Thursday 29 May 2014

Story 98 Katrina's Story (Part Four)

Hi, it is Katrina again.
         I am going to continue to my story but from now Mike is going to helping me as well.  

            Now finally I get to the best part of my story. We had been at the resort for five days and had got to a lot of fun. We had the Beach Girl Contest, the GrandStrip Chess game, gone on a Nude Cruise to view a coral reef and had some other adventures among our group. As I said before, these are not my story to be telling. This is my story here - so let me begin.
            That morning Amita asked me about what we had talked about into India concerning the man Mike. I told her I still wanted to go through with it.
            “Do you want me to talk to them for you?” she asked.
            “Yes,” I replied.
           Suddenly I felt a bit nervous about this now.

            Later I saw her sitting at the bar talking to both Mike and Shanti. I thought they might have been talking about me as I saw Mike look over at me a few times. Then Mike got up and came over to me while Shanti and Amita stayed at the bar.
            He sat down opposite me, “Katrina," he said. "Amita has just told me about you wanting to make love to a man for the first time. I am honoured that you have chosen me.”
            I didn't say anything except nod my head. I wasn't sure what to say.
            He looked at me for a moment then taking my hands with his he asked, “Now Katrina, are you really sure? ....... Sure you want to do this?”
            “Yes,” I replied. “I have thought about doing this for a long time. I am ready to do it.”
            “Yes, Amita told us that you have talked with her and she is sure you have made up your mind.”
            “Will you be the man to do it?”
            “Yes, of course, I will. As I said it is a big honour.”
            “What about Shanti? Is she…… Is she Ok with it?”
            “Yes, she is fine. We have a very open relationship. Anyway, I believe she will have other plans for the evening. I expect she will find another partner before tonight is over. Oh, tonight is Ok for you is it?”
            “Yes, tonight is very ok for me.”
            “Well, I don’t want to rush you. If you decide to change your mind at any time, I am OK with that too.” 
            “So how do we do this thing?” I asked him.
            “Well, let’s make this evening very special for you. You are comfortable going over to the nude side now, aren’t you?"
            I nodded, confirming that I was but I was a bit confused he asked me that.
            "Well, they have this lovely little restaurant there. We can have a swim, a walk along the beach followed by a candle light dinner. Then we can come back to my room for the night.”
            “What about Shanti?”
            “As I said, Shanti will be sleeping somewhere else tonight.”
            He reached over and touched my hand again gently, “Does that sound like a nice evening for you?”
            “Yes, it does. It sounds lovely.”
            I don’t know what I was expecting but I wasn’t expecting an entire afternoon and evening alone with him. It sounded so romantic.
            We arranged to meet again after lunch. 
            After he had gone, I looked over and saw Amita sitting alone. She was watching me. When she saw me looking, she beckoned me to come over.
            “Well?” she asked. “What’s happening?”
            “Oh, it sounds so nice.”
            “What does?”
            “What we are going to be doing today. He is taking me over to the other part….. To the adult side. We can go for a beach walk. Have a swim and then he even said a candle light dinner. Then we are going back to have the night at his room.”
            “Yes, I knew about the room. I heard Shanti tell Jenny just now, she has no room for the night.”
            “What is she upset? Mike said she was OK with it all.”
            “No. No, she is not upset, just arranging something for herself, I think.”
            “Well, what should I do to get ready?”
            “I can’t really tell you to wear something nice can I, considering you will be naked most of the afternoon.”
            “What about tonight?”
            “You’re not getting cold feet are you?”
            “No! No, I want to do this. I just don’t know what I should be doing.”
            “Well, you know a lot more than most girls do their first time because you have been reading The Letters Books. My only advice is just to relax and try to enjoy it.”
            “How will I know what to do?”
            “You don’t need to. Mike will take care of you and he knows it's your first time so just let him guide you.”
            “I am a bit nervous now.”
            “I thought so. It was fun to talk about it but now the time has come. Well, why don’t we go to your room and I’ll help you get ready.”
            “But you said there was nothing I could do.”
            “Oh, there are some things we can do. Come on, I’ll show you.”
            I think the others saw us get up and go off to my room. I wondered for a moment what they were thinking. But too late now, to worry about other people. This was what I want to do and now I was committed to it.
            When we got to my room, Amita closed and locked the door. Then she asked me to remove my clothes. I was suddenly a bit nervous stripping in front of her like that. Once I was naked, she asked me to turn around so she could inspect every part of me.
            “OK,” she said. “We will first give you a little trim down there. Then next, we’ll rub coconut oil all over you. That will make your skin glossier.  Then I think just a touch of makeup will do the trick.”
            Carefully she trimmed my pussy hair. It felt strange letting someone touch me there. She didn’t take much off on top just trimming to make it neater but she cut a little more, lower down around the opening of my pussy.
            Next, we rubbed the coconut oil all over my body. I looked at myself in the mirror. Now my body was more glossy and shining. It looked good too. The various tones of my dark skin were highlighted under the sheen of the oil. The oil soaked in making my flesh feel smooth and soft. I was happy with the effect it gave me.
            “Will this wash off when I swim?”
            “It probably will but by then it will have done its job.”
            I looked at her, not sure what she meant.
            "Had the right effect," she explained. "Made you more attractive for Mike."
            "Oh!" I replied as I realised what she intended. 
            Then she applied just a touch of makeup. Not more than to highlight my eyes and my cheeks.
            "We don't want to over do this," she said. "Most men like girls to appear natural."
            Then to my surprise, she applied a touch of makeup to my nipples. 
            I asked, "Why on those?"
            "Just to highlight them a bit more."
            "I didn't know you could make-up on nipples."
            "Sure you can," Amita replied. "Makes them look good. And taste good too."
            "Yes, this has a nice taste too. Try it."
            "Oh, it does," I replied. "Will he be tasting my nipples?"
            "I expect so. Haven't you read about that in the Letters Books?"
            "Yes, yes I have," I agreed. "But I didn't think with me."
            "I think he will. You wait and see."
            "I nodded. I hadn't thought about oral sex. Maybe he would be doing that also tonight with my nipples and pussy. Maybe I would be doing also with his cock. What if he wanted me to try that? Could I do it right for him?

