Thursday 10 December 2015

Story 170 Shanti’s Hideaway.

Index of Letters         Story 170 Background         Back to Story 169   

Hi from New Zealand, it is Shanti again.
       It was coming into winter in New Zealand and the weather was at its usual cold windy worst. Mike had just been away in Japan for three weeks buying cars, leaving me to look after the kids. I was talking with Sharon at the gym one day and she said Steve was going to India on business and she was going too.
       “And what sort of business are you going for?” I asked her with a giggle.
       “Well hopefully lots of naughty business,” she laughed back.
       When I said I wish I was going too and she replied that I was welcome to go with them.
       When I mentioned it to Mike that night he was happy with the idea. “Well why don’t you?” he asked. “I can take care of things here. The kids will be OK as Lizamoa, Mega and your mum will be happy to help out.”
       As he talked I was warming to the idea. Later that evening I rang Sharon and told her I wanted to come. She was pleased and said, “It will be fun having four of us girls going together.”
      “Why four?” I asked.
      “Well after you left the gym this morning Lizamoa and Mega turned up. I got talking to them and told them you were thinking about coming with me. I have just got off the phone from talking with Mega. Both she and Liz are coming too.”
      “Oh wow!” I said. “This will be a fun trip.”
      “Yes, it will. Watch out India,” she laughed. “With four horny girls on the loose.”
      “When I turned around and told Mike, he had a few smart remarks to make about that too.
       So much for Lizamoa and Mega looking after our kids. Lizamoa was taking her oldest boy with her so I decided to take Kathy too. The other kids would be looked after by Mike who was going to work part-time while I was away. Of course, mum and Greeshma were going to help as well. I think in the end they both moved to where the kids were. Greeshma went to stay with Joseph and mum came to stay with Mike.
       To add to it, suddenly Jenny decided to join us with the twins. And that is how it worked out; five of us girls going with Steve.

Story 170 Background

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 170 

                                                                                        Posted by Anne.
        We must go back a long way with this story. This Game Reserve has been in the stories almost from the beginning. It all started in Letter 14 Nude Photography by the Lake. When Shanti and Mike first visited India they all went to the Game Reserve and had some sexy fun besides a pretty little lake. (Letter 49 – Nude Picnic Beside the Lake.) When they went back a few weeks later with the other New Zealanders they found a very large crocodile had taken up residence there. The outcome of this is that Shanti ended up shooting the crocodile. (Letter 54 – Crocodile Hunter.)
        Later Mootie establishes a tourist attraction where people could view the wildlife while remaining hidden. He tells Joseph about this and sends photos of a life-size Shanti sitting on the stuffed Crocodile. (Story 84  - A New Visitor Centre.) When Shanti sees the photos she gives Mootie cheek by asking if he but a bikini on the life-size model like she had been wearing when she shot the crocodile. Mootie replies it worse than that there is nothing under the model’s shirt and shorts. Shanti ends by saying if she had been there she would have posed wearing nothing but her gun and a smile. (Emails 86 – What is She Wearing Underneath?)

        So a long time later we pick up this story-line again when Shanti finally gets back to India again and Mootie reminds her of her promise to pose nude on the crocodile. Read the story to find out what happens next.

       Ahh! The ghost of the crocodile. You'll have to ask Ayaka about that. I'm sure she will know something.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 170 

Friday 4 December 2015

Story 169 Opening Volume 12 (Admin).

Index of Letters         Story 169 Background         Back to Story 168  

Hi from Amita.
       During the last volume we have seen the sexy nude camping, and then what happened to Katrina and Jeevan in their trip to Perth. There have been some sexy stories written and another awesome volume made. (I like that word ‘awesome.’ Must use it more often.)
       Now it is time for me to open this new volume with the special binders Shanti has sent to you. There have never been so many copies of Letters as there is now. Our mailing list has grown to cover our friends in New Zealand, Australia and of course here in India. I want to say welcome to our friends from Perth; David, Donald & Paula and not forgetting Jeremy and Joyce.
      This story is not going to be very sexy. Just an opening story, setting things up for the next series.

