Friday 3 June 2022

Story 282 Background Notes.

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Hello from Allan jr.
            Anne wanted to use Nishi and Gaja in the stories more. That is why they were included in the trip and also why they were put with the new Japanese couple, Kenshin and Chiharu. I took on this story to provide more opportunities for this couple to shine.
            As is usual with Letters Writers, once I selected the characters for my story, I began to look back at recent stories they've appeared in. Something surprising came up with Nishi and Gaja. Where Gaja had been in an orgy situation with those five women on the island near Perth, Nishi had only been with one man each time she had been with others besides her husband. That last night at the hotel in the desert town, when Mootie and Nishi had invited the two younger women, Riya and Jasmine to join them, was group sexy but you probably wouldn't really call it a full orgy.
            So that became my goal for this story, take Nishi into a full-on orgy. When Mary had written "From Riya's Diary", she had given me a detailed outline of the events during the first few days in New Zealand. These events were shown through Riya of course, but they provided me with a structure to build on. I also wanted to take Nishi along with each event getting sexier than the one before. I worked on the assumption that she was open to swinging and orgies but just hadn't tried it.
            Since I am following two people through a series of events I needed a layout where they could both share the storytelling. I at first considered third-hand storytelling but really I wanted to use first-hand storytelling. To achieve this we will be swapping between Nishi and Gaja as the story unfolds. To help with clarification they will each have their own font colour.
            So that is the background to my story. Hope you enjoy it.

            Finally, here are a few links to other stories you might wish to read. First, would have to be Story 280 From Riya's Diary. After that, you could read Story 276 Kenshin and Chiharu - Overseas Visitors, which will give you more background to the early sections of my story. The next section was about the night Sexy Karene/Jenny did her last show. These links are; Story 275 Part One. Sexy Karene; and Story 275 Part Two. Sexy Karene.
            There will be some other stories regarding going to the nude beach at Te Henga but at the time of publishing these stories have yet to be completed. I might come back and add links later.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.
                        Allan jr and Anne.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 282.

Sunday 22 May 2022

Story 281 Sarvesh’s Afternoon Distraction.

Index of Letters                         Story 281 Background Notes.                         Back to Story 280.   

Forward to Story 282.

Hello from Sarvesh,
        It was the Thursday of our first week in New Zealand. We were sitting around the pool after we’d come back from a morning touring. There were a few hours to relax before we were going to that big museum in the centre of Auckland. Shanti had arranged for a video link with India so Riya could show the children in her school, parts of the museum related to Maori culture.
        It was going to be interesting since Riya had pulled me in to help her. She’d told me it was going to be big as the whole school of over 300 pupils and staff would be watching. Before it had only been about 30 children from her class.
        In those earlier videos and live feeds, I had worked the cam but now she wanted me to be more involved in front of the camera. I wondered about that. Not afraid to do it, just wondered what she had in mind for me. Whatever she wanted, I was willing to help. I was impressed with the good work she was doing on this trip with her class back in India and with teaching the children travelling with us. When we combined those children from Australia and some from New Zealand, we now had a small school each time we met now. I heard some of the older ones would be involved in tonight’s show too.

Story 281 Background Notes.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 281.

Hello from Julie.

            A short sexy story. A young woman sets out to seduce an older man. They have a hot session in a secluded area of the garden. That is it, all over, Rover!
            There are only two characters in this story. First, there is Sarvesh, a wealthy businessman from India. He has been in the Letters series from almost the beginning, being a close friend of Joseph. In fact, the three men sitting drinking were all long term characters from Letters. Sarvesh must be in his late 40s now as both his children are in their early teens. He has appeared in many stories and taken a leading role in many great sex scenes. A popular character among our readers.
            Sabreena is new to the Letters Stories. Being the second child of Joseph and Lizamoa, she gets only brief mentions until we get to the Tukiko series where Sabreena and Kathy meet Tukiko at the nude beach. (Story 253 Part One - Getting Naked on a Nude Beach.) After that, she plays a major support role during the conflict story when Tukiko's boyfriend, Masanori, finds out about her sexual activities behind his back. (Story 256 Part One. My Boyfriend, Masanori.) She wants a man to be her first and picks Tukiko's boyfriend Masanori which adds extra complexity to the dispute between Masanori and the men who had been with Tukiko, particularly Joseph, Sabreena's father.
            So from this, we can see that Sabreena has a mind of her own. Willing to go out and get what she wants. Now, being much more experienced with sex, she is after a man who is a lot older than her, a close friend of her father. While Joseph is still struggling with his daughter's open sexuality, he goes along with what is about to happen between Sarvesh and Sabreena.

