Sunday 6 June 2021

Story 256 Part Three Background.

 Index of Letters                      Return to Story 256 Part Three.

Hi Everyone,
        My name is Anne.

          Currently, this blog is republishing the adventures of Tukiko, this being the final of that series. She has discovered this swinging sex group and is loving it. Each man she is with is different and exciting until finally, she attends her first group sex party. This party started with Tukiko and her parents both being presented with a complete set of Letters books then the evening turned sexual as they all moved to the lounge. (See Story 255 - Naughty Books and Naughty Men.)
          First, Tukiko found herself in a threesome with Mike and Joseph. The highlight of this is she realised she could squirt when she did it all over Mike. The orgasm that caused her to do that was amazing and intense, something she never thought her body was capable of doing.
          Tukiko's evening ended in a group sex session where three married couples were performing sex acts with her. Shanti was eating her pussy while Lizamoa and her mother, Sayako, had taken a breast each to nipple suck. When the three men, Mike, Joseph and Hirohiko had each cum over her, all six people had got together to lick her clean again. Again it was sex that Tukiko would have never believed if you'd told her it was going to happen.
          The three couples had moved on to further sex in the bedrooms while Tukiko settled down to sleep on the couch. It was then that guilt set in as she began to think of her boyfriend Masanori and that she was doing all this behind his back.
          Lizamoa and Tukiko came up with a plan on how they could introduce Masanori into the fun by gradually opening up with sexual activities. When they tried to action their plan during a pool party at Liz and Joseph's, it back-fired as Masanori had already guessed something was going on. In a dramatic scene, Masanori confronted Tukiko in front of everyone and the conversation that followed, twisted and turned as many of those present were involved. See Story 256 Part One - My Boyfriend, Masanori.)
          The outcome of this was that Tukiko agrees to go off Masanori and work out where their relationship is going. This happens when they spend two nights in SkyCity together. See Story 256 Part Two - My Boyfriend - Masanori.

          Now Tukiko and Masanori have worked out their relationship, they both realise that one key is going to be exploring their sexuality. This is what this story, part three is about.
          Their biggest discovery is they both have an interest in exhibitionism, particularly, Tukiko showing herself off. After a series of adventures, mostly relating to this, they finally finish their weekend away by going to a nude beach.
          New themes in this story include watching a porn video together which they enjoyed, water sports where they pissed over each other which they both found to be, 'a bit gross.'
          Readers who have read many of the stories in this blog might find the sex scene at the nude beach to be a bit familiar. This is because I took Ayaka's Letter/Story 65 - Nudist Exhibitionism, and developed it into a scene to fit here.
          This is going to be the last part of this story. There will be more stories that are closely related that will follow from where Tukiko and Masanori arrive back at her house but these are still being written.
          Volume Seventeen will continue with preparations for another group trip to Australia and New Zealand where some of the children are now old enough to get into the fun of things too. Rather than a completely new series, Letters the Next Generation, we have decided to gradually mix the children into the same series which will include some stories about how they discovered and became involved in the sexual activities of their parents. Some of these stories have appeared already. (See stories 248 - 250)

           Kia kaka - Kia Kaha.
                 Be safe - Be strong.
                       Awesome Anne.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 256 Part Three.

Thursday 27 May 2021

Story 256 Part Two - My Boyfriend - Masanori.

Index of Letters                         Story 256 Part Two Background.                         Back to Story 256 Part One.   

Forward to Story 256 Part Three.

May - 2021.
          These, the stories we now call the Tukiko Series, were originally published here a few months ago. When Anne published these stories on another website, she made many changes and improvements. Meanwhile, some of us were feeling uncomfortable with the stories here as they didn't really fit the storyline so finally, the decision was made to unpublish them update the storyline with some fill-in stories and then republish.
          After some fill-in stories have been published, the storyline has been brought up to date with this series regarding some of the younger characters, we can look at republishing the improved versions of these stories. During this process, we allowed further changes to be made. While republishing as if they were new stories, we have kept the original posts so any earlier comments that were made, have been retained.
                  Allan Jr.

☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆

The Begining of a New Begining.

          They had just arrived at the hotel and were about to check-in.
          "Ahh, Mr Nakagawa and partner. We've been expecting you."
          Masanori nodded as they approached the reception counter.
          "You are a guest of Mr Stephen Mansfield, for two nights, I believe."
          Masanori agreed that was correct.
          "Mr Mansfield is a good client our ours. I have taken the liberty of upgrading you to a harbour view suite. I trust that will be acceptable, Sir?"
          "Thank you," Masanori said. "But we don't want to cause any further expense."
          "There will be no extra charge, Sir."
          "Ok. Thank you very much."
          "Of course, Sir. It is our pleasure. Mr Mansfield has asked us to take good care of you."
          And they did too. Soon the young couple were being given the swipe cards for their room, coupons for the Orbit 360 restaurant for two nights, tickets for a harbour cruise the following day and a live show Saturday night.
           The conversation finished with, "We trust your meetings today were successful and you enjoy your weekend in Auckland."
          Both Tukiko and Masanori were slightly amused that the man at reception was under the impression that they were from out of town, in town for some business with Stephen. They didn't bother correcting him as it would likely lead to further explaining which they didn't really want.

          As they left, heading to the lift, Masanori looked at Tukiko, "What do you think of that?"
          She didn't know what to say. She was as surprised as he was. After what had happened at Joseph's, she was surprised they even wanted to know him, let alone doing this for him. But she realized it was probably more for her than for him.
          "Do you know this guy, Stephen Mansfield?"
          "Not really, I think they called him, Steve. I think I've only briefly met him once," Tukiko replied. "He runs some kind of exporting, importing business."
          "So, what is all this?"
          "I don't know. A favour for Mike and Joseph, I think."
          "Oh," Masanori replied.
          "My guess, the men will be repaying Steve."

Story 256 Part Two Background.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 256 Part Two.

Hello Everyone.
       My name is Anne.

