Tuesday 11 February 2020

Story 230 Background.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 230.

Hello from Shandra.
       It was be my husband, Rajah and I who wrote this story.
       My Dad knows this waterfall well. He used to go down there a lot when he was growing up. He has taken us down there many times and we have even been swimming at the small waterfall upstream from the main Mokoroa Falls. So the location was easy to describe, right down to the cracked rock hand-hold where the rock path is always slippery.
       When my sister Reshma and I first came to New Zealand, our house was down the road from this park. Our new step Dad and brother were into bushwalking and we started walking with them. Mum wasn't so interested so would usually stay at home. We had some great walks in and around the Waitakere Ranges as well as going further afield too. One that stands out is climbing Mt Taranaki.
       But the Mokaoroa Track was a favourite because it was so close. Susan and Anne began joining us too and during the hot summer months, we would be swimming in the pools there too.
       One day we were down there, doing the walk up the stream bed. Back then, this route wasn't as popular as it is today so usually you would see no one other than your own group. Us three girls were about 17, I think. I know we had begun writing our sexy letters. Of course, my sister Reshma was younger, just starting to develop and my stepbrother, Allan was a bit older than us.
       We had stopped for lunch beside a small waterfall downstream from the main falls and being such a hot day, the water looked so inviting. Anne suggested we go swimming in our underwear. She said it was a bit like a bikini anyway. We talked about that and all of us girls were in agreement to do it when Susan, always much bolder than the rest of us, suggested skinny-dipping. So we wouldn't get our clothes wet, she said.
       Dad said that is the way he and his friends, even girls sometimes, used to swim. Nothing sexual, just stripping off to go swimming. Just stripping off? In front of two men? What was he thinking? For three horny teenage girls, of course, that was sexual. How could it not be sexual? But after batting the idea around a bit we agreed. Even my little sister, Reshma, agreed too which was bold for her since she was only recently getting tits and her pussy.
       So, as I remember it, four females and two males, got naked and went swimming. Sure jumping in and out of the water, our naked bodies were seen, but after a while, we were enjoying being naked. It seemed a natural way to be so it quickly became our normal way of swimming on our walks. Unless Mum was there, of course, then it would always be 'ticker-lock, cover-up.'

       The idea of meeting complete strangers and having sex with them was something we had been waiting to do for a long time. Even the idea of a Japanese couple and their teenage daughter wasn't a new idea. Anne had some notes on it in her diary dating right back to 2015. Many of you will know the title of this story has been on our content pages for a long time too.
       But the location for this story has always been after Katrina's wedding so it kept getting push back further and further to the gap before the Letters Next Generation stories began. Well finally, we got there and so my husband Rajah and I took it on. There is a bit of a fit there too as we were both Indians who fitted the Indian's in the story fairly well.
       Now, while Anne had some notes and had started this story, nothing had been done about the Japanese characters in the story. It wasn't until the stories featuring some of our online friend's names, Fred & Ginger and Ian & Kala, that the idea of naming the people after some of our readers here came up. So you will recognise all the names are from people who regularly comment in the stories. They also happen to be family with the Japanese writers too. Just remember while the reader and fiction character might share a name, they are not necessarily the same in character or appearance.

Update - 7th Sept 2020 - 6th April 2021.
       The three characters, Hirohiko, Sayako and Tukiko, appear in our stories again in Story 251 and those following. In that first story, they follow up their meeting with Joseph and Lizamoa by going to meet them again.   Story 251 Part One - Our Japanese Visitors.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 230.

Sunday 26 January 2020

Story 229 - Skip the Beans on Toast.

Hello from Mega,
         Brian was away, attending a seminar in Wellington. He had asked if I wanted to go with him but I had the kids to look after. I certainly didn’t want to be dragging three kids away with us. That didn’t seem like a fun holiday and would have taken them out of school. So, I stayed at home while Brian went by himself.
         On Thursday, I got a call from Peter. He invited me over for what he called a night of fun. We all know what that means and I was ready for that kind of fun too. I’d been missing Brian and was about ready for some good fucking. Their invitation was delightfully welcome and I gratefully excepted.
         A quick phone call to Lizamoa took care of the kids. Shanti and Liz would look after them and my kids would enjoy being with the other kids there too. I could pick them up the following morning or even afternoon if Peter's evening of fun was that good. LOL 
         So, on Friday, when I dropped the kids off I discovered Jenny had just dropped the twins off too. So, whatever they had planned meant they wanted the house to ourselves. After dropping the kids, I drove on over to Peter and Jenny’s house. Jenny met me at the door wearing a sexy little nightie outfit. I said little and that is what it was. Tiny! Sexy and almost see-through too.

