Tuesday 21 April 2020

Story 237 A Lizamoa Special for Hamza.

Here I am, Kalki from India. 
         Hello everyone. I get to do the next stories, yes stories because there is more than one put together covering some happenings from us here in India. It is my intention to lead up to end with the story we will call Sarvesh and his Harem. 
                 (Update: - My friends had to help with some of these stories. Too much for this girl.)

Part One – A Lizamoa Special for Hamza.

         It was sad when our guests left. This girl thought they had been so much fun. I think Amita took it hard too, as she was upset with the many tears at their leaving. I must confess to a few tears for myself as I hugged Peter for the last time. He is always the gentleman, bringing out a tissue to wipe the drops from my eyes. 
        Holding my shoulders with each hand, Peter told, Cheer up, Kalki. We will be meeting online too. 
        I tried to be brave and smiled back to him.
        With a cheeky grin, he leaned closer so only I could hear, And this time you'll be getting naked for me too.
        I laughed at that and gave him another quick hug. 
        “Maybe I will, I whispered back to him.
        He turned away, stepped over to Jenny, picked up little Carol with one arm and moved off with the others. We watched them disappear through the door and then saw their aircraft flying away towards the north.
        But time goes on, the rhythm of life continues. Soon Katrina’s wedding and our visitors were drifting into the background. Sarvesh called another special weekend which we all attended. We were going through the various activities, going through the motions you might be saying. But Amita said it wasn’t the same and we agreed too. In the end, we ended up in the lounge watching a video. With our clothes on too! Can you believe that?
        As time went by and we continued with the special weekends, things began to settle down. We developed new games to play, both inside and out, came up with new themes for our evenings or even whole weekends and there was always the trying of different sexual partners. 
        I always enjoyed these weekends for the sex I could share with other men. Don’t mistake me here, as I am very happy with my husband, Hamza. Even more, since he had learnt from the New Zealand men how to make having fun as part of sex. Letting me lead and trying new ways of doing it. Yes, this girl must be confessed by both of us that Peter and Jenny staying in our house had changed our sex life for the better.
         So, taking sex with other men on the special weekends was always a big part of the activities and something, I myself, was enjoying the most. I have developed a taste for sex that is stronger than ever before and it was during these weekends that I could allow to let myself go and fully indulge my appetite for sexual activities. 
        I discovered that the men I know are all different and liked particular things and do sex in distinct ways. I learnt how to adapt and change myself to provide more fully enjoyment for my sexual partners and I also noticed that would they would change to provide for my sexual needs too. It had been good for this girl and opened her mind to many things. The giving and receiving, sharing with sex were mostly enlightening for me.
       We heard rumours of other things happening concerning staff from the house but never knew much about them. Amita tells me there will be stories of this coming one day soon.

        The boys started teaching me chess. I think looking for another new champion to challenge Hansini. But I don’t think my brain is wired for playing such games. I was useless. But I did get to know the pieces and their basic moves which made me helpful as an assistant to move the various pieces during a game. This meant I often got into games of strip chess too which was always some fun.
        Of course, these stripping games almost always involved getting totally naked with some very naughty men. Even when my chess opponent was a woman, there would be naughty men involving to help move the chess pieces. Of course, it doesn’t need the saying that even the loser usually won when it came to stripping chess as what happens after as the winner gets to fuck to the loser. Who could be thought a loser with that?

        Sarvesh gave me swimming lessons so I could enjoy the pool more. These lessons sometimes became a bit naughty too since they were usually close contact with us both naked. Sarvesh is a bit like Tom, the naughty farmer from New Zealand, he has the problems with his wandering hands, touching me all over, more than was required for the lessons. 

       Sometimes, it even ended up with the sexual activities right there, within or beside the pool. Us doing the fucking in the water or on the poolside or one of us sitting on the edge while the other got them with oral, taking them to orgasm. He insisted the sexual, was part of teaching me to swim. I could not see for his reasoning about that but this girl wasn’t complaining. 
       But it must be added that we did get enough swimming lessons done for me to improve with that too. I became relaxed and feeling safer in the pool.