            You may notice that I went for a more basic layout, dropping the fancy new headings they have been using recently. To a certain extent, Anne gives us room to select a layout suitable for our story. As I mentioned above, it's a simple little story so I felt there was no need for a lot of the headings, stars and things used in other stories. Keep it simple and basic - that's me!
            I didn't go out with the sex scene too much, staying with more traditional sexual positions. I wanted Sarvesh to step back and allow Sabreena to lead things. I like to think he might of been a bit amused by her openly going for him like that but then since she seemed to be doing ok, he just went along with the way she called it.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 281.

Sunday 15 May 2022

Story 280 From Riya's Diary.

Index of Letters                         Story 280 Background Notes.                         Back to Story 279.   

Forward to Story 281.

A note from the author, Mary.
        Before we start I'd like to warn you that this story might not be as sexy as some stories. But it is still important to the Letters Series since this summary of events will connect all the other stories written about the first few days when the whole group came together in New Zealand. Anyway, I suggest you keep reading as Riya might have some sexy adventures along the way. Who knows? And she's not telling!
                From Mary.

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An Introduction.

அனைவருக்கும் வணக்கம். என் பெயர் ரியா
(Hello! Everyone. My name is Riya.)
        This story will perhaps be another long one, I have lots to tell you about my adventures after I got to New Zealand. It concerns the first few days when we were staying in Auckland.
        We arrived on Tuesday morning and intended to leave on our first touring trip the following Saturday. During that time, some of the New Zealand men like Mike and Peter had to work so others decided to take us touring and sightseeing in and around the city of Auckland.
        Of course, we all travelled in that small fleet of vans but once we all were together, the seating was more relaxed. In fact, we were encouraged to swap between vans and meet new people we hadn’t met before. So, as well as sightseeing, these few days were a good opportunity for everyone to get to know each other. Not forgetting the sexual events and activities that were happening as well.
        When I talked with Sarvesh, he suggested that I wrote this story similar to entries within my diary. I was keeping a journal during this trip so I could remember events as they happened. So now, after I am back in India, it is easy to remember things and add them in their proper order. That diary idea sounded a great idea so that’s how I have laid it out. Thanks, Sarvesh!

Story 280 Background Notes.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 280.

Hello from Mary.
            I believe this story is significant to this part of the Letters Series.
            I didn't intend this to be a sexy story but parts of that developed along the way. With Riya, it would be hard to cut out the sexual side of what she was doing the first few days in New Zealand. My original intention was to create a story where readers could fit in with the surrounding stories and get a feeling of what was happening during these first few days.
            I have provided links to those stories that I can but since some stories have yet to be finished, links to them will need to be added as they get published.

            I did a lot of research for this story. First, I looked at Riya, herself and carefully read all her major sex scenes. Shandra told me more about her early life and her parents. Jeevan and Mandara are long-term characters of the Letters Series.
            Riya has blossomed into a bold, adventurous and determined young woman. She has always been a bit of a rebel. When her parents released her to have sex with any man from their sex group, they didn't realise that this would appeal to Riya's wild side and open up a passion for sex. Not just any sex, although she was always ready for that, Riya had a preference for big strong men who could and would give her the type of rough, aggressive sex that she liked.
            You can see an example of this towards the end of this story when she takes on five men in a row and loved it. Perhaps a bit sore in her pussy but she still enjoyed it.
            I think many men are attracted to someone like Riya. Her wild adventurous nature seems to present men with a challenge that they strive to overcome. I'm looking forward to how other writers are going to develop her in the future.

            I enjoyed writing this story and followed it closely through all the various stages of preparation, right up until it has been published.
            I hope that those of you who take the time to read this story, will enjoy it and learn more about this up and coming star, a rising star you could call her, of the Letters Series.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 280.

Monday 2 May 2022

Story 279 Shanti's Surprise!

Index of Letters                         Story 279 Background Notes.                         Back to Story 278.   

Forward to Story 280.

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Our Relationship with Joseph and Lizamoa.