           We continue to follow Tukiko and Masanori as they left Joseph's house to go off alone. The purpose here is their relationship rebuilding. It had been established that they both still loved each other but they knew some work would be needed to make it right. Fortunately, Mike had organized two nights at SkyCity for them to spend time alone together.
            In this story, we will cover getting to the hotel and their first full night ever, sleeping together. Then the following morning came the time to talk. Yes, I did cover that conversation with a lot of detail since I believe it is very important for the Tukiko Story. I also liked the challenge of writing a conversation such as this and making it convincing for our readers.

            So hope you are all enjoying the Tukiko Series. I sure am. It's been exciting writing for me. I've learnt so much about writing as well. Please keep giving me feedback as it helps me with future stories.
            Finally, I wish to thank all my family and friends who have allowed me to indulge in this Tukiko Story. They have put aside their writing projects to let mine be published first. They have also stepped in a volunteered to do milking shifts to give me more time to work on my writing. Thanks, everyone, I really appreciate it.
            I also want to again thank everyone for their help with the republishing process too. Finally, my thanks go to our readers who have put up with us publishing the same stories twice. Thanks everyone!

           Kia kaka - Kia Kaha.
                 Be safe - Be strong.
                        Awesome Anne.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 256 Part Two.

Friday 21 May 2021

Story 256 Part One. My Boyfriend, Masanori.

Index of Letters                         Story 256 Part One Background.                         Back to Story 255.   

Forward to Story 256 Part Two.

May - 2021.
          These, the stories we now call the Tukiko Series, were originally published here a few months ago. When Anne republished these stories on another website, she made many changes and improvements. Meanwhile, some of us were feeling uncomfortable with the stories here as they didn't really fit the storyline so finally, the decision was made to unpublish them, update the storyline with some fill-in stories and then republish.
          Now, after some fill-in stories have been published, and the storyline has been brought up to date with this series regarding some of the younger characters, we can look at republishing the improved versions of these stories. During this process, we allowed further changes to be made. While republishing as if they were new stories, we have kept the original posts so any earlier comments that were made, have been retained. - Enjoy!
                  Allan Jr.

☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆

Tukiko's Plan to Tell Masanori.

          It had been a good night when the two couples Joseph and Lizamoa; Mike and Shanti had visited Hirohiko, Sayako and Tukiko. They had given the Japanese couple a complete set of the Letters Story volumes and Tukiko had received her own copy too.
          That night had led to an evening of intense sex. Exciting and amazing sex for Tukiko, taking her into some things she had never done before. A threesome with those two men, wow! Mike and Joseph had been great. At one point Mike had given her an orgasm, so intense that she had even squirted over him. She had heard of women squirting but considered it some fantasy from the world of porn. Not for a moment did she believe she was actually capable of it.
          Then getting a cum shower from those three men while the three women were playing with her. Amazing! That had been great too. Particularly the part where six people were licking the male cum from all over her naked body. It had been incredible feelings, being touched in so many places. Yes, another great night for her.
          After they had finished with her, the sex had continued in the bedrooms while Tukiko slept on the couch. She'd had enough for that night. As she lay awake for a while, Tukiko's mind had drifted back to her boyfriend Masanori. She was doing all these sexy things behind his back. Yes, there was no other way of putting it, she was cheating on him. She knew she loved him and thought of him as the man she would spend her life with but still she was doing all this. It was a conflict. She didn't want to stop the exciting fun she was having with her new friends, but she felt guilty about what she was doing to Masanori. What could she do? She decided it was time she talked with her mother.

Story 256 Part One Background.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 256 Part One.

Hello Everyone.
       My name is Anne.

            This series on Tukiko is a project being driven by me, Anne. I am submitting them for another website, (KIWIANNE12'S SUBMISSIONS). If you go there, search for the names, kiwianne12; sexysue12; kiakim12.
            My purpose is to improve my writing skills while at the same time experimenting with other themes and writing styles not used in this blog. Put another way, my purpose is to seek out new themes and new writing styles, to boldly go where we've never gone before, Which sort of explains the incest theme of (Story 254  Mum and Dad).
            As these are some of my best work we have decided to include them here but you find that what is published there may vary from what appears here as rules and restrictions differ on that site. After this story, we intend to get back to the work some of the other writers have been doing as we move into Volume Seventeen.
            My reason for attempting this story is that I wanted to try writing about a larger group of people who are talking and interacting together. Some conflict and emotions should be involved too. Masanori, Tukiko's boyfriend, finding out about her other sexual activities became the perfect theme to try this group story. As I wrote it, this story became a big one and so I decided to split it into three parts. This is Part One.
            Mostly in our writing, it has been in the first hand. For example; - I did this; I said that; etc, using the pronouns I and me. There is a limitation to this in that we can only know what one person is seeing and thinking. Get into one person's head you might say. My writing coach at Literotica encouraged me to try another way in which the writer is not a character from the story but rather an outside observer who can see all and know all things. In this way, the thoughts and views of a number of people can be revealed. This was a new and exciting idea for me and so I decided to try it here.

            Tukiko has been through some exciting sexual adventures and tried a lot of new things, some she didn't even know about or think was possible. But when she lay awake after the orgy she had that ended with the cum shower, her mind drifted back to her boyfriend Masanori. (In an earlier story, it was mentioned Tukiko's boyfriend is non-Japanese and then further down he is given a Japanese name. An error I have fixed now. I know that most people seemed to have overlooked it but I saw it. So now, Tukiko has a Japanese boyfriend called Masanori.
            She was beginning to feel uneasy about cheating on him. With everything she'd been doing, you might say it was a bit late for that now but that didn't help her from feeling guilty. So that is where we finished off (Story 255 - Naughty Books, Naughty Men and Naughty Fun) with Tukiko deciding she needed to ask her mother for advice.
            This story is the outcome of that, where a plan is made on how Masanori can be told in such a way that he is included in the fun too. The problem is that he works out what is going on and it all goes hopelessly wrong.
            In this story, the plan is made and then comes the scene of conflict. It ends with Tukiko and Masdanori leaving together. In the next part, they will begin trying to repair their relationship. I expect to publish this second part within a week from now.

