Saturday 6 November 2021

Story 267 Background.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 267.

Kai ora!
       My name is Ayaka.

            As we moved through the Perth stories there were goals that had to be met. As each story was assigned we were given some expectations as to what we needed to achieve. In my case, there was Jasmine, a girl who is not expected to take a major role in the sex parties but she will attend them. Considering that, her parents thought it was better that she prepared herself as in an orgy situation like these parties might become, desires become high and perhaps people might not think before they act. Jasmine's parents reasoned that by preparing Jasmine now, she would have the option of going along with anything that came her way or she could move to the safe mat where she would be free from any sexual attention.
            While out at Ian’s farm they went swimming in the river pool by the railway bridge. As is usual every afternoon, a loaded ore train came past. The girls decided to flash the train drivers which they had done before. What was different this time was that Nishi, Riya and Jasmine decided to do it too. Three women who had never done it before.
            I wanted to get into Jasmine's head and see how she was feeling during this fun. Partly excited, partly scared was how she was feeling. But she stood with the other women and did it.
            Nishi took this as a sign of her maturity and pushed for Jasmine's parents to allow her to attend a sex party. Mootie and Hansini were unsure at first, but they agreed with possible restrictions during certain games.
            So another young person will be attending. Anne tells me that this will be the last of these stories now. She thinks they now have everyone they want going now.
            The last question is why Gaja? Well, I can't answer this one but I can give you a couple of guesses. First, it might have been because Nishi was suggesting the idea and thought her husband might like a nice young virgin. Secondly, as was mentioned in the story, Jasmine doesn't know Gaja, as well as others such, as Sarvesh. Since she might have men she doesn't know where she gets to New Zealand, perhaps it's better that she gets used to being with men like this. To be honest, I favour the first reason - a wife lining her husband up with some fun.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 267.

Saturday 30 October 2021

Story 266 Will You Be My Stand-in Wife?

Index of Letters                         Story 266 Background Notes.                         Back to Story 265.   

Forward to Story 267.

Hello from Nishi and Gaja again.
        It is Nishi telling of this story.
        We had held a group meeting at the club when everyone was present. That was the evening most of us women got onto that game and got totally drunk. I managed to stay fairly sober and I was feeling well enough to get into a sexy night with Jeremy when we got back to where we were staying. Other women weren't so lucky and had to be almost carried out of the club.
        At this meeting, it was decided that the group would split into two. One group going to the desert town where David grew up. For some reason, young Riya seemed to be pushing hard for that trip. The second group would join a trip driving to the south of Perth, visiting some wineries and then spending a few nights on Rottnest Island.
        After some discussion among couples, the group, divided roughly in half. Donald took our names and went on to purchase tickets, arrange accommodation etc.
        I, myself, was interested in going to see the desert. It sounded like something different, a place I had never been before. My husband Gaja, had dismissed the desert as “there is nothing there” and wanted to go to the winery and island. I wasn’t so interested in wine and I had seen similar things like beach resorts before when I had travelled with my first husband but without saying more, I was happy to accompany my husband, Gaja on that trip. I consider being with my husband was more important than where we went.

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“Will You Be My Stand-in Wife?”

Story 266 Background Notes.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 266.

Hi everyone.
       My name is Reshma.

        As you will have likely realised, this story continues from where Shandra left off. It is Nishi telling us the story again as she finds herself in a rather interesting situation. The mixed group of Indians and Australians have decided to split into two groups for a few days, some wanting to go deep into the Australian desert to visit a mining town while others wanted to stay closer to the coast also visiting a resort island.
        When Nishi and Gaja discussed it, one wanted to go on either trip. Gaja liked the idea of visiting a winery and an island while Nishi thought the desert would be someplace she has never seen. They discussed it and Nishi decided to defer to her husband and go on the trip he wanted. It wasn't a big issue for her and she did think being with her husband was much more important.
        At the last moment, Hansini, who had been going on the desert trip with her husband, wanted to change but arrangements and bookings had been made and it was too late now. The group discussed swapping females between the groups because an Indian woman would be expected in both groups. It was even mentioned it was like a wife swap. That was when Gaja, who knew his wife was still keen on the desert trip idea, suggested Nishi could swap trips with Hansini.
        So suddenly found Nishi found herself, leaving her husband and going off with another man for a few days. It was joked about her becoming his stand-in wife. So Nishi found herself with a "new" husband and a ready-made family of two kids and a teenage daughter.
        While she had met Mootie a few times when Nishi and her husband had attended nude weekends, she really didn't know him that well. She certainly hadn't done anything sexual with him and now she was going off acting as his husband! That was an interesting situation.
        All knew that this swap would involve sex as they would be sleeping in the same bed with this other person. So while Nishi ended up being with Mootie, Gaja would end up with Mootie's wife Hansini. This is the basic plan for the next few stories, this one told by Nishi and the other told by Gaja. This wife swap will possibly be mentioned in some other stories as well.
        So this is where my story starts, Nishi going off with another man called Mootie. And Anne told me to make sure there were some good sex scenes.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 266.

Saturday 23 October 2021

Story 265 Nishi and Gaja Start to Play.

Index of Letters                         Story 265 Background.                         Back to Story 264.   

Forward to Story 266.

Hello from Nishi.
          Here we were in Perth. Our Trip had been great so far and we were having a lot of fun. This was a funny group to travel with. Lots of joking and teasing between the men and women, they had kept me laughing almost the whole time.
          Now we are on our trip to Australia and New Zealand. Our first stopover, Singapore, had been interesting sightseeing and enjoying time with our friends. I even got involved in that sexy bikini adventure at the roof-top swimming pool of the hotel we were staying at, by wearing a bikini in public that was way beyond my usual comfort zone.
          As our trip continued, we had reached Perth in Western Australia and here our sexual adventures continued too. Much has already been told of this stopover but I will confine myself to what happened directly to me.
          It is day three of our stay here and I have woken up beside a man who is not my husband and not even Indian either if that can be of a surprise to you. A handsome man, an Australian, a few years older than me. My mind remembered back to the great sex we had together last night, the second white man I had ever been with, his name is Jeremy. I was very happy with him and I hope he was with me.
          So the question to be answered is - how did a married Indian woman come to be in the bed of a white man on the other side of the world? Here is my story, I will begin it for you now.