           My thoughts came back to find she had stepped back to look at me.
            "Yes that looks good," she said.
            Then as I turned around for her again she again viewed my body then looked down there. "Wait! There is one last thing. I'll be back in a minute."
            She left my room in a hurry, leaving me standing there naked, wondering what was going on. When she returned she had scissors and a razor in her hand.
            "Are you going to shave my pussy?" I asked her, being a bit worried since I would be going to the nude side of the resort. I didn't like the idea of being so exposed like that.
            "No not all of it. Only a tiny bit at the top."
            She carefully shaved a notch at the top, in the centre of my pussy hair. When she stepped back I looked into the mirror to see my pussy was now the shape of a heart. I was very happy with that. 
            “Well that’s it,” she said stepping back to look at me again. “That should do fine. Let’s go get some lunch and then get you off on your date with Mike.”
            “It’s not really a date,” I said.
            “Oh, I believe it is. Mike will be treating you like that. You see.” 
            I got dressed again, this time putting on just a light dress with nothing underneath. Amita said, not to bother with anything else because I would be taking it off before Mike could see it. We went and had lunch with the others. I did notice that Mike wasn’t there.
            During lunch, Amita sat beside me and then Shanti pulled a chair over and sat down beside me too.
            “How are you feeling Katrina?” she asked, putting her hand on my shoulder.
            “Just a bit nervous,” I replied.
            “I can understand that. It is something big…… doing it the first time. But don’t worry about anything. Mike is a good choice. He did a good job….. for my first time too.”
            “I know he did Shanti.”
            “And Mike has told me about your afternoon and evening plans too. You are lucky, you’ll have a nice time there too.”
            “I’m happy you are OK with this Shanti,” I said.
            “Of course I’m fine with it. It kind of gives two people a treat, me being OK with this.”
            “What do you mean?” Amita asked.
            “Well the way I see it, first Katrina gets a good man for her first time which is important for her. And secondly, Mike gets to act out like he was a young guy again taking a beautiful young lady out on a hot date. That must be some kind of male fantasy for him as well.”
            This made Amita laugh but at that time I wasn’t sure I completely followed her reasoning here. But I was pleased she was happy with what was happening.  