Hello from Mike.
        While I often appear in the stories, I don’t often get to write them. Yes, I have written in the Letters Books before but since the girls mostly do a better job, like many of the men, I usually leave it to them. Shanti, my wife does a lot of writing and she often will call me for help or advice with a scene or conversation. Then there will be some input from me into that story. Other women have done the same, but the primary writer will always take the credit for the story. In the early days, I specialized in doing conversations so many of those early letters contained written speech from me.
        As you will know, I am married to Shanti, an Indian woman I have known from school. She was shy back then, with a severe speech problem. But once she had overcome that, she changed to become a lot more outgoing, a leader within our group of friends. (Letter 43 Part A Shanti was Painfully Shy.) But she has always been a great wife, I consider myself very fortunate to be married to such a wonderful woman.

Story 279 Background Notes.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 279.

Hello from Reshma.

            Ayaka and I had been given a story to do. We talked with my sister Shandra one afternoon at Anne's house. Anne and her partner, Allan Jr., were there too. Allan suggested giving the two young Indian girls, Riya and Jasmine, a change by using someone older, perhaps a couple of the older European men. Ideas were bounced around and we came up with Mike, Shanti's husband. So that became our basic theme, Mike spending the night with the two girls, Riya and Jasmine.
            My sister had her character notes books with her and we looked at the three characters involved. I wanted to fit my story in with the overall Letters Themes. That meant getting the characters involved matching how others had written them. I think this is very important as we all have our favourites and want them to act in character. One is mine is Mike. He reminds me so much of my step-brother Allan jr.

            First, we had Mike. A character going right back to the first real mention of his as Shanti's boyfriend in (Letter 5 My Photo in Swimming Togs.). Mike has been involved in some great sex scenes. Many where he has taken on women a lot more inexperienced than himself. Eg, Shanti as the shy virgin, (Letter 43 Part B Shanti was Painfully Shy.) or Katrina's first time, (Story 102 Katrina’s Story - Part Five.) I read those two stories again and it gave me a new insight into how he might be with Jasmine and Riya. On top of this, Mike is a very relaxed, laid-back sort of guy much as my step-brother Allan jr is.

Now the two girls.
            Riya is bold and outgoing. She had only recently lost her virginity while in Perth but already she was a bold sex partner having quite a lot of experience with sex. I knew she would do well with the character Mike.
            Jasmine is a year younger than Riya but also much shyer too. She was also very inexperienced with sex having only had two men before Mike. Mike quickly realised this as we've written it in the stories.
            Now finally, before the girls had their session with Mike, it seems they talked with Shanti and Lizamoa. It was actually Shanti who set this all up for her husband. See the story title.
            So that is the background to our story in place. Now we could begin writing.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.
                        Reshma and Ayaka.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 279.

Thursday 21 April 2022

Story 278 Cathy - This Is All New To Us.

Index of Letters                         Story 278 Background Notes.                         Back to Story 277.   

Forward to Story 279.

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Our Trip to New Zealand.

Hi, my name is Cathy.
        Don’t confuse me with Kathy, Shanti and Mike’s daughter from New Zealand. I am from Australia, the younger sister of Ian and David.
        We were sitting at Ian’s house when the idea came up to join the group from India and Australia who were going to holiday for a month in New Zealand. David and Katrina were going, of course, and they had told us that we were invited too. The idea was taking off; Ian and Kala were keen to go. Their kids were pushing for it too. I was sure they would be going.
        The question was, would we go with them? Gordon, my husband and I were hesitating. We get regular updates of the Letters Stories, so had heard that this holiday would involve quite a lot of sexual things. Parties, ogres, nude beaches and nude camping, etc. While we had swapped with a few couples in Australia and group nudity wasn’t really a problem, we just weren’t so sure about the group sex parties.
        I think Katrina worked out why we were holding back.
        “In the Letters Group,” she began. “No one is expected to do anything they don’t want, are not comfortable with. You just do whatever you feel comfortable with and you’ll be respected for that.”
        That sounded better. I’m sure I’ve read that in the Letters Stories too. I looked over at Gordon and he smiled. That was it, we decided to go. We didn’t need to find the money for airfares etc, as Uncle Donald was arranging that somehow through the business he has with Sarvesh from India. So, we only needed some personal spending money and to buy a few clothes we would need on the trip.

Story 278 Background Notes.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 278.

Hello from Rochelle.

