Thursday 22 May 2014

Story 97 Nude Cruise.

            Hi again from India. It is Amita here.
            During the first few days at the resort island, surprisingly we spent most of our time on the clothed side of the resort. Yes, we wore our sexy bikinis and even went topless on one of the beaches, but of course, nudity was not allowed.
            Sometimes the guys went over to the nude side for a swim and I think to check out the girls there too. The second time they went over, Katrina and I decided to go too.
            On the family side, most of the time, Katrina was wearing her bikini and sometimes she wore the matching short skirt we had brought for her. Much of the time, she remained with only her bikini top covering her breasts but when we went to a restaurant or club, she wore the matching cover-up.
            When we went to the nude side, she was wearing her bikini and the skirt. She followed Shanti, Lizamoa and I into the changing room. Lizamoa and Shanti stripped completely and went out like that. For me, I wasn’t so bold, I decided to go naked with only a cover-up over me. I was wondering what Katrina would do.
            To my surprise, she reached behind herself and undid her bikini top. Still leaving the skirt on, she reached underneath and pulled down her bikini bottom. Wearing nothing but that little skirt, she followed us out into the nude area of the resort. It was obvious she was intending to swim naked once we were inside. Going topless like that was even bolder than I was in my cover-up.
            When we found a place, under some shade on the beach, the boys quickly suggested a swim. Lizamoa and Shanti were of course already naked. I just slipped off my cover-up and a glance across at Katrina revealed she had just stepped out of her skirt. All of us now naked, we ran down across the sand to the water.
            When we returned to our things, I noticed that Katrina quickly replaced her skirt. All the rest of us decided to remain naked. Later when we went swimming in the pool, Katrina again joined us nude but replacing her skirt again afterwards. 

            One of the more interesting events of our stay on the island resort was the cruise out to the Great Barrier Reef. This was with a catamaran boat owned by the resort. There were two trips taken each day, in the morning and again in the afternoon and twice per week the trips left from the nude side where passengers could enjoy the trip naked if they wanted.
            Sarvesh enquired about this trip and learned that the boat took about 30 people per trip. The day after the second chess game, he was talking with us.
            “Shall we go on the Reef Cruise or the Nude Cruise?” he asked.
            Most of the men quickly decided in the Nude Cruise. Us girls were mostly in agreement too. I looked across at Katrina and she appeared to be hesitating.
            Then I heard Sarvesh say, “You don’t have to go nude if you don’t want too. It is clothing optional.”
            She seemed more happy with this option and quickly agreed too. I am not sure why she was uncertain since she had already gone nude a couple of times with plenty of people around.
            “It would have been good if we could have our own trip but they need about 25 to 30 people for each trip,” Sarvesh told us.
            “There are already seventeen of us so we only need a few more people,” replied Shanti.
            “What about children? Are they counted too?”
            “Well yes children are but I don’t think small babies like our ones,” replied Sarvesh. “Anyway, I think we should leave the babies in childcare while we are on the boat.”
            Even the girls agreed with this idea.
            Then Hansini came up with the solution. “What about Donald?” she asked. “As I remember it his group was about 10 people. Would that be enough?”
            “Yes it probably would,” Sarvesh agreed.
            “Well, why don’t we ask them?”
            “That is a good idea. Hansini, go ask your new boyfriend to come too,” laughed Steve.
            “Steve! He is not my boyfriend!”
            “Ok, Hansini. Do you know where to find him?” Sarvesh asked.
            “Yes Sarvesh, I think I do. He is staying over near the wharf I think. Most afternoons they are near that little beach nearby. Shall I go and see if I can find him?”
            “Yes, Hansini. If you can ask if he would like to come on tomorrow mornings cruise.”
            “Ask him he wants to go on a hot nude date with you?” Steve added.
            “Steve! Stop saying those things!”
            Hansini got up to leave. “Come on Katrina,” she said. “Come for a walk with me.”
            “Katrina you better go with her to see her boyfriend. We don’t know what she would get up to by herself,” said Steve.
            “Steve! I was telling, he is not my boyfriend! Stop saying!”
            “Maybe the way you are denying it you would like him to be. He was checking you out too after the chess this morning.”
            “Steve!” said Sharon angrily. “Stop teasing the girls.”
            “Well Sharon, he was checking her out.”
            “No Sharon, he does not bother me now because I am knowing he is the jealous one,  he does not find another girl friend.”
            “He better not find another girlfriend,” Sharon added.
            “Ok,” said Hansini with a laugh. “I am going off to find my boyfriend.”
            By now, both girls had got up and were walking off together. As they left I saw Hansini say something to Katrina and I heard both of them giggle, enjoying the joke. Katrina looked back at Steve, then replied to Hansini. They both burst out laughing again, as they disappeared around the corner.
            It wasn’t too long before they returned with the news that Donald and his group had agreed to come on the boat trip with us, so then Sarvesh went over to the admin building to see if he could still book the trip.  