           Kia kaka - Kia Kaha.
                 Be safe - Be strong.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 256 Part One.

Tuesday 4 May 2021

Story 255 - Naughty Books, Naughty Men and Naughty Fun.

Index of Letters                         Story 255 Background.                         Back to Story 254.   

Forward to Story 256 Part One.

April - 2021.
          These, the stories we now call the Tukiko Series, were originally published here a few months ago. When Anne republished these stories on another website, she made many changes and improvements. Meanwhile, some of us were feeling uncomfortable with the stories here as they didn't really fit the storyline so finally, the decision was made to unpublish them, update the storyline with some fill-in stories and then republish.
          Now, after some fill-in stories have been published, and the storyline has been brought up to date with this series regarding some of the younger characters, we can look at republishing the improved versions of these stories. During this process, we allowed further changes to be made. While republishing as if they were new stories, we have kept the original posts so any earlier comments that were made, have been retained.
                  Allan Jr.

☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆

The World's Best Blowjob.

Tukiko here.
          First, just a small side story before we begin the main story here.

          After what had been happening with my recent sexual experiences, I was feeling much more confident when I next got some alone time with Masanori, my boyfriend.
          Mum and Dad were going out again, over to Brian and Mega's I think. They're sure having lots of fun these days. When Masanori arrived before they had left, Mum had said he was welcome to stay the night if he wanted. "To keep Tukiko company." she had laughed, as they would be gone all night. As good as saying, 'Come in Masanori. Come and fuck our daughter all night.'
          Masanori picked up on that too, asking me if they knew about us. I had replied, "I think they might know something. Or at least guessed." I didn't want to tell him too much as it would only lead to more questions.
          "Do you mind if they know," he asked.
          "Probably better if they do as long as they are ok with it."
          He just nodded his head and seemed very thoughtful. In my excitement, I missed that, just rushing forward with my own plans. Looking back now, I should have seen it.
          I did invite him to stay the night but he said he wasn't sure about that so we just agreed to make it a naughty evening.
          It was nice spending time with him during the afternoon and before dinner, we were sitting on the couch in the lounge deciding what to do for the evening. The idea of a movie was discussed or even playing some game. As if either of us would decide to do anything other than making love.

Story 255 Background Notes.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 255.

            This series on Tukiko is a distraction from our main storyline. It is a project being driven by Anne as she prepares stories for another website, (KIWIANNE12'S SUBMISSIONS). If you go there, search for the names, kiwianne12; sexysue12; kiakim12. More names could be added.
            Anne's purpose there is to improve her writing skills while at the same time experimenting with other themes and writing styles not used in this blog. Since she is producing some great work we have decided to include it here. You will find that what is published may vary from what appears here.

            In this story, Tukiko displays her new blowjob skills with her boyfriend, Masanori. He is surprised at how good she is but really enjoys what she does. He calls it 'The World's, Best Blowjob.' which rather pleases Tukiko but she does wonder if she had actually overdone things a bit by displaying too much of her new sexual skills so suddenly.
            The scene then changes to an evening at Tukiko's home where she gets to experience some group sex where first she is with two men and then she has three couples, where she gets a cum shower and the six people licking it off. Mike even gets her to squirt which is a surprise for everyone including herself. You might even say this became an orgy.
            In Anne's next story, her boyfriend Masanori finds out what is going on. It is going to be a big one, perhaps divided into a number of sections.

           Kia kaka - Kia Kaha.
                 Be safe - Be strong.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 255.

Wednesday 28 April 2021

Story 254 Mum & Dad.

Index of Letters                         Story 254 Background.                         Back to Story 253 Part Two.   

Forward to Story 255.

April - 2021.
          These, the stories we now call the Tukiko Series, were originally published here a few months ago. When Anne published these stories on another website, she made many changes and improvements. Meanwhile, some of us were feeling uncomfortable with the stories here as they didn't really fit the storyline so finally, the decision was made to unpublish them update the storyline with some fill-in stories and then republish.
          After some fill-in stories have been published, the storyline has been brought up to date with this series regarding some of the younger characters, we can look at republishing the improved versions of these stories. During this process, we allowed further changes to be made. While republishing as if they were new stories, we have kept the original posts so any earlier comments that were made, have been retained.
                  Allan Jr.

☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆

Sunbathing Naked with Mum.

Hello again from Tukiko.
           The next morning, on the day after our nude beach trip, Mum and I were relaxing outside in my favourite nude sunbathing place. Both of us were naked, of course, both of us enjoying the warmth of the morning sun. This was something different. The first time it had ever happened. The first time either Dad or Mum had joined me.
          Over breakfast, she had been telling me how much she admired my all-over tan. Thought it might be nice to get one herself. "Get rid of those awful bikini lines," Mum had said.
          So I invited her, saying she was always welcome to join me every Sunday morning when I sunbathed nude for an hour or so before the sun got too hot.
          Dad had left early, as he usually does on Sunday, off to meet his golf buddies for a game or two. He would be gone much of the day so Mum and I had the place to ourselves.
          I was laying back, enjoying the warmth of the morning, sunbathing my naked body when she had arrived out, wrapped in a towel.
          "Mind if I join you?" Mum asked.
          "Sure," I replied. "I told you, you're always welcome."
          I watched how she unwrapped the towel and laid it on the deck beside me. Like me, she was naked underneath. She lay back beside me which gave me the chance to observe her nude body. Having worn her bikini only once in the sun the day before, already you could see where some parts of her body were lighter and some darker. Bikini lines were starting to appear.
          For a woman of her age, Mum has a great body considering she has had three kids and doesn't seem to do much exercise. I was kind of shocked, kind of pleased how open she had become about showing it off. I liked that in her. How she had lost that apparent modesty of never wanting to show her body to now where she was proud and happy to show it off, to all on the beach who cared to look. First, as if wearing a tiny bikini, tiny as any I'd dare wear, was bold enough, she'd gone even further, going totally nude. It seemed like she had enjoyed it too. I was glad for her in her new delight in nudity.

