Thursday 1 April 2021

Story 250 Part Two Background

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 250 Part Two.

Greetings from Brian and Julie.
      My name is Brian.
            I will be telling you about some background to this story and then my wife Julie will add some notes too. I also believe Anne or Shandra are going to stick their nose in further below too.
            We left the first part of this story with Michael partway through his lessons on sex. He has just finished giving Lizamoa some great pussy eating. Very successful, judging by her orgasm. Now there are two things left, her giving him a blow-job and then they get to full sex which will be a first for Michael. We tried to get into feelings with this sex scene. Look at how Michael would be feeling, doing it for his first time.
            The second half of this story will be by Ragesh. He was with Michael's mother, Shanti. He has already been with two women, Kathy his first and with his girlfriend, Rosemary. In his case, it is more of a brush up on his sexual skills. Teaching him some things he hadn't known or realised. Teaching him to make life better for the women. The idea being please the woman and the woman will usually please you.
            But this woman, Shanti had got so turned on by watching Lizamoa with her son, Michael, she lost the plot, getting carried away, going for fast action, hard sex. Lucky Ragesh had enough experience to keep up with her and so things seem to have worked out pretty well with him too.

      Julie here now.
            Brian and I had fun doing these stories. It was more interesting to be working on a project where our story had to fit in with other stories around it.
             There was a lot to achieve but I think we have achieved everything asked of us and then some. Hope you readers enjoy what we gave done too.
            One of the characters who appear in this story is Sabeena. In the climax of the Tukiko Series of stories, Anne has written how Sabeena gets involved in a big dispute between Tukiko and her parents. It shows this girl to have the guts to even stand up to Joseph her father when he is angry. Anne asked me to write some of Sabeena's personality into our story here. Sisters with attitude towards their older brother, a good theme.
            Thank you to everyone who helped, particularly Anne, Susan and Shandra.

Hello from Anne.
            This brings us to the end of this series. I want to thank Julie and Brian for their good work. Thanks, guys.
            Many of you will remember a series I did on this Japanese family that appear from nowhere and became a very big series. I was mostly writing these for another web site. We published them here but then thought they didn't really fit. It was like suddenly young children had grown up to become young adults. These stories by Juile and Brian help fill this gap. Now, Kathy, Michael and Ragesh are sexually active and ready for the sexual fun we have planned for future stories. Sabeena, Ragesh's younger sister and Riya a girl of about the same age from India, are still virgins. This will be taken care of in future stories so by the time we get to some great sex parties when those from India and Australia get to New Zealand, the five younger people will be ready to get involved and enjoy some hot sexy action.
            Now since our next stories have already been published once. It is just a matter of preparing the newer improved versions for republishing. In some cases, these stories have changed a lot but we will be still using the older post and so we have kept all your comments. A lot of the preparation work has already been done so we plan to publish this series quickly. Perhaps one per week if we can.
            Sorry if all these changes have been confusing for some of you but we believe this will make the stories work together and flow smoothly. We also think the improved versions are a lot better than the original versions.
                        Thanks for your understanding - Anne.

            Kia kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.
                        Brian, Julie and Anne.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 250 Part Two.

Sunday 28 March 2021

Story 250 Practical Sexual Instructions - Part One.

Index of Letters                         Story 250 Part One  Background.                         Back to Story 249.   

Forward to Story 250 Part Two.

Our Parents Changing Attitude Towards Our Sexuality.

Hello from Michael again.
          When word got out in our house that my sister had lost her virginity Mum and Dad started to view me differently too. I was wondering if they might have thought I was fucking someone but since I didn’t have a girlfriend, that wasn’t very likely. Unless they were considering lining one up for me. LOL.
          Things had also become more relaxed around the pool too. As we had begun to grow up and move into puberty, nudity hadn’t been so common. In fact, it had been openly discouraged. Now it seemed to be back.
          Last summer, we had even begun going to a nude beach a few times. Now it was almost Easter and this summer we had done it again, a number of times too. Of course, it had become the only way we went swimming in our pool at home.
          I noticed that the girls seemed to be enjoying it too. Kathy was quick to take to swimming naked in front of us but soon Ragesh’s sisters, Sabeena and Namrah, were joining us that way too. When Aunty Jenny and Uncle Peter came to visit, they quickly got naked but it took a little while before their twin daughters, Kirsten and Carol decided to join in too.
          You need to realize that this sudden nudity thing was a total change for all of us kids. It seems nudity and other sexual things had been regular with our parents but they had strictly kept it away from us.

          About this time, another girl appeared in my life. Her name was Tukiko, a Japanese girl, like, totally sexy, smoking hot. She was a year or so older than me, about the same age as Kathy, maybe slightly older. Her parents were friends with Uncle Joseph and Aunty Lizamoa I think. I wasn’t sure what the connection was there.
          Had never heard of them before until Kathy had mentioned there was one story about when they went nude swimming with Joseph and Lizamoa down at Mokoroa Falls about a year before I met them. Yes, I checked out that story ASAP. An eye-opener for sure with what they did, including Tukiko.
          But back to seeing Tukiko. The first time I saw her was when we met at the beach. She was a fox! She was like, those Japanese eyes, face framed with her shoulder-length dark hair. And her body, a body to die for. Breasts, not so big, just about right. Slim waist and curving hips. I noticed a tight butt too.
          Seeing her in that bikini, was like, wow! She was like, wanking material for a month.
          Got even better when she got naked at the nude beach. I noticed she was a bit shy at first, going nude in front of all of us. But she did it and soon seemed to be relaxed and enjoying it. Those tits! Great, with hot nipples too. And her pussy, not a triangle like my sister’s but just a thick strip down the centre of her pussy area. She was again like, wow! Maybe two wows. Wow! Wow! Wanking material for another month. LOL.
          She quickly made friends with Kathy and Sabeena but didn’t show much interest in Ragesh and me, even when we tried to chat with her. She was nice to talk with but just polite, making it clear like she wasn’t in for anything more.
          When Tukiko went off with Dad into the sand dunes, I was like, there wasn’t much chance for a boy like me when there were men like him around after her.

Story 250 Part One - Backgound.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 250 Part One.