            Next morning we had to be at the wharf on the nude side by 10 minutes to 10 as the boat was leaving at 10 am sharp. We had put all the kids into the childcare for a few hours, which meant all of us could go. On the way to the nude side gate, we met Donald’s group coming across from the other side of the island. We greeted them and we all walked on in a group together.
            At the gate, some of us undressed but mostly we stayed the same, as we preferred to strip off, later, on the boat.
            The boat was ready waiting for us, a catamaran painted light blue. It was a beautiful boat and Katrina stopped to take a photo. It was able to be sailed but also had a motor. Usually, on these trips, they sailed most of the way. Being a catamaran design there was plenty of room on the deck and partly they had a large covering to protect passengers from the hot sun too.
            We were greeted by a woman crew member who invited us aboard. There was only one other crew member a man, who was the captain. Between them, they sailed the boat with some help from the passengers.
            Once everyone was aboard they cast off and soon we were heading out onto the ocean. Some people were already naked but then some others undressed to join them. I decided to join them too.
            I looked over at Katrina and she appeared to have a slight smile on her face as she was talking with Hansini. Then I noticed Hansini undoing her bikini top. Katrina quickly followed her, removing her own bikini top too. By now, Hansini was slipping off her bikini bottom, and then Katrina pulled down her skirt taking her bikini bottom with it. So, she had decided to go nude like the rest of us. 

            It takes about 40 minutes to get out to the main reef and so during that time they served morning tea. This was very Western, with either tea or coffee with a small cake like item. they called scones. These were cut in half and served with jam and cream spread on them. They were very nice. I had never tried this before.
            When I asked Shanti she told us that this was a very traditional English way of serving morning tea. Devonshire Tea I think she called it. 

            Hi, it is Joseph here.
            I know that the Letters Book originally started with a correspondence between Shanti and I, but more recently it has been left for others to write the letters and the stories. Amita has noticed that I have not been so involved so while she was with us in New Zealand she invited me to help with parts of this story. I agreed to help her with some extra parts from me.
            Once the boat was underway using the engine, they were ready to begin hosting the sails. The captain asked for people to help. Quickly a few of us volunteered. Mike has had some experience with sailing but coming from an inland location, I have never been able to try.
            Soon we were working together. First, we pulled up the small sail at the front. A jib I think Mike called it. He explained that this was to balance and help steer the boat. Next, we began hosting the mainsail. Mike told me this is the engine room of the sailboat. This sail is where all the power of the wind is captured to push the boat through the water. 
            It was interesting learning about sailing and working with Mike. As we worked together, we were experiencing a growing bond and closeness between us. Normally they use a winch to lift the mainsail but the captain challenged us to do it by hand. It was heavy and hard work, I was pleased to be doing it along side Mike.
            We wanted to achieve this when we realised the girls were watching us. But I didn’t realise that the girls were also looking at other things besides us working. So much for you scolding me for checking out the girls Lizamoa! I have come to know that sometimes you girls can be just as bad too. See what Amita wrote below!
            Now back to Amita.
            We were sitting watching Joseph and Mike who were helping sail the boat. They were helping pull up a larger sail. They appeared to be enjoying working together too. I was enjoying watching them, their naked bodies stretching and muscles straining as they pulled on the ropes.
            I didn’t notice that Katrina was also paying attention to.
            “Indian Men look different to European Men don’t they?” she said.
            “Yes they do,” I replied.
            “Not just their skin colour too. But looking at the shape is different too.”
            I was thinking to myself this girl is checking the boys out. When I remained silent, she continued.
            “Look at Joseph his skin is so smooth with almost without the hair. But Mike is very different he like…..”
            “......a big teddy bear,” said Lizamoa finishing her sentence with a giggle.
            This brought a burst of laughter from Katrina. Mike and Joseph heard us and looked round.
            “And that is not the only way they are different too,” added Lizamoa.
            “Yes!” replied Katrina. “I have seen that too. Their thing ….. you know down there.”
            “Their willies,” said Lizamoa.
            “Yes,” said Katrina. “Is that the name for it?”
            “One name,” I said. “But there are many others.
            “Joseph has it very big when it is hanging,” she said. “Is it also big when he…. When he gets it hard?”
            Lizamoa looked over at me and I smiled.
            “Yes it is,” she replied.
            “Oh!” said Katrina. “Maybe one day I would like to see that.”
           “Didn’t you see him at Hansini’s cum shower?”
            “No, I missed that. He had his back to me.”
           Katrina got up to go over to where Hansini was sitting. Once she was gone Lizamoa turned to me.
            “She is taking an interest in men’s willies,” she giggled.
            “Yes,” I replied. “She is, isn’t she?”
            “Maybe she is thinking about trying one for size.”
            I didn’t answer that. But yes, I knew she was thinking about trying one and very soon too. In fact, she was thinking about one of the men we were watching but, of course, I couldn’t say anything to Liz. It was interesting that Katrina was comparing them though.  

