Thursday 2 July 2020

Story 241 Amita’s Waiters – Part Two.

Mandara – Let’s Go to the Guest House.
Hello from Mandara.
          Of course, I was involved with this weekend. Do you think I would ever miss such as all this fun? During the meal, I had Mootie as my waiter. Very attentive and giving great service. I enjoyed the extra service too. Naughty!
          I watched the resistance Hansini was giving to the stripping process and was amused by it too, but I myself was content to ‘Go with the flowing.’ He wanted to undress me as he was undressing and I was very ok for that one too. After all, this is about everyone getting naked and I thought it a great way to do it. The fact that it quickly became more than just removing clothing made it even better, for both of us too. The men might have considered me among the well behaved during that meal but I can promise you, I was far from being well behaved but just in a different way you’ll understand. Mootie would confirm that one.

          Earlier, I had got myself horny watching Jeevan getting dressed and ready to leave. I don’t know why perhaps I like a man in uniform but it certainly turned me on. I even attempted to play with him and I’m sure could have easily ended, him within the bed but he was concerned with being late for the car that would pick him up.
          “You can be late with me Jeevan. Then we can play within the bed,” I suggested.
          “But how will I get to the dinner party?”
           “Come with us girls. We’ll look after you.”
          “Me and five girls! That is what I’m worried about,” he laughed.  
          One man with five women, isn't that the male fantasy? I asked.
          Or male nightmares, he returned. 
          And I laughed too.
          So, when the car arrived, I had to let him go. But the result, I had got to the party horny and ready to play. Of course, with Mootie being my waiter, he was my first playboy. The first man to target my attention upon. 
         He was allowed to do as much touching and playing as he liked and on my side, I couldn’t wait to get his lovely big cock out. I tried too but while allowing me to feel, he would not allow revealing of himself until the last course. I will confess to almost missing eating any of that last course as being distracted by his handsome cock. I couldn’t stop myself, hands going straight for him. We did finally eat the desert together like others were doing around the table.     
          When the meal was over, Sarvesh suggested that we go to the guest house. I was a bit surprised. We used to use the guest house on our nude weekends all the time but now it was usual for us all to remain in the main house. 
         When you think about it, that was a great place to have our sexual games. There was a large spa, the two head group shower, a large lounge with comfortable seating and other beds within the house for games too. Yes, I thought it was a grand idea.
           It felt strange to just get up from the meal and leaving all the mess behind. Usually, I like having things clean and tidy after eating, but there was still a mess, both in the dining room and the kitchen. That is what happened the time before and so happened again this time too. We all just left in a group heading through the house to the pool area and then around the hedge to the guest house. 
          But there was another distraction along the way. 

Story 241 Part Two Background,

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 241 Part Two.

Hi from Anne,
       Well, here is Part Two of our joint venture story being written by the four original writers, Allan, Susan, Shandra and myself (Anne). We wrote different parts and then wrote over and rewrote each other's work. Now it is difficult to define who wrote the various parts of this story which is why we broke from the style of putting a writer's name to each section. 
       But in general Susan and I wrote most of the story with Shandra guiding and telling us how she thought Mandara would act or react to each situation. Allan did a lot of his adding or reworking conversations. You would have to say we had about equal input into this story.

       We wanted this to cover an orgy very similar to that of Story 240 Part Two. Allan also wanted us to feature the couple Jeevan and Mandara. Since Jeevan had appeared a lot in the first part, we decided to feature Mandara in this part. In fact, she tells the entire story as we follow her through a very sexy evening.
       Breaking this down, the story became a series of smaller sex scenes where Mandara is with different men, all men whom she knew well and had been with before. Our danger here was that we'd just recreate something we had done before which brought us to the central scene where Mandara has a threesome with the two younger guys Hamza and Payam. Their wives were smaller, slim girls so we wrote of the guy's attraction to Mandara's big tits.
       Mandara is very aware of her larger tits and likes guys playing with and being attracted by them so there is a lot of tit play in this story. Even two guys cumming over them and then she made the guys lick her clean again. It seems that they didn't do such a good job because she went for a shower straight afterwards. We had intended to develop this shower scene further but by then we were working on the opening sex scenes in the spa and shower.

       We also tried to make the sex positions different too. Shandra found somewhere that Mandara had said she likes doggy style so we worked that into our story a couple of times along with a few different positions we don't usually use. Finally, with Sarvesh they had the more common, maybe I should say the most common position of the traditional missionary position (man on top).

       So there it is, finished. Hope you all enjoy.
            Anne, Allan, Susan & Shandra.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 241 Part Two.

Friday 19 June 2020

Story 241 - Amita’s Waiters – Part One.

