Saturday, 23 June 2012

Letter 21 Background

Index of Letters.                      Return to Letter 21.

Hello from Anne.

            First off Letter 21 opens with Shanti telling Joseph about the last three photos of the Red Sari Series enclosed with this letter. The photos show Shanti and Mike in a couple of sexual positions. At this point, we decided the swapping of photos theme had run its course so we dropped it after this letter. From here on we will mention that photos have been sent or swapped but there will not be another series like the Red Sari Series.

            Then the letter moves on to Shanti’s story, “Alone on the Beach.” While Allan and Susan were working on their story together, the second beach story from Letter 19 which you got to read two weeks ago, I found myself a bit on my own. I began to feel a bit lonely, a bit left out, which when you think about it was really quite silly. This is where the theme of this story came from.
            The basic story is actually very simple; a girl sitting on a lonely beach making herself cum while she fantasized about her boyfriend, meanwhile up on the hillside in the darkness a man is watching her. To me, this story had a couple of ideas that made it both a bit sexy and a bit dangerous at the same time. The thought of making myself cum while a complete stranger watched me became a big turn-on for me. Then the fact that it took place on a lonely beach at night also added that element of danger as well.

            When the story was almost finished, Allan began reading it one day. He mentioned that Shanti and Mike could have been talking with each other on the internet the night before and she could be reliving that conversation in her mind as she made herself cum. I liked the idea but it took a bit of rewriting to work this into the story. Anyway, it is worth the effort as it made for a far better story.

            Finally, Shanti finished the letter by promising a really good story next letter. This is the big one, the Ripper Stripper Party which we will get to read in Letter 23.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.

Index of Letters.                      Return to Letter 21.

Saturday, 16 June 2012

Letter 20 I Become Lizamoa’s Sex Slave.

Index of Letters                  Letter 20 Background Notes.                  Back to Letter 19.

Forward to Letter 21.

From Joseph,            
The Game Reserve,                
Andhra Pradesh,                    

            To Shanti,
                        New Zealand.

Dear Shanti and Mike,
        We were pleased to get your letter and even more pleased when we found there was another story for us to enjoy. It was good to hear that you are happy with our travelling plans. We will be able to take 3 or 4 weeks but which time is the best time to visit New Zealand. I have heard it can be cold and rainy in the winter time so maybe we are planning the summer is best.
        So we are still seeing more of the “Red Sari Series” but the red sari disappeared many months ago. Yes, we see you both on the floor. Is it the massaging that you both are up to? What will you both be getting up to within the next letter? Maybe it will be the sex. Please tell me it is.
        Now we were happy to read your story. Lizamoa said it was a little bit like the other beach story but she liked this one better. I am thinking you always seem to be losing the red bikini. My advice is don’t be buying the red bikini again.
        I was a bit confused with your last two stories. It seems in your last letter you are younger than in the story before. Can this be right? In the first story, Lizamoa thinks you and Mike are married while in the last it seems you are dating. Also, which is the first time skinny dipping. It can't be both times. I am confused.

Letter 20 Background

Index of Letters.                      Return to Letter 20.

Hello from Susan.

            I writing together for Letter 19 was so successful that we decided to try a similar style again but this time I teamed up with Allan. You will notice that the writers are now beginning to mix up the characters we are writing about and working together on stories as well which is having the effect of blurring our different writing styles but at the same time making for much better letters and stories.
            By the time this letter was written we had begun reading our work to each other at the group writers meetings. Usually, others have suggestions on how our stories could be improved and so as we began working on these suggestions, our stories get changed, from the way we would probably have written ourselves.
            My boyfriend Brian sat in on the writers meeting when this story was read to the group. He enjoyed it so much that he asked me later what this letters thing was all about. It was at this point that he became involved in the project.

So, How Did We Write This?

            We wrote this story using two different viewpoints, with Allan taking Joseph’s view and me taking Lizamoa’s. We first wrote down some ideas separately about how this story should go then we worked in together writing a story outline. Next, we began filling in the outline using our separate notes until we had completed the major sections of the story. We then went back over the story filling in and changing details here and there. Finally, we did a major work-over of the conversation, adding in a lot more including some of the sounds made during the sex scenes.
            Writing a story like this was a major change for us and we believe the story that was produced took our writing skills up to another level. For a while, this Letter stood out as being so different but you will notice that over time other letters will begin to reflect this same style of writing.

Now, The Ideas Behind This Story.

            We had two great stories about Shanti and Mike at the beach sharing some very special moments between them so we thought it would be great to have a special story from India too. We also wanted a story that would develop the personalities of Joseph and Lizamoa while at the same time show the close relationship between them. The perfect solution was this story about one special evening when they were able to achieve a new level in their relationship with each other.

There Are a Few Interesting Ideas.