Story 254 Background.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 254.

       My name is Susan.

            Anne has wanted to do an incest story for a while. I, having experience of sex between siblings, Anne has experienced that too. But neither of us have known anything about sex between parents and their adult children. So we had to think carefully about how this might go.
            First, we knew we needed a good reason as to why this might start. That is where we decided to use Tukiko's uncomfortable feelings towards seeing her parents sharing any kind of sexual affection as something that might also bother her parents too. Whether this is the best solution to the problem, I'm not sure but it can be argued either way. Keep in mind, this is fiction so what might not work in reality might have a different outcome in fiction. In the end, it probably comes down to whether the writer believes it herself, and if she can convince her readers too. Let's hope that is the case.
            We called a writers meeting to discuss this story and one thing the came out was that Tukiko shouldn't accept this just because her parents say so. So we encouraged Anne to write this into her story. Let Tukiko struggle with the idea for a while first as might happen if a real young woman found herself in a similar situation. How would one of us feel being put in a position where we had to decide between our sexual feelings towards our parents against doing what we know is morally right? That is the dilemma that Tukiko faced.
            Finally, her sexual desires won and she went to her parent's bedroom. Not with the intention of just watching them. In that final moment in her bedroom, she didn't just decide to go watch, she decided to go and join in the fun. She walked into the room fully expecting to have sexual activities with her parents. Wow! That was bold.
            In the sex that follows, notice how her parents seem as much focused towards Tukiko as they were towards each other. I not sure the number of orgasms she had was believable but as I said above, this is fiction, so how can someone who lives in reality, complain about what happens here?

           Kia kaka - Kia Kaha.
                 Be safe - Be strong.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 254.

Saturday 24 April 2021

Story 253 Part Two Tukiko’s Sexual/Exhibitionism/Voyeurism.

Index of Letters                         Story 253 Part Two Background.                         Back to Story 253 Part One.   

Forward to Story 254.
April - 2021.
          These, the stories we now call the Tukiko Series, were originally published here a few months ago. When Anne published these stories on another website, she made many changes and improvements. Meanwhile, some of us were feeling uncomfortable with the stories here as they didn't really fit the storyline so finally, the decision was made to unpublish them update the storyline with some fill-in stories and then republish.
          After some fill-in stories have been published, the storyline has been brought up to date with this series regarding some of the younger characters, we can look at republishing the improved versions of these stories. During this process, we allowed further changes to be made. While republishing as if they were new stories, we have kept the original posts so any earlier comments that were made, have been retained.
                  Allan Jr.

☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆

Tukiko the Sexual Partner.

Hi from Tukiko.
          I got the impression that Mike's wife, Shanti, and my mother, Sayako, were intent on putting Mike and me together. When I had mentioned I liked Mike, it was just like those silly things women quietly say to each other when they see a handsome man they like. It was meant like that too.
          You know the type of comment, "I'd like to have him in my bed."
          But Mum and Shanti took me seriously.
          "Do you want him?" Mum asked me.
          I was shocked at her for being so direct.
          "Maybe," I replied with a giggle.
          "Ok, leave it with me."
          "What? Mum!"
          "I'll sort it with Shanti."
          "But Mum, I..."
          "I know you Tukiko. I know you want him. He wants you to. I've seen him looking."
          The whole thing sort of took off after that. Yes, she was right, I did like him. I don't know why but I did want him. Being sexually attracted like that so quickly and with someone I've only just met, is not my usual style but it was happening this time. I was fairly sure he wanted me too.
          So, it was quickly arranged by those two naughty women and soon I found myself, leaving with Mike, leaving the group to go off by ourselves. I was a bit surprised it happened so fast, well even happening at all. Don't misunderstand here, I was happy with this outcome, just a bit surprised how quickly they pulled it off like that.
          I think Mike might have been surprised as well at how Sayako, my mother and Shanti, his wife were actively encouraging us to take off by ourselves. As we walked up the beach to our things, he said, "I wasn't expecting it would go like that."
          "Neither did I," I replied. Then I placed my hand on his arm and added, "But I'm pleased it has."
          "So am I," he smiled, his arm slipping around my waist to give me a hug. "Let's go have fun."
          I like how he did that, his strong arm around me, the flat of his hand holding my waist.

Story 253 Part Two Background.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 253 Part Two.

Anne here.
       Hello from Susan and Rajah too.

           We have come to the first big milestone of the Tukiko series when she goes off with Mike, together into the sand dunes. Since this entire part was intended to be a huge sex scene, I was called in to help. We read over the two stories where Tikiko had been involved in sex scenes and noticed she came across as confident with sex but shy to show that confidence in front of her parents. I asked the question: - What if she wasn't that confident? What if her full knowledge of sex had been gained from being with boys her own age who didn't really know a lot either?
           We wrote this sex scene as if she has performed fairly well with Joseph under the shelter of her mother Sayako. Now she was on her own, flying solo with Mike, you could say, her lack of experience began to show with her blow-job skills. This shattered her confidence a bit as she realised she was out of her league with this far more experienced man. Fortunately, Mike picks up on it quickly and gently helps her along.
                       Regards everyone - Susan.

           Suddenly, while she is riding Mike cowgirl style, Tukiko discovers that she is being watched by some people on the hillside behind them. Mike encourages her to carry on and not worry about them watching but she struggles with this.
           It was obvious, this was going to be a difficult conversation to write so Anne and Allan were called in to help. After lots of discussions, it was decided to leave Tukiko sitting on top of Mike with his cock still deep inside her. That position was chosen for that very reason. Mike convinces her to carry on by seducing her with some sexy nipple play. Eventually, she starts moving her hips, starts fucking him again and realises she kind of likes people watching while she fucks. Likes it enough that she wants to do it again while they are still watching.
                       Regards from Anne and Allan.