Greetings from Julie and Brian

It is Brian here first.
            Here we are in our last story of this series of three. The only problem is that this final story has become much larger than we intended so we had to divide it into two parts. This, of course, is part one.
            The next story after this will be the first of the Tukiko Series so Anne set us a few goals to achieve in preparation for this feature series.
                    1) Kathy, Michael and Ragesh are no longer virgins while Sabeena still is a virgin.
                    2) We need to introduce this new Japanese woman called Tukiko who the two younger guys think is "totally hot."
                    3) Michael and Ragesh need to be prepared for some very intense sexual events coming up that they will be attending.
                    4) Mention a New Zealand visit by those from India and Australia.

It is Julie here now.
            There seems to be a change in how stories are being written in this blog. By that I mean the drive for improvement has led to us writing more about the thoughts and feelings of characters rather than just what they did. Here we had a young man dealing with his sexual desires against the other pressures of growing up. His mother and his best friend's mother decided to give these boys some very hands-on sex education. This story is the result of that.
            But, as you will probably realise, things like this don't always go according to plan. In this case, sexual desires begin to take over, both with the boys and their mothers. How will this work out? We will see part of how it goes for Michael in this story. In Part Two we will complete Mickael's story and see how it works out for Ragesh too.
            Now we also wanted some other human interaction, like in the story opening scene where Michael is getting some comfort from his mother when his father walked off with the girl of his dreams. He is left more confuses after that. Or Michael's little sister, Petra guesses he isn't sick and so she wants to stay home from school too. I think it is those little human things that make a good story.
            The main scene of this story is Mickael removing Lizamoa's clothing. This is very detailed and a learning curve for Michael. He gets to see sex from a woman's point of view which will probably give him some useful knowledge and skills for the future.
            So, that's about it from us. Go read the story and enjoy.

           Kia kaka - Kia Kaha.
                 Be safe - Be strong.
                        Julie and Brian.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 250 Part One.

Saturday 13 March 2021

Story 249 – Kathy – Sexual Experiences.

Index of Letters                         Story 249 Background.                         Back to Story 248.   

Forward to Story 250 Part One.

Hi, it's Kathy here.
          For those who don’t know me, I am Kathy, the eldest child of Mike and Shanti Wilson. Since I have become involved in the sexual fun our parents are into, I have been asked to tell my own story of how I lost my virginity and became involved in the fun too. But first, let me explain how I came to be a writer in these stories.
          My brother, Michael and I recently became aware that our parents had a series of books telling about many of the sexual adventures they had with their friends. We found the hidden key and began to read them together whenever our parents weren’t around.
         As we continued reading, we began to find some really erotic parts. At first, I was uncomfortable reading these explicit parts with my brother beside me. I stopped for a few weeks but my curiosity was getting the better of my. Michael and I talked about it and decide we both wanted to continue reading. From then on, when we came to a explicit part we just read it to ourselves and didn't comment to each other about it. That didn't stop me giving my pussy a good working out later in the privacy of my bedroom. 
         One day, Mum came home unexpectedly and caught us laying on their bed reading. Nothing else was happening just us reading but boy did the shit hit the pan big time.
          Michael and I were sitting looking shocked. Little Petra was crying as Micheal tried to comfort her. Mum was going ape at us. She was yelling and screaming, totally lost it!
          It was only when Dad arrived home that some sense was made out of the situation. Once he got Mum calmed down, we got to talk things through. Dad made it very clear that he was disappointed in us both. Sure, I agree with him too. Michael and I were way out of line looking at their private things. But you've got to admit, those books were kind of fun and naughty.
          The outcome was they would be more open with us and considering I had become sexually active with my boyfriend by then; we were allowed to continue reading the books and could gradually join in their sexual fun too. More about that last bit later.
          What they asked from us in return was that, with their help, we both write our stories concerning our first sexual experiences that they would be including in their books. These two stories would be included with an unpublished story my mother was working on about me going topless in Fiji.

          When it was discovered, a few weeks later, that Ragesh lost his virginity fucking me, all hell broke out again. Ragesh and I were sat down in front of all four of our parents and told it was suspected that we were blood-related. He was probably my half-brother. I always thought he looked a bit light for full Indian parents. We were warned not to have anything sexually to do with each other, ever again!
          Can you believe that! I actually fucked my brother!
          Another problem we've inherited from our parent's shady sex life, I suppose. LOL

Story 249 Background.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 249.

Hello everyone.
       My name is Brian.
            My wife Julie and I have taken on this series of three stories. The first, (Story 248 Kathy Growing Up.), was a combination of two stories partly written by Anne. The second, this one, (Story 249 Kathy - Sexual Experiences.), was where we took a story of Anne's and doubled it in size, making it part of a much bigger story. The third, (Story 250 Michael - Sex Lessons.), is going to be completely written by Julie and I based on things that happened in the first two stories and leading to that climax of the Tukiko Series where she gets caught cheating on her boyfriend. Michael and Kathy, Ragesh and Sabeena were present in that Tukiko story. (See Story ???).
            So to this story now. Our story here was based on a much smaller one that Anne had been working on although it would be fair to say that her story was not much beyond the rough draft stage when we picked it up. You can find this in the Age Eighteen part where Kathy meets her boyfriend Jeff and ends up with him being her first man to "go the whole way" with her.
            Our purpose here is to allow Kathy to take us through a series of developing sexual adventures until finally, she loses her virginity. There will also be a special section where she fucks her childhood friend, Ragesh, the son of her parents best friends. The climax of this story comes when the truth about the real relationship between Ragesh and Kathy, is revealed by their parents. While perhaps, deep down they suspected something, the truth, when it came, was a bit of a shock to both Kathy and Ragesh. Would change the way they saw each other forever.

Hi from me, Brian's partner.
        My name is Julie.
            When we took on this project of three stories there were nearly six months before publishing. We met with Anne and others of the writers to discuss what they were expecting from this story. It was at that point that certain guidelines were laid down that we have tried to stick too.

