Sunday 26 April 2020

Story 238 Sexy Dinner Date.

Here I am again, Kalki from India.
          We are going to continue with my adventures. I was supposing to be telling you the, Sarvesh and his Harem story but I am going to be distracting again and be telling something else.

Part One – We Should Celebrate Your New Job.
          Two weeks after wearing my clothes into the shower for Hamza, I was thinking about giving him another surprise. That first time had gone so well and been sexually exciting for both of us. Yes, that surprised me. I was sure he would enjoy it and likely find it sexy but I didn’t realise how much I would be excited by joining a man in the shower with myself fully clothed.
          The sex that followed within the bedroom had been so hot that I thought we must try it again. I knew that just repeating the process would not be the same the second time. I knew I would need to find some way of making it better, add some spice you can say. I remembered I had an almost endless resource of ideas for sexual games – The Letters Books.
           I began searching for them, looking for ideas. Suddenly, I found the perfect one to combine with me joining Hamza’s shower in my clothing.

           I thought about it and got all the details into my head. Then came the day when I would be ready to activate my plan. But first, some background to keep you informed. 
            Jeevan had been looking for a new employee to manage the growing workshop where they made and prepared items for export. This had first been a small room in the warehouse but by the time of Katrina’s wedding, it had become to take most of the lower floor of their new office building. Now, as the company had continued to expand, Sarvesh had brought the building next door and was moving the assembly team to there so it would have a much bigger area. Because it was slightly further away, they knew someone was needed to supervise the operations of this department. My husband, Hamza had helped so much with the overseas visitors and was doing his job well, Sarvesh and Jeevan decided to promote him to this new job.
         It was still his first week so I decided to celebrate for him by taking him out for dinner. I would be paying from my small pay working in the restaurant at the club. In this way it would be a special treat for him because other than paying, I had other things in mind for him when we got back home too.

         “Honey, we should celebrate your new job,” I told him at breakfast.
         “Humm. It is not that big deal,” he replied.
         He surprised me. Not a big deal? Of course, it was a big deal! A very big deal. They had recognised and honoured him by giving a better job with the much better pay. He had been promoted. It had to be considered a ‘big deal.’ And I told him so too.
         “No,” I insisted. “I think it is the big deal. We should celebrate.”
         “Now Kalki,” he began. “There is no need….”
         “They saw your working and honoured you with promotion, Hamza.”
         “Yes, but…”
         “We celebrated my new job.”
         It was nothing too much. Just the two of us going out to a small restaurant for dinner but it was a celebration to mark my starting my working again.
         “So, we can do the same for your job, too,” I continued.
         “Ok,” he smiled. “Let me think about it.”
         “No, we can do tonight. No thinking for you required, Hamza. I can do all the arrangements.”
         Now it was his turn to be surprised. He had stopped eating and was looking to me. I was smiling back to him. I think it still surprised him when I assert myself like that. I don’t do often as to be a threat to his authority but sometimes it was required.
         “I will find a restaurant,” I continued. “Then I will text you details, where to meet me after your working.”
         Since Peter and Jenny had stayed with us, Hamza had changed with his attitude towards me. He talked with me differently and treated me differently. For example, the way we were in the bedroom games were different with me often leading the fun. The fact that he allowed me to take a job was different too.
         “You seem to have this all planned, Kalki,” he said. 
         When I didn’t reply, he continued. “Ok then, text me.”
         I jumped up from my seat and gave him a big hug, almost knocking him off his chair and spilling his breakfast. 
         “Now, now, Kalki. Save that for after your celebration. For our second celebration within the bed tonight.”
         I laughed at that. “Will there be two celebrations tonight?
         “Of course. That is what you want, Kalki?”
         “Yes,” I replied. “Very much what I want.” 

