Thursday, 22 May 2014

Story 97 Background

Index of Letters          Return to Story 97

                                                                Posted by Anne & Shandra.
From Anne. 
       One feature of the Resort stories was always going to be the Nude Cruise out to the Great Barrier Reef. When I started writing this I didn’t really have much idea where I would go with it. Over time the idea evolved into the story we have published here. It was written a long time ago and so some parts are not as good as they could be. Some parts we decided to cut but others we decided to leave.
        When Shandra started writing her Katrina stories it was decided that the nude cruise was another place we could develop Katrina’s personality, but it turned into much more than that when David came on the scene. The plan was for David to meet Katrina during the chess games but later we decided that this cruise would be a better place. So during the chess games, David noticed Katrina but only got to talk with her on the boat.
        During a major re-write, Donald’s group was added to the story which meant David was on the boat where he could meet Katrina. Other parts were then added, such as where Steve is teasing Hansini about her boyfriend. In a later story, we wanted Amita and Hansini to begin complaining about his constant teasing so we took the chance to add in a bit of his teasing here.
        Shandra wanted Katrina to spend more time with David so the time spent on the nude-side after the cruise and him asking her out for dinner was added in as well.  

        As you can see that like many of our older stories, this one has evolved and changed to meet and blend in with the changing stories around it. 

From Shandra.
       Now finally the limbo stick. This came from a real story. We decided to play this at one of our big parties here. It was easy to set up and Allan was able to make everything we needed. I think those poles are still out in the shed somewhere.
       Almost everyone had a go and it became a lot of fun. Of course with the wine and beer flowing, some of them fell over, knocked the pole off or even the whole thing over. Soon we were down to only a small group. It was then that Allan suggested the remaining players should wear only their swimwear. Some quickly had to change but soon the game was underway again, but of course now a lot sexier.
        Going under the limbo stick really put people into an exposed position with their pubic areas sticking out openly. Now in their bikinis, the girls were putting on quite a show. Of course, before long someone suggested trying it nude. Susan was dared, she quickly shed her bikini and went under the pole naked. Others were dared, both those still playing and those who had already been eliminated. By now the game was forgotten as before long many of us were naked going under the limbo pole which had been raised to make it easier.
        As I said above, after the nude limbo started, we lost track of the original contest and I don’t remember us ever finding a winner. You could say it became a win-win contest anyway, those watching, got to see a hot show while those of us involved got into some serious exhibitionism, flashing our pussies for all to see.
        Yes, that was one of our better parties.

Index of Letters          Return to Story 97

Friday, 16 May 2014

Story 96 - Baby Sitting.

Hi to the Indian Team from the New Zealand Team.
     It is Shanti here.
            I hope you are all doing well over there as we are in New Zealand. 

            First off concerning Jenny. As I wrote in my last letter, she lost the baby. Well, she wants to say thank you for everything you guys over there have done for her. When she received that parcel she was most surprised.
            Jenny and Peter are doing a lot better and Jenny is now back working for Peter part-time. The doctor said she probably would not be able to have children again and if she did, it could be dangerous so they will need to be careful that it never happens again.
            That was a good story Hansini. I like the way you guys laid it out with the chess moves set within the story. I was wondering how you were going to do this. Very well done.
            I know that there was more than just you involved in this. Of course, it is your story Hansini and I should not take this away from you but I also know Sarvesh and Mike over here helped as well.
            What really is amazing about that story, which will not be including here, are the developments which have come from it. These will be included in other letters. 

Story 96 Background

Index of Letters          Return to Story 96

                                                                Posted by Susan.
           This was always meant to be a fun thing. Sure some sex (nooky) got into it but really I just wanted to play with the growing relationship between Steve and Amita.
           The idea came from one night when we went over to baby-sit Anne’s brother’s children. I remember Allan was not very happy about going until Anne told him he had no choice. Then he proved to be useless with babies. When it came to nappy changing, he moaned a bit which is funny considering he is a farmer, dealing with cow shit every day.
           Well Anne and I were inspired by this and we began some notes for a story. At the time, I know Allan wasn’t too amused by it. He is not often grumpy but he seemed to be that day.
          A few days later, I picked up our notes again and began to write. This is the result. Anne has added in some more comments at the beginning to make it appear to be one of the series of letters, passed between New Zealand and India. The rest is still fairly close to what I originally wrote.  