            1) The Balance. It has often been commented on that this blog has a balance between a background story, some humour and not forgetting the sex. Anne thought it was important that we try to achieve a similar style.
            2) Character Ages. We needed to consider the ages of those we were writing about. Keep in mind the ages are about 18 or 19 for the main characters. For others younger, we needed to keep then in mainly non-sexual support roles.
            3) Sex Scenes. Don't go for the extra details in sex scenes that other stories have. Again, this is to fit in with the ages and experience of those we were writing about.
            4) Compatible With Letters. Our stories had to fit in with the main theme of this blog. There is a background, a storyline that goes right back to the very first letter that Shanti wrote to Joseph. Our stories needed to fit with this. It is this very point where many trying out as writers in this blog have failed. Anne is very tough on this point.
            5) Realism. While Letters has always claimed to be a fantasy story, they have always tried for a kind of realism so you might think, this could have happened.

            I want to thank those who have helped with this project. First, there was Anne, always ready to help and advise. Then the other two key writers from Anne's household, Susan and Allan. Susan has her own distinctive style of writing sexy and funny stories. Allan is a great help when it comes to conversations.
            We can not forget Shandra, the inventor of characters. She is an expert on the people found in these stories. Others have been helpful along the way so our thanks go to them too.
            Finally, I must mention Asami. The IT person who helped to get our story from a word file to a page in this blog. She showed me a lot about using HTML code to make text look better. I spent a while playing with that in this background getting different text formats using the code rather that the built in editor.

           Kia kaka - Kia Kaha.
                 Be safe - Be strong.
                       Julie and Brian.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 249.

Friday 5 March 2021

Story 248 Kathy Growing up.

Index of Letters                         Story 248 Background.                         Back to Story 247 Section Three.   

Forward to Story 249.

Part One - Topless in Fiji.

Hi to all our friends – It is Shanti here.
          I know it has been a while since any stories were written for our letters collection so I bet receiving this one might be a surprise for some of you. Recently I was asked to write this story which certainly should be included in our collection. Below this, you will find another story written by my son Michael, something that happened without me finding out about it for a few years.
          Since both these stories involve our daughter, Kathy as she was growing to become a woman, we have decided to combine them together under one story heading. After this, Kathy has asked if she could tell her own story of her first sexual experiences. This will be Story 249.
          There might be a further story regarding Jagesh and Michael to follow, but we'll see about that as I'm not sure Michael is up to writing another story himself. This will be Story 250 if it happens.

          A few years ago a group of us went to Fiji for a short holiday. We did a short three-day boat cruise and we stayed in a tourist resort for a few days as well. The resort was on a beautiful beach which was good for swimming, of course, there were the usual swimming pools etc. too.
          We were sitting on the beach, a short walk along from the resort. At the resort, the beach in front was always rather busy while here it was a lot quieter. I lay back enjoying the cool breeze blowing in off the ocean. It was nice to get away somewhere and relax. I was thinking I was glad we had made the effort to book this holiday and to come here. After an intense time with work and other busy things, it was good to get away, enjoy and spend quality time as a family.
          Joseph and Mike decided to go for a walk with the kids while Lizamoa and I lay back to relax on the beach. To my surprise, my eldest Kathy had chosen to stay with us.
          Kathy, at fourteen, was beginning to mature into a good-looking young woman. It was also clear she was beginning to develop a hot body too. Being half European and half Indian she had that year-round golden tan body so she never really needed to sunbathe.
          Up until now, I had always brought one-piece swimsuits for her but more recently, I’d allowed her to begin wearing bikinis. Both she and I had purchased a bikini for this trip too. Kathy's slim body suited a bikini and she looked good in the one she was wearing. I think it gave her some confidence in her body too.

Story 248 Background.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 248.

Hello everyone.
       Julie and Brian here.

            We have had a long association with this blog and the people who wrote it. You might wish to read our own page under the headings above for more on this. At a recent writers meeting, it was decided to work over some stories Anne had written years ago for the Letters the Next Generation project. This project was finally dropped and it was decided to keep the Next Generation stories and rework them to be added into the main storyline. We were given the task of completing the first two stories.
            In the time period in which these stories were set, the original couples now had children who were growing up fast. Shanti and Mike had three children, Kathy, Michael and Petra. (Petra is too young to feature in these stories.) Joseph and Lizamoa had four children. Ragesh, Sabeena, Namrah and a younger boy who had never been named in the stories yet. Jenny and Peter had twin girls; Kirsten and Carol. While from India, Sarvesh and Amita have two children; Steven / Vishva and Nisha. (Vishva is their son's Indian name.) Don't confuse Nisha with the maid Nishi, who featured in the previous Story 247.
            The children involved in these stories are all early to mid-teens. I am unsure about their exact ages here. We have tried to tailor the amount of sexual activity to what might be expected of people of this age.
            Brian and my role, in this story, was to take Anne's story Topless in Fiji and improve it where we could. Other than a few additions and changes it is basically how it was written many years ago. We have still retained the strong feeling between Kathy and her father, the anger she had towards him. (Mean as 10 bears - LOL) I've added a bit more to when they made up again too as I considered that was an important part of this story.
            The second part was where Kathy and Michael experimented with sexual things. It is a bit tame, getting to just touching and masturbating in front of each other. This story came from some notes in Anne's diary where she played with the idea but it never became a story. Brian and I wanted some fun during the day beside the pool which led to Kathy and Michael feeling horny and playing with themselves during the night. It is a simple plot but we hope it worked for you.

Hi from Anne.
            Perhaps I can give more background on the purpose behind these stories. Ideas that I probably didn't fully explain to Julie and Brian.
            When we first published the Tukiko Series, four younger people, children of Shanti and Mike and children of Lizamoa and Joseph, appeared in the stories. It was written that they were older than 18 so in the story here, they would have been a bit younger. One purpose of this series is to get these children up to that age before we republish the Tukiko Series stories again. During the Tukiko Series, it will be confirmed that Kathy, Michael and Ragesh are no longer virgins but Sabeera still is a virgin.
            In the next couple of stories, we will see how this happened, Kathy, Michael and Ragesh lose their virginity. But that is getting ahead of ourselves. For the moment, it is early days in Kathy and Michael's sexual adventures.
            I want to thank Julie and Brian for stepping up to take this project on. They've done a good job of taking my old stories and ideas to come up with the story you are reading here.