            This story opens with the statement; "Don’t confuse me with Kathy, Shanti and Mike’s daughter from New Zealand. I am from Australia, the younger sister of Ian and David." I researched Cathy to find out what I could about her. I even visited our expert on the characters of Letters, Shandra. Shandra has a large folder with notes on every named character from the stories. We looked up her notes of Cathy to see where this younger woman came from.
            Cathy first appears as a teen girl in (Story 168 I Strike Gold at a Gold Mine,) where she and her older brother Ian, meet Katrina and David at the small desert airport when they visit David's hometown in the Australian outback. During that story, Cathy goes nude swimming with them in the river. Cathy next appears in the Letters Stories when she is with her family as they travel to India for her brother's, wedding to Katrina. During these wedding stories, she only gets mentioned a few times.
            As time goes on she gets a boyfriend, Gordon. They want to get into a sexual relationship but they, especially Gordon, are a bit shy about beginning. They ask Jeremy and Joyce to help them which leads to Cathy's biggest story so far when she and Gordon meet Jeremy and Joyce beside the river in that interesting sex session where Cathy allows Jeremy to take her virginity. Of course, Gordon loses his virginity to Joyce at the same time. (Story 246 Will You Take My Virginity, Please?)
            Now Cathy is married and they are expecting their first child. They decide to come on the trip to New Zealand but Gordon in particular is a bit timid about the sex parties that are planned. Living in that small desert town, they had very little chance of any swinging other than when they went to Perth. When Shandra and I noticed this, I wanted to use it in my story so you will notice that during the first sex swapping session, Cathy looked over at her husband a few times to see if he is doing ok.
            Of course, being with that hot young Indian woman Sairu, he was doing fine. Loved being with an Indian woman. I asked Shandra if Gordon had even been with his Indian sister-in-law, Katrina but it has never been written that he has. So this might be his first time with an Indian woman? I don't know.
            So that is my story. A bit non-sexual at first but I hope the second half makes up for that.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 278.

Saturday 9 April 2022

Story 277 Moving on to New Zealand.

Index of Letters                         Story 277 Background Notes.                         Back to Story 276.   

Forward to Story 278.

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Moving on to New Zealand.

Hi again from Riya,
        After some great fun in Australia, it was time to move on to New Zealand. I was excited, looking forward to this country I had heard so much about. Ready for some new adventures, seeing new things and meeting new people. Not forgetting the expected sex either.
        Oh, yes, the sex. That was one unexpected aspect of this holiday that I had been able to become sexually active. Let me explain.

        While I was looking forward to New Zealand, Australia had been full of surprises and adventures too. To my surprise, I had been allowed to lose my virginity to any man I chose from among my parent’s friends. Who would have thought that from my parents? The choice was easy, I decided on Hamza since he was younger among the adults, and I knew him fairly well. Out of those in my parent’s group, he was always friendly with me, willing to talk and spend time with me. We had become quite close so when I had to choose a man, it was a no-brainer, really. Even my parents had guessed which way I would go with that.
        I spent an amazing evening out at this beautiful house overlooking the ocean. It was an evening to remember, me with those two married couples, Hamza and his wife Kalki and Payam and his wife Sairu. After some fun and sexy games, finally came the big moment for me. I had my first time with a man, but it wasn’t just with him, as the other three people were present and involved too. In fact, it was almost like they were all having sex with me at the same time. Group sex with four people to lose my virginity. ‘Way to go, girl!’ was what my father said when he heard about it. (See Story 263 Riya’s First Time – Part Two.)
        Later that same evening, I got to be with my second man, Payam. It was then that I began to realize what this sex stuff was all about. How different men would do it in different ways. In fact, the same man could do it differently, even on the same night.

Story 277 Background Notes.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 277.

Hello from Reshma.
            At a recent writer's meeting, I was given Riya's first day in New Zealand so I did some reading up on this girl. From what I could discover she had been a bit shy in her early teens. She even gave up getting naked on the nude days because she was embarrassed about showing off her developing body. More recently she had overcome this shyness and was again getting naked in front of others on the nude weekends.
            As she had grown up, Riya had become a bit rebellious, causing trouble with her parents. Just before this trip, her mother had become so angry with her, that she had cancelled Riya going on the trip to New Zealand. There were lots of tears and promises to behave and soon Riya's father Jeevan and Sarvesh began to weaken. Eventually, Riya's mother, Mandara gave in and allowed her daughter to go again.
            Then came that big moment in Perth when Jeevan and Mandara told Riya she was allowed to find a man she liked and lose her virginity ready for the sex parties in New Zealand. The reasoning behind this was it was very likely Riya would get into some things a virgin shouldn't be involved in and they didn't want an inexperienced virgin to suddenly find herself in the middle of a full-on orgy. You might not agree with this reasoning. I didn't at first but got outvoted in what was a very stormy meeting.
            So, I had this story to write. The way I saw it, it was about developing Riya. I wanted to bring out that personality she had before the trip. Being still a bit rebellious and cheeky. She is also quite intelligent and witty, good at flirting. She has developed a strong appetite for sex which needed to come out too.
            I hope you enjoy the Riya I'm presenting in this story. Over the years, we writers and many of our readers have had 'love affairs' with some of the female characters in our stories. In the early days, before I became a writer, it was the beautiful Lizamoa. Later a young maid called Katrina took over. More recently we had an 'affair' with this young Japanese woman, Tukiko. Is Riya going to be the next one? I hope so!