           Now we get to the final section of this story where Mike and Tukiko discover an orgy going on with Tukiko's parents, Hirohiko and Sayako.
           Back in Story 248 Part Three, we asked Ayaka to put in a conversation I wrote between Steve and Peter in the surf where they decided if Sayako was going to get laid it was going to be with them. In that scene, they decide to ask their wives to help by distracting Hirohiko. Did their plan work? In that story, we purposely left it unsaid. Well, it seems to have because here they were in the hollow below where Tukiko and Mike were watching.
           Another difficult scene where we have eight people involved in sexual activities. Down in the hollow are two threesomes: - Two white men with Sayako and Two white women with Harohiko who all join together for the final sexual position with Sayako being fucked by five people at once. Meanwhile, on the dune behind them, Tukiko and Mike are fucking again while they watched.
           The method we selected to do this was by switching between those in the hollow and those on the sand dune, both seen through the eyes of Tukiko. In doing this, Tukiko was shown even more possible ways of having sex with more than two people. Something she might be trying herself very soon.
                       Regards to all our readers - Rajah.

           Kia kaka - Kia Kaha.
                 Be safe - Be strong.
                       Anne, Allan jr, Susan and Rajah.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 253 Part Two.

Wednesday 21 April 2021

Story 253 Part One - Getting Naked on a Nude Beach.

Index of Letters                         Story 253 Part One Background.                         Back to Story 252.   

Forward to Story 253 Part Two.
April - 2021.
          These, the stories we now call the Tukiko Series, were originally published here a few months ago. When Anne published these stories on another website, she made many changes and improvements. Meanwhile, some of us were feeling uncomfortable with the stories here as they didn't really fit the storyline so finally, the decision was made to unpublish them update the storyline with some fill-in stories and then republish.
          After some fill-in stories have been published, the storyline has been brought up to date with this series regarding some of the younger characters, we can look at republishing the improved versions of these stories. During this process, we allowed further changes to be made. While republishing as if they were new stories, we have kept the original posts so any earlier comments that were made, have been retained.
                  Allan Jr.

☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆

Going to the Nude Beach.

Tukiko here now.
          When it was decided they were going to try this nude beach thing, there was no way I was going to miss that. Yes, I knew it would involve me stripping and being nude too. Getting naked at a public beach, scared me a bit at first - well, scared me a lot actually - but I also thought, the fun of going, would far outweigh any discomfort I might have with getting my gear off at a beach.
          I reasoned it was just a body, my body. I'm happy with it too. Everyone has one, a body that is. You know, the same bits like tits and pussies and things, in the case of you guys, cocks too. All similar, we've all seen them so why should displaying mine be any different?
          It would not be like I was the only one getting naked either. There would be other women, such as my mother being seen too. She didn't seem too worried about the idea, perhaps excited would describe her more. Most everyone else would be naked so why not me too?
         I kept coming back to the thought, the hard part was going to be taking my bikini off. Once I'd done that, I was sure I should be fine. I intended to enjoy myself.

          The morning we were going, I woke fairly early, took a shower and came back to my bedroom wearing just a towel around my waist with my breasts bare. I could have even gone naked if I wanted.
          Since we had gone naked at the waterfall, (See Story 230 Japanese Pussy at Mokoroa.), my parents had been more relaxed with their nudity around the house in front of me. I was a bit surprised at first, particularly seeing how comfortable they seemed to be. Often they would spend the whole evening like that. Walking around as if it was nothing. It seems before they had us kids they were members of some kind of nude camp group in Japan. Probably explained how they got their gear off so easily at the waterfall.
          Soon, I decided to join them. At first, I'd casually let Dad and Mum see me nude a few times. They'd seen me naked at the waterfall so really it was no big deal. Just being naked, of course. Nothing sexual, just us passing as I'd gone to or from the shower room. This became even being topless or nude when I went through to the kitchen or lounge. We all seemed relaxed with each other, no one seemed to bother.
          We have a hidden place in our backyard so I had also begun sunbathing naked to get rid of my bikini lines. I have a variety of swimsuits and so could never get an even tan without some white bit being seen. An allover tan would solve this problem and then I could wear what I liked.
          Sometimes, when Dad or Mum was at home, they must have seen me out there but nothing was said. Sometimes, I hoped they would have joined me but they always seemed so busy, with Dad in his home office and Mum with cooking, doing housework and stuff. She also had an almost full-time job too.
          So, as I said above, that morning I could have gone to and from the shower naked and neither of them would have even noticed but this time I elected to use a towel around my waist, leaving my top half bare. In my room, I immediately dropped the towel completely, standing in front of the mirror looking at myself.

Story 253 Part One - Background Notes.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 253 Part One.

Allan Jr here.
       Hello from Ayaka and Allan Jr.

            Finally, we get to the nude beach. I know it has been a bit of a journey but Anne wanted us to explore this Japanese family in a lot more details. She has more plans for them I think. Maybe even a story/stories hidden away deep in her notes on Vol 17. Who knows what goes on in Anne's head.
            We decided, since Tukiko was the most nervous about this nude thing, we would get her to tell the story of how she got naked. It was also my intention of developing her relationship with Mike. For now, I'm going to leave you to figure out where this is going.
            The location is O'Neils Beach, over a short walk over sand dunes from Te Henga Beach. Yes, locations in this series of stories are very real. We often go there ourselves over a mid-day high tide, as its a great place to get naked and enjoy the beach like that in a group. There is always the sand dunes behind where a couple can slip away for some fun out of sight of the kids.

            Hope you enjoy our story.
                        Allan Jr.

It is Ayaka now.
            As Allan writes these stories, Anne has assigned different writers to help him. This time it was me. One evening, Allan and I were working in our workshop, fixing a quad bike engine. While we worked we were talking about how this story would go. Some notes were made on paper with greasy fingerprints all over it. When Anne saw our notes she said it looked like a dog's breakfast. But it worked for us, got us started on this section.
            Allan was particularly interested in my thoughts on getting nude on an open beach for the first time. In this way, I could relate closely to Tukiko. Being a woman and actually having my first nude beach experience at this very beach, he asked me to get into Tukiko's head and write how she might have been feeling.
            While I started on that, Allan wrote much of the background details about them getting to the beach and then what happened on the main Te Hanga beach.
            I continued on to write about nude swimming. I wanted to capture Tukiko's views and thoughts on this. I had already seen how she was nervous getting naked but once she was naked, she was confident she would enjoy it. I also knew the second half of this story would also cover much of this from Mike's point of view so there was some working on details that had to be confirmed in both halves. I other places we wanted the stories to disagree as might happen with two people remembering the same events.
            Finally, we went back over each other's work, blending our sections together and overwriting each other work in many places too. Here is our result. Hope you enjoy it.