         So, after he left for work, I began planning for our date tonight. Yes, it was a date. Why can’t a woman have date with her husband? This girl can.
         I laid out the clothes I would be wearing. It had to be looking good because I wanted to attract him to me. He is proud when I dress to look smart but sexy for him. I think it is the male silently saying to other males, ‘Look who I am with. Look how lucky I am.’ So, I needed to make that for him this time.
         I selected a black skirt, a bit shorter than the one I’d worn in the shower. In fact, by far the shortest skirt I ever own. So short I am never bold enough to wear outside. This time I would be bold enough. I was determined about that. The blouse was to be white to match the black. This would be complemented by thigh boots I had been given by Katrina and a light jacket which could be zipped or left open.
         Now came underwear. This is very important for later in the evening as he undresses me to discover what I was wearing under. It had to be sexy. Very exciting and very sexy. I only owned three underwear sets I considered good enough to achieve this, so I laid them out on the bed. Would it be the black one, the blue one or the red one? How could I decide? I decided to try them under the white blouse because I knew the blouse would most likely be a bit showing.
         I tried each under the blouse and selected the red one. I had tried that one last and was standing to the mirror with just the tiny bra and even smaller panties. I notice since I had last worn these my pussy hair had grown so I would need to cut it back. Suddenly, I thought, what if I cut it all back. Completely shaved all the pussy for him. That would be the surprise for him.
         With this good idea, I was within the shower room, first cutting all the hairs and then shaving to make myself smooth and bald. Yes, when I looked to the mirror, everything could be seen. My cunt lips showing, cutting down across my bare flesh, just under the mound of my pussy. It made me look like I had been as a little girl but I liked seeing this effect and knew Hamza would like too.
         Thinking about what Hamza liked I remembered how he had liked me in the shower without the panties but still wearing the skirt. Go without panties! Could I do that? Could I be brave enough? Daring enough, going out in public wearing that short skirt without panties?
         Then my mind went to thinking about Hamza. What would he think when he discovered it? When he discovers I had spent the whole evening with nothing under my short skirt? I’m sure he would love it and be exciting for it.
         I was sexy thinking of it. The thought was turning me on. I began to gently rub myself, rubbing the freshly shaved flesh of my pussy. I was getting wetter as I kept going, one hand thrusting fingers into me while the other hand rubbing over my clitty. With my mind focused on wearing like that I continued with my fingers working at my pussy. Faster and faster I was going. Stronger and stronger. Suddenly, it happened! I made my cum and a big one too. 
          At that moment, the moment of orgasm, I made my mind. There would be no underwear for this girl tonight. No panties and even no bra too.
         I went back into the bedroom to try this out. The skirt, being black was no problem but my white blouse was. You could easily see my nipples through the thin material. Now, no bra with that could be a problem. I knew I could wear my jacket that would mostly be covering but as I moved, sometimes the jacket would fall away and there were my nipples to be seen again.
         I thought Hamza might like that but that was too much for this girl. What could be done to satisfy my modesty but still keep it sexy for him? I came to the idea of changing to a different blouse. This one was blue. By itself, while not being see-through, you could see the tips of my breast, pressing at the material. As I moved there was a slight wobble so it was still clear, I was braless. I tried the jacket on, leaving it undone at the front. 
         Yes, that was it, the way I could go out. I would hide my breasts mostly, but with ‘accidentally’ opening the jacket, I could reveal to someone special how sexy I was dressing, how I was going braless. Yes, that was to be my plan, no undies at all, just with a short black skirt and blue blouse. I liked my look with that. Liked the effect I was creating. The idea of going out like that was turning me on again too.

         So that was my clothing arranged. Next was where we would be taking our dinner. It had to be a nice place, but not too expensive for my smaller budget. Since what I would be wearing, I also wanted it to be in a part of the town where I was not so well known. That of course, excluded the restaurant at the club, where I worked and was known. But, even with staff discount, the club would be too expensive. 
         Finally, I found the perfect place online. It was a small hotel, located on the main town side of the river down a small street off the main shopping area. I even found their menu and could see how the food was. The best part was it was with an area at the back overlooking the river. I was hoping it was a bit upmarket than just a regular café. 
         I rang them and they had a table for two out on the terrace over the river. I knew if I timed it right, we might even see the sun setting behind the hills of the Game Reserve. So, I was quick to place our booking for two that night.  
         My text to him was the time and place of the restaurant. 
         Hamza's text came back quickly – ‘See you there,’ with some smiley kisses. 
         I returned some kisses of my own.

