Friday 2 May 2014

Story 94 The Beach Girl Contest.

         Hi from New Zealand, it is Shanti again.
I want to say hello from all of us in New Zealand. 

        Before I begin our next story, I have just a bit of news first. A week ago, Jenny woke up during the night in a lot of pain. She was so bad that Peter called an ambulance and she was rushed to hospital.
        The result of all this is that she has lost the baby. She was in hospital for most of the week and only just came home again yesterday. The doctors have told her that it is very likely she will not be able to have any more children.
        I do not know that they will be too disappointed at this because they still have the girls. This pregnancy was an accident, as they were not planning any more children before this anyway.
        Mike and I went over to see her last night and took them a meal. Jenny is still very upset. We are all going to have to help her and support her until she gets over it.   

        Of course, the rest of us are all doing well.  

        We are now getting through our stories of the time we were at the resort on the Great Barrier Reef. With this trip, the difficulty has been trying to put the stories in order. The problem is that many of the stories overlap each other. For example, this story covers three nights and so any adventures we had during those three days, such as Jenny and Peter’s Story 91 Checking out the Girls and playing the chess games Story 95 Grand Strip Chess, happened during this same time period.
        The hardest part has been Katrina and Mike’s story. This begins back when her first story finished and goes on until the last few days of our resort holiday. We finally divided her story up into sections but still, they do not fit exactly right.
        In the end, we really just had to leave each story as a separate story and use introductions and details within each letter to try fitting them all together. Anyway, since you were all there, I know you can work it all out for yourselves. 

So on to my story now.
        On Sunday, we travelled by plane to the resort on an island of the Great Barrier Reef. This journey took two flights, the first from Auckland to Cairns and the second from there out to the island. As we flew over the many small islands and coral reefs on that second flight, the water was so clear that the sand and coral could be seen, deep under the surface. It was a beautiful flight.
        The resort, set on an island among palm trees, consisted of a large building that housed the main restaurant/bars and the other service facilities. The resort quests stayed in little six berth cabins scattered beneath the surrounding palms or as we did, in larger two-storied buildings. Our group occupied the entire top floor of one of these buildings. It turned out to be cheaper to book one whole floor than separate rooms. It also meant we had an extra room that came in handy as a children’s room.
         In the resort, of course, there were the usual swimming pools, tennis courts and even a small golf course. On the beach were activities such as sailing boats, canoes, water skiing and para-sailing. There were also other smaller restaurants scattered around the island too.
         We spent the first few days enjoying the resort, settling in and exploring the island. We went swimming, snorkelling and even took a ride in a glass bottomed boat. On the beach nearby, it was normal to see a few girls topless, Of course, since I was a bit bolder, I spent a bit of the time like that too, swimming and sunbathing. Being the family side, there was no nudity and I notice that girls only went topless on this one beach. Jenny told me later she had seen staff approach girls on some other beaches and asking them to replace their tops. It always amused me how in some places, going topless was out but sexy bikinis, even sheer ones too, were ok.
        We also went over to the other side of the resort, the nude side where we usually went nude too, especially when we were swimming etc. This side was clothing optional so you could remain in your swim togs but most people over there went totally nude, especially on the beach or when swimming.
        On the island, back on the family side, most of the nightlife was centred on the bar/restaurant or at another club that mainly catered for more adult theme nights. This second club was a large room with a low stage at one end, with bands, shows and contests. The audience sat at tables with waiters and waitresses moving around serving them. This club became adults only after dinner was over.   
        Every night there seemed to be something going on. Most nights we didn't get to bed until late, which wasn't a problem since we could sleep in the following morning.
        We decided to try this club on the second night we were on the island. Since we liked this place so much, we just decided to keep going back there for most nights of our stay on the island. Our usual plan was to go there straight after our dinner. Getting in early was good because once the place began filling up it was hard to get good tables, especially for a group as large as our one. 

        The event that we took part in started on our third night on the island. It was The Beach Girl Contest, a contest run with two heats over the first two nights, with the finals on the third night. At first, I thought about entering but hadn't made up my mind. It was only after Mike suggested that I should try that I finally decided to give it a go.
        By then, Sharon and Lizamoa had already entered and their heat was on the first night. Because Amita and I were a bit slow getting our names down, our heat was on the second night. This was fine with me because we got to see what happened on the first night with Lizamoa and Sharon. 