           Kia kaka - Kia kaha.
                 Be safe - Be strong.
                       Ayaka and Allan Jr.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 253 Part One.

Saturday 17 April 2021

Story 252 – Sayako's Sexy Bikini.

Index of Letters                         Story 252 Background.                         Back to Story 251 Part Two.   

Forward to Story 253 Part One.

April - 2021.
          These, the stories we now call the Tukiko Series, were originally published here a few months ago. When Anne published them on another website, she made many changes and improvements. Meanwhile, some of us were feeling uncomfortable with the stories here as they didn't really fit the storyline, so finally, the decision was made to unpublish them, update the storyline with some fill-in stories and then republish.
            Now, after those fill-in stories have been published and the storyline has been brought up to date with this series regarding some of the younger characters, we can look at republishing the improved versions of these stories. During this process, we allowed further changes to be made. While republishing as if they were new stories, we have kept the original posts so any earlier comments that were made, have been retained.
                  Allan Jr.

☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆

I Decide to Buy a Swimsuit.

Hello from Sayako,
          Yes, I have been very active in helping my daughter Tukiko with writing our parts for these stories. I am also very gratefully to others who have helped me too. Mike, Shanti, Joseph, and Lizamoa. Thankfully everyone.
          I must not be missing to mention my husband Hirohiko who made this nude beach idea possible. He wanted to watch me bare more of my body with other men. We had talked of this, it had the fantasy of it too but always it remained just that, fantasy within the bedroom. Now I had revealed my willingness to do this for him.
         So thankfully to you Hirohiko, your fantasy has become the reality. I can admit to some concern at what I had got myself into but once I had told the idea in front of everyone and my husband was daring me not to chicken out, there was not possible I could pull out. As this story will show, I became caught up within his excitement.

Story 252 - Background Notes.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 252.

Allan Jr here.
          Sorry but I think this is going to be a big background.

          In the original Tukiko Story Series, we had divided this story into two parts. Anne took the idea Sayako had of going to s nude beach and added it to Story 251 Part Two. That left her going with her daughter Tukiko to buy a bikini and then two modelling their bikinis for Hirohiko. The final scene was Sayako and Hirohiko going off to their bedroom for a fucking session with her wearing the bikini. Anne combined these two small stories into one and added a lot more so it could be said that Anne and Susan wrote much of this final story.
          So that takes care of the story but I am still left with two background, both of them great, some of the best in the original Tukiko Series. Since they both had lots of juicy background notes, I didn't want to lose them so in this case, I have made a very long background including much of the notes from both stories.
          Since a number of people were involved I have used different colour text for each one.

          First, the notes copied from the first story which I wrote with my step sister, Shandra. And then the notes on Susan's story will follow.

Saturday 10 April 2021

Story 251 Part Two - Our Japanese Visitors.

Index of Letters                         Story 251 Part Two  Background.                         Back to Story 251 Part One.   

Forward to Story 252.

April - 2021.
          These, the stories we now call the Tukiko Series, were originally published here a few months ago. When Anne published these stories on another website, she made many changes and improvements. Meanwhile, some of us were feeling uncomfortable with the stories here as they didn't really fit the storyline so finally, the decision was made to unpublish them update the storyline with some fill-in stories and then republish.
          After some fill-in stories have been published, the storyline has been brought up to date with this series regarding some of the younger characters, we can look at republishing the improved versions of these stories. During this process, we allowed further changes to be made. While republishing as if they were new stories, we have kept the original posts so any earlier comments that were made, have been retained.
                  Allan Jr.

Visiting Joseph And Lizamoa For A Sex Night.

Hello from Sayako,
          My first time writing within the Letters Books was when Joseph invited me to do an opening to this story. 'Write what you like Sayako,' he said. 'Just give us a nice opening.' It was only after I finished that I discovered Lizamona had written about the sex she and Joseph had the morning before our sex night and now I had written a similar thing. Anyway, it's done now, written so it's staying in.
          After the fun we had at the waterfall, I've made the point of keeping in contact with Lizamoa. We had only met them once and quickly became engaged in some intense sexual activities. Both my husband Horohiko and I had enjoyed that time and were willing to try it again.
                    (For these stories see: - Story 230 Japanese Pussy at Mokoroa Falls. and also see: -  Story 231 Horny Hirohiko.)

          While it was the first time either of us had stepped outside our marriage, the fact that we did it together seemed to make it different. At any moment I could look across and see what he was doing with Lizamoa. In the same way, I know he was watching Tukiko and me with Joseph too. This made it seem we were not cheating on each other as we were doing it in front of each other.
          Afterwards, it became some hot sexy fantasy session in the bedroom too. It had been the realization of a long term fantasy and fuel for some new bedroom fantasies too.
          We talked about approaching them for perhaps another sex session with them. Maybe invite them for dinner and an evening at our house but nothing ever happened other than my talking on the phone with Lizaoma about once a month.
          One day, Lizamoa and I were talking about how much fun it had been at the waterfall and Lizamoa said they wanted to do it again. That was the encouragement we needed too. I told her we were both willing and so quickly arrangements were made for us to visit them at their house in the Waitakere Ranges, near the township of Titirangi.

Story 251 Part Two - Background Notes.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 251  Part Two.

Hi from Rochelle and Allan Jr.

