Friday 25 November 2022

Story 291 Sexy Weekend A - Simon's Story Part Three.

Index of Letters                  Story 291 Background Notes.                  Back to Story 290

Forward to Story 292.

Explanation from the Writers.

        In the Letters Books, Simon and Deanna go right back to an earlier story where they met Mike and Shanti while at a nude camp. (See Story 81 - Nude Bull Rush.) While it isn't mentioned in that earlier story, we've mentioned here that Simon had a first wife and Deanna was his second wife. In Part One, Deanna explains by telling the story of what happened with Brittany, Simon's first wife. Of course, you will realise that this story must have taken place years before at about the same time as the events in our early letters. Roxanne, the young child mentioned in this story is the same age as Kathy so at the Holiday Camp in Rotorua it could be that now she had become sexually active if any other writer wants to pick up on that.
        Part Two is where we follow what happened after Simon's divorce was finalised and he married Deanna. Now, this is Part Three where Simon and Deanna decide to take their sexually swinging friends away for a Sexy Weekend. This story will spill over and be completed in Part Four before we get to Part Five where we learn how Simon and Deanna came to join the Letters Group. Hope all that makes sense.

        Finally, while some of the names used in this story are the names of some of our friends, this does not mean they are like the characters featured here. This is a work of fiction and should be treated like that with no reflection on real people other than the use of their names.
        Ayaka and Susan.

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An Island Sex Weekend.
(A Few Weeks Before.)

Hello, from Deanna.
        It all began that night at Simon’s house when Deanna invited two couples for the evening. Both couples, Brett and Rita; Joshua and Reen had become friends whom they’d done partner swaps with, a few times. Now Deanna had invited them both at the same time, she had an idea that she wanted to present to them. Dinner had been good and over the meal, the two couples, who had never met before got to know each other better.
        Everyone seemed to be getting on well. Things were so relaxed between them that when they came to enjoy some drinks in the spa pool, no one was concerned about bathing suits, just happy being naked. There was no going away to get changed. Deanna had provided six towels and placed them beside the pool. Everyone had just walked out onto the deck and stripped off in front of each other.
        That was a bit sexy, especially for the two women, but they really didn't have any trouble with it. Reen, in particular, was conscious of her nudity. But she had come a long way from that evening when she had shyly dropped her robe and quickly slipped down under the water to hide her nakedness. Now she was among the first to strip and stood there naked waiting until everyone else joined her.
        She caught the other man, Brett, checking her out too but then a quick glance at her husband showed he was checking out Rita's naked body too. But Reen didn't mind, she'd noticed Brett's cock too. A nice one. She had even considered what it might look like hard and feel like in her pussy. That was a sexy thought!
        Once naked, everyone just stepped into the pool, happy to sink into the warm water because of the cool of the evening. Rita and Reen noticed Deanna had sat beside Simon, so they were happy to find a place beside their own husbands. No one, other than perhaps Deanna and Simon knew just what was going to happen or how far they would be going that evening, but everyone had considered the possibility that their nudity might lead to sex and were Ok with the idea.
        It was then that Deanna presented her plan.

Story 291 Background Notes.

Index of Letters.                      Return to Story 291.

Hello from Anne.

            This story has grown and developed far beyond what I had originally intended. It is now obvious we will be expanding into a fifth part. But then, does it really matter how big this story is as long as it remains interesting for you, our loyal readers. I am still maintaining the pretence that this is a story told by Deanna at the camp near Rotorua but this is getting more difficult as the story spreads over more parts. But then, as many have told me, it is the story rather than a tight fit into the background storyline that is more important to them.

            The trip to the holiday house was never part of my story but when I got the idea it sort of exploded to become a significant part of the story. At first, I was unsure about returning to this house since I'd already used it in Part Two but now we had new characters where the intention was to have fun and take these two couples from swinging to group sex.
            Later, I came up with the idea of using Sophie and Olivia as well. This opened up some new possibilities for sex scenes and fun. Where Olivia had been only interested in women, I decided to allow her to play with the men. I wanted to develop a sex interest between Olivia and the Indian man, Joshua.
            Preparing for this sexy weekend was supposed to have been one evening at Simon and Deanna's house when they invited their friends for a sexy weekend. Later, I decided to add in the conversations these two couples had at home. This developed into Rita and Reen feeling nervous about this weekend as it gave me the chance to write about them overcoming their concerns and bravely joining in the sexual activities. The fishing trip and shopping trip were added in at this point to give Simon and Deanna an opportunity to encourage their friends.
            This part only covers the first half of the weekend until Friday evening. Part Four will complete this weekend with a few surprises.