        This contest had been promoted all over the resort and so on Night One, by the time the contest was scheduled to begin, the bar was fairly full. We had been there for some time, so we had good seats at tables near the front. Of course, all fifteen of us were there except the two who were on babysitting duty for that night.
        When it was time for the contest to start, the contestants were called, they all went into a small room off to one side of the stage to change. Lizamoa and Sharon went with them too since they were competing on this first night. While they were gone, the compare explained how the contest would be run.
        He told us that for the contest on the first two nights there would be 15 contestants each night. They would first appear in groups of three wearing flower leis and grass skirts over their swimming gear.
        Later all 15 girls would line up for what they called the grand parade. During this part, one by one each contestant would come forward to remove their lei and their skirt, leaving just their swimming togs. Six girls each night would be chosen to go forward into the final on the third night. 

        Once the compare was finished, the contest was ready to get under way. The lights in the room were dimmed slightly, just leaving brighter lights on the stage.
        The first set of girls came out, as each girl was introduced, she walked across the stage, turned and returned back to her place. All three girls wore bikinis so it made for quite a sexy show. Once they had finished they left the stage to be replaced by the second group of three.
        The second group was much the same as the first but things started hotting up in that heat because one girl had decided to leave off her bikini top. As she moved, the lei moved too, showing off her breasts and nipples. The crowd loved this, cheering loudly. In the final heat of the night, there was also one girl topless and again this was well received by the audience. 
        After another short act, it was time for the parade. The fifteen girls came on again and lined up across the stage. The two were still topless but now there were three others including Lizamoa and Sharon also decided to remove their tops and appear the same way.
        Now it was time for the judging. In turn, each girl stepped forward. First, she would pull the lei off over her head and then she'd unfasten and drop the grass skirt. With the girls in bikinis, this was quite sexy but for the five girls who were without tops, once they'd taken their leis off, their breasts were left totally bare.
        The crowd loved this and as can be expected, these girls all scored well in the judging. Two were embarrassed at being topless which is understandable since this was a far different situation to going topless at the beach. And I could tell they weren't used to being that way in public as their breasts were pale compared to their bodies but they were brave enough to go on stage like that and I admired them for it.
        When it was Lizamoa’s turn she was topless too so the audience got to enjoy some Indian breasts bared for them. I know she enjoyed giving them a show too. At one point she was even holding them and touching her nipples which got a good reaction from the crowd. 