            First, I wanted to break the traditional Indian idea of the man being the head of the house. Catching Joseph in the shower gave Lizamoa the opportunity to take the lead in the scene that followed. She played this to the full and they both were surprised to discover that they rather liked her doing it.
            Secondly, Allan added something from his and Anne’s sex life;- walking into the shower fully clothed. I had found this a turn-on when Anne told me she did this and so we decided Lizamoa would do it too. You will find in future stories that Lizamoa does this a number of times with some interesting variations of it too.
            Thirdly we wanted to explore the idea of talking dirty as well. Lizamoa in the story admits she has never used the words she used here which was a sudden turn-on for both her and Joseph as well. Again this is an aspect of sex we hadn’t considered before and so it was a bit of extra fun to try it in this story. You will see ideas from this story appear in a number of future stories too. The outcome for Joseph and Lizamoa; a greatly improved sex life.

Criticism of This Story.

            There were some negative points about this story that influenced how we wrote future stories. First, Joseph was apparently telling this story so how could he know what Lizamoa was thinking? Now in larger stories, we tend to give different sections to different characters to tell. It became confusing for readers. Secondly, we weren't comfortable with the sex noises so have never really used them again.

            So what do you think of this story? It is different, one of the best up until this point. It really stepping out there for us, experimenting, taking a risk. It in many ways defined many of our future stories.
            I enjoyed working closely with Allan. He is a great guy and a good writer too. I wish I could find a man like him.   (I did actually - him!)

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.

Index of Letters.                      Return to Letter 20.

Sunday, 10 June 2012

Letter 19 First Time Skinny Dipping.

Index of Letters                  Letter 19 Background Notes.                  Back to Letter 18.

Forward to Letter 20.

From Shanti,            
New Zealand.            

            To Joseph,
            The Game Reserve,
            Andhra Pradesh,

Dear Joseph and Lizamoa,
        Wow! So you two got to play “Strip.”The thought of you guys stripping to the fate of cards is almost as thrilling as when I got to do it the first time myself. Did Lizamoa enjoy stripping and baring her body in front of those men too? I know you well enough Joseph to know that you welcomed any chance to bare your erection for the ladies. Am I right?

Letter 19 Background

Index of Letters.                      Return to Letter 19.

Hi from Susan.
            I am a friend of Shandra and Anne. This is the first background story I have written for our online version of Letters because this was the first story I helped with from start to finish. Since Allan did a great job writing the background for Letter 17 Background we thought it was a good idea for me to have a go at one too.
            I wanted to try something different. A different font colour, headings etc. See how this works.

The Letter Opening.

            This letter opens with Shanti commenting on the story about Lizamoa and Joseph playing the game ‘strip’ with their friends. This talking about being nude then led to her talking about the next few photos from The Red Sari Series. In these photos, Mike and Shanti are giving each other a full nude massage.

Now About Writing the Story.

            Shandra had been given the story about playing the game ‘Strip’ in India and she was a bit disappointed that she couldn’t go all out and write a great story, one even better than the ‘Strip’ story Anne had done. She then heard that Anne and Allan were working on another story about skinny dipping and sex on the beach. We were all together one day when Shandra told Anne that she would like to write a story with a similar theme.
            Anne replied that she should give it a go. The problem was that it was very unlikely that in a crowded country like India, Joseph and Lizamoa would ever get a chance to skinny dip and make love on a beach. So Anne suggested that she should write a story about Shanti and Mike. Since Allan and Anne had teamed up to write the first beach story, Shandra decided to ask me to join her in writing this second beach story. We got together and this is the outcome.

The Story.

            This story is set on an east coast beach north of Auckland. There are a couple of beaches which might just fit but we didn’t really have a particular beach in mind when we wrote the story. The main features we needed in this story were a lonely beach and rough surf. There also needed to be some private place where they could have sex together after their swim. A line of sand dunes behind the beach worked perfectly for this.
            We knew that Anne and Allan were writing a story based on their first time together but we didn’t know they were also writing about the first time Shanti went skinny dipping as well. So we based our story on the first time Shanti ever went nude swimming at a beach. It was not until later that we realised we had actually written about the same thing.
            We also realised that in Anne and Allan's story, this couple appeared to be married while in our story they appear to be dating. Perhaps if we had managed to swap places our stories might have fitted better but we didn't realise this second mistake until we were preparing to publish this second story.
            At first, we considered changing one of our stories but then since both were great stories, we decided to leave them both just as they were. So here it is; Shanti’s second time skinny dipping for her first time. Or is this her first time skinny dipping and Story 17 is her second time. Ha! Ha! Who knows and in the end who really cares.
            The story talks about the first time Mike took Shanti to a surf beach and she enjoyed this until she ended up getting sand inside her bikini. She took it off to clean out the sand just as a wave hit, sweeping the bikini out of her hand. She ended up swimming naked in the surf. One point we thought about later was why Mike didn’t join her naked as well. At the time we never thought about him doing this.
            Of course, there had to be a sex scene up in the sand dunes where Shanti and Mike made love to each other. It was a bit different because of the sandy location, in fact, Shanti was a bit reluctant at first because of the sand, but still, the sex scene worked fairly well. After they had sex together they still had to get back to their car without Shanti being seen by anyone.

Other Details.