Story 169 Background.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 169

                                                                                        Posted by Ayaka.
        At this point, the Writers Team decided we need to stop and plan where Letters was going through this next volume. Many letters needed to be written and lots of planning needed doing. At an important Writer’s Meeting, many changes were made that would affect the direction of the Letter Project.

        It was at this meeting that Anne asked for one of us to take over running the Letters Project. This was a surprise as Anne had been the driving force from the very start. Anyway, the outcome is that I am running things so Anne can get out into some future stories.
        My job is to make sure we stay on our weekly publishing schedule, make sure each story is checked and prepared for my sister Asami to publish. I have also got two ladies to read every story from the very beginning and proofreading each story looking for mistakes and possible improvements. This is going well with over half the blog covered now.

       This, in some ways, reflects the current situation with writers. We felt yes needed to stop and plan where things were going. As a result of the few meetings I then prepared this story to introduce some new themes to the series.
       First I wanted to lay out a background for futures stories surrounding the wedding, then I wanted to create opportunities for different people to get away and have fun. This is where this exporting company plays a role. First it provided money for the people involved and secondly, it provides trips to visit other countries.  

       So now we open this volume with Katrina returning to India and preparations beginning for the big event. As I write this the plan is to place the wedding at the end of this volume but with Letters, it all can be changed, right up to the moment the publishing button is pushed.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 169

Friday 27 November 2015

Story 168 I Strike Gold at a Gold Mine.

The last story of this series comes from me -  Katrina.
          I could not understand why Jeevan had suddenly decided to stay and change our travel arrangements like he did. As far as I knew our business was completed here and there was nothing else to do, certainly nothing that would take almost 3 more days. I asked Jeevan what were his plans for the next few days and he was rather vague. Something about taking a break here and spending a few extra days with Donald. Some special training for Donald and Paula he told me. Is the training taking place into the office or into the bedroom, Jeevan?
         So it seems I was stuck here too. Not that I really minded as it meant I’d spend another few days with David. So that was good in fact you could say I was very pleased with how things were turning out. Just couldn’t understand why?

Story 168 Background.

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                                                                                        Posted by Kim.
        Now we come to the most important story in this section of Letters. Katrina goes to a small gold mining town in the middle of the Australian Outback. There she meets David’s family in this dusty little town and sees where David grew up.
        I had to add in something naughty so they went swimming with David's sister and two brothers. It was easy to add a railway bridge over the pool where they were swimming nude. You can see where I’m going with this. Where there is a railway, eventually there will be a train. Trains have engine drivers and I think Katrina knew this too. Now what she didn’t know was that these big ore trains had helpers at the back, with another driver. He was watching for her. Yes, she got caught!

        Later they are sitting naked beside a stream after skinny dipping with David, his sister and two brothers were there too. There, in front of his family members, David does something that changes the whole course of the Letters series. He adds another chapter to a storyline that began way back in Volume Five with links going even further back into Volume Four.

        What does he do? He gets down on his knee and asks Katrina to marry him. Proposing in the nude, I suppose it might have been done before but you must admit, it’s a bit different. 

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 168 

Friday 20 November 2015

Story 167 One Hot Night - Part Two.

Part Two  - Fun with Donald.

Hi from Katrina
         When I discovered I would be swapping partners I realized I would get to be with Donald for the night. I had no problem with this as since he would be part of our group. What I was wondering was, what would this be like with a man as old as him. He was much older than Sarvesh or Jeevan, in fact even older than my very own father. I was thinking; would sex be good with him? But then I was thinking that whatever happened I was going to make the very best and do my best to make it work out well.
         I had known he was interested in me from the day we first arrived here. When he grabbed my bum I told him he was a naughty boy. But it surprised me he did even more and grasped my pussy through that tight dress. When he said he would like to be naughty with me, even in front of his wife, I knew something between was possible but just I didn’t know David’s feelings on this matter.

Story 167 Part Two Background.