         I now went to my house working but that didn’t really go well. I was distracting. I kept thinking of what we were doing that evening. More importantly, what I would be wearing, or could you say, be not wearing that evening. The thought of that short skirt with no panties, was daring and I was almost afraid but at the same time sexually exciting.
         I stopped my working and sat back on the couch in the hall. My fingers pulled my T-shirt up and my bra cup aside. Then I lifted my bum to slip my jeans and panties down past my knees. Lying back on the couch, while one hand went for my nipple, the other was at my pussy. My fingers were rubbing and touching my erect nipple. Pulling and pinching at it so it hurt but even felt good.
        Down below, my fingers began rubbing over my bald cunt. First, I was rubbing over my clitty area, then lower to thrusting in with my fingers. Before returning to my clitty again. All the time my mind was on what I was going to be wearing that evening. I was wet and my body ready for this. It didn’t take me long to become so fully aroused I was bursting for my relief. I pressed my clitty harder as I rubbed over it. 
        The thought came to me, what if I got caught? What if someone, a complete stranger looked up my skirt. With my newly shaved pussy, they would see everything! They would see my bare cunt!
        I gave a cry as the cum burst through me. It was a strong one, for a few moments left my body shaking, taking my breath from me. I was so surprised at myself. Getting so excited by the idea of wearing short skirt with nothing underneath and getting caught. I just could not believe myself.
        Later, when it was time to get ready, I was in the shower room undressing for my shower. I discovered I was wet again. As the water splashed over my naked body, I did it again. Making myself cum while rubbing my pussy with a bar of soap with all my thoughts were on what I was wearing to our dinner date. 
        I left the shower and dried myself. I then rubbed oil into the flesh of my legs. Oil makes my brown flesh shine and look good. I wanted my legs to appear like this since I would be displaying so much of them. Viewing to the mirror I liked how they were.
        Going from our shower room to our bedroom naked, I stood before our bed looking down at the clothing I had laid out for the evening. There was the red bra and panties still lying beside my clothes. I looked at them. Should I wear them, or shouldn’t I? My mind was still divided with the idea. It would be daring if I didn’t wear. What if someone accidentally saw up my skirt? My pussy was shaven so everything would be seen. 
        A shiver of pleasure went through me. I couldn’t believe myself. Even excited again if I get caught. I was amazing at myself.
        Avoiding the underwear, instead, returning them to their draw, I began to get dressed. First came the skirt, stepping into it and pulling it up to do up the clips that tighten it around my waist. I stood in front of the mirror and noticed how high it was above my knees. Next came the blouse, which I slipped on over my shoulders and did the buttons up the front. I made my mind to leave one extra button undone at the top to provide some extra cleavage. Just a hint of my chest underneath.
         Doing my hair and applying a slight hint of make-up came next. Never much make-up as Hamza likes me more natural with my appearance. 
         A glance at the clock told me it was almost time for my taxi to arrive so grabbing the light jacket and throwing it around my shoulders, I picked up a small purse and was ready to leave the bedroom. One last look in the mirror first checking myself from the front and back, even opening the jacket to see the effect too. When I pulled the jacket open, I could see the sharp tips on my breasts. I moved my body a bit and could see the wobble of unrestrained breasts. Yes, will have to be careful to keep the jacket closed. I was wearing it loosely open but I did have the option of zipping it if I wanted.
         I admired myself. Thought I looked rather sexy and certainly expected to be noticed. I looked over at the draw where my underwear is kept. Maybe I should slip the bra & panties into my handbag? No, I told myself – you are not taking a handbag, just a small purse. Be bold and go through with what you planned.
        I was downstairs and finished fitting my boots on, pulling the zippers up the side to tighten them to my legs. One last check in the mirror downstairs. Yes, I liked that effect too. I smiled to myself as I knew Hamza would be pleased.

Part Two – Dinner Date Surprises.
        It was at that moment that I heard the sound of a car horn. The taxi was here. This was it. ‘Kalki, no turning back now, girl,’ I told myself. ‘Be bold and enjoy your evening.’

       I pulled and locked the steel gate in front of our house and turned to find he was looking at me. The taxi driver watched every step as I walked from the gate to his car. I knew he was watching so kept my eyes turned down. Let him look. Let him check me out. I wanted him to look because it was proving I had got it right. I was dressed correctly for Hamza too.
         The driver was standing with the car door open for me. As I approached, suddenly I looked up at him. Looked him directly in the eyes. For a moment our eyes met, then he looked away. It is not normal in India for a woman to challenge a man like that but tonight I wasn’t dressed like a normal woman and tonight I wasn’t intending to behave like a normal woman either. 
         Stepping past him I sat in the edge of the car seat to get into the car. I knew I had to be careful here as he was looking again. As my first leg reached into the car, I felt my skirt pulled up, showing a lot of legs, well up on my thighs, before the other leg was in and I was seated in the car. He shut the door and as he walked around to the driver seat, I took the opportunity to pull my skirt down again as much as I could.
         He was turned, watching me again as I gave him instructions. I noticed that glance down at my legs too. Checking me again. Looking at how much he could see. From that angle, I knew he could see a lot but by keeping my legs tightly, not all to the best bit.
         On the way over the river bridge, I texted Hamza, saying I was on the way. He replied, saying he was at the restaurant. That was good. I wasn’t looking forward to sitting there alone, waiting.
        The car pulled up and since the restaurant was attached to a small hotel, there was a doorman waiting to open the car door. ‘Careful Kalki,’ I told myself. ‘One bad move and both the doorman and driver would be seeing your pussy.’ It was sexy to think but I didn’t feel brave enough to do it.
        Again, it was a repeat of how I got in. Sliding to the edge of the seat, turning my body so both legs stayed closer together as my feet touched the ground. Again, there was a lot of thigh showing but I was confident, not too much. I stood up, thanked the driver, again making direct eye contact before I turned towards the building. 
       There he was. Standing directly in front of me. Hamza was looking at me. He must have seen how much leg I had shown as I got out of the taxi. There was a smile on his face as he looked me up and down. Then we stepped towards each other and he gave me a gentle kiss on the cheek.
       “Wow, Kalki!” he said admiringly. “You look great.”
       “Thanks,” I smiled back at him.
       He looked good too but I knew he would. I saw he had taken good trousers and a jacket when he left in the morning, so knew he would be changing for me before leaving his work. 
        “You look good too,” I said.
        His smile and nodded, acknowledged my compliment. 
        We turned, and as we walked up the steps to the door, his arm slipped around my waist. The high heels of the boots meant I had to be careful about how I placed my feet. This meant I had to walk more slowly. He quickly realised this and matched my pace. 
        I knew there were many people around, most watch us, looking at me actually but I was careful not to make eye-contact with anyone. Just keeping my eyes lowered to watch where I was walking. I was also aware of the man next to me was taking a few glances at me too. 
        “You look so sexy, Kalki,” he whispered to me.
        “I hope you like it,” I replied.
        “Love it. You have everyone looking at you now.”
        I sort of knew that but pleased he had noticed too. I did feel a tiny bit shy but also proud because Hamza was beside me and happy with me.