            Finally, I wish to thank all those who have helped with this section. The delay in publishing was that I got a severe case of writer's block and it wasn't until others supported me by breaking what I had written into two parts that I was inspired to get going again. Thank you for your patience in waiting for this section to be completed.
            I hope you are enjoying this series, particularly this part. I am looking forward to publishing Part Four in a week or so.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.
                        Awesome Anne.

Index of Letters.                      Return to Story 291.

Friday 23 September 2022

Story 290 Deanna - Simon's Story Part Two.

Index of Letters                  Story 290 Background Notes.                  Back to Story 289.

Forward to Story 291.

Explanation from the Writers.

        In the Letters Books, Simon and Deanna go right back to an earlier story where they met Mike and Shanti while at a nude camp. (See Story 81 - Nude Bull Rush.) While it isn't mentioned in that earlier story, we've mentioned here that Simon had a first wife and Deanna was his second wife. In Part One, Deanna explains by telling the story of what happened with Brittany, Simon's first wife. Of course, you will realise that this story must have taken place years before at about the same time as the events in our early letters. Roxanne, the young child mentioned in this story is the same age as Kathy so at the nude camping at the Holiday Camp in Rotorua it could be that now she had become sexually active if any other writer wants to pick up on that.
        Now here is part two where we follow what happened when Simon's divorce was finalised and he married Deanna. After this, there will be the third part and perhaps even Part Four, where we learn how Simon and Deanna came to join the Letters Group.

        Finally, while some of the names used in this story are the names of some of our friends, this does not mean they are like the characters featured here. This is a work of fiction and should be treated like that with no reflection on real people other than the use of their names.
Ayaka and Susan.

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Deanna – Their Relationship Begins.

Hello, from Deanna.
        My story continues as I told it that evening in Rotorua but now I am telling it as if the Deanna (me) in the story was another person. Shanti says this will work better for the story. So here we go with Part Two.
        When Simon had all that disappointment, worry and stress as his marriage and relationship with Brittany disintegrated, there was one person who stood beside him all the way through. She seemed to understand and was sympathetic to what he was going through. Her name was Deanna, his secretary and PA (personal assistant).
        Deanna had been one of his original employees when he established his company. This was her first and only job as she had come directly from school. Back then she had been his ‘do any and everything’ person but now her role had become much more defined, working directly with him as he ran his ever-expanding company.

Story 290 Background Notes.

Index of Letters.                      Return to Story 290.

Hello from Anne.

            As we pick up where Part One left off, we find Simon's marriage with Brittany is over and he has married Deanna. She is a contrast to Brittany, more outgoing and adventurous. Being a redhead, a bit hot-tempered too. But she is good for Simon, loves him and supports him. It seems like she's loved him for a long time and when Brittany gave her a chance she grabbed him.
            This story takes us through a series of sexual adventures as Simon and Deanna explore outside of their relationship. The difference here is that they are doing it together, not cheating like Brittany had done. Yes, it seems like a series of unrelated sexual adventures but they will come together again in Part Three so hang in there guys.
            You might have noticed, there has been a delay in getting this story written and published. Partly this was due to the complex nature of this story and partly this was due to me being involved in another writing project with Allan snr and Susan. Anyway, you all know our policy is to wait until the story is completed to our satisfaction before we release it.
            Some have told me that I should have written Simon to be stronger in his dealing with women. They say he allowed Brittany to walk all over him and now he is doing the same with Deanna. I strongly disagree. Simon didn't put up with what Brittany was doing but he had to be careful not to do anything that would affect the divorce settlement. His Lawyer warned him not to do anything stupid. Here, in this Part, I feel the same with Simon still being the true power behind an outgoing Deanna.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.
                        Awesome Anne.

Index of Letters.                      Return to Story 290.

Thursday 8 September 2022

Story 289 Brittany - Simon's Story Part One.

Index of Letters                  Story 289 Background Notes.                  Back to Story 288.

Forward to Story 290.

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Brittany – Simon’s Ex-wife.