        After the show, as we walked back to our building, Mike said how much he enjoyed the evening. He thought it was much sexier with the contestants going topless and he suggested that I go topless too. I didn't reply except to say that he'd have to wait and see. After seeing the show and how much everybody enjoyed it, I had no doubts. Tomorrow night my top would be off too.  The very thought of my breasts bared in front of that large crowd had me turned on already.
        The following evening, we had dinner then I returned to our room to change. I put on my bikini bottom but I left my top in the drawer. I looked at myself in the mirror and thought, ‘Yes, why not?’ I've always thought my breasts were one of my best features and so now I wasn't going to miss an opportunity to show them off. I knew that this was going to be fun, so not bothering with my bikini top, slipping back into my clothes, I returned to the bar.
        The place was now almost full. Word must have got around the resort about what had happened last night I think. Soon the contestants were called up, we went into the dressing room to change.  We were each given a lei of flowers and a grass skirt. I slipped off my blouse and shorts and slipped the lei over my head. Finally, I fastened the skirt around my waist. Beside me, Amita had done the same and when she saw me, yes she decided to go topless under her lei as well. Very bold for her I thought.
        I then had a chance to look around at my fellow contestants and I discovered that, like me, seven of them had chosen to go topless. They must have been watching last night. We then drew numbers; I drew number nine, which put me in the third heat. Amita had drawn a position in heat two. Now it was time for the show to start.
        In the first heat as each girl came forward to be introduced, the crowd, especially the guys, clapped and cheered. We watched from the side of the stage, I was becoming turned on by the thought that soon it would be my turn to put on a show.
        During the second heat, Amita had actually pulled her lei to one side and bared her breasts bring a great cheer from the crowd. When she arrived back in the room, I could see her smiling so I knew she was enjoying all this attention, as much as I was.
        When we went on stage, I was surprised at the noise. The first girl from my heat wore no top and when she went forward she wiggled her body so the lei swung, giving a flash of her boobs. This really made the crowd cheer. The crowd’s reaction encouraged her to do more and give them an even better flash that again brought another big reaction from the crowd.
        The second girl had her top on and even though she showed a lot of her breast clad in just her tiny bikini top the crowd was less excited for her, and the cheering was noticeably down.
        Then it was my turn. As I stepped forward, I spotted Mike and the rest of our group at tables near the front. He loved it; clapping and yelling like the rest of them. At one point, I could hear his voice above the rest of the noise.
        I walked across the stage and then turned. As I made my turn, my body swung, making the lei fly wide and I must have given a good flash because the applause increased even louder.
        After the fifth heat, it was time for the parade. A few other girls had now removed their tops now so I knew it was going to be a great sexy show for the grand parade when all 15 of us were on stage. We paraded on and lined up across the stage. As the crowd applauded, each girl, in turn, stepped forward to remove their lei and skirt. As most of us ended up topless, in just our bikini bottoms, it quickly turned into a very exciting and sexy show.
        When contestant number seven, the girl from my heat, went forward, she gave everyone a great surprise. When she removed her skirt, for a second I thought she was naked until I saw she was wearing just a tiny G-string. When she turned and walked back to her place in line, her back was to the room and the crowd saw her totally bare bum. The noise was almost unbearable.
        Now it was my turn. I stepped forward and looked towards Mike. He was clapping loudly. I lifted the lei and pulled it over my head and then quickly untied the string and let my skirt fall at my feet. There I was standing on stage in front of such a large crowd in just my bikini bottom. It was turning me on knowing what was on show, knowing that so many guys were looking at my bare tits.
        I returned to my place and the show continued. Six finalists were chosen and to our surprise, both Amita’s and my number was called out among them. We stepped forward as the other girls left the stage. After each of us had taken another bow before the cheering crowd, we left the stage and the show was over for that night.
        That night back at our room, Mike said that he thought I looked great up there on the stage. It was the sexiest thing I had ever done he said. I wasn’t sure I would entirely agree with him on that because there were many other things, like going to the Ripper Stripper nights which I think were pretty sexy too but I had to agree it was up there.
        He then added, “If you had worn a G-string it would have been even better.”
        I agreed but I said, “I don't have one here.”
        To this, he replied, “No problem. I will buy you one because they are sold at the shop on the island.”
        How did he know that? It has always surprised me what Mike knew about shops where girls’ clothing was sold. So next morning we went over to the shop that sold swimwear and selected a sexy little G-string. The shop assistant told us others were buying G-strings too so I wondered if some were in the contest like me.
        Back in our room, I modelled it for Mike and looked at myself in the mirror.
        “Are you going to wear that tonight?” he asked.
        “I’m not sure. It is very tiny.”
        “Come on Shanti you know you look hot in it. And you know you like showing off too.”
        He was right there on both points. I did look good in the tiny G-string and I was looking forward to when I would be on that stage wearing nothing but just that tiny thing too. So, I agreed to wear it. 