Extra note written March 2014,
          Anne has now had a baby and I am about to have one too. I think Allan is about to get plenty of practice looking after babies. LOL.
          We are now trying to get this background published without him seeing it.
         (05/05 Sorry you missed on that last part. Found it this morning. Ha Ha - Allan)

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Story 95 Grand Strip Chess.

Hi! It is Sarvesh.
            I will begin this story and then Hansini will be taking over from me.
            First off thank you for your great story, Shanti. We are enjoying this sudden revival of our letters. It makes it easy when we have some good stories to tell.
            On the third day we were at the island beach resort Hansini told us about a giant chess board she and Katrina had found. She had asked one of the staff and he had told her that the idea was for people to take the place of chessmen. He also told her to ask the bar manager for further information on organising such a game.  
            She had then approached the manager who told her that if she could find a team of sixteen people to be her chess “men” he would make an announcement that night during the show to see if there were any other groups who would like to challenge us.
            Now she came to the more interesting part where the manager said they usually play Grand Strip Chess. In this game, each player who was ‘removed’ from the board must immediately strip naked. At the end, the losing team must strip completely too, including the person directing the game.
            We were discussing whether we wanted to play this way when Hansini added more to the conversation, “I have already decided for you since we have seventeen people, sixteen 'chess men' plus me I have already entered us as the first team. If they can get another team together tonight, we will play tomorrow.”
            Well, that was an interesting surprise.
            “You didn’t even give us a chance to agree?” asked Lizamoa.
            “No,” she replied with a grin. “Is that a problem Lizamoa? I’m sure you don’t have any problem taking your clothes off in front of everyone.”
            “Well not really. You can count me in. But what about some others who might?” said Lizamoa.
            "Oh, I forgot," Hansini replied. “What about you Katrina?”
            “I’m Ok with it Hansini. It might be some fun too,” replied Katrina.
           That surprised me she agreed so quickly to join in, but then I notice since we had been at the Resort, Katrina had become a lot bolder.

Story 95 Background.

Index of Letters          Return to Story 95

                                                                Posted by Allan.
          We were in Whangarei a city a couple of hours north of Auckland. We had been in the Bay of Islands for a few days and were returning home. We decided to stop for lunch. Outside a café down near the waterfront, there was a large outdoor chess set. Brian, Susan’s boyfriend and I decided to have a game while the girls watched.
          We set up the pieces and got ready to play. Almost straight away some people gathered to watch. As the game continued, more people arrived until there was a small crowd gathered to watch. I must admit that this was a bit off putting, especially for Brian. It was a good game and as I remember, quite close in the end.

          Over lunch, Anne said that an outdoor chess game might make a good story. When I told we had already done that with the Hansini and Katrina stories she said this would be different.
         “How many pieces are there on each side?” she asked.
         “Sixteen,” I replied.
         “And one person to direct the game makes seventeen.”
         I began to see where she was going with this.
         “How many people are going to the resort in our stories?”
         “Seventeen,” Shandra replied.
         “You mean all the players are people?” asked Susan.
         “Exactly,” Anne said.
         So the idea was bounced around a bit and then it was decided that we should use a real game then give names to each of the pieces. This developed to where we decided to play a second game on the chess set outside while the girls recorded the moves. They wanted to develop a story similar to the first playing “Strip” (Letter 13) where the readers could follow how each player ended up naked.

         Well, the game didn’t start well for Brian and he was on the back foot most of the way until finally, I pinned his King in checkmate. As this game wasn't so good, there was a plan to try doing another one but we then decided this one was good enough. It had one team winning, that became Hansini’s team, and one team losing, that became Donald’s team.
         At home, we replayed the game again using the girl's notes and it seemed to work out OK then we got stickers, wrote character’s names on them and stuck them to the chess pieces. This took a bit of adjusting until we had people placed where we wanted them. This time as we re-played the game with the character names being recorded beside each move. In this way, the bulk of the story was written. All I had to do was fill in the details and add a beginning and an ending.

          More recently, during the build-up for publishing, the names of some of the opposition characters were changed and a few more added after some of our online friends. This has now (2015) become common practice to name characters after our online friends. Our editing team Kim and Ayaka had a go and things like that little exchange between Amita and Jeremy got added too. I had to move a few people so Amita would be a side pawn so she would meet Jeremy, but other than that the story was complete.

Index of Letters          Return to Story 95

Friday, 2 May 2014

Story 94 The Beach Girl Contest.

         Hi from New Zealand, it is Shanti again.
I want to say hello from all of us in New Zealand. 