Hello from Shanti.
        I will only be doing an introduction for this story, Deanna will continue telling it, much as she told us that night in Taupo. My only claim to fame is that I started it off by asking about Simon’s first wife.

Let me explain: -
        It was getting late in the evening when we were staying in the motel/campground near Rotorua that our friends owned. We had first met them when we were touring with friends and stayed at another motel they owned near Waitomo. This new motel suited our larger group and we had booked most of the place for a week. This meant more privacy, nude swimming in the swimming pool and swapping between rooms whenever we wanted.
        So, getting back to the story, it was the late evening of the second to last night before we returned to Auckland. We were sitting in a lounge area that we had booked with the rooms. The kids had gone to bed hours ago and many of the adults had paired off too. Not necessarily with their spouse either. We were talking about places we could go after we had done our touring and got back to Auckland.
        Simon mentioned that his first wife owned a holiday home on Waiheke Island. He thought she might be willing to let us use it. While it was a good idea, we decided against it as in the end, it was only a holiday house, too small for the large group we had. But the thought stuck in my mind that Deanna was Simon’s second wife.
        “I didn’t know you were married before, Simon?” I asked him.
        “Yes, I was married to a woman called Brittany, before I married Deanna.”
        “What happened? If you don’t mind me asking,” I said.
        Straight away, I could see he did mind. Realising I’d put my foot in it I tried to say sorry and back out of the conversation.
        “No! No!, Shanti, it is Ok,” Simon replied. “I don’t mind you hearing the story. You are our friends, now. It’s just that, I’m not sure I can tell you myself. Deanna knows what happened, she’ll tell you.”
        I was surprised at that. I still wanted to drop the subject, but I think Simon wanted it to continue, so we all grabbed ourselves another drink and settled down to listen.
        It was quite a story. I once met Britany but didn’t realize her relationship with Simon. She lives in the apartment above his business, I didn’t know she was his ex.
                That's it from me. Now others are going to tell this story.

Story 289 Background Notes.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 289.

Hello from Shandra.

        You will have noticed that recently Anne has been experimenting with different writing styles and themes. She wanted to try a story where the wife openly had a sexual relationship against her husband's agreement. Brittany basically told Simon she was having an affair and 'live with it.' So Anne wrote this story, not intending to include it in this blog. When we read it we all thought it was good and wanted it included here. Susan and I were given the task of trying to fit it into the Letters Series.
        That was a problem because this story really doesn't fit. We considered placing it as a separate story in the links at the top. A story completely unrelated to the main story of this blog but many didn't like that idea so it was finally decided to include it here. We had to change the names and a few other details but the story is mostly exactly how Anne wrote it.
        In the Letters Books, Simon and Deanna go right back to an earlier story where they met Mike and Shanti while at a nude camp. (See Story 81 - Nude Bull Rush.) While it isn't mentioned in that earlier story, we've mentioned here that Simon had a first wife, Brittany and Deanna was his second wife. Deanna explains by telling the story of what happened with Brittany, Simon's first wife then she goes on to tell her own story with Simon. Of course, you will realise that this story must have taken place years before at about the same time as the events in our early letters. Roxanne, the young child mentioned in this story is the same age as Kathy so at the nude camping at the Holiday Camp in Rotorua, it could be that now she had become sexually active if any other writer wants to pick up on that.
        Yes, this is confusing, and not an easy fit with the Letters Stories, so just enjoy this story and the next two parts that follow as a one-off.
        Finally, while some of the names used in this story are the names of some of our friends, this does not mean they are like the characters featured here. As always, this is a work of fiction and should be treated like that with no reflection on the real people other than the use of their names.
Ayaka and Susan.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.
                         Shandra and Anne.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 289.

Tuesday 23 August 2022

Story 288 Couple Swapping and Other Fun.

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Story 288 Background Notes.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 288.

Hello from Mary.
            When it came to the sex scenes in this story, I realised I had no idea what two gay men would do. Two men lived next door who were openly gay so I decided to ask them for help. They were a bit cautious at first, perhaps nervous about revealing so much of their private sex life. But they agreed to come when I offered to cook dinner for them. I'm going to let one of them tell you what happened that evening.