            In this story, Shandra and I used a slightly different style of writing where we each took the point of view of a different person and merged them into one story. This appeared to work well and it stands out differently from other letters before it. Even in the story, Shanti mentioned it, and she explained the difference by saying that she got a lot of help and input from Mike. Writing this way worked so well that we gave it another go in Letter 20 where I teamed up with Allan to write that story.
            After reading our story, Anne suggested a reason why Shanti took off her bikini which she then lost in the surf. This worked better than our original idea where we didn’t really say why Shanti took her bikini off. Finally, after Allan worked on the conversation a bit for us, we had another good beach story. Hope you all enjoy it.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.
                        From Sexy Sue (Susan).

Index of Letters.                      Return to Letter 19.

Sunday, 3 June 2012

Letter 18 - Playing ‘Strip’ in India.

Index of Letters                  Letter 18 Background Notes.                  Back to Letter 17.

Forward to Letter 19.

From Joseph,            
The Game Reserve,                
Andhra Pradesh,                    

            To Shanti,
                        New Zealand.

Dear Shanti and Mike,
        Thank you for the very good letter with the very good story too. Also, I am thanking you for the very good photos too. In return, I also are having a good story to be telling too.
        But first, we want to be asking about you in New Zealand. If you are in fact healthy and in the best happiness. We hope to hear that you are. Now here in India, we also are very healthy too. We enjoy to get the best correspondence from you because each letter has much of interest for us. Please send us the complete copy of our letters so we can also see them all together.

Letter 18 Background.

Index of Letters.                      Return to Story 18.

Hello from Shandra.

            Finally, we get to the story about how they played ‘Strip’ in India but first, notice that Joseph was in so much of a hurry to get into his story that he hardly mentions the photos Shanti had sent and only briefly talks about getting all the letters together in one book. We purposely wrote the letter like this to present some more of Joseph’s character or dare I say that he was just like a typical guy.

            I was a little disappointed that I had to intentionally make this story not as good as the one which Anne wrote for Shanti. I wanted to write a better story than her one and I think I could have too but I understood the reason why Joseph’s story shouldn’t be better than Shanti’s.
            The problem is that Joseph is not as good as Shanti at writing stories and letters since English is his second language and so, of course, the story had to reflect this. So by putting in a bit of bad grammar and using the typical way Indians talked, added to this effect too. You will notice that Joseph’s English will improve with time.

            Notice Joseph spent as much time telling you about the people who were going to play the game as he did in actually telling you about the game. He also made no attempt to tell you the rules or anything like that. My intention was to give Joseph’s impression of the game rather than giving a complete and accurate account.
            A final touch at making it more readable was to get Joseph to copy off Shanti’s story by adding a list of the players and what they were wearing. At the end of the story, we added another small chart giving the final results of the game. In the end, it turned out to be a pretty good story and it is quite different to Shanti’s.
            This story is important to the letters series since it introduces us to two more couples, Sarvesh and his wife Amita; Jeevan and his wife Mandara. These two couples will appear in many of the great stories we have for you in future letters. By building up the size of our cast we could now write a greater variety of sexy activities and adventures.
                        Regards from Shandra.

September 2016.
            When this story was being written we were wondering where this series of letters/stories was taking us. We realised we needed something to generate more sexy stories. That is where the idea came up that one couple needed to visit the other then later the other couple could make an exchange visit. Little did we know it at the time but it would take until the end of Volume 4 just to complete the stories about both of these trips.
            So to start this new direction of Letters off, Joseph ends his letter with a P.S. hinting that he and Lizamoa might be able to come to New Zealand to visit Shanti and Mike. This idea will develop over the next few letters until the actual trip is organised. We think doing it this way over a series of letters is much more realistic than Joseph just saying, “Hi, we are coming to New Zealand,” and then turning up there in the very next letter.
                        Regards again from Shandra.

December 2023.
            During the recent work on recoding and correcting the early stories of this blog, Anne has given me permission to rewrite and improve this story. I've added more detail and some conversation while trying to keep within our writing style and ability of that period in our writing.
            This is the first step into social nudity for everyone in this game. I wanted to capture this in the story. Finally, I wanted to get those at the table to agree they would be open to doing something like this again. Joseph mentions the possibility of a nude picnic. Even the shy Mandara thought this was a good idea.
                        Regards yet again from Shandra.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.

Index of Letters.                      Return to Story 18.

Sunday, 27 May 2012

Letter 17 Love on the Beach.

Index of Letters                  Letter 17 Background Notes.                  Back to Letter 16.

Forward to Letter 18.

From Shanti,            
New Zealand.            

            To Joseph,
            The Game Reserve,
            Andhra Pradesh,

Dear Joseph and Lizamoa,
        That was another interesting letter from you. I am always glad to get letters from my dear friends in India.
        Yes, we can make our correspondence into a book. I have a computer, the one that I type all my letters to you on, and so I can open the file where all my letters are located and then add your ones in. These will then give us a complete set of every letter that has been posted between us. We will then print off a set for you too.