 Index of Letters                      Return to Story 167 Part Two 

                                                                               Posted by Shandra & Rajah.
Hi from Rajah.
         Last week we told you how this sexy evening came about. We then went on to tell you what happened with Jeevan and Paula. Now we have been building up the sexual attraction, sexual tension between Donald and Katrina. It is very obvious they are both interested in each other so now we had the chance to explore this interesting possibility of an older man with a lot young sexy woman. He had even felt her bum and pussy through her dress and told her he wanted to be naughty with her.
        I’m not sure Donald got off to a good start by tearing the sheets off her and throwing ice cold water over her naked body but I think he made up for it with his special breakfast. They did have fun after breakfast but Katrina was concerned that he didn’t cum.

        As I said above, one idea we wanted to explore in this story was the idea of an older man having sex with a younger girl. Men do change as they get older and their sexual performance changes too. We wanted to teach Katrina this too while at the same time making her a more skilled lover in bed. She took advice from Amita but I’m not sure if it was as good as she hoped. Anyway, in the end, things didn't go how Katrina expected.

        Go read the story. See how it works out.

 Index of Letters                      Return to Story 167 Part Two 

Friday 13 November 2015

Story 167 One Hot Night – Part One

Part One - Fun with Paul.
Jeevan here.
         Our stay in Perth was almost over. A lot had been achieved; it was well worth us coming. I know Sarvesh was pleased with the feedback we’d sent to him. We’d put Donald in charge here and with the funds we’d put in, he’d done well, built a strong, robust, well-managed operation now.
         A couple of days after we arrived, Donald approached me about extending our stay. At first, I was against it. I wanted to get back to India, back to the business there. He put a strong case and I could see a lot more could be achieved with us staying longer. I spoke to Sarvesh and he agreed that it was worth me extending my stay. I don’t need to add that Katrina had no problems with it at all.
         The one problem for Katrina was that David had to fly to Sydney for an overnight business trip. Donald tried to get her on this trip too but it was too late to change flight bookings. Finally, it was decided she would stay with us in Perth while David went on by himself. Of course, any plans that Katrina had of a relaxing two days were quickly shattered when Donald got her out of bed and into the office. He quickly gave her some work to do too.
         She had a very long meeting with the warehouse manager, the outcome of which we are trialling a different shipping company for our shipments between Australia and New Zealand. Good work, Katrina! This new company seems to be working out well.

Story 167 Part One Background

    Index of Letters                      Return to Story 167 

                                                                           Posted by Shandra & Rajah.
Hi from Shandra.
         While Allan & Anne were working on the Rottnest Island stories, my husband Rajah and I were working on two stories of our own. Originally they were intended to be just one story in two short parts but it soon became apparent that two complete stories would be required.
        In my story when they come home from the office, it becomes very clear that Paula is ready for another night of fun with Jeevan. I don’t know if it was because he was Indian or just the idea of being with another man but she really was hot for him.
        As we have seen in other stories, Jeevan is into large breasts and slow sex. Well, Paula provided the large breasts but the sex she wanted wasn’t exactly slow. Anyway, it went well and they both had fun. Then she took him again, this time with her on top. This time the sex was slow and steady, just how Jeevan likes it and again they both got off.
       Well, that is about all of this story, really just one big sex scene. The sex was good but perhaps, in my rush towards publishing, I didn’t do as well as I could have. I think with more time I could have developed it a lot more.

       In the end, we had to leave it but I think you will get the idea that their night together went well. 

Index of Letters                Return to Story 167

Friday 6 November 2015

Story 166 Rottnest Island – Part Two.

