Friday 2 November 2012

Letter 37 Partner Swapping One - Part A

Part A – Shanti's Night With Joseph.

From Shanti,            
New Zealand.            

            To Joseph,
            The Game Reserve,
            Andhra Pradesh,

Hi Joseph and Lizamoa,
        These letters are flying backwards and forward between us so fast now that we have so many interesting stories to relate to each other.

        First concerning our trip to India. We are in the final stages of making our arrangements so it is looking like everything will be going ahead now. Is it still OK with you both that we come to visit you during the Christmas period?
        Now is there anything from New Zealand that you would like us to buy for you? We are happy to bring something. Mike suggested that wine which you particularly liked Joseph and of course I know Lizamoa likes those chocolates which she ate far too many of while you were in New Zealand. Anything else please let us know.

        Well, we are coming to the end of our list of New Zealand adventures. In this letter, Mike and I have decided to change things around a bit. Instead of us composing the story together we decided to divide the letter into two parts so first I will tell you my story and then Mike will tell us about his sexy adventure.
        This way you will get to read about two adventures in one letter since there were actually two different adventures happening at the same time. I understand you are both doing the same; writing your two stories before our letter arrives and then you will get to read and compare our versions of the night we swapped partners.

        It all started the day after the Ripper Stripper Party. We got up late and by the time we had breakfast, it was more like lunch. Mike and you Joseph went up to the shops for a few things while Lizamoa and I did a bit of housework that needed doing. Our plan was once the boys came back we would then decide how we would spend the rest of the day and evening; you’re second to last evening in New Zealand.
         While we were working together in the kitchen Lizamoa came up with an idea which kind of took me by surprise, coming from her.
        “Maybe we can swap our beds tonight?” she asked me. “Do you want to try?”
        I thought that was a rather strange request; them sleeping in our room and Mike and I sleeping in the spare room. But it didn’t bother me too much so I was happy to agree.
        “Yes, OK,” I said. “Mike and I can sleep in the spare room tonight.”
        “No, that is not how I am saying. Let’s have Joseph sleep in your bed and Mike sleeps in my bed. We can then be doing the love games with them.”
        Suddenly I realised what she was getting at. “You mean a partner swap?”
        “Yes, that is the one. A how do you say; a partner swapping?”
        “Now that is an idea!” I said as the idea began to capture my imagination.
        I quickly agreed to her plan and I knew both of the boys would have no problem with it either, not after last night. I had already experienced that large thick cock of Joseph’s in one hole and there was another hole in my body wanting to try it as well. I thought it would be an interesting way to finish the holiday.
        Mike and I had never partner-swapped before because our sex life was pretty good as it was but with Joseph and Lizamoa it was a bit different. Our friendship had grown into sharing some very intimate and some very sexy adventures. I knew we probably would never do that with any other couple.
        But I know with you two that you had both stepped over the line. On stage you, Joseph had full sex with Jenny and Sharon. Jenny said later that neither of them intended to take it that far but being with you they became so excited that they didn't think to stop. For you Lizamoa, while neither Steve nor Peter had intercourse with you they did almost everything else. You certainly got some good orgasms from it.
        (See Letter 36 The Ripper Stripper Party 2 (Part B).