        We found and enjoyed the nude photos of you both. Yes, of course, we liked them and they have been added to our growing collection of photos sent by you. Mike was interested to view Lizamoa with her body bare for his inspection but I was more interested to see you with that great erection sticking out. The final touch was when you even caught our hidden watcher on film. I really liked that, what a nice touch although I think it might have been by accident. Thank you for these photos.
        In return, here are our nude photos. But the Red Sari Series has not ended yet. Yes, I know I am standing before you naked, showing everything I have got but there is more to the story yet. For you to know what happens next you are going to have to be patient and wait until my very next letter to arrive. I wonder how you are going to keep yourself entertained in the meantime. So there you are. We are before you in the nude. What do you think? I know what I think. It makes me so very randy just to think of you viewing my naked body.

Letter 17 Background.

Index of Letters.                      Return to Story 17.

Hello from Anne and Allan.

            Hi, I am Anne’s partner Allan. Since I was involved in writing the story from this letter we decided that it was time, I did a background story for one of the letters in ‘The Letters of Shanti and Joseph.’

            Before we get to the story I want to talk about Shanti’s opening first. The letter opens with further ideas on how they can make this series into a book. This will develop until in a later letter you will read that Shanti does, in fact, get all the letters into one book. Having all these letters together in one book is an important part of some future stories.
            As has been mentioned in previous backgrounds the real Anne and Shandra had been thinking about this same idea for a while too. Finally, they did get the letters series together into bound volumes. Now we all have our own copies of the letters story which get updated as letters are added or changed.

Sunday, 20 May 2012

Letter 16 We will be Playing ‘Strip’ with our Friends.

Index of Letters                  Letter 16 Background Notes.                  Back to Letter 15.

Forward to Letter 17.

From Joseph,            
The Game Reserve,                
Andhra Pradesh,                    

            To Shanti,
                        New Zealand.

Dear Shanti and Mike,
        I am again thanking you for the great, sexy, exotic letters. The letters are very good and like you, we are having the very large collection. I agree with you. The problem is that we are both having only the half collection. I am knowing whatever you are writing to me but I am forgetting whatever I am writing to you. If we get all the letters from both sides into one book, the ones I am sending and even the one you are sending and putting them together and that would be a very interesting book for us to be reading. Can we do this thing?

Letter 16 Background

Index of Letters.                      Return to Story 16.

Hello from Shandra.

            This is the second of the two small letters before we begin a series of five great stories following each other. I think that more and more we were beginning to think about these letters as being published somehow and available for others to read. I believe that this began to drive us towards higher standards in our writing.

            The idea of creating a book was now well established and we were just considering how we could do it. Back then it was harder to get a book such as this bound and so we were considering getting the equipment to do it ourselves. Of course, binding machines weren’t as cheap to buy as they are now so at first we tried punching the pages and placing them in ring binders and then we looked at getting display folders and placing the pages in plastic pockets but neither of these systems really worked for us.

            This letter contains more about the Red Sari Series as Joseph comments on the photos of Shanti topless. He then goes on to describe his physical reaction to seeing her like that and what he did with Lizamoa because of it. Then because Shanti promised nude photos of both her and Mike, Joseph and Lizamoa included nude photos of themselves in this letter.

            In describing the photos taken at the small lake Joseph points out the guy watching them from the bushes. This extra touch of him pointing out the watcher in one of the photos was suggested by Susan to add extra realism to my story “Nude Photography by the Lake” (Letter 14).

            The final part of this letter is about an attempt they made to play the game ‘Strip’ with their friends. It appears this was not possible due to personal reasons with their friend Amita but Joseph assures us that it will be fine next time and they will actually get to play the game.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.

Index of Letters.                      Return to Story 16.

Sunday, 13 May 2012

Letter 15 Enjoying the Photos.

Index of Letters                  Letter 15 Background Notes.                  Back to Letter 14.

Forward to Letter 16.

From Shanti,            
New Zealand.            

            To Joseph,
            The Game Reserve,
            Andhra Pradesh,

Dear Joseph and Lizamoa,
        We were glad to get another letter from you in India. We hope that things are very good over there as they are here in New Zealand. We have got a large collection of your letters and some great stories too. It would be a very good idea to put all our correspondence together, both from you and from me, and make them into one book. What do you think?

Letter 15 Background

Index of Letters.                      Return to Story 15.

Hello from Anne.

            Originally the next letter was supposed to be the story “Love on the Beach” by Allan and I, to be followed by Shandra’s story “Playing ‘Strip’ in India.” By now we were putting all the letters and stories together into a folder with the idea of eventually creating a book. It seemed a bit unlikely that each couple would suddenly come up with another adventure so quickly so we were looking for some way of slowing things down.
            The solution came in the form of another two short fill-in letters which we used to develop some themes running through the Letters Series at this point. I know these two letters might not seem too exciting but stay with us because following we will find five sexy stories, one after another.

            So this letter opens with Shanti suggesting to Joseph that they collect all the Letters and put them into a book which was kind of what we were looking at doing for real letters books as well. In the story, the Letters were eventually placed in black leather folders with copies printed off and given to all those involved in the stories. If you want to see how we produced the real Letters Books go to the Main Index Page and you will find a photograph of all six volumes.

