Thursday 26 June 2014

Story 100 Extra Susan and Anne’s Mum Face-Off.

Story 100.              Story 101.

Hi everyone - Anne here.
          This is a real story, not made up. Many of you have heard of the story about Susan and my mother. My father has agreed to write the full account of what happened. I know Susan is popular on this blog and many of you are friends with her, even ex-boyfriends, three of you. For that reason, we know you will be interested in this special story.
         This is not a sexy story, so don't expect that. My father even said it was a bit scary. I can understand why he might feel like that. It shows a darker side of Susan, a product of her hard life as she was growing up. I know many of you have seen hints of this other side of Susan, the hard, moody, tough side. So enough from me, let's get on with the story.

Susan here now,
       I have read everything that has been written here and fully agree to it being published.
               Love you all.

Hi everyone, Ryuunosuke here.
       For those who have not seen my comments, I am Anne’s father.  

       The other day I witnessed something that both surprised and shocked me. There seems to be a lot of amusement regarding Susan getting caught ‘shagging’ my son. While it all seems a bit funny to you guys here, the truth was actually far different.
       Since so many of you are friends or admirers of Sexy Sue, we thought you should get to read the whole story. We have decided to do another special. As I was the only one on the scene other than the two involved, Anne suggested that I tell this story.
                (In the end, Anne and Shandra helped too.) 

       First, let me back up first – it all started at my birthday party last year, which we held at our house overlooking the harbour. I missed my son and his mate so went looking for them. In my green house, found a very naked Susan with the two lads squashing my prize tomatoes and rubbing them all over her. Yes, they both got lucky with her that night. When I walked in, she was on her hands and knees, one was doing her doggie style while she was sucking the other one off.   
        Since then it has been a regular occurrence at every party, my younger son and Sexy Sue. In the garden, in the hay shed, in the back seat of Anne’s truck, to name a few. It seems part of the fun is to find somewhere different each time. Even when she was heavily pregnant they still managed it.
       (His mate didn’t want to face me again and has never come back.) 

       Well at the party Friday night my wife didn’t go, I went alone, with my son of course. Yes, I saw them quietly disappear for their little bit of fun. An hour later they arrived back. Big smile on his face! I also saw that playful squeeze she gave his bum before they went their separate ways.
       So Anne and I got together and arranged to put a stop to it for my birthday on Saturday since my wife would be there and it was just a family do. Anne warned Susan and I had a word with my son. Both were clearly told to behave themselves.
       Well, that didn’t work because later in the evening, we saw them sloping off again together. It looked like they were headed into Kim's bedroom since they went in that direction but no they didn’t. They slipped out the back door and cut around to Shandra’s flat. Went to have a go on the waterbed. Naughty pair!
       Meanwhile, my wife was in a conversation with Shandra about the flat where they stayed and so Shandra offered to give her a tour. You can see where this is going, can’t you?
       Yes, there they were, on the waterbed, both naked. She was on her back; he was between her legs, going at her like a little rabbit LOL.
       And we walked in! 