         I took a small, part-time job with the purpose of buying items for our new house. Yes, with Hamza’s better job, we were able to afford buying our own house. Sarvesh helped with finance arrangements and we found a nice one in a new development across the river near the boundary of the Game Reserve. Quite close to Hansini’s house actually. 

         I got a job in the club/hotel complex as the waitress in one of the restaurants there. It was nearby so I could walk from my house. Being part-time in that they would call for me when they were busy but I was happy with that too as I didn’t require to be working all the time. It was nice to work since I got to meet the local people but also visitors to our town from other parts of India and even from overseas.
         One surprise was when a new manager was employed. I recognised him but it took me a while to work out where I had seen him before. He was the waiter, hired by Sarvesh during the time our overseas visitors were staying at the big house. He was that waiter that we were teasing Shanti about too.
         But this is a distraction. It is not the sexy story I should be telling of. In my part two, I am willing to inform you more about this. So, then, I will be telling and you will be learning my story.

         Of course, the Letters Stories became an important part in my life. At home, we were reading them as they provided many fantasy sex sessions between my husband, Hamza and myself. I also got some ideas for sexy things to excite him too. Let me inform you of one.

         One day, it was evening when Hamza returned from his working place. It had been a hard day he informed me and he looked tired too. I felt sorry for him. I was performing my last cooking preparations when he arrived. He greeted me with a hug and kiss while in the kitchen, trying to put the cheerful face for me and then went off to change from his working clothes and take his shower.
         I heard the water begin from the shower room and suddenly had a very naughty idea which I hoped it might cheer him up. It came from the very early letters what Lizamoa did. My cooking was finished now so leaving aside the cooking things, I took off my apron and went to the shower room.
         When I came to the room, there he was within the shower part. Through the glass, I could see his naked body with the water falling across him. I was already feeling sexy with what I was about to do but seeing his naked body like that just made me sexier.
         Stepping to the door, I pulled it open. Before Hamza could realise it, I was within with him in the shower. As I entered the pouring water was finding me too, falling over me and soaking my clothing. Yes, in case you are wondering, I purposely avoided removing any of my clothings. Just as I was in the kitchen, now I was in the shower with him, but of course, much wetter you will realise. I had dressed nicely to please him with the western clothing of a blouse and fairly short skirt showing just above my knees. Very high for me but he likes seeing me with that so I am happy to wear for him. That was how I entered his shower.
        “Oh Kalki,” he gasped as he saw me. “You are wet.”
        Well, of course, I was wet! This is what happens within a shower.
        He hands reached for me, pulling my body against his as we met with intense passionate kissing. Yes, it was deep kissing where my tongue was joining to his as the kissing process was performed. I could feel how tightly he held me. Feeling my breasts pressing for his chest. 
        He broke the kissing first. Pulling back from me so he could observe me. 
        “Wet with your clothes, Kalki.”
        “Do you like?”
        “Oh, I love it,” he replied. “You look so sexy.”
        Inside me, this girl was very happy. This was the reaction I hoped to be getting.
        “You are liking of the wet look fashion?”
        “Mmmm,” he goes as his lips press to my neck. With little nibbles of my flesh, he begins moving down from my ear. Now his hand was on my breast, caressing it through my blouse and bra. As both were of soft material, he would feel the hardening of my nipple, as his fingers closed onto it. This girl was enjoying that too.
        Actually, with the neck nibbling and touching of the breast, I was beginning to feel a bit light-headed. It was so turning-on for me. 
        My hand went exploring too and discovered his cock that was soft as I entered had now grown too hard. Ah, this was a nice result. Very promising for what I was planning for next.
        Hamza’s face and nibbling lips had moved down under my chin now. Down to my throat. I could feel him moving lower and expected he was going towards my breasts. This was confirmed when the hand playing to my nipple had moved between my breasts to begin undoing my blouse buttons. One by one, they came loose as more and more of my body front came to be exposed. 