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 277.

Thursday 24 March 2022

Story 276 Kenshin and Chiharu - Overseas Visitors.

Index of Letters                         Story 276 Background Notes.                         Back to Story 275 Part Two.   

Forward to Story 277.

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Overseas Visitors.

        Finally, the Indian and Australian groups arrived in New Zealand. It had been a direct, overnight flight from Perth. Now, as they cleared customs, they discovered Shanti and Mike waiting for them. While Shanti came forward to greet them, Mike was on his phone calling more of the New Zealand men to drive the vans in to meet in the quick pick-up zone.
        There was a bit of confusion as they worked out who would be going in which van and then getting kids and bags sorted too. The security officer was watching them closely, glancing at his watch as the five-minute pick-up time was exceeded.
        Finally, it was all sorted. Mike and Shanti were relieved their plan had worked. The van drivers were relieved they had collected the correct guests for their house. The overseas visitors were relieved that they were in the same van as their kids. And the security officer was relieved the line of vans had taken all that confusion with them, leaving his drop-off, pick-up zone running smoothly again.
        Both Japanese couples, Hirohiko and Sayako; Kenshin and Chiharu, had agreed to take visitors to stay at their houses. Both men had vans and were among the group at the airport to meet and collect their guests.
        Shanti’s plan was to have the visitors take their first day getting to know their hosts and settling in. Then there would be a series of welcome parties at various places while all the kids went on their own adventures with Mike’s parents. Yes, everyone knew these greeting parties would turn sexual which was why the children weren't included. After all, the Letters Group was a sexual swapping group and these visitors had come here to play, so why not start, sooner rather than later.
        Sayako and Chiharu had decided to combine their party into a gathering at Sayako’s house. This had originally been planned as an evening, but things went very late and in the early morning hours, everyone had just slept where they finished partying.

Story 276 Background Notes.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 276.

Hello from Shandra and Ayaka.

            The stories about this new Japanese couple continue as Chiharu and Kenshin agree to take some of the visitors from Australia and India as their house guests. While both Kenshin and Chiharu are into the swinging lifestyle, they each like doing it in different ways. One of the goals of this story is to bring out those differences.
            Chiharu is fully into all the fun she can get. She is particularly into group sex and sex parties. She has no problem with whatever the men she is with want to do to her. The conversation early in this story with Shanti, reveals that Chiharu has a misunderstanding as to what this sex group is all about. She thought it was all about sex parties but Shanti reveals that is only part of the group's activities.
            While Kenshin is committed to joining the group's activities, he is not really into the parties where people swap and have many partners. He is more a one-man, one-woman kind of guy. He would rather take a sex partner for the evening or even the night. Kenshin has discovered that many of the women are happy with this too. He finds a sexy Indian woman, Kalki, who joins him for some one-on-one fun at the end of the evening.
            Exhibitionism, interracial, girl on girl sex, a sex party - we think there is something for everyone in these stories.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.
                        Reshma and Ayaka.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 276.

Tuesday 15 March 2022

Story 275 Part Two. Sexy Karene.

Index of Letters                         Story 275 Part Two Background Notes.                         Back to Story 275 Part One.   

Forward to Story 276.

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Session Five, Two Big Cocks, Two 'Angry' Husbands.