            Shanti then talks about the photos that Joseph and Lizamoa sent. Particularly of interest to Shanti and Mike were the photos of Lizamoa topless. As Shandra said in her background for Letter 14 it is kind of surprising that Lizamoa sent her topless photos first without waiting for the ones of Shanti. It shows how turned-on they were becoming with swapping all these sexy photos.
            I must admit us girls who were writing this, were getting a bit of a turn-on from the thought of sending other people photos like these. The thought of sending a stranger a photo with our breasts bare was really bold and sexy. We had heard that a girl we knew had actually done that too which was really where this photo-swapping idea came from.
            Next Shanti gets to the story about how Joseph and Lizamoa did their photo session by the lake in the Game Reserve. I enjoyed reading Shandra’s story and in bed that night I was imagining it was me in the story.
            >She then talks about how they found someone watching them and decided to carry on anyway. That was very sexy Shanti said but even more was when they invited the guy over to get a closer view. I think the thought of doing that really captured Shanti’s imagination too. Throughout this period we had a thing about exhibitionism. We had this fantasy about being seen at a beach either topless or nude and this idea appeared in our writing a lot too.

            She finishes the letter by telling us she has enclosed the next few photos of the Red Sari Series which show her now topless and she promises that the next set of photos will show her and Mike nude.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.

Index of Letters.                      Return to Story 15.

Sunday, 6 May 2012

Letter 14 Nude Photography by the Lake.

Index of Letters                  Letter 14 Background Notes.                  Back to Letter 13.

Forward to Letter 15.

From Joseph,            
The Game Reserve,                
Andhra Pradesh,                    

            To Shanti,
                        New Zealand.

Dear Shanti and Mike,
        Thank you very much for another letter. We are very happy when the post brings in letters from New Zealand to us because we are knowing them to be from you. We are enjoying this correspondence and we hope that you enjoy it as well we are too.
        Oh, my dear Shanti. You wouldn’t even listen to your mother about the wedding sari. You are very strong minded I am coming to know. Ah now, the thought of you performing your wedding naked. Please! Please! Put me at the head of the guest list.
        Shanti, you should have listened to you mother and husband as wearing the wedding sari show your submission to your husband. Shows you are open to following him and his ideas.

Letter 14 Background.

Index of Letters.                      Return to Story 014.

Hello from Shandra.

            Joseph opens his letter by telling us how much he enjoys getting a letter from New Zealand because he knows it will be from Shanti. He also says thank you for the story, they enjoyed reading it and writing out a list of the strip demands as they went. He also said how surprised he was to receive the parcel containing the game “Strip.” They have talked with some friends who are interested in playing it too.

            He then begins talking about the photos Shanti sent. He notices that in the next instalment of the Red Sari Series, Shanti will be topless. He says he will be enjoying these photos and then going to have a good time with Lizamoa. Later in the letter, he tells us that since Shanti is about to bare her breasts for them, Lizamoa has agreed to Joseph sending some topless ones of her in this letter. It is interesting how they didn’t wait for Shanti to go topless first but jumped straight in themselves.

            His telling Shanti about the photos and their photography together leads nicely into the main story of this letter. The photos which were sent with this letter came out very dark because they were taken indoors. To get photos with better lighting outside, they decide to go to a private place by a small lake in the Game Reserve. While they are having their photo session they discover someone watching them.
            Surprisingly, they continue with their photograph, each getting totally naked, knowing someone is watching. Later Joseph even invites the guy to come up close a have a better look at Lizamoa while she poses naked for him.

            This was another of my stories which got changed once my friends had viewed it. I came up with the Game Reserve idea based on the real Joseph’s original letter. He mentioned the Game Reserve where he worked so we decided this might be a likely place to find somewhere outdoors and private in a crowded country like India.
            The idea of the hidden watcher was also always part of the story but the major change was made in the part where Joseph invites the younger guy out to view Lizamoa up close. This was mainly the work of Allan and Susan with Allan providing that short conversation bit leading up to the sexiest part of the letter. This is the second time we used conversation to build up towards a sex climax in a story. Again I think it works well, don’t you?
            When we wrote about how Lizamoa lay back and played with her pussy and masturbated while a complete stranger was watching her and was masturbating too, it was just so hot and sexy for us young girls. The thought of doing such a thing was a bit turn-on for us but at the same time something we would never dare do. Then came the part where all three of them made themselves cum. What we didn’t even think about at the time was that the two guys could have cum all over Lizamoa’s breasts and pussy. But since the original story wasn’t written like that we have decided to leave it as it always was.

            Remember this special place at the little lake in the Game Reserve because it will appear in many other stories. Also, don’t forget the secret watcher who they discovered and invited over to view Lizamoa because he will be appearing in some future stories as well.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.

Index of Letters.                      Return to Story 014.

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Letters Extra - Playing Strip in Japan.

(In a few weeks this post will be moved to and be linked with Letter 13 as an Extra Background.)

This is a True Story.

Hi, Anne here.   (2 Dec, 2013)
          This extra is going to be quite different to anything we have ever done before. Sakura and Tukiko agreed to tell us more about their evening in Japan. They had enjoyed the story in Letter 13, Playing the Game Strip, and they decided to have a go at this themselves. As can be seen in the comments below they told me of their plan and asked for my advice.
          They then told us a very brief version of what happened that night. When they came to write this story again they were unable to get started on it. I suggested they start with their comments and expand it into a story. With some feedback from them and help from Asami here in New Zealand the idea evolved to us using the comments from Letter 13 Background and developing them into this story. 