           Kia kaka - Kia Kaha.
                 Be safe - Be strong.
                       Julie, Brian and Anne.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 248.

Friday 26 February 2021

Story 247 Gaja and Nishi Section Three.

Index of Letters                         Story 247 Section Three Background.                         Back to Story 247 Section Two.   

Forward to Story 248.

Part Nine – The Truth Behind Getting Caught by Sarvesh.

          Jumping forward a few months, Gaja and Nishi had continued their relationship. Usually meeting once or twice each week. From time to time, they managed to get together at either his room at the hotel/club or her apartment in the town. The sex on those nights was always special and great.
          Sarvesh had invited them to join the nude weekends and they had gone a couple of times. While nudity wasn’t a problem for either of them, the feeling they might be expected to do more was a problem. In the end, they approached Amita and Sarvesh, saying to them, they didn’t wish to continue with the nude weekends.
          “You know you are always welcome and nothing is expected from you,” Amita had tried to reassure them.
          She was right in that, no one had ever asked or pushed them to do more but both had the feeling that it was there, behind the scenes.
          Gaja said, “I know that but we still wanted to do our own thing.”
          “That’s fine,” Amita had finally agreed. “But just remember, you both are always welcome.”
          “Thanks,” Nishi had replied, giving Amita a hug.
          She got a quick hug from Gaja too which was kind of a surprise.
          Gaja and Nishi remained friends with Sarvesh and Amita, visiting them and seeing them regularly.

          As time went on, Gaja and Nishi began discussing living together. In Southern India, that still wasn’t common and they knew if others found out they were unwed there could be problems. Gaja came up with the best solution when he asked Nishi to marry him. Of course, you will not be surprised to know that she quickly had said, “Yes.”
          But things weren't as easy as that and their marriage plans never moved forward much from there as they knew they had no money for a big wedding or a wedding of any kind for that matter. Nishi's family certainly weren’t going to help her since it was her who had left her first husband. Even though her husband had been harsh to her, it is often considered the woman's fault, that is the way it was seen in Southern India. So, they couldn’t live together, couldn’t get married, what to do? Things were left in a bit of an impasse. It was left to them grabbing nights together whenever they could but that arrangement wasn't ideal.
          A few weeks later, they received an invitation to dinner at the Big House. This felt a bit strange because they knew the other staff would be there but they accepted anyway.
          As Amita suggested, they arrived early and had drinks out beside the pool. Sarvesh knew they both liked swimming, it was arranged for them to do so. Since other staff were present in the house, Nishi had to wear her swimsuit under some shorts and a T-shirt, of course.
          Dinner would be served later at a table set out near the pool. During the early evening, it was nice out there and as Sarvesh said it was more private to talk. Yes, it had been made clear that they had been invited there for a purpose but that purpose was yet to be revealed.
          During the afternoon, Nishi and Gaja had been told about some history of the nude weekends and how it had evolved a long time ago from a series of letters between Shanti and a man from India, called Joseph. That sounded a bit familiar to Gaja considering what had happened between him and Shanti. (See
Story 247  Section One.)

Story 247 Section Three Background.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 247 Section Three.

Hello, everyone.
       My name is Kimberley.
            We have finally come to the end of the series on Nishi and Gaja. It has been fun writing it but we've been holding up other writers and so now it's time to move on. We hope you enjoyed these stories as much as we enjoyed writing them.
            Now it is time to put Nishi and Gaja away and move on to other characters. They were never meant to be more than short term characters who appeared for a short time during the end of the Katrina Wedding series. When Allan pushed Anne for more with them, she succumbed to his charm (LOL) and agreed. While it is most likely we won't see them again, we have left it open for some future story. One such story could be Steve meeting Nishi again during a business trip to India. Another could be, what about Gaja meeting with Shanti?
 Perhaps Steve and Shanti together with this couple, Nishi and Gaja. Now that might be a story! Don't know, just an idea. Don't tell Anne I suggested it.
            Allan said that since this is the last story in this series, we should go out with a bang. Is Sarvesh banging Nishi a good enough bang to end on? I think so.

Hello from Allan sr.
            We were looking for a way of getting Gaja and Nishi involved in some fun but not too involved that they would go beyond the limits Anne placed on them. I think I have pushed my luck enough with her, anyway.
            The answer proved to be a one-off sex evening with Sarvesh and Amita. They seemed to be the most likely couple who would get together with Gaja and Nishi. Early in this section, it was stated that Nishi wanted to make this evening special for Sarvesh and Amita. Later in the story she questions 'who is making it special for whom?' That is what I enjoy in a good erotic story. Some twists and turns. Going in unexpected ways. I know this story does because it went in ways even I didn't expect.
            Partner swapping has been done so often in the blog. We didn't want to just give you another one. There are only so many you can take. So we needed to think outside the square. That is where the foursome sex came from. Also Nishi's first experience with another woman.
            Yes, in case you are wondering, the girls 69 with the guys joining in later, has been researched and tested. It is entirely possible. That was a night to remember when Susan paid us another visit and brought my son Allan along. I have to give Susan credit for coming up with the idea of that foursome. Susan, as usual, you surprised and gave us the inspiration for the climax of this story. Thanks - Honey!
            Yes, it was our intention to bring this story to an end with a sexual climax. We wanted the ending to be intense and exciting for all four characters but also for us, the writers and readers of these stories. I hope you think we have achieved this for you. Kim and I are happy with the final sex scenes here.

           Kia kaka - Kia Kaha.
                 Be safe - Be strong.
                        Kim and Allan.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 247 Section Three.

Thursday 11 February 2021

Story 247 Gaja and Nishi - Section Two.

Index of Letters                         Story 247 Section Two Background.                         Back to Story 247 Section One.   

Forward to Story 247 Section Three.

Part Five - Ready for Our Date.

