Tuesday 7 April 2020

Story 235 Background.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 235.

Hello everyone.
        Deanna, a new face on the block. Well, more exactly an old face comes back again. See Letter 81 Nude Bull Rush. She is sexy, cheeky and likes to flirt. Oh, she has big tits too, in case any of you hadn't realised that. Recently, she and her husband, Simon had decided to try a bit of couple swapping. The second man outside her marriage turned out to be an Indian man, Brian.
       I knew the fictional Brian was fairly closely based on the real Brian so I decided I needed to go over to his and Julie's house to do some more research on him. I spoke to Julie on the phone and she said she needed to do some research on Allan too. Bring him along too. LOL. You can all see where this is going, can't you?
       After the kids went to bed it became a bit 'hot' in front of the fireplace. Not the fire either as it was summer. At one point I was doing a hot 69 with Julie when the two guys joined in too. While Brian began fucking me, Allan started fucking Julie. Soon the two guys decided to swap so now Allan was fucking me and Brian was fucking his wife Julie. It was only just after the swapped yet again that things began to happen with orgasms all round.
      Then they got me on the rug and while Julie and Allan were sucking my nipples, Brian began playing with my pussy. First eating me and then fucking me. Oh, that was good, another two cums for me.
      We split up after that and while Allan went to bed with Julie, I took Brian, to continue my research another couple of times. Great night I won't forget for a while.

      Researching done, now came the writing of this story. I decided to make if fairly short, really not much more than an intense sex scene. But then others got in on the action. Shanti seemed to have her teeth into this topless boating thing and so a section was added to the front of my story. Allan did a lot of improvement in my conversations which lengthened the story too. Ayaka wanted to do some sex beside the fire but that was a problem since we couldn't have a fire. Fire restrictions because it was so dry. See Story 232 Kai Iwi Lakes - Bull-RushAyaka and I wrote that sex scene beside the lamp instead. Finally, Reshma added that a new ending with Mega joining into the fun. Not sure that does much for the story but now it's there so it's staying.
       So now we have a much longer story that was written by me with lots of help from my friends. But they all made it better and that works for me. Hope for you too.
                                        Love Sexy Sue.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 235.


  1. Susan with some help from her friends. I like that.
    Often a team effort makes a better story but have said that you've delivered some good ones yourself, Sexy Sue.
    We don't call you that name for nothing you know.

    1. I think many of these stories are team efforts but they usually come up with great short stories. Then when they are all put together the whole project is huge. I wonder which country and who will be involved in the next stories.
      I have not kept up with thing recently because being in the hospital sector you will understand the hours are long as we are all very busy. My part of the hospital is full with patients moved to make room for any COVIS 19 patients.

    2. I think that more recently, not many stories have been written by only one person. Most are joint efforts with more of us writers involved. This does help make good stories as well as taking the load off one person.
      I think the only exception recently would have been your Story 231 Horny Hirohiko. Maybe one or two Anne did might qualify too.

  2. Kia ora - my naughty friends.
    Ah - Susan again. Good to see you behaved yourself this time without teasing our dear readers.

    So I understand from you notes above that you set out to create an intense sex scene. Yes, you achieved that. A long scene, detailed too. I like how the pace changes as things become more intense. Well done guys.
    Conversation is good but there was a lot of it. Watch you don't over do it.

    While the boat trip at the front was important as it pulled Deanna into having sex with Brian. I question the worth of including Mega's visit at the end.
    The thing that stands out the most for me was the character development of Deanna. Deanna is someone I didn't know so I needed more about her. You delivered on this. I enjoyed her hesitation and indecision. You took her out of her comfort zone by going topless on the boat. But she seemed more comfortable having sex with Brian that shows while she is with a new and different sexual partner, she still was confident of her own sexual skills. These skills were shown as the story progressed.

    Last night I sent you a list of 22 things you could improve. Of those only 5 were actual mistakes. Good work. I noticed you have either taken or rejected the rest. I am pleased you took that part where Deanna and Simon were fucking while she was telling him about her going topless on the boat. That works much better now. You may wish to do even more with that bit. Try reading it out loud and see what you come up with.

    So as I see it, that is all from me,
    My regards to everyone.
    Kia kaha,

    1. Hello Susan.
      I am with my gran (Moa) during the lockdown. I was sent down here to look after her. So when she found this story I got to read it too. I sat out on the veranda yesterday as she read the story out loud and was looking for mistakes. It is interesting how she does this each time for you.
      A sexy story, and I was captured by it. Your adventures continue with new ideas coming. I and my partner are strong followers of this blog.

  3. Hey guys,
    Can you make a little correction in your story for me please?
    After Deanna get off the boat she is sitting watching Simon and Mega swimming. She says that was after lunch. Further down she says she was about to go off with Brian when Shanti called them for lunch. Doesn't sound right and is a problem for my story.

    1. Ok done that. Shanti was called them for an afternoon game with the kids.
      Does that work for you, James.
      Looking forward to seeing your story soon too. Thanks for picking this one up. I really enjoyed your first story so hoping this will be good too. If you need more time, then take it. Don't rush to publish too quickly. Mary is following you with a huge five part story so she could do with more time too.
      Sexy Sue.

    2. Thanks Susan, works well.
      I didn't think of doing it that way.

    3. I hear you are writing the next story James. How is it going? If you need any help be sure to ask us.
      When you finish, please email it to me and I will be doing the publishing for you this time.

  4. While I enjoyed learning about Deanna, I missed reading more about Simon.
