Friday 16 May 2014

Story 96 - Baby Sitting.

Hi to the Indian Team from the New Zealand Team.
     It is Shanti here.
            I hope you are all doing well over there as we are in New Zealand. 

            First off concerning Jenny. As I wrote in my last letter, she lost the baby. Well, she wants to say thank you for everything you guys over there have done for her. When she received that parcel she was most surprised.
            Jenny and Peter are doing a lot better and Jenny is now back working for Peter part-time. The doctor said she probably would not be able to have children again and if she did, it could be dangerous so they will need to be careful that it never happens again.
            That was a good story Hansini. I like the way you guys laid it out with the chess moves set within the story. I was wondering how you were going to do this. Very well done.
            I know that there was more than just you involved in this. Of course, it is your story Hansini and I should not take this away from you but I also know Sarvesh and Mike over here helped as well.
            What really is amazing about that story, which will not be including here, are the developments which have come from it. These will be included in other letters. 

Now to the story for this letter.
            While most of us could enjoy the entertainment each evening, we had arranged to take turns with the babysitting. The idea was for each night, we would place all the babies in one room where a girl/boy team would look after the children and spend the night the there.
            The day we played the second game of chess, we were all having lunch when Mike asked, “Who's on babysitting duty tonight?”
            “I am doing it tonight,” said Amita.
            “And Steve is helping her,” added Sharon.
            “What?” said Steve. “Who put me on the roster? We don’t even have a baby!”
            “I did!” replied Sharon. “You don’t need to have a baby. We're all helping. You included.”
            “You are a cruel woman, Sharon,” said Steve.
            “And how do you figure that?”
            “Well, you allow me to spend the whole night with a beautiful sexy woman and you throw dozens of kids in with us.”
            “There are not dozens, Steve.”
            “Well, how can we get up to any nooky with all those kids crawling all over us?”
            “Look, Steve,” said Sharon. “You are not there for your nooky, you are there to babysit.”
            “OK,” said Steve, resigned to his fate. 

             Anyway, at breakfast the next morning a very tired and shell-shocked Steve arrived at the table.
            “Hey, Steve!” Peter laughed, teasing his friend. “How did the nooky go, mate?”
            “Well there is a bit of a story there, mate,” Steve began, brightening up at the prospect of telling his story. “At first everything was under control….. The kids were all sleeping….. everything was fine. Then one woke up and started bawling. Soon others woke up…. then they were all at it. It was total madness”
            Mike laughed, “Come on Steve it can’t have been as bad as all that.”
            “Yes, it was! Totally out of control!” Steve said waving his arms around. “It was crazy!”
            Now we were all laughing, totally enjoying the joke.
            “But Amita was a champion,” he went on. “She got them all settled and finally back to sleep. She did a great job.” 
            “You weren’t too bad yourself, Steve,” said Amita. “You did fine with some very messy nappies.”
            “Oh, there’s another thing too,” replied Steve. “I can’t believe such tiny little things can create such bad smells.”
            “Welcome to the real world, Steve,” said Peter.
            “Changing a few nappies won’t do you any harm,” Mike added.
            “It probably did him some good,” added Sharon.
            “Hey Sharon,” said Steve. “You sent me in there in the first place.”
            “Aren’t you pleased you helped out, Steve?”
            He paused for a moment, looking around at us all.     
            “Well, yes I am.” Steve continued. “To continue with my story. We had everything under control. They were all asleep again, but there were babies placed everywhere. There was nowhere to sit except on the double bed.
            We were sitting there when Amita said, ‘Shall we have that nooky now, Steve?’
            I replied, ‘What? I didn’t know that was on the menu.’
            ‘Well, why not?’
            ‘What about all these kids?’
            ‘They’re all asleep. We’ll be Ok, as long as we are quiet.’” 