            Now we were using the sail and not the motor, there not much we could do except just sit back and enjoy the trip. Some of the men had formed a group and were talking. From time to time I heard them laughing.
            One of Donald’s group, a woman called Paula came over and introduced herself as Donald’s wife. Then she sat down with us. She was asking about where we all came from. I think it is a bit interesting seeing a group of Europeans and Indians travelling together. She was surprised that half of us came from New Zealand and the other half from India. 
            While we were sitting talking at the back under the shade, I saw Katrina get up from beside Hansini and go to have a look around the boat. She ended up at the front laying down watching the bow breaking the water as we moved.
            I was talking with Paula and some of the girls when Mega pointed and said, “Amita look at this.”
            She pointed up at Katrina. One of the younger boys from Donald’s group had gone up and was sitting beside Katrina. I could see they were talking. Soon he was laying on his front beside her, also watching the water. Later I noticed they were sitting together talking again and they seemed to be getting on well.
           I saw him say something and heard her laugh. She didn’t seem at all self-conscious considering they were both naked.
            I was thinking to myself. We’d better watch out or else Mike might not be getting lucky after all. But then, they parted and Katrina returned to us.
            “Got a new boyfriend, Katrina?” Sarvesh asked.
            “No! Not my boyfriend. But David is very nice.”
            “Yes,” I agreed. “He seems a nice boy.”
            “You know him?” she asked me.
            “No, of course not. But we did talk in the pool after the chess game. Donald is his uncle I believe.”
          “Yes, he told me that.”
          I didn’t tell her that David was asking about her and what her name was. He had thought that Katrina was my daughter, then was surprised when I told him she worked for Sarvesh and I, as a servant.      
            Then Katrina surprised me by asking Sarvesh a question.
            “Sarvesh, David has invited me to dinner tonight. Can I go?”
            “Of course, Katrina. But you do not need to ask us,” he replied.
            “I want to ask. You and Amita are like my parents here.”
            So Katrina and David arranged to have their dinner together. She felt happier if he came to where we were having dinner but they had a separate table. He was Ok with that too.
            Later Donald came across and said he heard David and Katrina were having dinner together. He then made the proposal that, since it was their last night on the island, we could all get together for dinner. Sarvesh and Mike agreed and quickly arrangements were made to meet them that evening at the larger restaurant.
            When we arrived out on the reef, we had some spare time for some activities such as snorkelling or walking on a small sandy island. I decided to go snorkelling and looking down into the water to view the many fish and coral was beautiful. I enjoyed this time we spent here. It is amazing just how much colours there was in the coral and how much marine life there was around the reef.
            For those who were unable to swim, they had brought a small glass bottom boat that people could see through to the reef below. In this way, we all were to enjoy the view of this amazing attraction.
Joseph again now.
            Afterwards, we began the return trip back to the resort. It was then that they began preparations for a barbeque lunch.
            The captain now knew Mike was experienced with sailing and so he had handed the wheel over to Mike. I was there with him watching what he was doing. It was interesting watching him balance the boat and the sails to get the most out of the wind.
            A bit later, some of the girls came over to see what we were doing.
            “I did not know you could drive a sailboat Mike?” asked Lizamoa.
            “Sail a sailboat,” he corrected her. “My father once had one and we all learnt to sail it.”
            “Is it hard to do this?”
            “Once everything is set it is easy. It is just getting the sails set correctly first.”
            “Oh,” she replied but I’m not sure she understood it all.
            Then Mike surprised us by asking, “Liz, do you want to have a go?”
            “Yes as long as I am not sinking the boat.”
            “No, I will be with you to guide you.”
            Lizamoa then took the wheel while Mike stood behind her showing her how to do it correctly. I could see she was enjoying it. She had a big smile on her face. I also saw she was leaning back against him too. When he took his hands off the wheel, leaving it to her, I saw his hands go up and holding the underside of her breasts.
            “Does that help her steering?” I asked Mike laughing.
            “Oh yes,” he replied. “It is most important. It keeps us on course.”
            This brought a laugh from all of us.
           “If we need to go left I lift this tit,” he added. “To go right I lift the other one.”
           As he did he lifted each breast, in turn, making them wobble. It was actually a bit sexy watching my wife standing there steering the boat while Mike's white hands were all over the brown flesh of her breasts. I was not the only one who noticed what was happening either.

