Friday 20 June 2014

Story 100 Setting Steve Up.

Hi from New Zealand. Hi from Lizamoa here.

           Shanti and I have the next story for me to tell about our stay at the resort on the Great Barrier Reef.

           Thank you for that great letter on the nude cruise Amita and Joseph. Oh, also I must add to Sarvesh as well. I promise I did not read that Amita is older than you. I am also sure that everyone else shut their eyes when reading that part too. Ha! Ha!

            Now I must comment further on your story Katrina. While you were in New Zealand, I knew you and Mike were working on it together. Mike also told me that you have been working together over the internet and Hansini is involved too. Until now I have not seen much about it so now I am enjoying it. Mike tells me you have only one more part to go. Wow! Anyway, it has been a great story. I would like to see it all together one day.

            Now two of our team have some comments to add.

            Peter: - Katrina I believe when you selected Mike at the resort that you accidentally said his name by mistake when I know that in fact you really meant to say my name.

            Steve: - This is a good story Katrina. Sharon and I are enjoying it. I only have one small complaint. It is taking you so long to get to the best part. You know the ‘nooky’ part. Please hurry up!
            Mike: Don’t listen to them, Katrina. These guys are just jealous, aren’t they? You did choose the right person, I’m sure you already know that. You have done a great job of your parts of the story. I am impressed with your writing. Keep up the good work girl!