        In the restaurant, we were shown to our table. Those in the restaurant were watching us too. I was so pleased with how Hamza was acting, the total gentleman, even holding my chair for me as I seated myself. Very well done, I thought. He was really playing his part. But little did he know that what I was wearing was much sexier than outside appearances. 
        We were seated waiting for the food we had ordered. When he has asked for some things more expensive than I intended, I hesitated. He realised why.
        “Kalki, this is a special night. A celebration. I know it is your treat but let me help.”
         I nodded ok to his request. A celebration was what I had said that morning. I knew I wanted to do it all, pay for it all but I also knew he wanted to make it extra special too, so I agreed to him helping me.
        “I have something else to make it special,” he said.
        Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a small box and handed it to me. I opened it to find a beautiful pendant. It was made from dark green stone with a shiny stone set in it. The pendant was in the shape of the kiwi bird which I knew came from New Zealand.
        Where did you get this? I asked him. It's beautiful!
        “From New Zealand. Peter brought it for me, Steve sent it over here,” he explained. “I wanted to give it to you at some special moment.”
        Now is special, I replied.
        “Yes, it is but I also want you to wear it when you get to New Zealand.”
        “New Zealand? When am I going to New Zealand? We can’t go yet.”
        “You are going to New Zealand,” he told me. “That is my surprise for tonight.”
        “When?” I managed to ask. 
        “February next year, we are going with Jeevan and Mandara.”
        I was shocking now. Going to New Zealand. It was a long way away but still, we were going. After meeting all our new friends, I wanted to visit their countries so much. Now we were going. I was going to visit them and see of their countries.
       I was brought back out of my thoughts by Hamza offering to put the new pendant on me. He got up and came around the table to me. Reaching behind my neck he undid the one I was wearing and slipped it into his pocket. He carefully took the new one out and held it against me. Then reaching behind me, he clipped it on. The chain length was perfect. It hung down from my neck to rest in the cleavage between my breasts when my blouse was open. I knew it would attract attention to that part of me, draw men's eyes to the gap between the swelling of my breasts. Make them realise there was more to me than my nice legs.    
       I reached up to adjust the chain and as I did my jacket pulled open so he caught a glimpse of my breast. I saw the look on his face and knew what he had seen.
       As he returned to his seat, he leaned over and whispered to me, “Are you wearing a bra?”
       “No,” I replied. I thought it was fairly obvious. 
       “Oh, Kalki. That is hot!”
       I leaned back and whispered to him, “I’m not wearing panties either.”
       The look on his face. It told me everything. 
       “You are full of surprises tonight, Kalki.”
       I smiled at him. No need to say anything. The way I was dressed was working exactly how I intended it. Now he knew. Now he would be thinking about it all evening.

       During the meal, I was conscious of others watching us. The way we had entered had been an attraction then how he had presented me with this amazing pendant that looked so unusually special for here in South India. I think the way we were both dressed, especially how I was, attracted attention too. It all added together making those of the tables around us look. Some openly looking, some taking glancing when they thought I wouldn't notice.
        Towards the end of the meal, he leaned forward and said, “You look so beautiful tonight, Kalki. The most beautiful woman here tonight”
        “Thank you, Hamza,” I replied, this girl feeling very happy with myself.
        “That blue blouse goes so well with the black of your skirt and jacket.”
        “Yes, I was going to wear white, but that was too showing.”
        “With nothing underneath, it would be. I can’t believe you came out like that.”
        “Do you still like that I did?”
        “I told you before I do,” Hamza said. “I love it. You look so sexy. Even more to me knowing what is under.”
        “There is one more surprise,” I whispered to him, thinking about when he will find my shaven pussy.
        “What can be more surprising than what you are now?”
        “There is more but you must wait until you undress me to find it.”
        He smiled at that. He knew I was teasing him now. But I noticed he didn’t press me trying to get more information from me. I wondered, had he guessed or was he content I wait?