Amita again now.
            I was sitting beside Joseph watching Lizamoa and Mike. I heard the jokes about where he was holding her. I also saw the smile on her face too. I knew she was happy with him holding her breasts while she steered. I noticed he was doing more than just holding them, playing with them too. Naughty boy Mike! Lizamoa, you should have smacked his hand for playing with your nipples like that.
            Mike began to explain to her more about sailing the boat. We listened while he explained about watching the compass and the curve in the mainsail. He told us that sailing was a balance between keeping on course and keeping the mainsail full of wind.
            He then went on explaining the aerodynamics of the process and I’m afraid that was when my brain switched off. All I knew was that the sticky-masty thing with the sails hanging off it made the boat go. I did notice Lizamoa seemed to be following him and seemed to understand what he was telling her.
            Once the barbeque was set up and the crew girl was cooking, the captain returned to take over again. When he found Lizamoa still at the wheel he said he was happy for her to continue. She was pleased with this and so while the captain sat beside her on one side and Mike on the other, she continued sailing the boat for most of the trip back.   
            While we were waiting for lunch, a limbo stick was set-up and a contest started. At first, almost all of us were involved but as the stick became lower and lower soon most had been eliminated. They were down to only 5 people. There were Shanti, Katrina, David and another young married couple from Donald’s group, Jeremy and Joyce.
            This was an interesting game to play when we were all nude. As each person went under the stick, they had to bend backwards, stretching as they did. It was a bit erotic to watch that.
            For the two boys, they had their penis and the balls sticking out clearly revealed. For the girls, it was just as revealing when they bent back making their pussy mounds stick up. Since they had their legs apart for balance, anyone on that side got an open view of their pussy secrets. Very sexy game for playing nude.
            I don’t think Katrina realised this because she had been standing on the other side. When she was standing beside me watching Shanti going under the bar in front of her she saw how Shanti’s pussy was completely and openly displayed. It was then that she suddenly realised just how revealing this manoeuvre was.
            “Do I look like that too?” she asked me quietly.
            “Yes you do,” I confirmed.
            “With everything exposed too?”
            Again I confirmed that she did.
            “Ohh!” she said. “I didn’t know that was so showing.”
            I thought that would have made her pull out of the contest. But no, to my surprise, I was wrong.
            “I’m next,” she said.
            “You are carrying on?” I asked.
            “Of course. I want to win this,” she replied with a smile.
            Sure enough, she continued and as she bent backwards she gave another openly display of her pussy. David was waiting with Jeremy to follow her and both boys must have got a really good reveal too as they were looking straight down at her. As she stood up, she turned and looked straight at David, giving him a shy little smile.
            I then got the impression that she knew what she had shown him, what David had seen, and she was happy to be showing too. Maybe Katrina was a bit of an exhibitionist after all.
            Of course, when David went under the bar in front of her, Katrina was looking down at him as well. No doubt, she was checking him out too.
            Well in that round the other man, Jeremy touched the stick. It was a bit funny because he was almost under when his cock just slightly moved the stick. Shanti who was following him saw it and called him out. Trust you to notice that, Shanti. Naughty girl, Shanti! You must have been looking at the guy's cocks.
       His wife Joyce and Paula were quick to pick up on that, making jokes about keeping his cock out of the way next time. I got the impression Jeremy was rather pleased with which body part had knocked him out of the contest.
       The following round his wife, Joyce and Shanti, were both knocked out too. So now the contest was between just Katrina and David. It appeared neither of them wanted to lose and as we all gathered around watching, the bar was lowered twice more before finally, David touched it with his leg. We all waited to see if Katrina could clear it. If she did she would win otherwise it would be called a draw.
            She leant back and stretched down until her head was almost touching the deck and then slowly inch by inch she eased under the bar. Once she got her head under, next were her breasts. I thought for a moment she was going to touch as the swell of her breasts came close to the bar but no, the tip of her nipple just barely slipped under. Inch by inch she moved backwards as her stomach moved under the bar until she came to her pussy mount. She was bent back so far that her pussy stuck up and from where I was, she had everything between her thighs openly showing. Now her body was under and she bent up, taking tiny steps back as her thighs went under. She stood up to a cheer from all of us.
            She had made it, she was the winner. I could see she was very happy with that. 

