Hi from Shandra,
"Different but very nice!" That was a title suggested at the Writer's Meeting so I wanted to use it if I could. The story was a basic one where a younger Indian woman, Sairu, goes off for some quick sex with an older European man, Farmer Tom. But the first problem was this man has been written as having a very small cock. My second challenge from this title was that it referred back to an earlier story (Story 203 Naughty Farmer) where a younger woman Kalki, went off with this same man.
I realised there was the danger of making it the same, just a repeat of the earlier story using a different woman. I knew I could wrap it up with a different story and different conversations but I felt something different had to be done with the sex too. So there was my goal for this story, come up with something "Different but very nice."
First I read that other story again. Susan had written it and done a pretty good job of it too. Of course, since it was Susan, mine had to be better! Next, I did some research on both characters.
Tom, an older man but still a cheeky fellow. He had an eye from the ladies and as has been mentioned a number of times, wandering hands. He is a farmer, so is fitter and stronger than he looks and of course, has this tiny cock. Tom is named after a friend of ours, also called Tom, a regular reader of this blog and also 'blessed'with a tiny cock. He tells us sex is not very successful so he mainly uses oral while we wrote about our Tom as if he could achieve some kind of sexual intercourse but was only in Story 203 that we revealed how he does it.
Now Sairu, a younger Indian woman, fairly new character, and fairly new to the sexual activities we use in our stories. She has an interest in the white visitors from Australia and New Zealand and was keen to get as much action with them as she could. In Story 191 Part One, the first time she meets and talks with Steve from New Zealand online, she ends up doing an exciting cam strip with him. In story 195 Part Three, during the party at the Big House after the wedding, she sneaks off with Jeremy, the best man, for some sex in a bedroom. So she is capable and open for naughty fun too.
With this background behind me, I began to write. The story turned out Ok. I was not really happy with it and the sex scene seemed to let it down. I was beginning to stall so I called Susan and Anne in for a look.
Susan went straight for the sex scene, filling that part of my story with ideas and notes which I built into the current sex scene as published. The difference being Tom got Sairu off with his hands rather than using any oral on her pussy. In the actual sex, Susan suggested a different way, slightly different positions and a good result for both of them.
Anne went over the story, first adding and strengthing conversation. It was at this point that the running theme "silly girl" was added. Next came the part where Payam was laughing at his wife for going with Tom. That annoyed her too. I worked on the doubts, second thoughts, Sairu had about Tom. I even added where he guessed how she was thinking and laughed about it.
So there it is. Not so much from personal experience this time but I think we got there in the end. Go read it, everyone!
Shandra, Anne & Susan.