Index of Letters         Story 166 Background         Back to Story 165  

        Next morning broke fine and clear, after another beautiful sunrise. We had been talking about them taking me to a smaller nearby island off the coast of this main island. The plan was to hire canoes to go there then do some relaxing on the beach, snorkelling over the reefs and swimming while we were there. I was excited with this as I was unable to try these activities at the resort as I couldn’t swim. Now that was changed when I had become the good swimming with practice at the pool in India. 
         The canoes were a bit rocky; Jeremy had to hold it while I entered it. Once I was sitting it seemed better but still, I had to be careful so not to lean over the boat too far. They showed me how to use the stick they called a paddle. It had no top end, just a blade at each end. You dip it to the water one side then dip it to the water on the other. It was a little canoe so with little force I could push along very easy.
         We went out along the coast of the bay and around the rocky headland. Across the next bay, there was another headland of rocks and a short space of water to the small island. Once we were away from the main beach Jeremy was cheeky to me.
         “Get your tits out, Katrina.”
         “How do you know I am wanting that one?”
         “I’m sure you do.”
         “You are very sure.”
         “You did on the beach yesterday.”
         “But that was only the photos.”
         “Well let me take some photos here.”
         The other two were a bit away in their canoes. Now they caught us up. They had heard what we had been talking. Now they joined in.
         “Come on, Katina,” Joyce said. “Let do some topless canoeing?”
         She reached behind and undid her top, dropping it down into the canoe in front of her. Quickly I did the same so soon two sets of breasts were showing.
        “The scenery around here has suddenly got a lot better,” David said smiling.
        “Sure has,” Jeremy agreed.
        Naughty boys! 

Story 166 Background.

                                                                               Posted by Anne & Allan.
Allan here.
         Well after Ayaka’s sexy night scene we still had these couples on the island for another day. There was a reason for this as I wanted them, particularly Katrina to enjoy some water activities she had missed out on at the resort.
         So first she needed to be able to swim? No problem! Quickly swimming lessons back in India were invented so she could swim.
        I wanted to go into some detail of their swimming and snorkelling but Anne had other ideas. She wanted them to get into some more good sex together. I put aside my ideas to help her with the big sex scene of this story. 

Anne here.
        Now Ayaka has a has already covered how these two couples swapped partners and even had sex in front of each other so that began to cut down the options we could use. Then we hit upon a three-some. What if Joyce asked about doing that? So that sort of set the theme for the story. Of course, they had four people so we had to keep the fourth person involved too, either play with themselves while watching or by joining in.
        Then it was suggested in a writers meeting that we go further and get the two girls into a hot 69 session too. Before we wrote that, one night my friend Shandra invited Allan and I over for dinner. That night it was just the four of us, two couples.
        We began talking about the new addition to my story and the subject of what would the men be doing while the two girls were having their 69. One idea was that they may wank-off and cum over the girls on the ground in front of them. A sexy idea but I wanted more.
       Then Rajah made a game-changing suggestion. “Why don’t the guys join in?”
       We discussed how this might happen. It became a very interesting discussion as different possibilities were explored and either developed or dropped. Finally, we settled on the boys joining in while the girls continued with their 69. I wasn’t sure this was physically possible with the girls in this position but Rajah insisted that it was.
        All this sex talk was beginning to get to me now. Suddenly I challenged him to show me. He stopped and looked at me for a minute then smiled. We quickly established that the other two were willing to help too and soon all four of us were stripping our clothes off.
        I got into a 69 with Shandra, with me on top. We didn’t do much just lick each other a few times before we invited the guys to join in. It was easy for Rajah to enter me with some help from his wife rubbing me, getting me wet and opening my pussy lips for him.
       At the other end, it wasn’t going so well. See with Shandra’s pussy being so close to the ground and my head being in the way, Allan was having trouble entering her. Finally, the only solution was for me to shift back and give him some room. This meant I could only use my fingers to touch her. It also changed things at the other end as now my pussy was out of reach of her mouth too so she had to use her fingers too.
        But it worked in that all four of us got off. Not good sex, but we all got off even if some of us didn’t get those intense orgasms we all enjoy.
        So yes the scene has been tested and it does work although I don’t recommend it as the best way you can have sex.

Friday 30 October 2015

Story 165 Jeremy & Joyce.