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Our Trip Begins.

          It had all started when they called us to join them for one of their special weekends at Sarvesh’s house. You know the ones I mean, the nude ones, their monthly nude weekends. While we had stopped going to these meetings because of the supposed expectation to take sex with the others there, we had continued to remain in contact with some like Sarvesh and Amita. Even had some sex nights with this couple (See Story 247 Gaja and Nishi Part Three.) One day I received a call from Amita and she invited us to attend but we were unknowing as to why.
          It seems, Sarvesh was announcing this trip to Australia and New Zealand which caused a lot of excitement among those who were present. They must have known what we would say, “No we couldn’t go,” because they had left us alone watching others getting excited about this new adventure.
          When Amita had called Gaja and me to go with her, we followed unsure what was going on. We were taken into the House Office where we met Steve and Shanti from New Zealand online. We were on video, on Skype and as the conversation progressed it became a bit sexual. In fact, very sexual until all four of us were performing cybersex.
          After orgasms for all four of us, the question was asked, would we be going on the trip? It was told to me by Steve there would be more orgasms with him, like the one I’d had. That was the selling point for me. Our reply was, yes. We would be going with them. (Read Story 260 Are You Coming with Us?)

Story 265 Background Notes.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 265.

Greeting to all our loyal readers.
       My name is Shandra.

            With the Indians joining the Australians in Perth, some fun is starting between them. When Nishi and Gaja decided to join the trip it was made clear that they could join in the sexual fun. In fact, Steve had even promised Nishi there would be more fun, more orgasms for her from him when she got to New Zealand. It seems like that might have been a tipping point for her to go on that trip.
            Since Julie wrote (Story 260 Are You Coming With Us?) as if Nishi was telling the story, I decided to carry on with that here. Nishi was experienced with overseas travel, having done some with her first husband but Gaja wasn't. This was all a big new adventure for him. I didn't cover much of their trip from India to Australia other than Nishi getting involved in the bikini exhibitionism at the pool in Singapore. Wearing a bikini for the first time, a very tiny one she borrowed from Hansini, was very daring but she knew Gaja would enjoy it. He did too and the sex back in their hotel room was exciting especially since Gaja insisted she leave the tiny bikini on. Something new in their sex life.
            Now they moved on to Perth where Nishi and Gaja stay with Jeremy and Joyce. On the first night there they see Sarvesh and Amita do a partner swap with Jeremy and Joyce. On the second night, it is their turn but since Joyce ends up getting drunk at the club, nothing much happened between her and Gaja. On the other hand, Nishi is feeling much better so she and Jeremy have a good session together. Gaja claims Joyce owes him a rematch.
            The title of this story is 'Nishi and Gaja Start to Play' so I wanted to make that a feature of this story with two fairly good sex scenes. I hope we can do more with both Nishi and Gaja while they spit to go on separate trips, Nishi to the desert town with Mootie and Gaja on a trip with Hansini. Those should be good stories.
            Jeremy is a popular character in our stories. He always comes across as a considerate but great lover and always his sex partner leaves his bed very happy with him. So, of course, we had to achieve the same thing here. But keep in mind that while Nishi and Jeremy had likely seen each other at Katrina's wedding, perhaps even spoken to each other, Jeremy was a special guest while Nishi was only a maid at the Big House. Now that had changed as they were more of equal status. Also, they knew nothing about each other and had never even seen each other naked. Nishi took the chance to read up on Jeremy but he doesn't seem to have done much toward learning about her. Suddenly, they walked into the bedroom together, expecting to spend a night of sex together.
            Both Nishi and Jeremy were married and so knew about how the different sexual positions would go and so I wrote as if they were both falling back on past sexual experience to be with a new sex partner. Seems to have gone ok, just as I would expect with a couple like this.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.
                        Shandra and Rajah.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 265.

Saturday 16 October 2021

Story 264 Andrew & Kalki.

Index of Letters                         Story 264 Background.                         Back to Story 263 Part Two.   

Forward to Story 265.

Hello from Hamza.
          I know that this story is mostly about my wife, Kalki. Since this is her adventure but I will be telling it for her. I’ll let her know before we publish, I hope.

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Meeting Andrew.

          When we went down to the nude beach the first time, a family was there with their two grown children and their two friends. That is two girls and two boys in their mid to late teens.
          One of them, a boy about 19 called Andrew, stands out more than the others since he was the one who first spoke to Kalki. Then later it was him who invited us to join in a game of beach football. I wasn’t intending in that last idea but I could see my wife was excited and really wanted to play so I encouraged Payam and Sairu to join us too. It was fun and we all enjoyed it. (See Story 262 Yes Bikini – No Bikini.)
          The next day, we took Riya down to this beach and Andrew was there again. He came straight over to talk to us. I could see Riya was interested, would have liked to have talked with him but he bypassed her attempt to speak to him, instead, going straight to my wife Kalki again.
          Riya looked a bit disappointed, almost annoyed since she would have noticed Andrew was more her age. This mildly amused me too. Later we would learn just how much it had actually annoyed Riya but that is for later in this story.
          Concerning my wife Kalki, I thought this was becoming a bit too friendly and I needed to warn her, so told I Kalki it was about time she made it very clear she was a married woman. That was meant as a message for the boy but very much it was intended as a reminder of her status to me. She was my wife! She needed to behave like it. The look on her face told me she’d got the message on both counts.
          She promised that if she saw him again, she would tell him. I did say he was a nice boy and I liked him so let him down gently. Don’t hurt his ego. She agreed with this too.

Story 264 Background Notes.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 264.

Hello everyone.
       My name is Sexy Sue.