        I couldn’t wait for the next week. This was going to be good. I rang the business in Tauranga and cancelled my trip, instead, spending some time with the new sales manager online. I rang the hotel and cancelled our room that week too.
        Joseph rang me to say that both he and Mootie had been approached by Jenny and had agreed to do the show.
        I met Steve at his gym and talked with him privately. He quickly brought into my idea but neither of us told anyone what we were planning. We had decided to keep it a surprise from the rest of our friends like we were with the rest of Jenny's viewers and of course Jenny and Sharon too. So everything was ready. Now, it was almost showtime.
        Wednesday morning, when I left our house, instead of turning towards the South/Western Motorway, I drove out to Mike’s house in Titirangi where I could lay low – go bush you might say. I couldn’t go to work at the car yard as Jenny could find out I was still in Auckland. So we had decided it best that I stayed at Mike and Shanti’s house for the day. I didn’t need to unpack because I knew that night I would be back in my own house.
        There were others present too, those who were staying with Mike and Shanti, the visitors from India and Australia.
        It was a nice day. A bit of work in Shanti’s office. A bit of sitting around the pool with our friends and explaining that tonight’s cam session with Jenny would not go how she planned. But while telling them Joseph and Mootie would be doing the show with Jenny and Sharon, I still didn't tell anyone that Steve and I would be involved too. They must have guessed something was going on since they knew I was planning to return to my house that evening but I wasn't letting anything out.
        Just before dinner Jagesh and Sabreena, Lizamoa’s oldest kids turned up. Mike’s son, Michael, was with them too. It seems Jarrod and Mark weren’t required for tonight’s performance. They had been bumped by bigger cocks it seems. They had come over for dinner with us and were shocked to see me there too.
      &mbsp; A while later, Kathy, Mike’s daughter, turned up with the two girls from India, Jasmine and Riya. It seems they had been out at the big mall in St Lukes. Girl shopping I suppose.
        When Mike arrived home from work soon after, I took him aside and told him what Steve and I were planning. He loved the idea and quickly offered any help if we needed it. I told him thanks but we had things all set to go.
        I also sent a text to Joseph, 'Expect Steve and me to gate-crash at the end of your show. Don't tell Jenny or Sharon and just go along with whatever happens.'
        His reply came straight back, 'Looking forward to it, mate. LOL!'

Story 275 Part Two Background Notes.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 275  Part Two.

Hello from Allan and Kimberly.

            Yes, here is the second part of this story. Sexy Karene's session five where things don't go the way she planned them.
            This part is full of sexual content but then, that's only to be expected with a story like this. We also wanted to capture the idea that two groups of people were involved in watching this show. First, there is everyone in Sexy Karene's chattroom where they all can watch the show. Some are showing themselves on cam too. Lots are joining in by making comments, both oral and written. This is the group that Sexy Karene is putting on a show for.
            What Sexy Karene doesn't know is that there is a second group watching. As well, all of Peter and Jenny's friends are in a Zoom meeting Peter has set up. Of course, Jenny can't see what is going on here. We wanted to capture the fun and action going on in both of these groups as they are important to what is happening in Jenny/Sexy Karene's show.
            Then, of course, all good stories need a surprise ending. This story has one too. Peter and Steve are waiting downstairs ready to spring their surprise ending to Sexy Karene and Tina's show.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.
                        Kim and Allan.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 275  Part Two.

Saturday 5 March 2022

Story 275 Part One. Sexy Karene.

Index of Letters                         Story 275 Part One Background Notes.                         Back to Story 274 Part Two.   

Forward to Story 275  Part Two.

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Jenny Has Suddenly Changed.

Hello from Peter.
        This is the second story concerning events that happened in New Zealand while the Indians were in Australia. In fact, you’ll see, by the end of this story, those from India and Australia have already arrived in New Zealand. But enough about that now, first, let me start from the beginning.

        A few months ago, my wife, Jenny blew my world apart, for the good, of course. Returning from a business trip, she met me at the door one Thursday afternoon, wearing a sheer baby doll outfit, G-string, and platform heels. She had my pants down and cock in her mouth before I had hardly even set my bags down. She had never done anything like this before. That entire night, she took the lead and we fucked for hours on end until I had no more to give her. Then she still wanted more and I ended up eating her until I recovered enough to continue fucking.
        I was so turned on by her aggressiveness that I was able to "perform" five times. Not like me at all as three times was usually about my absolute limit on a good night.
        But she still wanted more so I ended up eating her to orgasm a couple more times while she yelled with pleasure.
        The sex was good that night, amazing. I ended up going into work late the following morning.
        It seems she had arranged for the twins to spend the night at Mike and Shanti’s house which meant we weren’t worried about them catching us at it in some rather unusual places. Mike, as you will know is my business partner. He and his sexy Indian wife Shanti are also members of the Letters Group.

Story 275 Part One Background Notes.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 275 Part One.