          In the first comment dated 22 Nov, they told me they were considering playing a stripping game and asked me for any advice, I could give them.

Monday, 30 April 2012

Letter 13 Playing the Game Called ‘Strip.’

Index of Letters                  Letter 13 Background Notes.                  Back to Letter 12.

Forward to Letter 14.

From Shanti,            
New Zealand.            

            To Joseph,
            The Game Reserve,
            Andhra Pradesh,

Dear Joseph and Lizamoa,
        Thank you for another letter from our dear friends in India. It is always so much fun to get letters from you. Thank you so much for the wedding present too. I’m sure we will find it very useful too.
        No, I didn’t want to wear a traditional wedding sari. My sister, Hasina wore one when she got married and my mother wanted me to but I wanted the traditional European wedding dress instead. I think I looked nicer like that. I know Mum was disappointed and some of my relations made comments too but it was my wedding so I should get to wear whatever I like. They are lucky I didn't decide to get married naked! Ha! Ha!

Letter 13 Background

Index of Letters.                      Return to Story 13.

Playing "Strip" in Japan (A real Story!)

Hello from Anne.

            This letter was something quite different for us, and it was also another milestone for the Letters Series as well. The letter opens with the usual conversation bits about photos and things first before we move on to the actual story.
            First Shanti explains why she chose to get married in a traditional wedding dress rather than the traditional wedding sari. We wanted to show Shanti as being a modern girl from a Western culture rather than following her traditional Indian culture. We also wanted to start showing her as being very determined and stubborn when she wanted to be.
            We saw a wedding on TV where the couple got married naked. Nothing was shown of course since it was the news but we decided to put that into this story. We also thought Shanti might say this to flirt a bit with Joseph.
            Next, she talks about the photos Joseph and Liz sent of themselves. It seems like the poses in these photos are a lot sexier and daring than in the last letter. Finally, Shanti gets to the Red Sari Series. The photos in this instalment show her in just her sexy bra and panties. In the last photo, you can see she already has the front bra clip undone. She teases Joseph about him having to wait until her next letter to view her bare breasts.

            Now we come to the game called “Strip.” We have to thank Allan for this idea. I’m not sure if a game like this exists, I have never heard of one. I would love a copy if it did. We wanted a game like strip-poker where people lost their clothing while playing the game but we didn’t want to use poker.
            As we began writing the story the game of “Strip” sort of evolved as we went along. Later, when we had a clearer idea of what the game was like, we went back and added the part where Peter introduces the game and explains the rules.
            Shandra then suggested that since this was a stripping game then it is only fair that everyone playing ended up naked. She also added that we could do a step by step account of how everyone lost their clothes. We made a list of what each player was wearing and then I began re-writing the main part of the story again, this time giving an item by item account of how each player lost their clothes. It took a few attempts to get this right but finally, it worked out really well. We then added that little chart at the end of the story showing the results of the game.
            If you take a piece of paper and write the six names at the top you can follow the letter listing each piece of clothing as it is removed. If you follow it correctly you will find that the story does work out exactly as the results at the end show. Go on try it, see how it does for you.

            This letter is also important in that it introduces two new couples to the Letter’s story, Peter and Jenny, and Steve and Sharon. We based Peter and Jenny on a couple who worked in the share broking office Shandra worked at. Since Susan came from Australia we thought Steve and Sharon could too. Both these couples became very involved in many adventures throughout the letters books. Part of the idea behind this letter was to add more people to the story so we opened up many possibilities for new storylines and different adventures.
            There is one other reason why this story is important. I am surprised no one has come up with it yet! Letter 13 introduced a game that has been used in a few other stories through the Letters Series. You can find these via the Index Pages or the list below.

          The first time this game was played in New Zealand.
                      Letter 13 - Playing the Game Called 'Strip.'
          The first time this game was played in India.
                      Letter 18 - Playing 'Strip' in India.
          This game was played with both New Zealanders and Indians.
                      Letter 32 - Playing 'Strip' Again.
          You start naked and finished fully dressed.
                      Letter/Story 69 - About Lizamoa. (Playing 'Reverse Strip.')
          Played by couples - Demands/forfeit once naked.
                      Story 108 - Playing 'Strip XX.'
          Week following Katrina's wedding. Betty.
                      Story 200 - Strip XXX - Another Fantasy Off My Bucket List.
          Another view of the game above - Strip XXX version.
                      Story 201 - Strip XXX - Totally Sexy.
          A similar Game. Riya with two couples - she loses her virginity.
                      Story 263 Riya’s First Time – Part Two.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.

Index of Letters.                      Return to Story 13.

Playing "Strip" in Japan (A real Story!)

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Letter 12 Underwear Photos.

Index of Letters                  Letter 12 Background Notes.                  Back to Letter 11.

Forward to Letter 13.

From Joseph,            
The Game Reserve,                
Andhra Pradesh,                    

            To Shanti,
                        New Zealand.