            Mostly when I write it is about the more sexual side of the stories. Often I'm called in to spice up an otherwise dull sex scene because I'm considered good at writing sex. But I wanted to show I'm also capable of producing other writing as well. In this case, I wanted to capture something more than just sex in my story. I wanted to capture some emotion other than sexual desire. That is what this story is about.
            Back in Story 261 Leaving India, Allan had written about when Kalki and Hamza had just met the couple, Fred and Ginger, that they were staying with, in Perth. When Kalki had gone out on the deck to enjoy the view over the ocean, Fred had followed her. He stood behind her with his arms around her as he was showing her the view. Soon this turned sexual and they were kissing, stripping each other and then fucking.
            As they finished, Kalki noticed the others were watching from inside the house. It was at this point that Kalki found out about the bet. Her husband Hamza had bet that she would not have sex with Fred, outside on the deck. But she did and she enjoyed it too. Now on finding out it was a bet, she felt betrayed and angry both at Fred but even more at her husband Hamza. This made a very good scene as this couple had to deal with what had happened.
            I decided to use Kalki and Hamza too. This time a bedroom fantasy is mentioned where Kalki would like to fuck a stranger she has just met, in front of her husband. When a man called Andrew, took an interest in her down at the nude beach, fantasy started to become reality. That is the basis for this story. Without realising what it was, Kalki was actually cuckolding her husband and Hamza didn't like it.
            In the process, I realised Riya was still there from her big night. Why not give her a major scene in this story too. That became a threesome with Hamza and Payam and then the spit-roast idea came up. Riya got to see a rougher, more wild side of sex than she had the previous night. And she liked it too. Actually, this story became more about Riya than about Kalki.
            I wanted this Andrew thing to be a one-off and so I arranged for Hamza and Kalki to stay with Joyce and Jerem when they came back from their trip to the desert. There are lots of other guys for her to play with. No need to explore outside the group again.
            Finally, when they were back in India and things were fine between them, I had Hamza show her the story and that scene where there was unfinished business neither of them wanted to talk about. It leaves an idea perhaps someone might pick up again in the future.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.
                        Sexy Sue.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 264.

Thursday 7 October 2021

Story 263 Riya’s First Time – Part Two.

Index of Letters                         Story 263 Part Two Background.                         Back to Story 263 Part One.   

Forward to Story 264.

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Playing Sexy Games.

அனைவருக்கும் வணக்கம். என் பெயர் ரியா
Hello! Everyone. My name is Riya.
          For those who need to know, I am Riya, the oldest daughter of Jeevan and Mandara, who are my parents.
          First, a quick catch-up but I strongly suggest you read Story 263 Part One before you read this story because much of what happens here began in that first story.
          You will remember that completely out of the blue, my parents suddenly told me I could find a man and get him to take my virginity. Basically, their idea was to prepare me for the sex parties that would be taking place in New Zealand. I came to know all of this had been planned beforehand, even the man I would choose had been warned. Devious planning by my parents it seems.
          The man I selected for this task was one I feel very close to, probably the closest among the male adults. It was Hamza. When I rang to ask him, he confirmed he knew about it and was expecting my phone call. Sort of said yes, even before I managed to ask him. How about that? Don't they know it's us teens who are meant to be smarter than them!
          I was over at the house where Kalki and Hamza were staying, set in a coastal location, overlooking the ocean. I discovered there was even a beach nearby where we spent time that afternoon nude swimming etc. Back at the house, we were settling down for what was promising to be a sexy evening. Sometime during that evening, I knew I would no longer be a virgin but that is getting ahead of ourselves. For now, after dinner and watching a sunset over the ocean we were inside, in the lounge when Sairu comes running in carrying a box.

          “I found a game in the cupboard,” Sairu told us. “It looks a bit sexy.”
          “Let’s see it, honey,” her husband, Payam said.
          She opened the box and we spread out the contents on the dining table. We gathered around to see what she had found. There was an old-style game board, some counters and dice, with three packs of cards. The first cards were labelled 'Stripping.' The second pack was called 'Sexy Fun' and the third pack was called, 'XX Rated.' I think that explained what each pack contained. They were designed so a level could be selected for which players were comfortable with playing.
          “Well, what do you guys think?” Sairu asked us.
          “I'm in if you girls want to play,” Payam said
.           “Me too,” Hamza added.
          “Kalki said, “I’ll play too. This looks totally sexy.”
          “Of course, since I brought up the idea, I’m in too,” Sairu said.
          They all turned to me. “What about you, honey?” Hamza asked. “Do you want to play too?”
          “I want to,” I replied, “But it is very sexy, I think.”
          “Too sexy?” Kalki asked.
          “Maybe,” I replied. “But can I try?”
          “Ok,” Sairu said, “Let’s start with the first game. The stripping one. If we like it, we can try the other two games.”
          “That sounds better,” I said.
          “Ok, once we get past the stripping game, I think Riya should get a free pass for anything she thinks is too much. The rest of us get a penalty if we chicken out,” Sairu suggested.
          So that is how we all agreed to play.

Story 263 Part Two Background Notes.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 263 Part Two.

Hello everyone.
      My name is Allan snr.

            We pick up this story again after Riya and her friends have had dinner and enjoyed her first sunset, seeing the sun drop into the ocean. As the evening was getting cooler, they moved inside so they can remain naked. It is then that Sairu finds a game that will keep them occupied all evening.
            While this game was exciting and sexy for the two married couples, for Riya it took her deep into the new world of sex. During this evening she would see things and do things that she would have never thought possible. Finally, much later in the evening, it would end with her losing her virginity to Hamza. The following morning she had time with Payam too.
            This whole story is about Riya losing her virginity and so we wanted to make it a feature scene. Kim came up with the idea of using all four people of the two couples. All four have sex with her at the same time.
            I wondered how we could pull this off and still make it seem plausible. But Kim was sure she could so she started writing this scene. Soon she got Anne and Susan involved for ideas until they had written quite a good scene. It was then that Kim came to me saying she wanted to do more with Payam.
            If you have read this scene, you will have realized that Payam had a more passive role of holding Riya while she lay back against him. Kim wanted him to use verbal stimulation as Riya approached her orgasm. I think this works well once we got it right. Now, this sexy scene is the final highlight of a sexy story.
            One new thing Anne has been encouraging is to work with characters and try new things. We have never done sex between two men so we tried that here too.