         When the meal was over, they presented the bill to him as they expected he would be paying. As he glanced at it, I asked him for it. He said to allow him to pay. He then allowed me to see it. I was shocked we had spent so much money. More than I had saved. I think it was the extra drinks and things. I gratefully allowed him to pay. 
        He smiled and whispered to me. “You have already paid with what you are wearing for me tonight.”
        “Thanks,” I smiled back to him. 

        Again, he was attentive, helping me get up from the table and then offering his arm as we walked towards the entrance. 
        There was that moment getting into the taxi where I had to watch my skirt but I did manage to lean forward so my jacket fell away from my shirt. The driver was looking and I’m sure noticed my nipple points and how my breasts moved as I shifted to get in. Later, Hamza whispered it was a good show. It made me feel a bit naughty too.
       I was surprised when Hamza asked the driver to take us up to the viewpoint over the town first before going to our home. With the increase in fare, the driver was happy to agree. 
       We took the east road out of the town and turned up the road to the hilltop. This road goes past Amita’s house and I looked but only saw the big gate was closed. Further up was Jeevan’s house. A few lights on but nobody could be seen. Above his house is the viewpoint. 
       Here is where the taxi stopped. While he waited, Hamza and I walked over to the edge to view the lights of the town. It is always a pretty sight and this girl was happy to see it again. I felt the need to kiss him to say thank you. The kiss to him became a bit involved. He was holding me against him and took the chance to the dark to do some exploring too. This was having the bad effect on me, making me even sexier than I had been in the restaurant. 
       Finally, I had to break away from him and encourage him to go back to the taxi to take us home. In the dark, driving down the road, I could feel his hand on my leg. It was pushing higher and higher under my skirt. I knew my skirt was pulled up to but I thought it was too dark for the driver to see.
       His fingers touched my pussy. Found the soft, smooth flesh where hair had been this morning.
       “You are shaved,” he whispered to me.
       “Yes,” I replied. “My surprise for you.”
       “Oh, Kalki,” he said. “You are making me so hot.”
       Suddenly, with him touching, he was making me horny too. 
       It made me bold enough to say, “Do you want me to do something even better?”
       “What can be better?”
       “Do you want me to show my pussy to the driver as I get out.”
       “Oh, Kalki. That would be amazing. Are you sure you want to do that?”
       “Yes, I think so,” I replied.

       It was easy to tell that while up on the hill in the dark but as we drove through the town centre and began crossing the river bridge, I began to have second thoughts. Did I really want to do this? Going that far, or was it just the wine I’d been drinking, talking? With no pussy hair, he would see everything. Did I want that?
       “Are you still going to do it?” Hamza whispered to me.
       “I’m not sure I’m brave enough,” I replied.
       Then I looked over at him and saw him smiling.
        “Do you really want me to?” I asked, reaching to take his hand.
        “It would be amazing if you did,” he said. “But I am ok if you don’t want to. You don’t have to do for me.”
        I could see how he was excited and wanted me to flash my pussy. But he also gave the chance to avoid if I wanted that. That was nice of him, not holding me to do it. I suddenly loved him for that. 
        I began reasoning within myself. It would only be a moment. Just a quick flash and he would drive away and never see him again. It would be quick. Over and it is gone. But Hamza would see it. I could see he was excited at me doing it. Suddenly, I made my mind, if the driver opened our door for us, I would reward him with a flash to my pussy.
        I didn’t answer my decision to Hamza. Just let him wait to see what I would do. 
        Now we were in the smaller town centre on the other side of the river. We drove past the main entrance to the resort hotel, then further on, just before the main gates to the Game Reserve, we turned down the sideroad for our house. 
       The car pulled up in front of our house, the driver getting out to come around to open our door. Hamza was to get out first, he reached over, gave my hand a squeeze as he smiled at me. Then he turned to get out. 
        Now was my turn as I slipped across the car seat towards the door. Right up until this very moment, I still had the option to go either way. I half turned and my foot reached out for the ground. As I did, my legs parted quite wide and my skirt pulled right up. I could feel how it pulled up but couldn’t dare look down to see. That was the game, pretending that I didn’t know I was showing. My other leg came out and my thighs closed together as I stood up.
        I looked the driver directly in the eye, saw the shocked look on his face and knew he had got a good flash. I gave him a sweet smile as I thanked him. 
        “Thank you,” he replied, smiling back at me.
        Turning, leaving Hamza to pay the driver, I walked over to the gate of our house, taking the key from my purse to let myself in.