         Now he was directing attention to his undressing of me, he had stepped back which gave him the chance to reach for him. I followed similar to what he was doing, but instead using my fingertips rather than my mouth. First, I touched his neck, fingertips and back of my nails touching his neck. Then I moved down to under his chin, giving like a tickle there as I know he likes that. Finally, I had gone lower towards his man-nipple. Feeling it harden as I played to it.
         For his part, by now he had my blouse open and was pealing the wet material away from my skin. It was pulled open to reveal my bra before being pushed back off my shoulders to drop on the floor behind me.
         I was reaching down to his chest. I enjoy touching him there and I had recently noticed he had got stronger since joining working for Sarvesh. He says it is the packing and storing in containers and wagons. There is more lifting involved than with his last job. So, at this time my fingers were moving over the shape of his shoulder to chest muscles.
         By now my bra strap, he had slipped from my right shoulder and the bra cup been pulled back, baring to my breast and nipple. His hand returned to my breast, this time making directly contacting with bare flesh there. His fingers returned to my nipple with this time skin on skin. 
         My hands had gone to his sides, one on each way. By reaching to the soft smooth flesh under his arms I knew he was slightly ticklish there. I knew it can turn him on and make him horny. Gently, softly, hardly touching him, I stroked him there.
         Hamza noticed this saying, “What is this Kalki? Are you trying to get me horny?”
         “No, not that one,” I said, looking down at his hard cock. “I’ve done that already.”
         “Mmmm, yes you have,” he said as he grabbed me close again. 
         My bra strap on the left was pulled down, exposing my other breast. The bra was pulled around and removed to join my blouse at our feet. I was now topless with whom I was showing a very excited man. I knew before long I would be naked as he was. Then what would happen? It was fun I was hoping. Bedroom fun with the love-games. I noticed his tiredness seems to have disappeared now.
          As the shower poured to us, we held each other and played to each other under the cascading water. He was leaning towards my breasts, tongue touching and even the nipple sucking. With my increased sexual state, my nipples were so hard as if to burst. Hamza was running over them with his tongue, nibbling and pulling on them with his lips, even taking as much breast in as he could for sucking. It was all so sexually exciting for this girl. 
         Then I felt a hand running down over my stomach towards my above knee-length skirt. First, his hand moved on to it, pressing to my pussy through the soaking material. As he tried to kiss me, I felt his hand moving lower until he reached bare skin, just above my knee. His hand was moving back up now, sliding up my thigh, pulling up my skirt with him. 
         I tried to focus on us kissing but that hand moving up the inside of my thigh was too distracted. It was getting closer and closer to my pussy, up between my thighs to approach me there. Finally, the touch came, his fingers touched to my pussy area, the palm of his hand wrapping over my pussy mound. I could not help giving a gasp at the contact.
         He smiled at that. “Who is getting horny now?”
         I didn’t reply. I didn’t need to as he knew sexual state how this girl was. 
         Soon, he was doing more for my pussy, his fingers rubbing over me there. My gasp had become a soft moan. His fingers even pressing between my pussy lips through my pantie material. It felt good. Here I was intending to be making it good for my husband and he was making it good for me instead. But I knew his excited state showed he was enjoying me too. 
          I was expecting soon he would be undressing me more but yes, when it came it was a surprise. He had reached up under my skirt with both hands with one to each hip. Grasping my panties, he pulled them away until they were allowed to fall to my feet. This was interesting as I was not expecting that. Yes, I fully expected to get naked as that was my plan but I expected first with the skirt and then last one the panties.
         I was standing there with him still wearing nothing but my soaking wet skirt. 
         “What about my skirt?” I asked. “Are you going to remove that one?”
         “No,” Hamza replied. “I like it on.
         Knowing you are with the no panties under.”
         Now, this was something different. It didn’t occur to me that I would be a sexually turned-on for him without being fully naked. In this way, I remained until we had finished the shower and washing process with soap rubbed all over both of us. It was only after we left the shower cubical that he removed my skirt to make me naked. 

         Standing before each other naked, we took turns drying each other. When he came to do me, we were rotated so we could watch each other from the mirror. It is sexier to watch him touching my body and rubbing over me with the towel. 