Hello from Anne,
         When we started this story, it was our intention to be doing an extra part for Story 240 but as often happens with our writing, things get changed along the way and stories evolve as they are written. When it became clear we needed more than one page, we decided to assign another story number to make this a separate story. In line with this, we then we've divided it into two parts, with this being Part One.
         First, Allan wants to back up to before the first dinner then we will be starting on the second dinner party. Shandra, Susan and I took over for most of this second evening. Yes, the four original writers working together. It’s going to be good.
               (Awesome Anne)

Jeevan – Where did this all come from.   (Written mainly by Allan)
        Kalki, it seems you have given my friend Sarvesh the blame or fame for these stripping dinner ideas but he will be the first to admitting the reality is, it was not actually his idea. It was just once Sarvesh and Amita got hold of it, the idea quickly spiralled out of anything I had thought of.  
        Let me be setting the record straight. We must go back for over a week before the first Progressive Stripping Dinner when my story must begin from.  (See Story 240)
        It had been a big week, so many containers and rail wagons coming and going, then there was erecting shelving and last fitting out of the huge Warehouse No3. Very busy week but we had achieved a lot. Now it was late Friday afternoon, Sarvesh arrived in my office with a half dozen carton of beers. Pulling up a comfortable chair, he sat back, his feet landing on the edge of my desk.
      “Hey!” I said, nodding down at his feet.
      “Well, Katrina used to do it,” came his excuse.
      “But in those short skirts, Katrina’s legs were much better looking than yours.”
      He laughed at that, “You want me to wear a short skirt then?”
      “No Sarvesh, I doubt that would be an improvement.”
      We both laughed at that before I changed the subject.
      “What’s happening next weekend,” I asked.
      Next weekend was scheduled as our next nude weekend. I was wondering if he had anything special planned. Usually, Sarvesh or Amita would have some good ideas or a theme.
      “Not sure yet,” came his reply. “Nothing planned.”
      “Well, you better get something going. The girls will kick your arse.”
      He laughed at that. “Ha! Ha! Shanti isn’t here.”
      Another couple of beers were opened and we both took a swallow.
      “Got any ideas, Jeevan,” he asked me after a pause.
      “What about a meal where the girls serve us before serving themselves as sex slaves?”
      “Sex slaves? I can’t see Amita or Hansini going for that! Just mention the word and we’ll have a fight on our hands.”
      I nodded with a smile, “Those two women are always frisky and ready for a fight.”
      He nodded his agreement. 
      “So how do we do this, Jeevan?” 
      “Sexy waitresses, then?”
      “Hired to entertain important business clients,” Sarvesh added.
      “Hired to host,” I corrected him.
      “Ahh yes, host important clients,” he smiled.
      Quickly, this became a brainstorming session. That is until the pack of beers ran out and then we both decided to call it a day, taking the car Sarvesh had waiting outside and he dropped me off on the way home.

Story 241 - Part One Background.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 241 Part One.

Hello from Susan,
       In Story 240, they had done a good job but I felt I could do better. I talked the idea over with Anne and she agreed to help me. Our only concern was that we didn't just make this a copy of the first story. It had to be different, had to be better too but I'll let you decide about that.
       This section is more about Jeevan telling the story but much of Part Two is going to be told by Mandara. I wanted to bring out Jeevan and Mandara and get them more involved, particularly Mandara. I think she is often overlooked in favour of the younger, supposedly more sexy women. Well, that is not the case, Mandara might be quiet and shy but when she wants, she can be very bold and sexy too. Go check out some of the stories about her. 
       The idea came up with reversing the dinner so while the women sat to enjoy the meal, the men would be serving them. Yes, the stripping during the meal had to be included too but I added a variation of that where the men stripped the women as they stripped themselves. Well, why not? The goal is that everyone must end up naked. It also gave me the chance to work in some friendly conflict between Sarvesh and Hansini.

Hi from Allan,
       Working with these three girls was a lot of fun. Susan suggested that we try doing one of these dinners ourselves. We should have tried it with the girls serving us men but that story had already been completed so the women decided it should be us men serving the women. Things happened much as we wrote in this story with the meal served in five courses as we all moved towards total nudity. 
       That was where we came up with the idea of the men stripping the women too. We got some resistance from some of the women and the rebellion by Susan against Geoff also lead to a plate being smashed and food on the floor. That was so good we worked it into the story too. While Anne and Susan resisted the process, we had those like Shandra and Ayaka who were quite happy to go along with their being stripped during the meal. Well behaved, I'd call it.   
       Later, we had a couple of great brain-storming sessions as we began to organise the basic structure of this story and then we got to work. We wrote parts and then others went over them. In the end, it is rather hard to say who wrote what.
        So here is Part One. Go read it if you haven't already.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 241 Part One.

Thursday 4 June 2020

Story 240 - Sarvesh’s Harem – Part Two.

Hello from Anne,
        This is the Second Part of the Stripping Dinner series where we see the event laid in in Part One, but now with greater detail. Amita does a great job of describing stripping as the girls were serving the meal. 
        During the week between the publishing of these two parts, there has been a new development where it is decided to hold a second dinner where the men are stripping while serving the women. This story is well underway now and will be published as soon as we complete it.
                        (Awesome Anne.)

Kalki – Progressively Stripping Dinner.   (Written mainly by Mary.)
        Progressive Stripping Dinner! I don’t know why it was called that. Something Amita or Sarvesh had decided, I think. Most likely Sarvesh, he has all the bright ideas. It was probably him who thought this whole thing. But I must admit it was a clever idea and became a sexy way of starting one of our nude weekends. 
        Now let me put on my role-playing character again. While still being called Kalki, I am the servant-girl, hired by Sarvesh & Amita to help entertain some important business guests. The evening was expected to turn sexual during and after the dinner as we had been fully informed by Amita to provide for every desire of our guests. It didn't take much guessing as to what desires these horny 'businessmen' would be having.