          When Nishi heard that Gaja had the whole weekend off she suggested that he stayed at her house on Saturday evening. Her invitation was for dinner which she would cook and then stay the evening and night. Since she had to work in the bank until mid-day so she asked him to arrive during the early afternoon.
          During the week she was planning exactly how their evening would go. There was no doubt on her part that she would be having sex with him. She had made that clear at the club and she intended following through with it. She had thought of how the evening would go and even how the sex might go too. She even reminded him again, the evening before.
          Nishi had also thought about the fact that at some point they would be removing their clothes. Most likely be Gaja removing her clothes. She had no problems being naked in front of him, of course. In fact, the idea excited her. She thought that since he might be undressing her, it would be a nice surprise for him to discover she was wearing sexy undies for him.
          A search through her draws didn’t produce what she thought was sexy enough. She remembered there was an underwear section in the shop where she had brought her swimsuit. Maybe, it would be worth her going back there again, for some sexy undies too.
          Looking through the racks it was hard to decide what she wanted. She would have liked to have someone with her, to help her decide but who could she ask. It is not normal to ask a friend to come to help her buying sexy undies she was going to wear for her new boyfriend before she took them off and fucked him. That sounded indecent, but sexy too. Her body shivered at the erotic thought of it.
          It was then that she saw it. On a small rack of more expensive French items. A matching set, of blue lace. Blue, her colour too! Tiny things, almost a half-cup bra and the panties! Could they even be called panties? A tiny thong – G-string. Her bum would be completely bare, only a string up the middle crack. With her breasts almost bursting out of the top, she just knew it would be sexy to wear. It had to be sexy. How else could such tiny things not be sexy? She was getting sexually turned-on already and she hadn’t even tried them on.
          When she did try, she wasn’t disappointed. The fit was perfect like it was made exactly for her body. She loved how her breasts swelled out over the bra, only missing showing her nipples by millimetres. She discovered the shoulder straps were optional, it could be worn either way. The bottom, a tiny lace triangle at the top of her thighs running to a string pulled higher over each hip. At the bottom, the triangle narrowed to a string as it pulled under between her legs. The back! What back? There was nothing other than a band across her back, connecting the two sides of her bra. Lower down, the two strings came down off her hips to meet a third-string that dropped to disappear between the cheeks of her ass.
          ‘Yes! This was the one’ she thought. ‘Exactly what I wanted.’
          It was expensive. More than she would usually pay for an entire outfit of clothing but she thought worth it. She left the shop smiling, the little plan brown bag in her hand as she hailed a taxi to take her back across the river to her apartment complex.

Story 247 Section Two Background.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 247 Section Two.

Hello from Allan sr and Kimberley.
       My name is Kim and I will be writing this background.

            I always loved Rajah's story about Nishi sneaking in to be with Steve. It shows a woman allowing her sexual feelings to get herself into a dangerous situation. She knew the rules. She knew she'd be dismissed if Sarvesh found out but she didn't think about that. She took the risk to be with this handsome white guy.
            She was caught by Sarvesh but surprisingly, she didn't get fired. Rather she was given what turned out to be a better job at the bank Sarvesh owned. He also helped her find a small apartment near the centre of town and soon life had taken a big step forward for Nishi.
            Enter Gaja. A waiter who had been employed while the overseas visitors were there for Katrina's wedding. He also moved to another role within the company's owned by Sarvesh. This is where Nishi contacted him again and they began dating. One weekend, Nishi inviting him to stay for the night.
            What happened that night? This story tells us. She cooks for him and they have some great sex. Getting to know each other a lot better. Funny about that. You do seem to know a guy much better once his cock has been inside your pussy.
            Yes, a sexy story. Hope you enjoy it.
                        Kimberley and Allan.

Hello - Susan here.
            As I often do, I decided to go visit Allan and Kim. Spend the night with them too. They have that great big bed. Plenty of room for me too. I have what I call my little hobby. I like visiting couples for some hot sex with both of them. I know the couples I visit, enjoy my visits too. Called it marriage enrichment, my style.
            It was hot that afternoon. They said it was hitting 30c for a while. It was hot and sweaty, no wind, the sort of afternoon, just moving and you start sweating. We decided to include the hot afternoon in this story too. Well, I arrived and they had a late lunch ready for me. Then that pool looked so inviting. My gear was thrown on a chair and I was in the water. Allan and Kim were stripped and not far behind me. Soon they were both getting me a bit horny, a bit frisky and touchy with their hands. Not that I minded. I had come over here to get naughty with them both. Even if the action was intended for the bedroom, I didn't mind it starting in the pool. It ended with me sitting out on the poolside with them both taking turns eating me.

            The first sex session in the heat of the afternoon made us hot and sweaty. It was outside for another swim and then relaxing on the cool on the deck. It was then that they showed me the first part of their story. See Story 247 Section One.
            When they told me they were stalled on Section Two, I asked if I could help. We sat for a while before dinner beside the pool while we talked. Some ideas came up and were thrown around but not much progress appeared to have been made. But in fact, some real progress had been made in that it got me thinking about their story.
            Dinner and a few drinks had us heading for their games room where I received a very sexy massage and some fun involving ice cream and strawberry jam being placed on my naked body to be licked off by both of them. This couple has some strange ways of having dessert! Me for dessert, it seems. LOL. Following this playing session, we ended in some great sex in the bedroom, great for all three of us.
            Later, I was laying between them. In the after-glow of our fucking sessions. Suddenly, ideas began to flow. Kim grabbed a pen and pad to scribble them down. By 10pm the ideas were becoming a story. We were in their computer room beginning to work. By midnight, things were moving and we'd started on writing a completely new story. Kim was typing. I was sitting beside her watching, throwing ideas at her as she worked. Allan was sitting with his feet on the other desk watching us and adding his input to the story too. See, it wasn't just me. All three of us wrote this story. Ideas from each of us combined as we went.
            It was going on 4am when Kim finished typing. It was done! The whole story had been written in one night. I've seen Anne do that but none of the rest of us has. So we went back to bed to celebrate, another session of sex before falling asleep. We didn't wake up until late-morning. After brunch, we read the story and all three of us thought it was pretty good. Only a few problems needed fixing here and there. Since then there have been a few more changes as it goes through the pre-publishing process. But the final version is not too different from what we wrote that night. Hope you enjoy it.

           Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                 Be safe - Be strong.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 247 Section Two.