            Later after lunch, Katrina told us that she wanted to take some photos of her doing the limbo-stick to show her friends at home. Of course, we couldn’t show her nude so she had to do it fully clothed. David and Lizamoa also agree to do it too. A few others of us agreed to put on some clothes to appear in the photos in the background too. The limbo bar was set up again, but not so low, just enough to look impressive. Then Lizamoa, David and Katrina all went under again while Donald and Joseph took some photos.
            This was not the first time we had posed for photos with our clothes before or after one of our nude activities so she could get some photos. Once the photos were over everyone quickly stripped again.
            I also noticed that David and Katrina took photos of each other too. She was happy to pose for him wearing her bikini while he posed with his shirt off. At the time I wondered about that but later she confirmed she was interested in him so the photos sort of made sense.  

            When we arrived back at the resort it was about 1:30. Jenny and Sharon went back to get the kids and looked after them for a while but since we were still on the nude side we decided to stay there. Once Donald realised what we were doing that they decided to stay there too. So not getting dressed we just found some tables around the pool to relax with some drinks under the shade.   
        During the afternoon, Katrina paired up with David and the other younger couple Jeremy and Joyce. They were swimming and sitting at their own table nearby. I noticed that she didn’t want to go out of sight of us though because when they went off to explore this side of the resort she came back and sat down with us again.
            “Where have they gone?” I asked her.
            “Oh just to have a look around over on this side.”
            “You didn’t want to go with them?”
            “No. I am happy to stay here.”
            I was beginning to think that she was a bit unsure of all this. It explained why they had decided to eat at the same restaurant as us.
            The rest of us formed small groups and I was happy to see how well Donald’s group and our group were mixing together. I also noticed that Sarvesh and Donald were spending a lot of time together over at a table by themselves. I now think this was when they first began talking about going into business together.
            That is typical of my husband, even when he is on holiday, on an island, out in the middle of the ocean, he still manages to do some sort of business. But I must say he has been successful as well, so really I shouldn’t complain. I like the way he is happy to involve our friends whenever he can too. 

            We all met again for dinner. When Donald arrived with his group, David was with them. Sarvesh went over to him and spoke quietly with him. I was wondering what Sarvesh was saying until suddenly I saw David smiling and then reach out to shake Sarvesh’s hand. David then came straight over to where Katrina, Lizamoa and I were standing.
            “Katrina,” he said. “Sarvesh has arranged for our own table out on the deck overlooking the beach.”
            Katrina smiled. I could see she was happy with that. She looked over at Sarvesh and then to our surprise she blew him a kiss. Even more surprising was he returned it too.
            So there is still some romance in the old boy I thought.

            Hey! Enough of that old boy talking, Amita.
            It sounds like you are thinking I am to be dead already when you are saying that! Of course, I will not be telling anyone that actually you are a few months older than me.
            So if I am the old boy, I am wondering what you are.
                                                                                                            Sarvesh Ha! Ha!

            Sorry Sarvesh, maybe I was just using the figure of the speech.  