Index of Letters         Story 165 Background         Back to Story 164  

David here.
        We stayed overnight on Rottnest Island with Joyce and Jeremy sharing a two bedroom beach front unit with us at the Geordie Bay. I was sitting on the deck with Joyce and we were watching Katrina and Jeremy down on the beach where he had taken her to get some photographs. They were supposed to be photographing the beach and ocean but now they were photographing each other, well mainly he was photographing her. She soon had taken her shorts and T-shirt off and was posing in her bikini. Naughty girl, Katrina! Showing off for Jeremy, were you?
        “Katrina is a lovely girl,” Joyce said.
        “Yes,” I agreed.
        “She’s hot too.”
        I just nodded, not sure where this was going.
        “She’s bold too. Look at her down there now.”
        Right there on the beach in front of all the holiday units, she now had her top off while he was still taking photographs of her bare-breasted.
        “Yes, she is,” I replied.
        “Jeremy likes her too.”
        “Does he?”
        I could sort of see that!
        “I think he wouldn’t mind trying with her too.”
        “You mean…….?”
        “Yes David, we swap. You get me, I know you’ve wanted me too…… Jeremy gets Katrina…. You stay with me tonight….. And we’ll make a night of it.”
        Wow! I didn’t expect that. Well, not Joyce coming out and saying it so boldly like that. The offer was tempting too. I’d seen Joyce naked enough and had wondered what she’d be like. She is a couple of years older than me but still a hot sexy lady.
       Just that afternoon I’d watched her fucking Jeremy on the nude beach. That had been sexy to see her too. The fact that she continued, knowing we were watching surprised me too. Yes, I wouldn’t say no to a night with her too.
        I wondered about Katrina. I knew she had other sex partners. She’s openly told me she’d fucked Jeevan in Singapore. And she seemed to be getting on well with Jeremy now. She had also made it clear she was interested in my Uncle Paul too. It was my guess she’d be OK with Jeremy as well. But I decided the best idea was to talk with Katrina first. I told Joyce this and she seemed happy with my reply. I suppose she thought she had it in the bag, knowing Katrina.

Story 165 Background

                                                                 Posted by Ayaka.
       Halfway through the Rottnest Island story, we decided to put Katrina and Jeremy together which also meant David got to be with Joyce. Since Allan and Anne were struggling with the main Rottnest Island story, I agreed to do this short one for them.
       At a writers meeting, the first one I ran, it was decided to break their story in half and insert mine in between like they spent a night on the island. It has worked out well. 

       Now, what would these four people do? My sister Asami, suggested that Katrina didn’t really know Jeremy that well, so she might be a bit nervous. I then took this to mean they were all a bit nervous about partner swapping.
        Since Katrina is the most experienced with this she would most likely be looked to as leading so she suggests they play a game to get them naked and ready for swapping. I then took this further until they actually ended up having sex in front of each other. I turned this into a great sex scene, the main scene of this story without putting too much into the sex each couple had later in their separate rooms.
        Later Kim and Susan both had a go at it too, improving and adding further detail. It now works well for me. Hope you guys like it too. 


Friday 23 October 2015

Story 164 Rottnest Island – Part One.

Index of Letters         Story 164 Background         Back to Story 163  

Hi, from Katrina as I continue telling of our Perth adventures.
        We had to work for the first few days. I went in with David and visited their office and warehouse. The first day I wore my white blouse and black skirt. I finished it off with a sleeveless jacket and boots almost to my knee. Yes, I knew I looked hot, even David had told me so as he watched me getting dressed.
        Later in the morning, he took me on the tour of the warehouse. We viewed the next two containers being loaded for India and a large amount of produce being prepared for a shipment to New Zealand. We also saw a shipment of flowers that had just arrived from Singapore. They were in a hurry to get them dispatched to local flower shops.
        For a moment I noticed some of the men were looking at me, how do you say – ‘checking me out’. I thought to be embarrassed when I made my mind to carry on and not be worried. I decided that they would be impressed with me and think David was good to have me. I’m not sure our full relationship was disclosed to them; just I was travelling as a secretary of one of the big managers.   