      Hi from Anne.

              We have not finished with these couples out near the beach. There is one more story in which Kalki has some more problems when she tries acting out a fantasy she has had. This will end up with there being problems between her and her husband, Hamza.
              Meanwhile, Riya learns what spit-roasted means.
                            See you all again soon.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.
                         Allan snr, Kimberly, and Anne.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 263 Part Two.

Thursday 30 September 2021

Story 263 Riya’s First Time – Part One.

Index of Letters                         Story 263 Part One Background.                         Back to Story 262.   

Forward to Story 263 Part Two.

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“Your first time with a man.”

அனைவருக்கும் வணக்கம். என் பெயர் ரியா
      (anaivarukkum vanakkam. en beyer ria)
Hello! Everyone. My name is Riya.
          For those who need to know, I am Riya, the oldest daughter of Jeevan and Mandara, who are my parents.
          We were on our recent trip to Australia and also New Zealand and we had just arrived in Perth the day before. I, myself and my family were all staying in Donald’s house with my parents staying upstairs while I was down in Katrina and David’s flat, where all us kids were staying. Katrina and David were staying elsewhere in another house nearby while we were here. Yes, the kids were younger than me, and noisy too, but I was fine with our sleeping arrangements. It was a large open room where they had removed the furniture so we could sleep with beds made on the floor. As I said, it was comfortable enough for me but the big advantage was the swimming pool right outside the sliding glass door. I could just walk through the sliding door and plunge into the water, without any thought of wearing clothing.
          It was a hot afternoon and we were outside at the pool. I was swimming as usual. Mum always says I was born like a fish as I loved the water so much. It is my special place. Dad says he installed our swimming pool just for me as I use it more than anyone else. He calls me his water-baby. In our pool at home, it was overlooked by the neighbours next door. That meant no nude swimming but I usually wore a bikini even though I knew I could be seen and often watched by the man and two boys who lived there. When my parents weren't at home, I even wore the very tiny one. I didn't care, it was just a bikini, hiding the important bits so I had no problem there.
          So, here I was in Perth of Australia and I was swimming in Uncle Donald’s pool. Not my real Uncle but we call him that. Meanwhile, Mum and Dad were sitting under the shade watching me. I had just finished a series of fitness lengths, pushing myself as hard as I could to beat my times. Yes, I always compete against myself, striving to do better. It made me super fit which I liked. Made my body look great too, which I also liked.
          I was happy with my performance that time and now I relaxed at the poolside, my breathing still increased as my body recovered from that session of intense physical exercise.
          It was then that something life-changing began as Dad called me to go to him. So, I got from the pool and was walking towards them, around the other side of the pool. They followed watching me until I came to a seat beside them.

Story 263 Part One Background Notes.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 263 Part One.

Kia ora.
       My name is Allan snr.

            Kim and I were given another of those virgin stories where a young girl/woman from India was given permission by her parents, to find someone to help take her virginity and prepare herself for the sex parties in New Zealand. Yes, I know this is a rather unlikely thing to happen but then lots of our stories are a bit unusual. When it was decided to drop the new series Letters - The Next Generation, we decided to use some stories to introduce these children, now older teens or young adults, into the Letters stories.
            Meet Riya, the heroine and storyteller of this two-part story. She is keen on the idea and excited by it but coming from small-town India she had never believed anything like this could happen, having grown up with the belief that she would remain a virgin until she was married. Suddenly, her whole world was turned upside down (her words, not mine) when her parents told her to go find a man from among their friends. Even more of a shock was when she discovered that their friends all knew about it since the idea had been discussed at a Nude Weekend in India. Riya has not appeared in many stories, having been kept below the horizon most of the time. About the only one I can remember is (Story 215 Greasy Pole.) where Riya has a fighting match with Kathy while standing on a greasy pole placed across the swimming pool.
            Riya was having problems with her parents, well so she said but the truth was more they were having problems with her. Like many teens, she was rebelling, pushing the boundaries and fighting with her mother, causing problems with her siblings. In the end, her mother had enough, become so annoyed she cancelled Riya going on this trip. It was only some last-minute intervention by a couple of the men, including Sarvesh, that saved her. Otherwise, she would have been stuck in India, staying with an Uncle and Aunty while everyone else went on this fun trip to Australia and New Zealand.
            I asked my son, Allan jr to help in his (Story 261 Leaving India.) by having Riya stay in the same hotel room with Hamza and Kalki during their stopover in Singapore. He did exactly what I asked, showing a closeness between Riya and this couple. Also showing she was a bit cheeky and fun to be with. I also wanted it mentioned there were some of the problems between Riya and her parents so that theme could be extended into our story here.
            Finally, I want to mention my co-authors who did a great job with this story. Of course, you know Kim would be involved but Anne was too. Both these women are good writers and fun to work with. They perhaps contributed more in Part Two than in this, Part One. But here, Kim did a lot with Riya's attitude towards her parents with sly, almost sarcastic comments woven into our writing. Really gave this young woman some attitude.
            Anne helped with advice on the travelling parts of this story and also wrote most of that bikini scene. Girls in bikinis? Looks like my son might have had a hand in that too. In the next part, both girls had a lot of input on the many sex scenes but that is for next week.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.
                        Kim, Anne and Allan snr.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 263 Part One.

Friday 24 September 2021

Story 262 Yes Bikini – No Bikini.

Index of Letters                         Story 262 Background.                         Back to Story 261.   

Forward to Story 263 Part One.

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Going Out for a Meal.