            “So you did get that nooky, after all, Steve?” said his wife Sharon.
            “Yes we did, but let me finish my story first.”
           I laughed at that. Steve was really into getting his story out, so we let him continue.
           “So, when Amita stood up, I did as well. Soon we were peeling each other’s clothes off. She was in a real hurry….. almost tearing my clothes off me she was in such a rush.”
            “Come on Steve,” Amita corrected him. “I wasn’t that bad.”
            “Yes, you were. I hope you are going to sew those buttons back on.”
            By now, we were helpless with laughter. I was holding my stomach. All thoughts of the breakfast in front of us had gone.
            Steve continued. “Anyway, I pulled her towards me and we were kissing and then necking and stuff. She was becoming more and more turned on by all this. Before long, we were on the bed and things were moving along fine. As things were coming to a climax, suddenly she bites me on the shoulder.”
            He pulled open his shirt and showed us the mark. “Look at that!”
            “I’m sorry Steve,” said Amita looking embarrassed. Looking around at us she added, “I think I got a bit carried away.”
            “Well Sarvesh,” Steve said to him, “Next time you send your wife to stay with another man, you really should feed her first.”
            “Steve!” gasped his wife Sharon in horror.
          But Sarvesh was ready with a reply. “What is the problem, Steve? She only wanted a bit of fresh meat,” he laughed.
            “Yes,” added Joseph. “You were lucky it was your shoulder and she wasn’t sucking on something else. If it had been Shanti, she would have bitten it right off.”
            “Hey Joseph, don’t start on me,” I (Shanti) said.
            “Anyway,” Steve began again, “Let me finish my story. As I said things were moving along and we were really getting into it.”
            “You mean really going in and out of it,” corrected Peter with a laugh.
            Steve stopped and looked at him for a moment. Then he grinned, “Yes Amita and I were really getting in and out of it then. Soon we were really going for it. Then I heard a noise behind me.”
           He paused again. By now Steve had really got into his story telling and he was playing to his audience, keeping us hungry for more.
          “There was someone talking….. behind me….. Someone saying ‘Dada! Dada! Dada!’
I looked up and there was Shanti’s two-year old standing up in her cot watching us. Well as you can imagine…. That was a show stopper for me….. really killed the magic of the moment. I couldn’t carry on after that. Amita was urging me to continue but I was finished.”
            This brought a laugh from Mike. “What was the problem mate? I thought you liked an audience.”
            “No, not like that,” Steve replied.
            “You two were doing that in front of my daughters,” Peter said, pretending to be shocked.
            “No Peter,” Mike corrected him. “Your daughters were asleep it was my daughter watching them.”
            Steve laughed, then he said, “And what is your problem, Peter? The way your wife carried on when she was pregnant your daughters would have thought it was normal.”
            “Don’t start all that Steve,” scolded Sharon. Then turning to Jenny she added, “I’m sorry Jenny.”
            “No, it’s Ok, Sharon. The way I was when carried the twins, I asked for everything I get,” said Jenny.
            “Well, Steve? How did it turn out?” I asked wanting to hear all his story.
            “Once we settled the little one down again we did get our own games finished. Amita then curled up beside me and we got a bit of sleep until they all started all over again. I was pleased when this morning came and you girls started turning up to claim your kids again.”
            We all laughed at this, it had been such a good story. 

            Mike then looked across at me. “I hope you got all of that down, it was a good story.”
            “Yes I did Mike,” I replied, holding up a note pad. “I got most of it anyway. It will be a great story for the letters book.”
            “What? Are you guys going to put it into the Letter’s Book?” Steve asked.
            “No Steve!” replied I. “We aren’t – you are.”
            “It’s not worth putting in the book, is it?”
            “Sure it is Steve,” replied Lizamoa. “It is a good story and a funny story. And it even has some of your nooky too.”
            “Oh well, I suppose I’ll have to write it all down while I remember it.”
            “Here take this,” I said as I handed him the note pad. “It will help you remember all the details. Amita and I will fit your letter into the list about this holiday when we get home.” 

            That was how this story came about. Originally, the plan was for Steve to write his own story but later when we got home and he began working on it, he was unable to read my shorthand so the easier way was for me to do it myself. Steve came over a couple times to help until we completed it.
            Bye for now,
                        Shanti and the New Zealand Team.


