James that I blocked when I wrote the comment above. (Anne)

      I enjoyed this story and certainly we can see the difference here. Even a few extra conversations added.
      I think moving the part where Sayako says she would like to visit a nude beach was a good idea. It works better with Tikiko and Joseph's swim the morning after. See Story 251 Part Two. Now this story stays more on the point of the event occuring in the week before the nude beach.
      Great work - big improvement.

  7. Yes, this story is so Allan. We know his passion for bikinis. Writing about one is only to be expected.

    Allan helped Eileen buy one too.
    I remember how turned on she was when they returned and she was modelling it for us. His helping with the top was too much for her. At that moment I knew she wanted him. I was fine with that considering Anne and Susan were sitting each side of me.
    Simon and Eileen.

  8. This must be one of my favourite stories.
    Now you have made it even better. I was sad when it disappeared but knew what was happening. Now it is back. Even better than before. Thankfully Allan, Susan and Anne for your work here. I love every word of it now.

    I showed it to Hirohiko and he agrees. It is sexy and makes us hot like those within the story.
    Tukiko and Masanory. They are both following these republished stories too.
    Sayako, Hirohiko, Tukiko and Masanory.