        Before I begin our next story, I have just a bit of news first. A week ago, Jenny woke up during the night in a lot of pain. She was so bad that Peter called an ambulance and she was rushed to hospital.
        The result of all this is that she has lost the baby. She was in hospital for most of the week and only just came home again yesterday. The doctors have told her that it is very likely she will not be able to have any more children.
        I do not know that they will be too disappointed at this because they still have the girls. This pregnancy was an accident, as they were not planning any more children before this anyway.
        Mike and I went over to see her last night and took them a meal. Jenny is still very upset. We are all going to have to help her and support her until she gets over it.   

        Of course, the rest of us are all doing well.  

        We are now getting through our stories of the time we were at the resort on the Great Barrier Reef. With this trip, the difficulty has been trying to put the stories in order. The problem is that many of the stories overlap each other. For example, this story covers three nights and so any adventures we had during those three days, such as Jenny and Peter’s Story 91 Checking out the Girls and playing the chess games Story 95 Grand Strip Chess, happened during this same time period.
        The hardest part has been Katrina and Mike’s story. This begins back when her first story finished and goes on until the last few days of our resort holiday. We finally divided her story up into sections but still, they do not fit exactly right.
        In the end, we really just had to leave each story as a separate story and use introductions and details within each letter to try fitting them all together. Anyway, since you were all there, I know you can work it all out for yourselves. 

Story 94 Background.

                                                                                                                 Posted by Anne.
       This story is among the oldest in this volume. It was actually written a long time before we began working on the resort section, going right back to mid-2003 as far as we can tell. I know this story was written before Susan and I competed in that first wet-T shirt contest in Tauranga after our nude camping holiday Jan 2004. I think the story might even have played a part in my entering that real contest back then.
        On reading my diary, I found that fitting this story in was one reason we came up with the idea of the Resort in the first place. We wanted a location where a show like this could take place so decided on a holiday to an adult resort. Everything else just developed from there.
        We have tried doing some work on improving it but you will notice that the writing is still not up to the standard of other stories in this section.  Anyway, it's still a good exhibitionism story so as far as we are concerned it stays in.
       My diary talks about another smaller version of this story where the whole contest ran over one night. I do not believe we still have any copies of this earlier version. It would be interesting to see it again and compare it to this one. 

       The last part of this story, the conversation between Lizamoa and Katrina was added by Shandra only a few weeks ago. It was our intention to have Katrina babysitting on that final night but then Shandra decided to include her in the audience. Give her some more exposure to exhibitionism. LOL
       There is not much more I can tell you about it.
       Something else happened on the second night that led to the next adventure the group will get themselves into, the nude chess game, but I’m going to leave that until next week before we tell you what happened.

        Now in Shanti's opening comments, she mentions Jenny losing her baby and becoming very sick. This is actually a build-up to an old story line where Jenny dies in New Zealand and Brian dies in India. (Susan broke up with the real Brian and wanted the name out of our stories) The idea was for Mega to move to New Zealand and live with Peter.
        But this idea was voted out by our younger writers and so began a major write through this section. While Jenny gets sick she is not written out of the stories. Later both Mega and Brian will move to New Zealand but this is getting ahead of ourselves now.

Thursday, 24 April 2014

Story 93 All Cum with me Guys

Index of Letters       Story 93 Background        Back to Story 92  

Hi, Shanti here.
        Hi everyone from India. Amita that was a good story. I was surprised how quickly you guys hooked up with Sharon and Steve but pleased that you did as I knew once word got out it would set the way for others to get into their own sexual adventures.
         One thing you mentioned was meeting Hansini in the common shower after she was covered in cum. I thought this might be a good place to explain how she came to get like that. I hope you don’t mind me telling your story Hansini, but Amita said she didn’t think you were planning to write about it. I wonder why, because it is a good story, well worth putting in the Letters Book.  

         We were wondering what we could do for the evening so some of us decided to meet in the large flat and maybe play cards.
         Mike and I went over to ask Amita but they said they were busy. It seems they had arranged for Steve and Sharon to visit so it looked like they would be ‘occupied’ all evening. That was a surprise, those guys getting the jump on us like that. Originally, I was thinking Steve was the fast worker but later I found out it was you Amita, who arranged it all. Fast work there girl! Good one!
         In the end, we had everyone with us except for those two couples and Jeevan and Mandara who were baby sitting. The evening that followed was relaxing. Some played cards, some sat around watching and talking. There was a chess game going at one stage where Katrina was trying out her new chess skills against Mike. I don’t think she was doing so well until he started helping her. It was interesting seeing those two together. I don’t know what the attraction is between them but they seemed to get on well. 