        Well, the boys arrived back and announced that they had plans of their own too. They thought it would be good to spend the evening by going out for a meal so they booked a restaurant. I wondered if this would affect our plans much but then decided to let Lizamoa play it however she wanted. We had arranged for her to tell the boys so I decided to leave it to her and see how things worked out.
        She said nothing to them and so I decided that because of the evening the boys had planned, she had changed her mind. “So that big cock of yours wasn’t coming my way after all,” I thought, a bit disappointed.
        We went out to the restaurant and had a good meal and a fun evening. But I must admit that maybe a bit more wine was consumed than should have been. Particularly, as Mike had to drive home afterwards. Anyway, things went well and we made it home safely too. Luckily there wasn't a police drunk driving checkpoint along the way.
        Once we got home, after a few minutes I excused myself and went up for a shower. I took my time getting ready and then stripping off my clothes; I stepped in under the water. It was so nice just standing there enjoying the warm spray over my naked body. Anyway, I'd have fun with Mike when he came up later.
        I began thinking about what I had missed tonight as my hand reached down to my pussy. I was wondering how it would feel to take a cock that big. Lizaoma was a lot smaller than me and she seemed to take him so I knew I should have been OK. Anyway, it wasn't to be. Maybe we would do it when we got to India in a few months.
        As I began working myself I realised there was somebody else in the bathroom.
        “Come in and join me, Honey,” I called out.
        There wasn’t an answer but I heard someone undressing so not turning around I continued with my shower.
        The door of the shower opened and somebody stepped in behind me. I felt him behind me. Then his body was pressed against mine. Two hands reached around me and cupped my breasts.
        I looked down and suddenly realised that they were brown hands, not Mike’s hands. It was Joseph who had joined me in the shower. So Lizamoa was going through with her plan after all. The thought gave me a sudden reaction between my legs where my hand still was and my knees went weak. Luckily he was supporting me as I fell back against him.
        “Steady, Shanti,” he whispered in my ear. “We've got lots to do together tonight. Don't start without me.”
        He had some soap in his hand and was soon rubbing my body all over. I had already cleaned myself but I had no problem with him doing it again. Doing it that way with someone washing you; was so nice.
        When his hand went lower down and pressed between my legs. I almost cum on the spot. A finger was pressing against my opening, first one, and then two fingers slipped inside me.
        That was when I really went weak at the knees and he ended up completely supporting me. As those fingers worked in and out the feelings which had been building all day burst over me like a wave crashing on a beach. It wasn’t long before my first orgasm for that evening hit me. Hit me hard too.
        “You liked that, didn't you?” he said.
        “Mmmmm!” was all I managed to say.
        As I recovered he gently held me, and then I turned towards him. I wanted to feel him too; to touch his body as much as he had been touching mine. I grasped his cock and began pumping him. Rubbing him up and down with long smooth strokes lubricated with the soap. Within moments I felt his cock jerk and I dropped to my knees to take him in my mouth.
        He reached down and held my hand still and then with the other hand pulled me up.
        “Let’s save that for the bed,” he said his voice husky with lust. “Shanti I want to put my cock inside you and fuck you... I want to cum inside you Shanti... I want to shoot my load into your hot cunt... Fill your pussy with my cum... Make you cry out as you cum too.”
        “Oh, fuck!” I replied.
        Him talking to me like that! Talking dirty like that was a surprise but very sexy too. Mike never talks like that to me. The very thought of it almost sent me over the top again right there in the shower.
        We got out of the shower and as I reached for the towel he gently took it off me and started to dry my body. Every part of my body received his special attention although there were some parts which received more special attention than was necessary to dry them.

        We went into the bedroom and as I reached to pull back the covers he grabbed me rolling us both on top of the bed. I found myself on my back, and then Joseph was on top of me. With one easy thrust, he was into me. I was surprised at how deep he went on that first thrust. It felt like he completely filled my pussy. But then as my body relaxed he went even deeper still.
        I gasped again. It just felt so good.
        Our lovemaking was intense and aggressive. Both of us were of lust for each other. He settled into a steady rhythm driving his hard cock into me with long, powerful strokes. As he plunged into me my pelvis came up to meet him with every stroke. Thrusting at each other like that, it wasn’t long before I felt my body responding to him again. Deep down in my body feelings were beginning to rise. I knew I could not take too much more of this. I knew before long my next orgasm would hit me.
        But I also knew that he was not too far off himself. I could feel his body responding to my body. Then it happened; suddenly I came again. As he continued pumping me hard, my body shuddered with the intense pleasure of my orgasm. Then I felt him jerk as his cum arrived and he began emptying his load deep into my pussy. I could feel him. Gush after gush exploded from his cock, filling my pussy with his cum.