Part Three – More Celebrating.
        By the time I had the gate unlocked, Hamza was right behind me. I stepped aside to let him enter first and as I did, I looked back at the driver. He was still just standing there looking at us. I gave him another smile and nice wave then turned and went inside.
        “What was he waiting for?” Hamza asked.
        “Maybe another pussy flash,” I giggled.
        He grabbed me and hugged me tightly.
        “That was amazing,” he said.
        “Did I show much.”
        “You are shaven, Kalki.”
        “You could see that bit too?”
        “Yes, Kalki. Everything.”
        “I thought I was but didn’t want to look.”
        “Pretending you are unknowing, was it?”
        “Yes, Hamza,” I said as I kissed him. Then pulling my head back I looked at him and said. “I feel so hot now. I need a good fuck.”
        He laughed. “Ha! Ha! Feeling horny, are you.” 
        “Yes,” I breathed back to him.
        “Ok,” he said. “Let me have my shower. Then we go to our bed.”
        Suddenly, I remembered my plan for the shower room. 
        “Maybe I will take my shower with you, Hamza.”
        “Mmmm, nice,” he replied, lifting his head from nibbling my neck.
        “Well come on,” I said pulling his arm. “Or else we’ll be doing here on the floor by the door.”
        “I am ok to that,” he laughed, following me.
        “No,” I told him. “You must shower first.”

        He helped me taking my tight boots off and I made sure he was viewing up my skirt the whole time. He tried to reach for my pussy and I held his hand back.
        “No Hamza,” I told him firmly. “No pussy until you taken your shower.”
        “You are teasing me again, Kalki.”
        “Yes, Hamza, now go!”
        I reached to wack his bum but he saw me and jumped clear in time. With a laugh, he was gone.
        I removed my good jacket and followed him to the shower room. By the time I got there, he had the shower running and was half undressed so I helped him with the rest. He tried to remove my clothes but I would not allow him. He smiled. I think he realised what I was planned to do.
        Turning to the shower, he opened the door and stepped in. I was following close behind him. Soon the falling water had us both soaking. Pouring over his naked body and over my shirt and skirt as well. 
       The material was wet and sticking to the whole shape of my breasts. He noticed it straight away and reached for them. His hands touching me and rubbing over my nipples felt so sexy. I couldn’t help giving a moan of pleasure. 
        “You like that, do you?” he said.
        My reply was just a second moan.
        His fingers touched my nipple, giving it a pinch.
        “Oww!” I cried out, Partly excitement and partly paining.
        Then he did something to surprise me. His head came down to my breast. His lips to the tip pointing against the blouse material. Then he took my nipple into his mouth, sucking at me through my blouse. That felt sexy for me.
        While doing this, his other hand was on my thigh, pulling my skirt up and he ran up my leg towards my pussy. I gave a gasp as he touched my wet cunt.
        “So horny, aren’t you?” he said in my ear. “Shaved pussy, nice too.”
        “You like me shaved?” I asked him again.
        “A nice surprise. I love it.”
        I smiled back at him and gave him a hard kiss on the lips.
        Both hands were back on my tits now, feeling and playing again before going to the buttons in the centre. Soon my blouse was open and my breasts were bare but I notice he didn’t attempt to take it off just allowing it to hang loosely from my shoulders. Instead, he was reaching down for my skirt again, pulling it up to my waist so my pussy was bare too. His hand returning to rub me there, fingers along my lips and even pressing into me.
        By now I had discovered a very hard cock too. Taking him, gripping him with my hand, I began pumping him. Meanwhile, he was trying to bend to suck my nipples again. This time it was be mouth against bare skin.
        With what his fingers were doing to my cunt and his mouth was doing to my tits, this girl was getting very horny for him. I was developing the idea of wanting him. Wanting the full sex with him. 
       Still holding his cock, taking him with both hands, I slipped down, onto my knees. He looked so hard and handsome. I love holding a cock when it is so hard. The erection is so rigid, like a rod, feeling warm too. I like how I can wrap my fingers around it and my hands slide with the skin as I pump him. Add a bit of soap and it really feels nice for him.
       Usually, the way I do it with both hands, one pumping the shaft and the other either rubbing over the head or playing with his balls. I like to work him up like this then even take him to my mouth but tonight I had other plans for his cock.
       “Kalki, that feels so good,” he gasped.
       I smiled at that. Pleased that I knew what he liked.
       But I also had to be careful too. I wanted him to feel good but not good enough to cum. It was going well and I realised he was beginning to build.
       I stopped, standing up. I wanted to leave the shower and he would turn off the water to follow me. My plan was to allow him to strip the wet clothes from me, dry each other off then leave for the bedroom. This time I was intended to not try in the bathroom or any other room, instead, doing it properly by going for our bed.
        But before I could leave, he grabbed me, forcing me against the shower wall as he kissed me aggressively. I could feel he was getting ready to try it in the shower. Normally I  would be ok for that, but not today.
        “No Hamza, not here,” I told him.
        “What?” he goes, a bit surprised.
        I suddenly realised my refusal may have annoyed him.
        “Tonight is special, I explained. I want the sex special too.”
        “Oh, I thought we could…..”
        But I had pushed him back and reached for the door. When he tried to fuck me in the shower, I told him the bed was the best place. He stopped and looked to me for a moment and then said, “Come on then. Let’s go.”
        That had been a difficult moment, a stand-off between us I didn’t want. I was pleased it had resolved so easy. 
        We left the shower and he removed the rest of my clothes, dropping them on the floor of the bathroom. We dried each other with a bit more feeling and playing each and then left for our bedroom.