Story 93 Background.

                                                                Posted by Ayaka.
         Now, with the sex, I always like the man to shoot his cum onto my breasts and body. They usually like to cum inside me, in my mouth or pussy but sometimes they will do for me. I will take the cum and rub it over my body, especially around my breasts and nipples. To me, that feels nice as their cum goes sticky on me.
       Recently we went through a period of watching Japanese porn movies. There was one scene, which really made me excited. This girl was lying on a low table masturbating herself while a number of men came up and poured their cum on her. She ended up covered all over. How sexy is that? To have a total cum shower would be a very sexy thing I think. 

        That night I lay in bed thinking of this. Suddenly I jumped out of bed turned on the light and began writing the story. Next morning I showed Shandra and Anne what I had completed and they both encouraged me to finish it. Soon it was done, with the completed version being much the same as you see here.
        When Kim read it she suggested we write about this story in the one we had done together. (See Story 92 -  published last week.) This became Hansini walking in on Sharon and Amita in the shower and they helped clean her up. It was also where the community shower room came from. We needed a place for this to happen so one was added to the building. (See we are not scared to rebuild a whole building to make a story better. LOL) In that story, we added decks on to some of the rooms and now this story we have added a community shower to wash sand and salt off before going to your room. Oh and also have sexy scenes between the girls too. 

         I have never actually tried a cum shower myself. We only have two men here, but it is a fantasy, one day I would like to try.

March 2016 - When we had many friends visiting for my wedding, I did get to act out my fantasy and five men gave me a cum show while another five men gave Kim one too. She even likes messy sex more than me. It was fun late one night at a very naughty party we were having.

Friday, 18 April 2014

Story 92 Four by Four-some.

Hi, Amita here.
         On the first night, we were at the resort, we all met in the large room with three bedrooms. This is where you New Zealanders were staying. It was a great place to meet and get together, in private too, in case anything got out of hand.
         It was good to meet our friends again and we all enjoyed that evening together. Nothing really happened that night, sexually I mean. Oh, except what  I got up to with Steve and Peter. LOL Yes we got a bit carried away there, didn't we? I don’t know why none of you others did anything; maybe we were all too preoccupied to organise anything, maybe you didn’t feel like that the first night, whatever the reason nothing else happened.       

Story 92 Background

                                                                Posted by Kim & Ayaka.
Hi Kim here:-
          Yes, that is a funny name but we couldn’t think of anything else. Anne was pushing us for a name to up-date the Letter’s Index online and I told her:- “It is a four way four-some.”
          Quickly Ayaka added. “Four by Four-Some,”
          And that was what Anne put in the online index. We could have changed it I suppose but just never bothered. 

Ayaka now:-
         Kim and I completed our first stories and they became a success when we published them. Anne said we should try another one. At that time, they were looking at the early part of these resort stories and it was decided, a few more stories were needed. Kim and I looked at it and we decided to do a story together. It became the four-some story you see here.
         The story outline was written fairly quickly as we used some ideas from earlier stories and we reworked them for our story here. The details became a problem, so we brought it to a Letters Meeting to see how the more experienced writers could help us. They have all met this problem and worked through it in various ways.
          It was Shandra who came up with our solution. She suggested we should try acting out parts we were struggling with. Apparently, this has worked for them on many stories so Kim and I decided we should give it a go. 

Kim again now.
          If you look closely, you will see that really our story revolves around two sex scenes. The girls said, “If we got these right, the rest of the story will quickly fit in around it.”
         So that is what we did. The two men, Rajah and Allan helped us and we used the big bed in Allan and Anne’s room. The first scene we tried was the last scene in the story where the men suddenly swapped half way through. Both Ayaka and I were with a man each and once we got going suddenly Allan called OK. They had worked out how they would swap and it went very smoothly. We then continued until they swapped again.
          It felt a bit strange them doing this and a bit of a surprise too, even though we knew it was coming. The mistake we made was to swap too many times and we tended to lose the rhythm and desire so the sex didn’t go that well. In the story, they only swapped and then swapped back. Twice was enough to get the idea. 

Ayaka now.
         Next, we tried the undressing in front of a mirror. Oh, this worked so well and was so sexy too. I was watching Allan undressing Kim while Rajah was undressing me. We quickly discovered the men should take turns so we all could watch. Yes, this was very good and quickly got confirmed for the story.
         We lay on the bed and the men helped with ideas about the sex that would follow. I had two pages of notes for that. So there we were with two good sex scenes. We were happy and began to write.
        One night Kim and I worked late on this story and I decided to needed a shower before bed. I went to the shower room and undressed ready to step under the water when Kim walked in. “I’ve come to join you,” she said. As you may have guessed we did more than just wash each other.  This hot steamy shower became the idea for our middle sex scene, the third sex scene in the shower between the two girls. 