        He rolled over onto his back and I lay beside him both of us breathing hard from our excursions. I began mindlessly stroking his limp cock as we lay in the afterglow. Then I noticed it move in my hand. He was getting hard again. He was becoming erect again, so soon too.
        This time he lay on his back and I straddled him looking down at myself as I lined him up and guided him into me again. Looking down at him, he was so big. We both watched as his cock head pressed into me, stretching my pussy lips to take him. I was amazed at how easily I could take so much inside me.
        Our lovemaking was now slow and gentle as we were both enjoying the sensation of our bodies working together. As I moved, my hips pumping at him he reached up and grasped my breasts, squeezing them and rubbing my nipples until they became so hard that I’d thought they’d burst.
        Before long this started to get to me again and I began to feel my body moving towards another orgasm. When it hit me it was gentler this time less intense but longer lasting, more fulfilling.
        As I quickly recovered I began picking up the pace with the view of bringing him off again too but he stopped me.
        “No Shanti,” he said. “Not this way.”
        He lifted me off him and rolled me over so I was kneeling forward with my arse pointing back at him. For a moment it hit me that he might try and arse fuck me before I felt him slipping into my soaking wet pussy again.
        Then with easy smooth movements, he was sliding in and out of me. I could feel him becoming more aroused as he built towards his climax and I knew that in that angle it would not take him long either.
        His hand slipped under me and grasped at my breasts again as he began pumping into me with long hard pumps. I don’t usually cum like this so I reached underneath to stroke my clit. When he realised what I was doing he started pumping even harder until suddenly his orgasm hit him, his cock filling me again.

        We collapsed onto the bed as I lay on my side with his body pressed against my back. Just before I fell into an exhausted sleep for a moment I thought about Mike and Lizamoa. I wondered if they were having as much fun as we had.
        Later during the night, we made love again. Almost gentle now, almost half asleep so now I wonder if it was real or a dream.
        The following morning we woke up late. We got up and showered together again before going downstairs to find you two hadn’t arrived in the kitchen yet either.
        I put the jug on for a cupper and we were sitting having our coffee when finally you two appeared. I must admit that both you Lizamoa and also Mike looked like you had a hard night too.

        Well, guys. That was how my evening went. I’m now looking forward to reading your stories now. First off from Mike.
                That’s all from me.
                        Love from.


  1. hotest letter so far mmmm

  2. Thanks again Anonymous
    Glad you like this story. It is a good one but out of the four in this partner swapping set I personally think Letter 38 Part B is better.
    Anyway, keep coming back because we've got a lot more in store for you. A bit of fun, some humour and losts of sex thrown in.

  3. Hi Anne
    This is a nice story. I like it. I like the sexy time they have together.

    1. Thanks Asami
      I see you are still working your way through the letters. You must be enjoying them.
      Yes these four were put together as a set. You will get another version of the story from Joseph and you also get both sides of the story by Lizamoa and Mike.

  4. So it has finally happened. She did get to sleep with Joseph. I don't know why Western people call it "sleep" because sleeping is the last thing they would be doing.
    We are happy to get to these four stories. This story was nice how it told about the conversation Lizamoa and Shanti had. They made the plan to swap their husbands like that. It is interesting as we would have thought the husbands would have planned it and then asked their wives. I like it better this way.
    The sex was good but I think you have done better than this. I think the sex part could be longer and more detailed as well.
    But a nice story. All four of us enjoyed it too.
    Sakura & Kenshin. Tukiko & Masanori.

    1. Hi Sakura & Kenshin. Tukiko & Masanori, our friends from Japan.
      Yes we all know where this was going weeks ago when they brought the swim suits. Each story getting that little bit sexier as we went along. Now finally they do it, they swap partners for the night.
      No we didn't want to have the men pushing the process. We wanted the girls, particularly Lizamoa to be driving things towards having sex like this. So often we think things like this will be suggested by the men but us girls can be sexy too. We might be the once suggesting we take things further. That is how we saw it in this series of stories,
      I am sorry you were disappointed in my sex scene. I hope Susan's version of the same scene will make up for it.
      Regards Anne.

    2. I see you are making progress with your reading again.
      Keep going you still have many stories to read. I have seen many of them now and they only get better and better.
      Also remember my postal and phone details are changed now too.
      My G-mail and yahoo is still the same.