        So here I am. Kalki the maid, now. First, let me recap some of what had happened in Part One.
        When Amita explained to us girls how this dinner was planned, this girl could quickly see the sexual potential. Yes, I knew we were all playing our parts in this fantasy but I also knew the final goal was some fun and great sex with the men. I wanted that one too.
        Even as far back as at our house, while I put on my sexy clothing while my husband Hamza was watching, I was feeling horny by it. If we had time, I think he might have been fucking at me for just wearing it. But, of course, Sarvesh had been very strict on us not being late.
         Seeing that the other women were wearing the same as I made it even sexier. Our instructions had been to flash up our short skirts to the driver. Show him my bikini bottom from the front where it was just able to cover my cunt but leaving lots of bare flesh to each side.
        I know that not long before, in Story238, wearing this same skirt, I had flashed my pussy to a taxi driver. In that case, I had been without the panties and being shaved he would have viewed the full details of my cunt. But here, even now wearing the tiny bikini, it still felt very sexy to be doing.
        In the limo, I had selected a seat that was putting me in view of the driver’s mirror. I hadn’t intended that and it was only after I noticed him looking that I realised it. Once I did, I was guilty of playing to him a bit. I leaned forward to adjust my boots which made my blouse fall away revealing more of my chest. Later, I allowed my thighs to accidentally open which allowed him the view up again.
       There was a light in the back, opposite where I was sitting which illuminated me with him in the front remaining in the darkness. But front the passing lights of cars coming towards us, from time to time I caught a glance of him watching.
        I even became brave enough to pull my bikini to one side so he could see my cunt. Being shaved, I knew it was a good view too. Sairu, my friend, noticed what I was doing and the girls decided to join me in a pussy flash as we got out of the lino.

Story 240 Part Two - Background.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 240 Part Two.

Hi from Mary again,
           This is the second part of our story leading to the big orgy scene at the end. The build-up for this was the Progressive Undressing Dinner (Later called The Progressively Stripping Dinner.) Yes, I know, what is the difference, anyway. But Kim was the boss and that name was the one she liked. 
           The male characters have already covered this in Part One but I wanted to take a fresh look at this dinner through the eyes of a woman, Kalki. This leads into the final orgy scene, told by Sairu. I covered some of this orgy but many may say I should have done more. But my reply to that is you have got what you've got so shut up and enjoy it. LOL

          Of course, the main theme of this story is role-playing. Acting out a fantasy situation with people playing fantasy roles. Or it could be you playing your real self in a fantasy situation. Often, I've seen it done here and taken part in it too.
         One famous role-playing was done a few times with Ayaka. She greets the 'inspector' who has come to inspect the milking shed. He, of course, fails the machine on some minor item and Ayaka asked how she can get it passed. Yes, you guys have got it. She gets some good fucking from the 'inspector,' sometimes on the platform while it is rotating. 
         Another one is us women go to the RSA alone. The boys follow a bit later and try to pick us up. Their lame pick-up lines are amusing as well as their excuses while we should follow them back to their farm. Then we get down to the main event of the evening, fucking, often still role-playing then too.

         There have been a few fantasy roleplay stories in this blog too. One that I really enjoyed was Story 190 Sarvesh and the Maid. Where this strange maid turns up late one evening to clean Sarvesh's bedroom. Cleaned him too. LOL Go read it. It's a good story.
         Another great fantasy scene happened in Story 161 Singapore Stopover – Part One. Jeevan was fucking Katrina while telling her about her standing on the diving board at the hotel pool and stripping naked in front of everyone. The whole sex scene was done with talking between them. A really sexy scene.
          Well, I think you guys get the idea.   (Mary)

Hi, Anne here.
          This story seemed a bit short. It needed something more. I decided to write another small section from Amita. Anyway, my small section turned out to be nearly half the story with us touching on some food sex and something new for this blog, water sports.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 240 Part Two.

Thursday 28 May 2020

Story 240 - Sarvesh’s Harem – Part One.

Hello from Anne,
         This story was mainly written by Mary but she did call for the help of other writers. When she showed me this story, I realised it was far too large for one page. I have suggested that she cuts it into two parts. I then helped to make it even bigger by writing two extra sections myself in Part Two. So here is Part One, written by Mary and her accomplice writers. Part Two will follow soon. 
                              (Awesome Anne.)

Kalki – An Intriguing Phone Call.        (Written mainly by Mary.)       
         Here is Kalki again and others will be helping too.
         It was going to be another sexy weekend and we were preparing to go up to Amita’s on the following evening. This girl was looking forward to it. To getting naked for the weekend, swimming, enjoying and fucking handsome men. 
         I was just telling that to Hamza and he was laughing.
         “I’m looking forward to that too, Kalki,” he replied.
         “What, fucking the handsome men?” 
         “Ha! Ha! Kalki,” he laughed. “Don’t get smart to me, you cheeky girl.”
         He had just begun telling me what he was intending doing for Amita when the phone rang. I picked to it and it was Sarvesh who was talking.

Story 240 Part One - Background.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 240 Part One.