Story 229 Background.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 229.

         Baked beans and sauce, poured over our heads and running down over our naked bodies. The red sauce covering us and the beans adding to the deliciously, slimy texture. Rubbing our hands sexually over each other, feeling the smooth slippery sauce with the harder lumps of the beans. My fingers exploring your beautiful breasts and down to your amazing pussy. Your fingers rubbing through the hairs of my chest and reaching down, gripping my cock. 
        We pull each other, our bodies pressed together, slithering and sliding against each other. We feel the little lumps of beans, trapped and pressed between us, adding to this delightful experience. 
        One arm is around your back, pulling your body, your breasts against my chest. The other hand is gripping your sexy arse, pulling your pussy against my hardened cock. Our heads are together, our lips meet with a tongue tangling kiss.

       That is what we're writing about here - baked beans on toast. 
       Opps! I mean baked beans on bodies. LOL 
       Kim and I have recently discovered the ultimate additive for messy sexual activities. It comes in the handy, extra-large catering cans and is easy to pour. Almost everything comes out at once. It feels great on your naked body with the smooth slimy sauce and the little lumps of the beans. Feels even better when you are rubbing your body against a sexy woman too, I might add. And surprisingly, while it stains clothes, with warm water it washes off naked bodies with ease. Even is easy to get out of your hair too. The perfect additive for messy sex, we think. 
       Just watch which brand you buy, as some are not so good. Buy a little can and test it first I'd suggest. Then have fun! 

        Go read the story, everyone. Please enjoy!
               Allan snr & Kimberley. 

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 229.

Saturday 28 December 2019

Story 228 Part Three - Wife Swapping.

G’day from Ian,
         I must confess this writing was a problem for both Kala and me. While we knew the story we had to tell, I was just unsure how to write it. When I told Katrina this, she offered to get help for us. I wondered about that as I was expecting she would help us.
         A few days later I got an email from New Zealand. It was Shanti. She’d been talking with Katrina and offered to help me with this story. Kala quickly set me up a skype account and one evening we sat down to chat with Shanti. Mike was there for a while just to say “G’day!” and then he left so we could get down to knocking this off. Shanti came up with some great hints at how Kala and I can write, since then, she has been helping with much of it too. 
         So, before I begin, thank you to Katrina, Shanti, Amita and others for your help. Thank you for a copy of all those books too, so many volumes, so much to read. So sexy too! We better also say thanks to Katrina and David again for visiting us and giving us a story to write too. 
         One thing Shanti told me was to start where I feel I should so let’s backtrack for a while and cover a few things from my point of view.

Story 228 Part Three - Background.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 228 Part Three.

G"day from Rochelle. LOL
       It is all about two sheilas who reckoned they had what it takes to knock off a story for this blog! Hope we swing it and you guys like it or we'll be looking like a right pair of drongos. 

Hi from Julie,
      This is the third part of two couples swapping partners in the Aussie outback. We've learnt a lot from the first two and we tried to take on board what our critics have told us. Moa, especially thanks to you.
      The first thing you should notice is some Aussie slang we've thrown in. As you can see above, we had a lot of fun with that. Its got around the group a bit too with everyone here try Aussie slang mixed with kiwi slang, using those silly sayings, people called each other galahs and drongos, names for those who don't seen so smart.
      We also worked on the sex too. First, we allowed Katrina to take over and almost run things. Ian mentions her as being an Indian Tiger. Secondly, we wanted to get into some different positions too. Maybe more variations of the usual sexual positions the writers have tended to use but I think they will appear a bit different too. Thirdly, we wrote how Ian missed getting there in the second sex scene. This is the old idea, 'sex is never perfect' which has been debated enough recently. In our case, we used it to add in a bit of extra fun and another sexual position too. 
       Go read the story and you'll see what I mean. 

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 228 Part Three.

Friday 20 December 2019

Story 228 Part Two – Brother Swapping.