        It was particularly interesting when he came to my breasts which he had been leaving for the last. I could watch his hands moving over them with the towel, could see how this had hardened my nipples again. Hamza noticed this too because as the towel landed at my feet, his hand continued to play. It felt sexy but even looked sexy too. 
        When one hand moved between my legs, I was getting very aroused and ready for him. He must have noticed this because he pushed me forward so my hands were supporting me on the edge of the washing basin and my bum was directed back towards him.
        It became clear where this was going. Hamza was going to try fucking me here within the bathroom. I felt his cock pressing against my pussy from behind and then as my wet lips parted to allow him in. Then he began fucking me.
        I was watching him in the mirror in front of me. He was watching back at me. I could see his naked body against the round cheeks of my bum. I noticed how his body was slamming against me at each stroke. That wasn’t telling me anything new because I could feel his body hitting against me as his cock thrust into me. But it was interesting to watch. I noticed his chest, how the muscles of his body were working as he fucked me. 
        Our eyes met and he smiled at me. I smiled back.
        He must have taken this as a signal to speed up and go in harder. I could feel how it had changed, how he was really fucking into me now. I was watching him too. I saw his face. I know this man, I know that look. It means he is getting there. It was at that moment when I knew he was heading for a cum. In this position, it is not so exciting for me and I really wasn’t getting there yet. Please don’t be misunderstanding me here. I was enjoying him; the feelings were good of how his cock was going at me. But I was clear I wasn’t going to cum yet. I made my mind to wait for me and focus on being enjoying for him. If he makes the good orgasm, I would be content. I also knew he would be very good for me and make-up later in the bed. Hamza is a good man, he would not allow me to miss out. 
        It didn’t take him long. He must have been very excited by me in the shower with my clothings because soon I could see his climax approaching. I pushed back against him so I was taking as much of him as he would give me. I was trying to make it the best for him.
        Suddenly, he gave the gasp. I saw the way his body jerked and felt it too. He slowed now. Tried to keep some movement going but his orgasm took over. He had stopped with his cock deep inside me and was filling me with his man fluid. I could feel it, feeling how his cock pumped as he filling me. 
        He looked up at me and I smiled. 
        “Was it good?” I asked.
        “Sorry, Kalki. It was too good. I couldn’t stop.”
        By now he had slipped out of me and I turned to face him.
        “Hamza, it is ok,” I told me. “I am happy it was good for you.”
        He looked at me for a moment. I am knowing of men. I knew he always liked to make me cum too so I felt I needed to reassure him it was ok. 
        “It is fine Hamza,” I to told him, patting my hand on his arm. 
        “Let’s go to the bed, I can make it good for you.”
        I remembered that dinner was ready downstairs. “What about dinner?”
        “To hell with dinner. I want to do it with you again.”
        I smiled, mildly amused by that.
        “I want that one too,” I informed him.

          Finally, we made it for the bed and together was climbed on. I pushed him so he rolling to his back and before he was knowing I had jumped on top of him. I pushed him flat with my body over him and my legs each side.

         “What is this Kalki?”
         “I want you,” I told him.
         “You are on the top,” he laughed. “The boss tonight.”
         “Yes,” I said, pressing my hand against his chest. “I am the boss so you better be the good boy, Hamza.”
         “Of course, boss,” he replied. “Your wish is my delight.”
          I stopped and looked at him. “That is not right – Isn’t, it - my command?”
         “No Kalki. Not tonight. It is my delight doing whatever you want.”
         “Oh! Ok!” I replied. “Then your delight is to be making great fucking for me.”
         “Of course,” was all he said but his hands came up to each of my hips to hold me.
         After what had happened in the bathroom, he had got a cum but I was ready for mine now. Taking him with my hand, I guided him to my wet pussy. Gently pressing down, I took the head inside me. Oh, it felt good. I couldn’t resist giving a gasp of satisfaction. It only took a couple more and he was deep inside me again. 
        Feeling his cock inside me was always exciting to me. He has a nice cock and I love to feel him when he is inside me. He fills me and feels nice as his shaft slips in and out. I wanted this one now. I wanted all the full feelings. The movement of his cock between the sensitive lips of my cunt. I wanted the fucking with him now until we made big cums for each other. 
        Where in the bathroom all the fucking was done by him with me being passive, now I had put myself where I would be the one doing the working, the fucking with him being more the passive one. I was ok for this. In fact, it was the way I elected to do it so I could control to make good for both of us.
         I began to move for him. My thighs and hips controlling the motion so his cock will be sliding in and out between the lips of my pussy. I was enjoying his delicious cock. Can you describe a cock as delicious? The way my cunt was ‘eating’ him, I think so.
         I was sitting over him, working his ‘delicious’ cock with my pussy. My pussy lips wrapped around and gripping to him, devouring him. My juice was flowing so he was smoothly fucking in and out of me as I moved. My moving was causing a pumping, thrusting motion between us. It felt good and the look of his face told me it was for him too.
         My orgasm was starting to arrive, I know this thing. How was it with him I thought? It was looking he was coming along with me? My perfect goal was for us to arrive together if we could.
         Suddenly, he gave a big moan. I knew he was almost there. I also realised I better hurry up too. A few harder downward thrusts against his cock was good for me. I was almost going over, now. 
         Then came another moan from him and I knew he was to cum. His body gave a huge jerk, in the process, thrusting his cock up into my downward stroke. The sudden change of motion was all it took to send me too. My orgasm came at me and it was with the powerful one too. I lost control of my movements as the pleasures flooded my mind. 
         Next thing I remember, I was laying against him, my face close to his. I had fallen flat to him. My breasts were against his chest and my pelvis against his. I could feel his cock was still in me but not as filling as before. I knew it was over now. I lay on top of him, us both breathing heavily from what we had just got up to. I felt his cock continue to withdrawal from me and finally drop out. 
         That was the signal for me. My time to roll from him.