Hello from Glen.
            When our next-door neighbour approached me about this writing thing, I was wondering what was going on. She said she wanted to know what it was like to be gay. Well, she came to the right person there because I am gay, living with my male partner on the smaller block of land that my family once owned. I knew Mary fairly well too since I'd grown up living next door to them.
            She invited us for dinner and we went over, wondering what was going on. After a lovely dinner, (this woman sure knows how to cook,) Mary got down to the reason for our visit. She showed us this website and told us she was trying to write a story about the first time two men had sex together. The three of us talked about this for quite some time until we came to the conclusion that for the first time, two men would most likely just do blow-jobs on each other.
            She seemed very interested in what we did so we told her a lot more than we would usually reveal about our life together. She had lots of questions so finally, my partner offered to show her. He didn't mean we'd do it, just joking really but she called our bluff and wanted to see. So we went into the bedroom and began stripping. I said, 'You must get naked too, Mary.' It was partly a joke but her reply was, 'Of course.' And she began stripping.
            While we lay on the bed doing this 69 on our sides, Mary, who had got naked too, sat in a chair watching us. Soon I noticed she was rubbing her pussy while squeezing a nipple. Suddenly I heard her cum. Getting herself off while watching us. That was sexy! Turned us on too, knowing someone was enjoying watching. I think she might have cum another couple of times before we finished.
            When Mary finished her story, she asked us over for another meal so we could read it. I was surprised to see Susan there too. It seemed she had a part in writing this story.
            Both of us liked what she wrote although perhaps I might have done it a bit differently. But, it was her story and now it is ready to publish. I'm not sure how that works, something to do with Anne who owns this blog it seems. Can't wait to read it again once it is published.
            The final surprise came when she invited us to write these background notes. I can't claim credit for all of what you read here, it was the combined efforts of the three of us sitting at the table after dinner. Mary is a very accomplished writer and with her help, we completed this page in one evening.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.
                        Mary, Glen and Wayne. (Susan helped too.)

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 276.

Wednesday 3 August 2022

Story 287 Robert and Rebecca.

Index of Letters                         Story 287 Background Notes.                         Back to Story 286.   

Forward to Story 288.

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Sarvesh and Shanti’s Group.

Hello from Robert.
        This story-writing thing was a worry for us. Both of us aren’t good writers and had never attempted anything near the scale of this before. But with a lot of help from our new friends, we got it done and since we are both happy with the final result, we have agreed to it being published.
        So, let’s get on with it. Here is our story.

        In case you don’t recognise the name above, I am Robert, my wife, Rebecca and I own the holiday park where all of you stayed while touring in the Rotorua area. When Sarvesh contacted us about using our facilities again both of us were excited. Looking forward to seeing all of you again. We were surprised when we were told there would be a lot more of you this time but since he had booked well in advance, we were easily able to accommodate everyone. Our motel/holiday park near Rotorua is much bigger than the hotel we owned near Waitomo.
        The property we had brought was under development when the investors went bankrupt. It was going for a price we could afford from the sale of our other property but we still needed a hefty mortgage to get the project finished. After a few years of very hard yakka, the project was almost complete. There are just a few more cabins to be finished, work my builder son and I could do ourselves as we get time.
        Now we have a variety of accommodation options from motel units to smaller or larger self-contained cabins. There are also powered or unpowered camp sits for caravans and motor homes or tents. There is a stream that runs down one side of the property and private grounds surrounded by trees where our guests would feel comfortable. Perfect location for a nude resort.
        One of the biggest benefits we have with this property came about when we discovered some of the trees were dying up in the hilly section at the back. When we investigated, we discovered that the ground around the trees was very warm. A few days later, water appeared, and we realised we had a hot water spring. Since we were outside the Rotorua City Water Control Area, we were free to exploit this as we liked. A steady flow of steaming hot water had quickly developed which meant we could have hot water in the pools. An installed pipe was run from the springs down to the camp. We installed six spa pools and two very hot pools for small social groups. The water flowed from these pools into our two existing large pools making them tepid as well. This was a huge thing for our business as it meant we were busy most of the year.

Story 287 Background Notes.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 287.

Hello readers and other naughty people.