Sunday 7 February 2021

Story 247 Gaja and Nishi - Section One.

Index of Letters                         Story 247 Section One Background.                         Back to Story 246.   

Forward to Story 247 Section Two.

Introduction By Amita.

Hi from Amita.
          You may remember in the last few days before our overseas guests left, Nishi, one of our house staff, met Steve for a late-night sex session in his room. (Story 216 Part Four.) At the time we were surprised. It was also against our strict house rules too and I expected that Sarvesh would have fired her but for some reason, he felt compassion for her and let her off with, what I considered, a very light warning. I still do not know why he did that. His explanations have been a bit vague. A few weeks later, when rumours started around the house, he even gave her a better job working at the bank.
          That wasn’t the only potential linking between our guests and our house staff. One of the newer staff, a young man called Gaja drew the attention of Shanti from New Zealand. Shanti got a lot of teasing from the men over that, 'cougar lusting after fresh meat,' they said. Later, when the staff joined our visitors for an evening, I noticed Gaja and Shanti talking for a long time in the pool. I wondered about them, there seemed to be an attraction between them but it was the end of their holiday and soon Shanti had left to return to New Zealand.
          Nothing more came of it. Well, that is what Sarvesh and I thought so we didn't say anything to Gaja. By then, Sarvesh had him lined up for an important new job in the restrant at the club/hotel. What we didn’t know was that Shanti had slipped him her email address. Naughty girl, Shanti. Sarvesh should have kicked your ass when he had the chance.
          Now, Gaja and Nishi, these are the two main characters of this story. They do not feel confident enough to write their own story so I am going to do it for them. The way I did this was by talking with them and making notes as they told me details of their adventures. I then wrote these notes into a story and they helped me make improvements and changes until we had each part as close as we could to what they remembered. I also called in others involved to give me their sides of the story too. I particularly want to thank Shanti for her help too.
          My writing style will be something different for Letters where I will be telling about things from a third-party perspective, almost as if I was an invisible person who knows and can see everything, even the thoughts and feelings of those in the story. I will even talk of myself, Amita, as a different person too.
          A famous quote from Shanti; - Enough Admin, let's get on with the fun stuff!

Story 247 Section One Background.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 247 Section One.

Hi everyone. We are back.
       My name is Asami.
            This story is about to be published and neither of the authors has come up with background notes yet. Anne wants to get this story published as it was holding up other stories following. One day, she told me with frustration, "Just to write a background for them and get the thing published." So here goes.
            First, a list of some of the previous stories concerning Nishi and Gaja.

                      Story 195 Part One - Shanti gets distracted by the waiter with the tight butt.

                      Story 220 - Shanti has a fantasy dream about the waiter with the tight butt.

                      Story 216 Part Four - Nishi's mid-night visit to Steve's room.

            Two characters appeared during our Katrina's Wedding stories and those that followed. One was a maid who took an interest in Steve and ended up visiting his bedroom during the night. The other was a young waiter whom Shanti took an interest in. Both these characters were never intended to become long term within the Letters Series, just appear in one or two stories and then disappear.
            Allan snr and Kim wanted to follow up on these two, put them together in a story that could lead to them becoming a couple. During the major rebuild in late 2020 and early 2021, Anne gave the go-ahead to develop this theme. There will be three stories. Well to be more exact, one story divided into three parts. They came up with the unusual idea of calling these sections rather than the usual name of parts. I think this was because of the internal part divisions in their story.
            In this section there is also has an offshoot theme where Shanti and Gaja correspond for a while. This quickly gets very erotic with the swapping of increasingly sexy and even nude photos. This was never going to be a long term relationship and after a few weeks, as Gaja's relationship with Nishi begins to develop, Gaja asks to end the correspondence. This fits in with Shanti's fantasy story (See above).
            Gaja and Nishi's relationship quickly develops sexually which might be understandable considering how she quickly had sex with Steve. She does seem fairly open-minded. They used the idea of a one-piece swimsuit at the pool of the club/hotel. A new variation of the sexy bikini theme I suppose.
            So all I want to say to Allan snr and Kim is, surprise, I beat you. It's now been published. - Asami.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 247  Section One.

Friday 28 August 2020

Story 246 Will You Take My Virginity, Please?

Hi from Jeremy.
        Next day, we were down at the river again, playing in the water, enjoying ourselves. I had the ball, someone grabbed me from behind, her body against me as she tried to reach for it. I could feel her body pressed against mine, feel her bare breasts against my back.
        “Hey! Who is that?” I asked.
        “Who do you think?” came back a female voice, Cathy’s voice.
        I struggled with her, finally managing to throw the ball to Ian. As Cathy broke away from me, I turned to face her.
        “Rubbing your tits on my back?”
        “Getting the ball,” she corrected me.
        “Isn’t it a bit sexy?” I asked
        “Don’t you like it, then?” she replied with a question of her own.
        That was a bit cheeky.
        “I didn’t say I don’t like it as such,” I said.
        “Then what are you complaining about?”
        This girl has a bit of spirit in her, I thought, standing up to me. I liked that.
        Cathy, David’s sister, a younger woman, had recently turned eighteen. I’d met her at social occasions with my friend David over the years. She was growing up now, the little girl becoming a good-looking woman. Looked great naked too. Nice tits, not large but had a pair of hot looking nipples with dark rings around them. Slim waist and great looking pussy too. She wasn’t scared to show it all either. More than willing to go skinny dipping and also get involved in the games with the ball. I heard she had a boyfriend too.

Story 246 Background.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 246.

How do you do?
       My name is Sexy Sue.

           This story was never part of our original plan. Once the riverbank stories were finished our intention was to jump on over to New Zealand. But I thought there was some unfinished business here, another story to be told.
           Cathy - David's younger sister. What do we know about her? How old is she? Is she a virgin? It has never been said in the stories. I talked with Shandra and she gave me a few ideas but really other than being a bit cheeky, a bit daring and comfortable with nudity, it was wide open for me to take this girl anyway I liked. My only limitation came from Anne, she told me that we'd had a lot of new characters in Letters recently, she didn't want to take Cathy very far.
           "One story?" I asked her.
           "Ok. One story," Anne agreed.
           See, just look sad and sorrowful. You can get anything you want out of Anne.
           Now Gordon. As I was planning this story, it quickly became clear that we needed a boyfriend for Cathy. I thought of our naughty online friend, Gordon, whom we sometimes chat with. Ok Gordon mate, I know you read this blog. It's your time to shine! Without asking Anne for permission, I slipped Gordon into my story.