        That evening was the final of the Beach Girl Contest. I went back to our room to change. I slipped on my G-string, then turned to face the mirror. It didn't cover very much, just a yellow triangle deep between my thighs, but when I turned around, it covered nothing at all at the back. Just that string which disappeared down between the cheeks of my bum. I put on my dress and returned to the bar. The thought that soon I would be baring so much was turning me on already.
        Soon the contest was ready to begin and the place was packed. As I changed, I noticed that all 12 girls include Sharon, Lizamoa, Amita and myself, were going topless and with five of us wearing G-strings too. This was going to be some sexy show I thought as I fastened my grass skirt.
        As before, we divided into groups of three and we went through the heat process again. This time I was in heat two.
         Next, we came to the 1st parade when the six finalists would be chosen. We all filed on again and lined up across the stage. As each girl stepped forward, the crowd clapped and cheered as she removed her lei and shirt.
        When my turn came, going topless wasn't so hard but it took some nerve to drop the skirt. There I was, out there on the stage wearing nothing but that tiniest triangle of clothing that hardly covered my pussy. As I turned to my place in the line, my bare arse was openly displayed to the whole room as well.
        Six girls were chosen and again my number was among them. I had made it through and so had Lizamoa. Unfortunately, Amita and Sharon had been eliminated. It was the first time, I thought I might actually have a chance of winning.
        After another act, we got ready for the second parade. This parade was similar to the first with each girl starting in her lei and grass skirt which was then dropped later in the parade. As we got ready in the changing room I noticed one girl reach under her skirt and slip her G-string off. I knew when she dropped her skirt she'd be naked. Not to be out done, another girl took her bikini bottom off.
        I looked at Lizamoa next to me.
        She asked, “Shall we do it too?”
        I answered, “We might as well since our G-strings don't hide very much anyway.”
        Giggling nervously we reached under our skirts and slipped our G-strings off. I knew Mike was going to be surprised when he saw me on stage, totally and completely nude.
        Now it was time to go on stage. I took a deep breath and followed the girl in front of me. The first girl dropped her skirt and she wore a bikini bottom. Then girl number two stepped forward.  When she dropped her skirt, the crowd went wild. She was standing there in the nude.
        Then it was my turn. The crowd hushed, waiting to see what I wore. I untied the skirt and for a moment held it before dropping it to reveal my nakedness. Again, the audience went wild, clapping and cheering. You should have seen the look on Mike's face. Then he jumped up and was cheering with the rest of them.
        Lizamoa followed next and dropped her lei and skirt to appear totally naked as well. Again, I bet the crowd loved seeing a second Indian girl naked.
        Of the other two girls, one wore a G-string, but the other was naked like me. When someone called "Take it off" the girl in the G-string slipped it off and then the other girl dropped her bikini bottom as well. So there we were six girls, completely naked before that large crowd of people.
        It was a hard job to pick the winners. During the first selection, I was eliminated. I didn't mind not winning; just being in the contest had been a great turn-on for me. When I left the stage I discovered how wet between the thighs I had become. Putting on such a show had made me so horny, I could hardly wait to get Mike back to our room.
        Lizamoa was still in the competition. There she was still completely naked on the stage with two other girls. Now they came to the final selection. First, the third place was called out and that girl stepped back leaving only Lizamoa and one other girl. Then the other girl was named in second place. Suddenly Lizamoa realised she was the winner. She screamed, jumping up and down which made her breasts jiggle wildly, much to the delight and enjoyment of every guy in that room.
        Everyone at our table was on their feet cheering her and clapping. She looked over at us with a great smile. I knew she enjoyed appearing naked before that crowd but even more, I know she enjoyed taking out first place too.
        As we walked back to our building through the gardens with their dimly lit paths, I was following behind Katrina and Lizamoa.
        “Did you enjoy the show?” Lizamoa asked her.
        “Yes. It was fun to watch.”
        “It was fun to take a part in too,” Lizamoa admitted.
        “I am surprised you went completely nude,” Katrina replied.
        “But that was the best part. Being naked in front of all those people. Didn’t you hear everyone cheering when they saw we had nothing under our skirts?”
        “You enjoyed it didn’t you?”
        “Yes I did, Katrina.”
        “I don’t think I could be that bold. Not in front of a crowd like that.”
        I smiled to myself. That girl obviously hasn’t discovered the thrill of exhibitionism yet.  

        So that is all from us in New Zealand.
                 So good bye to the Indian Team.
                            Love from Shanti.


  1. I see we are back to that old theme of exhibitionism that started this story.
    Yes I can see this is an older story. But still a good one.
    Looking forward to what comes next.

    1. Yes as I said in my background, this is an older story so those older themes were relevant back then. Not that I don't mind a bit of serious exhibitionism today either.
      So as other stories around here were either updated or newly written, this story was forgotten. When we came close to publishing we realised a lot of work was needed but there was no time to get it done so we published with only a few improvements.
      Yes we think it still good too. Thanks Raymond.

    2. Anne don't put yourself down. Honey, anything you write will give me an erection LOL.
      No this is not a very sexy story but still a good one. Keep it in as it provides more to the main Letters Series.

    3. So James, still as naughty as ever I see.
      Getting an erection from Anne's writing. Ha Ha. I bet you say that to all the girls.
      Sexy Sue.

    4. No Sexy Sue,
      Only the hot sexy ones like you.

  2. Hi Anne,
    Remember you gave me a copy of a story like this to read years ago. I almost forgot about it until I was reading your background. It could be the story you say you were looking for. You gave it to me Anne.
    It had the entire contest played over one night and was set in a club in Auckland. I thought it got dropped when you did those Ripper Stripper Party stories so I put it in a draw and yes it was still there.
    I am wondering if this could be the one.
    Allan snr.

    1. Yes it sounds like it Allan.
      I can't even remember giving it to you. Are you sure it was me?
      Thanks for finding it. Can't wait to see it.