Hi from Mary - Kia ora,
          When Kim and Reshma were busy working on their stories, someone was needed for the final in this series. They asked me if I could help. 
          This story always promised to be a big one. There was a lot to cover and even more that I could include. Already there were three stories leading up to it so while those were still being written I began on this one. Kim gave me a short outline, suggesting the theme of a fantasy-night where the five women are servants entertaining five businessmen. The event was to take place at Sarvesh's house and should involve all of those from the Indian Team. Other than that, it was left open for me to write whatever I wanted.
          I quickly realised that there were a number of different scenes that could be broken down into separate sections, maybe even told by different characters. I like stories like this as you have the chance to explore different scenes or the same scene from different viewpoints. See my series Story 194 Betty - India - Our First Trip Overseas. 
          This is what I decided to do here. As the story evolved, sections were defined, others came in to help me. Towards the end of the writing stage, Allan jun worked over our conversations again for us. The final draft proved too long for what Anne thinks is right for a blog post so she suggested that we cut it in half.

          So this is Part One, where Kalki does a very long introduction to the story. Keep in mind that for much of this story, the characters were acting out fantasy roles. While it may appear they didn't know each other, this was all just part of the game. 
         After Kalki, two men, Hamza and Mootie take over telling the story until it returns to Kalki again in the next section. 

        So thanks to those writers involved include Mary (me), Kim, Allan snr, Reshma and Rajah. After the uploading to this blog, Anne and Susan had some input into parts of the story too. Shandra was consulted concerning her knowledge of the characters involved and Allan jun, our conversation expert, wrote or improved many of the conversations. Finally, let's not forget Asami, our IT expert, who works behind the scenes and does the publishing. That last heading, 'Kalki - Orgy Fun. (Written by Mary.)' was causing me heaps of formatting trouble until Asami performed her HTML magic on it. 

         Regards - Kia kaka,

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 240 Part One.

Thursday 14 May 2020

Story 239 Reading About David’s Birthday.

Part One – Can You Help Me with My Stories?
Hi, Sairu is with you now.
         One evening, my friend Kalki decided to ask for my help with her stories. But it didn’t go quite how she intended. Please let me explain.          
         We had invited my friend and her husband Hamza over for dinner and it had been a lovely time together. A lively conversation between the four of us with lots of laughing and joking. The conversation turning a bit sexual too. Now the meal was over and Kalki and I were just finishing the last of cleaning up. Meanwhile, the men had cleaned the table and were now sitting watching, listening as we talked.
         “Can you help me with my story,” she asked me. “I am being too distracting and not getting it done.”
         “Too distracting, Kalki?” my husband Payam laughed. “Too distracting for Hamza more likely.”
         “Payam!” Kalki, exclaimed, turning towards him with her hands on her hips. “What are you saying?”
         “I am saying, there is probably too much fucking and not enough writing going on.”
         “No! That is not the one!” Kalki exclaimed, throwing a wet dishcloth at him.
         “Yes, it is,” Payam said ducking aside so the cloth missed him.
         Then standing up he came around the bench to the kitchen. “You can be distracting with me, Kalki. Any time,” he continued. 
         By now I saw he had grabbed her, one hand grabbing her breast and the other rubbing her pussy through her jeans. I notice she was making no attempt to stop him.
         “Hey!” I mildly protested.
         He lifted his head, looking at me grinning. “I can’t distract you, Sairu. You will be too busy with Hamza, tonight, so I am being distracting to Kalki”
         Soon he had her clothes half undone and was pressing her back against the kitchen bench. They were kissing now and I could see how she was responding to him. Pulling him against herself, one leg going around his to hold him there. It was obvious where this was going. I could not believe it! Just like that, they were playing to each other. My husband had set up a partner swap. Didn’t even ask me if I wanted that one. So cheeky man! And Kalki was as bad, not even trying to stop him. Didn’t even try to protest at him. It seems my best friend until it comes to fucking with my husband.

Story 239 Background.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 239.

Hello from Reshma,
         Kimberley had intended to write a short series about Kalki's sexual adventures in India, maybe one or two stories at the most. When she began writing Story 237 it was supposed to be one story covering all the events regarding Kalki and her friends in India but it soon became obvious she had grabbed a larger tiger by the tail and needed help. Allan snr was helping already but soon Mary and I joined in too.
        So first there was Story 237 A Lizamoa Special for Hamza, where Kalki arranges a surprise for her husband by walking into his shower fully clothed. This was mainly written by Kim although Allan snr claims to have helped.
       In Story 238 Sexy Dinner Date, Kalki plans a special dinner date for her husband where she is dressed particularly sexy. Even give a taxi driver a pussy flash before they return to their house for some hot sex. Again a joint venture with both Kim & Allan snr.
       Now in this Story 239 Reading About David's Birthday, Kim had started the first half of this story before handing it to me. I rewrote and expanded much of what she had done with the partner swapping between the couples Kalki & Hamza and Sairu & Payam. Then I added the section where Sairu is reading from the letters book and a story turns to fantasy and then Sarvesh gets involved to make her fantasy a reality.
       Finally, in Story 240, Mary is writing about this fantasy/role-playing evening arranged by Sarvesh, the Harem Story mentioned in this story. It is a big story, the one Kim intended to write. All four of us, Kim, Allan snr, Mary and I are involved in writing it. 

      Sorry, I haven't commented much on this story but I'm sure all you readers can take care of the that for me.       (Reshma)

 Index of Letters                      Return to Story 239.        

Sunday 26 April 2020

Story 238 Sexy Dinner Date.