  1. A funny story. Nice one Susan.
    There is that Sexy Sue sense of humour coming out again too.
    I enjoy the conversations you use in your stories. I could almost see those people sitting around listening to Steve's story. Hear those one liners they throw at each other and enjoy their laughter. Well done, once again.

    I notice in our background you joked about my son's baby skills.
    He must be getting better at it now. LOL
    Allan snr.

    1. Thanks Allan. Glad you enjoyed it.
      As I said in my background, this was only ever meant to be a bit of a fun thing and in that I think it succeeds.
      We discovered very early in our writing that conversation can be used to add that extra impact to our stories.
      Like in this one, Steve telling the story to his friends gives them the chance to interject and make fun too.

      As for 'your son,' LOL he is doing OK actually.
      Sexy Sue.

    2. Yes Allan snr, There is hope for your 'son'.
      Doing well with the babies. He might even turn out to be good at it.
      LOL Anne.

    3. Dad, See what I have to put up with from these two.
      Of course I'm doing OK. More than OK.
      Why shouldn't I, they are my kids.

    4. Allan if you chose to live with the two wildest women I know then I can't really see its my problem. LOL
      Its the old story - "You made the bed now you have to lay in it."
      But I'm sure, knowing Anne and Susan, the advantages would far out weigh any disadvantages there might be. And I doubt there would be many.
      You are a lucky guy Allan. Two great women and two great kids.
      Your Dad.

    5. Well done Allan snr, you put that well. Thanks for calling me.
      Yes Allan there is also another side of this too you know.
      You should consider the great thing you are doing to the men of New Zealand.
      Keeping Anne and Susan busy means the rest of the male population of NZ can live in peace. LOL

    6. Oh thanks for the email,
      Yes I agree with you both.
      No one has every been able to calm my Susan down as much as Allan has.
      I like that Ryuunosuke, a great service to New Zealand males. LOL Although I am sure there will be many who wouldn't see it that way.
      Bill Wilson.

    7. One question?
      Who is releasing our comments so fast.
      There must be one of the team watching.

    8. Actually I am.
      Asami left a piece of paper on my desk, with some numbers and letters on it, when she was here the other day.
      I tried it with her email and it got me in LOL.
      So Asami did it. Ha Ha.

    9. See this is. I'm using here account.
      Hi Asami. Have a nice day!!! LOL
      Allan snr (not Asami

    10. Oh that is so good Allan snr.
      LOL Bill

    11. Nice one. LOL
      They are going to be hoping mad at this.

    12. What is this? You naughty boys!
      You have been playing into our blog when we are busy.
      I was going to delete all these comments but Anne says they are funny.
      But you are still naughty using my password. It has now been changed.
      And who is this Bill? Are you the Father of Susan?
      You are all very bad boys.
      An angry Asami LOL (No not so angry)

    13. Asami (Morning beauty)
      We have been waiting for one of you to turn up all afternoon.
      Yes they are naughty boys but it was a good joke too. You are not angry, are you honey?

    14. Only a little bit angry. LOL
      So your are finding the meaning of my name too?

    15. So the boys are playing funny games again.
      I thought after last time you would have learnt not to mess with us.
      Don't worry we will be happy to pay you guys back - with interest of course.
      LOL love you guys, Anne.

    16. Looking forward to it Anne.

  2. Hi Awesome Anne and Sexy Sue.
    Nice story Sue. I enjoyed your writing although my laughing attracted some attention in the office.
    One thing I notice is that many of your stories refer to earlier events and earlier jokes. Your new readers might not understand them. Maybe a note giving story numbers might help here too.
    And my Awesome Anne. Wow! I love that photo. It shows off your figure to its best. Is it sexist for a boss to notice the arse on one of his co-workers? LOL No I realise it was taken a few years ago but still well worth featuring in your blog.
    Oh and what is that you are drinking? Looks like a well-known brand of engine additive. I hope not LOL. Your engine works well enough without any additives. LOL
    Allan have fun with looking after the babies. Been there, done that, but not two at once. Ha! Ha!