Hi, it’s Mike here.
          When Katrina met me outside our room she was wearing just a light dress and by the look of it not much underneath. She carried a small beach bag under her arm that I immediately recognised as belonging to Shanti. So was my wife in on this too? If so, I wouldn’t be surprised.
          “Are you ready?” I asked.
          “Yes Mike, I am,” she replied with a shy smile.
          We walked down to the lift and as we came out on the ground floor, we met some of the others coming back up from lunch.
          “Some guys get all the luck,” said Steve.
          “Stephen, cut that out,” scolded Sharon.
          “Well, why not? That guy always gets the best girl.”
          I looked over at Katrina, not sure how she was taking it. It was hard to read her face.
          “Anyway, Steve I don’t know what you are complaining about. Hansini is a very hot lady,”  Sharon continued.
          “What’s this?” I asked.
          “Didn’t they tell you?” asked Jenny. “Shanti said she didn’t want to sleep alone tonight and so now we are all getting different partners tonight too.”
          “No, I didn’t hear that,” I said.
          “Well,” added Steve. “The way we see it, Mike, is that you will not be the only one getting lucky tonight. We all want some fun too. I get Amita and Hansini.”
           “Both of them? So how did you pull that one off Steve?”
          He just grinned at that. 
          “Well, who is Shanti with tonight?” I asked.
          “I don’t know,” replied Sharon. “But I know she has something going on.”
          Katrina and I said goodbye to them and headed towards the gate to the other side.
          “Sorry about that,” I said. “I didn’t know everyone knew.”
          “No I didn’t either,” she replied. “Who told them?”
          “Well, I didn’t because I had lunch with the kids. I wanted to see them for a while because I’ll miss them later…. No, it wasn’t me and I am sure it wasn’t Amita. So Shanti must have said something when she was arranging for her nights fun.”
          I looked over at her. “Does it bother you?” I asked.
          “No not really,” she replied with a smile. “And he did say you were the lucky one, didn’t he?”
          “Yes, he did. And I am the lucky one too….. being able to spend the evening with such a beautiful girl like you Katrina.”
          She was a bit embarrassed at this, I just smiled again and she smiled back, making her even more beautiful.
          “Now I am going to get undressed. I’ll see you on the other side. OK?” 

          Going through to the adult side of the resort was by going through a gate in a high wooden fence. On each side of the gate were two changing rooms, one for women and one for men. People could use the gate or they could enter via the changing rooms that had an entrance on each side of the fence.
          I left her and went into the men’s changing room. I quickly stripped off my clothes and placed them in a small carry bag. Then, I went out to meet her on the nude side.
          Last time Katrina had gone to the adult side she had left her clothes on, just removing them to go swimming, so I expected her to do the same again but when I came out she wasn’t there. I realised she must have been changing too.
          When she came out of the ladies changing room, to my surprise, she was as naked as I was.  She looked good too. Katrina has a beautiful body and she looks good when she is naked. There was something different about her this time. Her skin seemed to shine more and it made her look even better.
          She noticed me looking and for a moment, her hand moved across the bush of her pussy before she smiled back at me, relaxing, moving her hand away again.
          “You look beautiful,” I told her.
          “Thank you, Mike,” she replied. “And you look handsome too.”
          “I think you told me that once before. A long time ago.”
          “Oh,” she said as we both started to laugh. “I did too, didn’t I? Well, I meant it then and I still do now.
          “Thank you,” was all I could think to say. 