          Lying on my back now, I looked over and smiled at him. He was smiling back. There were no words between us and no words were required. It had been great for both of us and we both knew this thing.

         Then he moved, rolling towards me until half his body was over mine and his face came down close to mine and he kissed me.
         “You are amazing,” he said.
         I wasn’t so sure I was that amazing, but it had been good he told so I acknowledged him with a “Thanks.” 
         “You were amazing too,” I said.
         “So, are we both amazing?” he said and that made me giggle.

         He rolled back so he was lying beside me on his side while I was still lying on my back. In this way, we could talk and play a bit with the touching. He was playing to my nipple, touching and feeling over it. I, myself had my fingers stroking over the muscles of his chest. To be of truth, I can’t help touching his chest, almost like he always was touching to my breasts.

         His hand had left there and ran lower until he found the forest that is to be my pussy. Yes, at this time it was being kept natural but since then, that has changed now as my next story will be informing you. 
         I felt his touching moving lower to my open lips. Fingers moving along them, stirring my excitement again. He felt my wetness and how he could easily slip fingers into me. He knew this girl was still being horny for him. His rubbing there was good and soon I was forced to hump against him, giving a pelvis hump against his fingers.
        I reached down for him too and found he had begun to harden. Oh wow! The third time that night. Maybe Hamza was amazing! Pulling away from him, I moved down so I could bring my mouth to him. I decided to see if I could get him completely hard again and maybe have some more fun. 
       First, I wrapped my hand around his shaft and tried to give a few pumps. It didn’t work so well at first but the feeling of my hands touching his cock and balls, soon began to have a reaction. Yes, he had hardened noticeably at what I was doing to him.
       I was thinking, I might manage to get him there after all. I leaned forward to lick over his cock with my tongue. I knew not to rush this. Just take him slowly until he was ready to fuck me. I allowed my tongue to flow over and around the head, feeling the shape of the different parts.
       I have discovered I like licking and sucking a man. I sort of like the control I have over him. How what I am doing can affect him so much. This is the feeling I had now as I took him into my mouth. I noticed he was fully hard now.
       As my fingers gripped around his shaft, my hand slowly pumping him, I began to suck. I was making sure my sucks kept in time with my hand pumps because I know men enjoy that. Normally, when I suck him, I am prepared for him to cum. I am ok for taking his man-seed in the mouth but also men like to cum over my body parts too. But this time I knew the sucking would be short, it was only to excite him, get him hard enough so we could do fucking again.
         Hamza’s hands came down to pull my head away, pull me up towards him. I knew what this meant. He was ready to try again. I moved up alongside him again and he rolled towards me, his body pressing mine back into the bed.
         “Are you ready again?” I said, stating the obvious.
         “Of course, you are a sexy woman. Who could not want you?”
         “You didn’t want me a few minutes ago,” I laughed.
         “Well, that was different,” he said. “I want you now.”
         "On top too," I added. "Now who is being the boss.
         Yes, Hamza the boss of Kalki.
         I giggled at that.
         What? he said lifting his head.
         You're funny.
         It is not funny I am doing to you now.
         I know that one too, Hamza, I replied.
         By now he had moved on top of me, my thighs opening to take him between them. I felt his cock press against my pussy lips. With how sexually aroused I was, my soaking wet lips offered little resistance as his cock pushed into me. It felt beautiful, feeling him there again and my body humped up at him, showing my appreciation. 
         I reached up to put my arms around his back and hugging him against me. I could feel as his body began to move, the muscles of his back, moving, working and he drove his cock into me. It felt so good that I already knew he was going to get me off again.