Hi from Kala,
         This writing was a surprise Ian and I never expected. In fact, the whole thing was a surprise. We thought we were only getting into some casual swapping with a couple we were very close to, not all this writing business too. But when we learnt about it, we liked the idea and agreed to give it a go. When it is all put together, its quite a story, quite a history to tell.
        We’ve always gone skinny dipping at the river pool so getting naked at Uncle Donald’s house on the night of David’s birthday, wasn’t a problem. (Story 226 David’s Birthday.) Going topless in front of all those people was bold for me but felt sexy doing it. What happened during that game took Ian and me really into some new territory though. But it was fun and we both could enjoy it, knowing at any time we didn’t have to go through with a dare.
         But when those five men began rubbing oil all over the front of my body; Wow! That took me further. While that alone, was totally sexy, in my mind I was ready for more. I had become so horny that I think if full sex had been offered to me, I would have taken it. But it was obvious the men weren’t going there.
         When I asked who was going to do my pussy, to my pleasant surprise, David took it up. First, he rubbed oil all over me there and then played with me using his fingers before finally, he began to eat me. I remember how good that was and also remember the orgasm that followed. It was a quick build-up, followed by a powerful orgasm. I’m wet again now, just thinking about it.
         That is why I was quick to agree with my husband’s suggestion to swap with David and Katrina. (Story 227 Going the Whole Way.) I knew he was attracted to her. He had mentioned to me a couple of times how beautiful she was, and how great her brown body looked when she was naked. I could see he was attracted by her personality too. She seemed to like him too, I think.
          Thinking about it now, I have always had an attraction to David as well. We’re always got on well, having a kind of sister, little brother relationship. We are close but until recently it had never been sexual. Having said that, I know he would check me out, especially when I was naked and I kind of liked it. I must admit, I’d checked-out what he had too.

Story 228 Part Two – Background.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 228 Part Two.

Hello from Julie and Rochelle.
From Julie.
       Yes, it is another joint venture where I wrote this story with the help of my co-writer, Rochelle. Originally, she had been given the task of doing these two stories but when things weren't going so well she called me in.
       Our problem here was we had written ourselves into one of those partner swapping situations. This has been done so many times in this blog that the danger is of making it the same old story again. 
       As both of us weren't so experienced with writing sex scenes, Anne told us not to go deep into the sexual details as other writers had done but rather focus on Kala's thoughts and feelings. We tried to do this but I'm not sure how successful it was. Anyway, we think the story delivers what it promised so in that way I think we did our job.
       The real Kala has big tits and loves them being touched. Many men are fascinated with them too so we decided to use this with the story Kala too. That is why David returns to her tits at least three times. He couldn't get enough of playing with them too.

From Rochelle.
       I wanted to do something more with Kala. She was new to this partner swapping so I wanted to show that she was interested and keen but also a bit nervous at the same time. There also seems to be some confusion about her sexual experience too. Was Ian the only man she had been with or were there others back before she was married. My story hints that both were possible without revealing which is correct.
      There is a parallel here with my personal experience. You can read more of this on my special page above. I had a special relationship with Allan and an interest in going further with him. When the opportunity came up, my husband Marceau, seemed to have no problems with being with Anne. I noticed she was keen too, in fact, it had been Anne who suggested it. But I was suddenly nervous. Allan was gentle with me and soon I got over it and things went really well. That is how I wrote it with David and Kala.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 228 Part Two.

Friday 6 December 2019

Story 228 Part One - Outback Adventures.

Outback Adventure.  (Written by Ayaka)
         This story must be from me, Katrina. It is Part One of telling of the first time before David and I were swapping partners with Ian and Kala. In this way, you will discover it as more a setting the scene story and of course, not so sexy. You must also consider this just another part of the stories before and after this. Please be keeping in your mind as you are reading.

         We had to make the trip to visit David’s family in the mining town deep in the outback desert. It was that tiny plane again and landing in that dusty, dirty place. This time when his family welcomed me, things had changed. I was like a part of the family now except for one thing – where we slept. 
        They had opened the door from their apartment and gave us what they called the honeymoon room. LOL. I was very impressed. It was a lovely room. I protested saying they don’t need to go to that trouble but she insisted, telling next time we would stay in the apartment with them. I noticed it was her husband, David’s father made the joke about it being the honeymoon room. I know what he was thinking would be going on. 
          It seems there is a rule in Australia that all beer selling places called hotels must provide sleeping accommodation too. David said that the rooms were kept but were hardly ever used. I noticed only three rooms had beds ready for sleeping. The other three, just the wooden frame of the bed.
         We had arrived early and once we were settled in, we spent time with his mother. She was showing us all her pictures from the India trip. I was hearing they had ‘an amazing time’ to visit my home town in India. It wasn’t exactly my home town but that minor point didn’t matter. I didn’t feel it was worth correcting them. Anyway, it had become my home town when I went to work for Sarvesh and Amita. 