          We walked through a more busy part of the resort around the pools and the bar and then went down on to the beach. There were still a lot of people down there too. I noticed more than a few people look at us as we passed them and I laughed to myself, wondering what they were thinking. It must have looked a bit strange me, me an older European guy walking hand in hand with an Indian girl young enough to be my daughter. Who cares what they thought.
          Further along the beach, there were only a few people, mainly couples who wanted to be by themselves. Then we reached a place where the beach ended and a track began, taking us up onto a small headland. There was a good view out over the reef before the track began dropping down the other side. We followed until we reached another tiny beach. There was one couple there so we moved to the far end of the beach and found a private place to sit behind some larger rocks.
          We sat looking out over the surf. We could see the waves crashing onto the reef and then sending small rippling waves to lap upon the beach. Sitting under the palm trees it was such a beautiful place.
          “I didn’t know this place was here.”
          “Peter and I found it the other morning when we went for a run. I thought you would like it.”
          “Oh! I love it, Mike,” she said as she leant over and gave me a kiss on my cheek.
          I’m not sure what she thought when she contacted hair of my beard instead of skin because she pulled back looking at me for a moment. Then gently I pulled her towards me and this time her lips met mine.
          As we kissed, I held her against me and I felt her breasts pressed against my chest. For a first kiss, she did well.
          I was the first to break away and I lay back against a small sandy bank while she lay with her head on my chest. I lightly brushed her hair away from her face and then ran my finger down on to her neck. I could feel her pulse and realised how excited she was.
          Now my hand was moving lower, down from her neck, down lower until I found the gentle swelling of her breast. Her skin was so soft and so smooth, almost like velvet. I could feel her trembling under my touch. I moved my hand across the surface of her breast, being careful to only touch her with my fingertips.
          Avoiding the central peak with its nipple, my hand moved lower around the edge of her breast.  I passed under it and began climbing again on the other side. Before long, my hand had returned to where I had started. Now I began a second revolution, this time making a slightly tightly circle. Again, I avoided her nipple, again I passed under her soft mound until I returned to the top. I continued like this each time making a tighter circle.
          This was beginning to get to her too. Her body trembled under my touch. Her eyes were closed and her chest was heaving. I decided that now was the right moment. I let my fingers finally find the peak of her breast with its rough, erect nipple.
          As my fingertips contacted her nipple, she let out a soft moan. Gently I played with her nipple rubbing it between my thumb and finger. To my surprise, it hardened even more. Now I allowed my whole hand to make contact with her, creasing and cupping her breast and pulling and tweaking at her nipple. 
          Still, with her head against my chest, her eyes closed. She was breathing heavy, giving a gasp or soft moan from time to time.
           I decided I had better let things cool for a while so my hand drifted back up on to her neck and then up further to brush that piece of hair away again.
          Her eyes opened. Turning towards me, she looked at me smiling before leaning forward to kiss me again.
          “That was lovely,” she said. “I didn’t know being touched there could be so good.”
          “I’m glad you enjoyed it.”
          “Yes, I did.”
          “Well, there is even better to come later.”