         Being in this position is always good for me. I love the full contact that my body makes with his. The way his body moves against mine. I can feel his weight pressing down on me, but that is no problem for me, in fact, adding to my enjoyment of him. But other senses are involved too. I can hear his breath close to my ear as he sucks air in and out, driving the needs of his body. I can smell him too. That stronger male smell men have but now there was a mixture of me too, my smell from the sex we had already had together. 
        But, of course, the main sense was the feelings of what Hamza’s cock was doing to my pussy. I loved the feeling of how his cock was sliding in and out between my lips. I loved the thrusting into me and pulling as he withdrew. All of it working together was exciting me, rising the sexual desires for him. 
        I know of this man. I know him well within the bed. I knew he was very excited, turned-on by the sex we were making. I came to realise that this was going to be another good one for both of us. 
         What he was doing to me, began to feel good. I was also surprised at myself too. How ready I was for more too. He was going faster and faster. That strong stroking with each time as he thrusted into me, strongly but only faster now. We continued as this, him thrusting down at me, into me. I, myself, doing the best I could to respond to him, my pelvis, my pussy pressing up to meet him each time. 
       Then I knew cum feelings were developing within my body. I knew my next orgasm was approaching. It was arriving faster than I was expecting but I wasn’t too worried going first because I could get through it and then allow him to finish for himself. It was building, getting closer and closer. I knew only moments from me now.
        But Hamza knew of me too. He could read the signs of me and knew this girl was about to make her cum. He increased his energy, his whole body crashing down against mine as his cock was plunging to the depths of me. It was only a few hard strokes like that but very good sex and doing just what I needed. My orgasm burst over me.
        To my surprise, it was another good one. Made better and longer by what he continued doing to me. I fell back against the bed as pleasure overran me. I was helpless to assist him for a few moments before I could recover.
        When I was alert to him again and wanted to make it good for him too. Just as I began to move with him, I heard his moan close to my ear. His body gave a shudder as he dropped out of time. He had stopped and it was only my motion keeping it going. Hamza was there. His pulsing cock told me he was cumming inside me.
       It was over for both of us so I lay still and waited for him to recover. I know his whole weight was against me now but I didn’t matter. Spread over me like that, my body was strong enough to support his. Soon I felt him withdrawal from me and he rolled away from me to lay beside me again. 
       It was good. The love-making was amazing. This girl was well satisfied and I knew he was satisfied with me too. I girl was very happy.

         By the time we got back to the kitchen, the food was cold. Lucky, we had invested in a microwave and together, we worked to get things ready again for our meal. 

         It was a nice meal and relaxing to sit with him afterwards and talk. We had opened a bottle of wine to share and with soft music going, enjoyed being with each other, our company together. This is something that had changed between us. There are now those sensitive times when we are together, enjoying each other’s company. These moments have become very special to me. I take them and treasure them with my heart.
         Later, we got up to go to the bed and discovered there was still the kitchen mess. 
         “Leave for tomorrow,” I informed him. 
         But he said, “No, let’s do together now.” 
         I liked that. Him offering to help like that. Quickly we cleaned all the dishes and kitchen. Then I followed him towards the bedroom
        That night in the bed we even became horny for each other again. The sex was good for both of us. I think the idea of me with the wet clothings within the shower was still with him as he even mentioned it again with saying how sexy I was.
        This girl was happy. I had found another new way to enjoy with the man I love. 