      My wife was shocked. They jumped off the bed and I noticed my son took off, leaving his clothes behind, just grabbing a towel as he left.
       (I learnt later that he went for Anne to help. He obviously knows Susan better than I did. He knew there would be trouble.)
       Like I said, my son took off, but not Susan. She stayed to face the music. And did my wife rip into her? Was really going-off at her for what she was doing to her dear little son. I don’t see why Susan should be blamed more than him, but apparently, she was, in my wife’s eyes.
       By now Susan was off the bed standing there facing my wife. She was still naked, making no attempt to cover herself. Arms were at her side, slightly bent at the elbows. Her hands, not open, not clenched, that classic fighter’s stance. Her body was not moving, just the slight rise and fall of her breasts as she breathed. Susan is a fine looking woman, standing there like that, she certainly was. But there was a dangerous air about her too.
       There was that stare. Her face was blank, showing no emotion at all. Not blinking, her eyes never leaving my wife’s face for a second. Her eyes, usually that blue sparkle, were grey, as cold as steel. Scary to see! It made my blood run cold!
       To be able to do that, she must have faced some bad stuff in her life. I’ve heard some of it but we’ll never know the full of it. Allan once told me Susan goes into herself in times of trouble. I didn’t really believe him at the time, I do now.
      Then it appeared, we all noticed it. Her pussy is bare, shaven, so it was easy to see. A small drop appeared and began to run down her leg. Without her eyes’ moving from my wife’s eyes for even a moment, her hand went down, her finger catching the offending drop. The finger came to her lips and she gave a couple of licks, lapping it up. I suddenly realised it was my son's cum. My God! I still can't believe she did that.
       My wife saw it too and knew what it was. With that final act of defiance, she really lost it. She stepped up to Susan and slapped her, hard on the face. The slap was loud and the force threw Susan’s head sideways. Quickly she came back to face my wife. There was that same cold stare again. I could see the red on her cheek from the slap, I saw a single tear slip from her eye, she was hurt alright but she showed no other sign pain. That is one tough girl!
       Of course, that just made my wife even angrier. Her hand went up to strike Susan’s other cheek. I saw it coming and jumped forward but I was too slow. Her hand was already sweeping towards Susan’s face. Suddenly, almost like lightning, Susan’s hand came up to block the strike. I could hear the crack as it hit, we all did. It was hard!
      My wife cried out with pain and turned away, clasping her wounded hand to her chest.
       Susan’s hand returned to her side. I saw a slight smile, only briefly, barely noticeable. Then with that same hard, cold stare, she watched my wife. 

       At that moment Anne burst in followed by Allan and Rajah. In a loud voice, Anne said in Japanese, “Stop! Enough said!”
      In Japanese too! I didn’t even know Anne could still speak Japanese.
      “Enough!” she cried out again.
      Now Anne was between them as she turned to face her mother. For a moment their eyes met. Not wanting to face another angry woman, then my wife backed away.
      “Go! Now!” Anne said sternly. “Mother!” (the very formal Japanese term) “Mother, you must go!”
      Then with her voice lowered to normal Anne said to me in English, "Dad take her back to the house. Get Kim to look at that hand too."
      No, she was now in no moody to argue with Anne. Still cradling her sore hand, my wife turned and walk towards the door. I followed her. As I left, I looked back to see Anne and Allan holding Susan, she’d burst into tears.
      Well, that was the end of that party. Most of us left soon after that. I did not see Susan again, after that. I asked after her and was told she had gone to bed. 
      Back at the house, Kim had done what she could for my wife’s sore hand but for a while, we were scared she’d broken it.  We should have gone to North Shore Hospital on the way home but it seemed to have settled down in the car so we just went home. None of the three of us said much the whole way home.        

      I have seen some fierce stand-offs between my wife and my daughter. My life has been unbelievably peaceful since Anne left home. They would argue, yell and scream at each other but it never ever came to blows.
     What I think was different here was Susan’s silent defiance. Anne was never like that, she would always fight back. We certainly saw another side of Susan, the dark side, that hard, tough, moody side that we only see hints of occasionally.
      Next morning we discovered my wife has a cracked bone in her wrist. She has it bound up and is doing Ok now. I hear Susan has a mark on her cheek, a cut may be from a finger-nail, just under her eye, but again no lasting damage there either. 

      Well Anne, honey.
      It looks like we’ll have to keep those two apart for a while. Maybe it's lucky you two are leaving for Perth on Friday.

Story 100.              Story 101.


  1. Good to see you guys are back from your holiday.
    This reminds me of a time I faced up to Susan.
    She can be a tough girl when she needs to.

  2. My God! That is some story. You say it was true too. I have met you Susan a couple of times and talked online but this explains a lot.

  3. Anne, your father called it a scary story but I see it differently.
    Sure Susan was in the wrong after being asked to behave herself. It was an accident that they got caught but they did. What got me was her reaction to trouble. She was naked, alone but prepared to face whatever was coming, head on. I wonder what bad things occurred in her life to make her so tough like that.
    It was interesting what Anne's brother did too. Going straight to his sister Anne for help. That boy knows more than he is letting on too. He must have seen Anne and her mother fight it out many times but knew with Susan it would be different.
    There is just so much to this story. Anne's mother's reaction too. Trying to slap Susan.
    Thanks for sharing this about your loved ones, Ryuunosuke.