Kia ora - Greetings from Allan Jr.
           After the wild session between Hirohiko and Lizamoa, we wanted a contrast. While the sex here is quite rough and aggressive in places, there is not a struggle as to who is the boss, who is on top. It appears Joseph was leading and the two women were happy to go along with that. Our goal here was good sex, detailed sex, based on some reality. Susan once said that making all the sex here successful was important. For example, if the sex at home for a reader is not so good, he/she doesn't want to be reminded of that here. This blog becomes a place of escape, a place where it always goes right.  So everyone gets at least a couple of orgasms and goes away happy. I hope all our readers are happy too.
           I wanted to connect these two stories closer together even though they both mention Tukiko being the last to get naked in the game of Strip. So we added that short part by Sayako where she overhears where Hirohiko is slapping Lizamoa's arse for being a naughty girl.
           The final scene in this story is about skinny dipping and sex beside the pool. Again there is a purpose for this. It was a good chance for Tukiko to experience sex outdoors and also think about the possibility of being seen while fucking. Yes, there is a bit of exhibitionism beginning to show in that girl. She needs it to with what is going to happen to her the following weekend.

Salut de Rochelle.
           So Sayako and Tukiko spend the rest of the evening with Joseph. For a while they are in the lounge with Lizamoa and Hirohiko, then they retire to continue their sexual fun in a bedroom.
           I have come to discover, I like writing sex scenes. When I write or read a sex scene I like it to be with details. "Joseph and Sayako made love," is not good enough, doesn't cut it for me. I want to know how they made love and what positions did they use? What did the sex feel like? I like communication between the people involved. I need to know, were the orgasms good and who cum first? I can then fill in the final details with my own imagination. I also think writing about sex is one of the objectives of this blog and so to not do so is letting our readers down as they expect it as I expect it too.
           I think the positions they use are very important as sexual positions are very important in my real sex too. The danger here is that we might invent a new sexual position for our characters that can prove to be physically impossible to achieve. In which case, it makes us look a bit foolish to our readers because we owe them at least some sense of reality in our writing. So when I write a sex scene I am usually writing about something I have tried or seen. I need to have a clear picture of what I am writing about. What better way to have a clear picture than to make it a memorable real event and then write from there. Am I saying here, I fuck before I write? Of course!
           Writing as a man when I am a woman gets a bit interesting and different. Susan gave me some ideas on how I could do this and I've also had discussions with men I know to ask them such as; What does sex feel like to them? How does an orgasm feel? What is important to them when making love? With this information, it is easier to put myself in the position of a man and write for him as if he was speaking.

                   Allan Jr and Rochelle.

           Kia kaka - Kia Kaha.
                 Be safe - Be strong.
                       Allan and Rochelle.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 251  Part Two.

Tuesday 6 April 2021

Story 251 Part One – Our Japanese Visitors.

April - 2021.
          These, the stories we now call the Tukiko Series, were originally published here a few months ago. When Anne published these stories on another website, she made many changes and improvements. Meanwhile, some of us were feeling uncomfortable with the stories here as they didn't really fit the storyline so finally, the decision was made to unpublish them update the storyline with some fill-in stories and then republish.
          After some fill-in stories have been published, the storyline has been brought up to date with this series regarding some of the younger characters, we can look at republishing the improved versions of these stories. During this process, we allowed further changes to be made. While republishing as if they were new stories, we have kept the original posts so any earlier comments that were made, have been retained.
                  Allan Jr.

Hirohiko and Sayako Came for the Evening.

Hello from Joseph.
          One weekend, we invited our new friends, Hirohiko and Sayako, to call them to our house for the evening. We had kept in touch, maybe more correctly, my wife Lizamoa and Sayako had kept in touch over the past year but not got to meeting again. So, this was the first time we would meet them since what had happened at Mokoroa Falls. (See Story 230 Japanese Pussy at Mokoroa and Story 231 Horny Hirohiko.)
                    (For these stories see: - Story 230 Japanese Pussy at Mokoroa Falls. and also see: -  Story 231 Horny Hirohiko.)

          Lizamoa and Sayako had been talking on the phone about how sexy it had been that day and it was clear Hirohiko and Sayako wanted to try with us again. So, there were no surprises here. It was fully understood between all four of us that they were coming over for the dinner and then some sexual activities, mostly likely fucking too. My wife had invited them to stay the night if they wanted and Sayako had quickly agreed they would. Making it obvious their intentions.
          Once again, everything organised by the women. Interesting how so quickly they will do that when they know they will be getting their pussies full of cock.
          It was Friday, early in the morning of the day they were coming. I had to go to work for this day, but I heard Lizamoa had elected to take the day off from her work at the car sales with Peter and Mike. That morning she was telling me about her plans for the day, of going to meet the girls for an exercise session and social occasion at Steve's gym, then coming home to get things ready and prepare a fine meal for our guests. Knowing my wife Lizamoa, I knew it would be good. She is a great cook and she enjoys cooking for guests we entertained within our house.
          I looked at the clock and it was still early, not time to get up yet, so we were both lying within the bed, talking.
          I asked, "Is Tukiko coming with them?"
          "I don't think so, Joseph," my wife said. "Sayako said she has a date with her boyfriend."
          "Oh, I was hoping..."
          "Wanting some young Japanese pussy, were you?" Lizamoa laughed.
          "Well yes, but if she can't come... that is ok."
          "You still have Sayako to fuck. She likes you."
          "Yes, I know. But it was nice having both of them."
          "Sorry," she laughed. "Poor Joseph, only gets one pussy tonight."
          "Don't be mean, Lizamoa."
          "Just one pussy for Joseph. Oh, dear! How sad!"
          "Hey, stop that! Stop your teasing."
          "Why? Are you going to make me stop?"
          "Look, Lizamoa..."
          "Oh, dear... Poor Joseph... So sad."

Story 251 Part One - Background Notes.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 251  Part One.