Here I am again, Kalki from India.
          We are going to continue with my adventures. I was supposing to be telling you the, Sarvesh and his Harem story but I am going to be distracting again and be telling something else.

Part One – We Should Celebrate Your New Job.
          Two weeks after wearing my clothes into the shower for Hamza, I was thinking about giving him another surprise. That first time had gone so well and been sexually exciting for both of us. Yes, that surprised me. I was sure he would enjoy it and likely find it sexy but I didn’t realise how much I would be excited by joining a man in the shower with myself fully clothed.
          The sex that followed within the bedroom had been so hot that I thought we must try it again. I knew that just repeating the process would not be the same the second time. I knew I would need to find some way of making it better, add some spice you can say. I remembered I had an almost endless resource of ideas for sexual games – The Letters Books.
           I began searching for them, looking for ideas. Suddenly, I found the perfect one to combine with me joining Hamza’s shower in my clothing.

           I thought about it and got all the details into my head. Then came the day when I would be ready to activate my plan. But first, some background to keep you informed. 
            Jeevan had been looking for a new employee to manage the growing workshop where they made and prepared items for export. This had first been a small room in the warehouse but by the time of Katrina’s wedding, it had become to take most of the lower floor of their new office building. Now, as the company had continued to expand, Sarvesh had brought the building next door and was moving the assembly team to there so it would have a much bigger area. Because it was slightly further away, they knew someone was needed to supervise the operations of this department. My husband, Hamza had helped so much with the overseas visitors and was doing his job well, Sarvesh and Jeevan decided to promote him to this new job.
         It was still his first week so I decided to celebrate for him by taking him out for dinner. I would be paying from my small pay working in the restaurant at the club. In this way it would be a special treat for him because other than paying, I had other things in mind for him when we got back home too.

Story 238 Background.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 238.

Hello from Kim and Allan snr.
        This story is really a new look at an old theme. Both stepping into the shower fully clothed and flash in short skirts with no panties has been done before. Some of us writers have tried it for real too.
         I am used to nudity and people seeing me naked at a beach or hot pools but flashing a stranger still excites me. The idea of a short skirt with nothing underneath, going out like that is an exciting experience. I think it is the thrill of living dangerously, the thought that you might get caught. Then if you add in the idea that you are planning to show someone, a complete stranger the whole thing gets even sweeter.
         The idea is to let the man you are with know what is going on so he can share the experience. He will be thinking about it the whole time, maybe even trying to get a look too. Men are funny like that. They can see you naked every day but when there is a chance to see a bit of breast down the front of a low top or see up a short skirt, they will look. The added advantage of sharing the experience with a man is that sex is great when you get him home that night.
         One game we play is that I go out dressed like that with the intention of showing someone, But I don't know who. It is the anticipation, that suddenly Allan will select someone and I have to give them a pussy flash. Now, that adds a whole new level to the game. 
         One last rule is to make it seem like an accident. If the guy thinks you are showing him, it was not as sweet, rather slutty actually. But if he thinks he is seeing something not intended, a hidden delight you might say, then it is much more exciting for him too. Saves getting into trouble for exposing because it is his fault for looking up my skirt if the shit hits the fan.

         Finally, I had a request from Anne regarding Kalki going on a trip to Australia and New Zealand. Details are unconfirmed at the moment but it is looking like Jeevan and Mandara will be taking the two younger couples from India. She wanted this mentioned in my story. Hamza & Kalki and Payam and Sairu have not been to these countries yet so Anne and Susan think there could be some great potential for new stories. But let me add, nothing has been written about this yet and the whole idea could be dropped if some better idea comes along.
        Regards Kimberley & Allan. 

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 238.

Tuesday 21 April 2020

Story 237 A Lizamoa Special for Hamza.

Here I am, Kalki from India. 
         Hello everyone. I get to do the next stories, yes stories because there is more than one put together covering some happenings from us here in India. It is my intention to lead up to end with the story we will call Sarvesh and his Harem. 
                 (Update: - My friends had to help with some of these stories. Too much for this girl.)

Part One – A Lizamoa Special for Hamza.

         It was sad when our guests left. This girl thought they had been so much fun. I think Amita took it hard too, as she was upset with the many tears at their leaving. I must confess to a few tears for myself as I hugged Peter for the last time. He is always the gentleman, bringing out a tissue to wipe the drops from my eyes. 
        Holding my shoulders with each hand, Peter told, Cheer up, Kalki. We will be meeting online too. 
        I tried to be brave and smiled back to him.
        With a cheeky grin, he leaned closer so only I could hear, And this time you'll be getting naked for me too.
        I laughed at that and gave him another quick hug. 
        “Maybe I will, I whispered back to him.
        He turned away, stepped over to Jenny, picked up little Carol with one arm and moved off with the others. We watched them disappear through the door and then saw their aircraft flying away towards the north.
        But time goes on, the rhythm of life continues. Soon Katrina’s wedding and our visitors were drifting into the background. Sarvesh called another special weekend which we all attended. We were going through the various activities, going through the motions you might be saying. But Amita said it wasn’t the same and we agreed too. In the end, we ended up in the lounge watching a video. With our clothes on too! Can you believe that?
        As time went by and we continued with the special weekends, things began to settle down. We developed new games to play, both inside and out, came up with new themes for our evenings or even whole weekends and there was always the trying of different sexual partners. 
        I always enjoyed these weekends for the sex I could share with other men. Don’t mistake me here, as I am very happy with my husband, Hamza. Even more, since he had learnt from the New Zealand men how to make having fun as part of sex. Letting me lead and trying new ways of doing it. Yes, this girl must be confessed by both of us that Peter and Jenny staying in our house had changed our sex life for the better.
         So, taking sex with other men on the special weekends was always a big part of the activities and something, I myself, was enjoying the most. I have developed a taste for sex that is stronger than ever before and it was during these weekends that I could allow to let myself go and fully indulge my appetite for sexual activities. 
        I discovered that the men I know are all different and liked particular things and do sex in distinct ways. I learnt how to adapt and change myself to provide more fully enjoyment for my sexual partners and I also noticed that would they would change to provide for my sexual needs too. It had been good for this girl and opened her mind to many things. The giving and receiving, sharing with sex were mostly enlightening for me.
       We heard rumours of other things happening concerning staff from the house but never knew much about them. Amita tells me there will be stories of this coming one day soon.