Hi, all our readers.
       My name is Allan Snr.
            I once read a story where a husband noticed his wife was becoming more sexual, especially after his weekly trip away. On investigating further he discovers that each week his wife is giving a sexy show on an amateur sex website. The story was about his struggle to come to terms with this and then wanting to join in. I'm not sure how it ended now, other than he confronted her and the shows ended but their sex life was better than it had ever been.
            I wanted to try a similar story for this blog. I chose Jenny and Peter as they have been known to get into kinky and different forms of sex. I wanted the woman to be open and bold enough to strip naked and perform sex shows online. I wanted the husband to be open and turned on when he discovers what his wife is doing. Again, Jenny and Peter seemed the best fit for this.
            Soon Kim joined me in writing. As we wrote, this story grew and soon exceeded what Anne would like a story to be on this blog and so was needed to cut it in half. This first half contains Peter discovering what his wife is doing and watching the first few shows. Unknown to her, but after each show, it is him who suggested that she does more and gets sexier online. The second half is the final show. A big one where things go wrong for Sexy Karene.

       My name is Kimberley.
            When Allan began writing this story, I naturally got pulled into it too. He was happy when I joined him because we've always made a good writing team. I liked the theme of this story and could quickly see the potential for a great story. I never saw the original story he mentioned above and so could just go on what he told me. In that way, I think we've created an original story and not a copy of the one he read before.
            I enjoyed the change of names where Jenny became Sexy Karene etc. It made the story different to anything we've done here before and much more challenging to write. I just hope we haven't confused you, readers, too much.
            When we decided to bring in other characters from the Letters Stories, we invented the Zoom meeting. That added a whole new dimension to the story as we could develop comments and sexual activities their friends were having while they watched the shows.
            But it all has to end somewhere and that will be in Part Two when Sexy Karene does her final show.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.
                        Allan and Kim.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 275 Part One.

Wednesday 23 February 2022

Story 274 Part Two. Chiharu and Kenshin Join the Group.

Index of Letters                         Story 274 Part Two Background Notes.                         Back to Story 274 Part One.   

Forward to Story 275  Part One.

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Friday Night Party.

What’s Going on Chiharu?

        Kenshin came home to find Chiharu getting ready to leave for the evening and overnight stay at Shanti’s house.
        “Hurry up and get ready, Kenshin," she urged him. "They will be picking us up at half past six.”
        He was ready to rush into the shower when he noticed some clothes for him laid out on the bed. He was just getting undressed when Chiharu walked in. She was wearing a tiny blue bikini.
        “What’s that?” he asked.
        “My new swimsuit,” she replied. “Sayako and I brought it today. Do you like it?”
        “Oh wow!” he said, grabbing her in a hug. “I love it.”
        Then he pulled back to look at her again. “Are you wearing that tonight?”
        “Yes, of course,” Chiharu replied.
        “Is that wise? I don't think you should.”
        “No, Kenshin. It will be fun?”
        “It's too sexy for tonight, isn't it?" He asked. "We are just going to talk, aren’t we?”
        “There might be a bit more. A few others there too,” she said, looking a bit guilty.
        “How many others. Chiharu? WHAT'S GOING ON?” he asked, his voice rising.
        “Just a few.”
        “HOW MANY, CHIHARU?” Kenshin asked, his voice rising a bit more.
        “Look! Just, chill out, Kenshin.”
        He was getting suspicious now.
        “Nothing much is happening.”
        “Then why are you wearing such a sexy bikini?”
        “Look, Kenshin. Just go along with things. Don’t make a big deal when there isn’t any.”

Story 274 Part Two Background Notes.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 274  Part Two.

Kia Ora Everyone
       My name is Awesome Anne.

            It is done! This story is finished with this part being one of the larger posts we have ever done in this blog. So take plenty of time. It's a long read. Over one thousand lines in HTML code.
            So things are going well for Kenshin and Chiharu. Hirohiko and Sayako have told them about this new sex group and they are interested in joining. Perhaps Chiharu is more into the idea than Kenshin but he still wants to follow the idea further. A plan has been made to meet Mike and Shanti for dinner, a quiet evening to talk with them, find out more about this Sex Group they have. After that evening, Kenshin and Chiharu intended to make a decision on whether they will join or not.
            Well, that was the plan as far as Kenshin was concerned but Chiharu had spoken with Shanti on the phone the day before and told Shanti that Kenshin and her were already fine with the sex group idea. Shanti, knowing the Australian and Indian groups were due, decided to push their membership along. That is where we pick up the story.