          She didn’t answer for a moment so I just left her to her thoughts. She lay back against me with her head resting on my shoulder, her hand moving slowly through the hairs of my chest. Then she began talking again.
          “How was it, the first time for you?” she asked.
          “Not very good I’m afraid. In fact, you could say it was scary.”
          “Scary! Why do you say that?”
          “Haven’t you read my story about my first time? You know the story about the dental nurse.”
          “Oh yes. I remember she was with all you young boys.”
          “Well, that was my first time.”
          “Amita doesn’t like that story.”
          “I’m not surprised. All the girls hate that story. Shanti thinks it should be removed from the book.”
           She sat up and turned to look at me.
          “Oh no, Mike! You can’t do that. It is an important story. It was your first time.”
          “But the girls do not think it is very sexy.”
          “No Mike, maybe it is not sexy, but it is an important story for the book.”
          “Why do you say that?”
          She lay back against me. Her head against my shoulder again, her fingers returning to the hairs of my chest.
          “Well, I think it showed you in the very beginning how not to have the love making so it has made you a better lover now.”
          “How do you know I am a better lover now?”
          “I am sure you are Mike and I am going to find out tonight, aren’t I?”
          We were both silent for a while, both of us with our own thoughts again and then I asked.
          “What about you Katrina?”
          “What do you mean Mike?"
          “How do you feel about all this sexy stuff we are doing.”
          “You mean our love-making?”
          “No not that. The Sarvesh’s nude weekends, the stories we have written, coming to a resort like this. All those things.”
          “I’m OK with all that now. It was a shock at first.”
          “What was a shock? Seeing some hairy guy, naked on the diving board?”
          We both laughed before she continued.
          “Well yes, that was a shock but also what Amita and Sarvesh were doing too. It took a bit to get used to all this but then I was OK with it.”
          We were quiet for a few minutes and then she spoke again.
          “What will it be like tonight? You know, when we are doing it.”
          I had to think for a moment how I would answer her.
          “Well being your first time it will be a bit strange at first. You know…. like it was with you just now….. me touching your breast.”
          “Yes, I have never had someone touching like that before.”
And – Well when we do it….. You know when I enter you for the first time it could be… be uncomfortable. You know….. There could be a little bit of pain.”
          “Yes. Amita has told me about that.”
          “Well, we just have to be careful. Take it a bit slowly….. until the soreness goes away. Then you will be OK.”
          “Ohh,” was all she replied.
          “Katrina, Have you ever had an orgasm? You know made yourself excited…. Made yourself cum I mean.”
          “Yes, Mike I have done that. Why do you ask?”
          “Once the soreness is over then I hope we can do that for you as well. Since you have already experienced an orgasm you know what to expect. It should be easier for you to achieve one with me.”
          “Ohhh….. I didn’t realise it made a difference.”
          “Well in many ways it doesn’t. It just means you know what it is all about. It is like you know what to expect. You kind of know the end result.”
          “I think I understand now.”
          “But the important thing tonight is just trying to relax and try to enjoy it. Let your passion take over and guide you. Don’t worry I will take good care of you.”
          “I know you will. I am not worried…… Just a little bit nervous I think.
          “That is understandable. It's your first time.”
          I bent down and gave her a quick kiss on her forehead and she smiled back up at me.
           “Just don’t worry,” I said. “I know you will be fine.” 