Story 237 Background.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 237.

Hi from Kim & Allan.
What is a Lizamoa Special? 
        You longer-term readers, (thought it better not to say older readers), should know but newer readers might not. Lizamoa is first mentioned in Letter 2 as being Joseph's wife. We first learn her name in Letter 6. In Letter 37B and Letter 38B is the first time she is with a man other than her husband. She was with Mike and before they go to bed together they have a shower together. Lizamoa wears her sari with a red swimsuit underneath, into the shower. She does variations of this a few more times with different men until wearing full clothes in the shower becomes known by the writer's team as a Lizamoa Special.
        Kalki decides to try this with her husband which gives us the title and theme of this story. In my next Story 238, Kalki will develop this idea even further. More about that next time.

Why Kalki?
         Back in those early stories, Lizamoa was the darling of the writers. The character we all loved and wrote about. As the stories continued, Katrina took over that title. Now since Katrina is married and gone to Australia, Kalki seems to be taking that role. It is likely my two stories are going to do a lot to encourage that. 
        Kalki attracts me as a character as she is a bit younger than her husband and their friends. There is a lot of Allan snr and me in that. She also comes across as shy, lacking confidence but getting past that you find a woman who is fun-loving, cheeky and sexy. Is that a bit like me?
        My story here will add that she has a growing appetite for sex but a deep love for her husband. The European couple Peter and Jenny made a big difference to Kalki and Hamza's relationship during their visit to India for Katrina's wedding Story 192  Europeans in Our House. Kalki mentions this in her story too.

Allan snr adds,
        When Kim started writing these two stories in was inevitable I would get involved, read get dragged in. My idea with sex scenes is that they both have amazing sex with lots of orgasms, everything is perfect. Don't we all wish? But Kim likes the realism of the sex scenes, good but not always perfect. We clashed on that with this story but it worked in the end. 
        Hamza, couldn't hold back in the sex in the bathroom and came before Kalki could even get going. I suppose you could call that the not so perfect. LOL But in the bedroom, he gives her two great orgasms. Cumming three times in such a short period of time? That must be the perfect, the wow factor. Amazing! LOL
        So that is about it. Our story is done. There is Part Two, Story 238, almost finished too. So watch out for that in a week or so. 
        Allan snr & Kimberley.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 237.

Wednesday 15 April 2020

Story 236 Simon.

Hello, it's Mega. 
        When my husband, Brian, wanted to be with Deanna, I agreed to try with her husband, Simon. We weren’t in New Zealand for Story 81 Nude Bull Rush. Brian and I came here much later in Story 146 Mega & Brian Move to New Zealand. So, we didn’t know Simon and Deanna very well as we’ve only seen them occasionally during social events involving Mike and Shanti who were friends with them. I was mildly surprised to find them joining us at this nude camp and they were naked too. 
          By the time we arrived, they were all settled in with tents and things all set up. While Brian went to another place to launch our boat, some of the other men helped to get our tents set up. We had two small tents and a larger one since we had the kids too. I remember helping with the larger one where I was working with this man, Simon. While he pulled on the ropes, I was hitting in the steel pegs with a hammer. We got talking and by the time we had finished driving in all the pegs we were getting to know each other. 
       Since this was a nude camp, I had got naked before I started on setting things up. When I was working with Simon, of course, we were both naked. As I was crouching to drive in a peg, I caught him viewing up between my legs a couple of times. So, he was checking Indian pussy, was he? Well, I was checking his white cock too. LOL
        I liked Simon. What attracted me the most, was his face. A happy face, almost always smiling with a white beard and deep blue eyes. There was something about his eyes, you could say a twinkle or sparkle about them which caught me too.
        He was a bit older than Deanna but still kept fairly fit. He told me that he had a home gym under his house and did some working out. I could see his shoulders were developed and strong. Lower there was a slight rounding of his tummy but not too bad. Had a nice-looking cock too. 

Story 236 Background.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 236.

Hello from Asami,
         While my name appears at the bottom of this story, I had nothing to do with writing, other than just publishing it for James. Yes, our reader from India, James is the author. You will most likely remember his first Story 212  Living Statues. Well, he has decided to try another attempt, this time having to work much closer to the main storyline.