            I am always looking for something a bit different. A different idea, a different theme to work within my stories. The idea of Chiharu dragging her husband into a full-on sex party, an orgy, caught my attention. There was some great potential with this. I could see her knowing what was going on and ready to jump straight in. I could see him arriving, expecting a quiet dinner with Shanti and Mike and finding a sex party. What a great starting point for a story.
            I want you, my readers, to follow Kenshin, feel the emotions, his suspicion, his hurt, the betrayal.
            You know dragging a husband into something like this with no warning and expecting him to join in was a dangerous strategy. Some may even say foolish or as Peter says in the story 'stupid.' It could have worked, Kenshin even says he was very interested but wasn't ready to jump in yet.
            Quickly, things start going wrong for Chiharu. Shanti, Mike and Sayako begin to realize that something is wrong with Kenshin. A quick talk with him established that he didn't know about this party until he arrived. This is certainly not how the Letters Group worked. Everything is open and everyone agrees as to what goes on. Kenshin didn't feel that way so Shanti decides she needs to do something.
            Have a good read every one. Enjoy the story.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.
                        Awesome Anne.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 274  Part Two.

Wednesday 9 February 2022

Story 274 Part One - Chiharu and Kenshin Join The Group.

Index of Letters                         Story 274 Part One Background Notes.                         Back to Story 273 Part Two.   

Forward to Story 274  Part Two.

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Finding Out About the Letters Group.

        The day after their adventure with Chiharu and Kenshin, Sayako rang Shanti. Hirohiko and Sayako had discussed what happened and decided they should tell Shanti they had broken the rules and had sexual activities with their friends outside the group. It hadn't been intentional or that they were misleading Shanti. It was just the night got away with them and they turned sexual with this other couple.
        She wasn’t sure how Shanti would accept this or what her reaction would be. Hirohiko had said at the best she could say it was ok and even invite Chiharu and Kenshin to join the group. At the worse they could be asked to leave the group and leave all the fun they were having, something Sayako didn’t want to happen. Since joining the group, she had been having so much sexual fun with their new friends and the sex within their marriage was great too. But both Hirohiko and Sayako knew, they had to be honest with Shanti and tell her.
        Surprisingly, Shanti took it ok, she was fine, actually. She understood that things could happen during an evening of passion and excitement. She admitted it had happened before and would probably happen again. In fact, they, Hirohiko and Sayako at the waterfall had been an example where Joseph and Lizamoa had broken the same rule. But she did say that they owed the group the story of what happened that night. (What you are reading here.)
        “What happens from here, will depend on this new couple,” Shanti said.
        “How do you mean, depend on them?” Sayako asked.
        “If we can be sure they haven’t had other partners for at least the last year or so then it’s no harm done. But if they are active sexually with others outside our group then it would be different. You’ll need to drop out for a while until you both are tested as clear.”
        Sayako knew what Shanti was getting at and said, “It’s my understanding they have never done anything outside their marriage before. But that can be confirmed if you want.”
        “Yes, Sayako, you’ll need to do that,” Shanti agreed. “If they are close friends of yours, we can take their word on that, you’ll know if they're being straight with you. Now, where do we go from there? The next question is:- Would they be interested in joining our group?”
        “I’m not sure but I think they might be open to it. Should I ask them?”
        “Sure, Sayako. That would be the next step. Tell them a bit about the things you and Hirohiko are doing, even show them your story in the Letters Books if you like. If they seem interested, then ask them if they’d wish to join too.”
        “Ok, we’ll get together with them and tell them.”
        “Make sure the husband is there too. They must both want this; both be open to the idea of swinging or it’s a no-go. You could even spend another evening with them to make sure this is not a one-off. If they respond and easily slip into swapping, that will be a very positive sign.
        I would like to talk with them. No, perhaps it would be wise if they meet some of us. I want to meet them, so perhaps you could bring them over for dinner on Friday. We have to push this along as the Indians will be here soon. Give me Chiharu's phone number. I might ring her and sound her out. Perhaps we can get this all sorted before the other two groups get here. We don't have much time at it would be a shame if they missed their fun.”
        “Ok, I’ll try for Friday. See if that works for them.”
        “Great Sayako. If that goes well then maybe a small couples party at our house can follow. See how things go. As I said, we have to move this along as the other groups will be here soon.”