Hello, Hamza here.
          Out of all the adults who travelled from India, I think it might have been my wife who struggled the most. She is usually a gentle, mild woman, not as exposed as many to western ways. From the start, she was excited but also a bit timid. She wanted to go but was also a bit worried about it too.
          I think I was probably pushing her a bit. When we were in Singapore, I encouraged her to wear that bikini type swimwear, the very sexy one. I could tell she was timid but Riya and I still pushed. I’m a bit sorry for that now. But she did it, she boldly wore that bikini and I was pleased as the other women had worn similar bikinis, That was a big encouragement for Kalki. Once she got her cover off and got into the water, I know she enjoyed the excitement of wearing such a tiny, revealing bathing suit in public.
          I must add, she looked hot and sexy too and I told her so too. I noticed the attention she was getting from other men nearby and women too. That was a turn on for me to know others were looking at my wife. When we stepped from the water holding each other’s hand, I felt I was telling everyone, this is my lovely wife; Isn’t she beautiful? I also wanted to show her in a physical way, how much I appreciated her doing that for me. I saw the gentle smile of thanks she gave me before we boldly walked up the steps together.
          The sex afterwards was good too. Both of us seemed to be excited by her, revealing her body in such tiny items as these. When we went to the bed, I insisted she leave the bikini on. She was surprised at first as it is our usual style to play the love games naked. But I think my bedroom performance that afternoon persuaded her that partly undressed can often be as sexy as nude.

Story 262 Background Notes.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 262.

Hi everyone,
       My name is Allan Jr.

            This story continues following Kalki from where my story left off. (See Story 261 Leaving India.) After the misunderstanding with Fred, things settled down and they went out for dinner at a seafood restaurant. This evening went very well for Kalki because there was a special surprise thrown in by Hamza and Fred, saying sorry for what happened during the afternoon. She was pleased with that.
            The second half of this story concerns a trip down to a nearby nude beach. This really takes Kalki out of her comfort zone. While she is very comfortable being nude with the group at Savesh's house, going nude in public, even if it was only a few people, was something completely different. At first, she intends to wear a bikini so I'll let you read and find out how she got on.
            Some friends of Fred and Ginger were there and Kalki got to meet Andrew, their son. She liked him, partly because she is younger, nearer her age. While she chatted with him, Hamza was becoming a bit uncomfortable about them.
            For more details on the background, I suggest you see the Story 261 Background Notes.

       My name is Anne.

The Big Picture.
            So after two introduction stories, we finally are ready for this trip. Over the next few stories, we will follow various travellers as they share their adventures. At times their stories will overlap but we'll try to keep this to a minimum or present the various events in different ways. Sort of how different people will often see a particular event in different ways.
            Due to the recent lockdown, many of us have had spare time and so we have built up a backlog of stories ready to be published. For the next month or so we will be publishing weekly until we catch up, so expect a story every Friday morning NZ time.
            Once we've caught up we'll be going back to publishing as stories are completed. I don't want to push a tight schedule and end up letting the quality of our writing drop so we allow writers to get to the stage where they are happy with their work.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.
                        Allan and Anne.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 262.

Thursday 16 September 2021

Story 261 Leaving India.

Index of Letters                         Story 261 Background.                         Back to Story 260.   

Forward to Story 262.

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We Begin Our Trip.

Hi - It’s to be Kalki again.
          I woke up early, perhaps didn’t even sleep much. I looked over at my husband Hamza. He was still asleep but I was wide awake. I was so excited about our trip. My mind was busy, thinking of the many things when I was supposed to be relaxed. Everything was done, everything packed. It was only the last-minute things and we would be gone.
          My mind drifted to the evening before. The sex last night between my husband, Hamza and I, myself had been great. I don’t know what it was. The expectation of our holiday. Seeing and doing new and exciting things. Meet our friends again both old and new. The excitement of different sexual partners and different sexual pleasures.

          It had been an interesting journey for Hamza and me since we had met all these new friends. I went back to remember the evenings, we three couples used to have, (Story 172 New Friends, New Faces, New Fun.) How our meetings became sexier each time. There was that pool party where we wore swimsuits and the three of us women were even daring enough to bare our breasts for the men to enjoy. Then came the time we played that sexy stripping game. That was even sexier where all six of us became completely naked.
          Soon after that, we were invited to the nude weekend at Amita’s house and not long after that Sairu and Payam did a sex swap with Amita and Sarvesh. (Story 173 New Faces at Our Nude Weekends.)
          That evening, after we heard what they were doing, we had returned to our room, Hamza had been so turned on. In the bed was amazing. He was so urgent for the sex and we did it much more than is usual for us. I remember him mentioning what might be happening with our friends as we fucked. The positions changed and we did it again. Again, it was mentioned if those couples were trying this way too. My mind was on my friend Sairu too and I realised that this sex swap thing they were doing, was a big turn-on for both of us.
          The next morning, Hamza asked me directly if I would be open to taking sex with one of the men here. I told him I would never cheat on him. Then he asked if I was open to us both trying, maybe a couple swapping. That is we both openly knew we were going to do it. I agreed I might be open for that one.
          It wasn’t long after that before we were doing it too. Sharing sex with our friends.

Story 261 Background Notes.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 261.

Greetings everyone.
       My name is Allan Jr.