James here,
        Now, background notes. One hot afternoon, I spent a pleasant afternoon doing some research on Mega from this blog. I had kind of overlooked her and now discovered she was an interesting character. 
        Mega usually plays a supporting role but from time to time she really comes out to shine. She is capable of becoming quite naughty actually. For example, Mega with Peter in Story 148  Work Out!

       The story was based on what Susan had written in her Story 235 which limited me a bit but allowed me free for three sex scenes, one on a tiny beach and the other two on an evening in a tent. These three scenes were all closely connected to my real experiences. 
        I did have the chance to be with a totally sexy woman. So hot, in fact, that I'd hardly got my cock into her when I missed fired. She allowed me to get her off using my fingers and mouth. When it was clearly going to be a good one for her, I went all out, giving her pussy the best I could. It is the only time I'd ever been with a squirter like that. Yes, she covered me too!
         She is a little embarrassed about it now and since she is a regular reader, she has asked to remain anonymous. Perhaps, with some good comments from you guys, she might decide to reveal herself but that is her choice. I must add that I think this is the first time squirting has been used in this blog. 
        The other sex scenes are based on my fun with Kimberley and Sexy Susan in New Zealand. Both totally sexy, amazing women, and both great in bed. The first part was with Susan, a woman very skilled with sex and able to use her body to bring us both to great orgasms. She'll change her mood and style so sex with her, expect the unexpected. 
        The second was Kim. Yes, shy gentle Kim. Don't believe a word of it. She is more than capable of becoming that wild, aggressive lover of that last sex session. She wanted it hard and rough and took everything I gave her, enjoying every moment of it. She then rode me until she had drained every drop from me but I thought that might have been a bit much after what Mega and Simon had already done. 
        Thank you Ayesha and Synthisha for your help in writing this story. You gave me the female perspective that I needed for Mega's story.

        I wish to end by saying that the Simon in this story and his sexual performance has nothing to do with one of our readers, the real Simon, other than his name.   
                           Regards everyone,

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 236.

Tuesday 7 April 2020

Story 235 - I Find My Middle Star.

Shanti here again now.
        After that trip where Brian took us for a topless cruise, it became a regular event. Some of us women would join him on the boat and give a topless flash at all three beaches around the lake. It was fun and I am guilty of doing it more than once too. I also noticed that some at the various beaches began to look out for us each day. A captive audience, you could say. That had to be good.
         The third day we did it, I talked Deanna into joining us. She is fairly big up top, similar to Sharon so the two girls decided to do a topless cruise together. My cheeky husband made the comment that if they leaned over the side together they might tip the boat over which brought him a sharp punch from Sharon. I thought this might be some fun so decided to tag along too. 
         I noticed that Roxanne was with us again too. I’ve heard she has been on every one of Brian’s topless cruises. Seems she might like showing her tiny pimples.
         Simon came along with Brian. He knew we intended doing it topless and I think he wanted to watch. Deanna had already told me he was a bit turned on by the idea of her flashing topless. My partner Mike, stuck his nose in too.
         As happened each time, first we did the beach at Promenade Point before continuing on to the beach near the boat ramp. Finally, it would be the more crowded Pine Beach. 
        As we pulled away from our beach I said, “Come on, girls. Time to get them out.”
        Sharon laughed. She was always keen on the chance to show her big ones off. Deanna was a bit shy. I think she might have chickened out if it hadn’t been that Sharon and I teased her. She finally decided to get her top off just before we got to the first beach.
        But this is just an introduction from me. Now I’m going to hand this story to the one who was involved in the whole thing. Here is Deanna.

Hello from Deanna,
         Shanti has handed this one to me since I was there for the whole show, LOL. She said it was for the Letters Stories and I could write anything I wanted. Sexy of course. I got a lot of help from others as the project progressed. In fact, in many parts there is not much from me as others like Shanti, Mike and Brian helped a lot too. Hope you enjoy.

Story 235 Background.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 235.

Hello everyone.
        Deanna, a new face on the block. Well, more exactly an old face comes back again. See Letter 81 Nude Bull Rush. She is sexy, cheeky and likes to flirt. Oh, she has big tits too, in case any of you hadn't realised that. Recently, she and her husband, Simon had decided to try a bit of couple swapping. The second man outside her marriage turned out to be an Indian man, Brian.
       I knew the fictional Brian was fairly closely based on the real Brian so I decided I needed to go over to his and Julie's house to do some more research on him. I spoke to Julie on the phone and she said she needed to do some research on Allan too. Bring him along too. LOL. You can all see where this is going, can't you?
       After the kids went to bed it became a bit 'hot' in front of the fireplace. Not the fire either as it was summer. At one point I was doing a hot 69 with Julie when the two guys joined in too. While Brian began fucking me, Allan started fucking Julie. Soon the two guys decided to swap so now Allan was fucking me and Brian was fucking his wife Julie. It was only just after the swapped yet again that things began to happen with orgasms all round.
      Then they got me on the rug and while Julie and Allan were sucking my nipples, Brian began playing with my pussy. First eating me and then fucking me. Oh, that was good, another two cums for me.
      We split up after that and while Allan went to bed with Julie, I took Brian, to continue my research another couple of times. Great night I won't forget for a while.