           So that was the characters sorted. Now to my story.
           My first time had been in the backseat of a car. The 'low-life' who took me, just shoved his cock into me and started fucking. To hell with how much it hurt me. He didn't care! I was tough enough to take it ok but I believe a man should give a woman more respect for her first time and be gentle with her.
           I once read a story how a younger girl at a university had selected a professor for her first time and then once she had learnt about sex, goes back to her boyfriend. It was implied in the story that the boyfriend was in on the idea for them to gain the experience they needed. I've wanted to do a similar story and I thought, maybe a teenage couple living in a smaller town, way out in the Australian outback might be a suitable couple to seek out experience from an older couple.
           I began where Jeremy was going to give Cathy her first time but, as you will likely know, I love to put surprise twists into my stories. I had Joyce talk her way into giving Cathy's boyfriend some lessons. This led to much of the story being told by Joyce as she became a bit of an over-enthusiastic teacher. Getting cum all over her tits and then giving Gordon a really good fucking. Very naughty girl, that one!
           Not that Gordon was worried. Two orgasms! I don't really think he was complaining.
           Now, we can't have perfect sex all the time, can we? I wrote that Cathy didn't quite make it her first time but then she made up for it with her second time.
           The second and final scene, Cathy and Gordon, back together again, flying solo for their first time.

           Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                 Be safe - Be strong.
                       Sexy Sue.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 246.

Thursday 20 August 2020

Story 245 Riverbank Shagging.

Joyce and Ian. 
Hi from Joyce.
        We were reading the stories about what had happened with Ian and Kala when Katrina and David had gone to visit them. I think it is Story 228 Outback Adventures.
        Jeremy said to me, “I’ve heard a lot about that outback town. One day I’d like to go visit Ian and Kala.”
        Notice, he didn't just say visiting the town but particularly mentioned visiting Ian and Kala as well. I decided to pull him up on it.
        “You mean shagging Kala?” I asked. 
        “Yes, that too. I’d think they would be keen now.”
        “Then you’d get to play with her big tits.”
        “Yes,” Jeremy replied with a grin. “And I bet you wouldn’t say ‘no’ to Ian either.”
        I smiled at that, how he turned it back on me.
        “Yeah, I’d be in for shagging him,” I said.
        I’d been attracted to Ian from when I saw him naked at the party. I’d even wondered what he would be like to fuck. Yes, I’d be in for some fun with him.

        A few weeks later, I had the chance to talk to Katrina and she agreed it was a good idea. She also mentioned that in a couple of months, Ian and Kala, who had sold their farm, would be moving to another property they had brought. It seems that their land was worth much more for the gold laying under it than for grazing a few cattle on top. Katrina told me that she and David were going out there to help with them moving. She invited us to join them.
        That night in bed, I was talking to Jeremy, “Do you remember you told me you want to visit Ian and Kala?”
        “Yes,” he replied.
        “Katrina has invited us.”
        “Invited us? To go visit Ian and Kala?” Jeremy said trying to put it all together.
        “Yes, they are moving house and want some help.”
        “Sure, we can help. I’d love to go out there.”
        “And help ourselves with them at the same time,” I added.
        “Yes,” he smiled. “I hope so too.”
        So with Jeremy keen on that too, we both quickly arranged some leave from our jobs to go out to help Ian and Kala. Paula and Donald agreed to care for my daughter to give us time to getaway. Another surprise came when Fred and Ginger heard what we were doing. They decided to come with us too.

Story 245 Background.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 245.

Ayaka and Shandra. 
Hi from Shandra.
       This story is a joint venture between Ayaka and me. While she wrote most of the first half where Joyce tells her story, I took the second half where Jeremy tells his story. Originally, this was to have been two separate stories but since they weren't that big it was considered better to combine them as their content are both related to the same event, sex beside the river.
       So we started with Ayaka writing about Joyce and Ian together, told through the eyes of Joyce. Ayaka also set the scene of how and why Joyce and Jeremy were out at this small outback town meeting Ian and Kala. In my case, I took Jeremy and Kala together, told through the eyes of Jeremy. I wanted to add some realism to this story by taking the 'man moment' where Ian looks at his old house for the last time before it goes under the bulldozer. I tried to capture the male thing, 'we don't show tears but if we do, true mates pretend not to see it.' Does that work?
       I am unsure why Anne wanted Ian and Kala to move house but you can see she had it planned as far back as December 2019 in Story 228 Part One - Outback Adventures, where it was mentioned that Ian would probably need to sell. Regular readers of this blog will have heard of the big picture, the long term story behind this blog. Some notes are made but most of it is locked up in Anne's head. Like you readers, the rest of us writers just discover it as we go along.
       Our prime characters here are a couple who have been around for a while, Jeremy and Joyce who partner swap with a more recent couple, Ian and Kaka. All four of these characters are named after popular and regular readers of this blog. They have never been together before, so there is that excitement of trying with someone new. How will it go? Will I meet their expectations? Will they meet my expectations? What is actually a simple partner swap has been confused by having two other couples present beside the river with them.

Something Different. 
       The second part of this story features some themes that we don't often see in this blog. These themes at the very least would be considered as controversial but I believe we should be open to exploring something different, something new, from time to time.
           1) A Tittie Fuck. We've seen this one a few times. I've actually done it for real to a few men but it probably works better with women who are larger up top than I am. You also need to consider the lubrication. Skin against the skin can dry out and become uncomfortable friction, particularly when using oil or lotion that soaks into the skin. Plenty is needed and more applied as required. Do it right and it's great for the men. In truth, I don't mind it either, even when it ends with a cock load of cum, all over me. LOL
           2) Arse Fucking. Taking a cock in the arse is quite different from taking it in my cunt. As I've shown in my story, this can be very painful for the person being fucked whether female or male. Again, the secret is taking it slowly during penetration and use lots of lubrication. For the male, some are not too impressed with it while others think it is amazing. Like in the story, feeling so good in that tight hole that he was feeling light-headed.
       So what do you all think of this? I'd love to see lots of comments, even a debate on it. We have been debating it among us writers. Some in favour of exploring something new while others think, "Yuk. Totally gross!" They are against including it here. So what do you guys think? Should we or shouldn't we include stories like this here?