            At the writer's planning meeting, I took this story taking the little darling, Kalki, from India to Perth in Australia. Suggestions given to me were that as the trip began, this woman would be swinging between excitement and nervousness. Her husband Hamza would realize this and be there for support during various parts of the story. It could also be stated that her condition of early pregnancy might be affecting her emotional state, making her seem a bit fragile at times.
            First off, Kalki. What do we know about her? She is a beautiful woman, younger than any of the other women travelling on this trip. She is usually shy when meeting new people but once she gets over that, she can be bold, outgoing and sexy when she wants. In Story 259 - Our Amazing Trip, Asami gave us an excellent description of this woman so was can assume she would be beautiful or at least attractive to most men. Asami wrote that she is now pregnant with her second child. Not that I planned on doing much with that here but as mentioned above I was intrigued by her possible emotional state. (See Story 264 when it is published. Susan has really taken this idea on.)
            I decided to use the tried and proved route that has been used a few times in other stories. The trip by bus to the small city of Kadapa, then the flight to the larger city of Hyderabad. From Hyderabad is the first international flight to Singapore. After a short stay for a few days in this city-state, they will travel on another international flight to Perth in Western Australia. That gave me a basic structure for my story, so now I could fill in the details.
            My father Allan snr. and his girlfriend Kim are working on a story about Jeevan and Mandara's eldest daughter Riya. I agreed to take on the first part of their story by having Riya travelling with Kalki and Hamza for much of the trip. Actually, Kalki is closer in age to Riya than she is to any of the other women on the trip. In Perth, Riya will have some sexual adventures of her own, but I won't disclose too much of that here, although Kalki does give us hints during this story. Riya was having problems between her and her parents, they were behaving it seems. I was asked to bring this out in my story too.
            When it came to sex scenes, Susan and Anne were helping me. We debated these for a while and I finally included three sex scenes in this story. The first was where Kalki sat early the morning of their trip thinking about sex with her husband the night before. She and Hamza had been driven by their excitement for this trip. The second scene happened one afternoon in Singapore where Kalki came back to their hotel room after wearing a swimsuit in public for the first time. Even more, was that this was a tiny, sexy Wicked Weasel bikini. Hamza wouldn't let her take it off while they had sex. (You know how I love a sexy girl wearing a bikini.) The third time Kalki had sex was in Perth where she surprised everyone by fucking outside on a deck, with a man she'd only just met, a few hours before. So much for being shy when she met new people! That is where I decided to drop in that surprise twist at the end. After reading this, I think you will appreciate that final scene more.
            So that pretty well covers the ideas driving this story. I believe it flows well through a variety of situations and scenes, achieves all that was asked of me. I hope you enjoy it too.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.
                        Allan Jr.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 261.

Friday 10 September 2021

Story 260 Are You Coming With Us?

Index of Letters                         Story 260 Background.                         Back to Story 259.   

Forward to Story 261.

          This story was written by me, Julie. Since I don't have a profile here we have decided to try using the 'Guestreader' profile as it has full editing capabilities.
          While I wrote this basic story, it had to fit closely with the stories around it and the characters used in this blog. Anne and Susan proofread my work and made numerous changes throughout so we must consider them as co-authors. But I am happy with the end result and happy to present it to you, our loyal readers.
          There is history between Steve and Nishi and between Shanti and Gaja, so my story had to blend in with these previous stories and events. Shandra, our character expert helped a lot with this. Here are links to those stories.

            Story 216 The Final Days - Part Four..                Nishi meets Steve in his room for a sex session.
            Story 247 Gaja and Nishi - Section One.            Gaja correspondence with Shanti and then he starts dating Nishi.
            Story 247 Gaja and Nishi - Section Two.            Nishi invites Gaja back to her flat for the night.
            Story 247 Gaja and Nishi - Section Three.         Nishi and Gaja get married. Sarvesh and Amita special evening.

“Are you coming with us?” he asked.

Hi from Nishi and Gaja.
          We were not expecting to be involved in the sex group up at the Big House but we had kept in contact with Sarvesh and Amita. We met them at the club for dinner a couple of times and despite our age difference, we seem to get on well. It was obvious they enjoyed spending time with us.

          One evening we got a phone call from Amita. “Hi, Nishi. I know you don’t want to join in with our Special Weekends but I was hoping you might make an exception for our next one. Sarvesh has an announcement which also concerns both of you.”
          I quickly asked Gaja and we agreed to attend, both a bit intrigued as to why Sarvesh wanted us there. Amita had clearly stated that there was no expectation of us regarding their sexual activities. They just wanted us to attend on Friday evening. Whether we stayed for the rest of the weekend was entirely up to us.

Story 260 Background Notes.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 260.

Kia ora!
       My name is Julie.

            When I was given this story to write there were very clear objectives that had to be achieved. And one other that I could use that would support some future stories being written.
            My main objective we to get Nishi and Gaja on this trip where the whole group were travelling to Australia and New Zealand. My second objective was to let Steve and Shanti know they are coming. Yes, you've guessed it, there will probably be some kind of hook-up between them in New Zealand. (Sorry, I have no more information on that.)
            So how do I achieve both these objectives? My husband, Brian came up with the answer. Why not get Steve and Shanti online asking Nishi and Gaja to come. There is a strong attraction there and it might be just what would tempt this couple to travel.
            The unwritten undertone of this story is that Nishi and Gaja are going to have sex with Steve and Shanti when they get to New Zealand. They all know it's going to happen. We do too. My only question is how. My suggestion would be, Steve invites them to stay at his house. But I'm sure the writing team will sort this out as the time comes.
            Cyber-sex: I've done this a few times with a few naughty Japanese boys. It's fun and sexy once you feel safe with the other person. Once one of the wives joined in with Brian and we made it a foursome.
            My story was intended to be short so I didn't want to do too much with the sex scene. I got them naked and playing, then they all got off with the help of their partners. It's sexy making yourself cum on a webcam but what about if your partner does it for you? There is the sexual release with orgasms but also the loss of control in that someone else is making you cum. I think that makes it more exciting.
            Finally, I had to work with Asami as she was also writing about this same evening so since our stories will sit side by side in the blog we had to get the details right. The main problem seemed to be around who was in the car with Hamza when he went into the town to collect Nishi and Gaja. After a meeting with Asami, we decided Kalki went with him and Riya gate-crashed the party. Why Riya? Again some long term plans where Anne wants a closer relationship between Hamza and Riya. You've probably worked out why but I'm not going to say anything here.

            Kia kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 260.

Friday 3 September 2021

Story 259 Our Amazing Trip.

Index of Letters                         Story 259 Background Notes.                          Back to Story 258 Part Four.   

Forward to Story 260.

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Hi, this is Kalki,
          We have just arrived back from an amazing trip visiting both Australia and New Zealand. Now we have returned to our homes within India. It was an amazing trip, yes, I said that but it was. We met all our friends from other countries, made some new friends, seen many sights I could never believe and had experiences I could never imagine. May I quietly add, the sex was great too. Ha, ha! So many sexual adventures, I am unbelieving of them.