Story 228 Part One Background.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 228 Part One.

Hello from Ayaka,
         While my name is listed as writing this story, this is not the complete story, there are two more parts to follow. 

         In the discussions leading to this story, it was decided at first that three sections would be required. One told by Katrina to set the scene and the two others told by Kala and Ian, telling us what happened that night.
         Later it was decided that since these three stories were closely related then why not make them three parts of one larger story. This was what we finally agreed upon; three parts under the heading of Story 228.
         Part one will not be very sexy, perhaps more fun than sexy. Its purpose is to get Katrina and David out to meet Kala and Ian so they can swap partners for a night. There it is done. Maybe I didn't need to write the story anyway as I've said it all here. Ha! Ha!

        So with these ideas, I began my writing. Soon Anne suggested we use some flashing the train drivers so I allowed her to write about this. Anne was talking with one of our readers, Janet, from Australia. Janet agreed to try writing about driving in the outback and this made it into my story too although we did do a lot of changes and editing to what she sent us. 
       Now, here is our story. As said above, not too sexy but leads to some sexy stories following.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 228 Part One.

Sunday 24 November 2019

Story 227 Going the Whole Way.

        The party talked about in this story is Story 226 David's Birthday Party.

Hi from Ian & Kala.
         After some sexual adventures that you will be reading about soon, it was announced that we would be writing about them too. That was a shock! It was difficult at first but with lots of help from Katrina and David we came up with what we think are two presentable stories. While we were waiting for them to be published, we were given a complete set of these stories and letters. There were so many of them stretching over volumes, all bound in leather folders. Our two stories, of course, will be added to the latest volume when the time comes.
        After reading many of these stories we decided that there should be one more story, concerning the night Kala and I decided to go the whole way. Yes, you might say we almost did that at David’s party, certainly going much further than either of us intended. But being in a sexy game like that had opened up the idea that we could do more if we wanted. 
        This short story is how it happened. We didn’t know how to do this at first since we were both writing the story. Using ‘I’ and ‘me’ would become confusing so we decided we would be like a third person looking into our sexual evening. This will be easier with he meaning Ian and she meaning Kala.

Story 227 Background.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 227.

Hi from Rajah.
         We had been to Nude Night at the hot pools. As is usual, after a sexy evening of exhibitionism, my wife Shandra was hot and horny. She was ready for it, couldn't wait to get into me and I ended up taking her as she lay back over the kitchen table. Once we got that out of the way, I could get her into bed so I could fuck her properly.
        Lying in bed I asked her, "Did you enjoy tonight, honey?"
        I knew she did but I had to start somewhere. 
        "Yes," Shandra admitted, "You know I always like Nude Night."
        "Like showing off, do you?"
        "Yes, I love showing off. You know that."
        You can see where this was going. Me asking about her sexy night and Shandra responding. Telling me how horny she was, how much she enjoyed showing herself off to all those complete strangers. As the conversation progressed she was getting hotter and hotter, sexier and sexier until she was on top of me, taking me inside her.
       As I continued talking about her evening of exhibitionism, she continued fucking me. It was good sex, hot sex leading to orgasms for both of us.

Tuesday 19 November 2019

Story 226 David’s Birthday.

Hello everyone from Katrina.
         It was David’s birthday, a very important one of 25 when I decided to do something special for him. I talked with Paula and she suggested going out of a meal then coming back for drinks beside the pool with some special friends. “There might even be some naughty fun in the pool afterwards too,” she added with a wink.
        “That is a good idea,” I confirmed.
        I liked the idea of fun in the pool but knew the guests for that could only be people we are knowing would be interested in such fun. So that was how I planned it until Joyce suggested we should hold the whole evening at Donald’s house with food being brought by those invited. That seemed a way to do it but I was not sure David and I could afford the expense.         Joyce and Paula were listening and I told them of this as we were saving for our own house. In my culture, it is normal to supply or pay for the meal when inviting guests. But they informed me that here in Australia, the rules were sometimes different where people were happy to ‘bring a plate.’ That term amused me when I first heard it as I imagined everyone turning up with an empty plate. LOL.
        “What’s so funny?” David asked me.
        “Everyone arriving with their own empty plate.”
        “It’s not empty, silly girl,” Paula laughed. “They will know to bring food on it.”
        “Are you sure, David? Do they know to bring food?”
        “Yes, of course, they will. Don’t worry about it,” he said.
        Well, the three of them seemed sure about it so I thought they must know what they were talking about. But this party became out of control by me and turning to a bigger event than I ever imagined. I decided it would still work ok because when the party was ended, we could arrange special guests to remain for more fun after. By informing them in advance they can be prepared for swimming nude and fun. Even stay the night so they didn't need to worry and drink driving.