        I was so ready for his cock by this time I lay back on the bed. I am thinking he was very ready for me too. As I rested back against the pillows his body came down on top of mine. There was no attempt by either of us for fore playing, it was just going straight into the sex. With what had been happening all evening, then what we did in the shower, I think enough playing had been done.
        I felt as his body rested between my opened thighs. There was the moment where his cock was looking to the right place and then he slipped into me. I was wet so it was easy for him. The head of his cock pressed against me with my pussy stretching to open for him. I found he was easy to slip into me and going in very deep. 
        This girl was so ready for that. So ready to feel my cunt being filled by him. As he began to move it felt even better. Hamza is good at this because he realizes I need time to build up before we can go for it. Those few moments of taking things slower make all the difference for both of us. Then we can go for it. Go for the gold you can be saying. LOL
        So, this was what he did. Slowly but long strokes. Going in very deep each time before pulling almost out. I have to be careful not to move much as he might slip right out which would be annoying for both of us. But he didn’t, just those lovely long strokes to get us ready for the real fucking to follow.
        I gave him an upward hump with my pelvis which is our signal I am ready. Now, be began to speed up a bit, taking shorter but harder thrusts as me. The hardness of his cock driving down between my pussy lips. I liked the way it felt as it slipping in and out. Feeling amazing and I came to know he was going to get me off.
        I was sure with his sexual state, he would get there too. I also knew he would try to make it so we orgasmed together or me just slightly before him. That one always had the best results for both of us.
        The fucking continued and he was taking me roughly now. Men can be so strong and powerful when they are sexually aroused. It is exciting to be with them and experience their body in action like this. 
        But soon my mind was being taken but something else. My orgasm was approaching. I knew of this. I could feel the beginnings with my clitty being excited by his cock working inside me. I know within moments he would send me over.
        “Cum for me,” he breathed into my ear. 
        “Ohhh!” I gasped.
        “Cum for me,” he said again. “Then I’m going to cum in you.”
        “Ahhhh!” I cried out.
        “My cock is going to fill your cunt with my man-seed.”
        I gave a cry, my pelvis jerked up against him and I cum. The feelings exploded from my clitty and swept through my body. I wiggled around under him and bucked against him but his weight was more than mine and he held on top of me. Even managed to make a few final strokes to get himself off too.
         That had been good. Great for both of us.

        We lay beside each other for a while as we recovered our breath. 
        “Do you want to, again?” he asked.
        “We can do.”
        “You looked so good tonight. So hot. So sexy.”
        “Thanks,” I said, squeezing his hand.
        “I was so hard in the restaurant.”
        “Were you?”
        “My cock almost bursting from my trousers.”
        I giggled at that. “Maybe I should have got under and giving you the sucking.”
        “Maybe you should have.”
        I giggled again. “That would make people watch.”
        “Then I would throw you on the table, pull up your skirt and fuck you.”
        “Like you are going to do now?”
        “Yes, Kalki. Like now.”
        So, we did it again. I know you might say boring to us using the same way again but I think the need for the sex was greater than the need for variety. Again, the sex was strong and energetic. I think because our needs were still strong for each other. Almost from the start he was going faster and using much of his strength.
        But being the second time that night I was more comfortable for it too. It didn’t take us long before we were both enjoying and both getting close. It was at this time that he introduced some more fantasy into our fun.
       “Wearing no panties in the restaurant,” he said.
       “Yes,” I replied.
       “Getting horny, knowing how naughty you are.”
       “Yes, did you like that, Hamza?”
        “Loved it. Made me horny for you.”
        “Then you sitting... within the taxi... Skirt so short. Only I knew nothing was underneath.”
        “There was something underneath.”
        He stopped and looked at me.
        “My pussy was underneath,” I giggled.
        But his mind was on continuing his story, not making the jokes.
        “I got out of the car and then it was your turn.”
        My body gave a hump at him as I knew what he would say next. I also could hear in his voice. He was as turned on by this as I was by his story. Almost there too, I think.
       “You get out… Open your legs wide… Your skirt pulled up.”
       My body was trembling with excitement now.
       “No panties… No panties under…”
       I gave a deep moan at that. The thought was sexy to think.
       “He could see you… See your pussy… See your bare cunt…”
       “Ahhhh,” I called out. 
       “You were showing your cunt to the driver…”
       That was it for me. The thought of that taxi driving seeing me. My pussy shaven bare. Him seeing my bare cunt sent me over into my cum.
       Somewhere in the mists of my orgasm, my mind realised he had stopped too. He was cumming deep inside me. 
       We rolled apart, exhausted and soaking with sweat. 
       “Oh, wow! Kalki,” he gasped.
       “Yes,” I managed to say. “That was good.”
       “Not good. Great! Awesome sex!”
       That made me giggle again. But it was true. It was an awesome sex.