            They are calling this a push-in story, a pop-up, a queue jumper. But if we are going to publish this story then here is the natural place since the final sex scene takes place the first night they stay at the Rotorua motel/holiday park. It happened straight after the events in Story 286 Sarvesh Tries to Discipline Shanti, involving Sarvesh and Shanti. In my story, Rebecca gets turned on watching Sarvesh and Shanti and then Sarvesh and Amita move on to spend the evening with Rebecca and Robert. So my story sort of overlaps Story 286 and develops the theme further.
            This was a tight deadline, as Anne had told me it had to be placed straight after Story 286 which had already been published. I would have liked a bit more time but then, in the end, I just had to work with the time I had. I hope this rush doesn't reflect too much in the story.
            Robert and Rebecca first appeared in Story 121 Swimming at the Motel Pool. and in Story 122 Naughtier Swimming. Both these stories were about swimming in the pool at the motel Robert and Rebecca owned near Waitomo Caves. After that, they dropped out of the stories until now when they are back owning a larger motel/holiday park complex near Rotorua.
            Back in those earlier stories, this couple joined in nude swimming for the first time. Now they want to take that further and try swinging. When Rebecca suggested it, Robert was happy because he had been thinking the same thing but wasn't sure how to approach it with Rebecca. They decided to try it. How will that go? In what ways will it affect their marriage? Read the story to find out.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 287.

Thursday 21 July 2022

Story 286 Sarvesh Tries to Discipline Shanti.

Index of Letters                         Story 286 Background Notes.                         Back to Story 285.   

Forward to Story 287.

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Rotorua Base Camp.

Hello from Sarvesh.
        This was not intended to be a sexy story but there was probably going to include some nudity. But then, with all the sexy women in our group, it was likely something sexy would happen, which it did. Certainly, when others write about our adventures in this motel, there might be some other sexy stories too.
        Back when a large group of us Indians were visiting New Zealand some years before, we were touring parts of New Zealand’s North Island. During our tour, we stayed two nights at a motel near the Waitomo glow-worm caves. I had talked with the owners Robert and Rebecca and they agreed to put up the ‘Motel Full’ sign, so we had the whole motel for two nights. We also had some extra rooms where we could keep the children away from the adult fun.
        One of the features of this motel was how the units were laid out around a swimming pool, making a private courtyard we could take advantage of and go swimming, etc, nude. (See Story 121 Swimming at the Motel Pool.)
        I had kept in touch with Robert and used his motel a couple more times when I’d been in New Zealand on business. The last time, a few years back, Robert told me they were building a much larger motel/campground complex near Rotorua. This motel would be set in a private area with featured its own natural stream, suitable for swimming and even trout fishing.
        Since our visit, Robert and Rebecca had embraced the nude lifestyle catering to groups who enjoyed nudity. Their new motel, motor camp, would be able to cater to more groups and provide better and more private facilities for their guests. Working with Shanti we had managed to book most of their motel for five nights. Shanti had said we will use it as a sort of base camp for our touring in the Rotorua/Taupo area which explains the heading above.

Story 286 Background Notes.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 286.

Hello from Julie.

            Sarvesh and Shanti go back to the early stories of Letters. Over the years she has been a challenge for him but like a moth attracted to light, he can't keep away from her. I wanted to pick up this theme again so I did some research on both these characters and with Shandra's help, I found some interesting stories. It seems their differences really comes down to a cultural thing. Shanti, while being Indian, was born and brought up in a Western country with a very Western attitude. Meanwhile, Sarvesh comes from a smaller Indian town where traditional values still apply. Sarvesh is also very wealthy and used to getting his way when he wants something.
            While Sarvesh tries hard to bridge this cultural gap, Shanti tries to tease and bait him. She will often go out of her way to annoy him and there have been many occasions where Sarvesh has struggled to deal with this head-strong woman.
            But when they get together, the sex is great. Perhaps you might see it as a struggle to dominate the other person but it often ends in some wild aggressive sex. When Sarvesh sets out to discipline Shanti for her bad behaviour, who is going to win? Neither will willingly give in to the other.
            Understanding this was where I sat down to begin writing this story. It was written quickly, almost in one sitting as the idea flowed through the keyboard and onto the screen.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.
                        Julie and Susan.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 286.

Monday 11 July 2022

Story 285 Cathy - New Zealand Adventures.

Index of Letters                         Story 285 Background Notes.                         Back to Story 284.   

Forward to Story 286.

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Cathy - "My Opening."