Story 226 Background.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 226.

Hi from Anne.
        We thought that two couples jumping into partner swapping at the same time would be almost impossible so since this had happened with Fred & Ginger we needed a transition story for Ian & Kala. Of course, both of these couples are named after some of our friends among our readers.
         The idea came up of using the game "Strip" again. As far as I was concerned, that game has been written to death. Even the sexier "Strip XXX" has been well done. But I had to admit it was a good way of getting a new couple into the play so that is why I went with it.
         These stories where there are a larger number of characters interacting and engaging in conversations together are often harder to write in a believable way but I think this one works ok. It is a sexy story but nothing too way out there. I'd call this a supporting story where we move into a new series of adventures. Perhaps, we should treat it like that and move on to more exciting adventures.
        Go read the story and tell me here, what you think.
                          Awesome Anne.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 226.

Saturday 2 November 2019

Story 225 Rottnest Island Holiday – Part B.

Hi from David,
         It was a surprise, meeting Ginger and her husband on the beach. An even bigger surprise to find them naked. But they didn’t seem too concerned about their nudity in front of us, in fact, even inviting us to join them.
         Katrina and I quickly stripped and joined them naked. It was nice to relax on the beach with them, go swimming and explore that private little beach. I had more than a few chances to check-out Ginger too. While being a lot older than me, she still looked good naked. She had a pair of beauties well worthy of a guy’s attention and the ginger of her hair extended to her pussy as well. A nice thick crop of ginger hair between her lovely, lightly tanned thighs. Yes, she looked good naked and didn’t mind showing off the goods either. I got the feeling that she happy, even wanted me to look.
        I didn’t have to worry about Fred seeing me checking out his wife. Fred’s full attention was on Katrina. And she was enjoying the attention too, taking every chance she could to show it all off to him. The way she climbed up on that rock with him right behind her. When she stretched out to reach for a higher step, we could all see a great view up between her open legs to her split pussy. The way she looked back and smiled at him, she knew exactly what she was showing.
       I began to wonder where this was going. Would it be possible that these two might want to play? It was almost looking like it. But since we worked with Ginger, we had to be careful as we don’t want any problems later between work colleagues.   

Story 225 Part B Background.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 225 Part B.

Allan Jun here,
         When Anne wanted this story divided, Rochell asked if I could do the second part, David's half of the story. I agreed to take it on, to help her out.
        Now, we have a younger man, about 25, meeting an older woman, probably in her 40s, whom he knows from his work, but the situation here is that she and her husband are naked on a secluded beach. He would, of course, be concerned that she was a work colleague but also at the fact she had never made any kind of sexual comment in front of him at work. Would she play or wouldn't she? That was the question David was considering. Of course, I knew she would play because I had to write about her.
        So Rochelle had left me with no story to tell, just a sex scene to write. I read over the notes of her story and prepared to build on that. How would this sex session go? An older woman and a younger man. The logical conclusion was to let the woman lead but I decided to do the opposite, let the younger man lead. 
        When I wrote this I had Sally from Perth in mind. She has a lovely crop of ginger pussy hair which I first saw at a beach on Rottnest Island. A lovely body which she had no problems showing too. That night, I got to do more with that body, a lot more as I spent that night with her, while her partner Bill was with my partner Anne. Yes, the first time he got to enjoy some Japanese pussy that night. 
       Much of this story is based on that night. Yes, Anne and Susan did get topless on the deck overlooking the beach and were seen by some walking past too. Sally was bold enough to join them topless too.
       Later, in bed, Sally enjoyed some good fucking from me too. Much of what we did is here in this story too except I have left out the parts involving Susan who was with us. So once again fact became fiction and maybe fiction became fact.