Liz again - Now to begin my story.
        The evening for me actually started earlier in the day when I came to know that Katrina had asked Mike if she could spend the night with him. He was to be her first sex partner. Shanti found herself out of her own room and so she was on the search for another place to sleep that night and someone to share it with.
          It didn’t take her too long before she had hooked up with Sarvesh. We knew they were planning something by the way they had sat together beside the pool. And yes, soon they came over and announced they were going to spend the night together.
          This got some of us others thinking about doing the very same thing.
          Soon we were watching some interesting goings on in the pool. We could see Jenny was in the corner with Brian. They were at first very close together talking. I’m not sure what was going on under the water but I was sure it was going beyond acceptable behaviour for a public pool.
           “What are those two up to?” I asked.
           “They look like more than just friends. That’s for sure!” said Shanti.
           “Yes,” agreed Hansini. “I am thinking they will be a couple tonight.”
           That was when Steve caught sight of them. “Hey, Peter! It looks like your randy wife is at it again, mate.”
          “You speak for yourself,” replied Peter. “Look what your wife is up to over there.”
          We looked where he pointed and there in another part of the pool was Jeevan and Sharon very close together. As we watched his hand came up grasping her large breast through her bikini top.  By the look on her face, she was very happy to have it there too, regardless of who might have been watching them.
          “Looks like Jeevan has his hands full there, mate,” laughed Peter.
          “Yeah mate. Sure looks that way,” agreed Steve.
          So people were pairing off quickly all over the place.
          I knew that before long everyone will have found a partner but then I thought with Mike busy there was now more girls than men. I was wondering how that was going to work out, but very soon I was to find out.
          But the next group to get together was a surprise for Mega and I. Let me explain; we were reading the letter which I wrote just before we left to fly to Australia. Since there was nobody close to us, Amita decided to ask me to read it out to them. She soon came to the place where I ended up in the threesome with Mike and Peter. (Story 85 Part B) 
          Steve began teasing me. “Lizamoa, is that all you were able to do? I thought you said you would use your imagination? “
          “Well it didn’t really go the way I was planning,” I replied.
          “I'm sure you could have done better than that.”
          I think Hansini and Amita have been getting a bit tired of Steve’s bragging and teasing the rest of us because they were both ready when he started on me.
          First Amita entered the conversation. “Do you think you could do better Steve?”
          “Yes,” he answered. “As a matter of fact, I reckon I could.”
          “Why?” asked Hansini.
          “What she needed is someone who is fit and energetic.” 
          “I suppose that means you?”
          “Well, actually it does.”
          “And does that make you so great, Steve?” asked Amita.
          “Good sex is always better with someone who works out and keeps their body in shape.”
          “And you think you can do better than Lizamoa did with Mike and Peter.”
          “Yes,” replied Steve. “I think I can.”
          “With two girls, hot for a night of sex?”
          “Yes,” said Steve again. Now with a wide smile on his face. I think he suddenly realised where they were going with this and he was thinking he had just got lucky.
          “Hansini leaned over to and I heard her whisper to Amita. “I think someone needs to sort this guy out.”
          “Yes,” Amita agreed with her.
          “Well Steve, if you are so good in bed, why don’t you prove it then?
         A number of us picked up at that.
        “OK then come with me tonight and I will prove it.”
        “Alright, Steve. But not just me, Hansini as well.”
        Steve stopped and thought about this for a minute. I believe it was then that he realised he might be getting setup but there wasn’t much he could do now. Not in front of all of us.
         “OK then,” he agreed. “The both of you.”
         “But not just the sex for the night,” said Amita.
         “What do you mean?”
         “We want what Mike is giving to Katrina,” added Hansini.
         “What is that?”
         “Nothing too much – the afternoon with us – some swimming and beach walking – then a romantic dinner to get us into the mood for some hot sex.”
          Oh wow! These two were really laying it on. I wondered what they were up too.
          Steve stopped for a minute. He wasn’t expecting all this, I think.
          “Well, Steve?” asked Hansini. “Doesn’t a great lover have to romance his victims first?”
          “Victims!” I heard Shanti say.
          “Victims of the Casanova,” laughed Hansini.
         “Harem girls for the Raja?”
         “No, no Amita. That sounds like he is too controlling.”
         “Well, what are we to be calling then? Maybe customers – for the gigolo. “
         This brought a burst of laughter from both of them.
         “Yes, Steve. You are to be our gigolo for today,” said Amita and again both girls burst out laughing. “You are our gigolo boy tonight.”
         “I hope he doesn’t want us to pay for it,” Hansini added.
         “He should be paying us,” Amita replied.
         Peter spotted what was going on. “Watch out mate! I think these two are up to something. I think they're setting you up, mate.”
         But Steve wasn’t backing down. “It's OK. I know what I am doing.”
         “We’ll see just how good you are tonight, Steve,” laughed Hansini.
        “Yes,” agreed Amita.
         Then she whispered to Hansini, “I bet he won’t be so full of talk in the morning.”
         Both girls burst out laughing again.
         We could all see what was happening. We could all see they were up to something. They were setting a trap for him, but blindly, full of his own confidence he was walking straight into it.
         “Steve, I think your big mouth has put you right into it this time,” Sharon said.
          We looked around to find her standing behind us.
          “Sharon! How long have you been there?” asked Steve.
          “Long enough to hear you put your foot in it.”
           We laughed at this.
           “Then she continued,” Steve I came to ask you about me spending the night with Jeevan tonight but I see you have your own plans for the night.”
         Soon Steve got up to take his victims, harem girls, customers – whatever they finally decided to call themselves, over to another part of the resort.
          Peter was watching them as he walked away. Shaking his head he said, “I don’t like this. I think they are gunning for him and I know that guy hasn’t fully realised what he has got himself into tonight.”
         “Why Peter?” I asked.
         “Well, I do not think those two are after a night of sex. I think they are out to teach him a lesson for bragging.”
           “Oh poor Steve,” I said.
           “No Liz. Don’t feel sorry for him. He was the one who opened his big mouth to criticize your story. He deserves everything he has coming to him.”
           “Yes,” added Sharon. “Ever since we got here he has been riding everyone. I know I am getting a bit sick of it myself. I think those girls are too.”
            “What do you think they have got planned?” I asked.
             “I don’t know. But I can promise you this. The night will not be going the way Steve is thinking it will. They will not be laying back and allowing him to play Casanova, that’s for sure,” said Peter.
             “Oh dear,” I said. “Now I am almost feeling sorry for Steve.”
             “Don’t be Liz,” said Shanti. “He has been asking for it for a long time.”
             “Now I think he might have met his match,” added Peter.
             So that was how things were going and the remaining few people didn’t take too long to find partners as well. Mandara invited Joseph to join her for the night and then Peter and Mega decided to make up a pair since her Brian was with Jenny. That left Mootie to come across and talk to me.
           “Lizamoa,” he said. “Years ago in the Game Reserve, we started something which we never got to finish. You lay there giving me a show. Showing me what was on offer, so don’t you think its time we finished it now?”  (Letter 14)
           “Yes, Mootie,” I replied. “Back then I wasn’t intending to show you what was on offer but it is on offer now.”
          “Well shall we complete things tonight?” he asked me.
           “Yes,” I replied. “And this time I hope we will do more than you just looking too.”
           “I am sure we will do more,” he laughed. “I’m sure we will do much more.”
So that is about all I have to tell you in this letter.
            Bye for now and lots of love
                        From Lizamoa and the New Zealand Team.


  1. Those two girls sound just like the real Anne and Susan. Wild and unpredictable girls. Always ready to be the life of the party.
    Talking of which, how did last night go for you guys. The 100th Story Party.

    1. Hi Janet,
      Just saw the email about your comment. We are good girls. I don't know where everyone gets the idea we are wild. LOL
      The party was good. We published this story while everyone watched. That was good.

    2. Yes Thanks for the email. We were watching here when he did. It takes him a long time. I would like to know what he has to do. Oh its a good story too. Looking forward to what happens next.

    3. Oh good that you were. It is more interesting here because we could watch on the big TV. Asami was tell everyone what he was doing too. But yes its one of our best stories I think. Its in 4 parts.

  2. Oh dear, Even I can see that guy Steve is heading for trouble and I aren't even in the story. LOL
    Looking forward to seeing what they do to him. It must be something pretty bad because look at Story 103 in the Index. It seems like those two girls get put on trial and punished for their crimes.
    Oh that all sounds like a lot of fun. Can't wait for this week to go.