A First For This Blog. 
       This is an important mile stone for this blog. The very first time it has been coded in HTML. It was written in our usual MS Word file but was copied into HTML format. From there each line was given it's correct coding. In this way we hope to avoid errors appearing in the future.
       At the same time, this background was written completely using HTML instead of using the usual editor. Again we are hoping to emulate errors. A code template was copied down the page with the text being added into each paragraph. The end result being this page.

       Kia kaka - Kia kaha.
           Be safe - Be strong.
               Ayaka & Shandra.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 245.

Wednesday 12 August 2020

Story 244 - Two Sexy Women

Hi, it’s Fred here.
        After being with Katrina on Rottnest Island (Story 225 Rottnest Island Holiday) and Ginger had been with David, we got invited to a birthday party that Katrina was organizing for David. (Story 226 David’s Birthday) As work colleges, Ginger had been asked by Katrina if we would like to come. Since our fun on the island, I heard Ginger and Katrina had become much closer at work too. It seemed natural that they might ask us to his party.
       But I also knew I didn’t know many of their friends, well, that was the case for me, maybe Ginger knew more of them from where she worked. Anyway, we decided to go and see how it went. We always had the option of quietly slipping away. 
       A few days later, Ginger was told it was going to be a pool party so we could bring our togs too. This was more interesting I thought, I’d get to see Katrina in a swimsuit again. She was one hot girl. I was in for that too.
       “What are you going to wear?” I asked Ginger.
       “Probably my one-piece,” she replied.
       “Wear your bikini,” I told her.
       “Don’t you think that will be a bit much?”
       “No, I think most of the girls will be wearing them,” I said. “It’s fairly modest and you can leave your shorts on.”
       “Oh, you mean my older bikini, not the new tiny one,” she laughed.
       “You can wear that if you like,” I said with a grin. “You’ll be the main attraction of the party. Particularly once it gets wet and goes transparent.”
       “That’s what I’m afraid of," she replied with a giggle. 
        There was a phase and then she continued. “Anyway, I’m going to wear my short denim skirt. I’ll wear my bikini under that.” 
        I always like seeing Ginger showing off her body a bit. Wearing a bikini at a pool party would be great, I was so pleased she had agreed to do it. I’d figured it was mostly to please me but I hoped fun for her too. I loved how her bikini top made her breasts swell out giving her that extra sexy cleavage. I also liked how the bottom showed the curves of her arse too. Sexy! Yes, I was looking forward to that.
        Before we went, Ginger also hinted that things might get sexier later in the evening once most of the guests had gone, and they did. Playing that stripping game was fun, watching the girls getting naked, us guys getting naked too. Ginger and I joined in with it too. I think all the women were enjoying showing off. 
        It was so sexy to see Ginger removing both parts of her bikini while playing that game. The good thing about that game was that it was full nudity for everyone. All players would end up naked. As nudity wasn’t a problem for us, Ginger was ok to join in. 
        When the game became forfeits then that was much sexier. But Ginger was happy playing so I went along with it too. I could see all the women enjoying the attention they were receiving from the men. Certainly, they all enjoyed their sexy massage at the end of the evening. Then I got to spend the rest of the night with Paula, a very sexy lady, while Ginger was fucking her husband Donald. They were more our age and an unexpected treat being able to hook up with them like that.

Story 244 Background

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 244.

Hello from Brian,

          When my wife Julie took on writing a story about Ginger spending the night with David and Jeremy, I decided to take on the opposite story of what happened with Fred spending the night with the two women, Katrina and Joyce. Hence the name; 'Two Sexy Women.'
          First, I needed a plan, a rough idea as to how this evening would work. It was sort of the classic threesome with two women and one man. I talked with my wife Julie, to see how she was going to do her story, so I could go for something a little bit different. I then laid out of a basic plan of how this will happen first, then this and this and this etc. These ideas were written into a word file with gaps for other text between them. Julie was doing it in a similar way. I could now start writing with the option of working on a number of different sections down the page. 

         Both Katrina and Joyce are very sexy women. Popular with the men and willing to get into the action. Over the years some great stories had been written about them. I wanted to find out more about them so Julie and I decided to visit Rajah and Shandra. No one knows the characters of Letters, as well as Shandra, does. I discovered that evening that she has a notebook with a couple of pages for every character in the stories. 
        Of course, Julie and I were particularly interested in three couples - David & Katrina, Jeremy and Joyce, and the new couple Fred & Ginger. We sat down to read her notes on all six for them. Very interesting and very helpful too. 
        Susan, Anne and Allan were there, that evening, and they gave us some good advice on the construction of sex scenes and writing realistic conversation. 
        The result of all this was we went home with a lot of ideas and notes to help with our writing. 

        Now, the plan was for my mother to look after the kids so we could stay the night with Rajah and Shandra. The other three decided to stay as well. A quick couple of phone calls took care of kids and rearrange milking shifts and we had a group of seven people staying together. You just know with that group, it was going to turn sexual. 
        I am a bit surprised at my wife Julie. Other than a bit of joining in the games at parties, she doesn't really get into the sexual side with other people much. There is no barrier to us doing it, just that she doesn't seem to want it. That night she was different. Maybe it was talking about sex and sex scenes but she really went for it. 
        First, Julie was with Allan. That seemed to go ok from what I saw but I must confess to being preoccupied with Anne & Susan. Then while I moved on to Shandra, Julie was with Anne and Susan. That was a hot session. I think it really took Julie into some new territory but she told me later she enjoyed it. Finally, Julie had that great session with Rajah. 
        All in all, we had some ideas (Planning), some notes (Information) and some great sex, (Inspiration) for our stories.
                    Bye, now,

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 244.