Allan snr here,
         My son had almost completed this story when he handed it to me to proofread and make any improvements. I thought more could be done with his sex scenes and added a lot of small detail. While it didn't affect the story it did add much more so Allan added my improvements in. 
        Both my son and I are laid back in our sexual style. We tend to let the ladies arrange things. Once in bed, we like to take things slowly, giving our sexual partner lots of foreplay before the main event. That is what we did here too. Get the woman hot and horny and the sex will usually be great!
        One thing, a little bit kinky, that I added, was David playing with her feet and sucking her toes. I must be honest and say that the suggestion came from Kim when she read the story. Yes, I've done that to her and she likes it so I hope it doesn't shock anyone. Ha! Ha! But when Kim read it again she said, I hope Ginger washed her feet first. So quickly my son added at the top that Ginger had been in the shower too. LOL

        And no, unlike naughty Susan, neither of us have any intention of showing our arse here! 

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 225 Part B.

Sunday 27 October 2019

Story 225 Rottnest Island Holiday – Part A.

Hello, it is Katrina again.
         One weekend that came along was a public holiday with a Monday for the day off. We decided to take an extra-long weekend by having Friday off too. Our plan became to go out to Rottnest Island, the place I really enjoyed once before. I was hoping Jeremy and Joyce could join us but they were unable to get the extra time off. Also, Joyce is not feeling too well and she thinks she might be having a baby. Have I let the cat escape on that? LOL
         In the end, it was just David and I who went, catching the ferry from the centre of the city and leaving our car at the warehouse. It is a nice trip down the river before the crossing to the wharf at the island. Going over the gap to the island was a bit rough and I was feeling with the funny tummy by the time we reached there. But I quickly became ok once my feet were on the solid ground again.
         We had pre-booked accommodation this time so it was easy to take a small transport vehicle over to exactly where we were staying in a small beach-front apartment unit overlooking the ocean. It had two bedrooms with a double bed in each because our plan was to have Jeremy and Joyce when we booked and then it was too late to change.        

Story 225 Part A Background.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 225 Part A.

Hello from Rochelle.
       This story is another joint one, written by Susan and myself. While she did much of the sex scene there were additions by me. While I did much of the beach scene there were additions by Susan. It was fun working with her. I love the way she sees life and captures that in her writing. 
       Now, this story takes place on an island near the city of Perth. I have not seen this place other than photos that Anne and Susan have taken. While it is not an official nude beach place, many people do go nude on more secluded beaches. I had no place in mind, rather making up what one of these tiny beaches might be like. The little island was included because I want people, who would be sharing a night together, to begin to pair off and play a bit.
       Two new characters were used in this story, named after long-time friends of this blog, Fred & Ginger (Debbie). I wanted them to appear as if this was their first-time partner swapping. Susan agreed with this so we started the sex scene slowly for them, allowing them time to get used to the idea. Then followed by excitement as the scene develops. 

       Once we get the Rottnest story out of the way we are going to be back in Perth where Ian and Kala come into the stories. But first, let's get this story done. It will be in two, possibly even three parts. Not sure about the last part yet.

Saturday 12 October 2019

Store 224 My New Life in Perth.

Index of Letters         Story 224 Background         Back to Story 223.  

Settling In.
Hello – It is Katrina telling of this story so you can learn it.
         When I left India, suddenly it was a sad day. Up until then, I had been caught up in the excitement from the wedding, of our honeymoon and the nude weekend following. All that was over and then came my final packing. Some larger items and boxes with most of my things had already left in a container bound for Perth.  All I was taking was enough clothes until I could buy some in Perth. I had to have some good clothes because I knew I would be working for Donald soon after I arrived there but most of my better clothes were in the container.
         Now, it was Wednesday. That day I was leaving, leaving all my family and friends, everyone I knew and going off with my new husband to a strange country. For me, it wasn’t so strange as I had been into Perth twice already and been in the country of Australia three times. For my family and friends, it was like, I was disappearing to another world so I thought I needed to visit to them, one last time.
        Tuesday evening, David and I had gone to have dinner at my parent’s house. All my family were there, having come from our home town to see me one last time. It had been a happy event even though it was sad, knowing with me to leave the following day. We talked, we laughed, we told funny stories of our past life. David and I showed them some photos of Perth. Some of the city, Donald’s house and inside the flat where we would first be staying. We also showed them the warehouse and office where I would be working. We wanted them to understand much of how my life would be so they wouldn’t be worried for me. 
        Then came a shock for them when we showed pictures of the desert area where David’s family lives. They knew David’s family and they so were interested in this too. The long trains, huge trucks and vast mines pits. I showed them the countryside, desert wasteland, nothing but rocks, dust and stunted plants. Many of my family could not believe people could live in such a place. Then I even showed them the river and the pool overhung with shady trees. 
        “This is where David asked me to marry him,” I told them. “See on that bank, under that tree,” I said pointing. “It was there!”