Hi from Cathy again.
        My husband Gordon and I were travelling with this group from India. We had joined them after they were visiting Perth and accompanied them as they travelled on to New Zealand.
        We had been a bit unsure about joining this group as we had heard about the sexual things that happened. We had heard and seen that both my brothers and their wives were fully involved in all this sexual fun and both women had encouraged me that Gordon and I should join in too. We also had new stories regularly sent to be added to our collection.
        “You’ll have a lot of fun,” Kala encouraged me.
        “A lot of sexy men to try with,” Katrina had added with a giggle.
        We had hesitated as this was a huge step for us. It is not that we were prudes. For as long as I remembered, I had been swimming nude in the river with my brothers. Being a preteen girl, I had nothing to show anyway, just that tiny slit between my legs and a couple of spots on my chest. But then came puberty, when I grew up, developed breasts and grew a pussy, I continued getting naked with my family. Yes, my brothers looked. What male wouldn’t notice that I was becoming an adult woman? I would often catch them looking and knew they were checking out my developing body but they were my brothers, so it didn’t bother me too much. I kind of liked looking at them too.
        The first time I saw Ian get an erection I was amazed but fascinated by it too. I asked him how he did that and he became embarrassed and tried to hide it from me.
        Mum had seen the interest that my brothers had in me and I had in them and so one day, she and Dad sat down with us and we discussed the nudity within our family. They talked about boundaries that should never be crossed and warned us that if ever that happened there would be no more nude swimming. My brothers, and I for that matter, respected those boundaries. Sure, contact was made at times during playing in the river but it was always accidental and never followed up with touching. I can honestly say, I always felt safe with my brothers when we were naked together.

Story 285 Background Notes.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 285.

Hello from Rochelle.

            We are sorry for the delay in getting this story completed and published. Some other projects were going on that pulled me away from writing here. First, we had a few rewrites to do in recent stories due to current stories changing events featured or affected by those earlier stories. In some cases, the problem could be fixed in the current stories but in others, we had to go back and rewrite scenes. These all took time to find and fix.
            Then as I was making good progress with this story again, Allan and Susan were doing that major build on their blog where hundreds of links were provided. I become involved in this too by doing some basic coding and providing support for those doing the work. When I finally got back to this story, I hit a road blog on the feature sex scenes between Cathy and Mike.

            Cathy is an Australian girl. A young woman who appeared in the stories as the younger sister of David and Ian. Yes, she appeared in some of those stories set in the outback town where her family lived and even went skinny-dipping in the river a few times. But being in her mid-teens, writers just mentioned her as a supporting character. Finally, she starred in a story where she and her boyfriend took sex lessons from Jeremy and Joyce. (Story 246 Will You Take My Virginity, Please?).
            Soon after that, Gordon and Cathy were married and were invited to go on this trip to New Zealand. Since they were married they had owned a set of the Letter Books and had been receiving updates. Now they had been invited on this trip to New Zealand. It was all very well knowing and reading about all the sexual adventures but now they were travelling with this group. This couple needed to consider how involved they intended to get in all the sexual activities.
            My story picks up on my first story, and first adds a bit more relationship history before continuing on with their first few days in New Zealand. Yes, they do get into sexual activities, both having a lot of fun along the way. I know most of the events featured here have been covered in some way by other writers in their stories but I tried to present these events in different ways by using new material and keeping my focus on Cathy and Gordon.

            When I pulled Susan and Shandra in to get me out of my writer's block. Big changes were made to the detail of my story. Shandra keeps a record of characters which has proved very useful over the years. Now it is almost an unwritten rule that you don't begin writing until you have a talk with her. Susan, of course, is our sex scene expert. She loves sex, most kinds and also loves writing about it. So she has been the go-to when you are stuck on the sex scene. The disadvantage of this is that sex scenes often become a bit familiar, even though they are supposed to have been written by different writers.
            So those problems are behind us now and publishing is almost here as I finish this background.
            Please enjoy.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.
                        Rochelle, Susan and Shandra.

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Saturday 18 June 2022

Story 284 Jasmine - My Threesome.

Index of Letters                         Story 284 Background Notes.                         Back to Story 283.   

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My Interest in a Threesome.