            Now back to my story. They were shown to their table out on the deck first, then we were shown to our tables in the centre of the restaurant. I managed to sit in a position where I could just see them although since they were both sitting facing the ocean I am not sure they knew.       
            Lizamoa was sitting near Sarvesh, then she started to tease him.
            “Sarvesh!” she said in that slightly louder voice. “You have been a very naughty boy.”
            Well, that was a show stopper. Everyone around us stopped, waiting for her to continue. When she didn’t Sarvesh replied.
            “Why am I naughty, Liz?”
            “Well, I saw you blowing secret kisses to beautiful young ladies.”
            Because most of them hadn’t seen the exchange between Sarvesh and Katrina they were unsure what was going on. They all remained silent.
            Then Sarvesh explained, “She was saying thank you and I am saying you are very welcome. That is all Liz.”
            But Lizamoa chose to ignore his explanation and she continued.
            “And kisses behind when your wife’s back was turned to. This was a very naughty thing to be doing.”
            Now Sarvesh was ready for her. “Lizamoa I do believe that she was not turned. She was standing with you watching me.”
            “Lizamoa!” Joseph said. “What are you telling us?”
            “Oh, Joseph! I am so upset for my dear friend Amita because her husband is kissing the very young girls.”
            “Which girl was this?”
            “Katrina,” laughed Liz. “He blew her a kiss just before she went off with David.”
            “Oh is that all,” replied Joseph as he realised his wife had been having us all on and she caught almost all of them too. Only a couple of us had seen what had actually happened. All the rest were probably thinking a big scandal was happening. They all laughed when they realised what she was up to.
            During the meal, I heard Donald invite Sarvesh to visit him in Perth sometime. I also heard Sarvesh reply that we would like him to visit India as well. It was obvious that they wanted to maintain a friendship.
            The talk then turned to business again.
            “Do you have to talk that here?” I asked them.
            They dropped the conversation but later after the meal when we left to go back to our rooms Sarvesh, Jeevan, Donald and Steve stayed at the bar and over a few drinks began talking again.
            When he arrived much later, Sarvesh told me that they were going to set up a business importing and exporting between India and Australia and New Zealand.
            Well since we have been back in India, I can report this business has been established and things appear to be moving along well. I am happy because we can keep in closer contact with all our friends. 

            After the meal Katrina came back to our building with us. David went off with Jeremy and Joyce.
            “He wanted me to go to the disco,” she said.
            “Why didn’t you go?” I asked.
            “No I just wanted to come back here,” she said. “But he did ask if he could write to me.”
            “Are you going to let him?”
            “Yes,” she replied. “I would like to do that.” 

            So that is all for my story but since that time I can add another extra part to it as well.
            As he promised, David did write to her. When we arrived home there was already a letter waiting for her. I know they exchanged letters a few times until one day Katrina approached Sarvesh about her getting a computer. Sarvesh told her she was welcome to use the one in the office if she wanted but she replied she would rather her own one.
            Well, the outcome of this was that Sarvesh decided to upgrade our house to cordless broadband so we could use a computer anywhere in the house without needing to go down to the office. He also helped Katrina buy her own laptop too. He got me one too so now I can sit in bed and write to you in New Zealand. Ha Ha!
          I can also sit in bed and video chat with you over there. Hope I remember to put my top on. LOL

            Well, that is all from us here.
                        The Indian Team say good bye.
                                    And I do too.
                                                Love Amita.


  1. I love reading the history of these stories. Where they came from and what event helped shape them. I know I am considered one of the writers team but as this series continues there are many things new to me I am learning.
    I checked the Letters Timeline page and I see parts of this story were written during 2009. That was during the time when Brian was dating Susan again. Did he help with writing this one too? Shandra told me that she doesn't think there is much of that original story left as it has been worked and reworked so many times. She said when Katrina and her friend David became a major them it changed thing so much.
    To me the best part must be the limbo stick game. I tried getting into that position. Oh that must be so sexy to do. So revealing for both the girls and the boys. I also reading how you did that at a party too. Did you all go under the stick?

    1. How come you ask that here Asami?
      You live there so why don't you just ask them yourself?

    2. Yes Andrew you are right. It is easy for me just to ask and I sort of know the answers already too.
      I wanted Brian to reply and tell us of what he thought of writing this story.
      Yes I am fishing. Fishing for a story to make our blog better.