    1. Yes, he sure is. Big trouble. Did you read the background attached to this story. That will explain it a bit more but we don't want to give too much away. Of course we hope you understand that this is just in the story. Anne and I would never consider doing anything bad like this. In fact you might say we wouldn't even dream of it. LOL
      Sexy Sue.

    2. Sure Sexy Sue
      Well all know you will never dream about it,. You just went out and wrote a whole story about it.
      Now where did I read somewhere recently that you girls test the things in your stories. Would it be safe to assume you did all these 'bad' things as well? LOL

    3. Oh Sexy Sue LOL
      No honey, it doesn't work like that. We dream about and you go out and do it. That's how it works. LOL

    4. You go dream if you want John. Where Sexy Sue is concerned, I want more than dreams. I have those all the time about her LOL.

  3. Oh Sexy Sue, in trouble again aren’t you?
    Anne’s Mum and Dad take a tour of Shandra’s flat and what did they find on the waterbed? LOL.
    Ryuunosuke said there you were on the bed, flat on your back, legs wide open. There was his son, going at you like a little rabbit. Twice in one weekend! LOL he really got lucky, didn’t he?
    I would have loved to have seen that. LOL
    Allan snr.

    1. Hey! What are you telling everyone that for?
      Yes Sexy Sue got caught but the whole world doesn't need to know. LOL
      It was some good sex though. I think I've trained him well.

      I don't think Anne's Mum is going to talk to me for awhile. She did get a little bit mad at me. Total over reaction, over the top if you ask me, but then he is her little darling son. How come I get all the blame? He was the one on top! You'd think she would have been pleased with all the expert tuition he was receiving.
      Signed:- An in disgraced Sexy Sue. LOL

    2. Poor Sexy Sue,
      You have been a naughty girl and are in disgrace. LOL
      Caught shagging my son, you were and got a big telling off too.
      Never mind Sue. Be a good girl and she will forgive you. Oh sorry, I forgot. You can't be good can you? LOL
      Well lets look at the bright side about all this. At least my tomatoes were safe this time.
      LOL Ryuunosuke

    3. LOL Sexy Sue, what a way to go!
      Wow I would love to meet you one day. Caught fucking your friends brother. How do some guys get so lucky?

    4. Oh my dear Sexy Sue, What ever did you do?
      Caught with your panties down, When Mum came around.
      Fucking like a rabbit, Now I know that's a habit.
      But it had to be Anne's brother, Could you not have found another?
      Now over at your place, You are in disgrace.
      So now dear Sexy Sue, A very naughty girl are you.

      LOL I love it. Just wish it had been me.

    5. Susan, weren't you told not to do that?
      I remember when we chatted the other day, you said you promised to be good that night.
      What went wrong? Was there a twinkle in his eye you couldn't resist? No wonder she went off at you. You should have known better than to do that with Anne's Mum around.
      But it does sound like fun. So was he hot? Did he give you a good one? Fucking like a rabbit. That made me laugh.
      LOL Janet.

    6. Thanks guys for all those comments.
      Thanks Ryuunosuke. I'm just going to keep a low profile for a while.
      Thanks John.
      Even a poem too. James you always surprise me. Always have something different to offer.
      Janet. We just thought over in Shandra's flat we could get away with it. I didn't think they would take a tour.
      Yes he is fun. I've trained him well. Yes, "fucking like a rabbit" I like that too. Not true of course, you must understand.
      Signed:- An in disgraced Sexy Sue. LOL

    7. You seem to be taking this very lightly Susan. In fact I'd go as far as saying you are showing no repentance at all for your crimes. To many LOLs girl, and stop smiling!
      I hear the face to face stand-off between you two was quite a scene too. She even slapped you across the face. Is this true? Anne's mum has a very sharp tongue when she gets going. The only know one who can stand up to her is Anne herself. It would be interesting to see how well you did,
      Allan snr.

    8. No! No! Allan snr. You have got that all wrong. I do feel sorry. Very sorry, in fact. Very sorry I got caught. LOL

      Yes that stand-off was intense. Even made more so by the fact I was standing there naked. For some reason she suddenly got really angry at me. Came right up until we were face to face. Then she slapped me. I think I did OK. I've handled far worse than her too.

    9. Oh she must have been angry at you. I hope she gets over it and you two can make up again.
      What was Anne's Dad like. Was he angry? I get the impression he was a bit amused y it all.
      Not matter how good they are you shouldn't be 'shagging' (LOL I like that word) your friends little brother. Well at least not when his mother is around. LOL

    10. My God girl! You shouldn't be joking about this.
      We missed that, as left for home that morning. Paul told me the whole story.
      It was a dumb thing to do. You should know better Susan. Sound like you really pissed here off. You better be careful around her now. You should have just said "sorry" instead of facing up to her like that.

    11. Good to see someone here not treating Susan like a hero.
      She needs a good kick in the arse if you ask me.
      Thanks Kirsten.