          The rest of the story went well after that and before long, we had a new story. Much longer than we intended of course, but it was a good one. When I wrote the second story about Hansini we decided to tie that into this story as well by her meeting the girls in the shower and they help clean her up. That story about how Hansini came to get covered in cum will be published next week.

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Story 91 Checking Out the Girls.

Hi from New Zealand. Shanti here.
          Amita, that was a good opening story for our resort adventures. I think the way you did that will set the scene for many of the following stories. Your story was also a good one Mandara. We swim nude so much now that we often forget what it was like that first time. Thanks for sharing it with us, honey.
           The best must be your story, Katrina. This is turning into a big one but both Mike and I are enjoying it too. I can just imagine how shocked you must have been at Amita but I expect you know now she can be a wild one, that girl. Why didn't you include that bit of fun in your story Amita?
           Now this story was also not included in our original plan but I think you will enjoy it.

Story 91 Background.

                                                                Posted by Allan & Shandra.
           This is a cheeky little story about a couple of events in the early days of the resort holiday. We wanted a story with a bit of fun, taking advantage of Steve and Peter, who were always getting into trouble with their wives. We have already seen what they did with Amita that first night at the resort.
          I wrote the first part about them and a couple of young Australian girls they picked-up in the swimming pool and took over to the nude side of the resort. When Anne heard about the story, she warned me that it might be better if they don’t go too far, maybe just stick with some playing around. Susan suggested that maybe they get caught by their wives before going too far. That last idea sounded like more fun so that is the way the story finally went.
          I like the way the girls told them they had been caught by sending them drinks. That worked out well. It got a big laugh from the team here when they heard. Of course, Shandra was in on this too, when she thought Lizamoa might tag-along too. As you can see, my team of critics sort of wrote the story for me. I was just left to fill in the details.        

          When I presented it at the next Letters Writers Meeting and they all loved it. The general opinion was that the boys got off too lightly. Punishments were talked about until finally, we came up with the idea of the girls doing something similar, just to show that they could pick-up hot, sexy guys, too. Shandra suggested the man with a big cock trying to chat-up Sharon with her big breasts. It sounded like fun so we let her run with the second half.
         So there it is, a bit sexy but more a fun story, which as I remember it, went together fairly quickly.  Of course, as it has moved through our pre-publishing process there have been changes. The general story has stayed the same but the conversations have been added to and other bits improved.

         This story and the few before it have been getting us into the resort stories. Be prepared for next week, we have a story told by Amita. She and Sarvesh have a close connection with Steve and Sharon so they decide to invite them over for the evening.
        This story has only been recently added to our Letters Series. It's written by our new writers, Kim and Ayaka.

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Story 90 Nude Swimming in Public.

          (See:- Letter 33 &  Letter 56 Part C) 
            Hi from India. Amita here.
            We are doing well over here and I am hoping you are all doing well there too. In India, things are happening fast now. The new business is going so well that Sarvesh has had to almost completely stop working in the bank. He has employed a manager to take over his duties there.
            Katrina and David are continuing to write to each other and I believe it will not be long before he will be coming to visit India. I have suggested that when he comes, Donald and Paula might like to come as well. Maybe some of you from New Zealand may want to visit us again at the same time too. 

            Katrina and Hansini are continuing to work on their pet project too. I often see them sitting out by the pool with Katrina’s laptop. I have seen a bit of their story and I think it is a good one. It is so long, that we may need to split it into a few parts. She is also in contact with Mike. getting his advice and help too.
            The staff has continued to watch them too. Katrina tells me she has been asked about what they are doing but she just says its work for Sarvesh with his new business ventures. She does not think this excuse is being completely believed but I told her just to stick with it since they would have no other reason for their working together. Let the staff think whatever they like. They have no idea what the girls are really writing, and I bet they would be shocked to find out too. Ha! Ha!

            Now this story was not one of the letters that we planned before we left New Zealand. It is also written by someone who has been involved with the Letters Book adventures for a long time, but she has not written much herself.
            One day I was having lunch with Mandara and she said she was thinking about writing a story for the Letters Book. I encouraged her to give it a go and I also agreed to help her with it too. So here it is, a story from Mandara.