Dear Shanti and Mike,
        Thank you so much for your letter. It had been a long time we are not receiving any letter from you and we were becoming very worried that something bad has happened. We are so happy to be knowing that you both are safe and things well over there.
        So now we have to use your new name when we write our letters. Shanti Wilson, is that the new name. I must be remembering to be using it. How does it feel to know that you have been married? Both Lizamoa and I hope that you are happy together in your married life. It means living together you get to play love games a lot more now. Am I right?
        But with your wedding photos, where is the Wedding Sari? I am happy to be seeing you in the beautiful white dress. You look beautiful too. But it should have been the Wedding Sari. You are knowing the one, the traditional Indian one, I mean with the red and the gold on it.

Letter 12 Background

Index of Letters.                      Return to Story 7.

Hello from Anne.

            Like Anne’s Letter 11, this small letter continues some of the themes running through these early letters. Keep in mind that throughout the Letters Series, particularly in the early ones we were writing each letter with no real plan as to where we were going with it. That is one of the best parts of this whole project. It has sort of taken on a life of its own and we had no idea where it was taking us. Well, to be honest, we still don’t really know where it is taking us.

            Now to the letter itself:-
            The letter opens with Joseph commenting on married life and how Shanti and Mike are finding it. He mentions being married means the chance for a lot more sex too. He then says how beautiful Shanti looked in the wedding photos but the conversation concerning the Indian sari continued with Joseph asking Shanti why she didn’t wear the traditional Indian wedding sari for her wedding.
            There is, of course, the Red Sari Series which Joseph still says he is enjoying. He then talks about the fun they had taking the underwear photo knowing that Mike and Shanti were going to view them. They mentioned they had included more of these in this letter.

            Finally, they sent Shanti and Mike a wedding present.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.

Index of Letters.                      Return to Story 7.

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Letter 11 I Would Have Joined You in the Court-Yard.

Index of Letters                  Letter 11 Background Notes.                  Back to Letter 10.

Forward to Letter 12.

From Shanti,            
New Zealand.            

            To Joseph,
            The Game Reserve,
            Andhra Pradesh,

Dear Joseph and Lizamoa,
        Well, that was another great letter with another great story. Mike and I are always excited to receive a letter from you. Like you, we are enjoying the way our correspondence has become so sexy and erotic. Thanks for suggesting that we have a broadminded relationship because it has been a lot of fun.

Letter 11 Background

Index of Letters.                      Return to Story 11.

Hello from Anne.
            After the story “Lizamoa in the Court-Yard we were working on a couple of stories each but neither of us had any finished. We wanted to continue the Red Sari Series and the photos Joseph and Liz were sending in return so we decided on adding these extra two small letters before the next big story in Letter 13 – “Playing the Game Called Strip.”
            At this stage of the evolution of Letters, our plan was to write a complete record of the correspondence between these two couples. As time went on, this theme gradually changed from swapping complete letters into a series of stories swapped between the two couples.

            The content of this letter is mostly just commenting on the photos Joseph sent and their story.
            It appears that Mike and Shanti liked the photos of Joseph and Liz in their underwear. They also provided another instalment to the Red Sari Series where Shanti is seen taking off her sari blouse to reveal a tiny bra underneath.
            They also liked the story too. It appears that the idea of Lizamoa putting on little shows to their neighbour was a bit of a turn-on for Mike and Shanti too.

            Notice that in this letter, twice Shanti says she would be bold enough to strip naked, in the courtyard and at a nude beach. Would she actually have done this or is this just talk? Only time will tell on that one.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.

Index of Letters.                      Return to Story 11.

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Letter 10 Lizamoa in the Court-Yard.

Index of Letters                  Letter 10 Background Notes.                  Back to Letter 9.

Forward to Letter 11.

From Joseph,            
The Game Reserve,                
Andhra Pradesh,                    

            To Shanti,
                        New Zealand.

Dear Shanti and Mike,
        Thank you very much for such a good letter. We enjoyed viewing this letter with its sexy story too but we were enjoying your photos very much too. We are very glad with the ways our correspondence is developing. Our letters are going very much more sexy and I am thinking that this is a jolly good.
        For the Red Sari Series, we can see you are doing a undressing set. A very special, how do you say “strip tease” all for us. Do you take off all your clothes and we are getting to see you naked or will you be stopped before then? Please say that you will be naked.
        We like to lay out the photos to admire the beauty of you Shanti. Mike, I also must say you are a very good photographer as good as even I can do.

Letter 10 Background

Index of Letters.                      Return to Story 10.

Hello from Shandra.
            After telling Shanti how much he is enjoying the correspondence, this letter from Joseph opens with the usual comments concerning photos being swapped etc.
            Joseph is asking if the Red Sari Series is, in fact, a strip tease where he hopes Shanti will remove all her clothes and end up naked. The next point tells us about some pics he sent, of both himself and Lizamoa in brief underwear so Shanti and Mike can view their bodies as well. Finally, we see another instalment of the ongoing debate about the Indian Sari compared with Western dress.

            A few comments on topless and nude bathing in New Zealand lead smoothly into the story, “Lizamoa in the Court-Yard.” This story was another way we were exploring the exhibitionist idea of appearing naked in front of a stranger.