Story 164 Background

                                                                               Posted by Anne & Allan.
Hi, Allan here.
       Once a long time ago I saw a video about Rottnest Island. It showed two girls swimming naked in crystal clear water. That scene of only a few minutes has always left an impression on me. I’ve had a fascination with this island.
       Susan used to live in Perth so she told us more about it, then when she got in contact with her father again, Susan and Anne got to visit Perth and see Rottnest Island. Finally, back in June 2015, my dream came true and I got to visit this island too. I also saw two beautiful girls, a Japanese and a European (Anne & Susan) swimming naked in crystal clear water. Fantasy realised! 

Anne now.
       For a few years now, ever since Donald and Paula came into the Letters Story it has been our intention to do some stories around Rottnest Island. One of the reasons Katrina went to Perth was so we could write one of these stories but then things didn’t go according to plan.
        I had my second child then things got busy with the farm. Many other stories were started include others set during this trip to Perth so I had to limit the size of this Rottnest Island story. In the end, I got Allan to help and we did a fairly good job. With publishing now rushing up we don’t have much time to develop it any further. 

        Now if you go out a long way into the future you will see we will return to this island for another few stories between some different characters. I hope we can do a better job with these. 

Thursday 15 October 2015

Story 163 My 1st Night in Perth.

        As I said in my earlier story, Paula & Donald picked us up at the airport after the long flight from Singapore to Perth. We were here for business but also I was hoping for some fun too.

Hi, its Jeevan here.
        They have a nice house set in a suburb of Perth called Kalamunda. It’s a two-story house with 3 bedrooms, study and living areas upstairs, with vehicle garages and a bachelor’s pad for David downstairs. The house is surrounded by trees and a fence making the area around their swimming pool, totally private.
          Both Katrina and I were a bit surprised when they invited her to stay with David but she quickly took to the idea. Soon they had grabbed her bags and were gone. I saw David upstairs a couple of times to borrow a few things but otherwise, we never saw them all afternoon until we went out for dinner.

Story 163 Background

                                                                               Posted by Susan.
       Right we want something hot and sexy for Jeevan to enjoy. He has just spent three sexy days in Singapore with the beautiful young Katrina. Now let’s give him something different now. This time he gets to share the delights of a hot and sexy, older woman. Read my story! I don’t think he would have any complaints about how his night went. I know Paula certainly wouldn’t.
       Ayaka left it very open for me with this story. She basically said ‘Jeevan is in Perth now, give him some fun with Donald and Paula.’
       So most of this story is just that one big sex scene. I think the story delivers with that so nothing more is needed to be said here.

       Writing about a man, having sex through his eyes, trying to experience what he might feel was interesting considering I have a pussy, not a cock. Ha! Ha! Well, last time I checked I did, maybe I might have grown one since writing that. Better check again, I think!

       Some of us are trying to improve our writing. We are trying to capture the little, often funny conversations, those special little moments within a session of sex. By doing this we hope we are making our writing more real, more vivid and exciting for you, our readers. I know writing gets me horny sometimes so I hope we get you guys horny too. If you do then I will consider we have succeeded.

Friday 9 October 2015

Story 162 Katrina Arrives in Perth

Hi, my name is David.
         Many of you I have not met but I saw you all while at the resort in Queensland. I met those from India again during my recent visit to India but those from New Zealand I would still like to get to know better. I’m sure other stories will have filled you in on the relationship developing between Katrina and myself. I now have my own copy of the Letter’s Books but have not been able to read them all yet.

         When Katrina gave me my copy I was amazed at how big it was. I thumbed through some of the volumes and made a point of reading some of the stories about Katrina. She then asked me to help her with two stories about my trip to India. I have now completed those for her and I am attempting a full one myself. Let’s see how this goes.  

         A few days before Katrina and Jeevan were due to arrive, my Uncle and I were talking about preparations that might need to be made. I was surprised when my Uncle Donald suggested that Katrina might wish to stay with me, in my flat downstairs.  We had spent one night together in India and then had sex a couple of times at the house I was staying at. But each time, after the sex was over, she had returned to her own room. I was really hoping she would agree to stay with me.