          Now Shanti has asked me if I would like to lead a team, made of Shanti, Joyce and Amita. Together we will organize the recording of all the stories of this trip. To begin, I think we should hear from Sarvesh, the one who arranged everything. He is first going to tell us where the idea came from.
          I have invited him to write for the first story. I hope he behaves himself but I am knowing of Sarvesh. I don’t think he will be able to.

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Story 259 Background Notes.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 259.

Hello from Asami.

            Recently, I haven't written much in this blog but I've always been following it and doing much of the IT work on it as well. Now they asked me to get back into writing by taking on this small transit story. They call those short stories 'Transit Stories' because they shift from one theme to another theme. Transiting from one series to another.
            Anne gave me some goals that I had to achieve. First, I had to set Kalki as one of the key storytellers for the stories about travelling from India to New Zealand. Second, I had to show some personal information about Kalki as being pregnant and getting excited about the trip. Third, there were some preparations that Sarvesh had made such as school work for the kids. Finally, Julie wanted me to mention Hamza and Riya going into town to collect Nishi and Gaja.
            There was an interesting little story about that last point. I miss read what Anne told me and wrote as if Kalki went into town with Hamza. Then I read that Julie had written that Hamza took Riya with him. Opps! And in two back to back, stories too. One evening we got together and re-wrote our stories. The easiest way of fixing it was making both women go with Hamza. Kalki went with him and Riya gatecrashed the party.

            So the scene now shifts from New Zealand to India. The first few stories will be either based in India or travelling from India to Perth. The group will meet and stay with the Australian group for a while before everyone packs up and moves on to New Zealand. In previous stories, it has been hinted that some exciting and sexual adventures will be taking place, as well as those two sexy parties while camping at the Kai Iwi Lakes.
            So look out for another short story following this one and then Kalki will be telling us how she travelled from her small town in India to a seaside village near the city of Perth in Australia. After that, I think it will be Riya's turn to tell us a much more sexy story. But Riya is a virgin you must be thinking. How can she have a sexy story? Wait and see.
            Keep coming back and enjoying our stories everyone.

            Kia kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 259.

Friday 27 August 2021

Story 258 Joseph and Lizamoa’s House Again – Part Four.

Index of Letters                         Story 258 Part Four Background.                         Back to Story 258 Part Three.   

Forward to Story 259.

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Returning to the House.

          It was well after midnight, the party was beginning to break up. Since it had been much more fucking than drinking, many of the guests had decided not to stay the night. Joseph and Lizamoa decided to do the same.
          It was a bit amusing finding discarded clothing all over the deck and lounge and they began sorting out who owned what. Finally, they got it all sorted and had everyone dressed in what they arrived in.
          At the door, Joseph gave Sharon a very tight passionate hug to thank her for a great party, or so he insisted it was. Lizamoa noticed how tightly they held each other, how her husband’s hand had reached down to grip a sexy arse too. Sexy!
          ‘Why does he have to do that with every woman he meets?’ Lizamoa thought. But then ‘every woman’ did seem to like it or at the very least, didn’t complain.
          “Do you want some of that?” Steve whispered in her ear as he pulled Lizamoa around towards him. She got the full-service hug too. Her breasts pulled tightly against his chest, his strong hand pulling up her short skirt and gripping her arse, his thigh pressed hard against her pussy mound while her thigh was rubbing against his cock.
          When they pulled apart, she was a bit breathless.
          “For a moment I thought the orgy was about to start again,” Lizamoa laughed.
          “That could be arranged,” Steve replied.
          “I bet, naughty boy but we’ve got to get home, otherwise we won’t.”
          “You don’t need to,” Steve grinned. “I can help you find a bed.”
          She laughed at that as she gave his arse a hard slap.
          “And I’m sure you’d be in it too.”
          “Of course.”
          She laughed again.
          “Another time, Steve. I’m going to hold you to that.”
          At the same time, she reached down to give his cock a quick squeeze.
          “I expect you to,” he replied.
          After she gave Sharon a quick hug of thanks, Lizamoa followed her husband out the door.

Story 258 Part Four Background Notes.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 258 Part Four.

Kia ora,
       My name is Rajah, Shandra's husband.
            My wife was working with Susan and Anne, writing this rather large story that eventually had to be cut into four sections. As she was more involved in the last couple of sections, soon I and my friend Allan Jn., became involved too. In particular, I was writing in that section concerning Kathy and Joseph. But I did do work in other parts as well.
            Now, we had this couple, Joseph and Lizamoa, returning from the sex party they had attended at Steve and Sharon's house. It had been a good party but by the time they were ready to leave, Joseph had too much to drink. His more inexperienced wife drove home instead. I wanted to include some non-sexual interaction between them as they drove. My intention here was to create some realism with this couple. That is why I included some real places from around Auckland city and the police check-point for drink drivers.
            In Part Two, we saw their children had been having a sex party too. Now, in Part Four, Joseph and Lizamoa wanted to get home and check on their daughter Sabeena who would have lost her virginity that evening. So, this couple was going to walk into their house in the early hours of the morning (2 am). What would they find? Perhaps evidence of the party, discarded clothing and drink bottles? I went back to carefully read what we had written there. It was important that we had people, items such as clothing in the right places as we continued. That is why we wrote how Liz and Joseph found Tukiko's red bikini and Liza's blue dress as they had been mentions in Part Two. As Joseph and Liz they find everyone asleep, we were also careful to put everyone in their correct rooms.
            The next morning we wanted everyone to have some more fun. The younger people still there would get in interact with the two older people who had arrived during the night. Three sex scenes seemed the way to go with this. Lizamoa got Masanori down in the kitchen with Sabeena watching them, then joining in. Kathy goes in to be with Joseph, a very unequalled match. Then Tukiko gets more fun with the two guys, Michael and Ragesh.