            When I finished writing the first version of this story I was very happy with it. I still think it was up there among the best stories I have written but when I showed it to my friends I soon discovered there was still room for improvement.
            I showed it to Anne and she thought it was good but the English was too correct so I then reworked the whole story fitting in some bad grammar. This made the story appear to have been written by someone whose English is not quite as good because, for Joseph, English is supposed to be his second language.
            Allan Jr. then suggested that I should work some speech into the story. With his help, I added that short conversation where Lizamoa tells Joseph what she has been doing. This is the first time we had used speech in any of our stories and I believe it works well as a build-up to the point where Lizamoa bares everything for the neighbour. Conversation has since become an important part of our storytelling.
            Finally, Susan had some suggestions too. She said she thought it would be interesting to include some of Liz’s feelings while she was doing this. We finally settled on what she was thinking in the shower just after her first reveal. Susan’s second suggestion was that Joseph and Lizamoa were so turned on by her appearing naked in front of the neighbour, that as soon as she returned to the house they went straight into some bedroom fun. Well, all loved this idea, a good idea and so I quickly added this too.

            This is how the group editing machine has worked on most of the letters we have written. It works well as many great ideas have come from reading each other’s work. These comments and suggestions had the effect of making what I thought was a good story even better. The only problem with this is that over time our writing styles progressively have moved closer and closer together until now it is often hard to tell who wrote which parts in many stories.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.

Index of Letters.                      Return to Story 10.

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Letter 9 Free Show at the Beach.

Index of Letters                  Letter 9 Background Notes.                  Back to Letter 8.

Forward to Letter 10.

From Shanti,            
New Zealand.            

            To Joseph,
            The Game Reserve,
            Andhra Pradesh,

Dear Joseph and Lizamoa,
        We received your letter a few days ago but it has taken us some time to write out our reply. As you can see it is a very long one. Thanks for your letter. I am glad to read that you are both doing well. Here in New Zealand, we are both well too.

☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆

        We’re glad you liked the photos. The next three pictures of the Red Sari Series are in this letter for you. As you can see, I am now in the bedroom and I’ve pulled down my sari to reveal the blouse underneath. In the last photo, I have also removed the sari completely so the underskirt can be seen too. Well, what is going to happen next? Will I take any more off? I’ll let you guess while you wait until next time.
        Oh, by the way, why do you think a sari is sexier than a Western dress such as the mini skirt I was wearing in my photo?

Letter 9 Background

Index of Letters.                      Return to Story 9.

Hello from Anne.
            So as the Letters Series continues we now come to the next letter Shanti sent to Joseph. In this letter, she includes a story and three photos. First the photos – these are the next three of the Red Sari Series which now show Shanti having removed her outer sari. Not being sure how a sari was put on I had to get advice from Shandra on this. She came over to my house with two of her saris and as she put one on herself, she helped me put the other one on too. Being Japanese, I have never worn an Indian sari before so it was fun to try and it gave me enough knowledge to write about taking one off.

            This was probably one of the most debated stories in the whole series. You see, some of us wanted it included and others wanted it completely removed from the Letter’s books. There are two good reasons why it should have been removed:-
            First, this story was based on a story we didn’t actually write. When I was looking for an idea to create a story for Shanti to send to Joseph, our friend Susan came up with one she had been given by a friend called Kevin. You will see more about this writer on our writer’s page. Kevin gave us two stories, (Letter 9 (the one) and Letter 26) but when you compare these you can see two very different writing styles. Susan tells us that Kevin used to read a lot of men’s magazines and so we suspect these two stories might have come from there. At the time, since we had no intention of ever publishing Letters we decided to just use it with a work over to fit our other letters.
            Since then this story has been reworked and modified several times. Now it is over twice as long as the original and changed a lot too. We are not really sure how much of the original story remains now.

            Secondly, we don’t really like the way it reads. It sounds so childish to us now, like it was written by two very inexperienced and immature teenagers. In the end, Rajah, Shandra's husband, came to the rescue of the story by saying, of course, it sounds like immature teenagers because that is what you both were back then. Good point. So I suppose in that way the story “Free Show at the Beach” probably fits in well with our early letters anyway.
            The subject of this story was hot stuff for us back then. The thought of having to walk around on a public beach completely nude was way out in the world of fantasy for us. I had a bikini, a very modest one I must add, and I did wear it on the beach. As for going naked on a public beach, no way! I wasn’t even bold enough to take my top off and bare my little teenage breasts back then.

            One last interesting point came right at the end of the letter where Shanti announces that she and Mike are about to get married. There was a purpose behind this change. Shandra and I decided that since the letters were now being written by two couples it was better that Mike and Shanti were together like Joseph and Lizamoa. At first, we considered them living together but then we knew an Indian family would be strongly against their daughter living with a guy so the best outcome was for them to just get married.
            Since this is a series of sexy stories we decided there was no need to do a story on their wedding. Since they were also in a sexual relationship, there was no need for a honeymoon story either. So the wedding was just mentioned by both couples.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.

Index of Letters.                      Return to Story 9.