    3. Good luck there honey.
      But I fear now you have revealed your intentions your fish might be reluctant to bite.

    4. This is not the first time you girls have gone fishing for comments in this blog is it?
      Now just a thought. To catch the right fish you need the right bait. So have you got the right bait Asami?
      You might try something a bit more juicy.

    5. More juicy? I'm not sure I understand.

    6. More juicy! She means more sexy Asami.
      Assume Brian was at that party and he did go under the limbo stick. Ask him how he felt doing it?

    7. Brian is at work at the moment,
      You probably won't get him until this afternoon.
      Look forward to seeing you guys tomorrow for the meeting & BBQ

    8. Asami, I think your fishing is going well even if you haven't caught the fish you are after.

    9. Little sister what are you up too?
      Do you think Brian will reply?

    10. Ayaka, of course she does. And a good idea too.
      Yes Asami, I was involved in writing this story. I was also with Susan at that party and went under the limbo pole too.
      Julie and I have talked about it and over the next few days we will put something together and get you to publish it for us. Maybe we will do a long comment under the Background Notes for this story.
      Thanks for asked me. See you tomorrow.
      Brian and Julie

    11. They have just told me what is going on here. Yes thank you everyone for your comments during the day.
      A special thank you to Brian and Julie. I am looking forward to what you write. I like what you wrote on that other page "Brian's Page" that I set up for you.
      I need to go now. My new boyfriend has just arrived to take me out.

    12. Well done Asami
      You knew what you wanted and went for it. Even when others weren't sure, you knew Brian would come. He did and has agreed to give us his personal inside to another of Anne and Susan's wild parties. Thanks in advance Brian for that too.
      Well we are about to leave now. Will see you before 9 for breakfast.

  2. Ok enough about Asami's fishing trip. Lets get back to the point of this blog - the stories.
    I like this story. In my opinion it achieves what you set out to do with it. You have used what was a older rather poor story and built it into one that fills in and adds to other stories around here. For example what you have done with Katrina. Shandra has been slowly developing this story line for a long time. The fact that we see Katrina getting involved in the chess game and the cruise ties the her stories in with the main story line. I like that.
    Does this all make sense?
    Allan snr

    1. Good point Allan snr.
      I was thinking the same, although Asami's fishing trip was something a bit different.
      I have been following the Katrina Story and I can see David entering the story is going to change things a lot. I also like the idea of the limbo stick. Now that is a sexy game to play. I know which side of the stick I would be standing when the girls went under. LOL Nice way to get pussies revealing in their full glory.

    2. I see that next week we have another story from the Katrina series. That must be almost finished now.
      Been a good story, I've enjoyed it. Is this story going to be put on her page as well? It seems like a lot of it is about her.

    3. Yes Andy it will be but a different version to the one above. We have cut parts that don't really concern Katrina as her page is becoming a very large story.
      I have already done some background work on her page since I had time today. Later I will upload this story and the one being published on Friday as well. That leaves one story left to go. The one where she finally loses her virginity.
      That will be published in only a few weeks then I will complete Katrina's Page and lock it so it can't be accidently edited.

    4. Is there any chance you are going to include the last story as well, Asami?

    5. Asami, we all want to see the final story of Katrina.
      Just sneak it in while Anne isn't watching. She'll never know. LOL
      Allan snr.

    6. Allan you are trying to make me naughty.

    7. You guys! Allan, John, I am watching you.
      Don't try leading Asami astray.
      And it might happen like you are suggesting. Complete the whole Katrina Page at one time.
      We will see on that.

    8. I hope so Anne.
      But it would have been more fun if I could talk Asami into sneaking it in. LOL
      Allan snr

    9. Asami is a good girl. Don't you naughty boys make her not!
      What is this sneaking Allan? You know Anne. It is very hard to sneak anything with her.
      I know, I have tried this.
      Ayaka LOL

    10. If anyone would know about getting in trouble with Anne I'm sure it would be you Ayaka.
      She is always kicking the Arse of Ayaka. I wonder she doesn't get a sore toe. LOL

  3. I like this story very much. There is lots of the things going on in it.
    You men say the limbo stick game is the best. I think us girls like it too. I would be happy shedding my bikini to play too. I would be happy revealing my pussy parts because I can be checking the men. LOL
    Toon Mao
