Friday 13 June 2014

Story 99 Part B Background.

Hi Reshma again,
          When they decided to split our story into two sections it caught me by surprise considering the story was sitting completed, waiting to be uploaded to the blog. We had done our background notes already and now we had to do another background for the second story.
         Shandra suggested we should tell you about how we did the sex scenes. I was first surprised that she said that but when Rajah nodded his agreement I decided to give it a go. But I’m not telling you about the sex. That’s too private since it was real. What I will do is tell you how we came to do it. You will probably link the sex in the story back to us anyway. 

         Now we got to the point where most of the story was completed. The problem areas were the sex scenes. Apparently, they always are. I brought this up at a meeting and Ayaka suggested we try doing the scenes.
         “Try acting them out,” she suggested. “Kim and I did. It worked well.”
         “What? You mean, do each part in bed first?” I asked a bit amazed that she would suggest anything like that.
         “Yes, you and Rajah do it.”
         Now I really was shocked! Here she was suggesting that I go out and fuck my brother-in-law. All just to get our story right. But looking at her, it appeared she was dead serious. Looking around I noted a couple of others nod their head too. Rajah, of course, had a big grin – either thought he was going to get lucky or could see the funny side of this.
         That night we stayed over at the farm and in bed, my husband brought the subject up again.
         “Well Reshma, are you going to fuck him?” he asked.
         “No, of course not. I’m a married woman,” I replied.
         “I wouldn’t mind if you do. I’m sure your sister would be up for it too.”
         “What? You mean……”
         “Yes we do a swap,” he said. Then with a laugh, he added, “You do your research with Rajah and I’ll do some ‘research’ with Shandra.”
         “Do you fancy her?”
         “Yes, Reshma. I do, actually.”
         “Oh!” was all I answered. 

         A few days later, after thinking about it, I brought the subject up again. I wanted to confirm that he really was serious. He was so we discussed it further and decided to go for it. The way Rajah and Shandra were with the rest on the farm, I knew they would be up for it.
         A couple of weeks later we managed to do it during another visit to the farm. We used Kim’s bedroom with that nice big bed and Shandra and my hubby used their waterbed in their flat. It went well, our research got done, notes were taken and next morning we quickly finished the story.  
        Question: - Is the sex in the story the same as Rajah and I did?
        Reply: - Work that out for yourselves.  LOL

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