          We had a swim and then we lay beside each other on the grass, to dry in the warm breath of the wind. By now it was getting late, the sun was beginning to drop towards the ocean. It looked like it was going to be a lovely sunset.
          “Come on,” I said. “We need to get back.”
          “Can we stay and see the sunset?”
          “Yes we will but I have a better place to watch it.”
          We quickly walked back to the resort and went up to the bar overlooking the beach. We were shown to our table, out on the deck, about ten minutes before the sun finally set.
          I ordered a bottle of fruit juice for Katrina since I knew she didn't drink wine.
          She said, “I don’t usually drink fruit juice.”
          “Yes I know,” I replied, “but I am sure you will like this one.”
          She took the glass and brought it up to her nose.
          “This juice comes from New Zealand. From a place near where I used to live.” I explained.
          She picked up the bottle and looked at the label. “Kiwi Fruit? I thought kiwi was a bird?”
          “It is but there is a fruit grown in New Zealand called that too.”
         “I didn’t know that.”
          While we waited for our meal, we sat and watched the sun drop into the ocean. This set the clouds on fire as they glowed with different reds and oranges. It was a very pretty sunset.
         Then I proposed a toast, “Here’s to a wonderful evening,” I said.
          She sipped at her glass.
          “This is nice,” she said. 
          I wondered if it was nice or she was just saying that of my sake.
          Then she asked, “Can I do the toasting too?”
          “Of course,” I replied.
          “Here’s to the sun,” she said and then leaning close until only I could hear her, she added. “May his sunny face never see me as a virgin again.”
          Wow! I didn’t see that one coming, I must say.
          We drank to her toast and I noticed that her sip was more of a mouthful this time. I was pleased she was enjoying it.
          Our meal arrived just then. I had ordered the seafood platter for two. It was a beautiful meal and what better way to enjoy it than with a beautiful girl. I took the chance over the meal to really look at her. She was truly a beautiful girl. She had a very attractive face surrounded by long black hair that fell to her bare shoulders.
          Lower down her breasts were almost perfect crowned with their dark nipples at each peak. They pressed out from her chest, firm and in no need of support. As she leant forward to take something from the platter, they jiggled slightly with her movements. She caught me looking but smiled gently in return.
          Once the first half was over, I ordered a large ice-cream sundae. As it was on one plate and there were two spoons, she moved her chair around closer to me to share the sundae with me.
          I picked up a small strawberry with my spoon and offered it to her. She took it from me with one bite.
          She picked up a cherry and returned the favour to me.
          “Thank you, Katrina,” I said and she smiled shyly back at me.
          Once we had finished our dessert, we sat for a while and talked. I was in no hurry to get back to our room. The night was still young so we had plenty of time.
          When I asked her about her life in India, she was happy to tell me about her family and where she grew up. Listening to her talking about her school and then getting her first job working for Sarvesh, suddenly it made me feel very old. For a moment the thought came to me, ‘What was such a young girl doing with an old man like me?’
          But, I knew why she wanted me and as I had told her, I was honoured that she had chosen me. 

          After dinner, we walked across to the gate to the other side of the resort. We went into our changing rooms to get dressed before we continued on into the main resort. Our rooms overlooked the other side of the island and just as we arrived at our building, we were able to watch a beautiful, nearly full moon rise up out of the ocean.
          What with a beautiful sunset, followed by a moon-rise, I knew she was more than ready for what was to come next. 

          Well, that is all for this part.
                    We will finish our story in Part Five. 

            Until then Bye from Katrina and Mike.


  1. Ah another story from Katrina.
    It was a nice story. I enjoyed that part where they were on the beach and he touched her breast That was actually a very hot, very sexy scene. I could almost feel the tension, the excitement Katrina had as Mike touched her like that. It was well done guys.
    On the negative side I believe you could have left the wine out. It wasn't needed in the story at all. Just a distraction from the real story. A sun-set and a moon-rise. Maybe a bit much too, but I suppose both are better than nothing.
    Thanks guys, a good story. Looking forward to the final one.

    1. That is an interesting comment Kirsten.
      Yes that was a sexy moment. Did you know it nearly didn't make it in?
      Interesting what you said about the wine. Yes maybe it is better without it. I might rewrite it out for the Katrina Page
      I have talked with Asami and Reshma and they plan to get that page completed next week.

    2. Did you say completed as in the whole story completed? I mean including the final part of her story.
      I'm looking forward to that.

    3. Yes she means complete, as in the story completed. Everything is ready now except for Allan wanting to go over a few conversation bits. Once he does these I will work with Asami on getting it all on to the page. Of course the story will also be published in it proper location in the main blog too.

    4. Yes like my sister Reshma said, we intend to publish all of the story.
      But of course it won't go until we are happy with the ending.

  2. Yes this was as good as I expected. It has been an interesting journey to follow the beautiful Katrina.
    The conversations stand out for me. I enjoyed the talking between them. What they said seems like what might be exchanged between a younger woman and an older man. Asking for his experience, his encouraging her. I enjoyed that. Like one of the girls said above, that wine would have been better left out. I like your idea to leave it out of the version for the Katrina Page.
    So the final part comes up in a few weeks. I am look forward to reading how you do this sex scene. I expect it will he hard to re-create the feelings and thoughts of a virgin.