Story 224 Background

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 224.

Bonjour de Rochelle.
Bienvenue dans notre dernière histoire. 
Je souhaite que vous trouviez cette série lisible et sexy.

Translation: -
(Hello from Rochelle. 
Welcome to our latest story. 
It is my wish that you will find this series to be readable and sexy.)

         This is the beginning of a series of stories covering the first few months Katrina was in Perth. In this, the first story, we get Katrina and David to Perth. Here she settles in and even turns up for work that day after she arrived. Really keen isn't she? I did that too. I was heavy with child when we arrived here in New Zealand but I still found work I could do on the farm. I engraved and painted signs for every paddock with their name and code number.
         Katrina meets a woman called Ginger who has been assigned to help Katrina ease into her new job. Ginger and her husband Fred will appear in the next story of this series. You may remember the names Fred and Ginger as readers who often comment, friends of ours. Well, part of this series of stories is to introduce four new characters with their names from our friends. Fred & Ginger here and Ian & Kala later in this series. Anne wanted some more characters in Perth because this team seems rather small and related to each other. More characters give us room for more stories and sexual adventures. Or as my good friend, Susan would say, 'more orgasms.' LOL
        Also apart of this series will be to give stories or sections of stories to different writers so I don't have to write everything which sort of makes me an organiser as much as a writer. Already Anne and Shandra have written parts and some other writers are doing some too. I think this is going to be a great set of stories.

Shandra here. 
        I was asked to help out with finding new characters like Rochelle has mentioned above and giving her a guide as to their appearance and personalities. The second thing she asked me about was doing a sex scene. The storylines called for two couples, perhaps couples named after our friends. One couple that came to mind was Fred and Ginger. I was in Trillian and saw two people there, Ian and Kala so decided to put them together as the second couple. I think they would make a good couple too. LOL
        So once the admin part of the story had been done by Rochelle, we needed a sex scene. She asked me to do this for her. I came up with a sexy scene between Donald and Katrina beside the swimming pool. I tried putting in a few surprise twists to make it more interesting. Both of them got good orgasms that count for something, doesn't it? We all like good orgasms don't we?
        But there are only so many ways you can say, 'he stuck his cock into her cunt.' The danger is of repeating yourself too much which would just become boring. This is the purpose of the stories, to provide an interesting package for the sex scenes. Or is it the sex scenes to provide an interesting package for the stories. LOL

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 224.

Wednesday 7 August 2019

Story 223 A Snake in my Bed

Index of Letters         Story 223 Background         Back to Story 222.  

Hi from Jenny in New Zealand,

         There was a snake in my bed. No, not the snake that lives in Peter’s pants; you girls know the one that comes looking for a warm wet hole which we are all happy to provide. This was a pink snake. A long pink fluffy snake, with a pink smiley face and hard, nobbily end on its tail. But before I tell you what happened I think we better back up and I’ll tell you how it came to get into my bed.   
         My story starts a few weeks before when we were still in Singapore during our return journey from India. One afternoon my husband Peter and Mike slipped away to do some 'secret' shopping. I think Steve might have been in on it keeping me distracted while they were gone. 
        Thanks, Steve. That pussy eating session you gave me really made me cum. Loved it! But at the time I did wonder why you didn't want any fun in return. It was just a distraction for your mate, Peter. Well, Steve, you can come over and 'distract' me with a repeat performance any time you want, mate!
         Getting back to my story, before I get carried away with pussy eating; when I came to packing our suitcases I found this long box in Peter’s case. It was wrapped up so I couldn’t tell what it was. I thought it might have been a new hunting rifle but it was too light and there was no feeling or sound of movement inside so I carefully replaced it before he came back into the room.
        “What is that box?” I asked him.
        “What box?” he replied.
        “The one in your case.”
        We were standing looking down at our two open suitcases so I knew he could see it.
         “I can’t see any box.”
         I knew I wasn’t going to get anything out of him so I left it and continued packing our last things before we locked the cases.
         At Customs in New Zealand, I noticed that he never declared anything so whatever it was, it went through the scanners ok.