      Researching done, now came the writing of this story. I decided to make if fairly short, really not much more than an intense sex scene. But then others got in on the action. Shanti seemed to have her teeth into this topless boating thing and so a section was added to the front of my story. Allan did a lot of improvement in my conversations which lengthened the story too. Ayaka wanted to do some sex beside the fire but that was a problem since we couldn't have a fire. Fire restrictions because it was so dry. See Story 232 Kai Iwi Lakes - Bull-RushAyaka and I wrote that sex scene beside the lamp instead. Finally, Reshma added that a new ending with Mega joining into the fun. Not sure that does much for the story but now it's there so it's staying.
       So now we have a much longer story that was written by me with lots of help from my friends. But they all made it better and that works for me. Hope for you too.
                                        Love Sexy Sue.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 235.

Monday 23 March 2020

Story 234 Naughty Greeshma.

Shanti here again now. 
          I will start this story but someone else will complete it.

          As my husband Mike, has told you, everyone went camping with us, including my mother, Mary and Joseph’s mother, Greeshma. Once again, they came well supplied with all my father's camping gear. It still kind of surprises me, my mother’s sudden interest in camping. It had always been a problem getting her to go when Dad was alive and more often then not, it was just us two girls going along with Dad. But now, she seems to have changed, happy to go camping with Greeshma and us. 

         So, when we went to the Kai Iwi Lakes, both Mum (Mary) and Greeshma, wanted to come too. Here they were, both keen to go camping with us. Nude camping at that too. Naughty ladies! The boys quickly set up their tent and soon they were busy moving bags and sleeping bags in. A while later, I looked back at their tent again to discover they were both naked, setting up a clothesline for wet towels and things. 
         ‘That was fast,’ I thought. ‘Mum and Greeshma had even beaten me getting naked. LOL.’
         Mike noticed it too and gave me some stick about it, how I was getting slow as two old ladies could beat me.  But I was glad to have them and glad that this time they had been so quick to get into the swing of things. But talking about getting into the fun of things, Greeshma was quick with that too.

Story 234 Background.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 234.

Hi, Reshma here,
         An old lady enjoying exhibitionism and even having sex while others were watching. This is the basic theme behind this story. 
         I went back to read up on Greeshma. What she had done? What she was like? Looking for anything useful I could use about her character. I followed her sexual journey. A journey many in the stories had taken, many of us real writers too. I could go on to record and describe all the places she has appeared in the stories. It would make an interesting story but is not my purpose here.
         The result of my research was that Greeshma is an older lady, perhaps in her mid to late 50s, maybe a bit older but not too old. She had come to know about the sexual side of her son Joseph and his wife Lizamoa and discovers she was sexually turned on by it herself. 
         Now Greeshma was at this nude camp at the Kai Iwi Lakes with Shanti's mother Mary. Getting naked would be fairly easy as they had both done it before, at other camps. Also, Greeshma was likely willing to go further with either a man or a woman. She had done that before too. So with all this information, I had an interesting character to play with, one with some great potential.
        My step-brother, Allan was leaving this story wide open for me other than it had to be Greeshma and involving exhibitionism. 

        I quickly came up with the idea of topless flashing from the boat on a trip around the lake. What, no boat? We needed a boat. So Allan rewrote the other stories so Brian had brought a boat with him. Didn't know he had a boat did you? So now, I had a boat for Greeshma to flash her tits from. Easy!
       But, my story was still lacking something. Really, it needed a good sex scene. Allan had said, use exhibitionism so why not have Greeshma having sex with a man while she knew others were watching her.
       The first time I did that, the sex was amazing. Made much sweeter by the knowledge I was being watched. We were at the beach and we knew some people were up on the hill behind us. We had brought a picnic and found somewhere quieter up in the sand dunes. The man I was dating, my future husband and I did it while both of us knew we were being watched. It was exciting and the sex was great. An orgasm I won't forget, that's for sure.
       My partner turned me so we were side on to our viewer. Yes, you've got it. Give them the best view. The idea he could see my naked body, the breasts and pussy. See his cock come down at me. We did the cock sucking and pussy eating first before he entered me and we were doing the fucking to each other. 
      There was the answer to this story. Exhibitionism sex!
Index of Letters                      Return to Story 234.

Monday 16 March 2020

Story 233 The Sexual Potential of a Cookie Crumb.

Shanti here now,
         Before we start, I better let some of you from overseas know why this family of four suddenly appeared in our stories. It goes right back to, Story 81 The First Bull-Rush story. Simon and Deanna were staying at the nude camp with their two small girls Roxanne and Rachael. They became involved in a game of Bull-Rush where my husband Mike introduced himself to Deanna’s big tits. He later discovered there was a real person behind them. LOL
         Since then we have been friends with them. When Kathy went to high school, she met Roxanna again and they became good friends. We, of course, have kept in contact with Simon and Deanna, meeting for dinner from time to time at each other’s house. 
         Now at a dinner we had, it was mentioned we were going to have a nude camp up at the Kai Iwi Lakes. They asked about it and expressed an interest in joining us. So, when Mike finally got around to arranging it, only two years later, we invited Simon, Deanna and the girls to come too. 
         Naughty boys! I mean their children not the girls on her chest. Stay focused guys, please!

         After another Bull-Rush game where Mike reintroduced himself to her chest, we were having a swim together. It was then that Mike suggested we take an afternoon walk up to the viewpoint and down to this little hidden beach we knew. Afternoon walk! Dumb idea. It was so hot climbing that hill with the sun beating down on us.