    1. Simon!
      I am most offended by your comments. LOL
      What sort of example do you think this is to your staff, reading sexy stories and admiring my sexy arse.
      I considered taking my complaint to the big boss, then I thought, you are the big boss. Sort of stuffs that idea doesn't it?
      Thanks for your comments here, we all enjoy them.
      Awesome Anne.

    2. Oh my dear Awesome Anne,
      I've been waiting for your reply. I knew you wouldn't be able to leave it alone. LOL
      Like a good boss my door is always open to you, Anne. I would be delighted to discuss your arse at great length as to why it should be exempt for sexist comment rules. LOL
      Await your reply.
      Simon. LOL

    3. My dear Sensational Simon,
      I thank you for your concern for my problem, which you should be, considering you created it.
      I am at a loss to understand what benefits could be gained discussing my arse at great length.
      1) I am sure I wasn't applying for the exemption you mentioned.
      2) I don't see why such a long discussion would be required.
      3) I struggle to see why it would be a 'delightful' experience.
      Please enlighten me on this matter.
      Awesome Anne.

    4. My dear Awesome Anne.
      Sensational Simon! Oh I like that Anne.
      Your reply is just what I would expect from you girl.
      Always a lot of fight in you. I bet you saw my reply, your eyes brightened up, a big smile on your face and your fingers were smoking as you typed. You have always been a feisty one, Anne.

      Now I believe you missed the point of my purpose here. It is not about any discussions in my office. Its all about my right to admire your photograph on the right. Can I comment or do I keep my thoughts to myself? My guess is you would be disappointed if I didn't say something smart to you. My guess is that "shock" and "mock offence" are two of the many weapons you use to debate and flirt with us guys.
      Oh I know where that pool is. I've taken my girlfriend there too.
      Sensational Simon

    5. Hey Sensational Simon,
      Do I get an exemption too?

    6. Sensational Simon. LOL
      Oh that is so good. I'm going to have fun with that.
      Sexy Sue.

    7. Hey! What are you two sticking your nose into our private conversation for?
      No, there are not exemptions for either of you. Only for Awesome Anne.

    8. Anne, don't be so exclusive.
      If Susan or Kirsten want there arses admired too you really shouldn't stop them.
      Not that it will take anything away from that figure hugging dress you are wearing Anne. Oh so nice and it shows off your sexy arse too.

    9. Looks like you are building a fan club Anne.
      As if any of us weren't already big fans.

    10. Oh so I see we still haven't got over the shape of Anne's arse in that sexy skirt.
      Yes I agree with all above.
      When Allan first introduced me to you Anne you reminded me of a beautiful Japanese doll.
      I expected you to be shy but not at all. You looked me in the eye and spoke boldly with confidence.
      You surprised me that day and you still surprise me Anne.

    11. Well that was your fault! You spoke to me like I was some stupid Japanese girl who couldn't speak English.
      That made me angry. I am a kiwi girl. As much a kiwi as you are. You had that coming.

      I did get told off by Allan later for speaking to his big boss like that.
      If you remember he made me ring you up and say I was sorry. LOL
      Can you remember what you replied?
      Awesome Anne.

    12. Yes I remember Awesome Anne.
      I asked you when are you going to work for me.

      That passion, determination and the spark in those eyes. I knew you would make a great manager one day.
      Even if you are still cheeky to your boss. And how much repentance was there in that apology?

    13. Oh Sensational Simon,
      How could you doubt my word.
      My apology that day was given with all the sincerity I could muster.
      But talking to me like that really got me angry. You did ask for me to react as I did.
      Awesome Anne.

    14. Yes Anne you have answered my question.
      I thought as much.

    15. What do you mean by that Simon?

    16. Yes Simon,
      Still as stubborn and head-strong as ever but we love her anyway.
      As for admiring that sexy arse, feel free. Regardless of what she says, she loves the attention

    17. So what does Anne's Japanese name mean. You know the one we are never allowed to use.
      My guess is Ruler, Bossy person, Fire dragon. LOL

    18. Paul you are sailing close to the wind with that one mate.
      I take it that after then comment you are not intending coming up this weekend.

  3. Sure I'm coming this weekend
    I'm not scared of xxxxxxx I mean Anne.
    Almost used the wrong name Ha Ha.