Kia ora.
Hi from Allan Jr.
           I love stories or series of stories that are taking someone towards ever more daring sexual activities. During mid-2020 I felt ready to write one myself, with some help from my friends, of course. I've always been active in this blog but don't write many full stories myself. Mostly my work can be found scattered all over this blog, particularly where conversations are concerned. I specialize in these, often called in to help other writers with their conversations. Also helping the girls with advice and ideas or proofreading their work.
           As I began planning and laying out where I wanted this story to go, it soon became apparent that I had grabbed a tiger by the tail. When I decided I would need help, I had a talk with my partner Anne, showing her what I wanted to achieve. She agreed with me and thought it could become a feature series if we all got behind it.
           Anne, called a Writer's Meeting to discuss this project. Considering it was going to be quite big, it was thought I should get a co-writer for each section of this series. While I could oversee the entire series, my co-writers could focus on particular sections and help get those finished and published.
           We are deep into the project now and it has worked well. I've done much of the work with others helping where they could. If you are reading this then obviously Part One has made it to publication.

           Tukiko, a young Japanese woman who met Joseph and Lizamoa at a local waterfall in the Waitakere Ranges, West Auckland. Yes, many locations in this story are real. Tukiko, with her parents Hirohiko and Sayako, get into some great sex beside a waterfall that day, (See Story 230 Japanese Pussy at Mokoroa Falls.) Before that, Tukiko was sexually experienced, certainly not a virgin, but she had the experience you'd expect with boys her own age. Being with Joseph opened her eyes to a deeper side of sexual activities. She got a taste for it, so in this story, when she found out her parents were going to visit Liz and Joseph with the expectation of more fucking, Tukiko gate-crashed the party.
           When I talk about Tukiko, I like to think of her as a girl/woman. I get that from the first story about her. A woman, capable of engaging in some serious sexual activity. A girl, still wanting to skip and play, delightfully enjoying life. Being around 19 or 20 there was also a maturity with a body to match.
            Through the second half of this story, we follow Liamoa and her night with Hirohiko. During their last story (Story 231 Horny Hirohiko.) we see that Lizamoa took charge and gave Hirohiko quite a hard time actually. He was shocked at first but ended up loving it. We wanted to play with that idea again but time with the one in charge swapping between them a few time. You've got it, Hirohiko fighting back a bit. Sort of a friendly struggle between them.
            Here is my co-author Rushma to tell you her side of writing a story with me. Dear Little Sister, please say nice things about me or you'll be deleted.
                    Allan Jr.

Hi from Rushma
           You don't scare me at all, dear Big Brother, if you delete me, I'll get Anne to kick your arse.
           At the meeting where the plan for this story series was decided, I was selected to be Allan's first co-author. I was fine with that, as I like working with him. A few hours one afternoon, a couple of long sessions online and we were able to get most of it done. I am happy with the final result.
           Due to his unconventional style of writing bits as he develops a story and then joining them up later (Anne does that too), it is now hard to say which parts were done by him and which by me as we both worked all over the story.
           When I became involved in this story the part where Tukiko gatecrashed the party had already been written. It was lively and humorous, sort of how you might expect a girl/woman like her to be. But I suggested to Allan that it didn't fit well at the start of this story.
           Allan told me he was planning on Joseph being disappointed in learning Tukiko wasn't coming so he would be pleasantly surprised when she did arrive. He asked if I wanted to write it. Well, you know how things go. More gets added and Lizamoa is teasing Joseph about missing out on some young pussy. Her 'punishment,' a good fucking. A sex scene to open a story - way to go, I think.

           Writing the sex scenes with my step-brother was a bit awkward, taking me to the edge of my comfort zone but we found a workaround by leaving most of that part to him. I then took the story and gave the sex scenes a major workover. Allan went through with Anne and checked details etc and as far as I was concerned the story was finished.

            In our next story, my brother, Allan Jr and Rochelle are going to follow Joseph and see how he enjoys two Japanese pussies, the mother and daughter team, Sayako and Tukiko. Story 251 Part Two.

           Kia kaka - Kia Kaha.
                 Be safe - Be strong.
                       Allan and Reshma.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 251  Part One.

Thursday 1 April 2021

Story 250 Practical Sexual Instructions - Part Two.

Index of Letters                         Story 250 Part Two  Background.                         Back to Story 250 Part One.   

Forward to Story 251 Part One.

Most Amazing Blow-job.
Hi again from Michael as I continue my story.
          I ended the first part with, 'But my sex education was far from over yet.'
          That was true, there was more to come. I had just seen a woman having a really intense orgasm, felt her body and the power of her passion as she did. That had been an amazing experience for me. The fact that I had made this woman have what looked like a powerful orgasm had been great too. I was so pleased that I could have done that. I’d learnt how to undress a woman, kiss her passionately and eat pussy properly while enjoying doing it myself.

          I finished with Lizamoa's pussy, I turned back to look at Mum and Ragesh but they had moved, no longer watching us. They were both naked now. That was quick, I don’t know when they did that. I was actually looking forward to watching him do it. I know it was my mother but it still would have been interesting watching him getting her naked. To have watched how he would have done it.
          Mum had him laying back on a deck chair and she was holding his cock, sucking him. He sat back enjoying it. Looking like she was really doing a good job too.
          Lizamoa was recovered now and she looked to see where I was looking. “I think you need some of that too,” she said.
          She got off the lounger and came towards me. “Let’s get those clothes off you first,” she said.
          I suddenly realised I was the only one still wearing any clothes. I reached to start undoing my shirt when she reached to hold my hands still. “No, let me, Michael. Let me undress you.”
          She did too. With the skills learnt of being a mother and of course being a lover, she knew exactly how to get me naked. But being a lover came to the fore with how she played with me along the way. First came my shirt, her hand going to undo the button down my front then without removing it yet, she was reaching under for my bare chest. Soon the shirt was pulled from my shoulders to be tossed on top of her clothes.
          Then her hands turned to my chest. Her main attention going to my tiny man-nipples. They were hard as her fingers rubbed over them, even harder when she licked them and took them between her lips. Oh, that felt good. I didn’t know my nipples were capable of feeling such as that.
          She dropped to her knees in front of me, her hands reaching for my swim shorts. I was kind of wishing I had worn more clothes; she would have had more fun getting me naked. I would have too. The shorts were pulled down, taking care to ease them over my hard cock. I saw her look at me as she exposed me.
          “Nice,” she said to my cock. “I’m going to enjoy you.”