Hello From Jasmine.
        I had an interest in threesomes. I suppose this began when Riya told me about the night when she lost her virginity with Hamza and Payam. Both men had taken her on her first night! I was impressed, but it hadn’t been what you would officially call a threesome. It was more like two men taking her. Hamza took her first when she lost her virginity but then after she was feeling better, the other man, Payam took her.
        I was surprised that she had two men on her first time. I would have thought she would have been too sore to take the second man so quickly, but she had assured me she was fine. She told me it worked out like that because for the whole evening it had been a group thing between two couples and her. When the chance came to be with Payam she just went with it. (See Story 263 Riya’s First Time – Part Two.) They didn't force her, Payam just offered and she took him.
        Riya’s real threesome experience came the following day when the two men took her together. A cock in each end, one in her pussy while the other was in her mouth as she kneeled on hands and knees between them. I thought that was so sexy. Riya said it was exciting and she cum a few times. I knew if ever I tried it, I would too.
        Spit-roast is the only name I know for this position but that is a western name from Australia and New Zealand. Perhaps there is another name in India for this sexual position as this cooking style of spit-roasting is not that common there. You can read this in (Story 264 Andrew & Kalki.) The sub-heading in this story is “Spit Roast Riya for Lunch,” which I find kind of amusing.

Story 284 Background Notes.

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Hello from Rajah and Shandra.

            My wife and I have been following the development of the character called Jasmine. Shandra had even written about her a few times. When I thought it was time I did another story for this blog, it was Jasmine who became my central character. She is new at these sexual things and to suddenly find herself in this open group was a rather daunting experience. As she mentioned she had a thing about experiencing a threesome so I decided to give her that chance.
            The next problem was deciding who the two men would be. I considered Hamza and Payam, the two Indian men who had been with Riya first but my wife suggested I go for someone different. I then looked at Ian and David, two brothers from, Australia. That might have worked well. But then I saw the rough draft of the Sexy Karene stories. Peter and Steve, are old favourites from the Letters Stories. That was my final choice. It had to be them since Mike had already been with Jasmine a few days before.
            The location? That was easy, really a no-brainer. It had to be up in the sand dunes when they went to that nude beach. Not officially a nude beach and the large numbers of people using that hiking track has spoilt things now so we no longer use that beach for nude swimming. But that still became my location for this story.

            With all that decided, I began writing, taking care not to follow any other story set on this beach. Of course, we had Allan's story set in the same place. I had to work with him to a certain extent to get our stories aligned. 
            The way I saw it, there were three main parts to this story. 1) Going to the beach and getting naked. 2) Peter and Steve ask Jasmine to join them for sex. 3) The sex scenes. This had to include a threesome where Jasmine gets to experience two men at once.
            I think this story adds a little to the Letters Grand Story but mainly it adds something new for us to learn about Jasmine. She seems adventitious and fun which is the way I intended writing her.

            Finally, I would like to mention and say thanks to everyone who helped me. First, there is Shandra, my wife who encouraged me the whole way through. Then there are Anne, Allan jr and Susan who advised and helped with the various conversations and sex scenes. When this story was uploaded to this blog, Asami guided it through the stages before publishing and did the publishing for me. Last I want to say thanks to Brett and Rita who did all that computer coding for me, line by line through the whole story. I was busy at the winery and couldn't do it myself. Thanks, everyone.
            Rita added that little bit at the end of the story where Jasmine gets cheeky with her father. When he threatens to put her over his knee, she jokes about him being kinky. Then she makes a run for it before he could catch her. That was your first writing in the Letters Stories. Thanks, Rita.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.
                        Rajah and Shandra.

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Saturday 11 June 2022

Story 283 Going Naked on a Public Beach.

Index of Letters                         Story 283 Background Notes.                         Back to Story 282.   

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The Nude Beach.

Hello From Nishi again.
        When I heard about this nude beach idea, I was a bit concerned. Getting naked in public at a beach, wasn’t that a bit bold? I was unsure if I could go that far.
        This has appeared in quite a few stories in the Letters Books about nude beaches. In fact, this very beach we were going to had been featured several times. In most cases, those going there, even the shy ones, had enjoyed the experience once they got there.
        Gaja and I had talked about that and even used it as a fantasy theme. But this wouldn’t be a fantasy or just a sexy story. This would be real. Me getting naked where others, even complete strangers would be able to view me.
        I knew Gaja had been taken to a nude beach when they visited that island near Perth. It seems Hansini didn’t really give him a choice. He seems to have enjoyed it though so perhaps I would too. I asked him what it was like. From what he told me, there were a lot of people there, mostly they were nude too. It seems the hardest part was the removal of the clothes. Once he was naked, he quickly became comfortable with it. People walking past had viewed him, as they had viewed the five women who were with him. But it hadn't bothered any of them too much.
        Now Gaja said he was excited by the idea of going nude for bathing at a beach. He encouraged me, saying I would enjoy it too. He said I should go along and just follow everyone else. He promised to be there beside me all the time. So, it seemed there was going to be no chance to chicken out. I was going and I’m sure he was expecting me to get fully nude too.
        Oh, well, I decided. If that was what was going to happen, I might as well make the most of it and try it for the first time. They all said I would enjoy myself, so perhaps I would. Anyway, in a different country so far from India, there was no chance I was going to meet someone who would know me. It would only be people unknown to me who would be viewing my nudity.