    1. Hi James,
      Yes we all agree about the wine. It is probably not the best way to do it first time with a girl.
      We might write it out of this story above too.
      Yes the Story of Katrina has almost come to an end but we are thinking of another story following her life through until she gets married.
      Say Hi to your lovely wife Raviprabha from all of us.
      Love you. - Anne.

    2. OK it has been done. The wine is gone now.
      That didn't take much to take it out.Anne

    3. That was fast work Anne.
      It only took you 20 minutes. Interesting how you managed to keep in Katrina's toast which I think was you purpose for the wine in the first place.

    4. Yes Andrew it was. That line “Here’s to the sun,” she said and then leaning close until only I could hear her, she added. “May his sunny face never see me as a virgin again.”
      It just had to stay in so we did it without the wine. Works OK too.

  3. Hi writers
    Thank you for another good story.
    When Hans and I were reading, it but it didn't make sense. Like it was missing something. Like it was part of the larger story. Then he saw the comment by Shandra 30th May. We went to find that page and what a discovery that was. There was a whole story. It must be the best in the whole blog. Hans thought it was too slow (I expect other men do too) but I realised what you were trying to achieve Shandra.
    I saw somewhere it was described as the story of how a Servant girl joined a group for sexual fun. It is much more to it than that. It is about feelings isn't? Shock, confusion, fear, joy, - excitement, sexual desires, all going through that young girl's head. You have done a good job there writers, Shandra in particular.
    Toon Mao

    1. Hi again Toon Mao and Hans.
      Oh I love the way you described my story about Katrina. Yes my intention was to go far beyond our usual sexual stories. I wanted to take you inside her head and experience the world as she saw it, through the eyes of an innocent virgin. In a case like this it could never be just take off her clothes and jump into bed. There must be a process, a change in her mind set before she could join in with their sex games.

    2. Hey Toon,
      That is a bit hard. Not all males are like that. I have been following this story all the way. And enjoying it too.

    3. No John, please do not take offence.
      I mean men are different in the way they read a web site. The scan quickly and cover the site fast. Women will steadily work through it, content to discover the stories as she goes. Not all man, not all women. That is all I mean.
      Now what you say Shandra is true. A girl such as Katrina will need to struggle with her feelings and emotions. That is why I gave that list above as some of them This makes the journey she took more interesting. All the way through are those moments such as her meeting with Sarvesh, having to strip naked, and in this one those special conversations with Mike. This give depth to your writing Shandra.
      John - Emotions, Feelings, women are often more in tune to. Action, excitement, men are attracted too. The sex? Well is there anyone reading this blog who isn't?
      Toon Mao

    4. Susan once told me that the original purpose of this series of stories (letters) was to provide a complete correspondence between Joseph and Shanti. As time went on this proved to be impossible so they started featuring the more interesting aspects of it. By this she didn't mean just the sex.
      I think we need to remember that here. Shandra is taking us on Katrina's journey as she often says. That is true purpose here. It is all about how she came to be in Mike's bed, rather than the sex itself. The sex at the end covers only a small portion of the entire story. Yes I'm following it too although I've cheated and seen the ending on Katrina's Page.

    5. I agree with you John and Brian. There are more guys than you think who have carefully followed the Katrina Story. And we understand the fine detail of the story and have enjoyed this journey as well.
      Shandra this must be one of the highlights of this blog. Thanks for posting the ending. Thanks for telling us Brian. The writers have kept it very quiet.
      Come to think of it; where are the writers, anyway?

    6. Hey guys, Shandra has always been a good writer. She wrote some of those very early stories:-
      Letter 6 The Girl on the Train.
      Letter 10 Lizamoa in the Court-yard.
      Letter 14 Nude Photography by the Lake.
      Letter 19 First time Skinny-dipping, (Susan helped with this one)