            This brings us to the end of what we've been calling the Tukiko series. It is time we heard what else was going on. There was this big trip coming up with many stories being written for this. It is time we began preparing for this trip and so the next two stories will be concerned about who, from India, would be travelling to New Zealand.
            Following that, two more stories have almost been completed concerning the first travel of the Indians to Perth, Australia via Singapore. There will be a few adventures in Perth. Maybe Rottnest Island or out to the mining town in the desert outback. Then it will be on to New Zealand where one of the features will be nude camping at the Kai Iwi Lakes. Yes, we plan to include a big sex evening, possibly over two nights.

            Kia kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.
                        Rajah and Shandra.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 258 Part Four.

Thursday 19 August 2021

Story 258 Joseph and Lizamoa’s House Again – Part Three.

Index of Letters                         Story 258 Part Three Background.                         Back to Story 258 Part Two.   

Forward to Story 258 Part Four.

Orgy Night.

          Joseph and Lizamoa had changed their plans. Where the Japanese man, Masanori, had been coming to be with Lizamoa, now he would be with their daughter, Sabeena. Meanwhile, Masanori’s girlfriend Tukiko who was intended to be in Joseph’s bed now would be with their son. Joseph was disappointed, it would be Ragesh who’d be shagging that hot little Japanese pussy instead of him. Joseph had been looking forward to her again but it was not to be.
          Sabeena had kicked up about Lizamoa getting Masanori first, (See Story 258 Part One) so finally, Lizamoa and Joseph had relented and given way to their daughter; allowing Masanori to take her virginity that evening. Not that they really had much choice in the matter. If they didn’t let her do it with Masanori she would likely go out and find some other boy to pop her cherry. She had her heart set on it so they might as well let her be with someone they knew.
          When Joseph left the house that evening, he was wondering where they would be going. They hadn’t really made any plans as far as he knew. It had all been so sudden when they changed their plans for the evening. He figured it would probably be something like dinner, taking a movie and perhaps staying in a hotel/motel. But he really should have known that once again his wife was way ahead of him.
          “Where do we go now, honey?” he asked Lizamoa.
          “Go to Steve’s house, Joseph” she replied.
          He looked at his wife, a bit surprised. Surely they weren't going to gatecrash their friend uninvited.
          She smiled back at him. “They are expecting us,” she explained.
          “Ok, then,” he said, still a bit confused.
          So, he drove, heading for one of the inner suburbs, close to that famous landmark called One Tree Hill. Currently, it was ‘No Tree Hill’ since some years earlier, protestors had cut the tree down and there were still efforts being made by the authorities to somehow replace it. Joseph smiled to himself when he thought of the day his friend Peter had called it that.
          But he wanted to know about what was going on. When he asked her, Lizamoa had just said, “Drive to Steve’s house. You’ll know what’s going on when we get there.”
          She obviously knew more but he wisely chose not to question her further.

Story 258 Part Three Background Notes.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 258  Part Three.

Hello to everyone.
       It is Shandra here.
            This is another of those joint venture stories.  I pulled others in to help me when I realised this story had become big enough to require a fourth section. The main reason for this was that we never intended to go into any great detail as to where Joseph and Lizamoa went when they left for the night. At first, our intention was that either they went to visit another couple, probably Simon and Deanna, or secondly, they went for a movie and stayed in a motel/hotel somewhere.
            When we decided they should return to the house later at night, that crossed the hotel idea out but raised the question as to where else they might have gone for the evening. We still had the visit to Simon and Deanna idea, so we could have gone with that. But what about meeting the whole group and really having some fun. That is the way we decided to write, get all our characters together and have a big orgy. Aren't we nice to them?
            My sister, Reshma came up with a problem. (Trust her!) It had already been published that Lizamoa couldn't send the younger kids to Shanti and Mikes because they were busy. It was also written that Peter and Jenny took the kids instead. So we had to drop the couples Mike and Shanti; Peter and Jenny out of this story. Fortunately not much had been written so it was really just changing things during the planning stage. We still had five couples to play with.
            You will notice a slightly different layout to that currently being used. I didn't like the line of stars they are using so dropped them out of our two stories. We made a few other changes in the HTML coding too. Anne mentioned it but I don't see it as a problem considering that this blog is written by a number of different writers.
             Enough from me. I don't want this background to get too long so I'll hand it over to the other writers now.
            Bye now - Shandra.

My name is Reshma.
            When I found the mistake Shandra has mentioned above, I was sort of drawn into the writing of this story. I was fine with that, I like writing with my sister, Shandra and brother-in-law, Rajah.
            While this story, the third in the series appears to break away from the theme about Tukiko and Masanori. you will see how it links in when we get to Part Four. This story can be considered as running parallel with Part Three before characters from both parts will come together again in Part Four.
               So, we had five couples and we wanted to include them all in this story. We could have just followed Joseph and Lizamoa through their evening but my sister suggested we feature each of the five couples. We came up with the punishment idea where each woman gets "punished" by a different man. A man, other than their spouse. During the writing, this evolved to where each of these five scenes would be different with the last few girls catching on and taking things straight into sex. Avoiding the punishment - smart girls!
            Hope you are enjoying all four of these stories - Reshma.

My name is Susan.
            Hi everyone. As those of you who read these backgrounds will have already discovered, these four stories all happened the same afternoon, evening and following morning. Therefore close coordination between writers was called for. Anne and I got involved in each story as I helped with the sex scenes and Anne guided Tukiko and Madanori's involvement in these sexual activities.
            Five similar sex scenes in one story was a big ask and we needed to carefully plan how these will go and also how they will fit with a similar kitchen sex scene in Part Four. That is where my role can in, guiding and giving an overview to all these scenes. We finally got it right when Reshma came up with the idea that it is only the Sayako - Brian scene that was actually a true punishment scene. The rest gradually drifted away to become more normal sex between two people rather than punishment scenes. I thought, since no rules or guidelines were given, that each couple would realise what was coming, become more and more sexually excited as they watched others. But the time we get to the fifth scene, Sharon and Joseph just wanted to fuck each other ASAP.
            Have fun reading them - Susan.

            Kia kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.
                        Shandra, Susan and Reshma.

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