Story 283 Background Notes.

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Hello from Allan jr.
            This is the second part of my story as we continue the adventures of Nishi and Gaja during their first days in New Zealand.
            Of course, the visit to this beach to go swimming and enjoy being nude would have to involve some action in the sand dunes behind the beach. It always does when we go there for real.
            It might be that I got a bit carried away with the big orgy, having 16 people involved but then I only focused on what Nishi and Gaja did. You can imagine the rest for yourself. I wanted this couple both to get into some more group sex action to prepare them for what we have planned at the sex parties during the nude camping at the Kai Iwi Lakes.

            Shanti tells Gaja, “Don’t you think we have some unfinished business?”
            There was some unfinished “business” between Shanti and Gaja that went back until the time of Katrina and David's wedding. Then came that exchange of emails and sexy photographs between them. (See Story 247 Gaja and Nishi - Section One.) Finally, it had been Shanti and Steve online that evening when Gaja and Nishi were invited to come on the trip to New Zealand. (See Story 260 Are You Coming With Us?)
            I wanted to make Shanti and Gaja a feature of this story. It had to be full of mixed feelings for Gaja but it also had to work out well for both of them. This couldn't just be a quick fuck and move on as happened with Nishi and Joseph. With Shanti, it had to be special for Gaja, confidence building too. And it almost goes without saying - good orgasms for both of them.
            The final question that remains unanswered in my story is what is going to happen between Nishi and Steve. As Story 284 will tell you, during the afternoon Steve was a bit distracted to be worried about Nishi but he will get to be with her soon. I can promise you that.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.
                        Allan jr and Susan.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 283.

Friday 3 June 2022

Story 282 Orgy at Steve's House.

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Story 282 Background Notes.

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Hello from Allan jr.
            Anne wanted to use Nishi and Gaja in the stories more. That is why they were included in the trip and also why they were put with the new Japanese couple, Kenshin and Chiharu. I took on this story to provide more opportunities for this couple to shine.
            As is usual with Letters Writers, once I selected the characters for my story, I began to look back at recent stories they've appeared in. Something surprising came up with Nishi and Gaja. Where Gaja had been in an orgy situation with those five women on the island near Perth, Nishi had only been with one man each time she had been with others besides her husband. That last night at the hotel in the desert town, when Mootie and Nishi had invited the two younger women, Riya and Jasmine to join them, was group sexy but you probably wouldn't really call it a full orgy.
            So that became my goal for this story, take Nishi into a full-on orgy. When Mary had written "From Riya's Diary", she had given me a detailed outline of the events during the first few days in New Zealand. These events were shown through Riya of course, but they provided me with a structure to build on. I also wanted to take Nishi along with each event getting sexier than the one before. I worked on the assumption that she was open to swinging and orgies but just hadn't tried it.
            Since I am following two people through a series of events I needed a layout where they could both share the storytelling. I at first considered third-hand storytelling but really I wanted to use first-hand storytelling. To achieve this we will be swapping between Nishi and Gaja as the story unfolds. To help with clarification they will each have their own font colour.
            So that is the background to my story. Hope you enjoy it.

            Finally, here are a few links to other stories you might wish to read. First, would have to be Story 280 From Riya's Diary. After that, you could read Story 276 Kenshin and Chiharu - Overseas Visitors, which will give you more background to the early sections of my story. The next section was about the night Sexy Karene/Jenny did her last show. These links are; Story 275 Part One. Sexy Karene; and Story 275 Part Two. Sexy Karene.
            There will be some other stories regarding going to the nude beach at Te Henga but at the time of publishing these stories have yet to be completed. I might come back and add links later.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.
                        Allan jr and Anne.

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