  1. It has been published. Great!
    This is the third story this month. Seems we have more time with the Lock-down.
    I see you made the changes I suggested. Good one. I like this story as it gives me a very refreshing view of young Kalki. She is fun and she is sexy, you say in the background notes. You have shown that in the story too. Husband Hamza doesn't seem so formal either.
    Looking forward to Story 238 - your part two of this story.

    1. Wow! Good story Kim. A bit different to your usual style. I couldn't find any strawberry jam anywhere.
      I liked the character building you did with Kalki. She is the same as during the wedding but there is a difference too. I got the feeling there was some maturing of the relationship between Kalki and Hamza.
      Well done guys.

    2. During lookdown it appears they have had more time for writing.
      This is India again now. I think the theme is good and delivery good too. I enjoyed how Kalki controlled the adventure most of the way. I think the sex scenes were well written as well.

    3. Reshma, life isn't just about strawberry jam you know.
      There is ice cream, baked beans, oil and even mud.
      Then we can also throw in a huge pink fluff snake too.

    4. LOL Kim you are a worry.

    5. No Paul I think you have this wrong. It is not that Kim likes the messy sex that is the worry.
      I is she is writing stories without the messy sex. That is what you should worry.
      Keen & Joshua.

    6. Oh how could I have had that so wrong? Is Kim sick?
      I better check her temperature. Bend over with your pants down Kim. I'll get my hard thermometer out.
      LOL Paul.

  2. Hi, Can anyone help me?
    I went to darken the font as it was too light and hard to read once we published. I couldn't talk to Asami so did it myself. Got some issues where some lines didn't change.

    1. Sorry Kim. We over the ridge behind Kellys. No phone coverage there. Had the dogs out moving some stock.

      I had a look at the problem and tried to fix it. Blogspot coding is fighting us and changing it back. You will find you have the code for both colours is in each line. Its a HTML job to over write the old colour with your new one, line by line. Its readable now so I'll try to fix it for you later this evening.

    2. Kim and Allan,
      I read your story this morning after publishing for you. Its good. Enjoyed it.
      Just husband & wife sometimes makes a good story too.
      Liked how Kalki used bigger words but her poor grammar let her down. We done you were able to write it like that.

    3. Interesting. This problem has occurred in all the places where Rochelle and I asked Kim to change this morning.

      But I liked this story.

    4. So you are saying you and Rochelle came along and stuffed it, Susan?

    5. Play nicely Paul.
      If anyone made a mistake it was Kim by block changing the whole story, but then that usually works.
      Anyway, I'm fixing it for her now.
      Allan snr.

  3. Love the story Kim & Allan.
    It was a good read and gave us an interesting insight into this couple.
    The sex was good too.

    1. I agree Rita. I think they did a good job of this one. I enjoyed some of the conversations they had. It seems like Kalki and Hamza have a good relationship. A bit of joking and fun between them.

    2. Kia ora,
      So now we have moved to India again. Looking like the Kai Iwi Lakes stories are finished now.
      I also like Kalki's writing. Her first story, Story 192 Europeans in Our House, was a memorable one. I enjoyed how she was struggling with the idea that these people would be staying in there 'simple' house.
      Now this story is really shaping up to be a good one too. I enjoyed how she developed that idea when she saw how tired her husband was. Not sure getting her husband into a night of hard sex when he was so tired was the best way to go but it seems she was right this time.
      The sex was good. The conversation between them were good too. One two characters in the whole story really but still met Shanti's measure of success - it held my attention all the way through.
      Good job guys.
      Kia kaka - Mahuiko.

    3. Hello everyone.
      The conversations are what make many of these stories standout. It seems to be an excepted technique here to use conversation during key parts of a story. Also I see this being used during sex scenes too. I think it was Susan who started that by saying during sex there is often fun and talking.
      Like the theme too. It is an old one but you 'rediscovered' it nicely here Kim. It is sexy to walk in on a man showering with all your clothes on. My partner has done it to me too. Almost always leads to some good sex.

    4. Another good story. I see you've moved on to some India stories now. Enjoyed this story, particularly reading about Kalki. She seems a lot of fun.
      Simon and Eileen.