       We lay there for a few moments recovering and then we had to get up. While I quickly changed the sheets, he headed for a shower. Soon I joined him and we showered together but mostly just cleaning this time.
       Back in bed, I rested against him, my leg over his thigh and my breasts pressed to him. AS my head rested on his shoulder he was talking to me. His saying gentle love things to me but I am sorry, this girl crashed and was very soon asleep. 
       Next morning, I awoke to find the bed empty. There was a smell of cooking and not bothering to dress, I went down to find him almost finished cooking breakfast. I sat and watched his last preparations as he would now allow me to enter the cooking area. 
       Then we sat to enjoy together. He was dressed and ready for his work and I, myself still being naked. 
       When he was gone, I returned to the bedroom for my clothes and to clean up from our amazing evening. Picking up the sheets thrown aside in the bedroom and my wet clothes still where they were thrown in the bathroom I returned to them clothing washroom. Then I began the other housework for my day.
       As I did this, I thought about our evening. It had gone very well and this girl was happy.


  1. Wow! A big improvement on Story 287. I loved the way we followed Kalki's day as she developed her plans for the evening. I think that part of the story was as good as the sex scene. You captured the anticipation of her evening and made that the central theme of your story. I got the feeling that the sex in the end was just like the icing on the cake.

    1. Love the story Kim. You take us on the journey following Kalki through her day. I loved reading about the struggle she was having. Can I do this? etc. She was certainly pushing her comfort zone.
      Liked the photo of you too Kim.

    2. Oh this was a good one. I enjoyed the detailed build-up as Kalki went through the various stages of getting ready to go out. Three cums along the way and then two more when they got back from the restaurant.

    3. As Moa said under the Background Notes, you got into Kalki's head and explored her thoughts and feelings. This gave us an interesting view of this young woman. Notice her husband liked it too.

    4. Love your writing. You captured my interest.

    5. Good to see you guys writing so many stories. The lockdown helped I think.
      Enjoyed this story. I thought following Kalki through her day was a good way of approaching their evening together.

  2. When you read both Story 237 with this on Story 238 there is a difference which make them hard to compare. I think the sexy scene is better in the first series but the build-up is better in this story. Both give insight into Kalki's personality but this goes further because she is going further outside her comfort zone. She says she intends not acting as a normal woman would.

    1. Eileen and I agree.
      The sex was better in the first Story 237. Much more detailed.
      But I must add that the fantasy sex, reliving what happened with the taxi driver works for me too.
      Eileen often gets a scene from these stories and we do a fantasy session. That works well for me too. LOL.
      Simon & Eileen.

    2. In Story 237, something goes wrong in the bathroom and Kilki missed out.
      In this story, notice how she insisted they go for the bedroom first. Clever girl.

    3. We noticed that too. Something did change between these stories and Kalki was determined to take the sex to the bedroom. Hamza was wise to go along with it too.
      Brian & Julie.

  3. The main attraction of this story has to be the leading up to Kalki's dinner date with Hamza. You take us through how she forms and develops her plans until she reaches something she knows will excite her husband. All the time is that debate going on in her mind - Is this sexy enough? Can I be bold enough to do it?
    That insight into her thinking was what I enjoyed. The thrill of doing something daring is mostly in the head. Sometimes it is carefully planned with the thought of 'What I am going to do.' Other times it is the sudden impulse to do something daring. Sort of the thrill of anticipation against the thrill of doing something impulsive. You have captured both in this story.

    1. Good story sexy, fun and got that personal factor too.

    2. Are the two people in this story named after anyone?

  4. You have the skill of a good story teller, Kim. I could see a lot of Anne in this story. She likes to develop a story, lead us along until we reach the climax at the end. You did that too.
    I was caught by Kalki, how she was planning her evening with her husband Hamza. I thought it was clever how you took us into her thoughts. We saw the fear of going way outside of her comfort zone, waited against the thrill of doing something totally sexy. In the end, the totally sexy won but it was an enlightning journey getting there.
    The sex scene that followed, was good, not the best I've read here but then I have the impression that the sex scene was not the main propose of this story. I think the true climax came earlier when Kalki flashed her bare pussy to the taxi driver and Hamza saw her do it. That was the turning point of this story, that is what I believe you intended.
    Thanks Kim.
    James & Raviprabha.
